Elk Island in winter. Losiny Island

Moscow natural national park Losiny Island photo which can be seen online, is the only nature reserve located inside the metropolis. The distance from the park area to the Kremlin is only eight kilometers. Previously, these lands were considered part of the Taininsky palace volost, where Ivan the Terrible himself organized hunting. The park got its name when Alexei Mikhailovich began to reign, unleashing his hounds to chase moose. The beginning of the eighteenth century was the time of the organization of forest protection here. Swampy areas were drained, large areas of forest were cleared, and roads were actively built.

Shortly before the start of the revolution Losiny Ostrov Nature Reserve photo which amazes with its beauty, was only supposed to become a park. However, these plans were not destined to come true then, since the World War began. The Moscow government assigned park status to these territories only in 1983. Very close to the residential buildings of the million-plus city, the diverse natural environment of Central Russia has been preserved. The sources of the Yauza River with its flood plains and lakes are surrounded by high marshes and meadows with birch groves, coniferous and broad-leaved forests. A variety of fauna live here, and rare, almost extinct plants are found. A relatively small territory unites all the landscapes that belong to the central latitudes of Russia, that is flat plains, moraine gently sloping hills, crevices of small rivers, swampy lowlands, sandy plains with swamps, taiga zones, birch forests, various types of swamps, swampy meadows and so on.

Park areas are characterized by a mosaic contrasting arrangement of distinctive biotypes. That's why photo of Losiny Ostrov park it is clear that it visually differs significantly from any suburban forest area precisely in the naturalness of its landscapes.

The area of ​​this environmental protection zone is 128 km 2, 30 km 2 of which are located within Moscow. The territory is diverse, so two percent of it is occupied by bodies of water, 5% by swampy areas, and 83% by varied forests. The national park area is divided into three categories of land:

  1. The area closed to visitors is considered especially protected. The authorities preserve the natural appearance of natural complexes where birds nest and where various species of large mammals live.
  2. The territory with open access can be visited by tourists as part of educational excursion groups along specially prepared environmental routes.
  3. The recreational area is used for mass visits and recreation.

A unique object of untouched nature is located in the northeast of the capital. If we consider Losiny Ostrov park map, you can notice that its northern, southern and western border are closely adjacent to densely populated Moscow neighborhoods and industrial zones. Railways and highways pass near the park lands. The territory of the park is divided into two parts by the Moscow ring road.

Protected objects

Among all the valuable objects of the national park, several main ones can be distinguished. Most of them are closed access, that is, they are not accessible to visitors. This is done in order to preserve the pristine purity and intactness of the local ecological systems. The following were protected:

  1. Alekseevskaya Grove, on the territory of which grows a pine forest aged 160 - 220 years. The height of the pines reaches forty meters, and the diameter is eighty centimeters. The natural monument has regional significance.
  2. The pine mane has the appearance of a natural forest. The territory is occupied by a 150-year-old pine forest dating back to 1865.
  3. Mytishchi floodplains are a complex system of reed swamps and shallow waters. The area is considered a favorite nesting area for semi-aquatic and waterfowl, and for the temporary stopover of large flocks.
  4. The raised bog is considered the only area of ​​the park where rare species of lichens, as well as other typical oligotrophic flora, grow. Every year, special botanical monitoring is carried out here, as well as numerous paleobotanical studies.
  5. A transitional swamp with numerous orchids is considered a place where fingerroot grows en masse. The zone is one of the most vulnerable ecosystems.

Local diverse animals of Elk Island occupy various parts of it. The faunal complex includes three territorial components. Taiga species include the three-toed woodpecker, elk, mountain hare, bank vole, and so on. Representative species of southern European forests include the oriole, green woodpecker, wood mouse, marten, and others. There are also steppe and forest-steppe types of fauna, including the little mouse, gray partridge, corncrake and kestrel. In total, the national protected area is home to 44 species of mammals, 170 species of birds, 9 species of amphibians, 5 species of reptiles, as well as 19 types of fish and more than 500 invertebrates. Among the fish found here are carp, pike, bream, roach, and perch.

