The last events of Napoleon's life on Elba. Exile wearing the emperor's crown

Original taken from pro100_mica in Episodes from the life of Napoleon Bonaparte... Elba Island.

Alone in the darkness of the night above wild rock
Napoleon sat

Napoleon on the Elbe A.S. Pushkin, 1815

So we left Emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte on April 28, 1814, aboard the British frigate Intrepid, which sailed from the town of San Rafael and brought our hero into exile on the secluded island of Elba in the Tyrrhenian Sea, which became a French possession in 1802, and was given to him for lifelong management.

Map of the island of Elba, portrait and facsimile of Napoleon and a view of his residence
for 9 months and 21 days - the city of Porto Ferraio.
engraving by Thomas BENSLEY

View of San Rafael from Neustrashimy
Engraving from an original drawing by Lieutenant S. Smith, Royal Navy, an officer of this frigate.

The port of San Rafael is notable not only because it was from here that the French emperor went into his first exile, but also because it was on this shore that General Napoleon Bonaparte set foot after the triumphant Egyptian campaign of 1799.

On board Neustrashimy Napoleon was greeted with honors. Russian and Prussian commissars Count Pavel Andreevich Shuvalov and Friedrich Ludwig Waldburg-Truchsess came to say goodbye to him. The emperor, kind to both of them, nevertheless, thanked for the services, asked to convey sincere gratitude to Alexander I, but did not mention a word about King Frederick William II. The Austrian baron General Koller and the English commissioner Colonel Neil Campbell accompanied Napoleon to Elba.

View of Elba Island
Johann Adam KLEIN

Fortress of the city of Porto Ferraio on the island of Elba
Karl (Antoine Charles Horace) VERNET
Illustration for Histoire de l'empereur Napoleon, Paris, 1840.

View of Porto Ferrairo

And then on May 3, the Elbe appeared in the distance. Napoleon impatiently climbed onto the forecastle as soon as the ground became visible from the deck and tried to see whose flag was flying on the batteries. As the frigate approached, the Imperial flag fluttered over the bastions of Porto Ferraio. This was ensured by General Drouot, Count Clam and Senior Lieutenant Hastings, who were sent ashore in advance with instructions from Napoleon to take possession of the island. About 8 o'clock in the afternoon the frigate dropped anchor at the entrance to the harbour, and soon afterwards a deputation from the island's authorities boarded the vessel and, introducing themselves to their new sovereign, congratulated him on his arrival.

Napoleon's arrival on the island of Elba

The next day, the ship was surrounded by boats with the most noble inhabitants of the island and musicians. Under the screams Vive l"empereur, Vive Napoleon! Bonaparte went ashore, where he was greeted with a royal salute. Residents of the city poured out into the streets and, together with the city authorities and clergy, greeted the emperor. During an enthusiastic meeting, the mayor of Porto Ferraio, Pietro Traditi, presented Napoleon on a silver platter with the symbolic keys to the island's Sea Gate - triumphal arch erected in the 17th century by the Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand II, through which you can enter the city, surrounded on the sea side by a powerful wall.

Landing on the Elbe

As eyewitnesses describe, the pomp of the meeting was more reminiscent of a village wedding: city officials appeared in old-fashioned clothes, three violins and two double basses played a cheerful march. An old canopy made of faded velvet was prepared for the emperor. However, Napoleon accepted all signs of honor with majestic dignity. The Emperor and his retinue were curious and touching to see the simple-minded joy of the young women of Elba and the delight of these fishermen, who had long forced the soldiers to talk about brilliant exploits and glorious battles that exalted the name of Napoleon. His celebrity and misfortunes attracted their attention equally. The calmness and cheerfulness with which the emperor questioned the most insignificant citizens further increased the general delight.

Napoleonic flag of Elba Island

Napoleon would not have been himself if he had not almost immediately set to work and developed vigorous activity... While on the road, he read materials about the history of the island and its current state; sketched out a project on the frigate national flag islands. He had a book with pictures of all the flags of Tuscany, ancient and modern. On a white cloth, he placed a red ribbon diagonally with three bees, symbolizing the hard work of the islanders. Bees were also in the emperor's coat of arms. The captain of the frigate ordered the ship's tailor to sew two such flags to hang on arrival at the Elbe.

And this is the standard of Napoleon during his exile on Elba

First, the emperor toured his possessions on horseback, inspected lands, property, roads, barracks and defensive structures, visited mines, salt works, and iron mines, and then began organizing his new possessions. He planned to transform the entire island, turning it into a blooming garden, as he stated upon landing: This will be an island of relaxation.

Robinson of Elba Island

Napoleon began with administrative reform, appointing the head of the administration of the sub-prefect of the island of Balbi, General Antoine Drouot as the governor in charge of military affairs, and his campaign treasurer Peyrus as responsible for finances. They represented a dwarf council of ministers of the island, headed by the palace marshal Henri Gacien Bertrand. In addition, Napoleon created an appeal court.

General view of Elba Island

On May 26, General Pierre-Jacques Etienne Cambronne arrived on Elba with soldiers of the old guard who wished to follow the emperor into exile. He led the island's army of 1,600 people. These were battalions of Corsican riflemen, Elbe militia, the old guard, a company of guards gunners and sailors, a small squadron of Polish lancers and three companies of gendarmerie. The new fleet was represented by a sixteen-gun brig l"Inconstant and several small ships, the entire flotilla numbered about 130 people.

Napoleon did not forget about his own residence. At first he was forced to live in a modest house owned by the local municipality. He then turned his attention to the Villa dei Mulini - two connected one-story houses built on the site of windmills (hence the name), located in the center of Porto Ferraio on the rocky seashore, overlooking Italy. Napoleon added second floors and turned the house into a small palace with a reception hall, study, salon, library and bedroom. Palazzo Mulini became the winter residence of Napoleon Bonaparte. The emperor personally took part in the construction of the palace and the design of the surrounding small, but very cozy garden where he spent a lot of time. Napoleon went out for walks at night: The silence of these delightful nights, broken only by the waves that crash on the rocks there below, two hundred paces from the terrace along which he is walking, and the cry of the sentry “Stop, whoever is coming!”(from the notes of Marchand's valet)

Napoleon in Porto Ferraio. Villa dei Mullini
Leo von KLENZE

At Palazzo Mulini, Napoleon received numerous visitors, mostly English, with whom he shared meals. He tried to give the impression of a man who had decided to spend the rest of his days on the island, constantly repeating: ...I don't think about anything outside of mine small island, I no longer exist for the world. Now I'm only interested in my family, my house, my cows and mules. In his dining room in San Martino the motto was inscribed: Napoleo ubicumque felix (Napoleon is happy everywhere). In fact, Bonaparte closely followed the events taking place in the world, conducted active secret activities, and through correspondence with secret agents maintained constant contact with the continent.

Portraits of Paulina Borghese and Letizia Ramolini

Having settled in the Moulini Palace, Napoleon summoned Maria Letizia Madame-mère and sister Pauline Borghese. He settled his sister in a large salon on the ground floor of the palace, and his mother in a small house on Ferandini Street. In the evenings, mother and son often played whist. Napoleon, as usual, cheated, Letitia reproached him. To which Bonaparte objected: Madam! You are a rich woman and I am a poor man. The loving beauty Polina brought revitalization to the life of Porto Ferraio: guard orchestras thundered in the palace, receptions, theatrical performances, carnivals, and dance balls were held.

