Distribution of climatic zones on the map. Climatic zoning of russia

Total the globe into belts, zones or areas according to climatic conditions (for example, according to the characteristics of circulation, temperature regime, degree of moisture).

Climatic zoning is closely related to the classification of climates, it differs according to the criteria for climatic boundaries... For the first time the climate system of the globe was described by A. Humboldt at the beginning of the 19th century. Climatic zoning was most developed in Russia. AI Voeikov revealed the physical essence of climate, considered the role of climate-forming processes and the interaction of climate with other components of nature, linked the distribution of different types of climate on Earth with latitude. V.P. Keppen carried out climatic zoning according to the distribution of average air temperatures and sums atmospheric precipitation, LS Berg - by the nature of the geographical landscapes determined by the climate. G. T. Selyaninov carried out agroclimatic zoning of the globe; tropical, subtropical, temperate, Arctic and Antarctic belts are allocated to him according to the growing season, taking into account the peculiarities of the temperature and precipitation regime. Based on the values ​​of the average monthly air temperature and average relative humidity, A.A.Kaminsky carried out the climatic zoning of the European part of Russia and Central Asia, according to which, for example, the northern border of the forest zone is determined by the average temperature of the warmest month of the year, not lower than 10 ° С. Average relative humidity in the warm season for polar zone not less than 70%, for forestry - not more than 70%, for steppe - 40-50%, for desert - less than 30%. B.P. Alisov carried out climatic zoning according to the characteristics of the general circulation of the atmosphere, M.I.Budyko proposed to distinguish climatic regions according to the values ​​of the dryness index R / Lr (R is the annual sum of the radiation balance of the underlying surface, Lr is the heat required for evaporation of the annual sum of precipitation the same area); dryness index less than 0.35 corresponds to tundra, from 0.35 to 1.1 - forest, from 2.3 to 3.4 - semi-desert, over 3.4 - desert. Climatic zoning is based on the dependence of climate-forming processes on a number of geographical factors, the main of which is geographic latitude, which determines the zonality and seasonality in the distribution of solar radiation coming to the Earth, and with it the air temperature, atmospheric pressure and so on. However, the boundaries of climatic zones and zones not only do not coincide with latitudinal circles, but also do not always go around the globe (in such cases, the zones are broken into areas that do not adjoin each other). The climatic zoning is deeply influenced by the distribution of land and sea, which can be seen when comparing the conditions of the Northern and Southern hemispheres... The main land masses are concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere, therefore its climatic conditions are more continental than in the Southern. Average surface air temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere in January 8 ° С, in July 22 ° С; in the South, 17 and 10 ° C, respectively. The warmest parallel of the Earth - the thermal equator with a temperature of 27 ° C - coincides with geographic equator only in January. In July, it shifts to 20 ° north latitude, and its average annual position is about 10 ° north latitude. From the thermal equator to the poles, the temperature drops on average by 0.5-0.6 ° С for each degree of latitude (very slowly in the tropics, faster in extratropical latitudes). At the same time, over the inner regions of the continents, the air temperature is higher in summer and lower in winter than over the oceans, especially in temperate latitudes. Consequently, climatic zoning is carried out taking into account heat turnover, moisture turnover, atmospheric circulation, and specific types of climates are determined by such geographical factors as latitude, distribution of land and sea, structure of the land surface (especially large orographic objects), soil type, vegetation and snow cover, ocean currents, sea ​​ice and etc.

See also Earth, Climate, Climatology, Climatic zones, Climatic regions, Climatic zones.

