The best prices for tours to Thailand at the moment. Thailand in December: seaside holidays at the beginning of winter Thailand in December where is better

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Winter is the right time of year to travel to hot countries. Many Russians try to go on vacation at the end of December to celebrate the New Year holidays abroad. Most often, tourists choose for their winter holiday Thai resorts. Sunny and hospitable Thailand is ready to welcome thousands of tourists in December and give the most unforgettable experiences.


With the arrival of winter, the most favorable season for relaxation begins in Thai resorts. The weather in Thailand in December becomes as comfortable as possible for both visiting tourists and local residents. The average daily temperature during this period is +28…+31 degrees. At night the temperature drops to +20…+23 degrees. It is a little cooler in the northern mountainous regions.

December is considered one of the driest months in the Thai kingdom. Humidity at the end of winter is very low. At this time of year there is practically no rain in the country (precipitation is possible only on Koh Samui, Tao, Pranang). The sky is usually sunny, there are no clouds or clouds.

The water temperature at Thai resorts reaches +27…+29 degrees. The Andaman Sea is quiet, calm and clear this season. On the Gulf of Thailand there are more frequent winds and small waves can arise, which generally do not interfere with swimming.

Knowing what happens in December, travelers should pack their suitcases correctly. You should not take umbrellas, raincoats or warm clothes with you on your trip. They will definitely not be needed at Thai resorts at the end of the year. You need to take with you sunglasses, swimsuits, sprays and creams that protect your skin from the sun's rays, a light pareo cape to prevent your shoulders from getting sunburned, and hats to protect you from heat stroke.

Leisure and entertainment

A beach holiday in Thailand in December is good for everyone, except for one thing: at this time of year a huge number of vacationers come to the resorts, so popular Thai beaches can be so crowded with people that it is difficult to find at least one free place. To avoid such inconveniences, some travelers try to go to remote wild beaches and enjoy the sea and sun to the fullest.

In December, diving enthusiasts will be able to explore undersea world, the water this month is quite clean and unturbid. The dive can be done under the guidance of an experienced instructor or independently. After waiting for the waves at Thai resorts, you can go kiting and surfing. Also for vacationers are organized sea ​​cruises, outdoor fishing and many other activities.

At the end of December, tourists, as always, will have access to various excursions to temples, museums, nature reserves and other popular places. On New Year's Eve, vacationers will be able to visit discos, parties, erotic shows, etc. Many hotels organize banquets and invite animators who will entertain adults and children at festive feasts.

December holidays

In addition to the European New Year, many other interesting holidays are celebrated in Thailand in December:

  1. The King's Birthday (December 5). This is one of the main national holidays, which is celebrated by residents throughout the country. Bangkok becomes the center of the celebration. For the holiday, the Thai capital is decorated with garlands, people go out into the streets with lit candles, and at night, fireworks are launched into the sky in honor of the king.
  2. Celebration dedicated to the bridge over the River Kwai (from December 7). Throughout the week, Kanchanaburi province hosts tours of the bridge, theatrical performances telling the history of the bridge, etc. Tourists who decide to attend this event will be treated to a light and sound show, fireworks, fairs and even steam locomotive races.
  3. Constitution Day (December 10). On the eve of the holiday, Thais decorate streets and houses with national flags and garlands of flowers. On the holiday itself, various fairs, exhibitions, lectures and seminars are held, which tell about the history of the country and the constitution. Many shops and shopping centers are closed on this day.

Also in December, the following events are held in the Thai kingdom: the “Big Piece” gourmet festival with tastings of various dishes, jet ski races in Pattaya, a cultural fair, a light festival, a car exhibition, etc.

Fruit abundance

Tourists who decide to visit Thailand at the end of the year should definitely try the fruits that ripen this season. By December, tamarinds, carambola, pineapples, sapodilla, pomelo, and guava ripen in the Thai kingdom.

Also this month, bananas, coconuts, melons, durians, watermelons, cream apples, rambutans, strawberries, and grapes will be found in Thai bazaars and shops. TO New Year's holidays prices for fruits may rise slightly, but buyers who come to the local market have the opportunity to bargain with the seller.