The first wife, whom he once loved so passionately and then rejected, did not come to the emperor either. Josephine wrote him a tender letter: I sympathize with you not because you lost your throne. I know from my own experience: you can come to terms with this. But fate dealt you a much more terrible blow - the betrayal and ingratitude of your friends. Oh, how hard it is! Sir, why can’t I fly over like a bird and be next to you to support you and assure you: exile can only affect the attitude of an ordinary person towards you, but my affection for you remains not only unchanged, but even deeper and tender. I was ready to follow you and devote the rest of my life to you, which in the recent past was so happy thanks to you. But one reason holds me back from this step, and you know it. If, contrary to common sense, no one but me wants to share your grief and loneliness with you, nothing will hold me back and I will rush to my happiness. One word from you - and I'm leaving...

But Napoleon did not call her. He was in love with Marie-Louise and expected her to come to the island of Elba. Josephine died in her palace at Malmaison near Paris on May 29, 1814.

Napoleon's second, summer residence was the lovely Villa San Martino, which he noticed during one of his horseback rides.

This is a hillside location in the San Martino Valley c beautiful view Napoleon liked the port, city and fortress of Volterraio so much that he immediately wanted to buy the villa, despite the very substantial amount requested by the owner of the estate, Lieutenant Manganaro. Sister Polina helped by lending her brother money. Here he dreamed of building a love nest for himself and his wife Marie-Louise, whose arrival with her son he expected any day.

Villa San Martino, Elba

Napoleon's two-story villa itself is in the background, and the white-stone neoclassical gallery in the foreground is a later addition to the famous Russian philanthropist Anatoly Nikolaevich Demidov, Prince of San Donato, a great admirer of Napoleon, married to Napoleon's niece Matilda Bonaparte. In his gallery, decorated with paired granite columns, Anatoly Nikolaevich organized a kind of museum dedicated to Napoleon.

The third lady who brightened up the emperor's exile was his former lover, Polish Countess Maria Walewska, with whom he began a close relationship in Poland in 1807. She came to the island not only with Napoleon’s eldest son, four-year-old golden-haired Alexander Joseph Florian, but also accompanied by her sister Emilia and brother, Colonel Theodor Lonczynski. The brig dropped anchor near San Giovanni, in a deserted place, away from the eyes of the curious. Napoleon ordered Valevska to be placed away from human eyes in the town of Marciana Alta in the Hermitage at the Church of Madonna del Monte (which could not but offend the countess). Nevertheless, the news of the arrival of a young woman with a little boy reached Porto Ferraio, whose residents were sure that it was the French empress who had arrived with her heir, the Roman king.

Some memoirists believe that Maria Walewska's visit was dictated not only by feelings for the emperor, but also by political motives. She allegedly brought letters and documents to Elba, testifying to the prevailing mood in France and the growing unpopularity of the Bourbons, the discontent of the people and nostalgia for French Empire, as well as information about officials and bankers who were ready to support Napoleon after returning to France.

Portrait of Countess Maria Walewska
Marie-Victoire JACOTOT

Maria Walewska did not stay here long, only three days from September 1 to 3, 1814, which also offended her. Nevertheless, she tried to ensure that the hours spent with Napoleon had at least the appearance of seminal happiness, they organized joint meals, dances in the open air, Emilia regaled Napoleon with ancient Polish songs. The emperor glowed with joy while playing with his son... The brother and sister also did not leave empty-handed back to the continent: Maria carried a letter to Marshal Murat to Naples, Theodore also received various assignments from Napoleon. Already on board the sailing ship, Maria wrote in her diary: How humiliating are the precautions he took! As soon as he heard about my arrival, move from Porto Ferraio to another place, and do not let us off the ship until nightfall. And what is the cost of a secret landing on the shore! And all so that the empress would not find out about my stay on the island. I really wanted to tell him that she was not at all interested in this, that she was a bad wife and a bad mother. Otherwise she would have been here a long time ago.

But the one whom Napoleon was desperately waiting for and for whom Napoleon desperately missed did not arrive.
He expected that Marie-Louise would live alternately in Parma and on the island of Elba.

Marie Louise, second wife of Napoleon I, 1810s
Jean Baptiste ISABET

On May 21, 1814, Marie-Louise returned to Austria and entered the family palace of Schönbrunn to the cheers of a huge crowd, who greeted their Archduchess as if she were returning after four years of painful exile. At first, the Empress planned to visit Elba: The thought that you might think that I have forgotten you causes me unbearable pain, incomparable to what I had to experience before. Far from you, I eke out a miserable existence and, in order to somehow brighten it up, I embroider a cape for you, hoping that you will be pleased to see my handicraft?

But her fate was in the hands of the victors, the cunning Count Metternick and the father of the Austrian Emperor Franz I. They did not insist on divorce or forced separation of the spouses, but decided to make every effort to prevent the reunification of Napoleon’s family. Unscrupulous in his means, Talleyrand ordered to bring to the attention of the Empress, without skimping on details, all cases of Napoleon’s adultery, sending to her one of the most famous courtesans and politically sophisticated women of her time, Madame de Brignoles.

Napoleon II of France at Schönbrunn Palace
Karl von SALS, 1815
The Roman king lived separately from his mother in his grandfather's palace.

At first, dejected by her situation, Marie Louise was in upset feelings, but then, despite her attachment to Napoleon, either under the influence of the annoying persuasion of the courtiers, or due to frivolity, weak character and youth, she began to appear in society, have fun and dance on balls, gradually forgetting about his husband, who was exhausted from melancholy on the island of Elba. Writing to Napoleon in another letter: I am happy that you are feeling well and intend to start building country house. I hope there is a small corner for me in it, because you know that I am determined to unite with you as soon as circumstances allow, and I pray that this happens soon. You, of course, will order to set up a garden near the house and entrust me with caring for the flowers and plants, - Maria Louise, on the advice of doctors, went to the waters in Savoy under the name of Duchess de Colorno, and then went to admire the mountain meadows and snowy mountain peaks in Chamonix.

Maybe soon everything would have worked out between the spouses, but after some time, an experienced seducer, Austrian General Count Adam Albert von Neipperg, was assigned to the Empress as a chamberlain, who received an unambiguous secret mission: to make her forget France and Napoleon, going as far as circumstances will allow(according to Claude-François de Meneval - personal secretary of Napoleon I, and since 1813 secretary of Marie-Louise)

Adam Albert von Neipperg with his first wife Theresia and sons Alfred and Ferdinand
Joseph LANCEDELLI, 1810

This military officer, who lost one eye at the beginning of his career, was born in Vienna from a secret relationship between Countess de Neipperg and a French officer. At 39 years old, this seemingly serious and dignified gentleman had a very attractive appearance. The hussar uniform he usually wore, combined with his light, curly hair, gave him a youthful appearance. And the black bandage covering the empty right eye socket did not spoil it at all. Hot blood flowed in his veins; he could give odds to many womanizers (including Don Juan himself:)) in the art of seduction and conquering ladies' hearts. This man was well versed in the characters of people, and in the person of Neipperg the Habsburgs received their main trump card(English historian and novelist Ronald Delderfield) Apparently it was not in vain that when leaving Milan at the disposal of Marie-Louise, the general prophetically declared: In less than six months I will become her lover, and in the near future, her husband.

