What is an industry. Geography of the main industries in the world. Major industrial areas of the world. A dam on a mountain river. Arizona, USA

Analyzing the fuel and energy balance for a certain historical period, it should be noted that the world's fuel industry has gone through several stages in its development:

  • coal stage (first half of the 20th century);
  • oil and gas stage (from the second half of the XX century).

Oil production in the world in 1950 - 2000 increased by almost 7 times (from 0.5 to 3.5 billion tons). Oil industry is one of the most monopolized extractive industries. Apart from a few countries where oil production is run by state-owned companies, the industry is fully controlled by the largest TNCs and Western European countries. In contrast to them, oil exporters have created an organization that fights for the right to dispose of oil on their territory and controls over half of its production.

Companies from the pharmaceutical industry with which we had the opportunity to cooperate are also evaluating the possibility of recording individual events directly during the production process. In the era of the popularity of mobile devices, it would be difficult to imagine effective sales without the use of smartphones or tablets.

Mechanical engineering and metalworking

Business representatives can now use the mobile sales module on their phones and tablets, providing more high level comfort. In every manufacturing company that also manufactures medicines or food supplements and nutritional supplements, the efficiency of the machines is very important. This largely depends on the production capacity of the company.

Before World War II, 80% of the oil was produced by the Northern. and, where the United States stood out (over half of the world's production) and. But after the war with the opening large deposits oil in the Near and Middle East, as well as in the USSR, America's share began to decline rapidly (2000 - 21%). The main part of oil now gives (up to 38%). The shares of individual leading countries in production in 2000 (USA or) do not exceed 12-13%. USSR in the late 80s. reached the maximum level of oil production among all oil-producing states - 624 million tons (20% of world production), which has not been surpassed by any country.

Metallurgical industry of the world: composition, location, problems

Actual data from the production process can be seen at any time; Warehouse management. The module provides the latest information about the functioning of the company, which is presented in graphs and diagrams. Thanks to the built-in notification mechanism, you can react quickly in case of any alarming situation.

  • At the same time, production machines and running times can be controlled.
  • Easier to maintain a safe stock of raw materials, the system supports barcodes.
Our company had the opportunity to cooperate with manufacturers of medicines and nutrients such as.

Oil is one of the most important export commodities in world trade. Half of all produced oil is exported (over 1.5 billion tons). Its most important suppliers are the countries of the Near and Middle East. The overwhelming majority of exported oil is transported in tankers along sea routes. The largest pipeline flow goes from Russia to many countries in Western and of Eastern Europe... And although the share of oil has slightly decreased, it remains in first place in terms of global energy consumption.

Effective integration of various areas of the company leads to tangible benefits. It was also for drug and nutrient manufacturers. Quick and easy access to important information, including information about current processes. These data are completely secure, effective communication between branches; complex accounting services; Stay relevant with advanced sales and business intelligence; effective calculation of the price of manufactured products - thanks to which it is possible to determine the appropriate stock; higher work efficiency; there is no duplication of the same operations; simplified documentation; compliance with the requirements of applicable law. The food business consists of companies involved in the processing of animal products and vegetables, further processing and the production of fillers.

Natural gas industry

Natural gas production in the second half of the XX century increased by 11 times (from 0.2 to 2.3 trillion m3). This allowed it to come closer to (about 24%) in the structure of consumption of primary energy sources. At the same time, in terms of explored resources (almost 150 billion tons or 145 trillion m3), natural gas is comparable to oil. To this should be added the resources of associated petroleum gas associated with oil fields.

These products can be low-processed or as a result of advanced manufacturing processes. The food sector is governed by numerous legal regulations that define quality standards. Companies Food Industry are obliged to comply with restrictive sanitary rules. Therefore, it is important that the documentation from the checkpoints indicates how the product is to be delivered to the customer and the entire manufacturing process. The frequency of measurements at test points is also determined.

Analysis of IT solutions on the Polish market in accordance with the requirements of the company; Checking the competence of suppliers; Recommending solutions and executing companies; Presentation of systems in company premises. The warehouse management system and barcode at the first stage should cover the following technological processes.

By 1990, Vostochnaya became the leader in production with the leading role of the USSR. Significant gas production occurred in Western Europe and Asia. The result was a change in the geography of the world. The USA lost their monopoly position, and their share decreased to 1/4, and the USSR became the leader (now it retains its leadership). Russia and the United States concentrate half of the world's natural gas. Russia remains stable, the world's most important gas exporter.

