Rating of trips abroad. What is the cheapest country for holidays and long stays?


Everyone dreams of a good and inexpensive vacation, especially now, during the swimming season, but not everyone can afford to go to the seashore or visit famous cities. However, there are hundreds of cheap travel destinations in the world. The most important problem for many vacationers is transportation, because sometimes, in order to get to the desired “inexpensive” place, you need to pay a hefty sum for the flight.

It is quite difficult to define the word “cheap” in the modern world; we all have very different ideas about what is cheap and what is expensive. According to one of the American web publications, the cheapest holiday destinations are the countries that you can learn about in this article. Holidays in them are inexpensive, but of course, everything is learned by comparison.

1) Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a poor country located on the eastern side of the island of Haiti, offering luxurious beaches, crystal clean water, cheap food, and inexpensive housing. Cheapness attracts many tourists to the Dominican Republic who dream of enjoying the beauty of the tropical islands, and the bulk of tourists come here from the USA and other countries Latin America. According to some estimates, there were about 45 thousand Russians in the Dominican Republic in 2011.

2) Egypt

Egypt attracts tourists not only with the beauty of the Red Sea and ancient monuments of architecture and art, but also with its low cost. Despite the fact that Egypt is considered one of the most exotic corners of the world, prices here are not inflated, but on the contrary, even underestimated. Apparently, mostly to attract at least those who are not afraid of endless armed conflicts in these places. Tourists usually visit Cairo, but if you go to Luxor, where there is also something to see, you can save even more on your holiday. The only thing is to choose the right season.

3) Venezuela

Venezuela is a country in the north of South America, which is washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea. Not far from the coast is Margarita Island, a very popular tourist destination in the recent past, although today the flow of tourists has decreased significantly for various reasons, including increased crime. However, people still come here, enjoy nature, excellent weather, aquatic species sports and cheapness.

4) Argentina

Argentina is a large country in South America, which is washed by Atlantic Ocean. Of course, here you can find a vacation to suit every taste and budget. If you avoid dubious offers, you can have a wonderful and cheap holiday. The number of tourists arriving in Argentina is growing every year. Mostly Spaniards and Italians come here from Europe.

5) Türkiye

Many are sure that Turkey is a country that you need to visit at least once in your life. Surrounded by seas on three sides, Turkey is famous for its mixed culture, which makes it very contrasting. This is the only country where you can see the features of both Europe and Asia so clearly. Beautiful beaches, warm seas, unique historical places, huge oriental markets and unusual natural beauty attract millions of tourists here every year.

6) Croatia

Croatia is small European country, located off the coast of the Adriatic Sea, with many beautiful islands. The most developed region from a tourist point of view is the region of Istria - a peninsula in the north of the country, where you can find many attractions that have come down to us from the times of the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages.

7) Morocco

It may seem that Morocco is not such a cheap tourist destination, but this is not the case. With careful planning and planning ahead, you can have an unforgettable trip without breaking the bank. Food, accommodation, souvenirs - everything is relatively inexpensive.

8) Albania

Albania, another country bordering the Adriatic Sea, last years has gained popularity as a tourist destination. Still, the political situation in the country is problematic, so tourists are lured by attractive prices. There is something to see here: beautiful monuments architecture, ancient coastal towns, ancient Roman ruins and much more.

9) Hungary

The capital of Hungary, Budapest is a rather romantic city, packed with tourists who come here from all over the world. The city is famous for its cheapness, but also for its beautiful and unusual buildings, historical monuments, and delicious food. You can do a lot of shopping here.

10) Thailand

Because of the tsunamis that periodically happen here, many are afraid to come to Thailand, but everything possible is being done here to attract as many tourists as possible. After destructive tsunami Since 2004, prices for tourists have dropped significantly. Extraordinary architectural monuments, azure sea, fabulous mountains - this is what makes it worth coming to this extraordinary country.

There is no country in the world that is not of tourist interest. Exclusive historical and archaeological sites, luggage cultural heritage, ecological beauties are found in each. Unfortunately, visiting many of them seriously impacts the wallets of tourists. However, there is a list of world tourism leaders for inexpensive holidays, including countries with entertainment, marine, environmental and cultural destinations.

  • Europe
  • Russia
  • South America
  • Near East

Three inexpensive and beautiful European countries

Europe is very heterogeneous in terms of prices within the different countries it includes. For example, in Finland, which is close to Russia, food prices are much higher than in the distant Netherlands, and therefore it is impossible to calculate a vacation budget based on distance.

The top three low-cost countries in Europe are:

  • Croatia
  • Poland
  • Romania


One of the most reasonably priced countries, gaining tourist popularity due to its location on the Adriatic coast and surrounded by chains of islands, holidays on which are little different from holidays on oceanic atolls: the same bright seascapes, the same snow-white sands, exotic nature. Yachting is developing rapidly on the beaches of Croatia: it is the main entertainment area.

Added to this is a daily varied menu of spicy and spicy seafood dishes and local wine, famous for its softness and flavor palette.

It is customary to visit Croatia at the height of the summer heat, starting in June, and in early autumn, until October. But prices for accommodation, food and entertainment in the next season - October-November - will drop by half. At this time, you won’t always be able to swim, but going on a yacht and spending time in the lap of exotic nature will be quite cheap.

Flight: from 13,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1400 rub.


This is a country in which the Middle Ages have remained intact in many places. When going to Poland, get ready for the fact that almost every resort will offer you an overview of a perfectly preserved knight's castle or the ruins of historically significant fortifications of the 12-14th centuries.

Most resort towns in Poland are ancient cities with atmospheric architecture, beautiful churches, and picturesque landscapes. Lakes framed by forests and parks create lyrical pictures that are pleasant for tourists tired of the bustle of big cities. offers cultural and ecological tourism with hospitality and affordable accommodation and food. The climate of Poland allows you to admire it at any time of the year.

Flight: 8,400 rub.

Accommodation: from 1400 rub.

Day stay for two: from 5600 rub.


The leader in the list of the most inexpensive countries in Europe, and at the same time provides a variety of vacation destinations. For curious tourists - a country of fortresses and castles of the 14th-16th centuries. (among them the castle of the famous vampire Dracula!). For active tourists there will be ski slopes and mountaineering routes, for lovers sea ​​holiday– Black Sea coast.

Romania is a very wooded country, it charms with its pristineness, interspersed with modern and very cozy cities.

The climate of Romania is similar to Russia, with the difference that in winter it is rarely colder than fifteen degrees below zero. But summers here are not very hot: on average, up to twenty-five degrees Celsius.

Ski season: winter, from mid-December until the snow melts (usually the end of April). Holidays on the Black Sea last a little more than two months: from June to mid-August.

Flight: 10,500 rub.

Accommodation: 1750 – 2100 rub.

Day stay for two: from 4900 rub.

Asia: exotica affordable

One of the well-known inexpensive Asian destinations is Thailand, and relatively recently two more exotic beautiful countries have entered the world of widespread tourism: Cambodia and Vietnam.