Wary with the Empress, not taking his only eye off her fiery gaze, Neipperg nevertheless clearly followed the secret instructions given to him regarding Marie-Louise: to spy on her, control and suppress even the slightest attempts at correspondence, communication and meetings with Napoleon. It was not for nothing that Marie-Louise was suspicious of Neipperg. But she continued her trip to Switzerland in his company. However, soon the witty and gallant Neipperg managed to completely win the trust of Marie-Louise. Excellent manners, courtesy, insinuating voice, talent as a storyteller who knows many entertaining stories, and an excellent musician quickly gained the favor of Marie-Louise, she accepted his advances more and more favorably every day. But nevertheless, at the cost of incredible efforts, she managed to deceive Neipperg, from time to time receiving letters from Napoleon and answering him.

There was no person near Marie-Louise who could give her good advice and support her. In her actions, she was guided not by reason, but by feelings and emotions, she constantly hesitated, and it was difficult for her to make the right decision on her own. Moreover, in one of his letters Napoleon even threatened take her away by force if she hesitates to leave, which was simply unacceptable for her. The thought of being kidnapped, that she could, like some singer or dancer from the corps de ballet, be stuffed into a convertible, dressed in a man’s dress for greater security, caused Marie-Louise a storm of indignation. And she alienated me even more from her husband. She preferred a calm and measured life in the capital of Austria to this adventure.

Adam Albert von Neipperg

And Neipperg was not asleep; the sensual Marie-Louise could not resist the charms of the seducer who was constantly nearby. At the end of September, while travelers were on the Lake of the Four Cantons, a severe thunderstorm broke out. They stayed at the Golden Sun Hotel, located on the slope of Mount Rigi. It was here that the Duchess de Colorno, trembling with fear of the heavenly elements, was calmed and consoled by Adam Neipperg. They became lovers...

They say that upon learning of this, Pope Emperor Francis I exclaimed: God bless! I was not mistaken in choosing a gentleman!

And Napoleon, realizing the futility of efforts to return his wife and son, more than once complained bitterly to the English Commissioner Campbell: My wife no longer writes to me... My son was taken away from me, as children were once taken away from the vanquished, in order to decorate the triumph of the victors; in modern times one can hardly find an example of such barbarity.

Napoleon contemplating a portrait of the King of Rome during his exile on Elba

Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma and Piacenza
Giovani Battista BORGHESI

As a reward for exemplary behavior, the Congress of Vienna confirmed the transfer to the control of Marie Louise of the duchies of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla, given to her, with the title of Imperial Majesty, under the Treaty of Fontainebleau. She ruled her duchy quite effectively until the end of her days and left a good memory among her subjects.

The Rise and Fall of Napoleon, 1814
Johann Michael FOLZ

Probably, being alone, the emperor more than once indulged in memories, analyzing the life he had lived, thinking about what mistakes and miscalculations he had made, which were the reasons for such a rapid decline in his career and the collapse of his personal life.

Cartoon Ladder of Life of Napoleon I, 1814
Johann Michael FOLZ

However, despite all the adversities, Napoleon continued to transform Elba into an island of relaxation. For several months, the emperor carried out all kinds of reforms on the island. He delved into every detail, issued decrees concerning public hygiene, was involved in the construction of aqueducts, sewers, gardens, the construction of bridges, the construction of new roads, and reformed customs, excises and duties. An infirmary, an almshouse with a military hospital were built, barracks were repaired, fortifications were expanded, and a theater was built. The cities were paved, supplied with water, surrounded by gardens and avenues of mulberry trees.

Napoleon met his former guardsman on the island of Elba, who worked as a mason

Napoleon received and listened to his subjects, made orders aimed at improving his dwarf kingdom. In area Agriculture innovations also appeared: in addition to the fact that peasants were given plots of land, they were encouraged for plowing uncultivated lands, planting new vineyards, working on the acclimatization of silkworms, introducing new crops and developing livestock.

From early morning he was already on his feet, constantly giving orders, supervising construction, riding on horseback, trying to forget himself in this incessant anxiety. The English Colonel Campbell was simply knocked off his feet, following the restless ruler of Elba...

The activities carried out by Napoleon required money, and the emperor was tense with them, since the cabinet of ministers ignored the Third Article of the agreement concluded in Fontainebleau, obliging to pay Napoleon an annual two-million annuity. And the emperor was forced to cover almost all the costs with money from the small treasury, which he managed to remove from the Tuileries without the knowledge of the provisional government. Of the nearly four million francs at his disposal at the time of his arrival on Elbe, by January 1815 a third had been spent.

Napoleon Bonaparte on the Elbe

But despite all his worries, Napoleon eagerly awaited news from France, eagerly scanning the European press, letters, and secret correspondence with his agents. And it should be noted that the news for the emperor was quite pleasant. The patience of the French began to run out, and dissatisfaction with the policies of the Bourbons gradually grew. The royalists and emigrant nobles who returned to power behaved very brazenly. There were cases of beatings of peasants, and the beaten person could not find justice for the offender in court. Within a few months of being on the throne, Louis XVIII managed to turn the majority of French society against himself: not only the Bonapartists, but also part of the bourgeoisie, the army (especially soldiers and guards), peasants, and artisans. After the lifting of the continental blockade, unemployment increased and the commercial and industrial bourgeoisie howled, as duty-free English goods flooded the market, causing them losses. The Bourbons could not declare a customs fight against the British, who contributed to the fall of Napoleon.

Napoleon from the island of Elba observes Alexander I, Franz I and Frederick William III
Johann Michael FOLZ

In addition, Bonaparte also closely followed the work of the Congress of Vienna, rubbing his hands with pleasure at the fact that there was confusion and vacillation in the ranks of the Allies. Thus, everyone, to one degree or another, through their actions awakened the formidable lion dormant in the emperor: King Louis XVIII left him without money, Emperor Francis I took his son away from him, Chancellor Metternich gave his wife to a court ladies' man, Viscount Castlereagh dreamed of exiling him out of sight, the politician and diplomat Talleyrand was planning to throw him in prison, and some did not even rule out his physical elimination.

And 45-year-old Napoleon Bonaparte made an attempt to turn back the wheel of history...

Napoleon I Bonaparte on the Elbe. 1814–1815

The last straw was the visit to the island of the former auditor of the Council of State, Fleury de Chaboulon, who, on behalf of Napoleonic Foreign Minister Duke Bassano, spoke about the true state of affairs in the country, the growth of general dissatisfaction with the policies of the Bourbons, and the existence of a conspiracy of the Jacobins and generals. In addition, called upon to keep an eye on the exile, Colonel Campbell became inflamed with romantic feelings for a certain Tuscan woman and periodically visited her outside the island. So direct control over Napoleon's actions was somewhat weakened. On February 14, 1815, Campbell left Elba again. When he urgently returned on February 28, there was no trace of Napoleon.

Having taken urgent measures to quickly leave the island, the emperor kept his Napoleonic plans in the strictest confidence and only the day before revealed his intentions to his mother: I cannot die on this island and end my career in peace that would be unworthy of me. The army wants me. Everything makes me hope that when the army sees me, it will rush to me. Of course, I can meet with an officer who is loyal to the Bourbons, who will stop the rush of the army, and then I will be finished in a few hours. This ending is better than being on this island... I want to go and try my luck again. What is your opinion, mother?