Lit .: Voeikov A.I. Climates of the Globe, especially Russia. SPb., 1884; Berg L.S. Geographic areas Soviet Union... 3rd ed. M., 1947-1952. T. 1-2; Alisov B.P. Climatic regions foreign countries... M., 1950; Climatology course. L., 1952-1954. Ch. 1-3; Brooks K. Climates of the Past. M., 1952; Vitvitsky G.N. Climates overseas Asia... M., 1960; Selyaninov G. T. Agroclimatic map of the world. L., 1966; Climates of Africa / Edited by A. N. Lebedev, O. G. Sorochan. L., 1967; Climates of foreign Asia / Edited by A. N. Lebedev, I. D. Kopanev. L., 1975; Climates South America/ Edited by A. N. Lebedev, I. D. Kopanev. L., 1975; Climates of Australia / Edited by I. S. Borushko, A. Yu. Egorova. L., 1977; Thermal balance of the Earth / Edited by MI Budyko. L., 1978; Climates of Western Europe / Edited by A. N. Lebedev, A. Yu. Egorova. L., 1983; Sorokina V.N., Gushchina D. Yu. Climatology. Geography of climates. M., 2006; Khromov S.P., Petrosyants M.A. Meteorology and climatology. 7th ed. M., 2006.

Four climatic zones: arctic, subarctic, temperate and subtropical. Climatic regions are distinguished within each belt.

The most important feature of the climate of the arctic and subarctic belts is periods with a non-setting sun in summer and with its absence in winter, which causes a large contrast of solar radiation between summer and winter. The nature of the underlying surface also plays an important role: the oceanic part of the Arctic and Subarctic is much colder than the mainland in summer and warmer in winter. Oceanic heat penetrating through the ice weakens the cooling effect of the Earth's radiation.

I. Arctic belt... The Arctic belt is characterized by the prevalence of Arctic air masses... There are four climatic regions in the Arctic zone. The greatest differences in climate indicators across the territory are manifested mainly in winter. In summer, the melting of large masses of ice in the seas of the Arctic Ocean and predominantly cloudy weather create a uniform air temperature regime.

1. Intra-arctic region... Here, the influence of the continents surrounding the Arctic, the Atlantic and. The underlying surface is represented by perennial ice cover and, with the exception of the extreme southern regions, changes little throughout the year. The boundary of this climatic region corresponds to the period of the greatest distribution of permanent ice cover and may shift in some years.
In winter, mainly arctic air masses circulate. Continuous stratus clouds prevail. Low-intensity precipitation. The air temperature varies from west to east from –30 to –34 ° С.
In summer, radiation heat is spent on ice melting. During the summer, 50-60 cm of ice melts. The air temperature over a thermally homogeneous surface (melting ice) is close to zero. Cloudy sky prevails. Precipitation is insignificant and falls in the form of snow and drizzling rain. Strong winds, blizzards are possible, frequent.
2. Atlantic area... In winter, the area is under the influence of the Atlantic, westerly and southwesterly winds prevail, which determines more warm winter compared to other areas of the Arctic. The air temperature in January changes from west to east from –6… –8 ° С in to –28… –30 ° С in the east. The severity of weather conditions during the cold season depends on the speed of the wind. With southerly winds, strong snowstorms are noted. The height of the snow cover on the mainland reaches 40 cm.
In summer, when the day is long, an increase in the frequency of cloudy sky conditions reduces the possible amounts of radiation. July temperature varies from 2 ... 4 ° С in the oceanic regions of the region to 8 ... 10 ° С on the mainland. Annual precipitation is 300–400 mm.

3. Siberian region ... In the period of the polar night, under conditions of high frequency of the clear sky, an intense cooling of the air above the surface is observed. Low air temperatures also determine the removal of very cold air masses of continental origin from Yakutia and the Central Siberian plateau. January temperature over the seas is from –30 to –32 ° С, and on the coast to –36 ... –38 ° С
In summer, the cloudy sky prevails over the seas and the coast. Cloudy weather and prevailing northerly winds result in cool summers. Over the seas in July it varies from 0 to 2 ° С, on the coast - from 2 to 8 ° С. Annual precipitation is from 200 to 300 mm.

4. Pacific region... The region is under the influence of anticyclones of the eastern coldest part of the central Arctic and Aleutian cyclones. The inflow of the coldest and driest air for a given territory from the inner regions of Siberia is often noted. average temperature January above varies from –20 to –26 ° С The severity of the climate is given great strength by the wind. Blizzards are frequent.
Cloudiness increases in summer. Fogs are frequent, especially in the south of the Chukchi Sea. Radiation heat is spent mainly on ice melting and evaporation. The air temperature in July over the sea area varies from north to south from 0 to 6 ° С, and on the coast - from 6 to 8 ° С. The annual amount of precipitation in connection with the penetration of Aleutian cyclones here increases from 250 mm in the north to 300 - 400 mm in the south of the Chukchi Sea.

