Layout and main monuments of the Athenian acropolis presentation. The architectural ensemble of the Acropolis of Athens

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Creative - research 5 "a" and "b" class MOU secondary school in Lyaskelya Athens Acropolis Authors: Ivannikov Grigory, student of 5 "a" class, Meshcheryakov Yuri and Khoteev Aleksey, students of 5 "b" class. Leader: teacher of history, social studies and MHC Nikolay Nikolayevich Kleschev

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Purpose of work: To get acquainted with the history and architectural structure of the Athenian Acropolis and its purpose. Get acquainted with the myths and legends that are associated with the Athenian Acropolis. Find out the impact of architecture Ancient Greece on the subsequent development of the artistic culture of Europe. Objectives: 1. To get acquainted with the concept of "Acropolis" and find out what place it occupied in the life of the Hellenes. 2. Study the history of the Athenian Acropolis. 3. Get acquainted with the architectural monuments of the Acropolis. 4. To study the features of the architecture of the temples of the Acropolis, its main temple - the Parthenon.

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This year we first got acquainted with a new academic subject - history. While studying the topic "In the city of the goddess Athena" we got acquainted with the architectural ensemble - the Athenian Acropolis in absentia. For millennia, the Acropolis has been the symbol of Athens. The Acropolis and its monuments, its history and myths are rightfully considered the pride of Greece. Hundreds of thousands of tourists every year make a pilgrimage to the sacred slopes, mesmerizing with their splendor and beauty. We decided to study this topic deeper, to touch the beauty Greek art, try to uncover the secret of the structure.

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1. Creative: the study of encyclopedic literature on the topic. 2. Method of scientific knowledge: search for missing information in the library, the Internet. 3. Historical method: ascent from the abstract to the concrete. 4. Virtual walk across the Acropolis of Athens.

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The first stage: Introductory part: Determination of the topic, purpose, objectives. Familiarity with history and basic architectural monuments Acropolis of Athens. Work planning. Second stage: Main part: Individual work and work in groups. Collecting material about the Acropolis. Paperwork. Third stage: Final part: Project defense.

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Individual work: 1. Independent study and collection of material on the history of the creation of the Athenian Acropolis, acquaintance with the myths and legends dedicated to this historical monument. 2. Independent collection and analysis of data on the architectural structure of the Athenian Acropolis. Group work: 1. Selection of a contractor (one or several), distribution of responsibilities, work planning, development of project content, development of stages. 2. Joint collection and selection of photographs, development of text content for the project, presentation of project results: booklet, presentation.

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In the ancient Greek city-policies, an elevated and fortified part, a fortress, a refuge in case of war, was called the acropolis. Translated from Greek, this word means “ high city". In later times, temples were built on the acropolis in honor of the patron deities of this city, and it played the role of a religious and cultural center. There were such acropolis in many cities, but the most famous is certainly Athens. This slender ensemble of outstanding works of architecture and sculpture is considered a masterpiece of not only Greek, but also world art, a kind of symbol of the greatness of classical Greece.

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The Acropolis began to be built up in the II millennium BC, for a long time it was a fortification of the royal residence. In the 7-6th century BC. a lot of construction was underway on the Acropolis. Under the tyrant Pisistratus (560-527 BC), the temple of the goddess Athena, Hecatompedon, was built on the site of the royal palace. However, in 480 - 479. BC NS. during the Greco-Persian wars, the temples of the Acropolis were destroyed by the Persian king Xerxes. The "father of history" Herodotus himself testifies to this in his notes. The inhabitants of Athens took an oath to restore the shrines only after the expulsion of the enemies from Hellas.

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The architectural project of the new Acropolis was developed at the direction and with the direct participation of the Athenian strategist (commander-in-chief) and the leader of democracy, Pericles, who, after the conclusion of an armistice with Sparta, had the opportunity to deal with the arrangement of the capital. The construction itself began in 447 BC and continued for 18 years under the leadership of his friend Phidias, the greatest of the Greek sculptors, who apparently was the author of the project that formed the basis of the entire complex, its architectural and sculptural appearance. 5th century BC - the heyday of ancient Greek policies. Athens is turning into the largest political and cultural center of Hellas. In the history of Ancient Greece, this time is usually called the "Golden Age of Athens". This is the time of the reign of the leader of the Athenian democracy Pericles.

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Phidias (490 - approx. 430 BC) - Ancient Greek sculptor and architect, one of the greatest painters of the High Classical period. Friend of Pericles. Pericles (494-429 BC) - Athenian statesman, famous orator and military leader, one of the "founding fathers" of Athenian democracy, Friend of Phidias.

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The Acropolis ensemble consisted of several structures organically connected to each other.

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The sacred road, along which the procession of the Athenians moved from the Athenian market - agora - to the Acropolis during the feast in honor of the goddess, first leads to the Propylaea - the "Pre-Doors". This is the gateway to the Acropolis. The section of the road leading to the Acropolis does not have steps to lead the sacrificial animals along it. Built according to the Mnesikla project, in 437-432. BC. it was supposed to become an architectural preface to the Parthenon, with its power and harmony to create a solemn mood for those who climb the Acropolis.

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To the right of the Propylaea, on the slope of the cliff, was the most graceful and miniature temple of the goddess of victory Nika Apteros (Athena Nike), the creation of the architect Callicrates, created in 427-424 BC. The building was a marble amphiprostyle (9.56 x 6.8 m) with two Ionic porticos of four columns on a three-step pedestal. The temple was surrounded on all sides by a sculptural ribbon of a frieze, which depicted episodes of the struggle of the Greeks with the Persians and the Olympic gods (Athena, Zeus, Poseidon).

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Inside the temple there was a not preserved sculpture of Athena-Nike, according to eyewitnesses, depicted with a helmet in one hand and a pomegranate fruit, a symbol of a victorious world, in the other. Nika was portrayed as a beautiful woman with large wings: victory is fickle and flies from one opponent to another. The Athenians portrayed her wingless so that she would not leave the city, which so recently won a great victory over the Persians. Deprived of her wings, the goddess could no longer fly and had to stay in Athens forever.

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After passing through the Propylaea, the procession found itself on large area where towered an eight-meter statue of Athena the warrior, cast in bronze by Phidias. She was the center of the whole ensemble, the shine of her spear, reflecting the sun's rays, could be seen from afar from the sea. Version appearance Athens Promachos by archaeologist Linfert, 1982

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The Parthenon is the main temple of Ancient Athens and a magnificent monument of ancient architecture, erected in honor of the patroness of Athens and all Attica - the goddess Athena. White Pentelian marble was also used for the construction of the temple. The construction of the Parthenon was carried out in 447-428 BC under the guidance of architects Iktin and his assistant Callicrates. The decoration was done by the famous ancient Greek sculptor Phidias

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Inside the temple was a statue of Athena Parthenos by the sculptor Phidias in 438 BC. NS. The statue of Athena is made of ivory and gold on a wooden frame. The height of the statue is 13 meters. Athena is depicted in full growth in a tunic up to the feet. The goddess's helmet had three combs (the middle one with a sphinx, the side ones with griffins). On the chest is the head of Medusa made of ivory. In her hand, the goddess held a two-meter statue of the goddess of victory Nike. In the dark space of the Parthenon, this statue seemed to emit a magical light. The statue has survived only in copies.

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The Parthenon was hit by a bomb, and it turned into ruins, ruins that can still be seen in Athens. The day of the destruction of the Parthenon (September 26, 1687) is still considered the day of national mourning in Greece. The fate of the Parthenon is tragic, during one of the many wars between Greeks and Turks in the 17th century, the Turks set up a store of gunpowder in a beautiful temple.

Architectural ensemble
Athenian Acropolis

After the Greco-Persian Wars begins
heyday of Athens.
Pericles stood at their head at this time.
He was a highly educated person
Pericles united the best
the minds of Hellas: his friends were a philosopher
sculptor Phidias
In 443 BC. the athenians for the first time
elected him to the highest position in
your policy.
Then he was re-elected 15 more times.
Pericles was an outstanding statesman and patriot. He
devoted all his energy and time to caring for Athens and its citizens. He was
honest and unselfish.
He was famous as a wonderful orator (he possessed eloquence - the art
to speak correctly and convincingly).

