How natural conditions affect human activities. The influence of human economic activity on natural conditions and natural resources. Topic: Natural conditions and resources

Management, Consulting and Entrepreneurship

Dependence of the location of industries National economy from natural features territory. Classification natural resources and their distribution throughout the country. Natural conditions are understood as the totality of the most important natural characteristics of the territory reflecting the main features of the components of the natural environment or local natural phenomena. The climatic features of the territory are manifested primarily in the ratio of heat and moisture.

In the model, these natural and ecological assets were integrated as intermediate inputs to the production process for analysis purposes. This made it possible to visualize how the "quantity required" affects the change in production activities. Each manufacturer is presented in one form. Producers are expected to maximize benefits, which are defined as the difference between the income and costs of factors and production and environmental factors. Profit maximization is limited to production technology, in which it is assumed that producers in each activity combine domestic production and imports through the Armington assumption.

  1. Influence natural conditions and natural resources for territorial organization societies

The influence of natural conditions on the life and economic activities of people. Classification of the territories of Russia by the level of comfort. Dependence of the location of industries of the national economy on the natural characteristics of the territory. Adverse and dangerous natural phenomena: problems of protecting the population and the economy. Classification of natural resources and their distribution throughout the country. Economic and geographical assessment of natural resources: quantitative, technological, cost.

In turn, domestic production uses intermediate resources, including natural resources and the environment. and added value. Two Equations 9 Appendices show the demand for materials; the first represents the quantity used as an intermediate input of the product into the production activity, and the second that was added to the model; shows the amount of natural resources and environment that are used as intermediate resources as a result of economic activity.

As part of the decision to maximize profit, each activity requires factors of production at the point where the marginal income of the product of each factor is equal to its price. The institutions in the model are represented by families, companies, government, and the rest of the world. Families receive indirect income from companies as payment for their remuneration as factors of production, as well as transfers from other institutions. Families use this income to pay for direct taxes, savings, consumption and transfer to other institutions.

Natural factors have played and continue to play a major role in the life and development of human society.

The concept of "natural factors" usually includes the following categories: natural conditions, natural resources, landscape sustainability and ecological situation, which we will consider further mainly from the standpoint of management science.

Consumption decisions are modeled according to the utility function of the linear cost system. Companies serve as a conduit between the capital account and other institutions; they receive capital income minus payments that capital makes to the rest of the world, as well as government transfers. The income of companies is allocated to indirect taxes, savings and transfers to other institutions.

Influence of human economic activity on natural conditions and natural resources

Government revenue comes from all taxes collected and transfers from other institutions. The government uses its revenues to purchase goods for consumption and to transfer to other institutions. Government consumption is recorded in real terms, and transfers to other institutions are indexed by the consumer price index. Government Savings - The Difference Between Your Income and Expenses? This is a flexible balance.

Natural conditions are understood as the totality of the most important natural characteristics of the territory, reflecting the main features of the components of the natural environment or local natural phenomena.

Natural conditions directly affect the life and economic activities of the population. Depends on them: resettlement of the population, development and placement productive forces, their specialization. They determine the cost and, consequently, the competitiveness of manufactured products, which is especially important for countries with a significant distribution of extreme natural features, including Russia.

Finally, you have the whole world. Transfers paid between the rest of the world and domestic institutions and factors are recorded in foreign currency. External savings current account deficit? represents the difference between expenses and income in foreign currency.

The built-in model includes three macroeconomic equilibria: government balance, external balance, and savings and investment balance. Domestic production is allocated between exports and domestic sales on the assumption that suppliers maximize their income from sales, taking into account the total level of production, subject to imperfect transformability between exports and domestic sales, expressed by the constant elasticity of the transformation function.In international markets, the demand for exports is infinitely elastic due to international prices.

Among the components of the natural environment, as the characteristics of natural conditions, as a rule, climate, geological environment, surface and underground waters, soils, biota, and also landscapes are considered.

