What body temperature is dangerous. Non-drug methods for lowering high fever. How not to be mistaken when giving medicine

What is dangerous heat in a small child, young parents are usually told by a pediatrician. Valuable knowledge will be needed in any case, since babies will sooner or later become victims of bacterial or viral attacks, leading to hyperthermia. However, not always the reason lies precisely in the activity of pathogenic microflora. Parents need to know a lot of nuances in order to protect their child from many dangers and problems.


The younger the child, the worse he reacts to any temperature changes in his own body. Each age is marked with its own characteristics:

  1. In infants and children of the first year of life, reactions to stimuli associated with thermoregulation and reaction to inflammation are considered quite specific. Adaptation processes have not yet been established. The kid has difficulty adjusting to the features environment... To respond correctly to inflammation or an infectious focus is a particularly difficult mission, therefore, the actual temperature readings in newborns do not always clearly reflect the overall health picture;
  2. Children under one year old very poorly "give away" heat at high temperatures;
  3. Under normal conditions, the return of heat is, on the contrary, too intense, therefore, even in the most comfortable conditions, the baby can be overcooled, which will lead to the development of various diseases.


Increased body temperature is always a protective reaction of the body. One temperature regime is able to speed up the healing process due to the forced neutralization of pathological microorganisms rampant in the body, as well as stimulation of the immune system. At the same time, a different temperature regime is dangerous not so much for the pathogenic microflora as for the anatomical formations of the organism itself.

The temperature of 37 ° C, although considered the most insidious, is the most comfortable in terms of using adaptive mechanisms. The body reacts to each new degree with shortness of breath and tachycardia.

Fever types

High fever in children is represented by two types of fever. A pink or red shape indicates that the body is coping with stress. The skin is pink. Hyperemia (reddening of the dermal tissue) indicates significant, but not critical, overheating of the body. The skin is usually damp, moderately hot, or just warm.

White fever is considered a much more difficult condition that is dangerous for a baby. The dermal tissue is pale, sometimes "marble". The limbs, especially the distal parts, are very cold. This is due to the fact that the blood supply to the organs is impaired. Such a dangerous increase in temperature is also accompanied by systemic disorders: the baby is lethargic and indifferent, or too excited, poorly oriented in space.

Dangers to children

When asking what temperature is dangerous for a child, it is important to take into account the age and individual characteristics of the child, the presence of chronic diseases, the characteristics and potential of the immune system as a whole. For young patients with acute respiratory viral diseases, a febrile condition can be extremely dangerous in such situations:

  1. In the presence of serious pathologies of the respiratory, renal, cardiovascular systems;
  2. A long period of treatment, burdened by general exhaustion of the whole organism;
  3. The temperature exceeds 41 ° C, which often leads to serious damage to the formations of the nervous system;
  4. If the child is younger than 1 year old and there is a high risk of febrile seizures, often leading to cardiac arrest;
  5. Diabetes mellitus or any other serious endocrine pathology in history.

Overheating of the body of a small child threatens with serious changes:

  • Nervous system problems;
  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Violation of natural blood circulation processes;
  • A sharp jump in blood pressure;
  • Increased blood viscosity;
  • The onset of a convulsive state.

High temperature as a signal of danger

A dangerous temperature for a child is not always a signal of the development of an infectious process or the progression of a cold. Sometimes hyperthermia is a child's reaction to prolonged crying, a manifestation of a capricious state. Usually, if the baby calms down, the indicators return to normal, the condition stabilizes.

The thermometer may have critical marks for the following reasons:

  1. Heatstroke;
  2. Reaction to teething (sometimes several at once);
  3. The consequences of injuries of various types;
  4. Endocrine disruptions, each of which affects body temperature;
  5. Allergic manifestations;
  6. As a side effect after the administration of the vaccine or the intake of specific pharmacological products.

About the correct measurement of indicators

Before calling the temperature dangerous, you need to make sure that the reading was taken correctly. For example, a small subfebrile condition against the background of unrestrained crying of children risks turning into a full-fledged 38 - 39 ° C. If parents do not take into account this fact and take a temporary jump for fever, taking antipyretics will cause hypothermia in the body.

  • Reasons for the rise in temperature:
  • Body temperature measurement:
  • When urgent care is required:
  • What to do at high temperatures:
  • Non-drug methods for lowering high fever

An increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the body against the effects of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Under the influence of temperature, the immune system activates specific cells - leukocytes and antibodies, begins to produce interferon. Therefore, harmful microbes stop multiplying and die. In addition, by increasing the temperature, the body adapts to changing environmental conditions. An increase in body temperature to 38-38.5 ° C is not dangerous. However, a high temperature (39-40 ° C) can affect the cardiac and respiratory systems, as well as the liver and kidneys, significantly worsening the general condition of the child. Particularly dangerous are changes in the central nervous system (the child becomes depressed, his consciousness is disturbed) and convulsions that occur when the body temperature rises.

Reasons for the rise in temperature:

1. In children, body temperature can change depending on their emotional state and some factors - food, sleep, physical activity, crying, etc.

2. Fever can be caused by an acute respiratory viral or bacterial upper respiratory infection. She is accompanied by the characteristic symptoms of a cold: runny nose, sore throat, cough, watery eyes, etc.

3. The temperature can rise in diseases of the central nervous system (birth trauma, hemorrhage, swelling), endocrine diseases (hyperthyroidism - increased thyroid function), under the influence of painful irritations (pain in urolithiasis, cholelithiasis, acute diseases of the peritoneum), after the action of outsiders irritants (bruise, fracture, hematoma, burn), with the use of certain medications such as caffeine, ephedrine, a number of antibiotics, sulfa drugs.