Pericles made several changes to
administration of the Athenian policy, in
rights of citizens.
Thus, he continued the reforms
Under Pericles in Athens finally
democracy was established.

Under Pericles in Athens,
temples, public buildings,
strengthening. Athens turned
in the most beautiful city Greece.
Construction gave jobs to many
the Greeks. Supervised construction
architect and sculptor Phidias,
friend of Pericles.
Acropolis of Athens
stood on a high
sheer cliff,
towering on
150 m above the level
He was
city ​​center,
spread out at his

Phidias spent his childhood and youth in the years of the Greco-Persian
war. He devoted almost all his creative activity to
creation of monuments glorifying the homeland and its heroes. WITH
460 BC Phidias began working in Athens. This
city-state, advanced Greek slave
Republic, center of Greek culture, occupied during the war
leading place and became in 478 BC the head of
Athens Maritime Union.
Government leadership
Pericles. Considering that Athens has the right
thanks to
dispose of the union treasury,
Pericles decided to use these
funds to rebuild the city and

Panathenaic celebrations and procession to the Acropolis of the Athenians.
On the last day of the Great Panathenaeans, celebrated once every 4
years, a solemn procession from the citizens of the city brought Athena
a sacred veil (peplos), woven by the hands of Athenian girls.
This gift was a sign of the resurrection of the goddess Athena.
The holiday was accompanied by equestrian and gymnastic competitions,
competitions of singers and musicians.
The procession rose from the lower city, which lies at the foot of
Acropolis, to the very top of the hill, passing through:
- Propylaea,
- Pinakothek
- Niki Apteros temple
- past the monumental statue of Athena Promachos, towering in
the center of the square,
- and the temple of the Erechtheion -
- to the majestic Parthenon (temple of Athena Parthenos).

Propylaea is a solemn, front door
It was built by the architect Mnesicles in 437-432 BC.
They are two Doric porticoes, one of which is facing the city, and
the other - to the top of the Acropolis
To the left of the propylaea adjoined the Pinakothek - an art gallery in which
housed paintings, memorial marble slabs and dedications to

The external and internal facades are six-column Doric

Athena Promachos statue
Having passed the Propylaea, we find ourselves on
the top of a leveled rock,
converted into a square
the center
there was a huge 17-meter bronze statue
patronizing Athens
and the Greek people. Harsh
and the formidable goddess right
rests his hand on a spear, and
she held a shield with her left. This
the statue was clearly visible from
all sides of the city, and even from
Now the square is empty, because statue
destroyed in the 13th century. superstitious
knights crusaders

Temple of Niki Apteros (Wingless)
The temple has four Ionic columns at both ends, resting on the columns
architrave, and the frieze above it is decorated with a relief with scenes of mythological and
historical battles.

To the right of the Propylae was
tiny, graceful, light
(wingless) - goddess of Victory
It was built by Callicrates in 427424 BC.
a wingless goddess statue.
The legend is known, according to
which this goddess brought
the victory of the Greeks over the Persians, and
then the residents of the city do not
I wanted to part with her.
Depicting her wingless, they
considered that the goddess already
can never leave them

The composition of the Acropolis is based on the principle of asymmetry, the principle
free panorama. Therefore, the statue of Athena was placed to the left of the main axis
Pripely, and the famous Parthenon was displaced to the right
Parthenon temple dedicated to Athena
Parthenos (maiden)
Built by architects Iktin
and Callicrates (when supervising
Phidias of the general concept
development of the Acropolis).
Constructed from golden pink
pentellic marble,
changing its shade in
depending on the time of day and
degree of illumination.

According to its plan, the Parthenon is a Doric peripter - 8x17 columns
height 10.5 m. The temple is harmonious due to the unification in it
properties of two orders - Doric and Ionic
The outer columns were of the Doric order, the walls proper
the templeocella was crowned with a continuous Ionic frieze

Like all Greek buildings, the Parthenon is relatively short: a person looking
on the temple, felt taller and wider in the shoulders, the size of the building is not
pressed, did not belittle him.
In the Parthenon, there is not a single strictly horizontal or strictly vertical
lines. The lines of cornices, steps, columns - everything is slightly, imperceptible to the eye,
curved for human vision. Thanks to this viewer
all lines appear to be perfectly correct.
At first glance, it seems that all the columns of the Parthenon are the same and stand each other.
from a friend at an equal distance. In reality, the spans between them
imperceptibly to the eye increase towards the center.
The thickness of the columns is also different. You must have noticed that trees against the sky
and other objects seem to be much thinner than they really are - the light seems to be
"Eats" the volume. To overcome this impression, the corner columns
The Parthenon, which loom against the sky, are slightly more massive than those that
visible against the background of the wall.
And the columns are not straight: they are slightly inclined inward, against the walls of the building,
to appear taller and slimmer.

Parthenon features:
- building it on the highest part
The Acropolis;
- accurately calculated three-quarter view
this temple from the Propylaea;
- a combination of masculinity and
femininity: the Doric colonnade and
Ionic frieze;
- orientation of the Parthenon - entrance from
the east side, the altar - from the west;
- the need to go around the temple to enter
- dispute between Athena and Poseidon for supremacy:
the theme of the reliefs of the western pediment;
- the theme of the reliefs of the eastern pediment:
the birth of Athena from the head of Zeus
- battle of lipiths (giants) with centaurs on
- Panathenaic frieze - solemn

Inside, the building is divided into two equal parts. The treasury was kept in the western wing
Of the Athenian Maritime Union, and in the eastern part on a high pedestal melted
the famous statue of Athena Parthenos
Athena Parthenos is the last statue by Phidias. He worked on it for 10 years.
The height of the statue is 12 meters. It had a wooden base, plated with gold and
On the head of Athena was a helmet with the image of the sphinx and winged horses, on the chest
- the aegis with the mask of Medusa Gargon. In her right hand she held a two-meter
goddess Nika, and with the left - a shield. The shield from the outside was depicted
battle of the Greeks with the Amazons. At the feet of Athena, an owl is a symbol of wisdom, and on the left is a serpent,
personifying Erechfey - the most ancient deity of Attica. Majestically
the flowing folds of her clothes resembled the grooves of slender flute columns
In the 5th century. AD the statue of Athena was taken to Constantinople by a Byzantine emperor,
and there, 100 years later, she died in a fire

chrysoelephantine technique (gold and
Ivory). Navigator Pausanias
his guide describes it as follows: “Itself
Athena is made of ivory and gold ...
The statue depicts her full-length in a tunic
all the way down to her feet, she has a head on her chest
Ivory jellyfish, in her hand she
holds a picture of Nicky, at about
four cubits and a spear in the other hand. V
at her feet lies a shield, and near the spear a serpent;
this snake is probably Erichthonius. "
The goddess's helmet had three combs (middle with
sphinx, lateral with griffins). As writes
Pliny the Elder, on the outside of the shield
a battle with the Amazons was minted, on
internal - the struggle of the gods with giants, and on
sandals athena had a picture
history with Pandora. On marble copies
the hand of the goddess with Nika supports the pillar,
whether it existed in the original - the subject
numerous discussions. Nika seems
tiny, in reality its height
was 2 meters.
Athena Parthenos

Athena Phidias was not cast in bronze or carved from white Pentelian marble.
Thousands of ivory plates have been skillfully fitted to a wooden base
so that it seemed as if the head and hands of the great goddess were sculpted from one piece
of this precious and noble material. The yellowish bone looked
snow white thanks to the contrast with the helmet and the goddess's robe made of hammered
gold. The round shield of Athena was also gold. On the shield Phidias presented scenes
battles of the Greeks with the warlike women-Amazons. He portrayed dozens
figures: Greek warriors and legendary warriors. And in the center it was possible
to see a bald old man lifting a stone with his hands. This is Phidias himself.
The government of Athens deemed it
pursuit of the sculptor.
Portrait of Phidias on the shield. Detail of the shield of Athena Parthenos.

Athena Parthenos, shield, reconstruction

Outside, the Parthenon was decorated with scenes of fierce battles (from mythological
The internal relief frieze of the Parthenon skirted the entire building. On marble
a tape 160 meters long and 1 meter high depicted a solemn
procession of the inhabitants of Athens on the day of the Great Panathenae
In terms of harmony, fusion of forms and beauty of rhythm, he had no equal in
world art.

Western pediment of the Parthenon, reconstruction, Dispute of Athena with Poseidon

Western pediment, Athena and Poseidon (near the olive tree of Athens and the salt spring

East pediment, In the center are Zeus on the throne and Athena in full
weapons that just jumped out of Zeus's head.

Parthenon Metopes:
The metopes had reliefs depicting the battles of the centaurs with the lapiths, and on
frieze was depicted a procession of the Panathenaean festival: girls in long
in robes, carrying sacrificial vessels, young men on horses and chariots,
priests; seated deities awaiting the arrival of the procession, and so on. Combination
rigor of style and architectural conditions with naturalness and freshness of figures,
their naivety and seriousness give these works of the Phidias school character
hills. Comparing them with the statues of the previous time, it is necessary
wonder at the liveliness of the figures on them. They are the reproduction of free movements
of people. All characters are expressed in these works with the greatest simplicity and
naivety; all movements are easy and graceful, all the details of each
poses are true to nature. The plastic has completely freed itself from the motionless
symmetry and rigidity of archaic antiquity.

The Erechtheion is a small Ionic temple built in 421-405 BC.
The temple is dedicated to the goddess Athena, the god Poseidon and the mythical king Erechtheus.
According to legend, it was here that a dispute took place between Athena and Poseidon for the right
own Attica.
The capital of modern Greece,
according to ancient myth,
got its name from
the name of the ancient pagan
goddess. She was arguing with
ancient Greek city.
In the place where Poseidon s
with great force hit his
trident in the ground, and Athena
Pallada showed the townspeople
beautiful olive tree,

The composition of the temple is very complex. It is lined up on an uneven rocky ground
slope, has three porticos completely different in size and shape.
Each of its façades is unique in its own way. This is due to the fact that in the temple
glorified not one pagan god and not one Athenian king. The western
the facade of the Temple of the Erechtheion is (more correctly, it was) the tomb of the king
Kekrop, who - according to legend - was a snake-man.
From the west
facade and the same thing grew
the tree that manifested
Pallas Athena.
Moreover, it grows in
origin it is already
does not have: he was imprisoned
restorers at the beginning
20th century.

From whatever side we approach this temple, from everywhere it meets us
new, unexpected facade composition, asymmetry of angles
In one of the porticoes, the role of columns is played by the barks - the figures of girls
Caryatid statues are organically combined with architecture. They perform
constructive role, replacing columns, and at the same time they look great
against the background of the marble wall of the temple.

The inventiveness of the Greek artists created a very special form,
which later became widely used. Instead of columns, there were
sculpted human figures are set. Caryatid - sculptural
the image of a beautiful girl in the form of a standing female figure, which
serves as a support for a beam in a building. Male figures performing similar
functions are called Atlanteans (they are not in the Erechtheion).
ancient greek
mythology - titanium,
gods, for which he was
punished with duty
support heavenly
Charter, Atlas asked
Perseus turn it with
Jellyfish to stone and steel
Mount Atlas.

Theater of Dionysus
(capacity - 17000

Theater of Dionysus - an antique theater building on the southeastern slope
the Athenian Acropolis. It is one of the oldest theaters in the world. The theater was
built in the V century. BC NS. and was made of wood. Performances in the theater took place
twice a year - during the Minor Dionysios and the Great Dionysios.
About 326-325 BC NS. the theater was reconstructed: a wooden stage and rows
the seats were replaced with marble ones. Stone seats were placed in 67
rows, reaching the base of the Acropolis. The theater now accommodated up to 17 thousand spectators,
which at that time accounted for about half of the Athenian citizens.
Due to its enormous size, the theater was deprived of roof overlaps, and therefore
actors, choir and audience were located under open air and the stage
the action took place in natural light.
The first row consisted of 67 marble seats for the honorary spectators. On them
the names and titles of the owners were carved.

