Indicate the main factor in the placement of precision engineering. Lesson topic: "Geography of mechanical engineering". Capital investments and sources of financing

Mechanical engineering is the main branch of industrial production, influencing the development of other spheres of economic activity and reflecting the level of the scientific and technical state and defense capability of the country. In developed countries, the share of mechanical engineering accounts for 25-35% of GDP and about the same amount of the total number of people employed in the economy. A feature of the engineering industry in developed countries is the growing variety of engineering products, their high quality and competitiveness. The share of engineering products in Japan's exports is 65%, the USA, Germany, Sweden - 45-48%.

Factors Determining the Development and Features of the Location of Heavy Engineering

Non-behavioral errors include lack of good research practice and analysis, ignorance of critical factors and industry characteristics. The goal of an organization is to delight customers by requiring access to customers at the lowest possible cost. It does this by developing a positioning strategy. The placement strategy helps the company in determining the supply of the product, the market, forecasting the demand in different markets, better place for access to customers and better production and service.

Mechanical engineering is one of the most geographically widespread industries. But in some areas it has a profiling significance, while in others it satisfies internal needs, complements industrial complex... Almost 90% of MK products are manufactured in the European part of Russia. In Siberia and the Far East, the industry is represented mainly by enterprises of the electrical industry, tractor and agricultural engineering, for the production of press-forging and foundry equipment. The rationality of the further location of MC enterprises in these areas is due to the increasing demand for products, as well as the availability of energy, fuel, metal, water resources, industrial sites suitable for construction. It is possible to create energy- and metal-intensive industries here.

Factors affecting the location of the object

If an organization can set up the correct location for a manufacturing facility, it will have sufficient access to customers, workers, transportation, etc. critical factors follow for commercial success and competitive advantage. Proximity to the client: the location of the object is selected closer to the client in order to reduce transport costs and shorten the time to reach the client.

Area of ​​activity: the presence of other similar production units around makes the business area favorable for the creation of an object. Presence of mental labor: Another important factor is education, experience and labor skills, which determine the location of the object.

The machine-building complex is the most important complex that plays a huge role in the production process, is interconnected with many sectors of the country's economy, has its own sectoral structure, specialization within it and distinctive features. Its development and placement is influenced by a range of factors. The development and placement of its branches is based on the same principles as for all branches of a single national complex. The principles of development and placement are refracted into general and specific factors influencing the development and placement of the branches of the machine-building complex:

On the other hand, the free trade agreement is among the countries that create an incentive for starting a business, in particular the country. Suppliers: A continuous and quality supply of raw materials is another important factor in locating a manufacturing facility.

One of the key decisions in the process of designing a productive system is its location: What is the best location for the system? It is necessary for all companies to analyze and study the capacity system that they can implement, all of this in order to cover the largest volume of demand, optimize the profit for the company and, ultimately, consider expanding to increase its market and provide best service quality and meeting the needs of the majority of the population consuming the product.

Natural conditions, geography of natural and raw materials.

The volume of capital investments, sources of financing.

Specialization and level of development of farms in economic regions.

The basic level of development of science and technology.

Communication routes and transport network.

Labor resources, their composition, qualification level.

There are many factors that can influence location decisions, varying in importance from one industry to another and for each specific company depending on their circumstances and their specific goals. Therefore, we have already pointed out that one of the first tasks of the location research team is to identify the factors that need to be taken into account at each level of analysis, which in general will be very large.

Realizing that you cannot be exhaustive, or generalize the list important factors or criteria for any company. However, the main factors that can influence location are not always tangible. Ø Power supplies. Some companies are located close to the places where their raw materials or their suppliers are sourced and can be explained for three reasons.

Forms of organization of production

The scale, structure and geography of product consumption.

Transportability of raw materials and finished products.

The ecological situation in the region.

The geography of mechanical engineering is determined by a number of factors.

Science intensity. Modern mechanical engineering in its development is based primarily on advanced science. Therefore, enterprises of its most progressive and complex industries (electronics, radio engineering, aerospace and nuclear industry) are concentrated in districts and centers with a highly developed scientific base: large research institutes, design bureaus, pilot plants (Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, etc.).

Topic: Food and light industry

To secure supplies. This applies to firms that exploit or extract Natural resources... When the inputs are perishable, and because of this, they cannot be transported long distances before processing. When it is easier or more economical to transport the outputs than the inputs. For example, with those processes in which there is a loss of volume or weight of products, so that the inputs are bulkier or heavier than the outputs, generating a lot of waste.

The location of customers or users is also an important factor in many cases, for example, when fast delivery of products is a prerequisite for sales, which is an essential close relationship or connection with customers. The location of the competition is also part of strategic considerations, especially for services. Thus, the presence of a competitor in the area may render it inadequate; in other cases, on the other hand, companies seek to find themselves close to their competitors in order to strengthen their ability to attract customers.

Focus on scientific potential is the leading factor in the location of machine-building enterprises. But the share of science-intensive industries in the machine-building industry in Russia is still very low - only 20%.

The military-strategic factor. A significant part of machine-building enterprises produces defense products.
Therefore, when placing them, the interests of national security are taken into account. Such businesses are usually far from borders. Many of them are located in cities with limited access (Sarov, Novouralsk, Snezhinsk, etc.).

The current state of the industry in Russia

It is, in general, the cheapest long distance, suitable for bulky or heavy items. But the slowest in turn. It becomes more efficient than water transportation, reaching places where there is no access to water. You can also transport products of different sizes, but they have a higher unit cost.

This is usually done via trucks, although this limits the type of cargo and the cost is even higher. It is the fastest of all, it allows you to shorten the time and distance, but with the disadvantage that it is the most expensive of all. It is used for high value added products, perishable products, etc.