Napoleon announces to his mother the abandonment of his project on the island of Elba
Felix Emmanuel Henri FILIPPOTEAU
Illustration for the book History of the Consulate and Empire by Adolphe Thiers, volume 4

Letitia, shocked by what she heard ( Let me be a mother for a minute), after some silence she blessed her son: Go, my son, and follow your destiny. Perhaps you will fail and your death will follow immediately. But you cannot stay here, I see this with sorrow. Let us hope that God, who has preserved you through so many battles, will preserve you once again. And she hugged her troublemaker tightly.

Portraits of generals Pierre-Jacques Etienne Cambronne, Antoine Drouot and Henri Gacien Bertrand

Now, after a conversation with his mother, Napoleon called on his devoted generals who followed him to the island of Elba: Bertrand, Drouot and Cambronne and announced his decision to return to France. The generals received the news with delight, although Drouot doubted the success. The day before, Napoleon drew up and ordered the secret printing of two fiery proclamations - to the French people and to the army. Of course, in them he attributed all his failures to the betrayal of Marshals Marmont and Augereau, if not for them, the allies would have found their graves on the battlefields of France. The Bourbons, imposed on France by foreign powers, learned nothing and forgot nothing. They wanted to replace the rights of the people with the rights of feudal lords. French people! In exile I heard your complaints and your desires: you demanded a government of your own choice, the only one that is legal. I have crossed the seas and come again to take possession of my rights, which are also your rights., he told the people. Soldiers! Come and stand under the banner of your leader. His existence is closely connected with yours; his rights are the rights of the people and yours... Victory is a forced march. An eagle with national colors will fly from bell tower to bell tower, right up to the tower of Notre Dame Cathedral, he proclaimed to the army...

February 26, 1815. Napoleon with troops in Porto Ferraio

On February 26 everything was ready. Having reached the square in front of the Sea Gate, Napoleon's carriage stopped.
The crowd shouted: Long live Napoleon!

Napoleon leaves Elba from Porto Ferraio to return to France on February 26, 1815
Joseph BAUME (1796-1885) Museum of Versailles

The Emperor addressed the public: Elbians! I don't know how to remain ungrateful. I will always keep the kindest memories of you. Farewell! I love you very much!

Napoleon's departure from the island of Elba on February 26, 1815
Illustration for the book History of the Consulate and Empire by Adolphe Thiers, volume 4

Napoleon's mother sobbed inconsolably as she said goodbye to her son. Soldiers and officers (about 1,100 people of the old guard and the Corsican battalion), generals and Napoleon embarked in their little boats, and in the evening a small flotilla (the brig l"Inconstant and six small ships) sailed north with a fair wind.

I want to hope that this post will not be the last...

Elba Island (Italian: Elba)- biggest island of the Tuscan archipelago and the third island Italy, after Sardinia and Sicily. Dimensions of the island: length 29 km and width no more than 18 km. Area 223 sq. kilometer The coastline, famous for its tortuosity and picturesqueness, totals 147 kilometers. The border with France is very close - the island of Corsica is 50 km away.

There are 8 communes on the island: Portoferraio, Campo nell'Elba, Capoliveri, Marciana, Marciana Marina, Porto Azzurro, Rio Marina And Rio nell'Elba.

You can easily get here by ferry from Italy in half an hour, because Elba is located only 10 km from Piombino. The distance between him and Grosseto is only 20 km, and the distance to Corsica does not exceed 35 km.

The ancient Greek name of the Elbe - "Aetana" - is translated as "sparks". The island was named so for sandy beaches, sparkling in the sun with grains of mica. It was first mentioned in Homer's legendary "Odyssey" around the 8th-9th centuries. BC. Then, eight hundred years later, the island was captured by the Romans, who named it "Ilva". The ruins of Roman buildings can still be found on its territory. Its name was also preserved, over time transformed into “Elba”.

In world history, the island of Elba is widely known thanks to the French emperor Napoleon, who lived here for some time. As the most famous resident, two museums are dedicated to him on the Elbe - Villa San Martino and the Mulini Palace. The latter was built on the site of old windmills, hence the name "Mulino" (mulino - windmill). There is evidence that Napoleon personally took an active part in the design of the palace and garden, and also tirelessly monitored their implementation.

After the Congress of Vienna, the island passed to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. In 1860 the island became part of the newly created Kingdom of Italy.

Now the island of Elba has the status of a protected area, where any factory activity is prohibited and a limited development regime is established, which is how it differs in Italy from the island of Ischia, for example. Thanks to the measures taken, it remains an environmentally friendly area. Vacationers who rent villas in Italy often go to Elba for diving. In addition, the island offers other sports activities such as horse riding, golf or tennis. On the island of Elba, your holiday will be simply unforgettable. Jet skis or skis, catamarans, surfing, yachting. Regatta fans should visit the main port of the island, where national and international competitions are held.

Tourists often go here by ferry from Italy to recover at the Baths of San Giovanni. In addition to the natural healing factor, there are many modern SPA centers on the Elbe, where they use Newest technologies cosmetic and preventive procedures. The island is rich in small souvenir shops where you can buy a wide variety of jewelry and products made from natural stones: tiger's eye, agate, turquoise, pyrite, coral and other gems.

The main city of Elba is Portoferraio. His historical Center framed by powerful fortresses of the 16th century. Portoferaio is a major port and a popular tourist resort. Among its attractions are the parish church and the municipality, which houses the 16th-century Foresiana city library, the Church of Santissimo Scaramento, the Church of the Misericordia and the Forte della Stella.

The Etruscans were the first to arrive here and discovered large iron deposits on the island. Even today they mine on the Elbe iron ore, but tourism became the main industry of the island. In addition to the beauty of nature, magnificent beaches and bays, the island also offers excellent hotels and restaurants, water sports for all tastes and routes for walks between vineyards and olive and chestnut groves.

Portoferraio is quiet town, lively on market days. Beyond the spacious Place Cavour, with its cafés, shops and restaurants, houses line the hillside; At the top of the hill stands Forte del Falcone, a fortress built in the 16th century by order of Cosimo I de' Medici, who was very fond of Portoferraio.

Residents of Portoferraio mainly visit the pleasant beach of Delle Ghiaie. All you have to do is drive to Procchio to find a beach with the finest sand. The town of Marciana Marina is very unique and popular. With its 1,800 inhabitants, it is one of the largest on the island. The pines here reach almost to the sea; The picturesque small port is surrounded by an ancient tower and dozens of houses built on the cliff.

There are 153 beaches on the island, some of which can only be accessed from the sea. The beaches of Elbe are a unique phenomenon, their main advantage is pure water, the quality of which is confirmed by the numerous fish scurrying around the shore without fear.

The highest point of the island is a mountain called Kapana, its height reaches 1019 meters above sea level. In general, the island is mountainous, which is why it attracts a huge number of athletes who are interested in rock climbing. World-class competitions in this sport are periodically held here. On the slopes of Mount Kapana you can find invigorating coolness on a hot summer day; everything is done here to make your stay memorable: you can organize a picnic - tables, benches, specially equipped places for preparing barbecue are already waiting for you.

