Holidays dedicated to aviation. Aviation Day (Air Fleet Day)

At the beginning of the second month of the year, congratulations are received from pilots, flight attendants, mechanics and everyone else whose work is related to aircraft, because Russian Civil Aviation Day is celebrated. When and how did this holiday appear?


In 1923, on February 9, a decree was issued on achieving the growth rate and quality of aircraft manufacturing, which must meet the standards of developed countries. To achieve these goals, a special Civil Aviation Council was organized.

There were no educational institutions that would graduate specialist pilots and aircraft engineers at that time. Therefore, all the tasks set by the state leadership fell on the shoulders of military navigators, who urgently began to undergo retraining.

A few years later, in 1932, the new structure became stronger, it had its own flag, uniform and new name. Previously, the Russian air fleet was called “Dobrolet”, and now it has received the name “Aeroflot”. However, at that time they had not yet thought about Russian Civil Aviation Day, what date to celebrate it and how. This only happened in 1979, but it was originally called “Aeroflot Day”. This holiday still exists, but it is celebrated at a different time.

Civil aviation in Russia

In 1923 in the USSR main airport was, of course, in the capital - in Moscow on the Khodynskoye Field. At that time there was only one route along which planes carrying people and cargo flew: from Moscow to Berlin with stops in Smolensk, Kaunas and Konigsberg. But in June of that year, when the official structure appeared, another regular flight was added from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod. And from this moment on, more and more new airports begin to appear in the country, new flights begin to operate.

Today civil aviation performs the following functions:

  • transportation of passengers and cargo to different destinations,
  • delivery of humanitarian aid,
  • participation in search and rescue operations,
  • assistance in medical care for residents hard-to-reach regions countries, etc.

Today, Russian airliners can be found in every corner of the world, and this is not perceived as something out of the ordinary. But before, every flight (especially long distances) was looked upon as a feat and sincerely rejoiced at it. So, in 1927, a real breakthrough took place at that time - a Moscow-Tokyo flight was made, and just 2 years later, Russian pilots visited North America.

Flights did not stop during the Second World War, so today, on Russian Civil Aviation Day, when the holiday is celebrated, they do not forget about the real exploits of the pilots who transported humanitarian aid and transported from besieged Leningrad those who urgently needed medical care.


February 9 is not an official holiday, but despite this, celebrations take place throughout the country. How large-scale they will be depends primarily on whether the date is round (50, 70 or 90 years have passed since 1923) and on the city in which the celebrations are taking place. In anniversary years, parades may be held, where members of the country’s Government and, of course, the Minister of Transport are present.

Other holidays whose history is very interesting:

On Russian Civil Aviation Day, congratulations are also received from retirees and industry veterans. By the way, those who work as pilots can retire quite early, having devoted only 25 years (men) or 20 years (women) to the profession. Many “pensioners” are therefore not yet 50 years old. They are relatively young and full of energy, so it is worth organizing a holiday for them.

If you need to organize a celebration in a small group of pilots, flight attendants, etc., then you can turn to the following entertainment:

  • guide a toy plane along a given route using radio control;
  • flight attendants can be asked to temporarily, holding a tray with one hand, collect the maximum number of glasses of water from the floor;
  • check the vestibular apparatus of the pilots by placing some kind of stick (for example, a bat) on the floor, ask them to lean their forehead against it and spin around it 10 times, and then quickly run to the nearest chair.

Russian Civil Aviation Day is a holiday when it is appropriate to talk about the jokes of pilots that once really happened. For example, how one British aircraft captain took a seat in the back row among unsuspecting passengers. When everyone took their seats and began to worry that the pilot had been gone for a long time, he became indignant and said that in this case he would take the helm himself, after which he unfastened his seat belt, went into the cockpit, closed the door behind him, and the plane began to move .

There are many similar stories. And, perhaps, someone will decide not only to tell them, but also to “make a joke” in honor of the holiday. However, it is better not to do this, because among the passengers there may be very impressionable people.

The development of aviation in the USSR can be illustrated by the following the most important events those years:

On May 1, 1918, the first military and aviation parade of the Moscow garrison troops took place on Khodynskoye Field.

It involved infantry units, cavalry, artillery and armored vehicles, as well as the first aviation detachments, and many aircraft also had the insignia of the Russian Army.

From Red Square, after the rally, V.I. Lenin arrived here (accompanied by N.K. Krupskaya and M.I. Ulyanova). He inspected hangars and airplanes and talked with pilots and aircraft technicians.