An additional, but very important characteristic of natural conditions is the prevalence of local natural phenomena - unfavorable and dangerous natural phenomena, which include natural disasters and natural foci of infections.

The export price received by domestic suppliers is expressed in local currency. The model consists of 27 equations, divided into four blocks: prices, production, institutions, and equilibrium conditions. In the price block, heterogeneous qualities are accepted in goods of various origins and purposes. This block consists of six equations in which prices, which are endogenously modeled, are related to other prices and other variables in the model.

For its part, the production block consists of ten equations and covers four categories: domestic production and resource use; distribution of domestic production in the domestic market, domestic consumption and exports; aggregation of supply in the domestic market; and determining the demand for the exchange of raw data that is generated by the distribution process.

The climatic features of the territory are manifested primarily in the ratio of heat and moisture.

The amount of heat required for the complete completion of the growing cycle (growth period) is called the biological sum of temperatures. Thermal resources determine the vigor of plant growth.

Being the largest country in the world in terms of territory (about 17 million sq. Km), Russia is characterized by a significant variety of climatic conditions. At the same time, it should be emphasized that Russia as a whole is the northernmost and coldest country in the world, which affects its economy, economy, many aspects of the life of the population and politics. The consequence of climatic conditions is permafrost, which covers an area equal to almost 10 million square meters. km.

The block of institutions consists of six equations, which represent the sources of income and expenditure of families, companies and government. Equilibrium conditions consist of five equations: two of them express microcracks in the equilibrium of product and factor markets, and two more show macroenvironments in the equilibrium of the external sector and savings investments; and the last equation asserts that the model is zero degree homogeneous in prices and that the aggregate price is equal to one. The inclusion of a complex item avoids problems that, in general equilibrium, could lead to the selection of a free item as cash.

Specificity permafrost must be taken into account when creating engineering structures: pipelines, bridges, railways and highways, power lines and other infrastructure facilities.

Moisturizing is manifested primarily in the form atmospheric precipitation is the second most important climatic factor. It is necessary for the entire period of plant life. Lack of moisture leads to a sharp decrease in yield. To identify the conditions of humidification of a particular territory, they operate with indicators of the amount of precipitation and the value of possible evaporation. In Russia, territories with excessive moisture prevail, i.e. excess of precipitation over evaporation.

To calibrate the model, an extended social accounting matrix was constructed with environmental data for the Mexican economy. This matrix contains thirteen activities and products; costs of depletion of natural resources and environmental degradation; two factors of production: work and capital; representatives of institutions: households and government; savings and investments described in the capital account; three types of taxes: direct, indirect and tariff; and the external sector.

The model was built and calibrated using a general algebraic modeling system computation package. The calibration was acceptable and provided the initial equilibrium at which the simulation was applied. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was made to the simulated results, assigning different values ​​to the elasticity of substitution, which made it possible to verify that the balance was not significantly influenced by the elasticity. Eliminating tariffs in the Mexican economy was the scenario used in the simulations for the following reasons.

The most important factors the formation of the natural specifics of the region are the relief and geological structure... Influencing all components of the natural environment, relief contributes to the appearance of differences in landscapes and at the same time itself is affected natural zoning and altitudinal zonality. Geotechnical conditions of the area reflect the composition, structure and dynamics of the upper horizons crust in connection with the economic (engineering) human activities. On the basis of engineering and geological studies, the most favorable places for the placement of various types of economic objects are determined, calculations of the stability of rocks during construction work, processing of banks after filling reservoirs, stability of dams, determine the requirements for the construction of structures in permafrost conditions, excessive moisture surfaces in seismic, karst, landslide areas, etc. Taking into account mining and geological conditions is vital in all areas economic activity, but especially in urban planning, transport and hydraulic engineering.

This assumption does not deviate from reality, since Mexico accounts for about 80% of its foreign trade with the United States and Canada. The growth in aggregate demand influenced the increase in other prices for the economy. Domestic prices increased by 29%, while activity and producer prices increased by 33% and 3%. The change in these last two prices led to the fact that the net price or value added increased by 6%. Has the net price change, coupled with a small global rebound in manufacturing activity, pushed up production factor prices?