Countries that are actively developing tourism destinations are always distinguished by inexpensive prices and very attentive service. This is how they earn their reputation.


Many tourists have fallen in love with this extremely friendly, inexpensive country. Violet and turquoise lagoons of long beaches, stone steles as if dropped from the sky by giants, flowery outfits local residents– we have seen all this at least once in photographs, and all this is quite accessible to see in reality.

The main shrines of Thailand are the White Temple, as if carved from ivory, and more than thirty thousand Buddhist temples, carved, colored, inlaid.

The islands of Thailand are kept clean and fresh in their original form, undersea world charming. Local cuisine is divided into two directions: Japanese-Chinese (you won’t see such huge rolls anywhere else) and local spicy cuisine, sometimes even too exotic.

People visit Thailand from the end of November to February - this is the tropical season, ideal for a beach holiday, and the hot season that follows, from mid-March to May. At this time, the temperature rises significantly, up to 37 degrees. The rainy season (June-October) is interesting in its own way, but there is a risk of spending your entire vacation at the hotel looking at the rain.

Flight: from 20,000 rub.

Accommodation: 1000 rub.


Thailand's small neighbor, Cambodia has finally dealt with the revolutionary upheavals and has begun to develop as a tourist country.

Surprisingly, Cambodia offers lower prices than Thailand and higher level of service. The beauty of the country is unique: twenty-two national parks attract eco-tourists. Blooming jungle rare plants, the lushness of the tropical forest is adjacent to beach areas on the shores of a very clear ocean.

Little Cambodia has the largest religious building in the world - the Angkor Wat temple is the main attraction of the country. The climate and recommendations for visiting Cambodia are the same as the climate and recommendations for visiting Thailand.

Flight: from 33,000 rub. (Siem Reap)

Accommodation: 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 4500 rub.


The popularity of Vietnam is becoming attractive for those who are willing to spend money on air tickets in order to then establish a financial balance through cheap accommodation and food.

The culture of Vietnam, long hidden from the eyes of Europeans, developed separately and is therefore so attractive to those eager to get acquainted with the unknown. Temples of rare beauty, excursions to the habitats of small ethnic groups of Vietnam, hiking and cycling through forested mountains: Vietnam invites not a tourist, but a guest.

He generously shares his rich views, gives relaxation on beaches stretching almost three thousand kilometers, and willingly introduces exoticism and Asian mystique into his mysterious world.

Vietnam also has the cheapest pearls in the world, the most unusual cuisine and very friendly local people.

From December to April you can change your chilliness Russian winter to the delightfully warm breeze of the Vietnamese coasts. At this time, prices in the country are slightly higher than in the subsequent season, which lasts from May to October. This is the rainy season, but prices drop so noticeably that tourists are little bothered by the rain. They buy multi-colored Vietnamese umbrellas with fringes and go for an impression!

Flight: from 27,000 rub. (Ho Chi Minh City)

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 4500 rub.

Russia: such a familiar stranger

Holidays for the most active travelers. Karelia provides many tourist centers, and the tourist centers vying with each other to please tourists, offering fishing, hunting, kayaking, hiking in the forest and mountains.

The nature of Karelia is poorly described in words: it is not only unique, it does not even have a pale resemblance to itself. Northern coniferous forests imprison stormy mountain rivers in lace frames, multi-colored rocks are reflected in the waters of lakes, sunsets and sunrises paint the world in all shades of gold.

A particularly revered place in Karelia is Kizhi Island, quiet and quiet place with surviving wooden buildings and wonderful temples with hand-carved carvings, one of which has as many as twenty-two chapters.

The island preserves the memory of the original culture of the Karelian peoples and woodcarvers.

For a good rest, it is better to choose August - this is the month when the annoying midge disappears, and the beauty of Karelia is fully revealed. Fans of winter hunting and ice fishing can safely go in winter - it is very beautiful and cold in the Russian way, no annoying slush.

Road: from 1700 rub. (Reserved seat Moscow – Petrazovodsk)

Accommodation: from 600 rub. (private sector)

Weekly accommodation for one + travel: 12,000 rubles, if you feed yourself.


Seliger is a long chain of lakes, traces left by a glacier that once passed here.

The transparency and purity of the water, the environmental friendliness of Seliger attract tourists with children to recreation centers, of which there are many built on the banks. Pleasant entertainment on the water is offered: fishing and boating, kite and windsurfing and simply relaxing in nature, necessary for modern city residents.

On Seliger, people often visit the Nilova Pustyn Monastery. The monastery was founded in the 16th century on the site where the holy hermit Nile, revered in Orthodoxy, reposed. Many stories are associated with him about miracles of humility and signs from above that surrounded the pious elder.

The monastic monastery is a place of pilgrimage.

Seliger is visited in the warm months, from May to mid-September. In winter, the lakes are a bit boring, although tourist centers offer New Year and Christmas holidays with festive entertainment.

Road: bus Moscow – Ostashkov from Tushino bus station. 7 hours travel, cost 781 rubles.
Then take a bus from Ostashkov to Berezovy Ryad or Svapusche. Cost 126 rub.

Accommodation: from 800 rub. (private sector)

Weekly accommodation for one + travel: 10,000 rubles, if you feed yourself.


The most visited place in Altai is Lake Teletskoye, the center of tourist excursions around wonderful places this region. Mountaineering, horse tourism, fishing, hiking and cycling trails with visits to caves, mountain ranges, forest gorges and waterfalls are developed.

Who hasn't heard of Lake Titicaca? A funny name for Russian-speaking tourists is the name of a lake that climbed to a height of more than three thousand meters above sea level. And these are not all the wonders of Bolivia!

Another lake, the dry salt lake of Uyuni, leaves the impression of visiting a lake on another planet - the whiteness of the salt formations sparkling in the sun creates bizarre patterns and figures of unknown creatures, frozen forever.

There are traces left on the territory of Bolivia ancient civilization, which once rebuilt the stone settlement of Tiwanaku. This is a system of steps, plateaus, peaks and temples, mysterious statues and ruins of palaces. Tiwanaku was built not by people, but by gods - this is what the locals believe.

For extreme sports enthusiasts, the Bolivian Death Road will be a challenge - the most dangerous mountain bike route in the world.

Bolivia is a very poor country, and this explains the low prices for staying there. From May to October there is a dry season in Bolivia, this is best time to visit the country.

Flight: from 64,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.


Argentina's national parks combine all the world's wonders: these are gorges that are two hundred million years old, and blue ice, frozen in creative chaos, and scarlet deserts with the largest cacti in the world, and amazing forests with trees bent in dance. Argentina's waterfalls adorn almost any national park, so you won’t be left without an impressive spectacle.

In addition to eco-tourism, it is proposed to spend time in Buenos Aires, a city of lush contrasts, where there is an artist district, La Boca, the colorful splendor of creative architecture, the center of the cultural life of the capital. Culture in the Argentinean way is a fireworks display of meanings, colors and paradoxes, but it makes excellent souvenirs. The summer period in Argentina lasts from December to February.

Flight: from 55,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 2500 rub.

Africa: where humanity was born...

And sooner or later he is drawn to return to his roots. Almost everyone dreams of getting there, such is the romantic aura attached to traveling through it. And there are African countries that allow you to make your dream come true inexpensively. This:

  • Tunisia
  • Burkina Faso

South Africa

The former territories of the English colonists gave the world such famous names as Table Mountain and the Cape of Good Hope. Now Table Mountain has become the center of a national park, and the Cape of Good Hope is part of a museum area with ports and castles.

South Africa is rich in polar types of attractions - these include English-style museums and the famous Big Hole- a museum-mine, and in contrast - truly African natural reserves of lions, giraffes and other wild animals. Two civilizations have tightly merged in South Africa: one is industrial, urban, and the second is still wild.

The paradox does not leave South Africa alone: ​​here in Africa, you will see a diamond museum, an island inhabited by fur seals, a beach where a colony of penguins has managed to settle. Amazing country with low prices awaits you from December to February and from July to September.

Flight: from 34,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 2500 rub.


The favorable location of Tunisia made it an arena for the redistribution of ancient Roman power. From the Romans in this beautiful country Many buildings remained, including the Colosseum, which is not much inferior to what is now located on the territory of modern Rome.

From their rivals are the remains of the once richest Carthage. Add here wonderful mosques, Arab fortresses, cathedrals, left over from the times of colonization, and feel the intensity of historical events that took place on this land.

The center of attraction for tourists here is still the Sahara Desert and Lake Chott el Nerid. Excursions to the great desert of the world and to a huge lake, as if covered with ice, covered with a crust of salt, are a must-have program for a traveler looking for the wonders of the world. And in Tunisia you can try vodka made from figs!

A third of Tunisia is given over to the Sahara, and on the other side of the country the gentle sea washes the cleanest beaches. Their visiting season is from June to September. From November to early April you can also swim, but dusty winds often blow and it rains.

It is a country with a population of more than a thousand tribes with a distinct culture and way of life. Burkina Faso is a must visit for those looking for the real Africa with ritual magic, wildlife, safaris and predators.

There is National parks, where Africa lives life to the fullest, not knowing that civilization has long closed a ring around it. The parks are inhabited by hippos and antelopes, lions and rhinoceroses.

You can see another famous African predator in Koudougou: the sacred Sabu crocodiles live there, quite harmless and friendly despite their terrible reputation. You can take a photo with them, and they don’t mind at all.

An interesting museum-repository that reveals the secrets of African magic is the Manega Museum, which has collected exhibits and objects of the sacred cults of ancient African tribes. The exhibits are quite dark and fascinating. Some are over a thousand years old.

A small Arab state-kingdom, almost completely covered with deserts, but attractive for beach holidays on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba, where diving is developed and beautiful coral reefs are hidden under the water.

The Dead Sea, a source of mineral salts, a healing resort and an amazing creation of the planet, is also located on the territory of Jordan. People seek it for a cure for many diseases; its mud and salts are used for cosmetic purposes. Visit Dead Sea, Jordanians believe, rejuvenates a person by ten years.

Not long ago, a city with a history of nine thousand years was included in the list of wonders of the world. This is Petra, a stone city that once had both water and wealth from the spice trade.

Petra is completely carved in stone and grandiose in its decline: its beauty is sad and majestic to this day.

Last minute tours during the period December-March and hot June-August will be very cheap, because this is the period when sea holidays will not be successful, but these months are great for excursions to the sights of the ancient Arab city. For a sea holiday, choose the winter period: from December to February.

Warm, welcoming and also safe. Turkey has always been inexpensive for tourists with a large selection of holiday destinations: it provides beaches on two seas, overviews of monuments of Roman and Greek culture and architecture, excursions to cooled volcanoes and cities hidden in caves.

Holidays in Turkey are never the same. Its diversity is limitless for connoisseurs of Eastern culture and ancient countries.

From Turkey you can bring not only impressions, but also inexpensive souvenirs and useful gifts, for example, real Turkish coffee.

The beach holiday season begins in April and ends in October. The “off season” lasts from November to mid-April, but this is the best time to spend a cheap holiday without crowds of tourists in a country with many cultural monuments and attractions.

Prices for food, gifts, souvenirs and decorations fall fabulously at this time: almost 70% of beach season prices.

Flight: from 9,000 rub. (Istanbul)

Accommodation: from 1500 rub.

Day stay for two: from 3500 rub.

Holidays abroad have always been considered the most expensive pleasure. But recently, tourists can go on vacation abroad freely and the cost of such a vacation will be quite acceptable. Let's look at the most cheap holiday abroad 2019.

In this article we will try to provide you with a description of the most popular destinations among Russian tourists. Also, many may be interested in reading the information from the article: where to holiday abroad without a visa in 2018.

Most Popular Countries

In Turkey any Russian feels at home and therefore many residents of our country prefer to holiday in this country. Türkiye is mainly beach holiday with children on the Black Sea or the Mediterranean. You can also do inexpensive shopping here and naturally visit various attractions. Also, we must not forget about entertainment, of which there is simply a huge amount in Turkey, and therefore every day tourists will find a lot of nightclubs, discos, restaurants and bars.

Prices for holidays here fluctuate depending on the time of year, season and part of the country. So, for example, a tour to Antalya will cost about 200 dollars, to Istanbul - about 350 dollars, and to Kemer - 250 dollars. On average, a two-week tour for two can be purchased for $1000–1500, and if you are lucky enough to buy a last-minute tour or go to Turkey in the fall, you can save up to 50% of their cost. Russian tourists prefer Turkey for a complete holiday with an all-inclusive system, excellent climate, clean sea and numerous excursions.

Unfortunately today, Türkiye is closed to travel companies and many are tormented by the question of when Turkey will open. But you can go on vacation on your own.

Holidays in Egypt at sea is the most traditional among Russian residents, since this destination has long been “travelled” by Russian tourists. Here you can enjoy excellent hotel service, a warm climate, and a huge amount of entertainment for only $250 for 7-8 days of a great vacation.

Warm Red Sea, gentle sun, All inclusive and, of course, the ancient pyramids- this is what numerous tourists come to this beautiful country every year for with its ancient history and unique cultural and architectural monuments: the Pyramids, the eternal Sphinx and Luxor, which tourists visit, all this is worth going to this country on vacation. But this direction is closed, although there is information that flights will soon resume.

And, of course, the logical question will be: what is better, Turkey or Egypt in terms of service, comfort, food?

Thailand no less popular than Turkey or Egypt, but in this country the high season begins in mid-autumn and ends at the beginning of winter. Therefore, if you want to purchase the most cheap tour, then it is best to count on the month of April or May.