From a height of 1019 meters, Monte Capanne, reached by cable car, dominates the entire island; The mountain is planted with the Marciana vineyards, where the best wines of the Elbe are produced. An hour's walk and you find yourself in the temple dedicated to Madonna del Monte, where Napoleon spent two weeks in 1814, seeking peace and solace in the shade of centuries-old chestnut trees.

In the vicinity of Cavoli there are many small bays suitable for swimming. Nearby is Marina di Campo, the main resort center of the southwestern part of the island, where you can find excellent fish restaurants. Elbe Airport is nearby.

The east coast is the most popular destination for tourists, flocking to Lacona Beach and the sandy shores of Cape Stella. The last stage is Porto Azzurro, one of the most beautiful corners of the Elbe. Protected from northern winds, it is surrounded by dozens of small bays. For those who want to stay here, there is a good selection of hotels and restaurants overlooking the port. Behind residential areas visible is the Portolongone fortress, built in 1603 by order of the Spanish King Philip III

Island climate Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and mild winters. Holiday season here lasts from April to mid-October.

Quite active iron ore mining was previously carried out on the island. What remains are the mines, converted into rich stone museums. In addition to displaying and admiring gigantic natural specimens of minerals, it explains how to mine them and how to subsequently restore the earth. You can take a tour and ride through the entire production cycle on a trolley. The store at the museum displays various products made from natural stones for every taste and budget. Delicious Muscat wines, exquisite perfume based on herbs growing on the mountain slopes of the island (the popular perfume “Acqua del Elba”) - all are available to guests of the island.

Island kitchen rich in fish. But basically, of course, this is typical Italian pasta abundance.

A variety of cultural events are held on the island every year. For example, the International Festival “Elbe - the Musical Island of Europe”, which was created on the initiative of the outstanding Russian violist Yuri Bashmet and is held under his patronage.

The coast of Elba Island is very winding and picturesque. The mountain slopes, where iron ore was previously mined, are covered with multi-colored mounds - red, black, brown and blue.

The small charming island of Elba is located, famous for the fact that the restless Napoleon Bonaparte served his first exile here. Of course, he escaped after a few months, but even on such a small piece of land he managed to declare himself emperor and managed to “reign.” Today Elba is a diverse resort, where it is worth coming not only for a bronze tan, although the beaches here are excellent: located in picturesque bays, landscaped, surrounded by palm trees and pine trees, covered with small pebbles mixed with sand.

Elba seems to have absorbed a well-recognized and very special flair Italian resorts. Life here flows slowly and measuredly, people are in no hurry. Local architecture delights with a variety of styles, nature with the brightness of colors, and the sea with eternal azure with reflections of the midday sun dissolved in the depths.

How to get to Elbe

You can get to the Elbe in two ways - by water and by air. Flights from Russian cities no to the island. There are no planes flying there from Rome either, so you will have to create complex routes.

By ferry

The starting point to Elba by sea is the port of Piombino Marittima in Piombino, from where ferries from Corsica Ferries (office site in English), Moby Lines (office site in English), Blu Navy (office site) go to the island in English), Toremar (office site in English) The journey will take no more than an hour. The ferry also carries cars, which is convenient for independent tourists. Ticket prices start from 40 EUR (1 passenger plus 1 car). Prices on the page are for April 2019.

By plane

The local La Pila airport receives flights from Italian and European cities: Milan, Geneva, Zurich, Munich, London, Dusseldorf. Charters of small airlines Silver Air, Intersky, Skywork fly to Elba, but only during the holiday season, which begins in mid-spring.

By train

The ferry terminal is located next to the Piombino Marittima railway station. Trains go there from Livorno Central Station, Livorno Centrale, on Piazza Dante. The second option is to take the train from Pisa, leaving from the Pisa Centrale station (address - Piazza della Stazione) literally every hour. Transportation is carried out by Trenitalia (office site in English). Ticket price is 10 EUR, travel time is from 1.5 to 3 hours.

By bus

Beaches of Elbe

Elbe has more than 70 white sandy and sandy-pebble beaches, framed by majestic cliffs and decorated with rich Mediterranean flora. The coastal waters are not inferior to them: underwater “gardens” stretch along the entire island, attracting divers.

The most popular is Barabarka Beach with crystal clear water in the lagoon and amazing views of Stella Bay. True, the infrastructure here is not very good - a couple of parking lots and a bar. But still, it is constantly packed with vacationers. Another beach favored by tourists is Le Guaye, famous for its pink pebbles. It is perfect for families with children thanks to its gently sloping entrance to the sea and the soft surface of the shore. Within walking distance there are several cafes and a park where you can hide in the shade from the midday heat.

Next to "Le Guaye" is "Padulella", where a hiking trail leads. The place is quite picturesque and secluded, just for those who want to be away from crowded beaches.

The most “hit” among Elba’s guests is the sandy “Cavoli”. Thanks to its location in a bay sheltered from the wind, the water there is warmer and the swimming season begins earlier. The infrastructure is well developed: sun loungers for rent, catamaran rides, delicious lunch and excellent wine in beach bars.

Marciano Marina, 20 km west of Portoferraio, is also famous cleanest beaches. The highest point of the island is also located here - Mount Capanne. A couple more popular beaches: pebble “Cavo” and sandy “Lakona”. An almost ideal environment has been created there for comfortable rest- shops, parking lots, restaurants, attractions are open, sports grounds are open.

Lovers of landscapes and animals will love the Rock Cave (Grotta dell’acqua), inside which there is a pebble beach with a fresh spring, favored by birds. By boat you can also get to the “beach of blue stones”, turquoise from a special type of pebbles, glistening in the north wind “Tramontana” or the northeast “Grecal”. The path to the islet of Porto Caccamo can be reached in a couple of minutes from Marina di Campo by boat or pedalo to immerse yourself in the blissful silence of secluded beaches.


Experienced divers and beginners come to the Elbe to see the beauty underwater world Ligurian Sea. This is due to excellent visibility, suitable water temperature and a variety of underwater fauna and flora. The waters near the coast are inhabited by toothy barracudas, huge lobsters, and grouper fish of the most unusual colors.

There are dive clubs on the island that offer full training and a license. Centro Sub Corsaro, located in De Paretti Bay, has a museum of the French diver Jacques Maillol. Many of the underwater excursion routes that are recommended in this place were created by him personally. Diving in Elba (office site in English) teaches scuba diving to children, and there is a store there with all the necessary equipment for diving.

What to bring

Definitely, a tourist should allocate a separate amount for purchases so that the soul can roam properly in the shops, shopping centers and markets of the Elbe. Wine, cheese, pasta and olive oil top the list of purchases. It is impossible to leave the island without a couple of bottles of Chianti or a circle of aromatic Pecorino Toscano. The abundance of local meat delicacies will surprise even seasoned gourmets. Tuscan ham, sopressata, finocchione, and dozens of types of salami and bacon beckon on the shelves with their appetizing appearance.

Hunters for branded clothing and shoes have a direct route to shopping centers Portoferraio. Anyone who craves color and wants to buy something special needs to walk through the small shops and look at the markets. For a very reasonable price they sell high-quality leather goods, jewelry and locally produced perfume. Souvenirs with the image of Napoleon: T-shirts, postcards, magnets, mugs and other small items are suitable as pleasant gifts for relatives and colleagues.