How much does the trip cost?

In December, the number of travelers wanting to visit Thailand and celebrate the New Year in the hot country increases significantly. This is always reflected in the occupancy of hotels (you need to book rooms as early as possible) and the cost of tours. By the end of the year, tours become more expensive by 50-70%. Prices for excursion services, menus in restaurants, goods in stores, travel on public transport, etc. are also increasing.

You can buy tours to Thailand in December from 70-80 thousand rubles and above. Discounts on travel packages are possible if: early booking(in 3-4 months). Last minute tours are rare this season, but sometimes tourists are lucky and manage to pay for a tour at a favorable offer.

For those who want to escape and take a break from the December cold, frost and snow, Thailand will be a lifeline in the form of summer in the middle of winter. You will find yourself in the middle of tropical summer in the dead of winter. Thailand in December is unusually good - swimming in clear and warm water, snow-white sands, warm sun, exotic nature and landscapes.

You can save a lot of money by choosing a last minute trip to Thailand in December. The price is not too high compared to other times of the year, which is doubly pleasant. Thailand will welcome you with open arms, because it always welcomes tourists. The country always pleases not only with its warm and even hot weather, but also with its diversity, exciting events, unusual dishes and activities. You will be able to experience many new and unusual activities, especially for the month of December.

Everything you have heard about Thailand will be just pale words compared to what you will see and experience in reality. Every corner of the country is imbued with exoticism and unusualness, which is very pleasant even for the most avid and demanding tourist and traveler.

Don't wait for summer to bask in the sun and swim in warm water; we offer you New Year's tours to Thailand. This is a summer paradise in the middle of winter, and believe me, it's worth it.

Thailand in December is considered ideal exotic country for tourism. Especially at the beginning of the month, when the resort is not yet so crowded and you can thoroughly enjoy the wide beaches, warm sea, and also see local and European celebrations taking place in a calm atmosphere. The main number of events is occupied by religious Buddhist celebrations, which are usually very lavish. The rest comes from local celebrations in the provinces, as well as European events associated with the celebration of New Year and Christmas.

Holidays and festivals in Thailand in December

5th of December - King's Birthday. Thailand is turning into a land of lights and illumination. All government buildings are decorated with colorful garlands. Since the color of the king is yellow, on this day you can see a huge number of yellow flags and people wearing yellow T-shirts. The holiday takes place from early morning until late evening. The celebration ends with a concert.

December 10 – Constitution day. Thailand is decorated with many flags and garlands on this day. Restaurants, entertainment centers and discos operate without restrictions. Exhibitions and seminars are held in cities, towns and even small villages, thanks to which local residents can understand the country's democratic system even better.

December 25 – Catholic Christmas. The celebration can only be seen in tourist cities. Since December 22, Christmas music has been playing in the streets, and the halls shopping centers and hotels are decorated with Christmas trees and garlands. On the day of the holiday, fairs with souvenirs and street food open, and on the established stages you can listen to a concert of Thai performers. The celebration continues all night.

Time difference with Moscow

The time difference between Moscow and Thailand is 4 hours.

Weather in Thailand in December

Daytime temperature +30 °C, night temperature +21…+23 °C, sea ​​water+27 °C.

Thailand often welcomes a huge number of people from all over the world, regardless of the weather.

Thailand is one of the most popular tourist destinations, chosen by residents of Russia and Europe in the winter season. This amazing country, distinguished by its unique culture and national flavor, delights tourists with its warm climate all year round.

Considering that average temperature in December is about 30 degrees above zero, we can conclude that the Kingdom is an impeccable place for an exotic holiday.

It is not surprising that so many tourists visit Thailand during the winter season. At this time, with an insignificant amount of precipitation, the sun shines quite brightly, which makes it possible to stay on the beach from morning to evening.

And more gentle, in comparison with summer time of the year, solar radiation, allows you to get an even “velvet” tan. The water temperature ranges from +18 to +25 degrees, providing the opportunity to enjoy swimming both during the day and at sunset.