After passing the infantry, artillery, and cavalry, everyone’s eyes turned to the sky, where pilot I.N. Vinogradov flew over Khodynka in a Nieuport-21 aircraft and performed aerobatic maneuvers.

January 17, 1921 - the first Soviet legislative act on aviation was adopted - the Decree “On air movements in the airspace over the territory of the RSFSR and over its territorial waters.”

May 1, 1921 - the Moscow-Oryol-Kharkov postal and passenger airline opened (served by old Ilya Muromets aircraft).

May 1, 1922 The first international airline in the USSR Moscow-Konnigsberg (Deruluft airline) opened.

February 9, 1923 - The Council of Labor and Defense adopted a resolution “On the assignment of technical supervision of air lines to the Main Directorate of the Air Fleet and on the organization of the Council for Civil Aviation” - the official date of the creation of civil aviation.

March 8, 1923 - The Society of Friends of the Air Fleet (ADVF) was created, which took part in equipping airfields, raised funds for the construction of aircraft for the Red Army Air Force, and held All-Union glider competitions in Crimea.

March 17, 1923 - the Russian joint-stock company of the Voluntary Air Fleet - “Dobrolyot” was created with an authorized capital of 2 million rubles in gold. The main goal was to organize air mail, passenger and cargo airlines, as well as the development of domestic aviation industry.

September 3, 1923 - V.I. Lenin and N.K. Krupskaya contributed six personal chervonets in gold to Dobrolyot JSC for purchase passenger plane Junkers Yu-13 "Pravda".

January 23, 1927 - The Society for the Promotion of Defense, Aviation and Chemical Construction - OSOAVIAKHIM (from 1951 - DOSAAF USSR, from 1991 - ROSTO) was formed.

March 20, 1930 - on the basis of the aeromechanical faculty of Moscow Higher Technical University named after. Bauman, the Higher Aeromechanical School was formed (since August 29 - the Moscow Aviation Institute).

June 26, 1930 - near Voronezh, under the leadership of L.G. Minov, the first mass training of parachutists in the USSR for jumping from an airplane began. This day is considered the birthday of Soviet parachuting.

In November 1932 Commander of the Red Army Air Force Ya.I. Alksnis submitted to the Revolutionary Military Council (the highest military body of the USSR) a proposal from the Air Force to establish a new holiday - “Aviation Day”, “with the aim of further popularizing civil and military aviation among the masses”

The holiday was proposed to be held annually in August (“the best time according to weather conditions, after preparation in summer camps Air Force personnel") in the form of air parades, demonstrating the best examples of military and civil aviation, piloted by the best military and civilian pilots, as well as with the participation of outstanding athletes, aviators and parachutists.

Previously, there were no regular aviation holidays either in Tsarist Russia or in the USSR.

This proposal was considered by the Government and the Central Committee, after which on April 28, 1933, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 859 “On the celebration of the Day of the Air Fleet of the USSR.”

Thus, since 1933, a tradition arose to celebrate the USSR Air Fleet Day every year on August 18. This holiday was established both for military and civil aviators, as well as for the developers and creators of aircraft.

USSR Air Fleet Day was celebrated annually on August 18 until 1980, when Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 No. 3018-X “On Holidays and Memorial Days” established that USSR Air Fleet Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in August.

Subsequently, aerial displays of new models of military and civil aircraft were held in Domodedovo (the last one in 1967).

In 1977, an aviation and sports festival of DOSAAF athletes dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the Great October Revolution took place in Tushino.

In the 70s and 80s, central air parades were not held.

However, the tradition of holding air holidays dedicated to the USSR Air Fleet Day has been preserved at the regional (local) level. Annually air holidays were carried out in Zhukovsky (by LII test pilots), in Monino, in Kubinka and other aviation cities.

From 1955 to 1991, the celebration of USSR Air Fleet Day was opened with ceremonial meetings held by the heads of the Air Force of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Aviation Industry, the Ministry of Civil Aviation, and DASAAF.

The first ceremonial meeting took place in 1955 in the green theater of the Park. Gorky (G.K. Zhukov participated), and the last one took place on August 16, 1991 in Concert hall them. Tchaikovsky (almost all members of the future State Emergency Committee participated).

All ceremonial Meetings of representatives of Moscow workers and soldiers of the capital's garrison, dedicated to the Day of the USSR Air Fleet, were held according to the same scenario.

They were held on Friday (closest to Aviation Day) alternately in the Central Theater of the Soviet Army, the Column Hall of the House of Unions and in the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky.

The official part was opened by a very representative presidium from among the heads of the Air Force and aviation industries, general and chief designers of aircraft, champion aviators, and cosmonauts of the USSR.

