Economy of Russia

The Southern Federal District is one of the components of the Russian Federation, so to speak. It's interesting that...
The multinational composition of the population, the historical features of the formation of ethnic groups and the vast territory...
Russia is one of the ten largest countries in the world in terms of population. Data from the latest census, which...
Urbanization in Russia can be considered in the narrow sense of the word as the growth of cities and their populations. In a wider...
For many centuries, scientists have been breaking their spears, trying to understand the origin of the Russian people. And if research from the past...
Based on the type of settlement, settlements are divided as follows: (on maps their names are distinguished by different...
Types of new buildings: monolithic, panel, brick and others. What material is better for houses? Reading time: 7 minutes...
Great and varied. In its vastness there is nature, beautiful in its versatility, other miracles that have already been created...
2 republics and 1 autonomous region. All of them are located in the north and north-west of the country. This district of the state...
What is considered the Far East and what countries does it include? What are the main attractions of Far...