Labor intensity. The production of machines is labor intensive. For example, it takes 1000 hours of working time to make a loom. Therefore, many branches of mechanical engineering gravitate towards areas with a high concentration of the population. Taking into account this factor, almost 1/4 of the country's machine-building enterprises are located. High labor intensity is inherent in machine tool (Moscow), instrument making (Voronezh, Penza, Ryazan).

Despite losing weight in technologically advanced production environments, it tends to remain one of the most important factors in location decisions, especially for labor intensive companies. Any installation requires basic supplies such as water and energy, so it is especially important for manufacturing plants. This has a significant impact when the quantities required are high and impacts costs.

This is a highly valued and considered factor by companies in the location of facilities, as it affects the ability to attract and retain personnel, being more critical in companies with high technology or those that are dedicated to investigations; aspects - education, cost of living, cultural and entertainment offerings, low crime, adequate health, public transport, climate, etc.

Metal consumption. The production of some types of machinery (metallurgical, energy, mining equipment) requires a lot of metal. Therefore, the enterprises that produce them are focused on metallurgical bases. Approximately 1/8 of machine-building enterprises are attracted to them. Large heavy machine building plants are located in the Urals (Yekaterinburg), in Siberia (Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk).

Ø Weather conditions in the area. The manufacturing process can be influenced by temperature, humidity, etc. Community, national, state, and local regulations affect companies and may vary by location. A favorable legal framework can be a good help for transactions, while an unfavorable one can hinder and hinder them. Restrictions, conditions the environment, building permits and others.

Ø Taxes and utilities. Tax pressures vary from place to place, if it is high, it makes the place less attractive for both companies and employees. But, if the rates are too low, it can be synonymous with poor public services.

Labor intensity and metal consumption in mechanical engineering are in a certain relationship with each other. Their combination affects the location of enterprises in various engineering industries.

Specialization and cooperation. Machines are made up of many parts. In an electric locomotive, for example, there are 250 thousand of them. It is impossible to manufacture everything in one enterprise. It is simpler and cheaper to produce individual parts of machines at specialized enterprises, which establish cooperation ties for the production of a finished product.
Therefore, in mechanical engineering, as a rule, not separate enterprises are created, but their interconnected complexes. They are made up of groups of plants, most of which are subsidiary plants supplying parts and equipment to the assembly plant. Assembly plants are located in areas with an economic and geographical location favorable for organizing cooperation. For example, car factories are located in the European Center and the Volga region.

Ø Attitude towards the company. In general, the authorities are trying to attract companies to their domains as they are a source of wealth, employment and tax dues. It also talks about community attitudes, which may not match those of the authorities; inconsistency or discomfort.

Ø Land and construction. The existence of land to be located at reasonable prices, as well as moderate construction costs, are additional factors to consider, both can vary greatly from location to location. Undoubtedly, many other factors can be mentioned that can affect the location. So, for example, aspects such as language, culture, political and social stability, currency, etc. they can be very important for companies operating in the international arena.

Too narrow specialization has developed in a number of machine-building industries in Russia. It led to a strong monopolization of production. For example, so far only one enterprise in Russia produces mainline diesel locomotives (Kolomna) and potato harvesters (Ryazan).

Transport factor. Since the transportation of machines (or their parts) is carried out over long distances and in different directions, machine-building plants are located on major transport routes.
Consumer orientation. Mechanical engineering products are very diverse. Many machine-building enterprises (about 1/5 of their total number) are focused on consumers of products, since it is difficult to transport them due to their heavy weight or large dimensions. So, tractors for timber haulage are produced in Karelia (Petrozavodsk), grain harvesters - in the European South (Rostov-on-Don).

Source: Master's Course in Business Administration. The location factors of the industry are the totality of socio-spatial and structural elements that interfere with or are directly related to the distribution of industries in a given territory or between different territories. That is why a number of elements must have different locations in order to receive more industries in their territorial unit.

In general, we can assume that there is interest between different places in attracting companies and investments, so that places offering the best and greatest economic benefits lead to this in this regard. Understanding the factors of industrial location means understanding the historical and geographic dynamics of the distribution and migration of companies and factories between different space objects. If one region concentrates more industries than another, or if over time a significant number of companies have left some territories in relation to others, then it is understood that local factors are determining or important for the occurrence of these processes.

The degree of influence of specific factors on the placement of mechanical engineering

Branches of industry and production Resources Areas of consumption of products
raw Fuel and energy labor
Mechanical engineering:


Didactically, the most diverse types of local factors of industries are listed as follows, although they do not always explain the different socio-spatial behaviors of capitalist enterprises. In general, elements are considered that go beyond the main examples, such as economic and political stability of territories, permissiveness of laws and other issues.

The main factors in determining an industrial location are. Large, qualified work force- in many cases, companies are looking for places where there is a very large and inexpensive pool of labor that suits their interests. Depending on the type of industry, preference is given to those companies that have more high level technical training to work with the necessary equipment. Therefore, many countries are investing in the dissemination of specific technical courses to attract industries and create jobs.

Locomotive building



Machine tool building


Agricultural engineering

The decisive













Principles and factors for the location of mechanical engineering enterprises

Developing countries are the largest examples of markets that attract companies with large, cheap and skilled labor. Highlights go to China and India. Availability of raw materials - Locations with easy access to raw materials are also considered beneficial for starting businesses, although this factor was more prevalent in the past when transport costs were higher. Despite this, many factories move some of their production to regions where the production of certain goods is mainly mineral resources- more pronounced.