For agriculture and a number of other spheres of the economy, soil conditions are of paramount importance. Soil is a special natural body that forms as a result of the transformation of the surface layer of the earth's crust under the influence of water, air and biota and combines the properties of animate and inanimate nature. The value properties of the soil are reflected in its fertility - the ability to provide plants with assimilable nutrients and moisture and create conditions for harvesting.

Work and capital? they will rise by 6% and, as expected, factor returns will also be favorable. The change in the income of the capital factor is slightly larger than that of the factor work force... As a result of the increase in income from production factors, families improved their income by 56%. In contrast, the elimination of tariffs affected government revenues, which fell by 7%.

The corresponding effect occurred at the sectoral level: agriculture, construction, other services and public administration experienced a slight decrease in the level of their activity, and, consequently, domestic production, and their sales in the domestic market. However, the supply of these goods, consisting of imports and sales of domestic production, has increased. That is, the negative impact on the above-mentioned activities is due to the higher volume of imports produced by these sectors.

In the natural sciences, biota is understood as a historically formed aggregate of living organisms inhabiting any large territory, i.e. fauna and flora of this area. The characterization of the natural conditions of the area also includes an assessment of flora and fauna.

In Russia, the main types of vegetation include tundra, forest, meadow and steppe. Forests have a special place among the different types of vegetation. Their ecological and economic value is high, as well as their unique environment-forming role on the planet.

These sectoral effects have also influenced intermediate demand for economic activity; Predictably, the economic sectors that introduced expansion contributed to greater depletion of natural resources and environmental degradation.

On average, the cost of depleting this resource increased by 2%, driven by a 22% increase in exports from this sector and an increase in demand as a contribution from other manufacturing sectors. However, the reported growth rates are qualitatively different in terms of their impact on forest assets. The expansion of livestock activities has mainly been through deforestation, as evidenced by higher costs due to depletion of forest assets.

Natural conditions affect almost all aspects of the daily life of the population, the peculiarities of their work, rest and life, people's health and the possibility of their adaptation to new, unusual conditions. The overall assessment of natural conditions is determined by the level of their comfort for humans. To measure it, up to 30 parameters are used (duration of climatic periods, temperature contrast, climate humidity, wind regime, the presence of natural foci of infectious diseases, etc.)

In contrast, the forestry sector experienced negative depletion costs, indicating positive actions or factors that increase the efficiency of this natural asset. The relative changes in the exploitation of groundwater, which cause the expansion of production activities, are presented in the form in which it is noted that the processing industry and livestock have a positive growth rate of costs for the depletion of the use of this natural resource.

Agriculture, which in absolute terms is one of the sectors consuming most of the water, shows a relative decline in the amount required from this resource due to a decrease in its production activity. The three productive activities that have contributed most to soil pollution, particularly erosion, in the order in which they occur, are livestock, forestry, and agriculture. Soil erosion is increasing in animal husbandry and forestry, which may be associated with an increase in this production activity with the elimination of tariffs.

According to the level of comfort, there are:

  1. extreme territories (polar regions, high mountainous areas high latitudes, etc.);
  2. uncomfortable territories - areas with harsh natural conditions, unsuitable for the life of a non-indigenous, unadapted population; are subdivided into cold humid ( arctic deserts, tundra), arid territories (deserts and semi-deserts), as well as mountainous areas;
  3. hypercomfortable territories; areas with limited favorable natural conditions for the migrant population; subdivided into boreal (temperate forests) and semiarid (temperate steppes);
  4. precomfortable territories - areas with slight deviations from the natural optimum for the formation of a permanent population;
  5. comfortable territories - areas with almost ideal environmental conditions for the life of the population; are typical for the southern part of the temperate zone, in Russia they are represented by areas of insignificant area.

Natural conditions are of paramount importance for those sectors of the national economy that function under open air... These are agriculture, forestry and water management. Almost all types of construction are highly dependent on natural conditions. The natural parameters of the territory have a significant impact on the organization of municipal utilities.