4. There is also a vegetative rise in temperature. It most often worries adolescent children and is caused by the peculiarities of their hormonal levels.

Body temperature measurement:

The normal temperature is 36.6 ° C, but this is a conditional norm, since there are individual characteristics of the organism. In one child, the temperature is 36 ° C, and in the other - 37 ° C. In addition, the temperature during the day varies within a whole degree. The temperature is not the same in different parts of the body.

You can measure the temperature in the armpit: conventionally, the norm is 36.6 ° C, the temperature in the mouth is 37 ° C, in the rectum - 37.6 ° C.

The most accurate temperature measurement is in the rectum. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly and gently insert it into the anus. This procedure should not cause the child to feel pain or discomfort. To accurately measure the temperature, the thermometer should be in the anus for 2-3 minutes.

When urgent care is required:

When the temperature rises above 38 ° C in children during the first three months of life.

If the child has already had seizures and they may appear again when the temperature rises.

If the temperature rises in a child with a disease of the central nervous system or with defects of the heart and blood vessels, as well as with some hereditary diseases - galactosemia, phenylketonuria, etc.

At temperatures above 40 ° C.

If antipyretic drugs do not work and the temperature continues to rise.

What to do at high temperatures:

1. If a baby has a fever, check first to see if he is lightly dressed. Unwrap or undress your child, let him move freely and take an air bath. The temperature may have risen due to overheating. Measure the temperature after a few minutes.

2. If a child is older than three months and tolerates an elevated temperature well, that is, his skin is pink, warm and slightly damp to the touch, then the temperature up to 38.5 ° C can not be brought down. Let your child drink more often - rosehip broth, cranberry and lingonberry juice (not sour), lemon tea. Place a wet, cool cloth on your forehead.

3. At a high temperature, undress the baby, wipe the body with water at room temperature (or do a water-vinegar rubdown). If his legs are cold, attach a heating pad with warm water to them, put on woolen socks. If the vasospasm does not go away, the limbs are still cold, give the child a no-shpu.

4. If the hands and feet of the child are warm, continue rubbing with water (for older children, half and half with vodka or vinegar) until the fever has passed.

5. If the child has a strong chill, first warm him up (you can’t take cold water off, as you can increase vasospasm and impair heat transfer). Give your child an antipyretic drug - paracetamol, panadol, calpol, tylinol, etc. Drugs containing ibuprofen are also used (for example, nurofen for children).

6. Many drugs are available in several forms - syrups, suppositories. For young children, it is better to use rectal suppositories, for example, Eferalgan from 0 to 5 months, which already contain an age-adjusted dose of the substance. Medicines begin to work in 30-40 minutes.

7. If in 1-2 hours after taking the antipyretic the temperature remains above 40 ° C, put the child in a bath with warm water reaching his navel. Rub the baby's body with a sponge or towel for about 20 minutes. So that the temperature of the water in the bath does not drop and the child does not feel chills, periodically pour warm water into it. Wipe (but do not rub) the baby quickly. Dress him in light clothing and give him a drink. Keep the room pleasantly cool.

8. For a severe headache, place an ice pack or water-filled and pre-frozen heating pads or small plastic bottles on the baby's head through a diaper or thick towel. It is more convenient to use special gel packs that are sold at the pharmacy. They are chilled in the refrigerator and placed on the forehead. They are suitable for any part of the body, taking on its shape.

9. If the child is difficult to tolerate the fever, or he had seizures (the so-called febrile seizures) earlier with the fever, then lower the temperature already starting from 37.5 ° C, without waiting for its further rise.

10. With a very rapid decrease in elevated temperature (per hour by 2 ° C):

The child needs to be warmed;
put a heating pad on the legs;
give him strong tea;
change clothes if the child is sweating, and change clothes if they become wet.

11. With a vegetative rise in temperature (without signs of somatic diseases), especially in adolescent children, use valerian, motherwort, Corvalol (the number of drops corresponds to the child's age) or sedatives prescribed by a doctor.

Acetic water rubdown

The alcohol solution quickly evaporates from the surface of the body and due to this, heat transfer increases and the temperature decreases.

Prepare the following mixture: 50 ml of 9% table vinegar (diluted 1: 1), 50 ml of vodka and 50 ml of water.

With the resulting solution, moisten a bandage or cotton swab and wipe (without rubbing) the chest, abdomen, back, arms, legs of the child, rubbing the palms, soles, and the inner surface of the arms and legs especially carefully. Then let it dry and repeat the procedure 2-3 more times.
After wiping down, dress the child in pajamas and put them to bed. Do not wrap the baby, as the temperature may rise again.

You can not pour cold water on a child with a high temperature and rub with alcohol. Also, you cannot wrap up a child who has a fever in warm blankets!

A premature baby should not be left naked, because he has a very high heat transfer and he can be hypothermic.

Non-drug methods for lowering high fever

Full wraps for babies after a year

Type in a container about 1 liter of cold water or herbal infusion - chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort. Soak a cotton cloth in this liquid and wring it out. Then quickly wrap it around the baby's body, leaving the arms and feet free. Wrap the baby in a sheet or thin blanket, then in a thicker blanket or blanket, leaving the face and feet free. Put on your feet socks soaked in cold water and wrung out socks, and on top of them - warm woolen socks. Leave the child in such a cold compress for 45-60 minutes, during which time give him a warm drink.

Make sure that the child is not cold. In this case, cover him with another warm blanket, and put a warm heating pad at his feet.

Prepare a warm bath for your baby at the end of the procedure. Unfold the baby and quickly dip him into a tub of warm water, then pat dry with a towel and put him to bed.
After 15-30 minutes, dress your child in clean underwear. You can rinse your baby in the shower instead of a bath. If the child falls asleep during the procedure, then he should not be woken up until he wakes up himself.

Cold wrap for children under one year old

Place a towel or blanket across the bed or changing table. Then soak a folded diaper in cold water and place it on top of a towel or blanket. Undress your baby and place him with his back on a wet diaper. After lifting the baby slightly in the diaper, wrap the free ends of the wet diaper around the baby's chest. Now soak in water and wring out the second diaper, which you will place on the baby's breast.

Wrap the baby in a dry towel, blanket or blanket and place in the crib for 30-45 minutes. After that, undress the baby and dry him with a dry towel, then put on dry clothes.

Cold wraps are done once a day and only at temperatures above 38 ° C. Wraps can be alternated with vinegar or alcohol wipes. It should be remembered that cold wraps are used only when the body temperature rises above 38 ° C. Subfebrile temperature (37-37.5 ° C) requires the use of hot wraps.

Lowering the temperature with an enema

For enemas, a hypertonic solution is used: salt and herbal infusion of chamomile flowers.

Saline solution: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt in 1 glass of lukewarm water.

Chamomile infusion: take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of chamomile flowers in a glass of water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes or brew in a thermos.

The enema balloon (pear) should be with a soft tip. The volume of an enema for children, depending on age: at the age of 6 months - 30-50 ml, from 6 months to 1.5 years - 70-100 ml, from 1.5 to 5 years - 180-200 ml, from 6 to 12 years old - 200-400 ml.

Before use, boil the enema pear for 2-5 minutes, then cool and fill with the prepared solution. Remove excess air by slightly squeezing the balloon until liquid appears from the upward-facing tip, lubricate the tip itself with petroleum jelly.

Lay the baby on his back with the legs raised up, and the child from one year old on his side with the legs pulled up to the stomach. Carefully insert the tip of the balloon into the anus, so as not to injure the rectal mucosa, to a depth of 3-5 cm for young children, 6-8 cm for older children.

Squeezing the pear slowly, squeeze all the liquid into the rectum. Then, without opening the balloon, carefully withdraw the tip. To retain fluid in the intestines, squeeze the baby's buttocks for a few minutes. After this, bowel movement occurs.

Disposable sterile plastic containers with tips and ready-made solutions for cleansing enemas of various sizes for children of different ages are sold in pharmacies.

In case of inflammatory bowel diseases, you cannot use enemas without consulting a doctor!

Discussion: there is 1 comment

    Here are all doctors advise in different ways. Some are categorically against rubbing with alcohol or vinegar, others for. Whom to believe? And articles on the Internet: some describe the benefits of such a method, others - harm. I personally glue Extaplast on my child's forehead from temperature. I am very happy!

    To answer

Why Body temperature the child rises sharply? How does the child's body behave depending on age? How to "bring down" the temperature? Can you do without medication? Early Help Answers for Parents.

Fever in a child: features of thermoregulation

Children of the first years of life endure temperature increase worse than teenagers.
It is necessary to closely monitor the change in the child's condition: if the temperature is measured 1-2 times a day, then hyperthermia, as well as the onset of the painful process, can be skipped.

An increase in temperature at different ages has its own characteristics:

  • in newborns, the temperature reaction is imperfect and an increase in temperature rarely accompanies inflammatory processes and infections;
  • in children under one year old, the ability to “give off” heat at a high body temperature is insufficiently developed;
  • in children under three years of age, heat transfer exceeds the production of heat, therefore hypothermia is often fraught with disease.

On the one hand, in infectious processes, an elevated temperature is a protective reaction of the body, which contributes to the death of microorganisms and stimulation of immunity. On the other hand - very heat can be harmful to the brain, heart and other organs of the baby.

For each degree above 37 ° C, the body reacts with shortness of breath - it becomes more by 4 breaths per minute; and tachycardia (increased heart rate) by 20 beats per minute.

An increase in body temperature is not always associated with hypothermia, viruses or bacteria. Heatstroke can cause it; the body's response to teething; the consequences of trauma; endocrine diseases; allergic processes; consequences of vaccination.

How does a child's fever progress?

In children with fever, two types of fever are distinguished:

"Pink" ("red") fever.

Indicates an adequate course of the process; the skin has a color corresponding to the name: from pink to red ("hyperemia"), the skin is warm, moist.

White fever.

The child's skin is pale (may have a "marble" type of color), arms and legs are paradoxically cold to the touch; the reason is a violation of the blood supply to the extremities ("microcirculation").
It may be accompanied by a violation of the child's behavior (lethargy and indifference, or vice versa excitement and even delirium), indicates an unfavorable development of the disease and should be alarming.

For which children is high fever especially dangerous?

  • in the presence of severe diseases of the pulmonary or cardiovascular systems, mental retardation, the course of which may worsen with fever;
  • body temperature above 41 ° C can lead to damage to the central nervous system;
  • in children under 5 years of age, especially between 6 months and 3 years of age, at risk of developing febrile seizures.

How to lower a child's fever?

Medicines are not used if the child's body temperature is below 38.0 ° C:

  • in this condition, viruses and some bacteria die;
  • the medications themselves do not reduce slightly elevated body temperature (37.2-37.3 ° C).