Based on this, we can conclude that weather in Thailand in December is optimally suitable for recreation of people with different climatic preferences

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Weather in Phuket in December

The last calendar month on one of the most picturesque Thai islands - Phuket, has a climate favorable for lovers of warm weather and those who want to relax in mild, not sweltering heat.

Weather in Phuket in December, as on the entire coast of the Adaman Sea, is mostly sunny with an almost complete absence of rain.

Only rarely does a characteristic feature appear tropical climate in the form of night precipitation, but this is not a critical circumstance; rather, it has a refreshing effect, neutralizing the effects of the daytime heat.

The average December temperature during the day is close to +24 to +32 0 C, and at night the thermometer rarely drops below +20 0 C.

With the arrival of calendar winter, on the coast South China Sea– in the hospitable Thai city of Pattaya, the weather does not undergo significant climate changes.

Except that the summer, sometimes extreme heat, recedes and is replaced by a milder sun, and the air temperature rarely exceeds +30 0 C.

It means that weather in Pattaya in December favorable even for those who are overly susceptible to hot climatic conditions.

Weather at other resorts in Thailand in December

  • Samet: +27..+33 (27, 0)
  • Samui: +28..+30 (14, 7)
  • Koh Chang: +27..+33 (27, 0)
  • Krabi: +28..+30 (27, 0)

Water temperature at resorts in Thailand in December

  • Pattaya: +27..+29
  • Samet: +27..+30
  • Phuket: +28..+30
  • Samui: +28..+29
  • Koh Chang: +28..+30
  • Krabi: +27..+29

Thailand is a truly amazing country where everyone can find a suitable type of pastime with a lot of entertainment. It offers tourists excellent azure beaches with sandy beaches and the coziness of comfortable hotels with excellent all-inclusive service.

For those who prefer active recreation at night, it is best to visit Pattaya and Phuket, whose streets turn into entertainment venues at night with numerous restaurants and bars. And lovers of solitude can always enjoy the cool breeze of the Andaman and South China Seas.

Entertainment and excursions in Thailand in December

Fans of cultural recreation are always pleasantly surprised by the many types of entertainment. Winter time year in sunny Thailand is not an obstacle to mass fun. Here you can visit both magnificent costume shows and classic Thai theater performances.

One of the most popular recreational activities is Muay Thai. The fights, which take place almost daily, give spectators a lot of exciting emotions. In addition, in Thailand there is a tradition of entertainment shows dedicated to the celebration of an event on a city or country scale.

Tourists vacationing here in December have a great opportunity to see the Royal Regatta, the celebration of the King's Birthday, Constitution Day and the famous Full Moon party. It is worth highlighting, of course, the grandiose entertainment and excursions in Thailand in December on the occasion of the New Year.

One of the most luxurious Thai events is the New Year celebration, when parties with many competitions and discos do not stop day or night. Therefore, the event is New Year in Thailand remains a cherished desire for many Russian and European tourists.

By the way, in this amazing country It is customary to celebrate two types of holidays, including the European and Chinese New Year.

This is explained by the fact that in Thai culture, local traditions are harmoniously combined with elements of Chinese and Western civilization.

Holidays for the New Year in Thailand

If we talk about chronological sequence, the European one is celebrated first New Year, which traditionally occurs on the night of January 1st. Festive events take place throughout the country, and the most beautiful are the colorful streets of Phuket and Pattaya.

Tens of thousands of people gather in the squares, the vast majority of whom are tourists. Features of the celebration include live music, costumed performances and competitions, and on the night of December 31 to January 1, the Thai sky is decorated with fireworks everywhere.

It is believed that Holidays for the New Year in Thailand– the best combination of exotic and holiday.

The Chinese brought many characteristic features. As in China, the Thai holiday lasts three days, and during this time the streets are decorated with bright lanterns. An unforgettable festive atmosphere is created thanks to public carnival processions and competitions.

At the epicenter of the festivities, you can watch costume performances with the participation of local actors dressed in “snake” and “dragon” costumes. The events are accompanied by music and lighting effects.

As for Phuket, the main action takes place on Patong Beach, and in Pattaya the largest concentration of tourists from year to year is observed near the main spruce tree near the Bali Hai Bay hotel.