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Akroo pol (ancient Greek ἀκρόπολις - upper city) - an elevated and fortified part of an ancient Greek city, the so-called upper city; fortress (shelter in case of war). On the Acropolis there were usually temples of the patron deities of the city. The most famous is the Acropolis in Athens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Propylaea - the solemn entrance to the Acropolis (437-432 BC). Built by the architect Mnesikl and located in the western part of the Acropolis. Propylaea - two Doric porticoes, one of which faces the city, the other - to the top of the Acropolis. The ceilings of the porticoes were decorated with caissons (square recesses) painted with gold stars on a blue background. These gates were the boundaries of the sanctuary. In this construction, two orders were first used: Doric outside, Ionic - inside. To the right and left of the western portico were pavilions of unequal sizes. The larger, northwestern wing of the Propylaea housed the Pinakothek, an art gallery. There is a library in the south-western wing of the Propylaea. The Propylaea had no sculptural decoration.

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The Temple of Nika Apteros is an unusually graceful marble temple adjoining the southwestern wing of the Propylaea, was built by the architect Kallikrates. The building is set at a slight angle to the Propylaea façade. Standing on a three-step pedestal, the temple was surrounded on all sides by a sculptural ribbon of a frieze, which depicted episodes of the struggle between the Greeks and the Persians, the Olympic gods (Athena, Zeus, Poseidon). Inside the temple there was a now not preserved sculpture of Athena-Nike, according to eyewitnesses, depicted with a helmet in one hand and a pomegranate fruit, a symbol of a victorious world, in the other.

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The statue of Athena Promachos (Athena the Warrior) is a huge bronze statue by Phidias on the Athenian Acropolis, erected in 465-455 BC. NS. It stood on a high pedestal between the Erechtheion and the Parthenon. Athena was depicted wearing a helmet, with a shield and a spear, with the helmet and spear point being gold. Installed on a high pedestal in the center of the Acropolis, it was a kind of connecting axis of the entire ensemble. Depicted in a luxurious helmet, with a shield and a spear, she was visible from afar, from the sea, because the sun sparkled on the golden parts of the statue (spearhead, helmet). The sculpture of Athena Promachos by Phidias amazed contemporaries with its grandiose size.

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The Erechtheion is an outstanding monument of ancient Greek architecture, made by an unknown author (421-415 and 409-406 BC). One of the legends associated with this temple tells about the dispute between the gods (Athena and Poseidon) about the patronage of Attica. An olive tree grew next to the temple - a gift from Athena to the inhabitants of the city. Burned by the Persians in 480 BC, as the legends tell, it was revived again. The floor of the temple retained traces of being hit by Poseidon's trident. A feature of the temple is its extraordinary asymmetric layout, taking into account the unevenness of the soil. On three sides, the building is decorated with porticoes of various shapes, including the famous portico of the Caryatids. The temple consists of two rooms located at different levels. The eastern part of the temple, located higher than the western one, is dedicated to Athena

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Parthenoo n (ancient Greek Παρθενών) is the most famous monument of ancient architecture located on the Athenian Acropolis, the main temple in ancient Athens, dedicated to the patroness of this city and all of Attica, the goddess Athena the Virgin (Ἀθηνᾶ Παρθένος). Built in 447 - 438 BC NS. by architect Kallikrat according to the project of Iktin

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Acropolis of Athens Developed by the teacher of fine arts: Gnatyuk Natalya Aleksandrovna MBOU "School No. 2" in Yugorsk 2008-09

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Before you are images of columns of the Doric, Ionic and Corinthian orders. Name the constituent parts of the columns. Give the definition: option 1 - pediment, option 2 - small caps, option 3 - metope.

