Interline agreement - we consider the advantages. Interline Agreement Agreement on the recognition of interline transportation documents

Interline agreement(eng. interline agreement) is an agreement between air carriers, within the framework of which one airline has the right to issue air tickets for the flights of another company, which in turn is obliged to recognize and accept such air tickets.

Thus, participants who have signed this agreement have the right to issue air tickets for domestic/international/scheduled/transfer flights of partners on their own forms or on neutral BSP forms (participation of both parties to the interline agreement is mandatory). Often such agreements are supplemented by special tariff agreements.

How does an interline agreement differ from code sharing?

In this case, we are not talking about joint operation of a flight, but only about the recognition of air tickets issued by a partner company. The Interline agreement gives the airline the right to issue air tickets for partner flights. For example, a passenger needs to purchase an air ticket to Kuala Lumpur with a departure from Beijing, he can contact UIA and issue an air ticket Air company Asia on this route. If a passenger registers electronic air ticket, then all information is simultaneously entered into the databases of both (several) air carriers.

Eat two types of interline agreements:

  • multilateral agreement (Multilateral Interline Traffic Agreement – ​​MITA);
  • bilateral agreement (the names of these varieties speak for themselves, and there is little point in explaining their differences).

This partnership format is very simple and is quite often used between air carriers. Interline can be signed by airlines not only within one country, but also different countries. For airlines, this type of arrangement is quite beneficial, because by using air tickets for partner flights, the carrier can expand its own route network, thereby attracting a larger number of customers.

And if the benefits for airlines are obvious, then let’s try to figure out what types of benefits of interline agreements for passengers:

  • issuing a single air ticket. This is probably the main thing that every passenger will highlight for himself. For example, you want to fly from Kyiv to Bali, but the selected airline does not offer direct flights there. This is where the interline comes to the rescue, thanks to which you can purchase a single Kyiv-Denpasar air ticket, with two airlines participating at once - Emirates and Flydubai. During transfers at intermediate points (in this case, Dubai and Singapore), you will simply need to present your air ticket or passport.
  • issuing a single air ticket is always cheaper than purchasing two (or several) separate air tickets. This is explained by the special tariffs that air carriers provide on their flight segments. Thus, issuing one air ticket for a flight with transfers Kyiv-Denpasar will be much cheaper than purchasing separate air tickets Kyiv-Singapore + Singapore-Denpasar.
  • flights of one airline conveniently connect with flights of a partner company. The passenger has the opportunity to use the most convenient connecting flights companies participating in the interline agreement, without spending personal time searching for suitable air tickets and without sitting at the transfer airport for a day on their suitcases.
  • end-to-end baggage transportation. The passenger has the opportunity to check in his own baggage immediately to the final destination (without intermediate check-in).

To these rather significant advantages of interline agreements, there is only one flaw that participants will not like the most bonus programs and ardent mile hunters - no bonuses, points or miles are awarded for such flights. So either you will have to come to terms with this, or spend your precious time, create the desired route yourself and get the desired points.

What a passenger should know about interline agreements

All passengers should remember that the airline that actually operates the flight is responsible for any inconvenience. If during the flight the flight was delayed, rescheduled or cancelled, your luggage was damaged or was completely lost, make all claims only to the airline whose plane you flew with.

If, according to the air ticket, you must be provided with some paid services, then the airline that operated the flight is responsible for failure to fulfill this agreement.

If the flight on the route you have chosen is operated within the framework of an interline arrangement, then you must be informed about the actual carrier before purchasing the ticket, during check-in for the flight, as well as during any unusual situation (flight delay, etc.).

Also on the air ticket itself after specified number The flight must contain a link to information about which airline operates it.
If passenger baggage transportation services are provided by third parties with whom the airline does not have commercial agreements, then the airline is not responsible for them. Also, if the air carrier whose services the passenger uses provides Additional services for the transportation of baggage, the passenger is obliged to pay for them.

Modern system international air transportation is able to deliver passengers or cargo to almost any city in the world that has an airport. This does not mean, however, that there are direct airline flights between any pairs of cities in the world, which is practically impossible, and is not required, since in order to get to the desired destination, composite routes are used, formed from flights, including, different airlines.

The part of the route between two adjacent points is called a section. In the simplest case, a round trip flight is a two-leg route. Number of sections on the route tourist tour can reach 10 or more.

Both Interline agreements discussed above - bilateral and multilateral - create opportunities for airlines to carry out joint transportation, since these agreements are most often concluded by airlines that are interested in the through sale of transportation on connecting flights, which allows them to increase their income, expands the air transportation market and provides access to new markets .

Cooperation between airlines under Interline agreements allows passengers who make several transfers during their trip and are served by partner airlines on different parts of the route to avoid many bureaucratic procedures and technical inconveniences. For example, tickets during a transfer trip with several transfers are issued on a single form, and baggage, checked once upon departure, can be received at the end of the trip without re-registration at intermediate points.

Since the subject of interline agreements between airlines is the recognition of transportation documentation of one carrier by another (air ticket, MCO, etc.), each party to the agreement has the right to arrange transportation on its own forms on regular domestic and/or international lines of the interline partner, and/or on transfer transportation. The sale of air transportation under interline agreements can also be carried out on neutral transportation documents BSP, ARC and TCH.

Modern booking systems make it possible to issue passenger air tickets for transportation on complex multi-legal routes on one or more related transportation documents. At the same time, the fare is not calculated in the usual way: it is not equal to the sum of local fares - this would be too expensive for the passenger, especially if he does not intend to make stops at intermediate points. The methodology developed by IATA for calculating the cost of such air transportation takes into account many factors - the type of route, the ratio of distances between intermediate points, countries of sale and origin of transportation, class of service, the presence or absence of passenger stops (“stopover”/“transfer”), ground transportation and others. In this case, the local tariffs (tariff) available in tariff directories or reservation systems are used only as “raw materials” for calculating the fare (fare). As a result, the transportation sales agent, filling out an international passenger ticket, enters in the “Fare calculation” column the cost shown as a single amount for several of the transportation sections included in it, served by different airlines - the so-called “through fare”.