Those tourists who want to participate in the holiday, but do not want to have close contact with the crowd, can retire from large crowds of people at specially organized observation platforms.

It should be remembered that when planning to mark Chinese New Year in Thailand, You need to take care of vouchers in advance, due to the existing pre-holiday rush.

Thai holidays in December

Having planned a vacation for Thai holidays in December in Thailand, it is worth remembering that due to the large influx of tourists, it would be a good idea to take care of tickets in advance. The same can be said about the specific reservation of New Year's tables, since after December 25 it will be very problematic to do this.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the holiday beloved by all Thais - the King's Birthday, the celebration of which is gladly joined by European tourists. The King of Thailand is a national hero for the residents of this country, and almost a holy man, so one can imagine the scale of festivities awaiting vacationers.

Exactly at 7 pm, the anthem is played in the main squares of the country, followed by a prayer in honor of the king. After the festive processions, one of the most spectacular events awaits everyone - a magnificent fireworks display.

Other events are no less exciting - Full Moon Day and Constitution Day, when grand parties are held throughout the country with the participation of DJs from different countries of the world, specially coming together in December for this celebration.

Beach discos, gradually turning into large-scale ones music festivals, will give an unforgettable experience to lovers of active pastime and loud music.

Prices in Thailand in December

Warm and welcoming Thailand is loved by Russians as a hospitable holiday destination where they can shop at a very competitive price. Moreover, we are talking about both food and souvenirs.

Since the first is not very relevant, for tourists vacationing on an all-inclusive program, we will focus on the cost of things that can be purchased as gifts for family and friends.

To understand what prices in Thailand in December translated into rubles, you just need to multiply the figure in baht by two. It is worth noting that prices may vary depending on the location of sale. You need to be careful, since the same thing costs several times cheaper in the market, unlike a store located in the city center.

There are also so-called “high” and “low” price ranges. The first occurs from November to April, the second from May to November. Also, the cost of the product may vary depending on the degree of distance from popular tourist areas.

In the northern part of the country, prices are usually significantly lower than on the same island of Phuket or Pattaya.

Grocery prices in December in Thailand

It is worth noting that food prices in December in Thailand will also differ depending on the season and place of sale. Each Thai fruit belongs to a certain time period of ripeness, which affects the difference in pricing.

For the convenience of vacationers on Thai streets, there are always portioned fruit, meat and fish dishes, which are relatively inexpensive. If we talk about alcohol, then imported alcoholic drinks are much more expensive than local ones, of which, in turn, there are very high-quality samples.

Rental prices in Thailand in December

It is especially worth noting the affordability of prices for rental housing. Even in close proximity to the center, you can rent a one-room apartment with all amenities, the price of which will be 3-5 times lower than that of similar living space in Moscow.

This fact alone indicates that prices for rental housing in Thailand in December are acceptable for a wide range of people who come to relax on their own.

Accommodation prices in Pattaya

Hotel Stardom Discount Price per night, from Select dates

Siam@Siam Design Hotel Pattaya


5 694 4 287


3 952 3 551

Mini-hotel Jardin


1 611 1 493

Siam Bayshore Resort Pattaya


5 694 4 823

Pattaya Discovery Beach Hotel


4 555 3 818

Asia Pattaya Hotel


3 048 2 144

AYA Boutique Hotel Pattaya


3 751 3 350

Ploen Pattaya Residence


1 228 1 094

Dusit Thani Pattaya


6 498 5 359


1 764 1 362

Accommodation prices in Phuket

Hotel Stardom Discount Price per night, from Select dates

The Surin Phuket


38 296 29 990

Twinpalms Phuket


19 935 17 944

Prices for trips to Thailand in December

The cost of tours is, as a rule, in an acceptable range, with the exception of the end of December, when many tourists visit the country to celebrate the New Year on its territory.

The country is divided into several most visited resort areas, most of which offer “hot tours” every year, even on New Year’s Eve.

Optimally acceptable prices for trips to Thailand in December provide an excellent opportunity not only to get a lot of pleasant impressions from warm sea, but also to see grandiose holiday celebrations.