Cuisine and restaurants of Elba

You can have a snack at traditional restaurant, where they serve beautifully presented delicacies, a more democratic trattoria, specializing in home cooking, a pizzeria or a burger joint. In a place with an open terrace and sea views, it’s nice to spend a romantic evening and drink wine to the sound of the surf. Beach bars offer dozens of types of cocktails and light snacks.

Table favorites are dishes from numerous types of fish: dentex, bream, merou, golden pagra, white sargus, as well as crustaceans. The masterpiece of island cuisine is incredibly tasty - fish soup "cacciucco", for the main course you should try rice with cuttlefish ink and squid, marinated fish centracanth, spaghetti in fish sauce, boiled octopus, roast blackbirds, grilled meat or "gurguglione" - rich soup from vegetables and home-baked bread.

For dessert: “Schiaccia Briaca” cake with pine nuts and raisins, soaked in Aleatico wine, or an equally wonderful “Corollo” - an airy ring cake. The Easter schiaccia cake, flavored with anise seeds, will also not disappoint.

The cost of dinner with wine for two in a mid-range restaurant starts from 45-50 EUR. A salad and a main course are quite enough - the portions are quite impressive. A snack of pizza, pasta or burger with a drink in a trattoria or pizzeria will cost 10-15 EUR.

Entertainment and attractions

The heritage of the ancient era is the ruins of the Villa Le Grotte (SP26, 57037 Portoferraio LI), built during the Roman Empire. Once upon a time a rich patrician lived there. In Portoferraio, the main attraction is the walls and towers of the medieval fort, built by Cosimo I de' Medici to protect against Turkish raids. The menacing appearance of the stone fortifications gives a complete picture of the military architecture of that time: laconic, stern and even gloomy. On the Via del Volterraio towards Rio nel Elba stands the Volterraio Castle. The Etruscans began to build this ancient stronghold; during the reign of Appiani, it defended the island from pirates.

In the Mon Serrato gorge cave church a unique icon of the Black Madonna is kept.

In the very center of Portoferraio stands the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was built in the 16th century and is famous for the fact that Napoleon was declared emperor of the island here. Another interesting temple in the capital there is a magnificent example of Romanesque architecture - the Church of Saint Stefano alle Trane.

Main cultural site islands - museum under open air, created by the artist Italo Bolano (Portoferraio - Loc.San Martino). On an area of ​​10,000 sq. m exhibited the master's works: sculptural compositions, paintings, panels. All this can be viewed for free, while enjoying the aroma and view of lush Mediterranean vegetation.

To visit the Elbe and not walk through Napoleonic places is bad manners. At Villa San Martino (Localita San Martino, 57037 Portoferraio LI), the summer residence of the emperor, today there is a museum where furniture, paintings, weapons, and family heirlooms are collected. Palazzo Mulini (Piazzale Napoleone, 57037 Portoferraio LI) was Napoleon's winter residence. The building stands on a rocky shore, overlooking great view to island Italy.

The sea harbours, embankments and streets of Porto Azzurro, Portoferraio, Marina di Campo, Marciana Marina are a wonderful illustration of the unforgettable flavor of the Mediterranean.

Among the natural attractions, Lake Terranera (Via Capo D’Arco, 57036 Porto Azzurro LI) should be highlighted, separated from the sea by a thin strip of land that acts as an impromptu beach. If you wish, you can climb up cable car to the top of Monte Capanne and admire the panoramic view of the surrounding area or visit museums in the old mines where iron was once mined.


The holiday season on the island begins at the end of April and lasts until October. The hottest time is in the summer months. Already in June, the coast is filled with tourists, although the water is not yet warm enough for comfortable swimming, and in July, August and September it is difficult to find free space on popular beaches.

It rarely rains in summer and autumn; the main period of precipitation occurs in winter. The mild climate makes Elbe suitable for holidays at any time of the year. Outside the swimming season, it makes sense to come here for educational purposes: wander the streets of towns, climb observation decks, look into palaces and temples.

Among the huge number of islands in Italy, and there are about 700 of them, the island of Elba is the most visited by tourists.

As part of the Tuscan archipelago, which belongs to National Park Tuscany, the Elbe is in first place in size.

The area of ​​the island is 223.5 sq. km. The highest point of the Elbe is Monte Capanne - 1018 m above sea level. The capital of the island is Portoferraio.

The Corsican Strait separates the islands of Elba and Corsica from each other, with a distance of 35 km between them. The length of the coast is 147 km. Magnificent beaches, environmentally friendly flora and historical heritage of the island, combined with the hospitality of the people of Elba, attract a huge number of tourists from all over the world.

Location of Elba Island on the map of Italy

The 10 km distance between the island and mainland Italy can be covered in 70 minutes by ferry, which runs regularly from the port of Piombino.

You can also load a car onto the ferry, for which you will have to pay extra.

The port can be reached by train from or Piombino. By bus you can get to the port from cities such as Florence, Milan, Lodi,.

On the island, in the area of ​​La Pila, there is an airport that receives flights from a variety of major cities Europe.


In the distant past, iron ore was mined on the island. This explains the varied elevations of brown, black, and gray colors on the hillsides.

The first mines, according to archaeological research, were founded in the 8th-9th centuries. BC. Etruscans. Several centuries later, namely, in the 5th century BC, iron mining passed into the hands of the Romans. In the sixteenth century. part of the island was ruled by Casimo I de' Medici, who left behind the fortress "Cosmopoli". In 1802, France took control of the island. And in 1860 Fr. Elba became part of the united kingdom of Italy.

Elba Island has a rich history and many historical monuments

The island has a very rich historical past.

It is known that after his first abdication and exile to Elba, the commander was declared “Emperor of the Island.” Although it was formal, Napoleon immediately upon arrival began improving the standard of living of the population, carrying out a number of effective reforms. His stay on the island lasted 9 months, during which the cities of Elba greatly changed in development.

Holidays and festivals on the island

Judging by the number and scope of entertainment events, it is not difficult to guess which country Elba Island belongs to. Rich in festivals and celebrations, Italy is hospitable in every form and on every island.

On Elba, as on the mainland, various holidays are very popular. The Walking Festival sports event is held annually in the spring.

In autumn, gastronomic festivals such as the wine or chestnut festival are popular. In the summer, many cultural events are held, including folklore and music programs.

A special date for the island's residents is May 5th. On this day, Napoleon left the island after a short stay in exile.

A reverent attitude towards the memory of the emperor encourages the population to pay tribute every year in the form of a holiday.

Napoleonic Day is celebrated every year on the island of Elba.

On August 12, the island celebrates St. Chiara. On this day, a grandiose spectacle of fireworks and music is organized in the city of Marcana Marina.


If we talk about the Elba resort as a beach holiday option, then this is the most impeccable option. Emerald water, rare and rich flora and fauna, rocky landscapes - everything is conducive to enjoying the wonderful benefits of nature.

On the island of Elba there are best beaches of white sand and pebbles, which will become favorite vacation spots for tourists for many years.

Here are some of the best beaches:

  • Scaglier;
  • Ghiaie;
  • Padulella;
  • Sansone.

Beach lovers will love Elba Island

Beaches are not all that the island has to offer.
Elba is the place where they harmoniously combine historical monuments different eras and civilizations with modernity.

Among the significant attractions of the Elbe it should be noted:

Island cuisine and restaurants

Seafood and fish dishes are a culinary feature of all Italian islands, and Elba is no exception. The variety of fish is impressive - from sardines to octopus and shrimp! Everything your heart desires!