After approval on the dock, a dock will appear on the terminal between the shops, the distance to the magnet. raw materials and income for magician. production.

  • You will also need to purchase a barcode printer.
  • It is also important to maintain an order picking system and create product kits.
The needs of the plastics industry depend on the relationship between the products - molds and injection molding machines - and the fact that we can get several different products from the same mold.

Continuous service to the automotive industry means no problem for every logistic operator. This is a sector characterized by high dynamics and a variety of orders. And the carrier bears a huge responsibility. Any delays in delivery may affect the customer's manufacturing process.

Coal industry

Oil industry

Gas industry

Gas is produced by 60 countries, the leaders are Russia, the USA,.
The main problems fuel industry are:

  • depletion of fuel reserves (according to the calculations of specialists, the explored reserves of coal will last for about 240 years, oil - for 50 years, gas - 65);
  • violation environment during the extraction and transportation of fuel;
  • territorial gap between the main areas of production and areas of consumption.

To solve these problems, new resource-saving technologies are being developed, and new deposits are being searched for.

The auto industry is stronger than it sounds. Maybe there are not many international manufacturing centers in our country, but this does not mean that the automotive sector is lame. The automotive industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in Poland. This is the second largest turnover in the industry. Almost 10% of the cost of Polish industrial production and every sixth zloty of Polish exports goes to the automotive industry. Polish car exports account for over 18.8% of total domestic exports.

Electricity of the world

The share of various types of plants in energy production in different countries is not the same, so TPPs prevail in the Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, China, Mexico, Italy. There is a significant share of hydroelectric power plants in Norway, Brazil, Canada,. At the end of the 80s, nuclear power plants were actively built and operated. During this period, they were built in 30 countries around the world. A significant share of energy at nuclear power plants is generated in France, the Republic of Korea, Sweden,.

This is due to the fact that the Polish car market is primarily a manufacturer of car parts, which are suppliers of car manufacturers and independent distribution networks. According to the Polish Agency for Information and Foreign Investment, there are more than 900 manufacturers of car parts in Poland, of which about 300 are enterprises with foreign capital.

Moreover, half of the production of auto parts in Poland is destined for export. More than 1 million tons of parts and accessories for motor vehicles are exported from Poland. Germany, Great Britain, Italy and the Czech Republic are the largest consumers of car parts. Parts such as bus chassis, heated seats, car mats, tires, engines, and even door seals.

The main problems of the electric power industry are:

  • depletion of primary energy resources and their rise in price;
  • environmental pollution.

The solution to the problem is in the use of energy, such as:

  • geothermal (already used in Iceland, Italy, France, Japan, USA);
  • solar (, Spain, Japan, USA);
  • (France, Russia, China, together Canada and the USA);
  • (, Sweden, Germany, UK, Netherlands).

Metallurgical industry of the world: composition, location, problems.

Metallurgy- one of the main basic industries, providing other industries with construction materials (ferrous and non-ferrous metals).

It is easy to see that one of the key factors determining the success of a given auto parts manufacturer is choosing a reliable logistics operator who delivers the product to the production line on time. Is the carrier the weakest link?

In automotive logistics, the key factor for cooperation with a carrier is the accuracy of transport. In this case, the carrier must consider its systemic capabilities in terms of process integration with the client and the willingness to report cooperation metrics in line with the contractor's industry model. In addition, the logistics operator must demonstrate a continuous willingness to operate throughout the supply chain. This applies not only to the supply of components for assembly, but also to the logistics of spare parts and returns when flows are not planned and shipping units are usually small.

For quite a long time, the size of the smelting of metals almost primarily determined the economic power of any country. And all over the world they grew rapidly. But in the 70s of the XX century, the growth rate of metallurgy slowed down. But steel remains the main structural material in the world.

Metallurgy includes all processes from ore mining to finished products. Part metallurgical industry includes two industries: black and colored.

An additional hurdle for a logistics operator serving the automotive sector could be direction. Western countries are no longer a problem for almost any carrier, but transport to the Scandinavian countries for the automotive industry will only be carried out by experts with extensive experience. They are aware of the factors that can make it difficult to deliver a package on time. Of course, fixed ferry contracts are bound to have permanent place on ferries regardless of seasonal or tourist employment and a modern fleet that can cope with the harsh Scandinavian winters or experienced and certified on these routes.

of the world: significance, composition, features of placement, environmental problems.

Chemical industry is one of the vanguard industries that ensure the development of the economy in the era of scientific and technological revolution. The development of the entire economy depends on its development, since it provides other industries with new materials - mineral fertilizers and plant protection products, and the population - with a variety of household chemicals.

Production of nitrogen fertilizers

This at least minimizes factors that the operator cannot fully address, such as atmospheric conditions... In addition, the operator must be aware of the responsibility it takes in delivering services that are key to the automotive industry: just in time and consistently.

Just in time and consistently - the backbone of the automotive industry. If the contractor expects the manufacturer to have the ordered components on the production line on the designated date at 00, so there is no downtime, then the logistics operator must do everything to keep this exact date. In this case, experience and excellent operational organization will be critical, with the need to overcome the maritime division.

The chemical industry has a complex industry composition... It includes:

  • mining (extraction of raw materials: sulfur, apatite, phosphorite, salt);
  • basic chemistry (production of salts, acids, alkalis, mineral fertilizers);
  • chemistry of organic synthesis (production of polymers - plastics, synthetic rubber, chemical fibers);
  • other industries (household chemicals, perfumery, microbiological, etc.).
  • The characteristics of the placement are determined by a combination of various factors.

For mining and chemical - a natural resource factor, for the basic and chemistry of organic synthesis - consumer, water and energy.

There are 4 large regions:

  • Foreign Europe (Germany is in the lead);
  • North America (USA);
  • Eastern and Southeast Asia(Japan, China, New industrial countries);
  • CIS (Russia, Ukraine,).

In the production of certain types chemical products the following countries are leading:

  • in the production of sulfuric acid - USA, Russia, China;
  • in the production of mineral fertilizers - USA, China, Russia;
  • in the production of plastics - USA, Japan, Germany;
  • in the production of chemical fibers - USA, Japan,;
  • in the production of synthetic rubber - USA, Japan, France.

The chemical industry has a significant impact on nature. One side, chemical industry has a wide raw material base that allows you to recycle waste and actively use secondary raw materials, which contributes to more economical use natural resources... In addition, it creates substances that are used for chemical purification of water, air, plant protection, restoration.

On the other hand, it itself is one of the most "dirty" industries, affecting all components of the natural environment, which requires regular environmental protection measures.

Topic 1. Industries.

Questions to study:

1. Concept and classification of industries.

2. The economic state of the industries in Russia.


1. Cheredanova L.N. "Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship"; textbook for primary prof. education; L.N. Cheredanova. - 2nd ed. - M .; "Publishing Center" Academy ", 2008 - p. 176.

2. Sergeev I.V. Enterprise economy: tutorial 2nd edition, revised and enlarged - M .: Finance and statistics, 2008 - 304s.

3. Volkova OI "Enterprise economy". M .: Infra - M: 2007

4. Gruzinov V.P., Gribov V.D. "Enterprise Economics" Moscow: 2009.

5. Gorfinkel V.L., Shvandar V.A. "Enterprise Economics" Moscow: "Unity" 2008

6. Zaitsev N.L. Economy industrial enterprise... Infra-M: 2007

7. Safronov N.A. Enterprise economy. Moscow: 2008


Industry - the leading sector of the national economic complex of Russia, functioning along with other sectors - agriculture, forestry, transport, communications, etc.

A significant part of GDP and gross value added is generated by industry. It provides expanded production across all sectors of the economy. It is in the industry that, first of all, research and development are implemented in the form of new technologies, equipment, devices, etc., ensuring the implementation of the achievements of scientific and technological revolution in the economic sector. Industry creates conditions for more efficient use of material and labor resources to achieve maximum results at the lowest cost.

By the nature of the impact on the subject of labor, the industry is divided into extractive and manufacturing. The first is engaged in the extraction of minerals and other substances that nature presents to man, and the second is processing raw materials, materials into finished products.

The concept and classification of industries.

Modern industry consists of many industries, subsectors and types of production, interconnected with each other. The main features that distinguish one industry from another are:

· Economic purpose of manufactured products;

· The nature of consumed raw materials and materials;

· Technical base of production and technological processes;

· Professional staff. Separate industries differ on the same grounds.