The rate of decrease in body temperature should be 1-1.5 ° C in 30-60 minutes

Are applied

  1. Paracetamol (, Calpol, Tylenol) in dosages appropriate for age (according to the attached instructions). Usually, a single dose of 15 mg per kg of the child's weight is used, the daily dose is 60 mg per kg of weight. The effect lasts 3-4 hours. It is used no more than 1 time in 6 hours (4 times a day) and only at the next increase in body temperature.
  2. Ibuprofen (, Irfen and others) at an average dose of 5-10 mg per kg of body weight per dose. Not more than 3 times a day.

Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) and Metamizole (Analgin) are NOT used in modern pediatrics. And more recently, the adopted standards of treatment indicate the prohibition of the use of Nimesulide in children under 12 years of age, as well as the combination of Nimesulide with Paracetamol.

Note: Temperature is an indicator of the effectiveness of antibiotics and the course of the disease. Therefore, taking antipyretics during the course of taking antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs is agreed with the doctor.

Different forms of medicines to lower the temperature in a child (for fever)

In pharmacies, you can find a large selection of antipyretic drugs. Which dosage form to choose? Our rating!

Rectal suppositories

most widely recommended by modern medicine (although they are unusual for us). The absorption of the drug when administered through the rectum through the hemorrhoidal veins is very high. In addition, this path allows you to bypass the liver, where part of the drug is inactivated, and not be afraid of vomiting.
Therefore, the main substance enters the bloodstream faster and completely.
It is important to keep the child lying down for a few minutes after the procedure.

Syrups and suspensions

comfortable and familiar: taking the medicine is masked; a measuring spoon is usually included for dosing accuracy. At the same time, the benefits of dyes and flavors entering the child's body are doubtful. But sometimes only 10-12% of the initial dose of the active substance can enter the bloodstream, due to the mixing of the drug with food, the change of acidic, alkaline environments and the liver on its way


The fastest way is the process of normalizing body temperature. But the psychological stress for a child can be much more serious than the speed of reaction. Some doctors of the ambulance teams themselves recommend not to rely too much on such manipulations - modern antipyretic suppositories and syrups are much more effective and safer than "ukolchik analgin with diphenhydramine".

Tablets and capsules are traditional.

Their use in children can be problematic due to difficulties with swallowing a foreign object and the unstable psychological state of a sick child.

Recently fashionable pain relieving plasters are not used in children's practice.

Parents' actions when the child's body temperature rises

  1. Measure your body temperature regularly.
  2. Provide a comfortable air temperature in the living area - heat transfer is better at room temperature of 19-20 ° C.
  3. If the child does not shiver, leave only light cotton clothing on the child, which should also contribute to full heat dissipation. It is better not to use disposable diapers.
  4. To speed up the normalization of the child's body temperature, pediatricians recommend rubbing the skin with warm water (recommendations for the use of vinegar and alcohol are currently revised! Just water! On the area of ​​large vessels (groin and axillary folds, elbow and knee folds), you can put wet tampons at a comfortable temperature. the child has chills or has cold extremities (white fever) - this procedure should be refrained from.
  5. In order for the child's body to quickly get rid of toxins released during the death of pathogens, children from six months of age can be given additional liquid in the form of water, juices, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions. Pediatricians in the United States, Europe and Israel do not recommend giving additional liquid in addition to mother's milk (or infant formula) to children under 6 months of age. The main indicator of the quantity is the child's need and his physiological desire.
  6. In the diet of a feverish child, there should be more foods with vitamins; food should be light. If the child refuses to eat, do not force feed him.
  7. Psycho-emotional comfort for the child is very important: take the baby in your arms, calm the teenager; spend more time with him, create an atmosphere of peace and confidence in recovery.

How to use the new thermometers

Measure the temperature according to medical tradition Slavic peoples in the armpit ("axillary" method), in American and European medicine, it is customary to measure "rectally" (in the rectum), in the mouth or in the ear. Therefore, using an unusual thermometer, carefully read the instructions.
With rectal measurement, the temperature is 0.5-1 degrees higher.
Electronic meters can give the same error. Accordingly, the temperature in the armpit is considered to be elevated above 37.5 ° C, rectally - above 38 ° C.
The average duration of temperature measurement with an ordinary mercury thermometer is 5-10 minutes. (Remember to hold the handle with your child to prevent the thermometer from slipping out.)

Infants tend to have a higher body temperature than older children. Anyone's temperature is highest from late afternoon to early evening, and coldest from midnight to early morning. Typically, rectal readings of 37.8 ° C or less or oral readings of 37.2 ° C or less are considered normal, and higher readings indicate an elevated temperature.

Fever by itself is not a disease. In fact, a high temperature serves as a positive signal that the body is fighting infection. The increased temperature stimulates the body to produce certain defensive reactions, such as the production of white blood cells, which attack and destroy bacteria that have entered the body. However, high fever can make the baby uncomfortable. The high temperature increases his body's need for fluids, makes his heart beat faster and makes breathing quicker.

Most often, high fever accompanies respiratory illnesses such as croup or pneumonia, ear infections, influenza (flu), severe colds, and sore throat. The temperature can also rise with infections of the digestive tract or urinary tract and with viral diseases.

In children between the ages of six months and five years, a high fever can cause so-called febrile seizures. They are usually inherited and usually occur in the first few hours of the fever. For some time, the child may look unusual, then he suddenly becomes very tense, he begins to convulse, accompanied by eye rotations. For a short period, the child does not react to anything, his skin color may become slightly darker than usual. The convulsion itself usually lasts less than a minute, although in rare cases it can last up to fifteen minutes. Even if the convulsion lasts no longer than a few seconds, frightened parents may feel like an eternity has passed. Calm down: febrile seizures are almost always harmless and do not lead to brain damage, nervous system problems, paralysis, mental retardation or death of the child, nevertheless, they must be immediately reported to the pediatrician.