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Divide the ancient Greek structures into groups 1). Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens 2). Temple of Hera in Paestum 3). Temple of Athena Nike 4). Temple of Apollo at Ephesus 5). Temple of Apollo at Corinth 6). Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 7). temple of Zeus at Olympus

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ACROPOLIS ACROPOLIS (Greek akropolis), an elevated and fortified part of an ancient Greek city, i.e., the upper city; fortress (shelter in case of war).

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Ensemble of the Acropolis of Athens Propylaea Parthenon Temple of Athene Nike (Temple of Niki Apteros) Theater of Dionysus Temple of Erechtheion Statue of Athena Promachos Pinakothek (art gallery) Library

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The Propylaea and the Temple of Nika Apteros The sacred road, along which the procession of the Athenians moved from the agora to the temple of the patron goddess during the main holiday of the Great Panathenae, leads to the Propylaea, which has 5 passages and in ancient times was flanked by two equestrian statues of the Dioscuri. In the left, protruding wing, there was the Pinakothek (a collection of Pinak paintings, brought as a gift to the goddess Athena), in the right there was a repository of manuscripts and a room for the gatekeeper and watchmen. To the right of the Propylaea, on a pyrgos (ledge of a fortified rock), there is a small, light and graceful temple of the Ionic order, consecrated to Athena Nike, known as the temple of Nika Apteros (Wingless Victory; 443-420, architect Kallikrates).

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Parthenon Main temple in ancient Athens, dedicated to the patroness of this city and all of Attica, the goddess Athena the Virgin. He flaunted at the highest point Acropolis of Athens... On a rectangular platform (68.4 m long and 30.38 m wide), made of Piraeus stone and onto which three steps could be climbed from all sides, a majestic peripter of the Doric style with eight fluted columns and with seventeen in each long. The height of these columns was 11 m, the diameter of their section at the lower end was 1.8 m. Surrounded by this colonnade, the body of the temple itself was amphiprostatic, that is, it had a portico of six columns on each short, east and west side. smaller: in the eastern portico was the entrance to the sanctuary. Both porticos were fenced in with gilded iron bars between the columns. The interior of the temple consisted of two parts: a so-called cella, 100 feet long. (hence the other name for the Parthenon, Hecatompedon, that is, a one-hundred-foot temple) and from the rear, less extensive room (opisphodoma). In the temple there was a statue of Athena, carved by the great sculptor Phidias. The treasury, which contained the treasury of the Athenian Maritime Union and the city archive, adjoined the sanctuary from the west, from the back. Here the priestesses of the temple weaved sacred clothing (peplos), which the inhabitants of the city brought as a gift to the goddess during the festivities.

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The Statue of Athena Deep in the Parthenon, under the shadow of the horizontal ceiling, was a colossal statue of Athena, one of the most magnificent works of Phidias. The goddess was presented standing in a simple but majestic pose, in an armor, with an aegis on her chest. At her feet, on the base, was a shield, slightly leaning against her left leg; the left hand of the goddess rested on it, holding the spear. In the palm of his right hand stood a figure of Victory, the size of a man's height, holding a laurel wreath. The high helmet of Athena was decorated in the middle with a statue of a sphinx, and on the sides with figures of vultures. Around the spear, below, a snake was entwined - the emblem of wisdom. On the inside of the shield was depicted in relief a gigantomachy, and on the outside - the battle of the Amazons. Even the edges of the goddess's clothes and sandals were adorned with images of the battle of the centaurs with the lapiths. The entire statue was 26 cubits (7m) high and was executed on a wooden base of pure gold and ivory, so that the body parts were carved from the latter, all the rest of the parts were gold.

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Temple of the Erechtheion In the Erechtheion, the oldest sanctuary of Athens, there was a sacred xoan of Athena (a wooden statue), according to legend, fell from the sky, the altars of Hephaestus and the hero Booth, the tomb of the legendary Athenian king Cecropus, from the west adjoined the sanctuary of the Attic goddess of dew Pandrosa. In the courtyard of the Erechtheion, there was a sacred olive tree donated to the city by Athena, and a salt spring beat out, which Poseidon carved with his trident.

