Arab culture crossword puzzle. higher Muslim schools. Now you know it

If you correctly solve the crossword puzzle, then in the cells horizontally, highlighted by a frame, you will read the name of the famous road in ancient Western Asia. The bizarre shape of the frame will remind you of this road (see its image on the map on page 91 of the textbook).
1. The word that we call the rulers of the ancient states - Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian. 2. Main city Kingdom of Lydia. 3. The last king of Lydia, famous for his wealth. 4. One of the main cities of the Persian state, where the famous road began. 5. Founder of the Persian state. 6. A huge city in Mesopotamia, captured by the Persians thanks to military cunning. 7. Great kingdom in Western Asia, which was the first to come under the rule of the Persians. 8. Another great kingdom captured by the Persians, the name of which coincides with the female name. 9. Precious metal, which was mined in abundance on the sandy banks of the rivers of Asia Minor. 10. The name of the warrior from the personal guard of the Persian king. 11. One of the main cities of the Persian state, famous for its magnificent palaces. 12. Country in Africa, conquered by the Persians. 13. The most powerful of the kings of Persia, the ruler of a vast state.

For equally obvious reasons, he also does not come up in diplomatic negotiations. Almost the entire Muslim world suffers from poverty and tyranny. Both of these problems are explained, especially by those who are interested in diverting attention from themselves, to America - from the first to American economic domination and exploitation, now loosely disguised as "globalization"; the second is the support of America by many so-called Muslim tyrants who serve their ends. Globalization has become an important topic in the Arab media, and it is almost always brought up in conjunction with American economic penetration.

Help solve the crossword puzzle Help solve the history crossword puzzle. Grade 6, E. A. Kryuchkova

Horizontally: 3. The city, near which the Romans were defeated by the Franks. (7 letters). 4. Head of the monastery. (5 letters). 9. The first ruler of the state of the Franks. (7 letters). 11. The city where the Franks defeated the Arabs. (6 letters). 13. The Germans who conquered Gaul. (6 letters). 14. The nickname of the noble franc, the winner of the Arabs (translated into Russian). (5 letters). 16. Roman province conquered by the Franks. (6 letters). 18. The dynasty of the first Frankish rulers. (9 letters). 21. New title of Charlemagne. (9 letters). 22. Participants of sea voyages from Scandinavia. (7 letters).
1. "Long-bearded" Germans. (10 letters). 2. Governor of the royal house under the "lazy kings" in the state of the Franks. (8 letters). 5. Workshop for correspondence of books. (10 letters). 6. City - the location of the courtyard of Charlemagne. (4 letters). 7. The river in the territory of the original settlement of the Franks. (4 letters). 8. Material for writing in early middle ages... (8 letters). 10. Regional rulers under Chlodwig. (5 letters) 11. City in France on the territory of the royal domain. (5 letters) 12. The dynasty of Frankish kings, which replaced the rulers from the Merovei clan. (9 letters) 15. Region of Northern Italy. (9 letters). 17. The region of modern France, the name of which comes from the name of Charlemagne's grandson. (10 letters). 19. City - the place of conclusion of the agreement on the division of the empire of Charlemagne. (6 letters). 20. Royal dynasty that came to power in France at the end of the X century. (9 letters) .Plizz :)

An increasingly miserable economic situation in most of the Muslim world, relative not only to the West, but also to tiger economies East Asia, fuels these frustrations. American paramount importance, as seen by the Middle Easterners, is where to channel blame and the enmity it creates.

There is justice in the United States that is often aligned against the United States: Middle Easterners increasingly complain that the United States rates them by different and lower standards than Europeans and Americans, both in expectation of them and in what they may expect their financial well-being and political freedom. They argue that Western representatives repeatedly overlook or even defend actions and support rulers they will not tolerate in their countries.

Help solve the crossword puzzle

in charge of the registration of the unemployed. 5. Moscow blacksmith who became a famous drummer. 7. The author of the concept of "accelerated building of socialism in
THE USSR". 8. A large number of prisoners participated in this construction.
9.Chronological framework of plans economic development THE USSR.
Vertical: 1. The process of intensive industrial development. 3.
Famous shock weavers. 4. It was liquidated in the USSR in 1930.
6. Large power plant, built during the first five-year history

According to many Middle Easterners, the basic position of Western and American governments is this: "We do not care what you do to your own people at home, as long as you empathize with our needs and protect our interests."