Anthropogenic factors have the strongest impact on park residents. Under their pressure, fauna species characteristic of the Moscow region over the past hundred years, for example, lynx, black stork, capercaillie, and eagle owl, have partially disappeared.

On the presented photos Losiny island It is also clear that several species of animals have been acclimatized by humans. Among them are the raccoon dog, sika deer and American mink. Among the river inhabitants, it is worth highlighting the river beaver, which occupies territories downstream of the Yauza. Representatives of protected species listed in the Red Book of Russia also live here. These include the common European woodpecker, short-eared eagle, black-throated loon, eagle owl, peregrine falcon, golden eagle, spotted eagle, white-tailed eagle and black stork.

Recreational area of ​​the park

The recreational part of the park is always open to visitors. The largest influx of vacationers was observed near residential areas. Even in the middle of forests there are areas equipped for recreation, where benches or gazebos are installed, children's play areas with sports fields. In addition, sports equipment can be rented in the park. Cycling enthusiasts enjoy many kilometers of trails, which are also ideal for jogging and rollerblading. The national natural heritage area is a great place for walks.

It is here that you can find such a dense forest that writers talked about in their fairy tales.

Not only wild inhabitants of Losiny Island meet visitors. There is also a stable in the park, where horse riding enthusiasts can go for horse rides. If you stock up on nuts, you can feed the squirrels by hand. With the onset of winter, park guests change into skis and can skate on the ice of a frozen pond. It is also worth noting that the caretakers of the reserve carefully monitor compliance with sanitary standards. The territory is regularly cleared of all kinds of garbage, landfill sites, and the consequences of illegal picnics. Maximum attention is paid to areas where there is a high concentration of visitors, that is, around children's playgrounds, along popular walking routes, and so on. The forestry of the park also contains a cultural and educational center called “Russian Life”, where various exhibitions telling about the life of the Slavs in the 19th and 20th centuries are on display.

Before how to get to Losiny Island, you need to know that there are several path options. The visitor can reach the reserve on foot from the nearest metro stations “Babushkinskaya” or “Medvedkovo”. It's also a short walk from the train platform Yaroslavl direction"Elk". If you use ground public transport, it is best to take bus No. 136 or No. 172, departing from the stop “m. Podbelsky Street.

Federal state budgetary institution.

Losiny Ostrov National Park was organized on August 24, 1983 on the basis of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR “On the creation of the Losiny Ostrov State Natural National Park.” Along with Sochi National Park, it is the oldest in Russia.

The area of ​​the Losiny Ostrov National Park is 128 square meters. km, of which 30 sq. km located within Moscow. Forests occupy 83% of the park's area, swamps - 5%, and reservoirs - 2%.

Settlements on the territory of Losiny Island: the village of Mosvodokanal, Suponevo, Balashikha (Abramtsevo microdistrict), New World, Dolgoye Ledovo, Korolev (neighborhoods, Peat Enterprise, Pogonny, 12th Switch, Oboldino).

IN national park Three functional zones are distinguished:
- specially protected, closed to visitors, where natural complexes are preserved in their natural form. It serves as a refuge for large mammals and a nesting place for birds;
- educational excursion, open to visitors accompanied by a guide along ecological routes;
- recreational, intended for mass recreation.

The uniqueness of Losiny Ostrov is that on its territory, surrounded by a metropolis, a natural forest has been preserved, characterized by exceptional natural diversity. Part of the forests of Losiny Ostrov belongs to primary forests - a special type of ancient virgin forest that has been preserved for a long period of time and is not affected by human activity.

The main feature of the nature of Losiny Ostrov is big variety and the mosaic distribution of plant communities on its relatively small territory.

More than 600 species of higher plants, 36 species of lichens, about 90 species of fungi, and about 150 species of algae are found on the territory of Losiny Ostrov. Species included in the Red Books of Moscow and the Moscow region are presented.

In the forest area, surrounded on all sides by cities with millions of people, about 180 species of birds, up to 40 species of mammals (including elk, wild boar, sika deer), and at least 13 species of amphibians and reptiles live or appear during migration. About 15 species of fish live in the park’s reservoirs.

The natural national park “Losiny Ostrov” is entrusted with the following tasks:
- protection of the unique natural complex of the park, preservation and restoration of the Yauzsky wetland complex, protection rare species plants and animals;
- promotion of environmental and ecological knowledge;
- creating conditions for development educational recreation, combining walks with observation of forest life, as well as conditions for everyday mass recreation of citizens living in close proximity to the park.

In ancient times, the forests northeast of Moscow were a favorite place for royal hunting and falconry. The first sovereign of All Rus', Ivan the Terrible, loved to go bear hunting here. A little later, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich established the “Government’s Hunting Path” on these lands - a hunting area with a special, reserved and protective status. Mere mortals here were forbidden to catch animals and birds, cut down trees, pick berries, or build houses.

And at a time when there were almost no animals left in other forests near Moscow, elk still lived in these places. This fact partly explains the wonderful name “Losiny Ostrov”. Why an island? It’s just that in the old days this was the name given to forests located between villages and fields; moreover, Losiny Ostrov was surrounded by a deep ditch filled with water.

The territory of Losiny Ostrov remained royal possessions until the revolution; even the Yaroslavl railway line laid nearby in 1860 did not disturb the natural balance of the reserve, and all the diversity of flora and fauna was preserved.

In 1842, when the territory of the park was just over 6 thousand hectares, the beginning of organized forestry was laid. All work here began to be carried out according to the rules of “forest science”.

Forest audits carried out in the period 1842-1912 led to the division of Losiny Ostrov into 4 parts:

  • a park;
  • suburban village;
  • reserve;
  • operational zone.

The Losiny Ostrov State National Park received its status only in 1983 and has retained it to this day, remaining a most valuable natural monument.

Today it is divided into three zones:

1. Reserve, where nature is preserved in an untouched form. It is a habitat for rare wild animals and birds, so it is not only closed to visitors, but also protected;

2. educational excursion, through which several environmental and tourist routes, which you can go through accompanied by a guide. There are 4 visitor centers here;

3. Recreational, serving as a place of mass recreation.

Losiny Ostrov stretches from Sokolniki Park to the cities of Balashikha, Shchelkovo, Korolev and Mytishchi, occupying 12 thousand hectares, only two-thirds of which are outside the Moscow Ring Road. It is only 8 km from the Kremlin to the southwestern border of the park. Its length from north to south is 10 km, and from west to east – as much as 22 km.

In the very center of Losiny Ostrov, not far from Mytishchi, there is a swamp; it is from here that the Yauza River takes its source, the floodplain of which is often flooded. In addition to the Yauza, many rivers and streams flow through the reserve, forming an entire water network. Once upon a time, canals with a total length of more than 100 km were laid here. Now many of them are abandoned.

Even in the pre-war years, the largest one was built - the Akulovsky Canal, connecting the Volga with the Yauza and Pekhorka rivers. It serves to supply Volga water to the capital.

Even during the most difficult war years, trees were planted on Losiny Ostrov. Many enthusiasts worked here - foresters and landscape designers who put a lot of effort into preserving and enhancing natural wealth this reserve.

The modern flora of Losiny Ostrov includes:

  • more than 700 plant species;
  • 90 types of mushrooms;
  • 36 species of lichens;
  • 150 types of algae.

Here you can find plants listed in the Russian and Moscow Red Book.

Losiny Ostrov is a real pearl of Russian nature. Centuries-old pine and lime forests, oak groves and taiga spruce forests have been preserved here. The pine trees growing in the famous Alekseevskaya ship grove, which are neither more nor less than 250 years old, amaze the imagination and impress with their beauty!

The grass cover of the national park consists of forest grass, buttercup anemone, lungwort, goose onion, bileaf, green grass, sedge, and wintergreen. There are also a lot of berries here: lingonberries, blueberries, sorrel, strawberries.

The fauna of the park is also very diverse. More than 280 species of animals and birds are found in Losiny Ostrov, including:

  • 180 species of birds;
  • 40 species of mammals;
  • 4 types of reptiles;
  • 8 species of amphibians;
  • more than 20 species of freshwater fish.

As in the old days, moose live here.

In the post-war years, sika deer were brought into the park, the beaver population was completely restored, and wild boars proliferated.

Fur-bearing animals also live in the reserve: mink, ermine, marten, and black ferret.

At night, bats circle over the forest, and their eternal enemies are owls.

Thanks to a significant forest area and long-term restrictions on forestry activities, the Losiny Ostrov National Park, even today, against the backdrop of the urban panorama of a multimillion-dollar city, remains one of the richest and most interesting among the forests of the Moscow region in terms of the richness of flora and fauna.

Elk Island

the first national park in Russia (created in 1983). Located in the northeast of Moscow and its Forest Park protective belt, it starts from the Sokolniki forest park 8 km from the Kremlin and continues beyond the Moscow Ring Road to Mytishchi, Korolev (formerly Kaliningrad), Shchelkovo and Balashikha. The area is over 11 thousand hectares, of which 3 thousand hectares are within Moscow. The length from west to east is 22 km, from north to south 10 km. Includes 6 forest districts: Losinoostrovskoye and Yauzskoye - in the urban part of the park, Losino-Pogonnoye, Alekseevskoye, Mytishchinskoye and Shchelkovskoye - in the regional part.

The history of Losiny Ostrov goes back many centuries. Dense forests stretching to the northeast of Moscow were mentioned as part of the Taininsky palace volost, which belonged to the great Moscow princes. It is known that Ivan IV the Terrible often hunted here. But Losiny Ostrov received its name only under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, for whom elk hunting with hounds was organized in these places; In the southwestern part of Losiny Ostrov, a falcon yard was created, and this area became known as Sokolniki. Since the 17th century The territory of Losiny Ostrov was intensively used. Since the 18th century it is under special supervision: forest protection has been introduced, decrees have been repeatedly issued on the conservation of valuable forests. In 1809 Pogonno-Losiny Island (the main part of the park) and nearby groves were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Kremlin Expedition.

In 1842, active forest management began in the forests of Losiny Ostrov. Deforestation was carried out over large areas, coniferous trees were planted, swamps were drained, and roads were laid. In 1912, an attempt was made to organize a national park in Losiny Ostrov, but this was prevented by the first World War. In the 1930s - 1940s, when the creation of the Moscow Nature Reserve was being planned, Losiny Ostrov was planned as one of its 10 sections. But only in 1983 Losiny Ostrov was officially given the status of a national park.

Modern Losiny Ostrov is unique in its size, diversity of forest communities, flora and fauna natural complex, preserved within a multimillion-dollar urban agglomeration. Here grow the oldest pine and spruce forests in the Moscow region, vast broad-leaved forests of linden with oak and maple, hundred-year-old floodplain black alder forests, birch and aspen forests. In the depths of the forest, small raised and transitional swamps have survived. A special attraction of Losiny Ostrov is the vast low-lying swamps along the river. Yauza with open shallow waters, thickets of reeds and cattails. On the territory of Losiny Ostrov there are the sources of the Yauza and Pekhorka rivers, numerous rivers and streams flow into them - Ichka, Budaika, Los, Nekhlyudov sleeve, Bogorodsky stream, etc.

The flora of the national park includes over 700 species. The herbaceous cover of coniferous forests is dominated by wood sorrel, blueberry or reed grass, they are accompanied by two-leafed wintergreen, round-leaved wintergreen, European honeybee, lingonberry, etc., in broad-leaved and coniferous-deciduous forests - hairy sedge, green chickweed, chickweed or woodleaf, hard-leaved chickweed, and lungwort are common , buttercup anemone, goose onion, multifloral grouse, aconite, etc. In the swamps, among stunted pines and sphagnum mosses, cotton grass and marsh sedge, wild rosemary, cassandra, blueberry, cranberry, sundew and other marsh plants grow. In Losiny Ostrov, lily of the valley and swimmer are common, and there are dense corydalis, wolf's bast, yellow iris, two-leaved and greenish lyubka, Fuchs palmate root and other plant species specially protected in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The fauna of Losiny Ostrov is exceptionally rich, which includes 45 species of mammals, 185 species of birds, 4 species of reptiles, 9 species of amphibians and at least 20 species of fish. As in the distant past, elk remains its usual inhabitant, and wild boar is also common. Along with such widespread animals in the Moscow region as moles, hedgehogs, foxes, weasels, hares (hare and hare), and squirrels, the national park is home to pine marten, ermine, mink, black ferret, hazel dormouse, and several species of bats. Since pre-war years, its forests have been inhabited by sika deer, and beavers have recently been successfully re-acclimatized. Up to 125 species of birds nest in Losiny Ostrov; swans, geese, cranes, and different types waders and ducks. In the depths of Losiny Ostrov, snakes, vipers, legless spindle lizards, and gray toads, which have become rare in the vicinity of Moscow, still live.

Losiny Ostrov - a museum of wildlife under open air. A variety of landscapes are preserved on its territory, including such natural monuments as the 250-year-old Alekseevskaya (pine) grove, the 100-150-year-old Grivka pine forest and the Kholudeevka coniferous forest. Centuries-old linden forests (linden forests), especially on the territory of the Yauzsky forest park, and oak groves in the Losino-Pogonny forest park are distinguished by their high aesthetic and scientific value; Some specimens of oaks, classified as natural monuments, reach 250 years of age.

Verkhneyauzsky wetland complex, which includes the river. The Yauza with its tributaries Ichka, Budaika, Pekhorka and others is also protected as a natural monument. Along the Yauza and Budaika rivers, the “Friends of the Forest” and “Youth of Maxim” parks (total area 180 hectares) were created (1988-92).

Visitors can also get acquainted with historical sights: traces of ancient settlements that existed in pre-Mongol times (10th century), an ancient waterworks that began supplying Mytishchi water to Moscow (since 1830), etc. A significant part of Losiny Ostrov is occupied by a specially protected zone with protected areas, visits to which are limited. Recreation areas for Muscovites have been created in places adjacent to residential areas.

B.L. Samoilov, G.V. Morozova.

Moscow. Encyclopedic reference book. - M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1992 .

See what “Losiny Ostrov” is in other dictionaries:

    Elk Island- Elk Island. Losiny Ostrov, a national park, northeast of Moscow (partly within the administrative boundaries of the city). Area 11 thousand hectares. Founded in 1983. Coniferous broad-leaved forests of spruce and linden with the participation of oak, maple, and... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

    The first national park in Russia in the northeast of Moscow and the Moscow region. Formed in 1983. St. Square 11 thousand hectares. The sovereign grove has been protected since the time of Ivan IV the Terrible. From the 17th century the park area was intensively used; from 19 to... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ELK ISLAND, the first national park in Russia, in the northeast of Moscow and in the Moscow region. Formed in 1983. Sq. St. 11 thousand hectares. The sovereign grove has been protected since the time of Ivan IV the Terrible. From the 17th century the territory of the park is intensively... ...Russian history

    Losiny Ostrov National Park IUCN Category II (National Park) Coordinates: Coordinates ... Wikipedia

    Losiny Ostrov is the first national park in Russia, located on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. The largest forest area in Moscow and the largest among the forests located within the city (Moscow part). View of part of Losiny Ostrov... ... Wikipedia

    The first national park in Russia, in the northeast of Moscow and in the Moscow region. Formed in 1983. Area over 11 thousand hectares. The “sovereign reserved grove” has been protected since the time of Ivan IV the Terrible. Since the 17th century the park area is intensively… … encyclopedic Dictionary

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    National park on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. Organized in 1983 on the square. 11,816 hectares, of which approx. 9,600 (81%) are forested. To the south and west it adjoins residential areas and industrial zones. The territory is crossed by roads (Moscow ring road, etc.... Geographical encyclopedia

Losiny Ostrov National Park, located in the northeast of Moscow and the Moscow region is perfect place for those lovers of forests and fresh air who do not want to leave the city. Here you have a unique opportunity to be one on one with nature without leaving the metropolis. But you won’t be able to cook barbecue or bake potatoes over a fire here; the park’s territory is strictly guarded.

Elk Island is a paradise for families with children, athletes and history buffs. It will also be good for those who just want to relax, wander along forest paths and be alone with themselves.

About the park

The park's territory is more than 116 km2. The forest occupies about 80% of the total area, 25% of which are located in Moscow. Losiny Island is one of the first national parks in our country. Reservoirs (ponds) occupy 2% of the territory, and 5% are swamps. Several rivers flow through the park. The Yauza and Pekhorka rivers originate here. There is also a tiny river called the Elk.

The park has three zones:

  • Specially protected area, slightly less than half of the entire territory
  • Walking and sports area
  • Recreation area for mass visits.

Since one thousand four hundred and six, the territory of the current Losiny Island was part of the Taininsky palace volost, the lands of which served as hunting grounds for Russian tsars and princes.

Since 1800, the first forest districts appeared here, and the organization of the territory began. And in 1937, Losiny Island became part of the “green ring” around the capital.

In one thousand nine hundred and eighty-three, Elk Island became known as a National Park. In 2004, there was an attempt to reduce the forest area for the construction of the fourth transport ring. Fortunately, this idea was not implemented.

What is remarkable about Losiny Ostrov Park?

Connoisseurs of wildlife will find many rare plants on the territory of the reserve, and a wide variety of animals can also be found here. Elk Island is known for the fact that moose still live here, which from time to time come out onto the roadways of the streets adjacent to the park.

Twenty years ago, sika deer could be seen in areas designated for public recreation. Now they have been taken deeper into the regional part of the forest to avoid the extermination of these rare animals by poachers.

One of the most favorite pastimes for families with children is hand-feeding squirrels. You can see them in the park, they are not afraid of people, and readily take nuts and seeds from your hands.

Elk Island is popular with cyclists. Here they have freedom - many wide and comfortable paths make it possible to ride through the forest without interference.

By the way, one of the main attractions of the park is the Paper Clearing. It was cut down in time immemorial to transport timber that was used to make paper.

Now it is a well-paved wide road cutting through the forest from north to south, where in the summer you can ride a bicycle or roller skate without fear of getting hit by a car. After all, the entry of vehicles into the park is strictly limited.

Elk Island has several playgrounds decorated with wooden figures of animals from favorite children's fairy tales. In general, animal figures carved from wood are constantly found in the park, in the most unexpected places: they stand along the paths, and some peek out from under the bushes. Kids are delighted when they find a bear cub or a wooden bunny near the path.

Ecological centers and excursions

In the northern part of the park (not far from Prokhodchikov Street) there is an equestrian club where you can rent a horse and ride through the forest along safe routes. Nearby is the Museum of Russian Life, the Bird Garden rare bird reserve and a biological station.

In environmental and historical centers parks, which include “Russian Life”, “Red Pine”, “Abramtsevo”, “Tea Party in Mytishchi”, excursions are organized that will be of interest to children and adults. The main topics are history, Moscow studies, and ecology. For example, an excursion for children, called the “Trail of Fairy Tales,” passes through such interesting forest places as Bear Corner, Sosnovaya Grivka and others. Children get acquainted with different plants, learn to understand bird and animal tracks, and observe the habits of small animals. During the excursion, you can relax in one of the environmental centers, where you will always be treated to tea from a samovar, they will tell you many fascinating stories about Russian hunting in ancient times, about the first water supply system and many others.

It is believed that somewhere in the park the hunting lodge of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, or rather what is left of it, is lost. Historians say the house may be of cultural and historical value. There are also rumors that treasures are hidden in it. But most likely, this is just idle gossip.

Elk Island is a huge forest with ancient history. A few weeks are not enough for an ordinary person to explore the entire territory of the park. Any visitor will find something to their liking here. History buffs can attend exciting excursions, athletes ride bicycles in the summer and ski in the winter, children play and learn to understand and appreciate nature. Tourists take walks to the sources of famous Moscow rivers. At any time of the year it is a good place to relax with the whole family.

How to get there from the metro:

You can get to the park in different ways. One of them is the entrance from the street. Roterta, st. Prokhodchikov. The nearest metro stations are Medvedkovo and Babushkinskaya, you can also walk from the Los platform at Yaroslavskaya railway or get from the VDNH metro station by buses No. 172, 136. In addition, from the Ulitsa Podbelskogo metro station you can get to another part of the park by trams No. 36, 12, 29.