Local restaurants, of course, combine seafood and earth gifts.

A great place to relax and have a great dinner is Ristorante Publius. The restaurant is located in the heart of Marciana. In addition to the abundance of fish, the menu also has a sufficient number of meat dishes. A delicious dinner will be complemented by delicious local wine.

You can taste very tasty pizza at Pizzeria LArte Bianca. This establishment also has a wide selection of quality beer.

Pizzeria LArte Bianca offers customers delicious Italian pizza

An excellent selection of wine and a variety of seafood dishes will be offered to you Ristorante Koala.

Where to stay

The island's hotel industry offers guests hotels with comfort of any level and for every taste:

Paradise island Elba! A combination of picturesque valleys and hills, rocks and sandy landscapes, emerald water and unique flora and fauna. Everything about it is beautiful and unique!

You can plunge into the unique atmosphere of Elba Island by watching the video:

And whoever said that there is no limit to perfection has simply never been to Elba Island!

He is perfection itself!

Proximity to the mainland, a huge number of beaches for every taste, amazing nature, historical heritage and the availability of everything necessary for a wonderful holiday make Elba very popular among Italians and tourists from different countries. But Russians are still rare guests on this beautiful island.

If we talk about the size of the island, it is really small: only 27 km long and 18 km wide, almost one and a half times smaller than St. Petersburg. The coastline is very indented, its length is approximately 150 km. The undoubted advantage of Elba is its location - the distance from the mainland to the island is about 10 km. This location has a beneficial effect on the climate of the island, there is no sweltering heat, at the same time it is sunny, there are practically no cold winds or cyclones, the average air temperature is +23-30 degrees, the water remains warm (about +20 degrees) almost until October. The holiday season begins in April and lasts until mid-October.

Even when looking at a map of the island, it is clear that the relief of the Elbe is very diverse. Elba is the Italian Crimea. Mediterranean forests give way to valleys with neat rows of vineyards; The green hills that cover the island give way to a mountainous landscape with moorland, among which rises Mount Cappane (1017 meters) - highest point islands. Be sure to get a bird's eye view of the island! We recommend taking a short 20-minute journey along the route, which will take you to Monte Cappana. Small fishing villages and beautiful ancient cities, there are even castles and fortresses. Well, if we talk about the coast, then here picturesque rocky bays alternate with unique multi-colored sand and pebble beaches - this is not a complete list of what may interest even a sophisticated tourist. In addition, the ecology here is excellent; any production has been prohibited on the island for a century.

The island is divided into eight municipalities, the main one - the capital of the island, Portoferraio - is home to 12 thousand people, the total population of the island is 32,162 inhabitants. The main resorts of Elba are Portoferraio, Porto Azurro, Rio Marina, Capoliveri, Cavo. About one and a half million tourists visit the Elbe every year.

IN last years the island represents national park, protected by the state. Despite the fact that Elba is considered an elite resort that is very popular in Europe, you can have a wonderful vacation on this island with a fairly modest budget.

Flight time:
(flights to Pisa airport)
from Moscow - from 3 hours 40 minutes.
from St. Petersburg - from 5 hours 55 minutes. (1-3 transfers)
from Kazan - from 7 hours 40 minutes. (1-3 transfers)
from Yekaterinburg - from 7 hours 50 minutes. (1-3 transfers)
from Novosibirsk - from 9 hours 20 minutes. (1-2 transfers)

Current time in Portoferraio:
(UTC 0)

A distinctive feature of Elbe is its coastline, which has a huge number of beaches to suit every taste: sandy beaches with white, black, pink sand; pebble; rocky; with developed infrastructure and completely wild beaches in secluded coves. According to various sources, there are from 60 to 80 different beaches on Elbe! All Elbe beaches are municipal.

How to get to Elbe

There are several ways to get to the Elbe

By plane

This is the fastest and most convenient way to arrive on the island. Elba has its own small airport, which is located in the village of La Pila, 2 km from Marina di Campo. It is a private civilian airport open to commercial traffic.

In the summer, the airport becomes very busy; planes of foreign and Italian airlines fly here regularly from many major European cities.

The land route involves two parts of the route, the first part of the route goes by land and should take you to the port of Piombino, the second part by sea to the main port and capital of the island of Elba - Portoferraio. If you prefer the land route, then be prepared to use different modes of transport and several transfers.

You can get to the port of Piombino:

By train

The main route to Elba starts from Pisa station (the second option is Livorno), trains arrive there from different parts of Italy. For example, you can drive from Florence to Pisa in 1.5 hours. The cheapest tariff from will cost you 8 euros (as of 2014). Next, from Pisa you buy a ticket to Piombino. Please note that some trains do not reach the port of Piombino, but take you to the town of Campiglia Marittima, where you need to go to the next platform and board with the same ticket to the local train. She usually arrives 7-10 minutes after the train arrives. The final stop is a small train station - Piombino Mare, which is located right in front of the port from where the ferries depart.

There is a direct train from Rome to Campiglia Marittima station, travel time is 2 hours 25 minutes. You can also take the train from Rome to Piombino with a change at this station, the journey time will be 2 hours 45 minutes.

By bus

In summer you can reach Piombino by tourist buses, which depart from various cities in the provinces of Milan and Florence. For example: Passenger transportation on the route “Florence - Piombino” is carried out by the company. But this travel option will be longer and more tiring.

If you are using a combined route, then after reaching Campiglia by train, you can then use the bus service. Buses to the port of Piombino run every 20-30 minutes.

How to get from Piombino to Elba

On a ferryboat

Four shipping companies make voyages to Elba from the port of Piombino Marittima several times a day: , and . Comfortable ferries start running from 6:00 until approximately 21:30 in the evening. The cost of the trip is approximately the same for everyone - 14 euros. Most cheap option from the Moby company - 13 euros. The crossing time to Portoferraio is approximately 1 hour 10 minutes, to Rio Marina - 45 minutes.

Ferry tickets can be purchased at the ferry terminal, which is located to the right of the train exit, or booked in advance on the shipping campaign website. Please note that Corsica Sardinia Ferries allows you to use ticket information stored on your smartphone and does not require you to print it (as of 2014). During the summer, ferry service is very good, but there are windows, so it is better to check the schedule in advance when planning your trip. Outside the tourist season, in winter, ferries run less frequently, once every two to three hours.

If you are traveling by car, we recommend booking your ferry tickets in advance so you can avoid any problems and be confident of boarding the ferry especially between 25 April - 1 May and all weekends in the summer. Early booking It also has the advantage that you can compare the prices of all four shipping companies and choose the most suitable option.

On a catamaran

For those who travel without a car, an alternative to a leisurely ferry can be a high-speed boat - a catamaran "". Travel time is only 30 minutes, and the fare is 12 euros.

If you wish to travel with your car, booking ferry tickets is always advisable. If you do not want to take your car to Elba, you can leave it in Piombino - there are paid and free guarded parking lots on the port territory.

When choosing a convenient means and time of crossing, you should also take into account the bus schedule from Portoferraio (where most ferries arrive), if you do not plan to stop in this city, but want to travel further. Last bus around the island in the direction of Lacona departs at 19:30, at 20:00 the bus leaves for Capoliveri. The cost of the bus ranges from 2 to 3 euros. We recommend planning your route in such a way that you can get to the island before 19:00!

Photos of Elbe

Getting around the Elbe

Elba has excellent transport links with all major cities of the island. Suburban routes and bus schedules in the summer can be viewed; on weekends and holidays the schedule changes to.

Summer schedule Portoferraio city line can be viewed.

From June to September, additional services from Marebus are introduced on Elba, the so-called sea buses, which run from the major cities of the island (Portoferraio, Marciana, Capoliveri and Rio Nell Elba) to the most popular beaches. They are easy to recognize - they are blue buses with a dolphin emblem.

Fare to public transport ranges from 2 euros, for a one-time trip, to 22 euros - upon purchase travel ticket on all city and suburban lines. You can purchase such a ticket at the ATL offices (Azienda Trasporti Livornesi).

History and sights of the Elbe

Elba attracts not only its unique and picturesque nature— inquisitive tourists will find a lot on the Elbe interesting monuments history and culture.

The first mention of this island can be found in Homer's Odyssey; according to legend, the Argonauts landed on the island while searching for the Golden Fleece. But if you go to Archaeological Museum in Marcana, you can see finds from Paleolithic times, which indicate that the history of this island dates back to ancient times.

During the period of antiquity, the Elbe, in Greek Ephalia (Aethalia), that is, “fiery”, “smoky”, received its name due to the mining and processing of iron ore. Huge deposits of iron were an inexhaustible source of wealth for the Etruscans. Having visited Elba Island Mountain Parkmost interesting museum with a rich exhibition of minerals, you can not only see the mines in which the Etruscans mined iron ore for five centuries, but armed with special tools you can go in search of minerals that you can take home as a souvenir.

After the decline of Etruscan culture, the Romans turned the island into a naval base, continued iron mining, and also discovered granite, healing mud, and, of course, excellent wine on the island, which was sent in large quantities throughout the Mediterranean. Amphoras with wine recovered from sunken ships, as well as household items, weapons and other finds from the Roman period, you can see in the archaeological museums of Elbe.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, for several centuries Elba belonged to the maritime Republic of Pisa. In the 16th century, the island passed to the French Medici dynasty, during whose reign the unique fortified city of Portoferraio appeared.

In the eighteenth century, a fierce struggle for the island again unfolded - the fate of the Elbe was of interest to many: Austrians, Germans, British and French... Thus began the famous French period, which most of us know well. Elba became Napoleon Bonaparte's elegant prison. Napoleon's exile lasted only ten months (1814-1815), but during this short time on the island, he set the direction for the development of Elbe for centuries to come. As a result of the reforms, a division into municipalities appeared, the mining industry was transformed, roads were built, and wine production and exports increased. Two residences of Napoleon have survived to this day: Villa San Martino and Palazzo Mulini, which have become National Museums.

In 1860, after the War of Independence, Elba became part of the Kingdom of Italy.



Parks and Recreation

Private guides on the Elbe

Russian private guides will help you get acquainted with the Elbe in more detail.
Registered on the Experts.Tourister.Ru project.

Beaches of Elbe

Beach holidays are always a classic holiday by the sea. There are not just many beaches on the Elbe, but a lot thanks to the rugged coastline. In different sources you can find a figure from 70 to 150 beaches. With such a large number, it is very easy to get confused, especially since the island is not large and during the day you can visit beaches in opposite corners of the island. Therefore, before choosing which beach to go to, determine for yourself what qualities your ideal beach should have. It would seem that nothing could be simpler - beach holiday... But in relation to the Elbe, with its diversity, you should pay attention to some details.


When choosing a hotel or vacation spot, decide how you will move around the Elbe. How important will the proximity of the beach be to you? If you have ground transportation, then it will not be difficult for you to get to almost any beach on the island. But remember that many beaches only have paid parking, but you won’t be able to park your car along the road due to the lack of a minimum parking space. In addition, in the morning and evening on the Elbe, traffic jams are considered a common occurrence. The roads are very narrow and there are serpentine roads, so when everyone is going to the beach or returning from the beach, traffic becomes very difficult. The ideal vehicle in this situation is a two-wheeler.

All these problems disappear if you rent a boat or yacht. As is often the case on the islands of volcanic Italy, not all beaches are equally accessible from land, so it is an advantage water transport It is also an opportunity to get to the most closed and least crowded beaches, which can only be reached by water.

If you do not plan to travel around the island by car or bicycle, pay attention to the special “ sea ​​buses”, which ply around the island from large settlements to popular beaches.

Well, if this option doesn’t suit you, don’t worry, it’s close to any town or hotel located in coastline There are definitely several beaches, among which you can find the one that suits you best. Of these easily accessible beaches, we can recommend the following:

Beach view

The beaches of Elbe are a unique phenomenon, the main advantage of which is the clearest water and the diversity of their natural cover. The fact is that Elbe has all types of beaches: sandy (white, pink and black sand), pebble, sand-pebble, rocky, concrete and rocky. If you are vacationing with children, then it is better to exclude concrete, rocky beaches and beaches with rocky entry into the sea. On rocky beaches, it is highly advisable to use special beach shoes that will protect your feet from sharp stones and slightly reduce the risk of slipping.

When choosing a beach, pay attention to landscape features, location and length. There are long straight lines on the Elbe open beaches, there are small cozy coves that are surrounded by greenery, there are inaccessible intimate beaches, the descent to which can be very difficult.

For lovers of naturalism there is interesting beaches in different parts of the island. As a rule, these are any semi-desert bays that can only be reached from the sea. But there are also places that can be reached on foot or by transport, and which have been a favorite destination for nudists for decades. The most popular nudist beaches and cliffs:


If you are a lover of a comfortable holiday with all the amenities, think about what Additional services What do you need and what can you sacrifice? After this, it will be easier to find a beach taking into account your wishes. If it is important for you to have developed infrastructure on the beach: parking, restaurant/bar, sun loungers, umbrellas, swimming equipment rental, all kinds of instructors and training schools different types water recreation, then you should pay attention to these beaches:

True, the attendance of such beaches at the height of the season can spoil the impression of Elbe due to the large influx of vacationers.

In addition to well-equipped coastal areas developed by tourists, there are charming wild beaches that will be a real discovery for you and will give you relaxing holiday and unity with nature:

Direction of the wind

The secret to finding a beach on Elbe where the sea will be calm and crystal clear is to determine the direction of the wind. By accurately determining where the wind is blowing today, you can choose a beach on the opposite side of the island. Locals always advise keeping two beaches in mind: one on the north side of the island, the other on the south, then you will never be disappointed beautiful beaches Elbe. For example, if the scirocco (southwest wind) is blowing, choose from the northern beaches in the Portoferraio area (Le Ghiaie, or La Padulella, Capo Bianco or Sansone). And also, do not forget that there are always tiny coves that are so well hidden and protected that even Aeolus, the God of Wind, is not aware of their existence...

Elbe beaches for children:

Elbe's dog-friendly beaches:

Elbe beaches by region

North of the island

Beaches of Portoferraio

Within the city of Portoferraio and in its immediate vicinity there are many beaches to suit every taste.

Beaches of Marciana Marina

Marciana Marina is one of the oldest fishing towns in Elba, so many of the beaches are home to all sorts of restaurants serving amazing seafood delicacies. The Marciana-Marina area is also famous for its cleanest beaches.

South of the island

Beaches of Campo nell'Elba