II. Subarctic belt... V subarctic belt there are three climatic regions. There is a seasonal change in arctic and moderate air masses.

5. Atlantic area... The climate is formed under the influence of cyclonic activity throughout the year. Winter is relatively warm. Air of temperate latitudes is carried away with southerly and south-westerly winds. Relatively warm air prevails in the western mainland regions. To the east, the influence of the colder continental air of the Asian part of Russia increases. January temperature changes from west to east from –4… –6 ° С to –26… –28 ° С. Strong winds and blizzards make the climate more severe.
In summer, with northerly and north-westerly winds, the arctic air spreads, the coldest in the eastern part of the region. Cold air masses delay snow melting in spring and heat build-up. In the mainland part of the region, the air temperature in July varies from north to south from 4 to 13 ° С. Above By the Kara Sea the air temperature increases in this direction from 2 to 6 ° С, over the Barents - from 4 to 10 ° С. As in winter, summer is warmer in the west than in the east. Annual precipitation is 500–600 mm. Fogs are frequent, especially on the coast.

6. Siberian region... The climate is highly continental. Throughout the year, the role of the underlying surface in the formation of the climate is great. Winds prevail in winter southwest direction carrying the cold continental wind from the interior of Asia. The decrease in air temperature is also influenced by the relief, in the closed forms of which additional radiation cooling of cold air occurs ( absolute minimum–65 ° C). At the latitude of the Arctic Circle in Eastern Siberia the average January temperature is - 40 ... - 45 ° С. in winter, it is formed mainly in the first half of the cold period, when cyclones most often pass. The height of the snow cover on the windward slopes of the Central Siberian Plateau reaches 80 cm, in the northeast - only 30–40 cm, which does not protect the soil from freezing.
Cyclonic activity intensifies in summer. Due to frequent northerly winds and cloudy weather, the summer in this area is not very warm. The average July temperature varies from 10 to 14 ° С. The transformation of the arctic air causes dryness. Annual precipitation is low - 400–500 mm; in river valleys it decreases to 300 mm; on the upwind slopes of elevations it increases to 800–1000 mm.

7. Pacific region... The average January temperature varies from –14… –16 ° С on the eastern coast to –26 ° С in the inland regions. In winter, more precipitation falls on the windward eastern slopes. Depending on the redistribution under the influence of wind and relief, the height of the snow cover can vary from 30 to 100 cm.
Anticyclogenesis, which develops over The Pacific Ocean, and cyclogenesis in the north. Southerly winds prevail. The wind speed is great. The air temperature in July on the coast is 6 ... 8 ° С, in the inland regions 10 ... 12 ° С. Frequent advection of arctic air leads to a short growing season. The annual amount of precipitation varies over the territory of the region from 400 to 600 mm.

III. Temperate zone... In the temperate zone, air masses of temperate latitudes prevail. There is a gradual increase in the dryness of the climate from north to south due to an increase in heat and a decrease in the amount of precipitation. In addition, depending on the features and distance from the oceans, significant climate change occur from west to east.
There are 11 climatic regions in the temperate zone.

8. Atlantic-arctic region... The climate is formed under the influence of arctic and mainly Atlantic air of temperate latitudes. In winter, southwestern and southern winds prevail, with which the Atlantic air flows, as well as the continental air of the southern regions of the European part of Russia. The eastern regions of the region are influenced by arctic air from the colder central and eastern regions of the Arctic. The average air temperature in January varies from southwest to northeast from –10 to –20 ° С. Except for the coast, the temperature may drop down to –50 ° С. The height of the snow cover also changes from the southwest to the northeast from 50 to 70–80 cm. In all months of the cold period, thaws are possible throughout the territory.
In summer, prevail north winds carrying arctic air, which is transformed here into continental air. Summers are humid, cloudy, in the south - warm (in July 15 ° С), in the north - cool (10 ° С). The duration of the frost-free period decreases from the southwest to the northeast from 120 to 90 days. East 45 ° E frosts are possible throughout the summer. The annual amount of precipitation varies little over the territory (600-700 mm). In the foothills of the Urals, the amount of precipitation increases to 800–1000 mm. More precipitation falls than evaporates under given thermal conditions. Conditions are created for excessive moisture of the surface.