Insurgents from northern and southern Iraq did so, and United States forces watched while Saddam, using the helicopters that the ceasefire allowed him to keep, suppressed them with a bloody group. The rationale behind this action - or rather inaction - is not hard to see. Of course, the victorious Gulf War wanted to change the government in Iraq, but they hoped for a coup d'état, not a revolution. They saw a genuine popular uprising as dangerous - it could lead to uncertainty or even anarchy in the region.

Help solve the crossword puzzle Help solve the history crossword puzzle. Grade 6, E. A. Kryuchkova Horizontal: 3. City, near which the Romans

were defeated by the Franks. (7 letters). 4. Head of the monastery. (5 letters). 9. The first ruler of the state of the Franks. (7 letters). 11. The city where the Franks defeated the Arabs. (6 letters). 13. The Germans who conquered Gaul. (6 letters). 14. The nickname of the noble franc, the winner of the Arabs (translated into Russian). (5 letters). 16. Roman province conquered by the Franks. (6 letters). 18. The dynasty of the first Frankish rulers. (9 letters). 21. New title of Charlemagne. (9 letters). 22. Participants of sea voyages from Scandinavia. (7 letters).

The coup would be more predictable and could achieve the desired result - replacing Saddam Hussein with another, more amenable to a tyrant who could take his place among America's so-called allies in the coalition. The United States' abandonment of Afghanistan after the departure of the Soviets was understood in much the same way as the abandonment of the Iraqi rebels.

Another example of this double standard occurred in the Syrian city of Hama and in the refugee camps in Sabra and Shatila. Trouble in Hama began with an uprising led by the radical Muslim Brotherhood in the government, which reacted quickly. Troops were dispatched, supported by armor, artillery and aircraft, and in a very short time they reduced a large portion of the city to rubble. The action, which was ordered and controlled by Syrian President Hafiz al-Assad, did not attract much attention at the time and did not prevent the United States from subsequently courting Assad, who received a long string of visits from American Secretaries of State James Baker, Warren Christopher and Madeleine Albright. , and even from President Clinton.

1) Fill in the table "Education in Western Europe, Byzantium, Arab Caliphate ".

  • Comparison lines

    Western Europe


    Arab Caliphate

    1. Objectives of education

    Raise the Cultural Level

    Develop science, literacy

    With the help of knowledge, take a certain position

    It is unlikely that the Americans would have been so inclined to appease a ruler who committed such crimes on Western soil, with Western victims. In the same year, the massacres of seven hundred eight hundred Palestinian refugees in Sabra and Shatila were carried out by Lebanese militiamen led by a Lebanese commander who later became a minister in the Syrian-sponsored Lebanese government, and it was hailed as the assassination of Lebanese President Bashir Gemayel. Ariel Sharon, who commanded Israeli forces in Lebanon at the time, was reprimanded by the Israeli commission of inquiry for not foreseeing and not allowing the massacre, and was forced to step down as defense minister.

    2. Stages of education

    trivium and quadrium

    Schools and high schools, medical school

    Primary school and graduate School(madrasah)

    3. Types of schools

    Cathedral schools

    Church, public and private

    Private and mosque schools

    4. School subjects

    grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music

    Understandably, the Palestinians and other Arabs must hold sole responsibility for the Sharon massacre. What's puzzling is that Europeans and Americans should do the same. Some even wanted to try Sharon for crimes against humanity before a tribunal in Europe. Such a proposal was not made either about Saddam Hussein or by Hafiz al-Assad, who killed tens of thousands of his compatriots. It is easy to understand the bitterness of those who see the consequences here.

    Thanks to modern communications, people in the Middle East are increasingly aware of the deep and growing chasm between opportunities free world beyond their borders and the horrific hardships and repression within them. The resulting anger is naturally directed against their rulers and then against those they see as powerful for selfish reasons.

    Reading, writing and church singing, mathematics, literature. In higher education - medicine, religion, mythology, history, geography, chemistry

    Mathematics, history, geography, medicine

    5. Attitude towards education


    appreciated and respected, the state needed well-trained people

    Scientists were highly valued and revered, received content and gifts

    If America's double standards and selfish support for corrupt regimes in Arab world have long sparked anger among Muslims, why has this anger only recently found expression in acts of terrorism? In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Muslims responded in two ways to the growing imbalance of power and wealth between their societies and those of the West. The reformers or modernizers tried to identify the sources of Western wealth and power and adapt them to their own use in order to meet the West on an equal footing.