A package for a ten-day vacation will cost about $700–800. The cheapest seaside holiday in 2018 will indeed be in Thailand, since in almost any region of the country you can have a great holiday for $15–25 per day. If you decide to go on your own, then on average you will need about $400 per month for accommodation, subject to hotel accommodation in center of Pattaya. But you can find a vacation cheaper. On the island of Phuket, Chang, Koh Samui, Phi Phi you can find a hotel room for $150–200 per month. And if one room is enough for you, then you can rent it for 80–90 dollars.

Thailand has very cheap products, so you only need $100 a month for food. For 2 dollars you can have a great lunch in any cafe, and 6 dollars is enough for dinner in good restaurant. And if you want to fill your suitcase with inexpensive things, then 100 dollars will be enough for you, without even haggling.

The cheapest holiday at sea

Vietnam– this is an incredibly beautiful place where you can find many corners of nature untouched by man. And even despite the growing popularity of this country, holidays in it remain still quite acceptable. So, for example, 10 dollars a day is enough for one person to stay in a hotel, meals, excursion programs and massage. And if you are willing to spend $20 a day, you won’t be able to deny yourself anything. Therefore, 400–500 dollars for an excellent 30-day vacation will be quite enough. But this does not include the flight, since plane tickets are not included in this price (a direct flight will cost a little more than with transfers).

Read a useful informative article about comparing countries: What to choose - Thailand or Vietnam, Sri Lanka for quality inexpensive holidays, excursions and entertainment?

Goa (India) is another popular tourist destination, because with 100 dollars in your pocket (6000 rupees) you can have a great holiday and not deny yourself anything, especially when it comes to North Goa.

The cost of a holiday in Goa for a European person is quite low, especially far from big cities and metropolises. The most expensive holiday in Goa is in winter, since the high season begins at this time, but if you buy a ticket in the off-season, then a tour with air travel when prices drop starts from $400. But if you decide to go on your own and stay in an inexpensive guesthouse, as many young people do, you can save about 20-30% of your money. Goa is very popular among Russians due to its favorable tropical climate and relaxation at almost any time of the year.

Abkhazia is located next to Russia and therefore many prefer to go to this country on vacation, since for many it will be the most budget option to have a great time on the Black Sea. I would also like to note that Russians do not need visas or foreign passports to go on vacation to Abkhazia and the journey will take a little time.

If you do not have a large amount of money, then you can choose a vacation in the private sector, where prices for budget housing do not exceed 300–350 rubles per day per person. If you want more comfortable apartments in the private sector, you will have to shell out a larger amount - about 500 rubles. Meals per day in Abkhazia will also cost you from 500 rubles per day. Thus, it can be calculated that a seven-day holiday in this country without travel will cost about 5,600 to 10,000 rubles per person.

Holidays in boarding houses and hotels in 2018 will cost much more. So, for example, a double room in a boarding house or sanatorium will cost from 1,600 to 8,000 rubles per day. So if you are counting on inexpensive holiday in Abkhazia, then you will need an amount of 22,000 rubles for two. For 30,000 rubles for two you can also see all the sights of this beautiful country.

Many Russians, we are sure, will be curious about the answer to the following question: Where is it better to relax - in Sochi, Crimea or Abkhazia?

But the cheapest holiday abroad at sea awaits you in Bali and Cambodia. These countries offer the cheapest accommodation and food for tourists. In Bali you can find excellent accommodation for $100 a month and the same amount will cover food for 30 days. The only downside is that the flight is very expensive - about $1000!

Cambodia and Bali are not very well-known countries for tourist holidays, and therefore the logical question would be: Where are Bali and Cambodia?

And in Cambodia you can find a room for $1.50 a night, and when you buy delicious and cheap food, you will feel guilty for paying people so little. A visit to one of the world's most famous monuments of the kingdom of Cambodia - Angkor Wat will cost you only 5 dollars.

Exquisite holiday

Sri Lanka or Ceylon island has recently begun to enjoy great popularity among Russian tourists, as many want to relax in exotic places where beautiful nature reigns and there are many secluded beautiful places and unique cultural and historical attractions.

And it is in Sri Lanka that you can have a great rest in an inexpensive beach hotel for 10-15 dollars a day. And here you can engage in a wide variety of sports: diving, surfing, fishing, kiting, rafting, etc. But plane tickets here are not cheap, so it’s best to purchase tickets for charter flights or for connecting flights. Thus, for a month's vacation you will need about 400–500 dollars.

Greece- this is the country of the ancient gods, the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea, as well as beautiful picturesque places where you can relax with children at the most reasonable prices. Halkidiki is the pearl of the Aegean Sea, Crete is the island of the legendary Minotaur, Athens is the capital of the country, Rhodes, Peloponnese, Attica, Paros, Corfu and many other islands and resorts of Greece attract many tourists from Russia. And all of them are perfect for a family holiday. On average, a holiday in Greece will cost you $250–350 for 7 days. Currently, this country is one of the cheapest countries that require a Schengen visa for those who want to fully enjoy the beach and excursion holidays on the sea.

Cyprus It cannot be called very cheap for a holiday, but it is very popular among Russians. A ticket to Cyprus from Moscow will cost about $200 per person, but if you get a promotion from an airline, you can save from 30 to 50%. But living on the island is quite expensive. The cheapest room in Paphos will cost $30–35, but you can rent a room for $25–28 per night. Food in cafes and restaurants is also not cheap, so it is best to buy food in supermarkets, where various promotions and discounts are available.

If you are choosing where to vacation, between the last two countries, we recommend reading the differences between them: What is better to choose - Greece or Cyprus, for example, for a beach holiday?

Europe is a holiday destination

Portugal is a member of the Eurozone and therefore cannot boast of the same low prices as Asian countries. But the holiday here is completely different. You need to go to this beautiful country, which is located in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, just to enjoy the taste of excellent seafood, Portuguese cherry liqueur - ginjinha, port wine, and also visit all architectural monuments Iberian culture of the country, one of which is the famous Belem Tower - a fort on the Tijo River in the region of the same name in Lisbon.

Accommodation in Portugal in an inexpensive hostel in the province will cost from 18 to 33 dollars per day. A room in a three-star hotel will cost from 30 to 80 dollars per day. And accommodation in a boarding house in Lisbon ranges from 13 to 28 dollars. Lunch in an inexpensive cafe will cost from 6.5 to 13.5 dollars, and one dish in an expensive restaurant will cost from 6 to 24 dollars. You'll need about $50 per person per day, so the total cost of the trip will range from $600 to $1,000.

Here you can find the latest and cheapest tours from Moscow from leading tour operators:

Current and up-to-date information about last-minute tours - in automatic search for the best prices

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We remind you that most tour operators use a "dynamic price list", where a computer program determines the price depending on demand (viewings) for specific dates or hotels. Therefore, the price may change every 30 minutes! Usually, in big side.... In this regard, only offers that reflect the general picture of prices and discounts on tours are published in this section.