The decisive


The decisive




The decisive




The decisive

^ The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint with the factors and geography of the location of mechanical engineering.

Objectives: to give an understanding of the factors influencing the placement of industries

Tax breaks are taxes that are no longer levied by the government for hiring a specific company that aims to reduce costs and maximize profits. Therefore, many places with similar local characteristics compete for companies, providing the advantages that underlie the problem that has become a structural problem for Brazil and other countries.

The issue of tax breaks does not always pass through competition of places in terms of tax exemptions. In some cases, these incentives lead to less onerous or simply more cumulative and lighter tax burdens, avoiding bureaucratic problems for companies, entrepreneurs and investors in general.

Mechanical engineering: science intensity, military - strategic, labor intensity,

Metal consumption, specialization, cooperation, consumer,


To reveal the features of the location of machine-building enterprises;

Reveal the features of the geography of Russian mechanical engineering.

Teach to show and name engineering centers.

Improve the ability to work with a textbook, schematic maps,


Equipment: the map "Machine-building complex of Russia", schemes "The role and significance of the machine-building complex", "Composition of MK", "Location factors",

"Problems of MK development" from the library of electronic visual aids, lesson nomenclature.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.

  2. Homework check.

Frontal conversation.

    1. What is the plan for studying the complex?

    2. What is the meaning machine-building complex?

    3. Why does mechanical engineering play a key role in scientific and technological progress?

    4. What industries are included in the complex?

    5. Which industries will develop the fastest and why?

    6. Name the machine-building enterprises of our city. What do you know
about the problems of these enterprises?

7. Draw a diagram of intersectoral relations of the machine-building complex.

  1. ^ Learning new material.

And so, we are once again convinced that the machine-building complex is extremely complex in its structure. Let's figure it out: What is the geography of MK?

What factors influence the location of businesses?

We will solve these problems in groups.

The class is divided into four groups, each receives an assignment

Task for group number 1


  1. How do you understand the factor of science intensity and labor intensity?

3. Name the main centers of distribution of industries that determine scientific and technological progress: electrical industry, instrument making, radio engineering, electronics, aerospace and nuclear industries. Analyze the additional text.

^ Aerospace focused on the high scientific potential of the Moscow region. The main research institutes and design bureaus are located in Moscow and the cities of its surroundings: design bureaus "YaK", "TU" (Moscow), aviation technopolis (Zhukovsky), intercontinental missiles and spacecraft (Korolev, Khimki, Reutov, Dubna). The military-strategic position determines the location of a number of industry enterprises in the interior of the country - in the Ural-Volga region (Ulyanovsk, Samara, Perm, Ufa, Votkinsk), in Siberia (Tyumen, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude). Cosmodromes operate not far from Plesetsk and in Kapustin Yar.

Task for group number 2

The placement factor is the requirements for the placed objects to the environment.

Without meeting these requirements, the object will not be able to normally


  1. Get acquainted with the scheme "Factors of placement of MK enterprises".

  2. How do you understand the factor of specialization, cooperation?
^ Specialization and cooperation - the most important principles for the location of engineering enterprises. Machines consist of many parts and assemblies. It is impossible to manufacture everything at one plant; it is easier and cheaper to produce individual parts of machines at specialized enterprises. For the release of a finished product, enterprises establish cooperation links. Therefore, complexes of interconnected machine-building enterprises are being built in various regions of the country.

For example, KamAZ includes six largest specialized factories: foundry, press and frame, forge and press, repair and tool, car assembly. The largest car factories - VAZ and ZIL - are connected by cooperative deliveries with more than 300 allied enterprises each, which supply more than 500 types of materials, accounting for 55% of the cost of car production.

Too narrow specialization has developed in a number of engineering industries. For example, in Russia there is only one enterprise producing trolleybuses (Engels), mainline diesel locomotives (Kolomna), potato harvesters (Ryazan). One of the consequences of narrow specialization is a high level of concentration of production. In Russian mechanical engineering, 20% of the production volume falls on the 10 largest enterprises.

Unlike other industries, the natural resource factor influences the location of mechanical engineering to the least extent, however, such factors as security labor resources, their qualifications, developed transport infrastructure. Due to the variety of location factors and the ubiquity of consumers, mechanical engineering is developed in all regions of Russia. However, the level of development of mechanical engineering, the set of engineering industries and their importance in different parts of the country are not the same. In some regions, machine-building industries are of national importance, that is, they are the industries of their specialization, in others they satisfy the needs of only this region.

  1. What are the main centers of distribution of industries that determine scientific and technological progress (secondary mechanical engineering): machine tool building and industrial industry, automotive industry, aircraft construction, transport and agricultural engineering. Analyze the additional text.

Machine tool building provides equipment for various sectors of the economy and has a wide geography, however, the leading are large, established machine-building centers (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ivanovo) and relatively new - Sasovo (Ryazan region), Sukhinichi (Tver region).

Automotive Russia originated in Moscow, where trucks and cars (ZIL) are still produced. However, today the Ural-Volga region (VAZ - Togliatti, KamAZ - Naberezhnye Chelny, UAZ - Ulyanovsk, GAZ - Nizhny Novgorod, IZH - Izhevsk) has become the country's main "automotive workshop". Bus production - Likino-Dulyovo, Golitsyna, Yakhroma, Kurgan; minibuses - Nizhny Novgorod (based on GAZ). V last years on Russian enterprises car assembly production is growing rapidly.

