Population of the United States: Current State. Population of the USA and Russia. In the USA it is growing, in Russia it is decreasing

The first modern humans appeared on the territory of the United States 10,000 years ago, Indian tribes moved from Siberia to Alaska and then spread throughout the United States. The current generation of US citizens does not reflect the primary picture, ethnic Americans are completely not genetically related to them, Americans today are immigrants from Western Europe, mainly Great Britain, and also from African countries. Technically, Americans can only be called those who were already born in the United States, there is a large cultural and even economic gap between Americans and recent settlers, Americans in the second generation have already been able to adapt to life in the United States, they receive a good education and have a chance for high-paying jobs. For a long time, a class society has been established in the United States, as well as in Great Britain, but in the United States, a class society is formed on material wealth, when in the old world it is formed on the family in which a person was born.

Demographics of the USA, statistics

Over the past 60 years, the population in the United States has grown by as much as from 1790 to 1950, over the years, 65 million immigrants have moved to the United States from other continents, from 2000 to 2015 the US population has increased by more than 10%. Today, more than half of Americans are white, from Western Europe, although there are exceptions, such as Hawaii. Next in terms of numbers is the Negroid race, the Mongoloid, Americanoid race.

Today, according to official data, the US population is 320,480,000 people, in 2010 - 308,745,538, in 2000 - 281,421,906 people. These numbers make the United States the third largest country in the world.

Racial composition

So, the white population of the United States is 61.4%, Hispanics 16.7%, blacks 13.1%, Asians 5%, mixed nationalities 2.3%, Indians, Aleuts and Eskimos 1.2%.

Population by state

California has the largest population of 37,253,990, Texas has 25,145,580, New York State 19378150, Florida 18801350, Illinois 12830642, Pennsylvania 12702390, Ohio 11536530, Michigan 9883680, Georgia 9687655, North Carolina 9535483, New Jersey 8791894 8001024, Washington 6724540, Massachusetts 6547629, Indiana 6483802, Arizona 6392017, Tennessee 6346105, Missouri 5988927, Maryland 5773552, Wisconsin 5686986, Minnesota 5303925, Colorado 5029196, Alabama 4779725, Colorado 5029196, Alabama 47797253, Oklahoma, South Carolina 46375134 Luc. , Connecticut 3574097, Iowa 3046355, Mississippi 2967297, Arkansas 2915918, Kansas 2853118, Utah 2763885, Nevada 2700551, New Mexico 2059179, West Virginia 1852994, Nebraska 1826341, Idaho 1567582, Hawaii 98341, Idaho 13675821, Hawaii-9834 , South Dakota 814180, Alaska 710231, North Dakota 672591, Vermont 625741, DC, Wyoming 563626.

The states with more white populations are Vermont 95.3%, West Virginia 93.9%, Iowa 91.3%, Wyoming 90.7%, North Dakota 90.0%. The smallest proportion of the white population is maximum in Hawaii, where only 24.7% of the population is white, followed by the District of Columbia 38.5%, California 57.6%, Maryland 58.2%, Mississippi 59.1%, Georgia 59 , 7%, Louisiana 62.6%, New York 65.7%.

The majority of the population of the black race in the state of the District of Columbia is 50.7%, followed by Mississippi 37.0%, Louisiana 32.0%, Georgia 30.5%. Less than one percent of blacks in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Vermont.

Most Asians live in Hawaii, 38.6%, followed by California 13.0%, New Jersey 8.3%, New York 7.3%, Nevada 7.2%. Less than one percent in Montana, West Virginia, Wyoming, South Dakota, Mississippi.

Most of the representatives of the Indians and peoples of Alaska live in Alaska 14.8%, New Mexico 9.4%, South Dakota 8.8%.

Mixed peoples live in Hawaii 23.6%, Alaska 7.3%, Oklahoma 5.9%, California 4.9% Washington 4.7%.

Economically active population of the USA

According to the latest statistics, 155 million people or 51.2% of the US population are economically active, 147 million people have jobs.

Urbanization and cities in the USA

81% of the US population lives in cities and suburbs, while worldwide this figure is only 54%. The most populous states are California and Texas, the US population is constantly shifting to the west and south, the most populous US city is New York.