The main report was usually given by the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, sometimes by the Ministers of Aviation Industry and Civil Aviation. Then there were performances by production leaders from the aviation industry and champions and record holders of aviation sports. The official part lasted about 1.5 hours.

Then there was an hour-long break, during which we could have a snack and a little drink at the tables set in the foyer. A military brass band played (with the obligatory “March of the Aviators”), and those who wished could dance.

This solemn meeting was concluded by a Grand Festive Concert with the participation of the most popular and famous artists, singers and dancers.

Sometimes this concert was filmed and then on Sunday the recording of the concert dedicated to Aviation Day was shown on Central Television.

The ceremonial meetings for USSR Air Fleet Day continued until August 1991. To the meeting

On August 16, 1991, several people quietly walked into the presidium, in whom everyone was surprised to recognize the very first persons from the leadership of the Country (except Gorbachev).

B.K. Pugo (Minister of the Interior). Never before have such high-ranking leaders attended ceremonial meetings dedicated to Aviation Day.

None of them spoke. They left before the others, as quietly as they had appeared.

It was a mystery to everyone.

And only on Monday, August 19, everyone learned that these same leaders of the USSR, who were present at the celebration of Aviation Day in the Hall. Tchaikovsky, formed the State Emergency Committee (GKChP) and made a failed attempt to save the USSR and the CPSU from impending destruction.

This was the last USSR Air Fleet Day in the history of the country. By Resolution of the Presidium of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of September 28, 1992 N 3564-1, it was establishedholiday Russian Air Fleet Day (third Sunday in August).

holiday Russian Air Force Day - August 12 (celebrated on Air Fleet Day), in honor of the 1912 event, when by order of the Military Department (Russian War Ministry)on August 12, the staff of the aeronautical unit of the MainDirectorate of the General Staff.

Flag of the USSR Air Force. The one in the heart......

Yesterday, through Odnoklassniki, I received congratulations from my classmate at the military school. He congratulated me on the start of the holiday week. At the same time, it was quite logical to note that if the overwhelming majority of representatives of, so to speak, ordinary professions have only one holiday a year, then military aviators have two of them :-). This week begins with one holiday, with Sunday 12th oh, and another ends, in Sunday 19th.

I somehow didn’t attach any importance to this before. Probably because I have never lived in Russia since it became a separate independent state. As they say, my homeland is Soviet Union. And then we, the army, had only one aviation day. The same one that Stalin installed in 1933. Then it was August 18th.

Since then USSR Air Fleet Day celebrated every third Sunday in August. Moreover, this holiday was more associated with the 18th. There was also Aeroflot Day (more precisely, the civil air fleet) - the second Sunday of February, but we didn’t consider it ours then (and rightly so) and many had not even heard of it.

Then Aeroflot Day was canceled in 1988 and combined with August aviation day. And three years later the Soviet Union ceased to exist. Socialism, not really built, sank into oblivion... Then everything around collapsed, starting with the economy and ending with long-term historical and spiritual traditions.

Soviet aviation, unfortunately, did not escape this fate (not only military, but also civilian). The losses that she suffered probably cannot be compared even with the losses during the fighting. Especially in the second half of the 90s and early 2000s.

It was painful and bitter to watch all this. Every at least somewhat positive action and any, even small, movement forward was perceived with great hope. And now, it seems, these hopes are beginning to come true.

Our honored one, now just as she once was in the first years of its existence, Russian aviation, which always had many victories and outstanding achievements begins to spread its wings again.

On August 12, exactly 100 years ago, the first military aviation unit was officially formed by royal decree. Thus the Russian Air Force was born. And from May 31, 2006, by Presidential Decree Russian Federation this day became an official holiday, Air Force Day(has the status of a memorial day). Absolutely correct and logical decision :-).

As you can see, all good things come back :-). Russian aviation is beginning to restore its former power and perfection. I really want to believe that this process will only accelerate and go in the right direction, which means there is and will be something to celebrate. And we will definitely do it :-).

Now, after all, we have two holiday dates: the 12th and the following 19th (officially approved, by the way, in 1992 by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation). Russian Air Force Day and Russian Air Fleet Day. And I don’t even know if they should be divided. It's all easy for me Aviation Day.

And today, on the eve of these two big holidays, I want to congratulate everyone on the 100th anniversary of our glorious Air Force and on the upcoming Russian Air Fleet Day.

Congratulations to everyone who had and has the great happiness (that’s right!) to touch the mysteries of the fifth ocean, those for whom the sky has become a second home, and its delicate blue and snow-white light clouds are their favorite colors in life.