Tractor construction and the production of agricultural machinery is mainly consumer-oriented - the main agricultural areas. The first tractor factories appeared in the pre-war period in Volgograd and Chelyabinsk. Later, tractor plants were built in the Center (Vladimir, Lipetsk, St. Petersburg), in Siberia (Rubtsovsk) and in the North-West (skidder plant - Petrozavodsk). Combine harvester production is concentrated in the main agricultural regions, such as grain harvesting (Taganrog, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don).

  1. What factors play a decisive role in the location of these businesses?

Task for group number 3

The placement factor is the requirements for the placed objects to the environment.

Without meeting these requirements, the object will not be able to normally


  1. Get acquainted with the scheme "Factors of placement of MK enterprises".

  2. How do you understand the consumer, transport factor?
Open the map in the atlas "Machine-building complex" on page 16

  1. What are the centers of distribution of branches of general engineering: railway engineering, shipbuilding, machines for light and Food Industry... Analyze the additional text.

^ Locomotive and car building arose where the country's railway network began to take shape. Passenger diesel locomotives - Kolomna, shunting diesel locomotives - Lyudinovo, Murom. Passenger cars are produced by St. Petersburg, freight cars - by Abakan, Nizhny Tagil, electric trains - by Tver and Demikhovo. Metro cars are produced in St. Petersburg and Mytishchi.

^ Transport engineering provides rolling stock for various types of transport and is focused primarily on profitable transport geographical position, both due to wide cooperation, and due to the specifics of production processes. For example, shipbuilding is focused on river and seaports- St. Petersburg and Vyborg, Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod (JSC "Krasnoe Sormovo") and Astrakhan, Tyumen, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Vladivostok.

  1. What factors play a decisive role in the location of these businesses?

Task for group number 4

The placement factor is the requirements for the placed objects to the environment.

Without meeting these requirements, the object will not be able to normally


  1. Get acquainted with the scheme "Factors of placement of MK enterprises".

  2. How do you understand the military-strategic factor, metal consumption?
Open the map in the atlas "Machine-building complex" on page 16

  1. What are the centers for the placement of heavy engineering industries: machinery manufacturing industries for the mining industry, lifting and transport engineering, machinery for the chemical and oil industry, metallurgical, power equipment. Analyze the additional text.

^ Heavy engineering refers to material-intensive industries and has a relatively low labor intensity. Heavy engineering is focused on large metal producers and the main consumers of their products - the metallurgical bases of the Center, the Urals and Siberia. The industry leader - Uralmash (Yekaterinburg) - produces rolling mills, walking excavators, hydraulic presses. Equipment for the coal industry in Siberia is produced by the Krasnoyarsk Walking Excavator Plant (for KATEK) and Kuzbass enterprises (in Novokuznetsk, Prokopyevsk, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo). Heavy machine tools and press-forging equipment are produced in Ulyanovsk, Novosibirsk, Voronezh, Kolomna.

Power engineering is focused not only on metallurgical bases, but also on qualified personnel and scientific developments. Historically, this industry has developed in St. Petersburg and its suburb Kolpino, where they produce equipment for both hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants. Steam boilers for thermal power plants are produced in Barnaul, Biysk, Taganrog, Belgorod, Podolsk. New center nuclear engineering - "Atommash" - built in Volgodonsk.

  1. What factors play a decisive role in the location of these businesses?

Science intensity - the orientation of industries towards scientific potential, enterprises of the most progressive and complex industries rely on science. The share of knowledge-intensive industries in Russia is 20%.

The military-strategic factor - enterprises producing defense products, taking into account national security, are located far from borders and in cities with limited access.

Labor intensity - the production of machines requires a lot of labor. Labor-intensive industries gravitate towards areas with a high concentration of the population.

Metal consumption - the production of machines requires a lot of metal, so enterprises tend to metallurgical bases.

Specialization - the production of a product at an enterprise, individual parts and details.

Cooperation is an association of specialized enterprises for the production of finished products.

Transport factor - the location of enterprises closer to transport routes,

Since the production of machines requires various parts and machines have to be transported over long distances.

The consumer factor is the orientation of the production of cars to the consumer, since there are products that are difficult to transport, due to their high weight or large dimensions.



Placement factors

Accommodation centers

^ Industries defining STP:

Electronics, radio engineering,

Atomic industry


Aerospace engineering

Science intensity, labor intensity,

transport, consumer,

specialization, cooperation

science intensity

Moscow, Moscow region,

St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg,


Voronezh, Penza

Moscow, Zhukovsky, Korolev, Dubna

^ Branches of medium-sized mechanical engineering:

Machine tool building


Tractor construction

Scientific personnel, qualified workforce, transport factor,

Consumer, specialization,


Per consumer

Moscow, Ivanovo, Sasovo,


ZIL - Moscow, VAZ - Togliatti. KAMAZ - Naberezhnye Chelny,

UAZ - Ulyanovsk, GAZ - Nizhny Novgorod, IZH - Izhevsk,

Buses - Likino-Dulyovo, Golitsino, Volzhsky, Yakhroma, Kurgan;

Minibuses - Nizhny Novgorod.

Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Vladimir, Lipetsk,

St. Petersburg, Rubtsovsk

Skidding tractors - Petrozavodsk; grain harvesters - Taganrog, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don.

^ General engineering



Transport and geographical location, cooperation


St. Petersburg, Vyborg, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Astrakhan, Tyumen, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur,


Passenger diesel locomotives-Kolomna,

Shunting diesel locomotives - Lyudinovo, Murom.

Passenger cars - St. Petersburg, freight cars - Abakan,

Nizh. Tagil,

electric trains - Tver, Demikhovo.

Metro cars - St. Petersburg and Mytischi.

^ Heavy engineering

Machines for the mining industry, forging and pressing equipment, power machines,

Chemical and oil equipment

Metal consumption,


Rolling mills, walking excavators, hydraulic presses - Yekaterinburg.