The percentage of recurrent manifestations of febrile seizures in children under the age of one year is approximately 50% if they happened once, and in children after the age of one year - about 30%. Despite this, febrile seizures usually do not occur more often than once every 24 hours (day). While many parents are concerned that febrile seizures can lead to epilepsy, remember that epileptic seizures are not caused by fever, and children who have had febrile seizures at least once are only slightly more likely to develop epilepsy by the age of seven than the rest of the children.

A rare but rather serious problem, which is often confused with fever, is illness caused by overheating of the body; it is also called heatstroke. This condition is not caused by an infection or pathology of internal organs - the high ambient temperature becomes the cause of the disturbance in the state of the body. This condition can occur if the baby is in a very hot place, for example, on a hot beach in the middle of summer or in a hot, closed car on a summer day. Every year cause a lot deaths is the fact that children are left unattended in a closed car: never leave a child unattended in a closed car, even for a few minutes. Heatstroke can also happen if your baby is dressed too warmly on a hot, humid day. In these cases, the body temperature can rise to dangerous limits (above 40.5 ° C) - this temperature must be reduced very quickly by wiping with cool water, blowing and moving the baby to a cool place. After the child's body is sufficiently cooled, the child must be taken for examination to the pediatrician or to the emergency department. Heatstroke is critical.

If you think your baby has a high temperature, measure it with a thermometer. Feeling body temperature with your hand (or with a temperature-sensitive tape) does not provide accurate readings, especially if your child has chills. Up to three years of age, the most accurate results are provided by rectal measurements of the child's temperature using a rectal digital thermometer.

Which type of thermometer should you choose? The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend the use of mercury thermometers because glass thermometers often break and mercury vapor released into the lungs during inhalation can reach toxic levels. Electronic digital thermometers and ear (tympanic) thermometers are the best choices.

  • Electronic devices are able to measure the temperature of the baby in the mouth, rectum and under the arm. Like any other device, some electronic thermometers measure temperature more accurately than others. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations carefully and make sure the thermometer has passed the required approvals.
  • Tympanic thermometers are another suitable way to measure body temperature for older children. The accuracy of the indicators depends on the ability of the device rod to reach the tympanic membrane. For this reason, some types of such devices may show unreliable results. For this reason, many pediatricians advise parents to use electronic digital thermometers.

When should a pediatrician be called if a child has a high temperature?

If your baby is two months old or younger and his rectal temperature reach 38 ° C or higher, call your pediatrician immediately. There is an urgent need for this! The doctor will examine the infant to rule out the possibility of a serious infection or illness.

You may also need to tell your doctor if your baby is three to six months old and has a temperature of 38.3 ° C or higher, or if a baby is over six months old, has a temperature of 39.4 ° C or higher. Such high temperature readings can signal the presence of a dangerous infection in the child's body or dehydration - in this case, he needs an urgent health care... However, in most cases, your decision to call your pediatrician will depend on symptoms such as sore throat, severe ear pain, cough, unexplained rash, or persistent vomiting or diarrhea. In addition, if the child is restless or sleeps more than usual, inform the pediatrician. In fact, a child's activity level is a much more significant factor than high fever readings. However, if your fever does not subside within 24 hours, you should still call your doctor, even if you have no other complaints or other symptoms.

Under other circumstances, it is necessary to urgently call the pediatrician. For example, call your pediatrician if your child has a high fever and has been in an overly hot place, such as a hot car, for a while. Also tell the pediatrician if the child has a high fever and a condition that weakens the body's immune response, such as sickle cell disease or cancer, or if the child is taking steroids.

If the baby has febrile seizures, it should be shown to the pediatrician as soon as possible, especially if such seizures are the first time or the seizures are more severe or last longer than the previous ones. You should know for sure that the cramps are caused by a high fever, and not by a more serious health condition like meningitis.

Reducing fever in a child at home

In most cases, there is no need to lower the fever unless the child is uncomfortable or has had febrile seizures before. Even high temperature readings in themselves are harmless and insignificant, unless the child has had seizures before or has chronic diseases. It is much more important at this time to observe the behavior of the child. If your child eats, sleeps, and occasionally enjoys playing, he may not need any treatment.

If your child has a fever and is worried about it, you can use one of the following methods to lower the temperature.

Medicines to reduce fever

Certain medications can lower your body temperature by blocking the mechanisms that cause high fever. These so-called antifebrile (antipyretic) drugs include Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, and aspirin. All three freely available drugs are effective in reducing body temperature. However, because aspirin can cause or have been associated with Reye's syndrome, the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend the use of aspirin to reduce a child's usual fever. Ibuprofen is approved for use in infants six months and older, but should not be given to children with dehydration or persistent vomiting.

Ideally, the dose of "acetaminophen" should be calculated based on the weight, not the age of the child. The dose of Ibuprofen should also be based on weight, not age. However, the doses listed on the acetaminophen bottle label (usually based on age) are generally safe and effective, unless your child is underweight or overweight. Remember: exceeding the permissible dose of "acetaminophen" can contribute to the development of a toxic reaction in the body, although this happens only in rare cases. If a toxic reaction does occur, symptoms can manifest in the form of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort.