At the same time, for the assignment of an enterprise to a particular industry, it is not necessary to have all the above characteristics. In economic practice, usually one characteristic is taken into account, which has a dominant value. For example, in the formation of the "mechanical engineering" industry, the common purpose of products is taken into account. All enterprises included in this industry produce mainly products used as instruments of labor and related to the means of production by the consumer. Enterprises, workshops and factories united in the food industry manufacture various types of products, which are mainly food products and related to consumer goods. The basis for the amalgamation of enterprises in the metallurgical industry is based on the commonality of the technological process. The woodworking industry is based on the commonality of processed raw materials.

Naturally, the industry includes research and development organizations, which, although they do not produce specialized products, develop appropriate products, provide technological training, etc.

The formation of a branch of industry is conditioned by certain conditions, the most important of which are:

· The presence of a large enough market for the sale of this type of product .

(An insignificant demand for certain types of products does not allow the creation of enterprises that ensure efficient production and sale. In this case, the import of these products, which is important from the point of view of the country's defense capability or economic security, is preferable from an economic point of view).

· Availability of reserves of appropriate natural resources.(First of all, this applies to such industries as coal, gas, oil and other single-product industries).

In economic theory and practice, the following main features are used that form the basis for the classification of industries:

· According to the economic purpose of the manufactured products;

· By the nature of the impact on the subject of labor;

· By the functional purpose of the product;

· By the level of monopolization of production;

· In terms of economic originality.

According to the grouping of industries

· on the economic purpose of their products , the entire industry is divided into two large groups of industries:

1. Group (A)- industries producing means of production (means of production include products intended for use in production as means and objects of labor. At the same time, part of the products of the light and food industries sent for further processing can be classified as objects of labor).

2. Group (B)- industries producing consumer goods (consumer goods include products intended directly for final consumption by the population).

· By the nature of the impact on objects of labor all branches of industry are subdivided into extractive and manufacturing. The enterprises of the extractive industries are directly involved in the extraction and procurement of natural mineral and biological raw materials. At the same time, there is no change in the properties of objects of labor. Extractive industries include coal, oil, shale, logging, mining, hydropower production, fishing and some.

· By functional purpose of products the entire industry is divided into branches that produce elements of fixed assets, circulating assets, and consumer goods. At the same time, if the industries producing elements of fixed assets and consumer goods produce final products, then the industries producing elements of working capital produce, as a rule, intermediate products, which subsequently undergo a certain processing.

· By the level of monopolization of production all industries are subdivided into completely competitive, monopolistic, monopolistic and oligopolistic.

Industries are completely competitive, consisting of a significant number of enterprises, each of which produces and supplies to the market goods that are perfect substitutes for competitors' goods. At the same time, the supply volume of each enterprise separately makes up an insignificant share of the total supply volume (no more than 1%) and, therefore, cannot affect the price prevailing in the market. Completely competitive industries are usually characterized by an unstable composition, since each enterprise has the ability to freely enter and exit the industry, regardless of market conditions.

Monopoly industry consists of only one enterprise producing and supplying the market for these products. Monopoly industries have the ability to control the volume of goods on the market, the price of the product, and prevent competitors from entering the market.

As a rule, the prevention of the appearance of competitors on the market is ensured by obtaining from the government exclusive rights to the production of these products (services), patents and copyrights to new products and technologies that create exclusive rights to their owners for the production and sale of these products, as well as a large amount investments necessary for competitors to enter the market (for example, although it is theoretically possible to imagine the creation of a corporation competing with Gazprom, providing gas pumping through parallel networks, it is practically impossible to realize this due to the huge amount of required investments).

Monopolistic Competition Industry characterized by the presence in its composition of a relatively large number of relatively small enterprises. These firms produce a variety of products, and although the product of each firm is specific, the consumer can easily find substitute products and switch his demand for them. The enterprises in the industry compete with each other and own a small (1 to 10%) market share. At the same time, the release of differentiated products provides them with a certain monopoly power and allows them to ignore the reaction of competitors when setting prices and output.

The oligopolistic industry is characterized by the fact that it may include a limited number of enterprises with a significant market share. The limited number of them leads to mutual dependence in establishing the volume of output and the price of a product. This ensures greater stability in market prices and in the volume of industry supply. An oligopoly is characterized by restrictions on the entry of new firms into the market.

The classification of industries on the basis of concentration of production and supply at individual enterprises allows the government to assess the market situation, develop measures to regulate the market and actively oppose monopolistic trends in industry.

· By economic identity the enterprises of the industry and production included in them are subdivided according to such criteria.