The livestock sector generates costs that are almost four times higher than those of the forestry sector; Together with their higher growth rates due to resource degradation, this means that their adverse impacts on soil are much greater than those that occur in forestry when the agricultural sector expands.

Comprehensive trade liberalization has resulted in a slight increase in the level of activity in these sectors; as a result, the degradation of this ecological resource increased by 65% ​​and 94%. It presents the costs of water degradation caused both by production activities.

In the north and in other regions with extreme natural conditions, there is a need to create special technical means adapted to these conditions, for example, with an increased margin of safety.

A specific form of natural conditions are adverse and dangerous natural phenomena inherent in certain localities (NOA) or natural disasters.

The most common and at the same time dangerous for humans natural disasters include earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes and storms, tornadoes, typhoons, landslides, landslides, mudflows, avalanches, forest and peat fires. Typical examples of unfavorable natural phenomena are droughts, frosts, severe frosts, thunderstorms, heavy or prolonged rains, hail and some others.

Vital in many cases, protection from NOY inevitably leads to a significant increase in the cost of building and maintaining cities and communications; technologies adapted to increased loads or capable of preventing hazardous impacts.

Natural resources are represented by those elements of the natural environment that can be used in the process of material production at this stage of the development of society. They are used to obtain industrial and food raw materials, power generation, etc.

As the basis of any production, they are subdivided into:

  1. subsoil resources (these include all types of mineral raw materials and fuels);
  2. biological, land and water resources;
  3. resources of the World Ocean;
  4. recreational resources.

On the basis of exhaustion, natural resources are divided into exhaustible and inexhaustible.

Exhaustible resources are subdivided into non-renewable and renewable ones. Inexhaustible natural resources include water, climatic and space resources, and the resources of the World Ocean.

Mineral resources remain an indispensable foundation for the development of any society. By the nature of industrial and sectoral use, they are divided into three large groups:

fuel or combustible - liquid fuel (oil), gaseous (suitable gas), solid (coal, oil shale, peat), nuclear fuel (uranium and thorium). These are the main sources of energy for most types of transport, heat and nuclear power plants, blast furnaces. All of them, except for nuclear fuel, are used in chemical industry;

metal ores - ores of ferrous, non-ferrous, rare, noble metals, rare and rare earth metals. They form the basis for the development of modern mechanical engineering;

non-metallic - mining chemical raw materials (asbestos, graphite,

mica, talc), building materials (clays, sands, limestones),

agrochemical raw materials (sulfur, salts, phosphorites, and apatites), etc.

Economic and geographical assessment mineral resources is a complex concept and includes three kinds of assessments.

It includes: quantification individual resources (for example, coal in tons, gas, wood in cubic meters, etc.), its value increases with the increase in exploration of the resource and decreases j as it is exploited; technological, technical, (reveals the suitability of resources for economic purposes, their condition and knowledge, the degree of exploration and availability) and cost (in monetary terms).

The total cost of explored and estimated mineral raw materials is 28.6 (or 30.0) trillion US dollars, of which one third is gas (32.2%), 23.3 is coal, 15.7 is oil, and the forecast potential is in 140.2 trillion US dollars (structure: 79.5% - solid fuel, 6.9 - gas, 6.5 - oil).

Natural resource potential Russia is distributed unevenly across the territory. The main and most promising sources of natural resources are located mainly in the East and North of the country and are remote from the developed regions at very significant distances. The eastern regions account for 90% of the reserves of all fuel resources, more than 80% of hydropower, a high proportion of the reserves of non-ferrous and rare metal ores.

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Lesson 11. Influence of human economic activity

on nature

Goals: To acquaint students with the main factors of human influence on nature. Give the concept of the ecological situation. Formulate an idea of ​​the sustainable development of Russia. Develop the ability to defend your opinion and listen to your comrades.

Equipment: Physical, political and administrative map of Russia. The film "We have one land".