Equipment for coal industry- Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Prokopyevsk, Anjero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo.

Heavy machinery and forging and pressing equipment -

Ulyanovsk, Novosibirsk, Voronezh, Kolomna

You have noticed that the factors affecting the location of the engineering industries are very diverse and the need for machines in Russia is widespread. But the level of development and features of mechanical engineering differ significantly in different regions.

We analyze the map.

First, there are very large differences in the level of development. 90% of machine-building products are produced in the European part of Russia.

Secondly, the regions of Russia differ in the level of development of mechanical engineering. Three districts -Central Russia, The Urals and the Volga region provide 70% of machine-building products. Mechanical engineering occupies a different place in the industry of each region.

Thirdly, Russian mechanical engineering is concentrated mainly in large cities.


On outline map apply the data of the completed table.

  1. Homework
Paragraph 11 pp. 46-50. Answering questions on page 50

Lesson on the topic: "Military-industrial complex (MIC)" in grade 9

EZ Alekseeva - teacher of geography at school No. 35 - Center for social and pedagogical rehabilitation and adaptation of children with impaired health - SPR and AD "Erel", Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint students with the composition, place and significance of this complex in the country's economy, its main problems.

^ Educational and educational tasks:

  1. To form an idea of ​​the special role of the military-industrial complex, concretization of the principles of the placement of branches of the military-industrial complex; conversion of military-industrial complex enterprises.

  2. Improving the skills to work with additional materials on the topic of the lesson; the ability to analyze problems and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

  3. Development of the skills of a detailed oral response, the ability to clearly express your thoughts. Fostering a sense of pride and patriotism for their Motherland.
Means of education:

  1. posters,

  2. tables,

  3. drawings,

  4. helicopter model,

  5. schematic map 46 and § 33 according to the textbook of A.I. Alekseev and § 20 - V.P. Dronov.

  1. Explanatory and illustrative.

  2. Reproductive with elements of problem statement.

  3. Partial search engine.
Lesson form: lesson - dialogue.

Lesson type: lesson - presentation and assimilation of new educational material.

Motivation of the educational process: The military-industrial complex is a necessary industry, whose main goal is the production of weapons and military equipment in order to defend the Fatherland.

Teacher: Let us recall the main dates and events in the formation of the army.


  • February 23, 1918 - the year of the formation of the Red Army.

  • June 22, 1941 - the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union. The retreat of the Soviet Army - weakly armed, unprepared for war.

  • May 9, 1945 - Victory Day at the cost of many human losses.

  • May 9, 2005 - National great holiday of the 60th anniversary of Victory.
^ Apprentice shows all posters for these dates.

Teacher... The tasks of the Russian Armed Forces in modern conditions.

In peacetime. To protect the sovereignty and state interests of Russia in the world by our own forces, as well as within the framework of the collective security system.

^ In wartime. For the strategic defense of the state, repulsing aggression, reducing the military-economic potential of the enemy and covering the territory of Russia in military conflicts of any level and scale.

^ Problematic question: what are the reasons forcing Russia to arm itself?

The student's answer to this question was discussed in the form of a dialogue:

  • lessons of the Great Patriotic War;

  • cold war”- the ideological confrontation between the two superpowers, the USA and the USSR (Russia);

  • NATO offensive on the borders of Russia (Baltic countries, Ukraine, Georgia).
Explanation of the new topic.

  1. The composition of the military-industrial complex. Interindustry complexes participating in the military-industrial complex.

  2. The basic principles that determine the geography of the military-industrial complex:

  • the safety of the location of its production facilities (Ural, Siberia);

  • the principle of duplication (in different regions of the country there are backup enterprises);

  • concentration of industries, research institutes and design bureaus in Moscow and the Moscow region;

  • the formation of closed cities with numbers and “closed cities”.
^ The role of intersectoral complexes in the production of defense products


Defense production

Specialized defense complexes

Fuel and energy

Nuclear fuel production

Nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons)

Mechanical engineering

Ship, aircraft, rocket, tank, automotive, communications, firearms, electronics, electrical engineering, etc.

Aerospace and rocket and space

Materials of construction: metallurgical

Production of composites, metal powders and rolled products


Production of chemicals, compounds, lumber

Chemical weapons


Cement and other production

Military construction


Processing industries (casein production)

Of goods popular consumption and services

Production of technical fabrics and uniforms

3. The main factors for the deployment of the military-industrial complex: security, preservation of potential, science intensity, high qualifications of personnel and the transport factor.

4. Conversion. Civilian production. Conversion issues.

table 2

^ Conversion of the military-industrial complex. Civilian products

Name of goods, products

The share of military-industrial complex enterprises in its output,%



TV sets


Computer Engineering


Radio receivers


Electric cookers




Vacuum cleaners


Sewing machines


Washing machines






Tape recorders


Mainline freight cars




Drilling rigs for oil and gas production




5. The teacher asks to show a model of a multipurpose helicopter and tell about its main advantages. The model is assembled by the student himself.

6. Interviewing. The student asks questions to the border guard in reserve (now he is a teacher of geography), who was invited to this lesson and answered the student's questions. Then the student asks the teacher a question (to me, as a former draftsman of the design bureau of a plant that produced nuclear warheads using highly enriched uranium-235 and plutonium in the city of Penza-19).

7. Teacher's story. On the radical reform of the military-industrial complex:

  • nuclear complex - the country's shield (atomic weapons);

  • think tanks in Sarov (Arzamas-16), Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk-70).
On new types of weapons. What will the tank of the 21st century be like? BTV - armored weapons. BMP, armored personnel carrier - light armored vehicles.

In the foreseeable future, no war, no armed conflict of any intensity can do without armored vehicles, in general, and tanks, in particular. The main characteristics of the tank: weight - about 60-65 tons, not maneuverable, it needs to be reduced to 45-50 tons. Modern samples of tanks - T-80-84S, T-90.

Integration of onboard electronics into a single complex, new weapon control technologies (external target designation, automatic target tracking, remote detonation of ammunition).

The Navy includes about 100 submarines (missile carriers, nuclear and diesel submarines). Large anti-submarine ship "Admiral Chabanenko". Nuclear submarines of the Typhoon, Gepard type. Submarine of the Northern Fleet "Novomoskovsk" put into near-earth orbit artificial satellite Earth. More than 70 combat submarines of the main classes: 250 coastal ships and boats; 500 planes and helicopters. Aircraft carrier cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet Soviet Union Kuznetsov ”, where the SU-33 (SU-27K) ship-based fighters are based. Heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great" (the ship with the most powerful weapons in the world, its cruise missiles "Granit" have no analogues in the world).

Demonstration of drawings from additional literature. Recommending the names of literature in city libraries (magazines "Soldier of Fortune", "Weapon", the book "Combat aircraft of Russia of the 21st century", "Multipurpose fighters of Russia"). In these books, the authors talk about the latest combat aircraft and advanced prototypes, including such as the SU-30, SU-34, SU-37, EMFI and others, which will form the basis of the Russian Air Force in the first half of the 21st century.

^ On the export volumes of weapons and military equipment. Russia exports weapons for only 1.7-4 billion dollars and ranks fourth among exporting states, and the military-industrial complex accounts for less than 4% of the volume of Russian exports (Geography at School, No. 9, 2002). India, China, South Korea, Bangladesh, Burma and Yemen, as well as Greece and Vietnam are considered partners.

The teacher asks the student problematic questions: “Why does Russia sell military equipment to other countries?" "Doesn't this weaken the military potential of Russia?"

^ 8. Anchoring. Practical work: "Determination of centers for the location of enterprises in the military-industrial complex".

Geography of the military-industrial complex of Russia

Volgo-Vyatka economic region.

Nizhny Novgorod - ekranoplanes, warships, cars, artillery weapons, MiG-29 and MiG-31 fighters, Yak-130 combat training aircraft, radar, electronic warfare equipment, chassis for aviation equipment, etc.
Arzamas - wheeled armored personnel carriers.
Vyatskiye Polyany (Kirov region) - hunting and gas weapons.
Vorsma, Gorbatov (Nizhny Novgorod region) - knives.
Dzerzhinsk - explosives, chemical protection.
Zavolzhye - amphibious tracked tractors, car engines.
Kirov - anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles, electronic equipment, cartridges, gas weapons.
Kulebaki (Nizhny Novgorod region) - construction materials.
Pavlovo-on-Oka - combat knives, components for submarines, aviation and space technology.
Sarov - nuclear weapons, power plants for satellites, explosive technologies, non-nuclear ammunition, security systems, means of combating terrorism.
Saransk - engineering mines.
Shumerlya (Rep. Chuvashia) - armored vehicles.

^ Central economic region .

Moscow - ammunition, missiles of different classes, cars, airplanes, helicopters, RPVs, radio electronic equipment, electronic warfare equipment, optics, space technology, etc.
Moscow region:
Balashikha - engineering and underwater mines, means of mining and demining, means of combating terrorism.
Dolgoprudny - anti-aircraft missiles, balloons, electronic equipment.
Dmitrov - engineering vehicles.
Dubna - guided missiles of different classes.
Zhukovsky - airplanes, air defense systems.
Zelenograd - REO.
Istra - satellite.
Kolomna - mortars, automatic cannons, guided missiles of various classes.
Krasnozavodsk - cartridges.
Korolev - AES, anti-ship missiles.
Klimovsk - development and testing of small arms, artillery, missile weapons and ammunition, production of simulators and equipment for ground forces.
Lyubertsy - helicopters.
Lukhovitsy - MiG-29 fighters.
Mytischi - automatic cannons, special chassis, construction materials.
Orekhovo-Zuevo - oxygen equipment for the Air Force, Navy, Ministry of Emergencies.
Podolsk - accessories for armored vehicles.
Roshal is gunpowder.
Sergiev Posad - grenade launchers. flamethrowers, optical and laser sights.
Fryazino - space technology.
Khimki - satellites, rocket engines, anti-aircraft missiles.
Bryansk - wheeled tractors.
Vladimir - REO.

^ Vladimir region.

Gus-Khrustalny - optics, lasers, fiber-optic communications.
Kovrov - small arms, automatic grenade launchers, anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles, air cannons, guidance systems, etc.
Gavrilov-Yam - components for aircraft engines.
Murom - ammunition, tank simulators.
Kaluga - radar for the Navy, engines, communications.
Ryazan - REO, communications.
Smolensk - aircraft, air defense systems, electronic equipment, electronic vehicles.
Tver - construction materials.
Tula - small arms, artillery, rocket weapons, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, cartridges, radar, combat knives, etc.
Novomoskovsk (Tula region) - cartridges.
Yaroslavl - ships, car engines, communications.
Rybinsk (Yaroslavl region) - ships, optics, aircraft engines.
Obninsk (Kaluga region) - aircraft engines, electronic equipment, construction materials.

^ Central Black Earth Region.

Voronezh - airplanes, RPVs, electronic equipment, satellites, aircraft engines, communications equipment.
Kursk - REO.
Tambov - electronic equipment, communications and electronic warfare.
Kotovsk (Tambov region) - gunpowder ( largest manufacturer gunpowder in the country).