Last minute holiday prices:


Departure for 8 nights, DBL: 691 EUR - VILLAGE OASIS ANNEX 2* (Malia) RO, 922 EUR - NTANELIS HOTEL 3* (Analipsis) AI,1198 EUR - MARILENA 4* (Ammoudara) AI

Departure for 7 nights, DBL: 500 EUR - ALKYONIDES MALIA 3* (Malia) RO, 928 EUR - AQUA SUN VILLAGE (EX. ERI SUN) 4* (Hersonissos) AI


Departure for 11 nights in DBL: 520 EURО at ASTERIA HOTEL (Archangelos) BB, 649 EUR - HERCULES HOTEL (Faliraki) BB



Departure for 7 nights, DBL: 588 EUR - IVANA HOUSE BUDVA 3* (BUDVA) RO, 1035 EUR - PIMA APARTMENTS 3* (BUDVA) BB




Departure for 7 nights, DBL to Enfidha Airport for 1004 USD at the TEJ MARHABA SOUSSE AI hotel, 1139 USD at SKANES SERAIL 4* at MONASTIR AI,


Departure for 7 nights, DBL to the airport of the island of Djerba: 1232 USD - MAGIC DJERBA MARE 4* (DJERBA) AI, 1252 USD - LELLA MERIAM 4* (ZARZIS) AI



Departure from Moscow for 9 nights in DBL: 803 USD according to the FORTUNE NHA TRANG HOTEL RO program, 952 USD to the MEMORY NHA TRANG 3* hotel, BB

Departure for 13 nights, DBL: 998 USD - FORTUNE NHA TRANG HOTEL 3*, BB, 1012 USD - GALAXY 3* (NHA TRANG) BB

Departure for 14 nights, DBL 1065 USD - FORTUNE NHA TRANG HOTEL 2* RO, 1238 USD - GALAXY 3* (NHA TRANG) BB, 1255 USD - BOSS HOTEL 3* (NHA TRANG) BB


Tours to Antalya AK Russia (Aeroflot group) - Regular flight (8 nights) Prices from 12,590 RUR. (206 USD)

Tours to Antalya AK Russia (Aeroflot group) - Regular flight (7 nights) Prices from 27,150 RUR. (449 USD)

Tours to Antalya AK Russia (Aeroflot group) - Regular flight (6 nights) Prices from 29091 RUR. (481 USD)

Departure to Antalya on a regular Turkish Airlines flight, all-inclusive meals:Discount for 7 nights at Seker Resort 4* Kemer, SPO - 63% = 39,897 rubles per person. in a double room,Kemer Millennium Palace 4* Kemer, Beldibi SPO - 60% = 38,660 rub. per personLarissa Beach Club 4* Side, Side Center SPO - 58% = 36,560 rubles per person. in a double room, Aydinbey Gold Dreams 5* Alanya, Konakli SPO - 55% = 35,545 rubles per person. in a double room,Larissa Phaselis Princess 5* Kemer, Tekirova SPO - 58% = 42,380 rubles per person. in a double room

A daily flight program is offered to Turkey at Antalya Airport on regular flights of Rossiya Airlines (Aeroflot holding company) with departures from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The minimum price of a week-long tour to a three-star hotel in Alanya starts from 52,880 rubles for two!.

Departure to Turkey on Saturday on AK Rossiya flight for 7 nights all inclusive at the hotel

Belek Soho Beach Club 5* Belek, STANDARD ROOM ULTRA ALL = 96,260 rubles for 2 people,Green Max 5* Belek STANDARD ROOM ULTRA ALL = 99,180 rub. per room,FAMILY BUNGALOW ULTRA ALL = RUR 125,790 for a double room,STANDARD SEA VIEW ULTRA ALL = RUR 159,129 for a double room.Hotel Kaya Belek 5* Belek STANDARD ROOM ULTRA ALL = 110,550 rub. for a double room;Hotel Crystal Family Resort & Spa 5* STANDARD ROOM LAND VIEW ULTRA ALL = 109,192 rubles, FAMILY ROOM LAND VIEW ULTRA ALL = 138,524 rubles. for a double room.Crystal Waterworld Resort & Spa 5* Belek, STANDARD ROOM LAND VIEW = RUB 112,500, inImeros Hotel 3* Kemer in BUNGALOW ROOM AI for RUB 73,232.


Holidays on the island of Crete

On Kos AK Russia (Aeroflot group) (7 nights) Prices from 35612 RUR. (539 EUR)

Crete AK Russia (Aeroflot group) (3 nights) Prices from 10,300 RUR. (156 EUR)

Corfu AK Russia (Aeroflot group) (7 nights) Prices from 13941 RUR. (211 EUR)

649 EUR - for a tour at the ILIOS 3 * hotel in Hersonissos, BB, 807 EUR - for a tour at the HERSONISSOS MARIS 4 * hotel in Hersonissos, HB For909 EUR - tour at the hotel HERSONISSOS PALACE 5 * AI all inclusive

Promotion “Children are free

In the summer of 2018, in a number of club hotels for family holidays on the Mediterranean coast of Italy, children under 12 years old will be able to relax for free. The promotion concerns holidays with the whole family in a number of famous hotels in Sicily, Sardinia and Tuscany. The children's animation program includes trips to the cinema, games and competitions.

Participating in the action Hotels Club Valtur Garden in Tuscany, Arenella Resort in Sicily and Club Valtur Parco Torre Chia in Sardinia, which are famous for their diverse infrastructure for family holidays.

Insular Italy

Promotion with accommodation in 3-5* hotels in Sicily, Sardinia and Ischia with a discount of up to 35%!

Sicily, arrivals on July 31 for 8, 15 and 22 days from 528 €; Sicily to the Arenella Resort 4* hotel, stays for 8, 15 and 22 days from 691 €; Sicily to the Naxos Beach Resort 4* hotel, stays for 8, 15 and 22 days from 651 €.

Tours around RUSSIA with departure from Moscow

Tour to Sochi with departure on Orenburg Airlines (Aeroflot group) for 4 nights at a pricefrom 10,530 rubles per person. And also t ur in Sochi on board Pobeda airline for 4 nights at a price from 25,830 rubles

To Anapa on an AK Rossiya flight (from 4 nights) for a price from RUB 13,746. To Gelendzhik on Vim Avia (from 3 nights) Prices from 9462 RUR.

CYPRUS, tours from Moscow

Tours to Cyprus on board AK Russia or S7 Airlines Prices from 336 EUR

Tours to Cyprus AK Russia for 5 nights starting from 132 EUR

Tours to Cyprus Aeroflot from 2 nights starting from 386 EUR

Promotion under the DISCOVER ITALY program

The most economical tour of Italy introduces its different regions and historical cities. 7 night tour available now 223 Euro(approx. 17,500 rubles) per person with air travel!

Promotion for routes in Italy and Switzerland:

A tour for active tourists with a dense excursion program for 8 days in Italy and Switzerland. The special price includes air travel from 385 Euro or 30,470 rubles.

Also special prices for programs:

Itinerary in Italy and Austria for 7 nights starting from 440 euros;

Itinerary in Italy and France with a star for 7 nights for a price from 420 euros;

Visiting Prague for a stay of 4 nights or more = from 260 euros.