As general rule Always read and follow the directions on the drug label before using any medicine. This will give you confidence that your child is receiving the correct dose. In addition, a certain dose of "Acetaminophen" may be contained in other drugs that are freely available, such as medicines for colds and coughs. Taking several drugs containing acetaminophen at the same time can be dangerous, so read the information on the drug label carefully to make sure your child is not receiving multiple doses of the same drug. Also, as a general rule, never give acetaminophen or any other drug to a child under 2 years of age without the consent of the pediatrician.

Rubdown at a high temperature in a child

In most cases, oral use of Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen (for infants six months and older) is the most reliable way to reduce the temperature of the infant and relieve discomfort. However, in some cases, you may need to combine medication with a cool wipe, or use wipe alone.

Rubdown is preferred to acetaminophen or ibuprofen if:

  • the child has an allergy or intolerance to antifebrile (antipyretic) drugs (in rare cases).
  • high temperature gives the child severe discomfort;
  • the child is vomiting and may not be able to hold the medication.

When rubbing down, place the baby in a bathtub (basin, collapsible rubber baby bath or regular baby bath), but pour no more than 2.5-5 cm of warm water (29.4-32.2 ° C) into it. If you don't have a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water, check it with the back of your hand or wrist. The water should be lukewarm to the touch. Do not use cold water as this can be uncomfortable and cause chills, which can raise the temperature even further. Placing the baby in the water is more comfortable than lying down. Then use a clean washcloth or sponge to wipe the child's torso, arms and legs. The water will begin to evaporate and cool the baby's body. Keep the temperature in the room at about 23.9 ° C and continue rubbing until his body temperature reaches an acceptable level. Never add alcohol to the water - it can be absorbed into the skin or the child can breathe in its vapors, leading to serious problems such as coma.

Generally, rubbing down can reduce the heat in 30 to 45 minutes. However, if the child clearly opposes this, stop rubbing and leave him in the tub to sit or play for a while. If being in the bath gives him even more discomfort, it is better to get him out of there, even if the high temperature is kept at the same time.

  • Keep the temperature in your child's room cool by wearing lightweight clothing.
  • If the room is too hot or stuffy, place a fan near your child to create a cool cycle.
  • Try to get your child to drink more fluids (water, diluted fruit juice, electrolyte solution from the pharmacy). There is no reason to give up milk that a baby usually drinks.
  • If your child has a fever, it is not necessary for him to lie in bed at all, but make sure that he does not overexert himself.
  • If a high fever is a symptom of an infectious disease (such as chickenpox or the flu), make sure that the child does not come into contact with other children and adults.

Treatment of febrile seizures

If your baby has a febrile seizure, take the following steps right away to avoid harming the baby:

  • place the child on the floor or bed away from all hard or sharp objects;
  • turn the baby's head to the side so saliva and vomit drain from his mouth;
  • do not try to put anything in the child's mouth - do not be afraid, he will not be able to swallow his tongue;
  • call your pediatrician.

Which thermometer is better?


How to use them. The best way to determine the temperature level of an infant is to measure his rectal temperature. The baby is unable to calmly hold the thermometer in his mouth while you take his oral temperature. Another way is to use electronic thermometer to measure the temperature under the arm of a child over the age of three months, but the readings are inaccurate.
Wipe the end of the thermometer with alcohol or wash with soap and water. Rinse it off with cool (not hot) water. Put on a disposable plastic tip and apply a small amount of Vaseline to the tip. Place the baby on your lap or on a hard surface with the belly down. Turn on the thermometer and carefully insert it into the anus by 1.3-2.5 cm. Slightly holding the thermometer, wait for the electronic signal.

  • it is convenient to read the results of indicators;
  • emits an electronic signal upon receipt of the final result; cost: USD 10-15.


  • restless children cannot sit still while taking their body temperature.


How to use them. Carefully place the tip of the thermometer into your ear canal. Turn on the thermometer. Within a few seconds, you will receive the results of your baby's temperature measurement.


  • very fast results;
  • easy to apply to restless or uncomfortable children.


  • to obtain accurate results, it is necessary to correctly place the thermometer in the external ear canal;
  • runs on batteries that need to be changed from time to time;
  • if there is an excessive amount of earwax, the readings may be inaccurate;
  • cost: about USD 30-40.

High fever in older children

A high fever is a symptom of an illness (usually a bacterial or viral infection). A number of infectious diseases (infections of the urinary tract, hearing organs, tonsillitis, chickenpox) are accompanied by fever. It usually causes anxiety in parents, but in most cases, a high fever is a positive symptom, indicating that the body has begun to fight the infection.

If your baby's body feels hot to the touch, take their temperature. A child of middle school age can independently cope with this simple procedure - you just need to put a thermometer under the tongue and hold it in this position for the required time. If it is difficult for a child to hold a thermometer in his mouth, its temperature can be measured rectally. If a child has a stuffy nose, he has to breathe through his mouth, so he will not be able to hold the thermometer in his mouth. In this case, it is advisable to measure the temperature rectally.

It is better to use a digital thermometer, as this device provides high measurement accuracy. Mercury thermometer readings are often inaccurate. First cover the thermometer with a plastic case, then start measuring the temperature. The child must hold the thermometer under the tongue for two minutes. Glass thermometers are very inconvenient - they break easily, and besides, their readings are often inaccurate.

If your child has a fever, follow your pediatrician's instructions. Sometimes the doctor advises to give up antipyretic drugs.

Aspirin as evidenced modern research, contributes to the development of such a dangerous neurological disease as Reye's syndrome, therefore, in no case should the child be given aspirin. Use medications such as paracetamol or Ibuprofen. On the packaging you will find all the necessary information about the dosage of these drugs, and if necessary, ask your pediatrician for clarification.
Sometimes the fever is accompanied by seizures.