9. Atlantic continental European (forest) area... The climate is determined by the influence of the Atlantic air and its subsequent transformation into continental air. Climatic conditions vary considerably from west to east during warm and cold seasons. In the cold season, the prevailing wind direction is south and south-west, which leads to a high frequency of warm and humid Atlantic masses... Cold continental air from the interior regions of the continent often spreads to the eastern regions with southerly currents, and the frequency of arctic invasions increases. The severity of the climate in the cold period also increases in the same direction. January temperature decreases from southwest to northeast from –8 to –17 ° С. A decrease in the number of thaw days and a lower average daily air temperature lead to the formation of snow cover in the northeast up to 50–60 cm. In the west, the height of snow cover is 25–30 cm.
In summer, differences in thermal regime persist between the western and eastern regions. In the west of the region (up to 40–45 ° E), westerly and north-westerly winds prevail, with which relatively cold and humid Atlantic air spreads. In the east of the region, warm continental air prevails. In the summer, the role of Arctic invasions increases in the eastern regions. As a result of advection of cold air, even in June, frosts are possible throughout the territory. July and August are practically free of frost. July temperature in the west is 17 ... 18 ° С, in the east 19 ... 20 ° С. In the east, droughts are possible as a result of a decrease in precipitation and an increase in the role of dry continental air from the east and southeast.
Annual precipitation varies from 700 mm in the west to 600–650 mm in the east. On the windward slopes of the hills, precipitation increases to 700–800 mm.

10. Continental West Siberian North and Central Region... The climate is formed under the influence of intense cyclonic activity throughout the year. In the south of Western Siberia in winter, the influence of anticyclones is great. In the cold season, south-westerly winds prevail. Significant fluctuations in the circulation regime and a change in the direction of transfer of air masses are the cause of a large change in air temperature from day to day. Winter is moderately severe and snowy. January temperature varies from southwest to northeast from –20 ... –21 ° С to –29 ° С. The depth of the snow cover increases in the northeastern direction from 40 to 80–90 cm.

Summers are moderately warm. July temperature from south to north varies from 18 to 14 ° С. In the west of the region, it is slightly higher than in the east. Frosts are possible throughout the summer. The annual rainfall is 600 mm over most of the region. The region is characterized by excessive moisture and is the most waterlogged part of the territory of Russia. There is a large cluster of surface waters, significant waterlogging.

11. Continental East Siberian Region... The continentality of the climate is sharply expressed, which manifests itself in extremely large seasonal differences in air temperature, low cloud cover, and small precipitation on a flat territory. The winters are cold and dry. The anticyclonic regime prevails. Continental air in low-cloud weather and weak wind is strongly cooled and in the lower layers it becomes colder than the Arctic. January temperature varies from - 26 ° С in the southwest to - 38 ... - 42 ° С in the Central Yakutsk plain. In valleys and basins, it can drop to -60 ° C. The growth of snow cover is observed mainly at the beginning of the cold period, when cyclones often enter this area. In conditions of difficult terrain, uneven distribution of snow cover is observed. On the windward slopes of the Central Siberian Plateau, its height is 80 cm. In the Central Yakutsk Plain and in the Baikal region - 40-50 cm, and in - less than 20 cm.

Summer is warm. Transformation of cold air coming from the Arctic seas and from Sea of ​​Okhotsk causes a high background air temperature for these latitudes. July temperature varies from north to south from 14 ° to 18 ° С. The frequency of cyclones increases in summer. There are outcrops of southern cyclones, which are associated with significant precipitation. The complex topography of the region and the peculiarities of atmospheric circulation cause inhomogeneity in the distribution of precipitation, and the zoning in their distribution is disturbed.

The most favorable conditions for humidification are formed on, where precipitation falls from 600 to 1000 mm. To the east, on the territory of Central Yakutia, a decrease annual precipitation up to 200–250 mm leads to an increase in aridity. Steppe landscapes appear here at a latitude of about 60 °. In Transbaikalia, aridity increases from north to south due to an increase in heat and a decrease in precipitation to 300–400 mm. Aridity in Transbaikalia is most pronounced along river valleys, in intermontane basins and on the southern slopes.