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Homework check

Check homework for §8 (study A., self-assessment questions).

In a group of 4, one student answers a question and three listen to it. The teacher can also walk up to any group and listen to the answers.

Check the progress of the work on the contour map.

Check the completion of the creative task (landscape drawing).

Verification dictation:

In what climate can a dwelling have such a roof?


Answer : a) humid climate; b) arid.

In what climatic conditions the orientation of the windows can be like this?

What kind of dwelling can be built in an earthquake-prone area, and what on permafrost?

Answer : a) on permafrost; b) on moving parts of the earth's crust.

The human consumption rate of fat is 35% in ...Answer : a) tundra; b) in the steppe; c) in the desert.

This arrangement of dwellings can be:

Answer : a) in the mountains; b) on the plain.

A dwelling made of raw (adobe bricks) is called ...Answer : a) adobe hut; b) saklya; c) yurt.

What type of home can be transported when moving?Answer : a) plague; b) saklyu; c) a needle; d) a yurt.

III. Learning new material

Nature and man are interconnected, interact with each other. A person not only adapts to natural conditions, but also uses natural resources in economic activities, influencing nature, changing its quality. We use soil, minerals, seize vast areas of land for cities, roads, quarries, etc.

Conversation lesson plan :

Repetition of what was learned about environmental pollution in grade 8.

Question : What sources of pollution do you know?(Emissions industrial enterprises, soil contamination with pesticides, improper plowing of slopes, fuel combustion, etc.)

Definition of the concept of "ecological situation".

Most often, a person does not think about the consequences of his influence on nature. And then the quality of the environment deteriorates, and as a result, his health suffers. Scientists believe that human health is 20% dependent on the environmental situation.

Writing in a notebook

Ecological situation - it is the state of the natural environment in a given area.

Assessment of the ecological situation from the point of view of the conditions of human life. (Analysis of table. 1, p. 38, section A.)

According to the degree of criticality, they distinguish satisfactory, crisis, conflict, crisis, disastrous and catastrophic environmental situations.

Question : How to assess the potential environmental situation in a particular region of Russia?(The level of economic development can indirectly indicate the ecological situation: the developed central areas Russia have a more unfavorable ecological situation than the poorly developed regions of Siberia and Of the Far East... The higher the population density, the worse the ecological situation. The more "dirty" enterprises have accumulated in a certain area, the higher the level of pollution. Neighboring countries that have an unfavorable environmental situation can also have an impact on the environmental situation.) Which countries can be sources of air pollution in Russia?(Students should remember that in temperate latitudes western transfer air masses and pollution from countries Western Europe extends to the territory of countries of Eastern Europe and Russia.)

Let us consider examples of the impact of the environmental accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (Ukraine) on neighbouring countries... The wind carried the radioactive cloud to Belarus and the Baltic republics, the radioactive background also increased in the countries of Scandinavia (Finland). The ecological situation in Chernobyl was characterized as emergency. The consequences of this accident have affected people's health for many years.

Question : How to avoid such environmental situations?

Sustainable development.

To ensure environmental safety, a state strategy for Russia's transition to sustainable development has been developed. Sustainable development is possible if we understand the close relationship between society and the environment.

Question : Do you think our society is ready to develop morally according to the program of sustainable development?


Find in the text of the textbook (study A., p. 39) the ways of sustainable development:/. Resource-saving technologies.

2. Successful social and economic development of Russia (without crises, progressive).

Improving the quality of life of the population.

The international cooperation.

IV. Anchoring

Is it possible to reduce human needs for natural resources? Explain your answer.

What is the ecological situation?

How is the environmental situation in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant area assessed?

What the sustainable development strategy foresees.

In the city of Asbestos (in the Urals), people suffer from asbestosis due to the high concentration of mineral fibers in the air - asbestos or mountain flax - which are mined in quarries near the city.


By uch. А .: §9, answer questions.

What are the features of the ecological situation in your area?

What are the reasons affecting the ecological situation in your area?

Self-assessment questions (p. 39).