Program in the Baltics through Vilnius and Riga with excursions to the old city centers and Trakai, the Hill of Crosses and Rundāle Castle starting from 430 euros.

CZECH REPUBLIC, tours from Moscow by train;

Medical resorts Russian Railways (transfer to Karlovy Vary) (7 nights) Prices from 484 EUR

Railway tours to Prague Russian Railways(5 nights) Prices from 409 EUR

Medical resorts of Karlovy Vary, Marianske and Frantiskovy Lazne, Teplice, Jáchymov, Poděbrady with flight on Smartwings for 7 nights from 442 EUR.

Resort Karlovy Vary with air travel to the airport Karlovy Vary, z trips for 11 days at a price of 38,150 rubles.

With arrival in Prague and treatment in Korlovy Vary for 11 days at a price of 40,470 rubles.


Tour in Uzbekistan

Collection in Tashkent and departure along the route Samarkand - Nurata - Yurt camp - Lake Aydarkul - Bukhara - Tashkent. The price for a 6-day stay will be from 43,000 rubles per person without flights to Tashkent. The price includes travel on the Tashkent-Samarkand and Bukhara-Tashkent trains.

Tour AAzerbaijan

The route begins in Baku, then Gobustan - Gala - Baku for 4 days at a price of 17,680 rubles per person. The price includes hotel accommodation along the route with breakfast, excursion and transport services according to the program, entrance tickets to museums. Additional excursions and entertainment can be purchased on site.

Tours to Montenegro on AK Rossiya flights

Flight to Montenegro on the Moscow-Podgorica-Moscow route and hotel accommodation for 3 days at a price from 245 euros. Hotels are subject to instant confirmation only! Special discount on accommodation at the Iberostar Bellevue 4* hotel of 15% for the period until October 26, 2016.

Holidays in Russia-Crimea

Accommodation in the Crimean boarding house Jupiter, check-in for 4 nights at a price from 11,380 rubles.

At the Golden Resort hotel, departure from Moscow, all-inclusive meals = from 21,140 rubles/person.

Flight from Moscow to Crimea, accommodation Yalta-Intourist for 7 nights at a price of RUB 26,850/person.


Cruise 33 - Music of the fjords and the city of the Baltic, from St. Petersburg for 15 days, beginning 07/21, 08/04, 08/18/16 at a price from 1579 euros;

Cruise No. 63 on the Baltic from Kiel to St. Petersburg on MSC MUSICA for 6 days, price from 299 euros

Cruise No. 65 from Copenhagen to St. Petersburg on MSC liner OPERA for 7 days, arrival 09/03/16 from 299 euros

Cruise No. 34 through European cities from St. Petersburg to Amsterdam on MSC SPLENDIDA for 9 days, beginning 01.09. starting from 599 euros

Tours to Malta

Tour to Malta with flight from Moscow on Air Malta: to the Blue Sea La Vallette Resort hotel at a price from 39,308 rubles per person.

to the Mellieha Bay Hotel, Mellieha from 42,900 rubles per person, to the Alexandra Palace Hotel, St. Julian's from 43,300 rubles per person,

Tours to Greece

To the Sevastos Studios hotel, Faliraki on the island of Rhodes at a special price from 27,880 rubles in September for 10 nights.

To the Solemar Hotel in the Peloponnese from 31,400 rubles for 10 nights. To the Arco Baleno apart-hotel on the island of Crete at a price of 33,800 rubles per person for 7 nights.

Tours to Vietnam for 5 - 7 nights

Tour to the SEASIDE BEACH HOTEL for $570 per person, Tour to the GALAXY 3 HOTEL 3 * BB for $590

Tour to BAVICO NHA TRANG HOTEL BB for $790,Tour to the DIAMOND BAY RESORT & SPA BB hotel - priced at $1570

Tour to the hotel RIVIERA BEACH RESORT & SPA 5 * BB at a price of 950 $, t ur to the hotel RIVIERA BEACH RESORT & SPA 5 * for 7 nights, BB for $1166


Departures in June for 7 nights in DBL for a tour price of 82,038 rubles at HOTEL PRINCIPE San Remo, BB

For a tour price of 84,340 rubles at HOTEL MIRAMARE SANREMO, BB

For a tour price of 85,590 rubles at HOTEL BAIA BLU, Alassio, BB

For a tour price of 138,680 rubles at GRAND HOTEL DEL MARE RESORT & SPA 5* in Bordighera BB

Departures from June to September on Saturdays for 6, 13, 20 nights with a guaranteed flight with Alitalia.


Departure to Punta Cana:

to the Natura Hotel Park Beach EcoResort & Spa 5* for 8 nights in DBL, AI meals starting from $1464

to the Gran Bahia Principe Punta Cana 5* hotel for 11 nights, DBL AI meals starting from $2,083

to the Grand Palladium Resort & SPA 5* hotel for 7 nights, DBL with AI meals starting from $1659

to the IFA Villas Bavaro Resort & SPA 4* hotel for 8 nights, place in DBL, AI meals = from $1490

to the Caribe Club Princess 4*sup hotel, for 8 nights, place in DBL with AI meals = from $1979

to the Barcelo Punta Cana 4*sup hotel for 10 nights, DBL with AI meals starting from $1874


10 nights, Queen Pattaya 3* Exclusive, 1/2 DBL, BB from $573
9 nights, Fortuna 3* (no ABF) 3*, 1/2 DBL, AO from $579
9 nights, Eleven Jomtien Resort 3*, 1/2 DBL, BB from $616


for 12 nights at the Park Hotel Pattaya 4* for a price from 55,286 rubles.

for 10 nights at the Magnolias Boutique Resort 4* hotel for a price from 44,525 rubles.

for 10 nights at the Dacha Beach Hotel 2* for a price from 54,623 rubles.

for 11 nights at the Magnolias Boutique Resort 4* hotel for a price from 58,189 rubles.

We offer discounted prices for hotel holidays Coconut Island 5* . The hotel is located on an island 500 m from Phuket and is a rare hotel in Thailand operating on an AI (All Inclusive) food system;

Only villas and suites are offered here (from 2 to 10 people); Unique offer: free water transfer from The Village Coconut Island 5* to Phuket 24 hours a day; 2 tennis courts, 2 outdoor swimming pools, beach bar...


Hotels with animation program!

Ras Al Khaimah region for 6 nights at the Al Hamra Village Golf & Beach Resort 4*, DBL, BB from $541

For 6 nights at the Al Hamra Palace Beach Resort 5*, place in DBL, BB from $694

For 7 nights at the Al Hamra Village Golf & Beach Resort 4* hotel for $547 per person.

Instant confirmation! Private beach! Quality food!Sharjah, 6 nights, Sharjah Grand Hotel 4*, DBL, BB, from $700

A gift to your beloved women - a tour to the UAE! Dubai, 3 nights, Claridge Hotel 3*, DBL, BB, from $472NEW! FIT package tours on regular service to Dubai!