12. Monsoon Far Eastern Region... Seasonal change of oceanic and continental climate expressed especially clearly. Winters are cold and little snow, summers are moderately warm and rainy. In winter, north-westerly winds prevail, carrying continental East Siberian air. This causes low temperature air, especially in the inland areas of the region. January temperature in the lower reaches of the Amur is -30 ° С, and in the southern regions Of the Far East(at latitude) to –20 ° С. The winter is less severe than on the mainland. In the north, Sakhalin, where anticyclonic weather in winter is often replaced by cyclonic, the height of snow cover in winter often reaches 50-60 cm.

In summer, southeasterly winds prevail, with which humid Pacific air spreads to the continent. In the humidification of the Far East, the role of southern cyclones is great, with which significant precipitation is associated, sometimes leading to floods. On rare occasions southern regions Far East fall within the scope of those passing close by. The influx of sea air to the mainland, large cloudiness, large amount of precipitation somewhat reduce the air temperature. July temperature on the coast is 14 ... 16 ° С, in the interior regions - 18 ... 20 ° С. Precipitation during the warm period reaches 500 mm in the plains and 800–1000 mm in the mountains, which is 80% of the annual amount. An excess of moisture is observed everywhere to a greater or lesser extent.

13. Pacific region... In the cold period, the climate is formed mainly under the influence of cyclonic activity in the Okhotsk and Bering Seas. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk and its northwestern coast are in the zone of alternating influence of Asian anticyclones and cyclones moving over the seas, which leads to alternating effects of continental and oceanic air masses. Cold winter. January temperature varies within the continent from west to east from –30… –32 ° С to –20… –22 ° С on the coast. Intense cyclonic activity in the cold period causes a large amount of precipitation, especially in the east and southeast. The height of the snow cover in the northeast and in the interior of Kamchatka reaches 80-100 cm, in the southern part east coast- 150 cm. The eastern regions of Kamchatka are not only more humid, but also warmer. January temperature varies from southeast to northwest from –8 to –26 ... –28 ° С.

Summers are cool and humid, especially in Kamchatka, where cyclonic activity also develops in warm periods. July temperature rises with distance from the coast inland from 10 ... 12 ° С to 15 ° С. The monsoon of the climate is expressed mainly on its coast. Here, the weather conditions during the warm period are determined by the position and development of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk anticyclones. July temperature varies from 12 ... 14 ° С to west coast sea ​​up to 8 ... 10 ° C in the east. Fogs are frequent in the warm season.
The annual amount of precipitation in Kamchatka decreases from the southeast to the northwest from 1500–2000 to 300–400 mm. On the western coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, annual precipitation is 500–600 mm. Excessive moisture conditions are formed.

14. Atlantic-continental European (steppe) region... The climate is characterized by a significant increase in aridity from west to east. In winter, the eastern regions of the region are mostly affected by the cold continental air of the Asian part of Russia. This contributes to the formation of a lower air temperature here than in the west of the region. Winter in the west is milder due to the great influence of the Atlantic, in the east it is cold and moderately severe. In January in the south-west the average air temperature is –3 ... –4 ° С, in the northeast - –13… –14 ° С. To the east, the recurrence of thaws decreases. The height of the snow cover in the east is about 20 cm, in the south-west of the region 10 cm or less. Snow cover is possible during winter. During the cold period, strong winds are possible, which in areas free from snow can lead to dust storms.

In summer, north-westerly winds prevail. At this time of the year, the area is dominated by the continent. July temperature in the southwest is 22 ... 23 ° С, in the northeast - 23 ... 24 ° С. Droughts are frequent. Very severe droughts, leading to a decrease in yield by 50% or more of the average value, are observed 1-2 times in 10 years. This area is often influenced by dry winds.
Annual precipitation varies from west to east from 600 to 500 mm. Conditions of insufficient moisture are formed.