U.S. fertility rate

The birth rate or fertility rate in the United States in 2015 is 1.86 children per woman, in the world as a whole, this rate is 2.1. For example, the birth rate in the United States is lower than in Western Europe, so in the UK 1.92, France 2.01. Austria 1.93. But it is worth noting that the growth in the birth rate in the United States is one of the highest for industrialized countries in the world. Americans are a young nation, people under the age of 20 make up 27.3% of the total population, however, people over 62 years old make up 12.8% of the population, the average age of US residents is 36.8 years.

Today, 50.4% of newborns are ethnic minority groups. It is assumed that by 2043-2050, the white population in the United States will become a minority. The growth in the US population in recent decades is primarily associated with Hispanics, who accounted for 48% of the national population growth. The UN predicts that in 2050, 402 million people will already be chewed in the United States, in 2060 417 million. Similar rates are much higher than in developed European countries, for example, in Germany or even in Asian countries, Japan and South Korea where the population is decreasing.

Total fertility rate by race

Fertility rates for white women in the United States are 1.868; for blacks; 1.883; for Asians, 1.681; among immigrants from Latin America 2.149, Native Alaska and Indians 1.335, total 1.858.

Demographic history of the United States

Already in 1900, 76 million people lived in the United States, among them 88% are white and 8,800,000 African Americans, and 90% of their descendants still live in the southern states, there were only half a million Hispanics at that time. The number of first-generation immigrants living in the United States increased from 9.6 million in 1970 to 38 million in 2007.

Immigration to the USA

The United States has opened its doors to migrants since the 1990s, when one million people a year arrived in the country, while in the 1950s the figure did not exceed 250 thousand people a year.

Non-Hispanic Americans in 1900 were 97%, but now they are a minority in 35 of the 50 largest cities in the country.

The lowest fertility in the United States is in Rhode Island, 1,630.5 children per thousand women, the highest fertility in Utah is 2,449.0 children per thousand women. Accordingly, Utah is the youngest state with a median age of 29, while Rhode Island is 39.2.

Population density in the USA

The most high density The population in the District of Columbia is 4,088.4 people per square kilometer, followed by New Jersey 467.2, Puerto Rico 407.7, Rhode Island 392.7, Massachusetts 331.3 are involved in the statistics, let's not forget about the American Virgin Islands 305 , 9 and Guam 293.3, Connecticut 286.7, American Samoa 280.4, Maryland 235.8, Delaware 183.4, New York 161.0. The most sparsely populated area is Alaska, 0.5 and Wyoming 2.3.

Cities in the USA

List of cities in the United States by population

Five of the most major cities The USA looks like this: New York 8405837 people, Los Angeles 3792621, Chicago 2718782, Houston 2195914, Philadelphia 1553165.

The number of cities with a population of at least 100,000 people:

There are 70 such cities in California, 36 in Texas, 21 in Florida, 11 in Colorado, 10 in Arizona, 9 in North Carolina, 8 in Illinois, Virginia and Washington 7.

In the United States there are 9 of 66 so-called global cities of the world.Global city or world city, alpha city, considered important element world economic system and has an important cultural, political influence. For example, in terms of population and agglomerations, in terms of high cost, gross product, metro passenger traffic, Tokyo is in first place, in the number of foreigners in Dubai, in the length of the Shanghai subway, in Atlanta air transportation, in the number of billionaires in Moscow.

So the largest number of billionaires in US cities live in New York and Los Angeles, and the second is far behind the first, but in terms of gross product, Los Angeles is not far behind the leader of New York, followed by Chicago and Philadelphia.

Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas and Denver travel by air after Atlanta. The longest metro in New York, with a wide margin from other cities.

The most expensive city in the United States is New York, but it is still only in 8th place in the world, and even lags behind Moscow, which is in third place. So Tokyo ranks first in terms of the high cost of living, then Osaka, Geneva in fourth place, then Hong Kong, Zurich, Copenhagen, New York, Beijing, Singapore.

The wealthiest Americans are Asians, the poorest African Americans, with average incomes half that of Asians.

The largest number of foreigners live in the city of Miami, the gap from other cities is very significant.

The United States has 51 urban areas with a population of over one million. 250 million Americans live in cities or suburbs.

increases annually by almost 3 million people. This is due more to immigration than fertility. By the end of 2017, there will be 327 million Americans.

Density of residence

Area - 9.6 km 2. It includes land and water surface.

At the end of 2016, there were 325.4 million citizens in the state, or 34 people / km 2.

Europe is more populated. In Austria and France, more than 100 inhabitants live per square kilometer, in Germany and Great Britain - more than 200. The figures are lower only in the Scandinavian countries: about 20 people / km 2.

In Russia - only 8 people / km 2.

Unevenness across the territory

Densely populated in the USA Eastern adjacent to Atlantic Ocean: from 100 people / km 2.

These are continuous agglomerations of Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston, New York, Washington, which make up the metropolis of Boswash with a population of more than 40 million people.

Chipits is another metropolis located near the Great Lakes, home to 35 million people.

Sansan is a western metropolis. Located between San Francisco and San Diego. Its population is 20 million people.

Narrow band west coast, bounded by the Cordilleras, is an industrial zone, where the concentration of inhabitants reaches 88 people / km 2.

The Central Plains is home to about 20 people / km 2.

In Alaska, the minimum density is 0.5 people / km 2.

Population of the USA by state

Most populated states (million people):

  • California - 37.
  • Texas - 25.
  • New York - 19.
  • Florida - 18.
  • Illinois - 12.
  • Pennsylvania - 12.
  • Ohio - 11.

The state of Rhode Island has the smallest number of inhabitants - 105 thousand people.

Slightly more (500-700 thousand people) live in the following states:

  • in Vermont;
  • North Dakota;
  • Wyoming;
  • Alaska.

The largest population density in the states (in people / km 2):

  • Washington - 3.78 thousand
  • New Jersey - 455.
  • Rhode Island - 386.
  • Massachusetts - 307.

Population of US cities

The most big cities(in million people):

  • New York - 8.
  • Los Angeles - 3.
  • Chicago - 2.
  • Houston - 2.

1 million people live in the following cities:

  • in Philadelphia;
  • Phoenix;
  • San Anthony;
  • San Diego;
  • Dallas;
  • San Jose.

82% of Americans are urban.

Nationalities and races of the United States

The ethnic composition is multifaceted. Representatives of all races and peoples of the world have gathered here.

Caucasian (72%) predominate, followed by African Americans (12%) and Asians (4%). The rest identify themselves as different or mixed races.


Most immigrants from the UK: 23%. The Germans are in second place: 10%. The share of Italians is 5%, Poles and French - 3%, Chinese and Scandinavians - 1%.

But family ties are so diverse that often no one but himself is able to determine the national roots of a particular citizen.

Immigrants from Spain and from countries inhabited by fellow countrymen of Christopher Columbus formed a separate sector of the population, which is divided into two parts:

  1. Hispanics.
  2. Hispanic citizens.

There are 50 million of them in total. Now their share is 16%. But it increases every year. Natural growth in this category of the population it is the highest in the country.

Among people who consider themselves to be Hispanics, there are:

  • white-skinned;
  • Hawaiians;
  • Asians;
  • Eskimos;
  • Indians;
  • blacks.

White-skinned representatives retain the advantage: 30 million people.

Demography. How many people live in the US?

In the 21st century, the annual growth of the US population is 0.75%. By the end of 2016, 325.5 million inhabitants were registered in the country. Of these, 164.8 million are women and 160.7 million are men.

The increase is due to:

  • birth rate - 1.4 million people;
  • migration - 1.0 million people.

If the trend does not change, then in 2017 there will be 2.4 million more Americans, which is equal to 327.9 million people.

At the end of 2016, the age categories were distributed as follows:

  1. Children under 15 years old - 20.1% of citizens: 33.4 million boys, 32.0 million girls.
  2. Seniors aged 65 and over - 13.1%: 18.4 million men, 24.3 million women.
  3. The able-bodied part of the population from 16 to 64 years old - 66.8%: 108.5 million men, 108.9 million women.

This picture is typical for developed countries. They have low mortality and high life expectancy.

To determine the burden of the disabled population on society, the dependency ratio is used. To get it, divide the sum of the number of the first two categories (108 million) by the number of people in the third category (217 million). In the United States, the ratio is 49.7%. This is a good result, as it creates a weak burden on able-bodied citizens. In the world, this figure has reached 53%.

A low coefficient means that the state can allocate more funds for education, social protection, and health care.

The average life expectancy for American men is 76 years, American women - up to 81 years.

The average life expectancy of the population of a country like the United States has reached 78 years. In the world, this level is lower: 71 years.

Data taken from UN (Department of Economic and Social Affairs).

As of 2010, the US population is estimated at 310 million people, including 11.2 million illegal migrants, roughly living in the state. About 82% of the US population lives in urban areas, i.e. directly in cities or in their suburbs. About half of all residents of the country live in cities with a population exceeding 50 thousand inhabitants.

In 2010, in the United States, the population of 9 cities exceeds 1 million people (excluding suburbs), including 3 cities (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago) have the status of megacities of global importance. In fact, the importance and significance of many medium and large cities is greater, due to the fact that most of them have developed "metropolises" - urban agglomerations that surround the city. Thus, in the United States, there are 52 metropolitan areas with a population of over 1 million people. It should be understood that the data on the number of metropolises may differ slightly due to the peculiarities of the count.

List of largest metropolitan areas in the United States

White Americans make up the majority of the US population. It should be noted that the US Census Bureau uses the term "white American" to define all Americans whose ancestors came from Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. However, Hispanics are a very racially diverse group and thus some of the Hispanic population may also be classified as “white”. To avoid confusion, US official statistics provide separate data for the white population, including / excluding Hispanics.

Racial makeup of the United States (2010)

  • Whites (including whites of Hispanic descent) - 79.5%
  • White (excluding Hispanics) - 64.7%
  • African American - 12.9%
  • Asian - 4.6%
  • Indians and Alaska Natives - 0.8%
  • Other races as well as mixed races

Hispanics make up 16% of the United States population (nearly 50 million people), but their proportion is growing steadily. It is believed that in 40 years their share will be 30%. The share of Asian Americans will also noticeably increase, according to experts, they will make up 8% of the US population. The proportion of African Americans will remain roughly the same. Accordingly, by 2050, whites (excluding Hispanics) will remain the largest group of the population, but their share will decline to 46%.

July 4th is one of the most important holidays in the life of every American. It was on this day in 1776 that a new state entity appeared on the world map - the United States of America. The population of the country today is 325 million people. In terms of the number of residents, the United States ranks third in the world.

Population and countries: United States of America

The USA is one of the largest states on the planet. The world's largest and largest government debt. The largest spending on the army and health care. Highest number of police officers and highest number of murders per year. All this is the United States of America.

The population of the country is about 325 million inhabitants. And according to this indicator, the United States confidently holds the third position in the world (after India and China). According to the latest statistics, the "States" are home to 4.44% of the total population of our planet.

USA are located within North America and occupy more than a third of the area of ​​this continent. The state has a tremendous influence on the entire modern world(political, economic, military). Hundreds of American military bases are scattered across eighty countries.

History of the emergence and formation of the United States

Undoubtedly, the first step towards the emergence of this state was made by the navigator Christopher Columbus, who discovered America in 1492. It was at the end of the 15th century that Europeans first appeared in this part of the world. Up to this point (like the South) it was inhabited exclusively by Indian tribes.

In the 18th century, almost the entire territory of North America was colonized by Europeans. Moreover, immigrants from Britain predominantly settled on the Atlantic coast, Spaniards in Texas and Florida, and French in the Great Lakes region. In 1774, more than a dozen English colonies in America began open armed confrontation with their immediate metropolis.

Two years later, the Declaration was adopted, proclaiming the independence and sovereignty of the new state. In 1787, Americans wrote their own constitution, according to which they new country had to develop on the principles of freedom and democracy. This is how the United States of America appeared ...

At the end of the 18th century, it was not very large - only about 4 million people. In the next hundred years, the territory of the young state only increased: due to the conquests and acquisitions of new lands. Thus, the United States acquired Florida from the Spaniards, Alaska from the Russians, Louisiana from the French, etc.

In the 1860s, serious disagreements arose between the northern and southern states, which subsequently resulted in a full-fledged civil war... With the help of weapons, the "northerners" managed to preserve the United States of America in unity and integrity. By that time, the population of the country had already reached 40 million people.

War. A crisis. War again ...