City tours to the Czech Republic with departure from Moscow:

For 3 nights for 381 euros at the Pyramida 4* hotel in DBL with insurance; For 6 nights for 465 euros in King Charles 4*, DBL, BB, for 5 nights = 506 euros, Novomestsky 3*, DBL with breakfast. For 4 nights for 448 euros, St.George 3*, DBL, st, BB

City tours:

For 7 nights, Getting to know Prague, 465 euros, Prague Center Plaza 3*, DBL, st, BB

For 8 nights, The best in Prague, 573 euros, Olympik 4*, DBL, st, BB

For 8 nights, Prague-Vienna, 556 euros, Olympik Tristar 3*, DBL, st, BB

For 8 nights, Prague-Dresden, 612 euros, King Charles 4*, DBL, st, BB

Visit an attraction in the Czech Republic Mirror Labyrinth, which has 85 mirrors.

We bring to your attention tours to the Czech Republic (Prague).Flight: Aeroflot, Moscow-Karlovy Vary-Moscow. Business class flight available! Guaranteed rooms in the best 3-5* hotels:

NEW!! ! Tour to Prague with a visit to Karlovy Vary (6 nights in Prague + 1 night in Karlovy Vary)The price of the tour includes a tour of Karlovy Vary. Price from 588 EUR

Rest and treatment at resorts in the Czech Republic! Special promotions and prices for arrivals in January and February. Price from 360 EUR Transaero flight to Pardubice, 7 nights.


Hotel 3* Cascad in Netanya from RUB 39,512 per person

Hotel 3* Olympia Hotel Tel Aviv from RUR 31,860

3* Galil Hotel Netanya from RUB 39,584

4* Holitel La Playa from RUB 23,029

3* Holitel Siesta from RUB 24,445

4* Isrotel Yam Suf from RUB 37,211


Special offers for PHUKET

There are wide beaches with white sand and a vibrant excursion program.

The exotic of Thailand is becoming closer and more accessible - tour to the Calypso Patong 3* hotel on the island of Phuket for 7 nights only 65,790 rubles per person in DBL, breakfast included


The luxury hotel-resort lies on a separate island, just 7 minutes by boat from the shores of Phuket. It has a quiet beach and stunning spacious suites and villas with private pools. Free rental of bicycles and kayaks, excursions to the nearest islands are provided,24 hour water taxi.


For fur products from famous Greek fur factories at manufacturer prices

KASTORIA - a picturesque city, is a world famous center for the production and sale of fur products.
Duty free zone!

EDIKA is a unique exhibition complex that unites 1,200 fur coat factories.
The largest fur shopping center in Europe!


T ur "Spain Economical" for 7 nights at a price from 29,750 rubles with half board

The popular one-week excursion tour "Economical Spain" can be purchased at a price of 29,800 rubles per person. Acquaintance with the colorful regions of Spain is guaranteed - Catalonia, Castile, La Mancha, the commune of Valencia and the Aragon region.

On this moment we have the most the best prices in Spain for flights in December-January. Sunny province of Alicante - we sunbathe all year round.

City breaks to Madrid and Barcelona - flight + hotel + visa from 320 €, tours lasting 3 to 10 nights.


A wide selection of city tours to the capital of France - Paris, with a varying number of excursions included. Flight on a regular flight, wide choice of departure days.

City - tours to Paris, regular stays for 7 nights at a price from 408 Euro per person.


Cheap tours to the UAE from Moscow with Aeroflot

Tour to the Ras Al Khaimah hotel, 7 nights, AlHamra Village Golf & BeachResort 4*, DBL, BB, from $469

Tour to the Ras Al Khaimah hotel, 7 nights, AlHamra Palace Beach Resort 5*, DBL, BB, from $648

Tour to the Ras Al Khaimah hotel, 7 nights, AlHamraVillageGolf & BeachResort 4*, DBL, BB, from $549

We talk about the cheapest countries in Europe for travel: where to fly inexpensively and how not to be bitten by prices?

Europe is not only for fat wallets! We, yesterday’s students, were convinced of this, and we will demonstrate this to you, reader. For life (in the sense, permanent) it is expensive, but for a week-long trip it can take pity and “rob” for only 22,000 rubles.

What kind of cheap Europe is this, you ask? 🙂 Welcome to explore and calculate costs!

Where is it cheapest in Europe?

Free observation deck at Printemps department store - but
are you looking at the photo on the right? 🙂

“Budget” and “Europe” – 0% compatibility. And this is actually true if you hunt for 5* hotels and foie gras somewhere in France, Switzerland or Italy. But there are countries that can offer relatively inexpensive holidays for tourists.

It may or may not be a coincidence, but the cheapest countries in Europe are those where the euro as a national currency has not yet taken root: Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Hungary. But! Applies only to Eastern Europe, because The North, for example, is also “non-European”; the amounts are shocking.

Montenegro, Spain and Finland are also contenders for the title of chip destinations, but, of course, they cannot be compared with those indicated above.

Traveling as a tour or on your own?

Russian tourists are at a disadvantage, with the euro exchange rate under 80 and cheap European cities are turning into simply moderate prices. Here you will not only think - on your own or on a ticket - but in general, do you dare? 🙂

The rule that we have developed over the 25 countries we visited: it is cheaper to go on a tour if your plans include one location and a specific goal. For example, a beach holiday on the Costa Brava. “Samotour” in this case will hit your wallet harder. And if there are two or more countries/cities on the must-visit list, then it is better to show your organizational skills.

The season plays an important role. In the summer, especially in July and August, with the influx of vacationers, the price tags increase. In the fall, European cities return to their usual routine, and costs are significantly reduced. Therefore, we fly to the same Spain in October.

Yes, yes, everyone chooses their own convenient method of preparation. But we can’t help but talk about the services through which we organize our budget trips around Europe.

For convenience, all prices are indicated in euros, and rubles are calculated at the rate €1 = 78 rubles

Note: in 2018, eleven Bulgarian beaches were marked Blue flag; this means that they are clean and properly equipped. Coupled with the inexpensive “everything”, this fact makes Bulgaria the cheapest country for a summer holiday.

Flights: from Moscow to Burgas (if by the sea) or Sofia (if for walking) round trip ≈12,000 rubles per person. It’s not that there’s a cheap option to get to Europe, but look further ↓

Housing: differs in accessibility. A cozy one-room apartment in the city center can be rented for 1,500 rubles per day for 2 people during high season!

  • hostel – from €13 per night FOR TWO
  • apartments – from €18
  • 3* hotel – from €27
  • 5* hotel – from €57

Bulgaria, in general, is a financially acceptable country both for living and for holidays; prices for “eating/getting/seeing” are not so high (especially from mid-autumn to May). So, Sofia, the capital, is one of the cheapest cities in Europe, according to backpackers.