15. Continental West Siberian Southern Region... The climate is characterized by aridity. In the cold period, anticyclones prevail, and the processes of radiation cooling increase. The exit of cyclones is accompanied by an increase in wind, a sharp change in weather. Southwest winds prevail. Winter is relatively cold, the average January temperature varies from –17 ° to –20 ° С. The height of the snow cover is small - 25–30 cm, soil freezing in the north reaches 130–150 cm, in the south of the region - 90–140 cm.
In the warm season, in comparison with the cold season, the role of cold invasions from the Arctic increases. The transformation of cold air is fast. The relative humidity of the air decreases. Low rainfall and higher temperatures lead to spring-summer droughts, which increase the likelihood of dry years. But years of sufficient moisture are also possible. Summer is warm. July temperature is 18 ... 20 ° С. Relative humidity often drops to 30% or less. With strong winds, dust storms occur.
Annual precipitation decreases from north to south from 500 to 350–400 mm.

16. Continental Eastern European Region... Cyclonic activity is weakened. The frequent recurrence of anticyclonic weather in both cold and warm seasons contributes to the intensive transformation of the air masses arriving here. Continental air is the dominant air mass. January temperature varies from –6 ° to –10 ° С. The severity of the cold period increases in the northeast, where the average daily air temperature often drops below –10 ° С, the absolute minimum reaches –50 ° С. Snowstorms are frequent, and the snow cover is small —10–20 cm.
Summers are warm and dry. July temperature is 23 ... 25 ° С. Precipitation is rare and stormy. High frequency of days with droughts and dry winds. Under certain conditions of the circulation of air masses, the region can serve as a source of origin of dry winds for the territories located to the north. Greater dryness of the soil surface leads to the formation of dust storms. In some areas, the number of days with dust storms is 50-60 per year. Annual precipitation in the region is 300–400 mm. The lack of moisture is especially significant here.

17. Mountain region of the Greater Caucasus... The climate is formed under the influence of circulation processes developing in the south of the Russian Plain, and under the influence of altitudinal zonality. Due to the western transport of air masses, the Black Sea coast is characterized by mild winters. On the Caspian coast, which is influenced by continental air masses of Eastern European and Asian origin, winters are colder and drier. A feature of the extreme western part of the region is the winter maximum precipitation, typical for the Mediterranean subtropical type of climate. On Black sea coast precipitation increases rapidly to the south. There is less precipitation on the Caspian coast. In the mountains, as the altitude increases, the climate becomes cooler and more humid. In the entire region, except for the western part, summer precipitation prevails.

Against the background of warm advection on the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, hair dryers (warm dry wind) are formed. Advection of cold air from the north causes the formation of a bora (strong cold wind) in the Novorossiysk region. In winter, low clouds and frequent fogs prevail in the foothills. On the southwestern slopes of the mountains, the height of the snow cover reaches 3-4 m, in the east it decreases to 1 m.
In the first half of summer, the frequency of Atlantic cyclones is high, with precipitation associated with cold fronts. In the second half of summer, the frequency of anticyclones increases, which contributes to the transformation of air masses and an increase in air temperature. In July, on the western coast and in the foothills, the air temperature is 22 ... 23 ° С, in the east, 24 ... 25 ° С. June-August in the flat part is free from frost. At an altitude above 1500 m, air temperature drops to negative values ​​are possible throughout the year. Summer precipitation is of a torrential nature. Frequent.

18.Mountainous region of Altai and Sayan... The climate is formed under the influence of processes developing over Western Siberia, and under the influence of altitudinal zonality. Cyclonic activity and associated precipitation are intensified, the radiation balance is reduced in comparison with the adjacent plains. Continental air prevails throughout the year.

In the cold period, the territory of the region is located close to the center of the Asian anticyclone. Cyclonic activity is weak. The passage of cyclones causes relative warming and precipitation. The height of the snow cover on the windward slopes of the mountains, open areas is 40 cm, on leeward slopes and in dry valleys - 10-15 cm. The height of the snow cover in the Sayan Mountains at heights of 1000-1600 m exceeds 100 cm, and in some places - up to 150-200 cm.

The air temperature depends on absolute height and landforms. In the foothill regions of Altai, the January temperature is –16… –18 ° С. В up to -34 ° С. In the mountains, a hair dryer is often observed with southern air currents.