Why is there a fever? When should you call a doctor?

Fever is usually caused by an infection - viral (such as a cold or flu) or bacterial (such as pharyngitis or some ear infections). Remember that a high fever is not a disease in itself, but only a sign that the body is fighting infection.

Regardless of the child's age, some symptoms, combined with a fever, require urgent medical attention, as they may portend the onset of a more serious illness. Call your doctor if your toddler has any of the following symptoms in addition to a high fever: he does not want or cannot drink or eat liquid food, he has seizures, he cries for a long time, behaves agitated after being knocked down with medication, it is difficult to wake him up , he has confused consciousness, a rash, a stiff neck (torticollis), difficulty breathing, prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, or a high fever lasts more than three days. If you think your child looks unhealthy or is concerned about something in particular, be sure to call the doctor, even if the temperature is normal. The definition of an elevated temperature for different ages is somewhat different for different doctors, but there are some general recommendations.

Call immediately if your baby is under three months old and has a temperature of 38 ° C or higher. If you cannot contact your pediatrician, call an ambulance.

Call your doctor if your baby is over three months old. He will likely ask about other symptoms (eg, cough, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea) and how the child is generally behaving. This will help you determine if you need to carry your baby to the doctor or wait a couple of days and observe him at home.

If your child is over 6 months old and has a temperature of 40 ° C or higher, you need to call the doctor (yes, you probably called yourself before you read this advice). If the temperature is not so high and the child is not lethargic, communicates with others and drinks enough fluids, you can just stay at home with him. If the condition does not improve for two or three days, or if it worsens, call your doctor.

Feelings at elevated temperatures

All children (and most adults) with a fever can feel unwell and behave accordingly, whatever the other symptoms. What matters is how they feel when the temperature has dropped. If they play and run around the house, that's a good sign. This means that the disease is most likely not so serious.

If the temperature has dropped, but the child does not appear to be healthy judging by his behavior, call the doctor.

My child has a fever, but there are no more signs of the disease. Do I need to call a doctor? When to start sounding the alarm?

If the child is less than three months old, and the temperature is 38 ° C or higher, it is imperative and urgent to consult a pediatrician. Newborns do not always have signs of illness, except for fever, and they can get sick very quickly, so there is no time to waste.

As for children over three months old, if they behave as usual, you can just watch them for a few days. For some viral infections, such as rubella, children have a fever and no other symptoms for 2 to 3 days. Then the fever goes away and a rash may appear (don't worry, it's not dangerous). For most other illnesses, you are likely to notice other symptoms (such as cough, runny nose, or diarrhea) within 24 hours of a fever.

With a viral fever, the fever often lasts up to 4-5 days. If she does not fall for longer, this may mean that the child is ill with something else and may need treatment.

If the fever persists for more than 3 to 4 days but there are no other symptoms, call your doctor. He will examine the child and will probably order a urine or even blood test to make sure there is no hidden infection lurking in the body.

My daughter has a high temperature. Should I give her medicine?

Talk to your doctor before giving antipyretics to a newborn. And, again, if a child under three months old has a fever, immediately call the pediatrician or call an ambulance.
Remember, a fever is just a sign that your body is fighting an infection. Your doctor may recommend an antipyretic to help your child feel better (and therefore you, too). When he gets better, have him drink plenty of fluids (ice pops are also good) to stay hydrated - this happens at elevated temperatures. If the child is behaving normally and drinks enough fluids, no medication is needed - the fever itself is not dangerous and will most likely go away on its own.

Medicines, such as analgesics (Tylenol) or Ibuprofen, can be given in recommended doses to bring down the temperature. Avoid giving your child aspirin, which can cause Reye's syndrome, a serious illness that damages the brain and liver. "Ibuprofen" (only for children over six months) lasts from 6 to 8 hours, analgesic - from 4 to 6. Both are dosed according to the weight of the child. If you are not sure if you can get the right dose for your child, ask your pediatrician or pharmacist. To avoid accidental overdose, carefully read the instructions on the package and always use a pipette or special vial.

Note that medicines for babies and medicines for older children have different concentrations. For example, 1 teaspoon (or 5 ml) of an analgesic for children is a good dose for a 2 year old, but a baby only needs two pipettes (filled to the top line), or 1.6 ml. This is less than a third of the usual baby dose!

Call the doctor if the child does not behave as usual after the fever has dropped or if medication has to be given for more than 4 days.

Ibuprofen can be given as needed after 6-8 hours up to 4 times a day.

How not to be mistaken when giving medicine

  • Read the instructions on the packaging very carefully.
  • Always use a pipette or special vial.
  • Call your doctor if you are unsure how much to give your child.
  • Write down when and how much of the medicine he took.
  • Do not give more than one medication at once without talking to your doctor.
  • Keep all medicines out of the reach of children.
  • Make sure everyone who stays with the child knows when and how much to give the medication.

Can the temperature rise from the fact that the child is teething?

Although many parents at this time notice that the child "seems hot" or has a "slight fever", from the fact that teeth are teething, there is no really high temperature. If at this time the baby has a fever, the reason is probably something else - perhaps it is a cold or some other not yet identified disease. Teething is not always fun and without fever: the child is drooling, he is restless, the gums hurt. Babies (and sometimes older children) who do not tolerate this process can be helped by a suitable dose of analgesic and a cool teething ring (popsicles are great for babies). Depending on whether the temperature has risen strongly and how the child is behaving, you can watch him for a day or two or immediately consult a doctor.