^ Northern economic region.

Arkhangelsk - ships.
Vologda - laser and optical sights.
Murmansk - ships.
Petrozavodsk - ships
Severodvinsk - nuclear submarines.

^ Northwest economic region.

St. Petersburg - ships, submarines, artillery, missile, mine and torpedo, anti-submarine, sweeping weapons, means of fighting underwater saboteurs, radar, radio electronic equipment, communications, air defense systems, aircraft engines, etc.
Kaliningrad - ships, missiles.
Gusev (Kaliningrad region) - searchlights.
Kronstadt, Vyborg - ships.
Novgorod - REO.
Pskov - REO, communications.
^ Povolzhsky economic region.
Astrakhan - ships.
Volgograd - coastal artillery complexes "Bereg-E", missile launchers for various purposes, special chassis, ships.
Kazan - aircraft, helicopters, RPVs, electronic equipment, aircraft engines, missiles, gunpowder, explosives, substances, optical and laser sights.
Zelenodolsk (Republic of Tatarstan) - ships, cartridges.
Ulyanovsk - cars, planes, cartridges, air defense systems.
Naberezhnye Chelny - cars, armored patrol vehicles BPM-97.
Penza - REO, flight simulators.
Zarechny (Penza-19) - nuclear weapon.

^ North Caucasian economic region.

Rostov-on-Don - helicopters, optics, radar.
Taganrog - seaplanes, cruise missiles, sonar stations.
Azov (Rostov region) - missile homing heads.
Kamensk-Shakhtinsk (Rostov region) - composite materials.
Maikop - means of communication.
Makhachkala - explosives.
Kizlyar - edged weapons, aircraft ground handling equipment.
Nalchik - REO.

^ Ural economic region.

Chelyabinsk - tanks, BMD, REO, tractors, trailers, car engines, airfield radars.
Miass - cars, intercontinental missiles.
Zlatoust - artillery, small arms, edged weapons, intercontinental missiles for submarines.
Ozersk - (Chelyabinsk-65) - weapons grade plutonium.
Satka (Chelyabinsk region) - body armor.
Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk-70) - nuclear weapons, explosive technologies.
Trekhgorny (Zlatoust-16) - nuclear weapon.
Yekaterinburg - armored vehicles, missile - artillery and anti - submarine weapons, special chassis, ground support for aircraft.
Irbit - motorcycles.
Lesnoy (Sverdlovsk-45) - nuclear weapons.
Nizhniy Tagil - tanks, engineering vehicles, tractors, shells.
Novouralsk (Sverdlovsk-44) - weapons-grade uranium.
Krasnouralsk (Sverdlovsk region) - explosives.
Perm - armored vehicles, rocket and artillery weapons, rocket and aircraft engines, gas masks, electronic equipment.
Kungur (Perm region) - communication facilities.
Lysva (Perm region) - power drives.
Izhevsk - small arms, signal, gas, edged weapons, cartridges, anti-tank and anti-aircraft missile systems, air cannons, air targets, electronic equipment, etc.
Sarapul (Rep. Udmurdia) - REO, communication facilities.
Votkinsk (Rep. Udmurdia) - intercontinental missiles.
Ufa - aircraft engines.
Ishimbay (Republic of Bashkiria) - Vityaz tracked tractors.
Kumertau (Republic of Bashkiria) - airplanes, helicopters.
Sterlitamak (Republic of Bashkiria) - self-propelled guns "Msta-S".
Kurgan - BMP, wheeled tractors.
Orenburg - planes, helicopters, air targets.

^ West Siberian economic region.

Novosibirsk - cartridges, aircraft, explosive technologies, portable air defense systems, electronic equipment, optical sights.
Barnaul - cartridges, electronic equipment.
Biysk - launch vehicles, REO.
Omsk - combat and space missiles, satellites, multiple launch rocket launchers, aircraft engines, communications.
Tomsk - control equipment for multiple launch rocket systems.
Seversk (Tomsk-7) - weapons-grade plutonium and uranium.
Tyumen - aircraft engines, gas weapons.
Yurga (Kemerovo region) - mortars, anti-tank guns.

^ East Siberian economic region.

Krasnoyarsk - sea-based intercontinental missiles, electronic equipment, gunpowder, explosives, satellite communications.
Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk-26) - plutonium, means, communications, satellites.
Zelenogorsk (Krasnoyarsk-45) - uranium, sea-based intercontinental missiles, satellites.
Irkutsk - planes, missiles.
Ulan-Ude - planes, helicopters.
Chita - airplanes.

^ Far Eastern economic region.

Arsenyev (Primorsky Territory) - planes, helicopters, anti-ship missiles.
Vladivostok - ships, electronic equipment.
Komsomolsk-on-Amur - ships, submarines, aircraft.
Khabarovsk - ships.

^ List of abbreviations.

Air Force - Air Force.
Navy - Navy.
RPV is a remotely piloted aircraft.
AES is an artificial satellite of the Earth.
SAM - anti-aircraft missile system.
Air Defense - Air Defense.
Radar - radar station.
Electronic warfare - electronic warfare.
REO - radio-electronic equipment.
region - area.
rep. - republic.

^ 9. The final stage of the lesson.


  • arming the country for defense, protection from the outside against international terrorism;

  • the creation of weapons of rapid deployment;

  • the main stages of the creation of the military-industrial complex of Russia.
Homework: finish off practical work... Section 33.

Topic: Food and light industry.

^ Lesson type: a lesson in the actualization of knowledge and skills.