During the warm period, cyclonic activity intensifies. In the foothill zone of Altai and Sayan, the average air temperature in July is 16 ... 18 ° С, with altitude it decreases, reaching 8 ° С at an altitude of 1800 m on the slopes and tops of the mountains. Summer is warm in intermontane basins. The average July temperature is 19 ... 20 ° С. In summer, frosts are possible throughout almost the entire territory.

Sufficient moisture is observed in the foothill regions of Altai and Sayan. It increases with height due to increased precipitation, especially on the windward slopes. Annual precipitation on the western and southwestern slopes is 1000–1300 mm. There is little precipitation in the Minusinskaya (450–500 mm) and Tuva depressions (250–350 mm), which leads to insufficient moisture.

IV. Subtropical belt... In the subtropical zone, one climatic region is distinguished, which, according to its indicators, belongs to the climate of the humid subtropics.

19. Black Sea region... The winter is mild. Intensive cyclonic activity is typical in winter. Air temperature in January is –4… –5 ° С. Up to an absolute height of 500 m, the average monthly temperature in January is above 0 ° С.

In summer, the western air currents of the Azores anticyclone prevail here, with which the supply of tropical air is possible. The air temperature in July is 22 ... 23 ° С. This air temperature is accompanied by high. Annual precipitation is up to 1000 mm, winter maximum is typical. Differences between precipitation during warm and cold periods are small.

The climatic zoning of Russia on the map is given according to the classification of B.P. Alisova. The climatic zoning and differences between the identified climatic regions are based on the features of the radiation regime and atmospheric circulation (cyclonic activity and transfer of warm and cold air masses).

Climatic zoning

Placement of precipitation

Temperature mode

Circulation of the atmosphere

Baric systems

Air masses

Climate-forming factors


  1. Climatic factors.

The first and a significant factor is geographical position... Western Europe lies between 35 and 72 0 N. , that is, almost entirely entering into temperate zone northern hemisphere. Therefore:

Most of Western Europe lies in the belt of the prevailing western air currents, especially in winter;

Domination of the air masses of the Atlantic;

Marine type of climate.

Second the factor is the strong horizontal dissection of Western Europe, which contributes to the strengthening maritime climate in the western part. Eastern Europe coexists with Asia, which contributes to the strengthening of the continentality of the climate.

The third the placement of the pressure systems is a factor. Baric systems are characterized by the dominant influence of the Azores maximum and Icelandic minimum, as well as the Asian maximum in winter. This complex of baric systems shifts seasonally from north to south and back following the zenital position of the sun.

Fourth relief is a factor. Most of Europe lacks high mountain systems, which makes it possible for free penetration of air masses from the north.

But basically the low mountain systems of Europe are a redistributor of moisture.

Fifth the factor is the warm current of the Gulf Stream, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ has a moisturizing and softening effect on the climate.

  1. Air masses.

Let us give brief description typical for western Europe air masses, which also determine the usual types of weather.

Arctic air masses- always cold in Europe, enters Europe from the Arctic throughout the year, with the exception of July and August. Arctic sea air comes from the northwest and north from Greenland and Svalbard; continental - from the north-east (from the area Barents Sea, Novaya Zemlya and northern Russia).

Arctic air approaching Europe, accompanied by strong winds, cold rains and snow, causes a sharp drop in temperatures.
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Continental arctic air conditions in the North and middle Europe periods of winter cold. A strong invasion of air masses from the Arctic can penetrate far to the south, sometimes crossing the Alps, causing cold weather in the south of the continent (up to -15 0 in Italy). Moreover, these incursions are short-lived.

Polar air divided by:

a) Sea air is most frequent in Western Europe, advancing from the west and northwest from the North Atlantic and Canada. It is common throughout the year and is most often relatively cold. In winter, this air causes a noticeable warming in the plains and a cooling in the mountains. In summer and winter, it brings cloudiness and stormy weather with squalls and thunderstorms. Coming from lower latitudes in winter, sea ​​air has character warm mass and causes a significant increase in temperatures both in the plains and in the mountains; accompanied by fogs, clouds, rains, rains with snow.

b) Continental polar air is also cold, or warm: the first is observed in winter, the second in summer. The first one occurs in the North and Eastern Europe and advancing from the east and northeast: the second is formed in the summer in the south of the European part of Russia on the Balkan Peninsula, comes from the southeast. Cold continental air produces relatively clear weather, sometimes cloudy with light snowfall. Warm continental air comes in summer with weak winds and clear weather.