    Western Europe is developing slowly, taught in Latin

    Byzantium is at a high stage of development compared to its neighbors

    It is impossible to live without education in the Caliphate. Study in Arabic

2) What are these people famous for?

    Answer: Al-Biruni - a great scientist, author of numerous works on history, geography, astronomy, mathematics, geodesy, medicine, etc. Biruni owned almost all the sciences of his time. He suggested that the center of our universe is the Sun, and the earth moves around it.

    When defeats on the battlefield were matched by others in the marketplace, reformers tried to uncover and emulate the secrets of Western economic success by creating their own industries. Young Muslim students who were sent to the West to study martial arts also returned with dangerous and explosive notions of elected assemblies and constitutional governments.

    All attempts at reform ended badly. In any case, the modernization of the armed forces hastened the process of defeat and withdrawal of troops, which led to the humiliating failure of five Arab states and armies to prevent half a million Jews from building a new state in the wreckage of the British Mandate in Palestine in With rare exceptions, economic reforms, both capitalists and socialists, did not improve. The Middle East mix of low productivity and high fertility creates an unstable mix, with Arab countries lagging behind the West on all counts in areas such as job creation, education, technology and productivity.

    Ibn Sina - scientist, philosopher and physician. He was comprehensively educated and was the author of 450 works in many fields of science. In his work on medicine, he described the signs of many diseases.

3) Mark on outline map(p. 27) Observatory of the Arab East.

Now you know it

1) Solve the chainword "From history Arab Caliphate".

Worse, Arab countries also lag behind later Western-style recruits such as Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore. The per capita indicators are worse. P. was three and a half times more than in Lebanon and Syria, which is twelve times more than in Jordan, and thirteen and a half times more than in Egypt.

Contrast with the West, and now with The Far East even more confusing. Many Islamic countries have experimented with democratic institutions of one kind or another. In some, like Turkey, Iran and Tunisia, they have been introduced by groundbreaking indigenous reformers; in others they were installed and then bequeathed by the outgoing imperialists. The record, with the possible exception of Turkey, is one of the almost unrealizable failures. Western-style parties and parliaments almost always ended in corrupt tyrants, backed by repression and ideology.

1. Ruler of the Caliphate. 2. Tajik-Persian language. 3. A city in Palestine, captured by Muslims. 4. A city in Arabia. 5. Resident of Arabia. 6. Capital of the Caliphate under the Abbasids. 7. The capital of the Arab Caliphate in the 7th - first half of the 8th century. 8. A device necessary for navigation. 9. The celestial body, according to al-Biruni, located in the center of the universe. 10. Part of the light to which spread Arab possessions in the VIII century. 11. Fancy patterns on the walls of Arab buildings. 12. The new faith of the Arabs. 13. Higher Muslim schools. 14. Greek scientist, whose works were familiar to Arab mathematicians. 15. Repository of manuscripts in Baghdad. 16. Arabic name"heads of scientists". 17. Palace of the Emirs in Granada. 18. The European name for the "head of scientists". 19. Continent, the north of which was conquered by Muslims in the 8th century. 20. Spiritual judges of Muslims.

The only European model that worked in terms of achieving its goals was the one-party dictatorship. The Baath Party, whose various branches have ruled Iraq and Syria for decades, incorporated the worst features of its Nazi and Soviet models. Indeed, no Arab leader was willing to submit his claim to power with a free vote. The leaders who have come closest to winning pan-Arab approval are Gaddafi in the 1970s, and more recently Saddam Hussein.

That these two, all Arab rulers, should have such widespread popularity is in itself both terrifying and revealing. In this regard, it is not surprising that many Muslims talk about the failure of modernization. The abandonment of modernity in favor of a return to the sacred past has a varied and ramified history in the region and has sparked a number of movements. The most important of these, Wahhabism, lasted more than two and a half centuries and has a significant impact on Muslim movements in the Middle East today.

2)* Write down the words that you need in the meaning that relate to the history of the reign of two powerful sovereigns who lived at the same time.