Didactic goal: create conditions for understanding new educational information, and its application in educational situations, checking the level of assimilation of the system of knowledge and skills.

^ Content goals :

Educational: know the specifics of the light and food industries, the geography of the location of the main industries and centers, be able to determine the range of problems agro-industrial complex(APK).

Developing: continue work on teaching students the ability to select the main thing, using various sources of information, formalize the work in the form of a diagram - a synopsis, publicly defend the results of creative activity.

Educational: to form an understanding of the development of one's intellect as a value characteristic of a modern personality.

^ Methods: reproductive, partially exploratory.

Form of organization learning activities: individually - group.

Means of education: literature textbook V.P. Dronov, I.I. Barinov, V. Ya. Rom, A.A. Lobzhanidze Geography of Russia. Economy and geographical areas 9 class M: Bustard 2006

^ Lesson equipment: maps "food industry", "light industry", "agro-industrial complex of Russia", schemes " industry composition light industry "," raw material base light industry ", a collection of" light industry products (fibers, fabrics, leather) ".

^ Lesson objectives: 1 be able to compose questions-judgments and formulate answers to them; 2 to summarize knowledge on the topic, to find cause-and-effect relationships when considering individual issues.

^ Lesson progress:

I Organizational moment

II Testing knowledge and skills on the topic "mechanical engineering"

Verbally: 1 name the problems of the machine-building complex and suggest ways to solve them

Written question at the blackboard: 2 draw up a diagram of inter-branch relations of the machine-building complex.


  1. Transfer of defense production to production of peaceful products ...?

  2. A combination of related industries of different industries at one enterprise ...?

  3. Industrial ties between enterprises ...?

  4. Mechanical engineering is divided into labor-consuming and ...?

  5. Labor-intensive mechanical engineering includes:
A) instrumentation;

B) machine tool building;

C) metallurgical.

  1. Enterprises gravitate towards metallurgical bases ...
A) precision engineering;

B) heavy

  1. Set correspondence:
1. Naberezhnye Chelny a) KamAZ;

2. Togliatti b) VAZ

3.Moscow d) GAZ

4. Ulyanovsk e) UAZ

  1. Production of homogeneous products by the enterprise ...?

  2. Set correspondences:
Mechanical engineering industry Location factor

1. production of agricultural complexes. A) labor;

2. production of mining equipment. B) raw material;

3. electronic engineering B) scientific;

4. automotive industry D) consumer;

  1. In which city is the aircraft factory located:
1 Norilsk

2 Cheboksary

3 Vladivostok

Answers: 1. Conversion; 2. Combination; 3. Cooperation; 4. Metal-consuming;

5. a, b; 6.b; 7. 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d; 8. Specialization; 9. 1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a; 10.2.

III. Obtaining new knowledge

Initially, it is necessary to find out the main purpose of food and light industry... The food industry produces food products. Its main goal is to provide the population with quality products. Light industry produces fabrics, clothing, footwear, i.e. provides the population with consumer goods. At the same time, they manufacture industrial products (technical textiles, oils). Both of these industries (food and light) are part of the agro-industrial complex (AIC)

The guys, listening to the messages of their comrades on the topic "Food Industry", make notes in a notebook, dividing the food industry into 2 groups:

Group 1 - industries gravitating towards the areas of production of agricultural raw materials;

Group 2 - industries gravitating towards consumers of finished products.

You can arrange this work in the form of a outline diagram.

^ Food industry .

The food industry includes industries that provide the population with food. It is more than other sectors associated with agriculture, since it receives raw materials from it (grain, milk, potatoes, sugar beets, etc.) and is part of the agro-industrial complex. The food industry is one of the oldest in the world. It is ubiquitous, as some industries focus on raw materials and others on the consumer. A variety of raw materials, wide boundaries of food consumption contributes to the ubiquitous location of the food industry. This makes her akin to chemical industry and distinguishes it from other sectors of the economy. The first group of food industry sectors is dominated by the raw material factor. When receiving a finished product in this group of industries, either a lot of raw materials are consumed, or raw materials are perishable and must be processed as soon as possible. For example, for the production of 1 ton of sugar, 7 tonnes of sugar beet are needed. The first group of industries includes: fish, tea, canning, sugar, butter, cereals.

For example. The fishing industry is engaged in the extraction of fish, seafood, sea animals and their processing. 90% of fish are caught in the seas; 70% of the fish comes from the Pacific Ocean.

Fishing is carried out from special vessels: trawlers, seiners, ¾ of the fish catch is exported. 1992 to 1999 fish catch decreased from 5.3 million tons to 4.2 million.

Fish processing plants are located on the coast. The largest fish processing center in Russia is Murmansk.

The second group of industries gravitates towards consumers of products. This group includes industries whose products are unprofitable to transport (for example, for the production of 40 tons of pasta, 60 tons of flour are needed). The products of some industries are perishable (bread quickly stale, cakes are subject to quick sale).

Food Manufacturing Leaders central District, Volga region, Ural, European South, Far East.

Working with the map:

  • Find other fishing centers using the Food Industry Atlas Map.

  • Find food processing centers on the map (choose at least three industries yourself)
Consolidation: the presentation of the guys with the protection of their schemes - notes.

Teacher: light industry unites a group of industries that provide the population with fabrics, clothing, footwear and other consumer goods. Recently, the situation in this industry has become very serious. Its share in the industrial structure of the Russian Federation has noticeably decreased (to 6%). The production of goods decreased (in comparison with 1991 - 4 times), the import of consumer goods increased.

raw materials for light industry

agriculture chemical industry

Chemical fibers

Crop: flax, cotton

The message of students on the topic "Light industry" is being heard