Tropical air divided by:

a) tropical marine air occurs throughout the year, arising in the seas subtropical belt and penetrating from the southwest and west; Atlantic cyclones bring this air, forming the weather with strong (sometimes stormy) winds. This air is different in winter and summer. high temperatures... Even in winter they have temperatures above 0. This air in winter brings cloudy and cloudy weather with drizzling rain and fogs.

b) continental tropical air is formed in north africa, western Asia and the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula, observed throughout the year, comes from the south and southeast. It invades in sharp gusts of the "sirocco" type, causing a strong rise in temperature. Differs in dusty haze.

  1. Total solar radiation and radiation balance

The determining factors of the thermal regime are the total solar radiation and the radiation balance. V western Europe they regularly decrease from south to north.
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The total solar radiation in Sicily and in the south of the Balkan Peninsula is 160 per year, at the latitude of Paris - 100, at the latitude of Stockholm about 80 kcal / cm 2. Equally significant differences are noted for the radiation balance, which is 80 in the south of Europe, about 40 at the latitude of Paris, and about 30 kcal / cm 2 in northern Scandinavia. In summer, the radiation balance is positive throughout western Europe. In winter, only Middle-earth has a positive radiation balance, in the rest it is 0 or negative.

The contours of the annual total radiation and radiation balance pass approximately in the latitudinal direction.

  1. Baric systems.

Consider the baric systems that form the circulation of the surface layer of the atmosphere over Europe in the seasons of the year.

The most important for Europe are two large centers of atmospheric action - the Azores and Icelandic minima.

In winter circulation is determined primarily by the low-pressure region of the Icelandic depression and the Asian (Siberian) maximum located above the inland territory of Asia. High pressure over the Arctic; at 30 0 N. - high pressure.

Significant pressure gradients between the indicated areas cause the formation of a powerful western and southwestern transport.

Above Mediterranean Sea in winter, a relatively low pressure is established, which determines the prevalence in this area northern directions.

Summer the pressure distribution differs significantly from the winter one. Icelandic depression is pronounced; the Asian maximum disappears. The Azores maximum reaches the greatest development, a spur of which penetrates into the southern and, partly, middle regions of Europe.

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, Southern Europe in summer it is located in the zone of action of air currents coming from the eastern periphery of the subtropical anticyclone, which determines the dominance of stable dry weather.

Over the Arctic, the pressure is high. The rest of Europe is located at this time in a low pressure belt.

Western transport remains the main circulation process, but its stability is less than in winter.

Westerly winds are well expressed only south of 60 0 N; most of Fennoscandia is dominated by northerly winds from an area of ​​high arctic pressure.

  1. Circulation of the atmosphere.

The main type of circulation is cyclonic. Cyclones come to Europe from the Atlantic along three routes:

Cyclones pass over the northern regions of Iceland and Scandinavia and are associated with the position of the Arctic front͵ in the zone of interaction between the Arctic and temperate air.

The second and third paths are related to the position of the polar front and its Mediterranean branch.

Cyclonic activity on the polar front in temperate latitudes arises from the interaction of not only tropical and polar air, but also polar oceanic with polar continental air. In most cases, a greater amount of precipitation is associated with cyclones of the polar front than with cyclones of the Arctic front.

In January, the main trajectory of the polar front of cyclones is located over the north of the British Isles, the south of Scandinavia and Baltic Sea... Cyclones of the Mediterranean front are more often directed from the Gulf of Lyons to the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula, to the Balkan and towards the Black Sea and Crimea.

In July, the zone of formation and movement of cyclones at the polar front is narrower than in winter. Cyclones move ᴦ.o. over Iceland, British Isles and Scandinavia.

Climatic zoning - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Climatic zoning" 2014, 2015.