Congratulations to everyone who is familiar with powerful, heavy and, at times, formidable machines. Thanks to your ground work, which is often very difficult and even thankless, planes take to the air and there they turn into light birds of the sky :-).

Happy holidays to everyone who creates the most complex modern aircrafts, builds them at giant factories, which in one way or another ensure the possibility of daily flight operations of Russian aviation.

Happy holidays to all aviators, past, present and future. Although, of course, there are no former aviators, just like former officers...

Congratulations to everyone who understands, who remembers, who knows...

Most of our contemporaries have taken to the air at least once on board an airliner. This means that he entrusted his life to the reliable hands of civil aviation employees and aviation sector workers, who no less ensure safety air transport than flight personnel. And on August 21, we all have the opportunity to thank these people by celebrating their professional holiday with them. Yes, and there is no need to confuse Air Fleet Day with Air Force Day - these are different holidays.


The first to appear in our country military aviation, the civil air fleet was born second. Regular air services began in the USSR in 1922, when the permanent Moscow-Konigsberg line was launched. As the country’s civil air fleet developed, it “took wing” and, to celebrate this phenomenon, in 1933, thanks to I.V. Stalin, this important holiday was born - at that time it was called “Soviet Air Fleet Day.” It is clear that after the collapse of the Union, changes were made to the name and the holiday received its current name.

Today, more than 4,000 airplanes and 2,000 helicopters belonging to various Russian airlines transport up to 30% of passengers and cargo on intercity and international airlines “from south seas to the polar edge."


Every year the celebration of this important date is becoming increasingly widespread in our country. For everyone civil airfields Large-scale air shows are held, both with the participation of professional aerobatic teams and with the participation of amateur pilots.

In many Russian cities, mass public celebrations are held; television programs include:

  • stories from the life of civil aviation;
  • stories of outstanding pilots about their work biography;
  • reports from pilots' performances;
  • feature films on relevant topics.

On this day they walk not only civil pilots, but also the military, as well as everyone who is at least in some way connected with aviation in general. And, which is quite natural, most people meet not only on the streets, but also at the festive table. Many airlines gather employees for cooperative events. Distinguished specialists are awarded awards and valuable gifts.

‑ a professional holiday of aviators and workers of the country's aviation infrastructure. This day is celebrated in the Russian Federation annually, on the third Sunday of August in accordance with the resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dated September 28, 1992 "On the establishment of the holiday Day of the Russian Air Fleet."

Previously, since 1933, this holiday was celebrated as USSR Air Fleet Day. It was established by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated April 28, 1933 "On the celebration of the Day of the Air Fleet of the USSR" in honor of the outstanding achievements of scientists, aircraft designers, flight and technical personnel of the Air Force in strengthening the defense capability of the Soviet state.

The holiday was established both for military and civil aviators, as well as for the developers and creators of aircraft.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 “On holidays and memorable days,” the date of celebration of USSR Air Fleet Day was moved to the third Sunday in August.

In 1970, the USSR became a member International organization civil aviation ICAO.

In 1972, regular flights began on the new mainline Tu-154 aircraft.

In 1973, a decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On measures to improve flight safety in civil aviation” was issued.

From this date, a new qualitative stage in the formation and development of the management system began air traffic(ATC) in the country.

After Russia declared sovereignty in 1991, a new stage began in the history of domestic civil aviation. “Aeroflot ceased to be an all-Union structure and fell into pieces.

New structures began to form on the basis of territorial departments: concerns, corporations, associations, airlines. In addition to existing airlines, independent airlines began to form on a commercial basis.

In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, in October 1991, by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the Union Ministry of Civil Aviation was abolished, and the Air Transport Department was formed within the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. A number of new civil aviation entities were created, including the International Aviation Committee (IAC), which became a permanent body for the coordination of aviation and the use airspace on an equal basis of twelve countries - independent states former USSR.

On March 19, 1997, the Air Code of the Russian Federation was adopted, establishing the legal basis for the use of Russian airspace and activities in the field of aviation. In accordance with the code, federal rules for the use of airspace and federal aviation regulations have been developed.

Stable operation aviation transport is of great importance for the economy and social sphere of the country, and the state is taking all measures to support and sustainable development of domestic airlines and enterprises.

In 2007, the Government of the Russian Federation approved and by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia approved the Federal Target Program "Development transport system Russia (2010-2015)", which includes the subsection "Civil Aviation". The total amount of funding for the subprogram is 1250.5 billion rubles.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources