Quiet holiday in Crimea where. The best vacation spots in Crimea: rating of resort cities

If you are interested inexpensive holiday in Crimea, it’s worth taking a closer look at small coastal villages.

Nikolaevka is the closest resort to the capital of Crimea

The closest resort village to Simferopol is located 40 km from the airport, so it is very popular among vacationers. In Nikolaevka there is a huge number of guest houses with comfortable living conditions, as well as beautiful hotels, hotels and boarding houses. The cost of living in May-June will be approximately 500 rubles per day, at the height of the summer season - about 1200 rubles. In the center of the village there are many bars, cafes, restaurants and clubs, and there is also a magnificent embankment.

Pros: proximity to the capital of Crimea, compactness, inexpensive prices for housing and food.

Cons: narrow beach with quite a large number of vacationers (tourists and locals); in the afternoon there are often waves on the sea.

Chernomorskoye is the best place for diving

The resort village of Chernomorskoye is located in the northwestern part of the Crimean peninsula. You can get to it in two ways: from Simferopol - about 200 km (3 hours by bus) or from Dzhankoy - 160 km (2 hours by bus). Despite the remoteness of this area, everyone who has been here at least once dreams of returning here.

The sea in this place is shallow, clean and warm, so it is perfect for families with small children. In addition, the Black Sea region is one of the best places for diving in Crimea, since Cape Tarkhankut is located here, famous for its quiet sea bays, crystal clean water and incredible landscapes.

Chernomorsk is a small cozy town, where the main life during the summer holidays takes place on the beach. The coastline here is wide with a large number of sports grounds and shopping tents. Along the beach there is a walking street with restaurants, cafes, all kinds of attractions and nightclubs. The cost of living in this area will be approximately 400-600 rubles for a double room.

Pros: nice beach, cozy atmosphere, diving, shallow water.

Cons: in mid-August the coast is filled with seaweed, so the holiday season in Chernomorskoe does not last long - from May to July.

Peschanoye is an ideal place for families with children

Peschanoye is a small resort village located 50 km from Simferopol. You can reach it at public transport– buses and minibuses leave here every 30 minutes in the summer season.

A distinctive feature of this resort is the shallow sea with a flour-soft bottom and a cozy sand and pebble beach. Due to its shallow depth, the water warms up very quickly, so it is always warm. All these conditions make Peschanoye an ideal place for families with small children.

Peschanoye will also appeal to lovers of “wild” recreation, since there is a tent camp located in the forest area on the outskirts of the village.

Pros: good beach with a soft entrance to the sea, warm water, inexpensive housing.

Cons: no parks or large entertainment centers.

Maly Mayak is the most inexpensive place on the southern coast of Crimea

Maly Mayak is perhaps the most inexpensive place on the southern coast of Crimea. The resort village is located near Mount Kastel between Yalta and Alushta. In this place, tourists will find the same parks as in expensive neighboring resorts. On the slope of the mountains there is a recreation center with wooden hotel houses - beautiful and... The cost of housing will depend on the living conditions: 600 rubles for a 2-bed hotel house and about 3,000 rubles for a comfortable room with a pool in a boarding house.

Pros: calm environment, uncrowded embankment, beautiful mountain scenery, affordable prices.

Cons: problems with transport (getting to nearby major cities only possible by taxi).

Rybachye is the best place for autotourists

Rybachye is located near Alushta - 28 km along the Alushta-Sudak highway. There is a wide pebble beach along the route, so you can stop your car here right by the sea and set up a tent camp.

Pros: inexpensive beach holiday, calm and cozy atmosphere.

Cons: difficult road, lack of developed tourist infrastructure.

How else to save money on vacation in Crimea

  1. It is more profitable to pay for lunch and dinner separately; accommodation and meals will cost more. The most economical option is to cook your own food.

  2. You should not book rooms in boarding houses and hotels in advance; it is cheaper to rent accommodation upon arrival in the private sector.

  3. Holidays at the height of the summer season (from mid-July to mid-August) will cost more.

  4. Excursion tours are not cheap, so it is better to think over your own route and get to the place of interest on your own.

  5. On excursions, it is better to take a taxi; you can also find a travel companion by sharing part of the fare with him.

  6. Order a taxi by phone; a ride in one caught on the street will cost almost twice as much.

  7. Local wine should not be bought in popular tourist places, it’s better to ask the local population where they get cheaper wine for themselves.

  8. Don't make rash purchases. Tourists often buy a lot of useless trinkets and an incredible amount of souvenirs, which leads to high costs and does not allow for an inexpensive holiday in Crimea.

The Crimean Peninsula is a beautiful corner of nature, which today is a real resort pearl. Thanks to the subtropical climate relax in Crimea possible from May to October.

The first structures related to the resort infrastructure were built in Crimea back in the nineteenth century. Today there are boarding houses, sanatoriums, comfortable hotels, and convenient cottage villages. It should be noted that relax in Crimea Anyone can do it - the climate here is moderate and mild, and the price range of housing offered for rent opens up wide opportunities for both VIP and economy class holidays.

1. It’s not for nothing that Crimea is considered an excellent health resort - it brings together a healing marine climate, salt caves, healing mud and fresh mountain air. Unique natural conditions Crimea is ideal for the treatment of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and respiratory system. In order to fully improve your health, you should go to the southern coast of Crimea - local sanatoriums and boarding houses are designed for both.

2. If you want to have an interesting and fun vacation with the whole family, you can go to Western Crimea (for example, to Chernomorskoye or Tarkhankut). Here you can have plenty of diving, sunbathe, go hiking or cycling with.

3. Lovers of noisy and fun prefer Yalta or Alushta. Here you can always rent accommodation from local residents or rent a room in one of the boarding houses. In the evening you can visit a lot of entertainment venues, and in local restaurants you will always be offered the most unusual and delicious dishes of Tatar cuisine.

4. The main wealth of Crimea is rightfully considered the beauty of the local nature. Only here you can see the proud mountain peaks combined with endless steppes and golden sandy beaches. The most beautiful parks, landscaped embankments, and a gentle sea create the most favorable conditions for a summer holiday.

5. The historical monuments of Crimea are known far beyond the borders of Ukraine. Therefore, while vacationing in Crimea, be sure to visit the ancient cities of Panticapaeum and Chersonesus, rock monasteries and temples built by the first Christians, the cave cities of Chufut-Kale, Mangup-Kale and Eski-Kermen. Always produces unforgettable impressions an evening walk along the streets of Yalta - a huge number of ancient buildings have been preserved here, which even today preserve the memory of the events of bygone days.

They say about Crimea that this is one of the places on earth where a person should visit at least once in his life. This is said, of course, figuratively, but not without reason. The peninsula is literally replete with corners that promise an amazing holiday. Neither connoisseurs of silence and solitude, nor extreme sports enthusiasts, nor young people, nor children, nor older people will get bored here. However, when going on vacation, it’s a good idea to know where it’s best to stay in Crimea.

For lovers expensive hotels and the highest service, hotels in the southern part of the peninsula are most suitable - Alupka, Foros, Yalta, Simeiz. True, the sea will not always please you here. Firstly, even at the height of summer, the water in it does not warm up enough. Secondly, there will be no comfortable conditions for relaxation there, because... the sea is very deep. But all this is compensated by magnificent views and wonderful nature.

For those who want to bask in the warm sea, bask in the sun and breathe dry air, it is recommended to go to the coast of the peninsula. In Evpatoria, Saki, Shtormovoye, Mezhvodny and Nikolaevka, inexpensive hotels await you, and. The sea is almost always warm, shallow off the coast, the beaches are very well equipped, and the slopes to the water are well equipped.

Fans of extreme conditions and active sports will get maximum pleasure while relaxing at Cape Tarkhankut. Every year there are more and more people who want to visit here, so you will have to try to find a free spot for your tent. Minor inconveniences are fully compensated by the deep and clear sea - a paradise for divers.

If you can’t stop at Tarkhankut, look for a place to stay in a tent in the New World, Gurzuf, Solnechnogorsk, Koktebel, Partenit. The conditions there are no worse, and there is less influx of camping enthusiasts (“savages”).

The most comfortable weather in Crimea lasts for about a month: from mid-June to mid-July. The sky will be clear, the sea will be clear, the temperature will be pleasant. At other times in Yalta, for example, it can be very hot and humid. In August, in Evpatoria and Feodosia, a dry, hot wind often blows from the steppes, and jellyfish appear in large numbers in the sea in the western part of the peninsula, poisoning the rest of swimmers.

If you want to go to Crimea for treatment, it is recommended to purchase a ticket at the end of winter - beginning of spring. It is useful for people with respiratory diseases to come to the peninsula in the spring. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, it is considered optimal to vacation in Crimea either in mid-June or early autumn.

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  • where is the best place to stay in Crimea

Back in the days Soviet Union The Crimean seaside was a favorite vacation spot for the country's residents. And today the beaches of the Crimean peninsula have not lost their attractiveness.


It is best to travel to Crimea in the low season - the first two weeks of June and September. During this period, the beaches are not crowded, the sun does not burn everything around, the sea is warm enough, and prices are not too high. Of course, in some years June may be too cold and September may be too rainy, but usually the low season is good for a holiday.

Jasper Beach is one of the most beautiful places for a romantic getaway. It is located near Sevastopol. Grottoes, rocks and the sea bring a lot of joy to vacationers every year. From Cape Fiolent there is an excellent staircase of eight hundred steps, along which you can go down to Jasper Beach. If you don't want to go down (and then up) the long stairs, you can get to the beach using a boat that runs between Balaklava and Cape Fiolent.

Beach "Skovorodka" is located in Alupka. It is hidden in a small bay, surrounded on three sides by beautiful rocks, which perfectly reflect the sun's rays in the morning, creating a “double tan”. “Skovorodka” is a beautiful and not very crowded place; it is located on the way from the bus station to “Cape Verde”.

In Gurzuf there is a stunningly beautiful beach “Gurovskie Stones”. “Gurovskie Stones” are located between the “Lazurny” and “Kiparisny” children’s camps of Artek. You can get to Gurovskie Stones by car or even on foot. People come here for diving and snorkeling (snorkeling close to the surface), since the sea here is beautiful and densely populated with a variety of creatures. Not far from the Gurovsky Stones are the Chaliapin Rock, the Adalary twin rocks, and the Pushkin Grotto. It's very beautiful and romantic place with excellent infrastructure.

If you're going on holiday, be sure to get to the incredible Golden Beach in Feodosia, one of the few sandy beaches on the Crimean Peninsula. The length of Golden Beach is more than fifteen kilometers, it is located between the village of Primorsky and Feodosia. The entrance to the sea here is gentle, the water warms up well, which allows even small children to splash in the water without endangering their health for longer than usual. There is a huge amount of entertainment and cafes here, so you won’t have to be sad.

The tourist season begins in Crimea from the first days of March and continues until late autumn. However, the summer months are considered the most visited. The reason lies not only in the opportunity to swim and sunbathe. Summer in Crimea is a period of a riot of natural colors. Blooming poppies and cornflowers and lilac lavender fields stand out against the green background. Travelers who love hiking in the highlands will discover the wondrous beauty of mountain vegetation and caves.


The southern coast of the peninsula, thanks to its mountain peaks, has a warm and mild climate. People with respiratory diseases go here to improve their health. Sea air is very useful for this category of citizens. Patients with cardiovascular diseases are also admitted here.

Wellness activities include climate therapy, mud treatments, and grape therapy. The West Coast is rich in general dispensaries. There are many opportunities here for the treatment of the nervous, genitourinary, musculoskeletal systems, joint diseases and others. The sanatoriums provide procedures such as physiotherapy, bathing and massage, drinking mineral waters. And this is only a small part of the techniques that promote health.

There are many large and small towns along the coast. They have their own characteristics and places of interest to tourists. In addition to treatment, sea and sunbathing, Crimea provides an opportunity to touch ancient history peninsula.


The shallow shore with warm water is an ideal place for families with children. The city is famous for its salt lakes. This is where the mud from the clinics for health treatments comes from. After swimming and sunbathing before lunch, you can go on an excursion. Among the most interesting places are the Karaite kenasses in Gezlev and the Juma-Jami mosque.

Wandering around the Livadia Palace, you will touch the past. The original decoration and decoration of the premises has no analogues. The English-style billiard room contrasts with the Roman-era entrance hall and Jacobean study. No less interesting is the park with various gazebos, which offer views of picturesque places.

Horseback riding and cycling are possible in this city. For those who like to save money, there is the opportunity to relax in the surrounding small villages. Many people are attracted by the leisurely and uncrowded nature of these places.

This is the most visited resort on the peninsula. Popular attractions include Chekhov's dacha, Massandra Palace and Espanola cafe. In addition, in the evening there are many places where you can have fun and relax. Every corner of Crimea is conducive to a complacent mood. Even after spending a short time on the peninsula, you will want to come back here more than once.

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People try to combine rest with treatment or preventive measures. Crimea seems to have been specially created for such an opportunity. The climate of the peninsula helps to mobilize the body to restore and increase immunity. From the available medical institutions, you can find a boarding house that suits your profile.

Crimea is a great place for fishing lovers. The geographical location and warm climate provide all the necessary conditions for year-round sea, freshwater and underwater fishing. Thanks to the picturesque landscapes and rich marine fauna, the Crimean peninsula has become a favorite place for both professional fishermen and ordinary amateurs.

Sea fishing in Crimea

The calling card of Crimea is, of course, sea fishing. Thanks to the successful geographical location and the mild climate allows you to fish here all year round. However, for fishing to be successful, you need to know when, where and what kind of fish to catch.

For example, in Black and Seas of Azov In addition to the rich local fauna, you can meet “vagrant” guests who migrate to spawn during the changing seasons. Such transit inhabitants include the Black Sea herring, which is found off the coast of the Caucasus. She goes to spawn through Kerch Strait to the Sea of ​​Azov, and again returns to the Black Sea for wintering. That is why the ideal time to catch Black Sea herring is in October. Sturgeon and tuna fish species, bonito and mackerel also enter the Crimean seas.

But, let’s say, horse mackerel is a permanent resident of the Black Sea and can be caught all year round. True, the fishing season is in spring and autumn, when the water is still warm - then the fish goes into the depths of the sea. Local inhabitants of the Black Sea waters also include sawfish, mullet, bluefish, sea bass, sea burbot, flounder and ruffe. You can catch them from late spring to mid-autumn.

Sea fishing on the Crimean peninsula can be divided into 3 main areas: the Black Sea, the Sea of ​​Azov and Sivash. Each of these areas has its own fishing characteristics. Thus, on the Black Sea coast near the Kerch Peninsula, they mainly catch horse mackerel, pilengas, mullet and flounder. The southern coast of Crimea is popular among those who like to go fishing in the open sea. The Balaklava area is considered the most “fishy” place - sea bass, redfish, sea fox and horse mackerel are found here in abundance. From the shore you can catch greenfish, ruffe and other small fish.

On the western coast of Crimea, in the area of ​​Cape Tarkhankut, fishermen will find a richer catch: horse mackerel, mullet, goby, kalkan, as well as crabs, mussels and rapana. In this area you can also hunt for Black Sea shark if you go by boat into open waters.

Fishermen go to Sivash mainly for gobies. Since it is found at great depths, it can only be caught from a boat. In addition to goby, in this area you can also catch glossy flounder, which is distinguished by delicious meat, shellfish and shrimp.

The Sea of ​​Azov is of interest both for fishing from the shore and in the open sea. The main prey in these waters will be sprat, goby, flounder, sawfish, mullet and pike perch.

Freshwater fishing in Crimea

There are also many freshwater reservoirs in Crimea, which contain fish for every taste. Freshwater fishing can be divided into several zones: rivers, lakes, reservoirs and paid reservoirs. The main freshwater inhabitants of the Crimean peninsula are carp, carp, roach, bream, crucian carp, pike and pike perch.

For exciting lake fishing, tourists can go to the Baydar Valley, where they mainly catch perch and carp. For pike, it is best to go to the artificial lake located near Mount Gasfort. The area here is very beautiful, so in addition to good fishing, you can thoroughly enjoy the picturesque Crimean landscapes.

In addition, you can go fishing in a not entirely freshwater lake called Sasyk, which is located between Saki and Yevpatoria. It's big salt Lake, but in its desalinated northern part there is a lot of fish: carp, grass carp, crucian carp, mullet, perch.

Fishing in the mountain rivers of Crimea is not so easy, so mostly experienced fishermen go for river fishing. However, the effort expended pays off in spades - here you can catch delicious river trout. However, to catch it you must first obtain a special permit. To the most good places For river fishing, you can include the banks of Belbek, Kachi and Chernaya.

Paid fishing is especially popular among visiting tourists. Firstly, there is always fish in paid reservoirs. Secondly, all the necessary fishing equipment can be rented. Thirdly, in such fishing villages comfortable conditions have been created not only for wonderful fishing, but also for relaxation in the lap of nature: the presence of a landscaped area with gazebos, bathhouses and barbecues. The most famous paid reservoirs on the territory of the Crimean peninsula are Lake Kyzyl-Yar and a reservoir in the village of Uvarovo. In these places, for relatively little money you can catch a lot of crucian carp, carp, perch, sawfish, pike perch, crucian carp, silver carp and grass carp.

Underwater fishing in Crimea

Underwater fishing in Crimea is very popular among both the local population and visiting tourists. The bays of Cape Tarkhankut are considered one of the best places for underwater fishing. A distinctive feature of this place is the cleanest transparent water (visibility up to 10 meters deep) and an abundance of reefs, which create ideal conditions for spearfishing. As for the fauna living here, the most common species are mullet, mullet and saran. Of no less interest to underwater fishing enthusiasts are the flounder and stingray that live in local waters.

The sights of Crimea are one of the main reasons for its popularity among tourists. These are not only historical and cultural monuments, but also numerous modern infrastructure facilities.

brief information

The attractions of the peninsula are geographically dispersed. Their main part is located in the southern, southeastern and southwestern parts of Crimea (South Coast, South East Coast, South West Coast). Here are famous historical and architectural monuments, museums and parks, natural sites, places of entertainment and social and cultural recreation. The most exciting excursion routes run through cities such as Sevastopol, Yalta, Feodosia, Sudak, Evpatoria, Alupka, Kerch, Alushta, Bakhchisaray.

Historical and cultural sights

Particularly popular among guests of Crimea are ancient attractions, the history of which dates back several centuries - these are, in particular, such objects as:

· medieval fortress Aluston - Alushta, South Coast;

· remains of a Roman fortress of the 1st century (Roman camp Charax) – Partenit, South Coast;

· remains of the ancient city of Chersonesos - Sevastopol, South West Kazakhstan;

· ruins of fortresses of the XII-XV centuries. – near Bakhchisarai, Southwestern Kazakhstan;

· Khan's Palace of the 16th-18th centuries. – Bakhchisarai, South West Kazakhstan;

· Inkerman St. Clement's cave monastery VIII-XIV centuries – near Sevastopol, South East;

· Genoese fortress XIV-XV centuries. – Sudak, South East Coast;

· Surb-Khach monastery of the 14th century. – Old Crimea, YuVK.

Architectural monuments are a separate category of attractions on the peninsula. In addition to the legendary Swallow's Nest, located in the village of Gaspra (South Coast), you can admire the majestic buildings of various eras in almost any Crimean city or its environs. Many architectural objects are located in or near villages. The most famous urban settlements of the peninsula, on the territory of which there are unique architectural monuments - Gaspra, Livadia, Utes, Koreiz, Foros, Topolevka, Partenit.

Natural attractions

Tourists who prefer not only an active, but also an educational holiday, and who do not know where to go in their free time from the beach, should take the opportunity to carefully explore the surroundings of Crimea. Almost the entire territory of the peninsula is replete with natural monuments and attractions, which have no analogues anywhere in the world. These are such well-known and little-known objects as the “Valley of Ghosts” (Alushta), Mount Ai-Petri (South Coast), White Rock Ak-Kaya (valley of the Biyuk-Karasu river), Bear-mountain Ayu-Dag (South Coast), Mount Cat and rock Diva (village Simeiz).

In addition to the objects mentioned, the most interesting places The Crimean peninsula and its environs are caves, ancient cave cities and fortresses. The history of the most ancient caves dates back to the period BC, and the age of some cave structures is over 1.5 thousand years. Of the 20 currently known cave fortresses in Crimea, only 8 have survived in relatively good condition - these are Mangup-Kale, Chufut-Kale, Tepe-Kermen, Eski-Kermen, Kachi-Kalyon, Bakla, Kalamita, and the Syuren fortress.

Family holiday

Family tourism in Crimea has been developed since the Soviet era - there are places to go with children and have a fun time. The most popular family holiday destinations:

· well-equipped water parks (Alushta, Sineuz, Sudak, Koktebel);

· dolphinariums (Partenit, Sevastopol, Koktebel);

· cable car Miskhor-Ai-Petri (children under 6 years old are provided with free travel);

· Museum "Glade of Fairy Tales" and Zoo "Fairy Tale" (Yalta);

· house-museum of the Nikonorov brownies (Zaprudnoye village, Alushta);

· Museum of Nature and Arboretum Zoo (Alushta);

· Museum of Hang Gliding (Feodosia).

If you plan your vacation in advance, you can have a very interesting and fun vacation on the Crimean Peninsula. Moreover, there is entertainment here for both children and adults. And numerous excursions will allow you not only to have fun, but also to learn a lot of new things.

The long-awaited summer is getting closer, for most - the holiday season. And we are all probably attracted by the warm salty sea. IN last years All more tourists again chooses Crimean resorts for vacation. And there are many of them! With a variety of conditions: in Crimea there are mountains and plains, areas with dry and humid air, sandy and pebble beaches, noisy resort towns and quiet small villages...

In our review we will remind you of the most popular holiday destinations in Crimea. There will be excellent options for both a “wild” holiday and a more comfortable one; both for parents with children and for youth groups - choose!

So, first we will go to the southern coast of Crimea. And of course, you need to start with its pearl - the exquisite and interesting Yalta.


Actually, Yalta is now the center of an entire resort area, which includes nearby villages, although we will talk specifically about the city. Yalta, dating back to the very beginning of our era, is full of unique historical monuments. Thanks to its unique healing climate and beautiful landscapes, even during the times of Tsarist Russia, it became a famous resort, even a symbol luxury holiday, as evidenced by the nearby famous Livadia, Yusupov and Vorontsov Palaces, fortress " bird home" and others.
Since Yalta is the largest city on the southern coast of Crimea, it has a developed infrastructure: many cafes and restaurants, shops and entertainment centers, a zoo and a water park.

" This is a resort for those who choose comfort and seek to explore the sights. There certainly won’t be a shortage of excursions and hikes in Yalta: it’s not far from the Massandra wine factory, the Uchan-su waterfall, the Nikitsky botanical garden...

At the same time, Yalta is the most expensive Crimean resort, and during the peak season it is very crowded. In addition, the beaches are not very conveniently located, and the descent into the water here is often steep.



A satellite of Yalta, Alupka is a “record holder” for the number of palaces and mansions built on its land about one hundred to two hundred years ago. The most famous of them, of course, is Vorontsovsky. Another pearl of Alupka is the huge Vorontsovsky (Alupkinsky) park, which is already about two hundred years old, and where hundreds of species of trees and shrubs grow.

" Although there is not much entertainment here, in terms of natural beauty Alupka is probably the champion among Crimean resorts. Once upon a time, houses were built right along the mountain paths, and from the steep streets of the city center there is a wonderful view of the coast.

Alupka, like all the satellites of Yalta, is also more of a resort for a comfortable stay.
In addition, Mount Ai-Petri protects the city from the cold wind, the climate here is mild, and there are beaches for every taste. There is a free city beach, there is a “Children’s Baths” beach with clean water, and there is a “Lazurny” beach convenient for car enthusiasts. In addition, you can relax on the “wild” beaches, because the city stretches along the sea for 4 kilometers, and there are many places for swimming.



This resort village, located in a cozy bay ten kilometers from Yalta, is distinguished by pebble beaches, unlike most of the surrounding sandy ones. True, you will have to go down quite steep slopes to the sea.
Another characteristic “sign” of it is two rocks protruding from the sea, Adalary, a natural monument.

" And in the center of Gurzuf there is the Genoese rock with the ruins of an ancient fortress - this area has rich history, both Greeks and Khazars once lived here...

Gurzuf is known for its famous vacationers - Chekhov, Korovin lived here, Mayakovsky, Chaliapin, Repin, Surikov visited. Although now it is a fairly crowded (in season) place - there are many restaurants, shops and clubs - but the nightlife is not particularly active.
Gurzuf is also famous for its underwater world; it is a favorite place for divers. And from here you can climb to the highest point of the peninsula, Mount Roman-Kosh.



The southernmost point of Crimea, the village of Foros is located 40 kilometers from Yalta. Foros is a fairly elite Crimean resort with an interesting seabed, a small pebble beach, fenced with huge rocks.

" Foros became especially famous in August 1991, when President Gorbachev and his family were held here at his dacha. And in the 30s, Gorky lived and worked here (the Soviet government gave the writer a dacha).

However, a relatively inexpensive holiday is also possible here if you are lucky enough to find accommodation in the private sector or a mini-hotel. Foros is famous for its beautiful historical park, founded 200 years ago, with fountains, gazebos, and fancy plants. And also the Foros Church, as if floating above the sea. Near the church, to which a mountain serpentine leads, there is an observation deck with an unforgettable view of the sea.



Of the resorts on the southern coast of Crimea, Simeiz is perhaps the most democratic - the village mainly develops recreation in the private sector, it is quite calm here, there are no special attractions. Although the proximity to Yalta (18 km) allows easy access to the famous Crimean palaces and parks.

" Simeiz is very beautiful: cypress alleys, steep slopes to the sea, expressive Mount Koshka.

The climate here, as on the entire South Coast, is mild; all beaches are large-pebble. The most famous and beautiful beach is at the Diva rock. Snorkeling equipment can be rented. And next to the wild Blue Bay beach (which, however, is often visited by a nudist crowd) there is a water park.

In general, Simeiz is known as youth resort: active sports games on the beach, diving, discos make it not the most quiet place in the summer season. Prices in shops and restaurants here are quite high.



The peculiarity of this resort that makes it very popular is dry, warm and clean air, which is useful primarily for people with lung diseases. Alushta is also protected by a semi-ring of mountains from cold winds; there are a variety of beaches - both sandy and pebble.
There are many boarding houses and hotels, private beaches and cafes - in a word, all the conditions for a comfortable, civilized and inexpensive holiday, although in general the prices here are lower than in neighboring resort towns and villages. In Alushta there is a wonderful terrarium-aquarium, and along the coast you can admire the famous Crimean vineyards.

"And around Alushta there are many natural and historical attractions: Mount Kastel with the remains of an ancient fortress and the Valley of the Ghost, Mount Chatyr-Dag and the Crimean Reserve with beech and pine forests, Bird Islands and Jur-Jur waterfall…

In short, there is something to see! For those who want to see all the pearls of Crimea at once, an amazing park “Crimea in Miniature” has been created in Alushta - you can feel like Gulliver!

Now we will move from the mountainous, most “civilized” southern coast to the steppe, flat western coast. Its shallow sandy beaches traditionally attract tourists with children. Most of the Crimean sanatoriums are also located here.



The most “healing” city of Crimea, and one of the oldest - people settled here already in the 6th century BC! Well, in Soviet times, Evpatoria (with its satellite city of Saki) became a center of recreational recreation, especially for children: there are dozens of sanatoriums, water and mud baths. After all, in Evpatoria the water is very warm, soft, but quite hot climate, long, shallow-water beaches near the shore (about 14 kilometers).

Now it is still convenient to relax in Evpatoria with children. Prices here are relatively low, there is a lot of entertainment - a dolphinarium, a water park (a real inflatable island), rental stations. Like any fairly large resort city, Evpatoria has a well-developed infrastructure, many shops and cafes, and also hosts concerts of pop stars.

"There is something to see in Evpatoria: you can walk around the ancient Old Town with its narrow streets, or take a ride on a tram. There is a Muslim monastery here, tourists are allowed into its territory, Orthodox church; In general, a variety of faiths coexist in Yevpatoria.



Although Sevastopol traditionally does not belong to the resorts and generally stands somewhat apart from the Crimean cities, nevertheless, there is a sea, beaches, hotels - which means there are a lot of vacationers! By the way, here is the longest swimming season in Crimea, it lasts from the end of May to the end of October.
Of course, since Sevastopol is a military port, the main base Black Sea Fleet, then there are many monuments related to his heroic history, for example, the Malakhov Kurgan memorial, the diarama “Assault on Sapun Mountain on May 7, 1944.”

" The most famous military landmark is the panorama of the defense of Sevastopol, dedicated to the war of 1855. And on the last Sunday of July, on Navy Day, a parade of warships takes place here, and an almost real naval battle takes place.

Arriving in Sevastopol, you can’t help but visit the remains ancient city Chersonesos, founded by the Greeks 25 centuries ago! By the way, it was here that the Kiev prince Vladimir was once baptized.
Balaklava Bay is very beautiful, hidden in a secluded strait, always sheltered from the waves, with an embankment and small houses on the slope. And, of course, one of the pearls of Sevastopol is Cape Fiolent with the ancient St. George Monastery “hanging” over the sea.



For those who want to relax in a quieter and more peaceful place, rather than in noisy cities, this steppe resort village is the perfect choice.

" Nikolaevka is popular both among guests of Crimea and among residents of its central part, since it is easy to get here (minibuses run regularly from Simferopol), prices here are low, and the warm sea and sandy beach are no worse than on the entire West Coast.

On Nikolaevka beach there are inflatable slides and jet skis with bananas. On the embankment there are attractions and slot machines. There are discos in the center of the village, so vacationers with children are better off staying closer to the outskirts.
Well, if you want additional entertainment, you can go to the Banana Republic water park, half an hour away - there will be entertainment for every taste and age! And it’s not at all difficult to get to Sevastopol and Yevpatoria, with their attractions, from here.



Another small village not far from Evpatoria.

" This is one of the most environmentally friendly places in Crimea, with dry healthy air, minimal precipitation and wonderful beaches, some of the best on the peninsula.

Wide strip of fine white sand, clear water and shallow water off the coast - real paradise for families with small children. The swimming season in Popovka is also one of the longest - from mid-May to October.
Popovka, which just a few years ago had neither entertainment nor special amenities, has recently been rapidly developing, new boarding houses are being built, although prices here are still quite affordable. This is a good option for a quiet and budget family vacation.
The entertainment industry is also developing - you can fly a hang glider and ride a horse, ride water slide or rent a catamaran.

Eastern Crimea is a comparatively less “resort” area than the elite South or the salubrious West. But the water here is usually warmer than on the South Coast, and there’s a lot to see!



Kerch is not only a resort, it is a developed and beautiful port city. The Kerch Peninsula is washed by two seas at once - the Black and Azov, and you can plunge into both in one day! To relax closer to the beach, it is better to live in the suburbs. Quiet, calm sandy beaches, a minimum of noisy bars and discos - an excellent option for families with children. Well, it won’t be a matter of interesting forays; there is something to see in Kerch.

“It was near the eastern part of Crimea that in ancient times many naval battles took place - there is a deep sea, convenient for navigation. Therefore, near every city there are the remains of ancient fortresses of the defenders of the peninsula.

There are even two of them in Kerch: Totlebena and Yeni-kale, and they are located within the city limits - getting to them is not difficult.
You can visit Mount Mithridates, where the Obelisk of Glory is located, go down to the famous Kerch catacombs, and even go to an ostrich farm with your kids.



Another ancient maritime city, founded back in VI. BC. The ruins of fortresses and houses also remind us of its turbulent history. However, Feodosia is primarily popular resort, with several sand and shell beaches with a total length of about 15 kilometers, very warm water and developed tourist infrastructure. There is entertainment centers, restaurants, dolphinarium and amusement park.

"In addition, in Feodosia there is a famous art gallery and the Aivazovsky house-museum, as well as the Green Museum. Festivals are held, tours of famous artists - in a word, life is in full swing!

In Feodosia you can stay both in the private sector and in campsites, boarding houses and hotels. For those who want a beach holiday, it is better, again, to look for options in the suburbs, closer to the sea. It must be said that prices here are not very high, and, thanks to the attractiveness of Feodosia for different segments of vacationers, the beaches are very crowded during the season.



The sunniest place in Crimea! There are almost no cloudy days here in the summer. The city is located in a valley, and you can only get to it along a steep mountain serpentine road. Vacationers also have to make small mountain descents to get to the sea - the city slopes steeply down the slope.
Pike perch is a champion in one more thing - only here there are beaches with quartz sand. Beautiful mountain landscapes, more than a hundred species of fish and birds living here, a large beach, a well-preserved Genoese fortress of the 11th century... All this makes small Sudak very attractive for recreation, so during the season (by the way, it is relatively short here, from late June to early September ) it can be crowded here, and the prices are quite high.

The town itself is very green, with cypress alleys and pine parks, unusually clean, pine-sea air. There are many restaurants and shops here, and there is a water park.

" Festivals are held - the most famous are knightly fencing battles, which are held right in the ancient fortress.

New World


This village is a neighbor of Sudak, it is only 5 kilometers away. It gained fame thanks to the champagne production plant founded here by Prince Golitsyn back in the century before last. However, its favorable location in a closed bay, long swimming season and extraordinary picturesqueness made it a popular resort destination.

"The water in the three bays of the village has three different shades, and if you walk along the Golitsyn tourist trail you can look into them...

In a word, its old name “Paradise” (Paradise) speaks volumes.
Around the New World there is a botanical reserve with relict pines and junipers - you can walk and enjoy the healing air. By the way, it was in the New World that the films “Amphibian Man” and “Treasure Island” were once filmed.
This resort is suitable for those who are not looking for entertainment, but want to admire the beautiful nature, improve their health, and... do not save money.



Historically, this is an elegant, even somewhat aristocratic resort: low mountains around a valley gently sloping down to the sea, and below is a small village that has seen many famous writers and artists in the last century.

“Koktebel was a fashionable “dacha” place a hundred years ago: M. Voloshin lived here (and there is his house-museum), and Gorky, A. Tolstoy, Bryusov, Bulgakov visited him...

Today Koktebel is a resort predominantly for youth. Prices here are quite high, although there is a wide selection of accommodation of different levels, from hotels to private rooms.
There are mountains here (the Karadag Nature Reserve) and a steppe nearby; the village stretches along the sea itself, so Koktebel is perfect for lovers of hiking. The beaches here are narrow, but there is a choice between pebble and sand, and for extreme sports enthusiasts there is a special nudist beach nearby. The sea is warm and usually calm.

Although there is not much entertainment in Koktebel - let’s note the opportunities for diving, surfing, gliding, which are traditionally presented here - in the summer it can be very festive here: a number of youth festivals take place, the most famous of them “Jazz Koktebel”. There is also a factory in Koktebel that produces fine wines and cognac, where you can go for a tasting.



A neighbor of the famous Koktebel, the more modest village of Ordzhonikidze is suitable for an economical holiday option. Ordzhonikidze is located far from major highways, so it is quiet and relatively uncrowded.
The sandy beaches here are free (there are six of them!), and accommodation can be found in a variety of categories. From here you can walk to Koktebel, or ride a bike. The picturesque mountains surrounding the village are quite accessible for hiking and climbing.

The Crimean peninsula is a real pearl, a unique place for a beach holiday. Picturesque views of the sea and mountains attract many tourists from different parts of the world. Here you can not only relax, but also improve your body. And so that the vacation delivers as much as possible positive emotions, you need to properly prepare for it. The most important question that every vacationer must find an answer to is where is the cleanest sea in Crimea? Clean water and the beach will not only provide aesthetic pleasure to the vacationer, but will also minimize the risk of developing infectious diseases and allergic reactions. But often these two troubles can ruin any vacation, turning it into a real nightmare. It is especially important to choose the right place for a beach holiday if there are small children among the vacationers.

Important Factors

When choosing where the cleanest sea and beaches are in Crimea, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. Beach attendance. A large flow of vacationers leads to a large accumulation of garbage. Wild beaches are considered the cleanest, but in this case you will need to independently organize comfortable conditions for relaxation in such a place.
  2. Climate. In the Western, Southern and Black Sea regions of the peninsula, temperatures, the amount of precipitation, the frequency of storms, etc. differ. All this undoubtedly affects the quality of the water and the nearby beach area.
  3. Treatment plant. Every major resort destination has a large treatment facility near it. If such a station exists, it is necessary to clarify its serviceability.

In search of a clean sea: reviews from tourists

There are more than 500 beach areas known on the Crimean peninsula, which to one degree or another can be considered crowded. And if we take into account any wild beach or simply the opportunity to approach the sea, then this number will almost double.

Let's determine the best places to relax, where the cleanest sea is in Crimea. In the reviews of vacationers you can find opinions about every resort destination on the Crimean peninsula - from Feodosia to Tarkhankut. Therefore, it does not seem difficult to compile such a rating.

Golden Beach in Feodosia

This place is unique for its clean water near the shore and incomparable golden sand. This is what gave the beach its name.

It is located on the eastern coast of the peninsula and extends for several kilometers. There are several recreation centers here, equipped with everything necessary for an active vacation. From the city of Feodosia the beach is located a couple of kilometers away. You can get to it by your own car or by public transport, which runs quite frequently.

Golden Beach is especially loved by families who come on holiday with small children. Since the entrance to the sea here is gentle and the sea itself is shallow enough for several meters to make it comfortable for children to swim in. This beach is the most popular on the east coast. However, this can rather be called its disadvantage. There are always crowds of people here both on the beach itself and in transport traveling from the city in its direction.

Beach "Quiet Bay" in Koktebel

"Quiet Bay" is located near Cape Chameleon. This beach is a long arc of coastline with coarse sand and shells. If you are wondering where the cleanest sea is in Crimea, then the Quiet Bay beach will be an excellent option. It’s a good place to relax, as the sea here is really clean, almost transparent. From the resort village of Koktebel you can get here on foot in just half an hour. Some people prefer to drive up in cars. Which is quite possible, because getting to the “Quiet Bay” by personal transport is not difficult.

The sea near the shore is shallow and the slope is gentle. This is especially appreciated by vacationers with children and those who are not good swimmers. Here you can not only enjoy the charm of the surrounding nature, but also visit famous place with healing mud. The infrastructure here is not developed at the highest level, but health improvement and a quiet beach holiday are what you can come here for.

Royal Beach

The famous Tsarsky Beach is located near the city of Sudak, in resort village New World.

This village has many attractions - juniper groves, unique bays, a champagne wine factory, but the main one is the clean sandy beach. We'll talk about it further.

For those who are looking for the cleanest sea water in Crimea, Tsarsky Beach will be a real find. The coast is strewn with small pebbles. This beach is one of the most popular on the Crimean peninsula. You can get to it from the New World on foot. You just have to follow the path from the western part of the village to the turn into the gorge.

The beach area is small and is part nature reserve. Holidays in these places will be truly unforgettable thanks to the picturesque nature and clear sea.

Here you can spend a vacation with your family, in a noisy company, or even completely alone.

"Bay of Love" in the village of Rybachy: reviews

"Bay of Love" is a wild beach of volcanic origin. It occupies a small area, but is therefore very cozy and comfortable. This is exactly the place where the cleanest sea in Crimea is. In the reviews of tourists who have visited these areas, one can find admiring comments. People write that the sea and the beach itself are really clean here. There are few tourists here, as on any other wild beaches. The bulk of vacationers are romantics seeking solitude with nature. Among the entertainments here you can do underwater fishing and snorkeling. Thanks to the clear water, it is not at all difficult to spot the inhabitants of the sea.

You can get to the beach from the village of Rybachye on foot. However, many will find this path difficult due to the large number of cliffs. The easiest way to get here is by sea. The picturesque nature is complemented by the remains of once active volcano, which adds mystery and uniqueness to this place.

Yalta: Massandra Beach

This small-pebble beach is especially in demand among young people who prefer an active and noisy holiday, as well as among those who are looking for the cleanest Black Sea in Crimea. The sea water is really clear. In addition, it is also very warm.

The infrastructure here is quite developed and vacationers are offered a wide variety of entertainment. There is a rental point where you can rent motor boats, jet skis, diving equipment and much more.

Beach "The Little Mermaid"

This beach is easy to recognize by the sculpture of a mermaid located near the shore. Located in Miskhor. It is quite popular among vacationers and therefore crowded. However, despite this, “The Little Mermaid” may well be called the place where the cleanest sea is in Crimea.

The shore is equipped with everything necessary for comfortable swimming and sunbathing. In addition to a beach holiday in Miskhor, you can enjoy a large and beautiful park. This place is an excellent option for a family or romantic holiday.

Lost World Beach

Not far from Cape Aya there is a beach with the romantic name “The Lost World”. Around it are five-meter high mountains that block access for tourists who do not have special equipment and skills. However, this does not stop many vacationers and local residents who get here by boat from Balaklava or on their own boats.

This place attracts adventurers and lovers active rest. However, when going here, you need to take care of a minimum supply of food and water in advance. Since The Lost World has absolutely no infrastructure. During periods of severe landslide collapse, the beach is closed to the public. Since it is really unsafe to be here at such moments.

Silver Beach in Balaclava

Those looking for a place with the cleanest sea in Crimea often choose Silver Beach in Balaklava. It gets its name from the yellow sand and the bright sun that reflects on the water during sunset.

From Balaklava you can get to the beach by boat, which goes in this direction every hour, or you can walk. And although the infrastructure of Silver Beach is not well developed, there are usually a lot of vacationers here. Probably, many are attracted by the clear sea and amazing landscapes. This is the main criterion for a good rest.

Miami Beach in Olenevka

Not far from Cape Tarkhankut there is the cleanest beach on the entire Black Sea coast. The purity of the water here is due to the fact that in this area, as well as in the immediate area, there is not a single river flowing into the sea. And although this place Characterized by steep descents and strong rockiness, this does not prevent many tourists from organizing their holidays here, pitching tents or simply camping on the pebble shore.

This beach especially attracts lovers of “wild” holidays. Here you can also have a great time diving, underwater fishing, and simply enjoying the purity of almost untouched nature.

Sea of ​​Azov in Crimea: where is the cleanest water?

The Sea of ​​Azov does not attract tourists from the Crimean Peninsula as much as the Black Sea. This is due to the prevailing impression of the Sea of ​​Azov in the Krasnodar Territory. But where is the cleanest water? We can safely name at least three resorts - Kerch, Shchelkino, Mysovoe. Having visited one of these places once, you will want to come back here again and again. The sea here is clean, almost transparent, the beaches are not crowded, and the infrastructure is quite developed. Here you can have a great holiday with children, since the slope to the sea on these beaches is gentle, the shore is quite shallow, and the water is very warm.

A little conclusion

Now you know where the clean sea is in Crimea. We looked at different beaches on the peninsula. We hope that this information was useful and interesting to you.

Updated 02/04/2019

From this article you will learn where the best beaches in Crimea are and how to get there. Crimea has long been famous for its mild climatic conditions and wonderful nature. Tourists also come here because of the warm sea and beautiful beaches. Vacationers can choose among sandy, pebble and mixed beaches. Some are located in large cities, while others are in secluded coves. In Crimea there are both beaches with amenities and “wild” ones. Everyone will find something they like. So, where to look for the best beaches in Crimea?

Golden Beach in Feodosia

Undoubtedly, Golden Sands beach will appeal to lovers of recreation with amenities. The coastline is 15 kilometers long and covered with sand of an unusual golden hue, which is how it got its name. The local sand is one of the cleanest on the planet in terms of its composition. Moreover, the residents of these places are sure that it has medicinal properties. Regular walks along the sandy shore will help improve kidney function and strengthen blood vessels.

Both families with children and young people will have a great time here. Children will undoubtedly like the beach, since the water here is warm and the entrance to the sea is gentle. In addition to swimming, they can build sand castles. The infrastructure of the Golden Beach resort includes a large number of restaurants, cafes, various attractions and sports grounds. Children will be delighted with what we offer water activities. At parties held every evening, young people can have a blast.

Find housing near the beach and other options at https://edem-v-gosti.ru/rus/feodosiya/.

Beach on the map

Beaches of Cape Tarkhankut

Many residents of the peninsula, among the options for answering the question “Where are the best beaches in Crimea,” will send you to Cape Tarkhankut. It is located in the extreme western part of the peninsula. The terrain here is rocky, and the sparse vegetation gives the impression that you are on the Martian surface. The peculiarity of this resort is the crystal clear water, because the local rivers do not flow into the Black Sea. This place has become extremely popular among divers as the water is very clear. Lovers have a relaxing holiday You will be attracted by snow-white cliffs and quiet bays.

The beaches here are mostly pebble, while the bottom is rocky. But since the water is clear, it is quite safe to swim and snorkel here. The bays of Mezhvodny, Chernomorskoye and Olenevka are the best option for a relaxing holiday, since they are shallow, and this allows the water to heat up faster. Beach season it usually opens here at the very beginning of May.

Tarkhankut is perhaps one of the most romantic places on the peninsula. There is a natural sea pool "Bowl of Love", which is surrounded by high cliffs. Lovers, according to legend, can test in this place how strong their relationship is. If lovers do not unclench their hands when falling from a cliff into the water, then they can hope for a happy and long life.

Sea pool "Bowl of Love" on the map

Cossack Bay

A beach holiday in Cossack Bay will give you unforgettable memories and vivid impressions. It is located on Cape Chersonesos. Here you can enjoy unusually beautiful landscapes and plunge into the sea with clear water. In addition, tourists can visit such attractions as the Chersonesos lighthouse and the ruins of the ancient city of Chersonesos, as well as visit the Church of St. Vladimir.

There are few people on the beaches of Cossack Bay, which makes it possible to enjoy the warm sea and the amazing scenery of the area in solitude. Many divers and underwater fishing enthusiasts are attracted by the fauna that abounds in the depths of the Black Sea. Those who like to ride a yacht will be pleased to have a yacht club located on the territory of the bay. To get a lot of impressions from a boat trip, you just need to rent a yacht.

Cossack Bay on the map

Jasper Beach

The list of the best beaches in Crimea continues with the so-called Jasper Beach on Cape Fiolent. It is located near Sevastopol. It is called so because of jasper, which was often found here in past times. This is the most beautiful place in Crimea. And everyone who comes will agree with this statement as soon as they see a narrow strip of land surrounded by steep cliffs, a pleasant turquoise sea and colorful pebbles. You can get here via a steep staircase with 800 steps or by boat from Balaklava.

Jasper Beach on the map

Quiet Bay

Near Koktebel there is a place that is very popular among fans of “wild” recreation. Even when the weather is bad, the sea here remains absolutely calm. This phenomenon occurs thanks to rocks and hills, which become a barrier to the winds. In Quiet Bay the shore is sandy and the descent into the sea is gentle. Tourists appreciate this place not only for this coastline, but also for magnificent views, opening onto Cape Chameleon, which changes color at certain times of the day.

Koktebel on the map

Fox Bay

Very unusual place, located between the villages of Pribrezhnoye and Kurortnoye, is Lisya Bay. There are usually a lot of tourists here. Yes, many people know where to find the best beaches in Crimea. Most people come here to fully feel freedom from the achievements of civilization and get as close to nature as possible. The contingent that comes to relax in Fox Bay is quite diverse. There are ordinary vacationers here, but you can also meet avid nudists. But such diversity does not prevent tourists from relaxing in comfort on a beach with sand and pebbles.