Food: You don’t have to worry about the burden and allow yourself to eat in cafes – tasty, plentiful, filling (this is about portions 🙂). A hearty lunch (salad, meat, side dish, drinks) – from €10 for two, a combo at McDonald’s – €5, just popping in for a cup of coffee – from €2.

  • bread – €0.5
  • beef, kg – €6
  • bottle of water – €0.25
  • cheese, 200 gr – from €2
  • apples, kg – from €1
  • bottled beer – up to €1.5

Directions: single entry – €0.7 (trolleybuses, buses).


€35 per day for 2 people – no air tickets

If you don’t want to rack your brains over the route, searching for flights and monitoring hotels, the cost of a week-long tour for two for the summer is from 40,000 rubles

Not to Europe We also try to travel economically - for example, to New York or Dubai. You can read about whether we are succeeding or not in the linked articles :)

2. Montenegro

We liked Montenegro more for its nature, we recommend taking an excursion to Durmitor Park and the Tara River Canyon

Mix the Adriatic Sea, pine trees, rocks, lakes, green plains, mild climate... season with the Venetian past, echoing today in the architecture, decorate with a twist from Muslim traditions and Tom in the purest healing air - you will get one of the favorite dishes of Russian tourists - visa-free Montenegro!

Flights: flight Moscow – Tivat – Moscow ≈14,000 rubles (summer). In October, people leave, but the season remains, the amount changes to ≈9000 rubles.

3. Spain

I went for 10 euros round trip to Girona from Barcelona

Spain is perceived by ear as France, Germany and other European “status” destinations. But only until you visit both there and there, and make sure that Spain, in comparison, is still divinely permissible :)

Flights: Moscow-Barcelona-Moscow ≈13,000 rubles, but you can find it cheaper, in September-October for ≈8000 rubles (the main thing is to catch it if you see it!).

Housing: The typical price for an apartment in Barcelona is from 5,000 rubles/night.

  • hostel – from €45 for two 315
  • apartments – from €60
  • 3* hotel – from €75
  • 5* hotel – from €120

Food: set lunch with paella – €20 per person. Definitely, toasted sausages, baguettes, olives and fruits can save an extra penny.

Cost of products in stores:

  • bread – €0.8
  • sausages for frying – from €2
  • jamon, 150 gr – from €2.5
  • apples, kg – from €1.5
  • bottle of water – €0.5
  • cheese cutting – from €2
  • local beer, 0.25l – from €0.5

Directions: single metro ticket €2.15 (not cheap). You can cut costs by purchasing a T10 ticket - 10 trips for €9.95 (one can be used for two/three, etc.).

What we love about Spain is its incredibly profitable shopping! Steep discounts on things happen twice a year - in July and January. For example: you can grab a T-shirt from Pull&Bear for €2-3 – kopecks versus Russian €8-9 :)


€115 per day for 2 people – without air tickets
90,000 rubles for 7 days – if you fly during peak season

The cost of a week's trip for two (with breakfast) is from 70,000 rubles.

4. Poland

Walk through the center of Warsaw

Poland has been one of the cheap countries in Europe for a long time and firmly. Rich in attractions, Warsaw and wonderful Krakow, Baltic resorts and skiing – that’s what makes this country worth visiting. Budget hotels and inexpensive checks in cafes will also pleasantly surprise anyone.

Flights: from Russian capital to Warsaw and back ≈12,000 rubles.

Housing: Apartment rental starts from 2000 rubles per day.

  • hostel – from €12 for two
  • apartments – from €27
  • 3* hotel – from €35
  • 5* hotel – from €75

Food: In Poland, prices in cafes and restaurants are quite modest. A hearty lunch can cost €5-6, at Mc’Donalds – €2, a cup of coffee – €0.6.

Average cost of groceries in stores in rubles:

  • baguette – €0.7
  • beef, kg – €8.5
  • apples, kg – €1
  • bananas, kg – €1.2
  • bottle of water – €0.3
  • cheese cutting – from €1

Directions: If you purchased a ticket for 60 minutes, you can get on the bus, get there and transfer to a tram or metro within an hour from the first trip. One-time ticket – €0.8; weekly pass – €11.5


€35 per day for 2 people – without air
43,000 rubles for 7 days – with tickets

The homeland of Vlad the Impaler (the prototype of Stoker's Count Dracula) is the most cheap country for holidays in Europe, undeservedly ignored by Russians. But this is the abode of ancient castles, mineral springs and ski resorts. The Gothic Black Temple, the Genoese lighthouse, the famous Transylvania - there is something to see here.

Flights: Moscow-Bucharest-Moscow ≈13,000 rubles per person.

Housing: renting a studio or apartment in the center of Bucharest – from 1,500 rubles per day.

  • hostel – from €14 for two
  • apartments – from €16
  • 3* hotel – from €28
  • 5* hotel – from €76

Food: average bill for lunch – €4. You can have a snack at McDuck for €2-3.

Products in stores:

  • bread – €0.4
  • chicken breast, kg – €4
  • apples, kg – from €0.8
  • bottle of water – €0.5
  • cheese, kg – from €4
  • local beer – from €1

Directions: urban transport - buses, trolleybuses, trams. Single trip – €0.2 plus reloadable card for €0.2; metro – €0.5.


€34 per day for 2 people – without air
44,000 rubles for 7 days – with tickets

6. Hungary

Freedom Bridge in Budapest

First time to Europe? Or in the hundred and first, but “Hungary” sounds somehow dubious? Then this is definitely the place for you! In the capital of Hungary, Budapest, it is easy to fall in love with the European atmosphere, majestic, slightly shabby history, but always carefully combed and civilized. It’s not for nothing that Budapest is called the second Paris (only it has no intention of emptying your wallets and credit cards)!

In theory, the tourist season is from June to August, in fact – all year round. Preferably April-May/September-October.

Flights: flight from Moscow from ≈9000 rubles (on “lucky” days it can cost 6000), round trip without transfers!

Housing: the cost of apartments in a convenient area is from 2000 rubles.

  • hostel – from €18 for two
  • apartments – from €25
  • 3* hotel – from €30
  • 5* hotel – from €80

Food: basic expenses:

  • meat dishes – from €5
  • goulash – from €2
  • local baked goods – from €0.6
  • bottle of water – €0.5
  • wine – from €2
  • local beer – from €0.6

Directions: as reviews show, travelers simply adore Hungary’s public transport for its convenience and prices: 10 wholesale tickets – €10. You can travel around the must-see city on the yellow tram No. 2, No. 4 or No. 6 with a weekly pass for €13.

You can purchase a Budapest Card: free travel, discounts to museums, baths, two free city tours. The cost of a card for 2 days (there are other options) is €30.

You can get out of the city by train or bus. An interesting option is Lake Balaton, 2-3 hours by train, price from €15.

For €15 you can go on a cruise along the Danube. If you are for a healthy lifestyle, go to the Rudas thermal baths, which the Hungarians themselves love to visit (day ticket €12), and Szechenskie Thermal Baths (from €15).


€40 per day for 2 people – without air
48,000 rubles for 7 days – with tickets