Countries of the world - an amazing etymology. What do the names of some countries say? The name of which country is translated as the country of hippos

The game Crossword Planet: ANIMALS has already managed to win a very large number of fans. This game is probably the most popular on the Odnoklassniki social network. In the game Crossword Planet: ANIMALS, there are completely different levels: some are very simple, and some are quite complex and there is nowhere to go, you have to go through them. For those who find it difficult, we offer answers to the game Crossword Planet: ANIMALS in pictures. If you couldn’t find the answers you need to the game in this material, then look at the website. They will definitely be found. If yours are not there, then they will definitely appear soon. We just divided all the levels into blocks of 10 pieces in one. Below are the answers to levels 1 to 10 in pictures.

Crossword Planet: ANIMALS answers in Odnoklassniki level 11-20

In this material we offer you answers to the game Crossword Planet: ANIMALS levels from 11 to 20 inclusive.

Answers to the game Crossword Planet: ANIMALS 11, 12, 13, 14, 15:

Level 11:

The hunting method characteristic of the cheetah is the pursuit

What's the name African country translated as “land of hippopotamuses” - Mali

Japanese wisdom “if you want to get rich, invite...” - rat

A community of bees living together - family

Which mammal can rotate its neck 270 degrees? sloth

Who was called boar in the old days - boar

The best runner from the chicken family is pheasant

What do birds have that other animals don't? feathers

The Australian coat of arms features a kangaroo and a bird. Which? — emu

The smallest mammal on earth is shrew

Level 12:

The longest living bird is cockatoo

Room for horses - stable

Which spider became a person's pet? tarantula

This fish, eating the larvae of the malarial mosquito, turned Sochi into a resort - Gambusia

Found on chessboard, on the roof of a wooden house and in the gym - horse

Which bird has a beak length of forty-seven centimeters? pelican

The most numerous order in the class of mammals is rodents

Black leopard - panther

Wolf family - flock

This bird, nicknamed the “forest lamb,” “sings” with its tail - snipe

Level 13:

What birds come to us first in the spring - rooks

Kalmyk antelope - saiga

Horse community - herd

Which sense organ is the most developed in kiwi? vision

This writer created the story “How Wolves Teach Their Children” - Tolstoy

She is not afraid of losing her tail, because she will definitely grow a new one - lizard

The oldest ancestor of the horse is eohippus

What did Petra, the black swan from Germany, have an affair with? catamaran

The emblem of which institution is decorated with a snake entwined in a bowl - pharmacy

Another name for toothless whales is mustachioed

Level 14:

What dolphins can do - talk

If she flies low above the ground - it will rain - martin

They say about a coward that he trembles like her tail - sheep

A gait in which the horse raises its legs crosswise - lynx

Where does the fennec fox live? Africa

Who wrote the ode “In Praise of the Mosquito” - Derzhavin

The name of the dog that followed Gagarin’s path in space 18 days before his launch is star

He lays eggs, but feeds the young with milk - platypus

A deer whose female wears antlers - northern

A fish that can “walk” along the shore - Anabass

Level 15:

Representative of the canine family - arctic fox

Tropical arachnid predator - telephone

Clockwork rotating children's toy and wood lark - spinning top

The smallest predator - weasel

A large whale from the smooth family - Greenlandic

A large representative of the order insectivores - muskrat

With the help of which bird's eggs did Pushkin's contemporaries produce freckles? magpie

What order of mammals do sloths belong to? partial teeth

A wild horse preserved only in captivity bears the name of which scientist? Przhevalsky

What color is yak milk? pink

Answers for the game Crossword Planet: ANIMALS levels 16, 17, 18, 19, 20:

Level 16:

Who is the snake eater? bird

This bird holds on to the trunk with its claws and tail, which serves as a support - woodpecker

A mouse-like rodent with horny scales at the tip of its tail - rat

Singer of Russian fields - lark

Who is the world's first cloned sheep, Dolly, named after? Parton

Which bird has a bag? pelican

The last, fourth stage of butterfly development is imago

The name of which snake can be an adverb - really

How many legs do spiders have? eight

Poodle cat - rex

Level 17:

How many stomachs does a bee have? two

Horse blanket - blanket

Where does the platypus live? Australia

What animals live in the Hermitage since the foundation of the museum - cats

A fox, wolf or sable cub - puppy

The smallest snakes - narrowmouth

Translate to Tatar language"tiger" - leopard

In the 80s of the twentieth century, coats made from the fur of this wild cat cost 40 thousand dollars - ocelot

What subclass of fish does the cattail belong to? dipnoi

The science that studies reptiles is herpetology

Level 18:

In which country were the longest elephant tusks found? Zaire

Eared... lives in China and tufts of white feathers grow on the sides of its head - pheasant

What is at the tips of the wings of the South American hoatzin - claws

The nickname of the she-wolf who sheltered Mowgli is Raksha

A bird that eats insect pests from the order Passeriformes - starling

A breed of dog bred by a German tax collector - doberman

Who married a fly and a mosquito - Chukovsky

Where was the goliath frog first discovered? Africa

Wild forest bull from Belovezhskaya Pushcha - bison

Animal on the coat of arms of Lesotho - Crocodile

Level 19:

A narrow black ribbon appears on the neck of a male bird in spring - fire

The space in place of missing fangs in rodents - diastema

Which monkeys are considered the best swimmers among monkeys - proboscis monkeys

Opponent of the snake in the famous work of M. Gorky - falcon

The smallest antelope is royal

What are other names for capybaras? capybaras

Ballroom dance, consonant with the name of one of the gaits of horses - gallop

This bird wags its long tail every minute, even while resting - wagtail

From which animal is the wool taken for the famous Orenburg scarves? goat

During winter migration to India, the Central Siberian goose crosses... - Himalayas

Level 20:

The breed of Anna Andreevna's dog from Chekhov's story “The Lady with the Dog” - spitz

Residents of Germany and tropical stinging insects - Germans

Who is called the snow leopard? leopard

This animal has the longest fur - muskox

What is the name of a chariot drawn by four horses? quadriga

What kind of hare did Lewis Carroll tell us about? March

What kind of birds do the Chinese teach to capture fish with their beaks and bring them to the owner? cormorant

The largest frog is Goliath

And the story of A. Tolstoy and the poisonous snake with a flat triangular head - viper

Do you ever think about the names of countries? globe when you read them on geographical maps? Surely not! Meanwhile, many of them, when translated into Russian, are quite interesting, sometimes even unusual. True, most names, as they should, fully or partially correspond to certain characteristics of countries, but there are also those that, on the contrary, cause surprise with their striking inconsistency.

Let's go on a short trip around the geographical map and look at the content of the "surnames" of some states.

About the features geographical location For example, the following names tell the story: Norway (“Country of the Northern Route”), Vietnam and Australia (“Country of the South”), Japan (“Country of the rising sun", i.e. "eastern"). Austria - translated from German "Österreich" means "Eastern Power", while in reality it is located in the very center of Europe. Whatever you say, there has been a clear overlap here. The name Ireland comes from "eire", i.e. "western island".

As for the name of the South American country Ecuador, it is not difficult to guess that it means “equator”.

But the name of Syria even has cosmic origin. It is associated with the brightest star in our sky, Sirius, which means “brilliant” in Latin. But, as you know, there are many hotter and sunnier countries on Earth.

The whole phrase - "Eight islands that stand side by side" - translates the name of the small country of Tuvalu, which arose in Pacific Ocean on the site of the former English colony - the Gilbert Islands.

About the features earth's surface The names of the Netherlands (“lowland country”) and Iraq (“lowland”) speak, and the name of the island Central American state of Haiti is the only thing left of the indigenous population of Indians, the Arawaks, destroyed by the colonialists, in whose language it means “mountainous country.”

The names of a number of countries reflect the characteristics of their flora or fauna. For example, the name Brazil comes from the paubrasil mahogany tree growing here. It is interesting that the name of the capital of this state, Bamako, is no less exotic and means “a village on the back of a crocodile.” The city's coat of arms is decorated with images of crocodiles in memory of the times when many of these animals lived in the waters of the Niger River. And the name of the capital of another African country, Uganda - Kampala - means "antelope".

Abu Dhabi is the name of a small oil-rich principality in the United States United Arab Emirates, located on the Arabian coast of the Persian Gulf. Translated, its name means "gazelle". Once upon a time there were many of these animals here.

The name of the state of Somalia, according to some scientists, comes from the words "sao somao", which in the local language means: "go milk a cow." This African country has so many cattle that it is said that there is more milk than water. The vast majority of the country's population is engaged in cattle breeding.

Don't be surprised, but the name Spain means "country of rabbits" in translation from ancient Carthaginian. Indeed, once upon a time there were a lot of these rodents here. Rabbits were even depicted on local coins.

The names of many countries on the globe are the same as the names of individual natural objects located on their territory: mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. These duplicate geographical names are typical primarily for young independent states. For example, the Republic of Cameroon in Africa inherited its name from the volcano of the same name.

The names of such countries as Nigeria, Senegal, Gambia, Congo, as well as the South American country of Paraguay come from the names of the rivers. "River" origin and the name India (from great river Indus), although only a relatively small section of the river belongs to this power. The Indus flows mainly into neighboring Pakistan.

The name of the state of Namibia comes from the desert of the same name.

From famous lake Chad comes from the name of one of the African republics. The unique combination of the names of a lake (Tanganyika) and an island (Zanzibar) resulted in the name of the African country of Tanzania. The names of the islands on which countries such as Cuba, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Grenada in Central America, Ireland, Iceland, Great Britain, Malta in Europe, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines in Asia are located became their names.

However, as you have already noticed, the names of not all states can be considered successful. Did you know, for example, that the name of the country Uruguay, although associated with the name of a local river, for some reason means “bird’s tail,” and that of Guatemala means “rotten tree”? The name of the Republic of Panama means "butterfly". However, thanks to someone else's hand, it spread to the famous headdress. In fact, it was first produced in Ecuador, and Panama was only a transshipment base from where hats, the so-called “Panama hats,” were exported to Europe.

The names of a number of other states are based on the characteristics of the national composition of their population. For example, the name of the Republic of Afghanistan means “Country of Afghans,” just like Thailand means “Country of Thais.” But the name Romania comes from the Latin Roma (Rome). Thus, the Republic of Romania bears the name of the capital of another European country - Italy. The name Romania appeared on the map of Europe in 1877 after the final liberation of the country by Russian troops from the Turkish yoke.

The South American country is named after another Italian city, Venice. In 1499, Spanish sailors saw an Indian village on stilts, like Venice, on the shores of the Maracaibo lagoon in the northern part of the mainland, and called it Venezuela, that is, “little Venice.” Nowadays in Venezuela the issue of changing this is being discussed random name to Libertador, that is, "liberator", in honor of the hero and leader of the liberation struggle of peoples Latin America against the Spanish colonialists Simon Bolivar. By the way, another South American country is named after him - Bolivia, whose first president he was.

On a small island in the Caribbean Sea there is a country that bears the name of the famous Spanish city - Grenada.

The names of some other states came from proper names, for example, Saudi Arabia (in 1926) - named after its founder, King Ibn Saud. As for the name of the South American republic of Colombia, it probably does not require explanation.

The name of the West African republic of Burkina Faso, translated from the Mosi language of its main population, means “country of worthy people”, and its capital Ouagadougou means “Welcome”.

Small country in West Africa is called Liberia, that is, “the land of freedom.” And the name of the small Pacific island republic of Vanuatu (the former common Anglo-French colony of the New Hebrides) means: “a country that is and will be independent.”

It hardly needs to be said that these young states are actually still in complete economic and political dependence on their former metropolitan countries. But names are names, and they testify to the desire of the peoples of these countries to achieve independence.

Countries of the world

There are names on geographical maps that are similar to inscriptions on the exhibits of a huge museum. Look how precise and expressive the name is Netherlands –"low country", "low land". There are places in Holland where the nests of storks on the roofs are located lower than the waters of the sea: the whole country is a flat lowland reclaimed from the sea. By the way, the name also speaks about the features of the earth’s surface. Iraq –"lowland".

Or Poland... In Polish she is called Polska. To understand this name, we should remember that we have an ancient town in the Vladimir region Yuriev-Polsky. Previously, the name of the town sounded Yuryev-Polskoy, that is, located not in the wilds of the forest, but among the open space of fields, on the plain. The meaning of the words is close to this Polska, Poland –"land of fields"

For example, the following names tell about the peculiarities of the geographical location: Norway –"country of the north" Vietnam And Australia –"country of the south" Japan –“land of the rising sun”, i.e. “eastern”, Austria – Österreich –“eastern power” (although it is located in the very center of Europe), Ireland –"Western Island"

Regarding the name of the South American country Ecuador, then it is not difficult to guess that it means “equator”.

And here is the name Syria associated with the brightest star in our sky Sirius, which means “brilliant” in Latin.

The names of a number of countries reflect the characteristics of their flora or fauna. Quite strange and curious situations often arose. Here is at least one example. Spaniards' rivals South America– the Portuguese – named their colony Brazil, apparently, in the thickets of mahogany - “Brazil”, which in those days promised the fastest enrichment... Time passed. The mahogany tree gave way to completely different plants - the Hevea rubber plant, the coffee bush; but the country remained Brazil –"Redwood"...

African country name Mali translated from the local language, Malinki means “land of hippopotamuses.” The name of the capital of this state is Bamako no less exotic and means “settlement on the back of a crocodile.”

Abu Dhabi - this is the name of a small oil-rich principality in the state of the United Arab Emirates, located on the Arabian coast Persian Gulf. Translated, its name means “gazelle”. Once upon a time there were many of these animals here.

State name Somalia, according to some scientists, comes from the words sao somao, which means “go milk the cow” in the local language. This African country has so many cattle that it is said that there is more milk than water. The vast majority of the country's population is engaged in cattle breeding.

Surprisingly, the name Spain means, translated from ancient Carthaginian, “country of rabbits.” Indeed, once upon a time there were a lot of these rodents here. Rabbits were even depicted on local coins.

The names of many states of the globe coincide with the names of individual natural objects located on their territory: mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. These duplicate geographical names are characteristic primarily of young independent states. Yes, republic Cameroon in Africa it got its name from the volcano of the same name.

The names of countries such as Nigeria, Senegal, Gambia, Congo, as well as a South American country Paraguay."River" origin and name India(from the great Indus River), although only a relatively small section of the river belongs to this power. Most of the Indus flows into neighboring Pakistan.

State name Namibia comes from the desert of the same name. From the famous lake Chad The name comes from one of the African republics.

The names of some countries are based on features national composition their population. For example, the name of the republic Afghanistan means "land of the Afghans", as in Thailand –"country of thai"

And here is the name Romania – Romania – comes from Latin R?ma(Rome). At the beginning of our era, part of the territory of modern Romania was turned into a Roman province and underwent significant Romanization. Therefore, Romanian belongs to the group of Romance languages. Name Romania appeared on the map of Europe in the 19th century.

By the name of another Italian city - Venice – South American country named. In 1499, Spanish sailors saw an Indian village on stilts, like Venice, on the shores of the Maracaibo lagoon in the northern part of the mainland, and named it Venezuela, i.e. “little Venice”. Soon this name spread to the surrounding area, and then to the whole country.

On a small island in the Caribbean Sea there is a country that bears the name of the famous Spanish city - Grenada.

The names of some states come from the names of historical figures, for example, Saudi Arabia(in 1926) - named after its founder, King Ibn Saud. In honor of the hero and leader of the liberation struggle of the peoples of Latin America against the Spanish colonialists Simon Bolivar South American country named Bolivia, of which he was the first president. And as for the name Colombia, then it probably doesn’t require any explanation.

However, on the map of our planet there are many names that appeared as a result of misunderstandings or mistakes. Thus, in 1434, the French navigator Jacques Cartier, exploring the northeastern shores of the New World, as America was then called, reached the mouth of an unknown deep river. Having landed on its wooded bank, where there were several Indian wigwams, he asked the inhabitants who came out to meet him what the name of this area was. Those, not understanding the stranger, answered: “Kanata” or “Canada.” The navigator applied this word ( Canada) as the name of the country on your map. He did not know that, translated from the Iroquois language, the word spoken to him means “village, village.”

Or here’s another curiosity. Having captured the country of the ancient Incas of Peru, the Spaniards moved towards it southern borders. Here they asked the local Indians, pointing south into the mountains, what kind of country lay further. The Indians, considering that this question concerned the snow-capped peaks of the Andes, answered: “There is chili” (“It’s cold there”). Aliens decided that this is exactly what it was called neighboring country. This is how the name of the country appeared on the map Chile.

Located in southwestern Africa Angola. When the first Europeans, the Portuguese colonialists, landed on the coast of this country in 1560, it was called Ngondo, and its ruler had the title ngola. The invaders took the title as the name of the country and somewhat distorted it.

The Portuguese made the same mistake with the name of another country - Mozambique, taking for its name the distorted name of the then ruler of a small coastal island Musa ben Mbika.

Another mistake is related to the name of a small African state Djibouti, located on the shores of the Red Sea. They say that when the first French conquerors landed on the rocky shore, they came across only one family of nomads sitting around a fire, on which stew was being cooked in a pot, and asked in broken Arabic: “Where have we gone? What it is?" The father of the family, who understood only the second question, without taking his eyes off the fire, answered in Afar: “Djibouti” (“My bowler”). Thus, according to some scientists, this name mistakenly extended to the port that arose here, and after the declaration of independence in 1977, to the new state.

The name of a small republic located in Central America Costa Rica translated from Spanish means “rich coast”. This is exactly what Christopher Columbus named this area back in 1502, amazed by the abundance of gold jewelry among its inhabitants. Later it turned out that there were no deposits of this valuable metal, which the foreign invaders were so eager to seize, and the gold jewelry of the Indians was of Peruvian origin. However, the erroneous name was fixed on the geographical map.


1. Which animal is the thickest-skinned?

2. How do baboons (a species of monkey) drink water?

3. At what speed does the three-toed sloth move on the ground?

4. How fast does the three-toed sloth move through the trees?

5. Which flying mammal is the smallest?

6. What is the size of the smallest flying mammal?

7. How high can an African leopard jump?

8. Can goats graze on tree branches?

9. How many years do horses live?

10. What kind of cats are called “poodle cats”?

11. Why are “poodle cats” called that?

12. Danish artist Gottfried Mind painted only one “model” for many years. Who exactly?

13. What animal was the name of the ancient Russian coin?

14. How many grains of cereal does a hamster store for the winter?

15. How many times is the fat content of hare's milk higher than that of cow's milk?

16. Who is the riddle dedicated to:

In rich clothes,

Yes, I'm a bit blind myself.

Lives without a window

Have you seen the sun?

17. What does the name of the African country Mali have to do with animals?

18. What does the name of the African country Somalia have to do with animals?

19. What is a horse's color?

20. What color horse is called a bay?

21. What color of horse is called black?

22. What animal do sailors call the “sea canary”?

23. For what features is the “sea canary” so called?

24. To whom are the lines of E. Trutneva’s poem dedicated?

Here she is jumping along the branches,

Flashed over the bush

Like a lively red ball,

With lush fur and a tail?

25. Monuments to which animal were erected in Germany, Scotland, France, Russia and some other countries?

26. What are the names of dromedary camels?

27. What are the names of Bactrian camels?

28. From what country does the name of the spaniel dog breed come from?

29. How do these folk signs end:

a) The dog curls up and lies in a ball - to...

b) The horse snorts - to...

c) Sheep knock their foreheads - to...

30. The title of the famous painting by the great artist Leonardo Da Vinci “Lady with an Ermine” is incorrect. Why?

31. What animals are on the staff (that is, are official employees) of the London post offices?

32. The name of what breed of dog is translated as “bull dog”?

33. Why is the bulldog called that?

34. Are there boss-subordinate relationships in a herd of cows?

35. How do these proverbs end:

a) The hare is not a coward, but himself...

b) The wolf sees the goat, forgot and...

c) The fox has ears in the dream...

36. Which animal was the first to be domesticated?

37. Who is a hinny?

38. Who is a mule?

39. Can a goat be the leader of a sheep flock?

40. What is the record recorded length of an elephant tusk?

41. What is the record length of a rhinoceros horn recorded?

42. Which animal was the symbol of the 1972 Munich Olympics?

43. Which animal was the symbol of the 1980 Olympics held in Moscow?

44. The name of which animal can be found on the chessboard, on the roof of a wooden house and in the gym?

45. Who owns these lines:

Why are you neighing, my zealous horse,

Why did you lower your neck?

Don't shake your mane

Are you chomping at the bit?

46. ​​Which Russian artist painted the famous painting “The Bathing of the Red Horse”?

47. Which artist painted the painting “Snowbirds at a Watering Place”?

48. In which country was a monument to horse-drawn courier mail erected?

49. When they say this:

a) The horse did not lie down;

b) Not to feed the horse;

c) Whoa, whoa?

50. Which famous writer wrote the story “The Mustang Pacer”?


1. Nile hippopotamus. The thickness of its skin is 2.5 cm.

2. Soak the tail in water and then suck it.

4. Up to 3 m/min.

5. Thailand bumblebee bat.

6. Body length – about 30 mm, wingspan – 160 mm, weight – about 2 g.

8. In the Atlas Mountains (Africa), goats learned to climb onto the branches of low-growing, almost dwarf trees.

9. About 55 years old.

10. Rex cats.

11. For curly hair.

12. My cat with her next family.

13. Martens. The coins were called "kuna".

14. From 4 to 6 kg.

15. 6 times.

17. The name translates as “land of hippos.”

18. "Go milk the cow."

19. This is her color.

20. Red with black tail and mane.

21. Black.

22. Beluga whale.

23. For its white and yellow color and rather musical “chants”.

25. To the dog.

26. Dromedaries.

27. Bactrians.

28. Spain.

29. a) to the cold; b) heat; c) to strong wind.

30. The painting depicts not an ermine, but a furo, a domesticated albino black ferret.

31. Cats. They protect correspondence from mice and rats and receive a salary for this.

32. Bulldog.

33. Since they were originally used for baiting bulls and other large animals.

34. Yes, in the herd there is a cow-leader, “close associates” and a “lower class”.

35. a) protects; b) thunderstorm; c) on the top of the head.

36. Dog.

37. Hybrid (option - offspring) of a stallion and a donkey.

38. Hybrid (option - offspring) of a donkey and a mare.

39. Yes, quite. An experienced goat leader is a good assistant to the shepherd. The sheep obey him in everything.

40. 3 m 48 cm.

41. 1 m 58 cm.

43. Bear.

44. Horse - a chess piece, decoration of the hut roof, sports equipment.

45. A. S. Pushkin.

46. ​​K. S. Petrov-Vodkin.

47. V. A. Serov.

49. a) Nothing has been done; b) something is not going well; c) neither here nor here.

50. E. Seton-Thompson.