In this place the sea pleases with its warmth and purity. Dawn can give those who get up early a wonderful sight - dolphins splashing on the water surface. There is a factory near the bay where you can taste delicious wines and also purchase them.

Fox Bay on the map

Beaches of Partenit

Partenit is a small cozy town in the south of Crimea. This is a great place to relax with your family on the beach. Compared to the famous resorts of the peninsula located nearby, you need significantly less money for a vacation in Partenit.

During the Soviet Union, the town was a resort with sanatoriums. This feature has survived to this day. The lion's share of the beaches is located in the area where boarding houses are located, for this reason you will have to pay for access to the sea. Although, this is more of a plus than a minus, since for a small amount of money you get a well-maintained shoreline, showers and free sun loungers. Vacationers can take advantage of many entertainments, including catamaran and jet ski riding.

Partenit on the map

Beaches of Azov

The Azov beaches – Arabatskaya Strelka, Shchelkino and Mysovoye – close the ranking “Where are the best beaches in Crimea”. This is an ideal option for those who prefer a classic holiday with children, because there is a gentle shore, a smooth entrance to the sea and warm water, which quickly warms up due to stable sunny weather and shallow depth.

In addition, the residents of these places are confident in the healing properties of the local water. The healing effect is especially enhanced during waves; more than 90 elements rise from the bottom of the sea, positively affecting the body. Any vacationer will find entertainment of his choice here.

Arbat Spit

I hope now you know where the best beaches are in Crimea. What beach do you personally like in Crimea? Share good places to relax in the comments.

An excellent alternative for a holiday in Crimea can be the coast of the Odessa region with its numerous recreation centers and hotel complexes. A holiday in Zhelezny Port is inexpensive, but the impressions from it will be the best.

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Amazing Crimea offers tourists a wide variety of holidays, which will definitely become a pleasant memory. The peninsula hospitably welcomes both youth groups eager active entertainment, and married couples who prefer quiet rest. For everyone, there is their own version of ideal leisure time and their own unique places.

Married couples who have planned a relaxing holiday will be able to visit the quiet resorts of Crimea, which have a special atmosphere. They give a feeling of coziness and relaxed comfort. A relaxing holiday will allow you to restore your vitality and explore the unique nature of the peninsula without haste. Guests will be able to enjoy the fragrant and clean air, soft and warm sea, and magnificent natural beauty.

Quiet places in Crimea for relaxation

Many have heard about the most popular cities of the peninsula and the most famous resorts. However, there are still many amazing places in Crimea that can offer an impeccable quiet holiday. Such places include:

  • The village of Peschanoe is an ideal place for a family holiday with children. There are excellent, clean beaches, there is not too much influx of tourists, there are attractions, various cafes, and excursion programs. The nature is characterized by rich vegetation and a pleasant climate.
  • Cape Tarkhankut is a unique area with unusual landscapes. It is located in the western part of Crimea and has a rocky surface. There is little vegetation here, but vacationers can enjoy the crystal clear sea. Here you can enjoy a quiet holiday among white cliffs and calm bays. Also, all conditions are created here for lovers of scuba diving.
  • The village of Kurortnoye is a cozy place not far from Feodosia. Here you can enjoy all the delights of a quiet family holiday in Crimea. Vacationers can expect picturesque landscapes, excellent beaches, and comfortable infrastructure.
  • Cape Chersonese is distinguished by landscapes of unusual beauty that delight the eye and give pleasant emotions. A particularly calm place where a quiet holiday in Crimea is guaranteed is Cossack Bay. Guests will enjoy the clean, warm sea and unique attractions that are definitely worth a visit.
  • A quiet bay in Koktebel is a magnificent cozy place with a sandy beach and shell rock. The bay is located near Cape Chameleon; you can easily get here from Koktebel. Tourists will be able to enjoy clean, clear water and an impeccable beach holiday. A quiet bay in Crimea promises excellent leisure time for couples with children, as the place is shallow and safe. There is healing mud nearby that adults and children enjoy smearing themselves with.

Quiet holiday on the southern coast of Crimea

One of the most popular destinations for recreation is the southern coast of the peninsula. It attracts tourists with its unique nature and particularly mild climate. For a quiet holiday on the South Coast there are absolutely all the conditions: magnificent shady parks, luxurious coastline, exotic landscapes, mountain peaks, fabulous waterfalls, pine forests.

A variety of hotels, hotels, and vacation homes are located along the entire coast. Each city and town has its own unique landscapes and unique culture to offer. The southern coast is ideal for a quiet exploration of the sights, museums, and palaces. Here is the whole variety of Crimean traditions. For family leisure you can choose interesting excursions, which will delight children and be useful for adults.

TO quiet resorts South Bank Crimea include:

  • The village of Gurzuf is an amazing place with a magical landscape and favorable nature. The village is rich in vegetation, among which there are rare species. The beaches will delight you with clean water and special comfort for relaxed leisure.
  • The village of Malorechenskoye is a beautiful area surrounded by greenery of vineyards and many gardens. Vacationers will be able to enjoy pleasant beaches, a luxurious park, and juicy fruits.
  • Maly Mayak is a beautiful village located near Alushta. People come here for quiet, health-improving holiday. The area has a healing climate, picturesque nature, and a variety of beaches.
  • Otradnoe resort is a small village with a warm, subtropical climate. It is located not far from Yalta, so the prospects for vacationers are the best. The place is not crowded, ideal for a relaxed and quiet holiday for two or with children.
  • Semidvorye is a pleasant and quiet village, which is surrounded by a magnificent juniper grove, purifying the air and filling it with a pleasant aroma. The resort is suitable for a leisurely and measured holiday, pleasant walks, cozy days on the beach.

In addition, the amazing Yalta, which amazes with its diversity, can provide a quiet holiday in Crimea. Here you can find both noisy entertainment and secluded places. The main component of a relaxing holiday in Yalta is the right choice of hotel. Comfortable living conditions, competent staff, exquisite views outside the room window can give guests exactly the leisure time they dream of. Villa Elena is a luxury hotel in the heart of Yalta, which guarantees a cozy VIP vacation in Crimea.

Hotel Villa Elena – a calm and measured holiday in Yalta

Often married couples who are looking for privacy and tranquility want to retain the opportunity to occasionally visit entertainment venues. Such couples should choose a quiet holiday in Yalta, which the five-star Villa Elena hotel can provide. The location of the hotel provides the opportunity to visit any interesting places, stroll along the Embankment, and visit exquisite establishments. The VIP hotel policy itself allows guests to completely relax and enjoy the calm atmosphere of home comfort and hospitality.

On the territory of Villa Elena you can enjoy relaxed relaxation by the outdoor pool and gourmet cuisine in the Grand Terrace restaurant. The staff will provide guests with unobtrusive but impeccable service 24/7, taking into account all wishes. In addition, elegant rooms with a unique interior, both in a historical and in a new building, provide a cozy and relaxing holiday. Also, view terraces with picturesque landscapes help restore spiritual harmony and vitality.