Until the beginning of the twentieth century, the United States did not interfere in the affairs of Europeans, limiting itself to establishing its spheres of influence in The Caribbean... In April 1917, the American authorities decided to join the First world war on the side of the Entente. In this war, the United States lost 117,000 of its citizens.

Rapid economic growth in the post-war years gave way to an equally deep crisis. During the period of the so-called "Great Depression" (1929-1933), production in the United States fell significantly. At the peak of the crisis, there were about 15 million unemployed in the country. For comparison: the total population of the United States of America at that time was 125 million people.

Not having time to really recover from a large-scale crisis, the United States entered the Second World War. It happened on December 7, 1941. Once again, America sided with the anti-German coalition. The main battleground for the American forces was the Pacific region, and the main military adversary was the Japanese army. It was the Americans who put the grandiose point in World War II, dropping atomic bombs into two Japanese cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki. After that, the Emperor of Japan Hirohito was forced to sign the act of surrender.

USA in the period of the "bipolar world"

The victory in World War II allowed the American economy not only to firmly stand on its feet, but also to take one of the first positions in the world. In the post-war years, American companies began to develop rapidly, expanding their network of branches throughout the planet.

By and large, already at the end of the 40s, the United States entered another war, but already a "cold" one. This time, Soviet communism is becoming the enemy of American democracy. In the following decades, almost the entire world was conditionally divided between these two forces.

So-called " cold war"Gave rise to a whole bunch of serious civil and interstate conflicts. The hottest spots on the planet in the second half of the twentieth century were Cuba, Vietnam, Korea and Afghanistan. Only in the mid-1980s did some kind of "warming" begin in relations between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Population of the United States: size, composition and languages. Features of the mentality of Americans

The United States of America is a multinational country. Almost 63% of its population is "white" (mostly historical immigrants from England, Scotland and Ireland), 16% are Hispanics, 12% are black. There are also a lot of Chinese, French, Russians, Italians and Koreans in the country. The most widely spoken languages ​​in the United States are English (American), Spanish, Chinese, French, and German.

What is the population of the United States of America today? As of 2016, 325.3 million people live here. 81% of Americans live in cities. Life expectancy rates in the United States are among the highest in the world. Women live here on average 84 years, and men - 75 years.

The classical inhabitants of this country are practical, pragmatic, patriotic and cheerful. Americans love to joke and often smile. Going to the USA, you need to know about some important aspects of their mentality. For example, caution should be exercised here when dealing with women and members of national minorities. So, if a man in the United States helps a stranger to take off her coat or in a friendly way touches her shoulder, then this can be regarded as sexual harassment. Another interesting point: Americans are very fond of litigation on a variety of occasions.

The modern administrative structure of the United States

The territory of the United States is divided into 50 states. They also include a number of dependent territories and protectorates. Each of the states has its own constitution, laws and executive bodies.

Each state of the state, in turn, is divided into counties. Moreover, their number varies widely. For example, in Texas there are 254 such counties, and within the state of Delaware there are only three.

The largest (in terms of population) US states are Texas, California and Florida. The smallest state in the country - Wyoming - is home to only 580 thousand people.

15 interesting facts about the US population and Americans

  • During the Great Depression, US residents actively migrated to the USSR.
  • One in eight Americans are or have ever worked for a McDonald's restaurant chain.
  • 40% of children in the United States are born out of wedlock.
  • US laws do not prohibit minors from buying cigarettes.
  • Until 1836, it was forbidden to celebrate Christmas in the country.
  • The average American eats bananas and chocolate willingly and in very large quantities.
  • A fifth of the taxes of American citizens go to the US military.
  • The country has a highly developed practice of anonymous denunciations of its fellow citizens.
  • In the United States, it is not customary to give up a seat on public transport.
  • Americans have a deep aversion to jellied meat, but chips are eaten as a side dish.
  • Americans are generally indifferent to what is happening outside their country.
  • In the United States, it is not considered shameful to work in the role of service personnel (waiter, janitor, cleaner, etc.).
  • Hip-hop, jazz, rock and roll and many other musical directions were invented by the Americans.
  • Americans don't like casual or street dating.
  • The US population is the world leader in drug use.


July 4, 1776 at political map a new state arose in the world - the United States of America. The population of this country today is about 325 million people. Here are a wide variety of ethnic groups and peoples who have brought their customs, traditions and customs to the culture of the United States.