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Acropolis - the city fortress of the countries Of the ancient world located in an elevated position, the fortified part of the city, which served as protection in times of danger. On the Acropolis, temples were erected to the gods, patrons of the city, the treasury and weapons of the city were kept. The Acropolis of Athens is a complex architectural and spatial complex that takes into account the surrounding nature as much as possible. It is located on a natural limestone cliff 156 m above sea level with a flat top (270-155 m). The found ceramic fragments determine the date of the first settlements on the Acropolis (4-7 thousand BC).

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Propylaea - solemn entrance to the Acropolis (437–432 BC). Built by the architect Mnesikl and located in the western part of the Acropolis. The Propylaea, built of Pentelikon marble, stands at the top of a steep slope, to which an 80-meter long trail originally led. In the middle of the 1st century. the Romans, during the reign of Emperor Claudius, covered the road surface with steps. Propylaea - two Doric porticoes, one of which faces the city, the other - to the top of the Acropolis. The portico ceilings were decorated with square recesses painted with gold stars on a blue background. Propylaea - solemn entrance to the Acropolis (437–432 BC). Built by the architect Mnesikl and located in the western part of the Acropolis. Propylaea - two Doric porticoes, one of which faces the city, the other - to the top of the Acropolis. The portico ceilings were decorated with square recesses painted with gold stars on a blue background.

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Where the slope of the hill rose sharply, a transverse wall was built with five aisles, the central of which was intended for solemn processions. At normal times, it was closed by a bronze gate. These gates were the boundaries of the sanctuary. To the right and left of the western portico were pavilions of unequal sizes. The larger, northwestern wing of the Propylaea housed the Pinakothek, an art gallery. There is a library in the south-western wing of the Propylaea. The Propylaea had no sculptural decoration.

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The Temple of Nika Apteros is an unusually graceful marble temple adjoining the southwestern wing of the Propylaea, was built by the architect Kallikrates. The project of the temple was carried out in 450 BC, and its construction was carried out in 427-421 BC. The building is set at a slight angle to the Propylaea façade. Standing on a three-step pedestal, the temple was surrounded on all sides by a sculptural ribbon of a frieze, which depicted episodes of the struggle between the Greeks and the Persians, the Olympic gods (Athena, Zeus, Poseidon). Inside the temple there was a now not preserved sculpture of Athena-Nike, according to eyewitnesses, depicted with a helmet in one hand and a pomegranate fruit, a symbol of a victorious world, in the other.

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The Parthenon is the largest and most famous building in this ensemble, which is called both the "hymn" of Ancient Greece and the "beauty of simplicity." Built by architects Iktin and Kallikrates, the Parthenon, perfectly fitting into the surrounding area, was remarkable for its amazing harmony. This applies to its steps, outer colonnade, pediments, friezes and metopes - square slabs with sculptures, many of which were created by Phidias. The Parthenon building was erected from local white marble, but then painted, there were two more porticoes with columns inside. Here, on a high pedestal, there was a 12-meter statue of Athena the Virgin by the same Phidias. This statue was made of ivory and gold, not bronze and marble as usual. Phidias made the clothes and helmet of the goddess out of pure gold, the hair and shield formed gold plates, and precious sapphires were inserted into the eye sockets.

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On the southern slope of the Acropolis is the oldest known theater, the Theater of Dionysus (God of Wine). The theater has 78 seats, which are divided by a passage into two zones. The passage is also part of the Peripatus - the path that surrounds the sacred rock of the Acropolis. The front marble spectator rows, 67 seats, were intended in ancient times for rulers, archons and priests. In the center of the front rows is the throne of the main priest of the temple of Dionysus Eleftherius.

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Erechtheion - an outstanding monument ancient greek architecture by an unknown author (421-415 and 409-406 BC). The temple, located near the Parthenon, is dedicated to Athena, Poseidon and the legendary king of Athens, Erechtheus, who gave the name to the temple. A special feature of the temple is its extraordinary asymmetric layout, taking into account the uneven ground. On three sides, the building is decorated with porticoes of various shapes, including the famous portico of the Caryatids. The temple consists of two rooms located at different levels. Eastern the temple, located higher than the western one, is dedicated to Athena Pollada.

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