My son was vaccinated today. Now he has a fever. This is dangerous?

Vaccinations are essential - they can protect your child from dangerous and fatal diseases. Vaccines are harmless and severe reactions are very rare. Mild reactions to the vaccine, such as mild fever and anxiety, do happen, but fortunately pass quickly. There may be swelling, redness, or discomfort at the injection site. Another common side effect of the vaccine is a small, pea-sized lump under the skin at the injection site. This is harmless and will go away in a few weeks.

Although a high fever in a newborn may be a reaction to the vaccine, see your doctor. Any fever in a child under three months old requires a medical examination.

Some children have fever after vaccinations. A slight rise in temperature in the absence of other symptoms is not dangerous. Give an appropriate dose of pediatric pain reliever if the temperature is over 38 ° C or if you think your child is having a problem with fever. Your doctor may recommend that you take an analgesic just before your next round of shots or within the next 24 hours (if needed).

Remember: always call your doctor if your newborn has a temperature of 38 ° C or higher. If an older child has a temperature for more than a day or rises above 39 ° C, call the doctor.

Other, very rare side effects of vaccinations: rash all over the body, seizures, severe swelling at the injection site (sometimes the entire limb where the injection was given swells up), incessant crying for more than 3 hours, or severe lethargy.

Can high temperatures cause brain damage?

Brain dysfunction due to high temperature is nothing more than an “urban legend”. Because of the usual fever caused by infection, there is no brain damage. For this, the body temperature must rise to about 42.2 ° C. This can happen if the temperature outside is very high - for example, in a closed car on a hot day, but common illnesses such as colds or infections usually do not lead to this. Therefore, it is very important to remember: never leave your child alone in the car.

My daughter had a seizure. We took her to the doctor. He examined the child and said that she had a febrile seizure. What does it mean?

Febrile seizures occur when the temperature rises. This happens to less than 5% of children 6 months to 5 years old. When the temperature rises very quickly, it is especially dangerous for children. As a matter of fact, many parents do not even realize that the child has a fever until they come with the child to the doctor or call an ambulance to find out why he had a seizure and take the temperature.

Although febrile seizures are very frightening for parents, they are usually harmless and last no longer than a few minutes. They will not cause brain damage or affect future intelligence or behavior. Just because your son or daughter has a febrile seizure does not mean they are developing epilepsy. In about a third of children who have had a febrile seizure, it may recur, especially if it has happened to other family members. If your child has this seizure, see a doctor. Perhaps he recommends taking an antipyretic around the clock during illness.

You may say that this goes without saying, but we still emphasize: in case of a febrile seizure, see a doctor for a comprehensive examination of the child. If someone has a family history of febrile seizures, talk to your doctor about what to do in the future if you have a fever or seizure, including whether to call a doctor if your new seizure is different.

A rise in body temperature is not a disease, but a symptom that often manifests itself in many ailments. This is a signal that a pathological focus has arisen, and the body has already begun to eliminate it. Do not interfere with it by lowering the temperature when it is not high. A really serious threat to a child, especially an infant, is high fever, hyperthermic syndrome. How is it dangerous and how to find out about its appearance?

You will need

  • - thermometer;
  • - wet wipes;
  • - diapers;
  • - oilcloth;
  • - linen change;
  • - table vinegar;
  • - antipyretic agent;
  • - spray "Aqua Maris";
  • - vasoconstrictor drops;
  • - a bowl of water;
  • - towel


  • Scientists believe that regulating body temperature is a wonderful way to protect against attack by pathogens. They found that raising it by only one degree deprives most bacteria and viruses of the ability to multiply and leads to their death.
  • But if the forces are unequal, and the body has already exhausted its thermal capabilities, bringing the body temperature to a critical level, urgent external intervention is required. Because of the intense heat, the child may have seizures that can engulf the heart muscle and cause cardiac arrest.
  • When does this critical situation occur? When the thermometer shows 38 degrees in babies up to three years old. Children over three years old have a larger reserve of vitality, and for them the "bar" of dangerous temperature is slightly higher: 39 degrees.
  • But in addition to such thermometer readings, it is necessary to take into account a number of circumstances that often complicate the child's condition. First of all, you need to track his breathing. It is dangerous if it is heavy, intermittent, difficult.
  • Breathing should not be allowed to stop. It is necessary to provide the child with a free flow of fresh air. If he breathes only through his mouth, you need to check the nasal passages, rinse if necessary, and apply vasoconstrictor drops.
  • Children often vomit during fever. Without waiting for its possible appearance, put a pillow under the child's back in advance, giving him a reclining position. Then the vomit will not enter the respiratory tract. At the same time, it is easier to breathe in this position.
  • In case of diarrhea, which is also common with a high temperature, put diapers on the baby. Prepare a change of clean linen. You can put an oilcloth under the sheet. Place a bowl of warm water next to your bed to quickly wash your baby.
  • Check periodically for signs of dehydration, especially if your toddler is refusing to drink fluids. Urination may become infrequent and painful, and the amount of urine is less and dark in color. It happens that the baby cries, but his tears are no longer flowing. Drink plenty of fluids as often as possible in hot weather.
  • It is recommended to call an ambulance in a number of medical sources if the high temperature persists for more than 48 hours. It is hardly worth waiting for two days. Call the pediatrician on duty immediately to avoid the severe consequences of hyperthermia.
  • Give the sick child an antipyretic drug containing paracetamol (but not aspirin!) Before the pediatrician arrives. Calculate the dose according to the instructions, based on his age and weight. Other necessary medications the pediatrician will appoint.