Through fares are subject to distribution between the carrier airlines after the carriage has been completed, since the proceeds from the sale of the entire carriage as a whole, according to international rules, are credited to the account of the airline - the owner of the transportation document. As a result, there is a need to divide the income between all participants in the transportation and, consequently, the need to carry out financial settlements between the interested parties.

In addition, each airline would like to have information on the revenue generated from each of its legs, for example to analyze flight/destination performance.

In all these cases, prorate is applied.

Prorate- a set of rules for determining the cost per section (coupon) of passenger or cargo air transportation performed jointly by several airlines. Used to determine the income due to each carrier. Rating, or pricing - determining the Airline's share in the total cost of transportation on a multi-leg route.

The Prorate methodology is described in the IATA Revenue Accounting Manual, Prorate Manual Passenger, Airline Proration Directory Cargo, and others. These documents include the texts of the Multilateral Agreements on Cargo and Passenger Prorates (MPAs). - Multilateral Proration Agreement, MPA - Passenger, MPA - Cargo), the participants of which are all leading airlines, members of IATA..

Multilateral agreements contain detailed description rating rules, features of their application for passenger tickets, paid baggage receipts, air waybills with relevant examples. Passenger and cargo rates have much in common and differ in many ways. Below are some of the concepts used in the prorate procedure.

The prorate is applied to the Amount subject to prorate (ATVR - Amount To Be Prorated), which includes the through tariff and possible surcharges formed when constructing the tariff.

The distribution of ATVR between carriers is carried out in proportion to the pro-rate coefficient given in the corresponding reference books. This is the so-called straight or “correct” prorate.

Taking advantage of the opportunity provided by the MPA, many airlines set additional Conditions - Proviso, which stipulate specific amounts due to them for transportation on their own sections.

Proviso is a text document drawn up according to certain rules and undergoing approval by the IATA Pro-Rate Agency (Progate Agency). The airline's provision usually contains a list of countries, regions, cities for which percentages to the Basic Amounts are established. The specific amount that the airline requests for a given leg is determined by multiplying the Base Amount by the appropriate percentage. Basic amounts for different classes of service are presented to the airline along with Proviso and are published in regularly republished guides. Different percentages may also be specified for normal, special or specific types of tariffs.

In accordance with the rules of the MPA, if the ATBP includes a section or sections of transportation subject to the Proviso, then the carriers in these sections are due amounts in accordance with these Provisos, and for the remaining sections the direct ProRate is applied. The minimum prorate rule and a number of other MPA rules cancel the effect of Proviso for certain types of transportation, categories of passengers, or if the share of any carrier is too small.

In addition to the Multilateral Proreit Agreement, within the framework of interline agreements, airlines often enter into bilateral special proreit agreements (Special Proreit Agreement), on the basis of which transfer tariffs are developed for the through sale of transportation on connecting flights of both partners, and also stipulate additional conditions for the distribution of income on jointly served routes.

Thus, the main task that arises before the economists of the Airline Settlement Center is to determine the share of the total cost of transportation on a multi-leg route due to the Airline for transportation on its sections. This process, called travel document pricing, is performed based on the information available on the Flight Coupon.

The purpose of the pricing is as follows:

  • § Monitoring the correct construction and application of tariffs by agents who completed the sale;
  • § Control of invoices issued to the Airline by other airlines based on the Airline's flight coupons;
  • § Generation of invoices for other airlines based on flight coupons of other airlines;
  • § Accounting for income at the Airline's transportation sites.

IN general view The carrier's share in the total cost of transportation is determined in proportion to the full sectional tariffs for the transportation routes.

Example. Route transportation A-B-C, through fare - T AC, Carrier on the AB section - airline X 1, on the BC section - airline X 2. Precinct tariff on the segment AB - T AB, on the segment BC - T BC

The share in the through tariff T AC due to airline X 1 for transportation on section AB is determined by the prorate (D X1).

The share of airline X 2 is determined as follows:

The considered example is quite simple, but in practice there are more complex cases when the ATVR includes not only a through tariff, but also possible surcharges.

The rules for rating are also quite complex, depending on the nature of the route, time of sale and execution of the transportation, they offer repeated currency conversions if the transportation is sold in national currency, etc. When performing a valuation using the pro-rating method, the economist must:

a) extract from the Prorate Factorn Manual the prorate coefficients and Base Amounts for all sections of the route under consideration;

b) browse the multi-page Airlines Proration Directory to find, study and apply published English language Provisions of airlines engaged in transportation on the route;

c) take into account various surcharges/discounts to tariffs applied during sales;

d) perform calculations of carrier income, subject to the limits on each carrier's share and special rounding rules.

Work on the “manual” pricing of flight coupons is unproductive, highly labor-intensive and requires fairly high qualifications and experience.

Significantly facilitates pricing using automated system. In this case, the economist is only required to enter the initial information extracted from the corresponding coupon columns. The rating result will be obtained automatically. The system includes calculators for cargo and passenger ratings, which provide calculation of income distribution by transportation sections, taking into account:

  • § the principle of pro-rating by coefficients, and the cargo rate calculator provides automatic construction (according to the rules established by IATA) of pro-rate factors for transportation sections that are not in the database using the methods of one or two intermediate points;
  • § minimum income for the transportation section;
  • § conditions (Proviso) of airlines and rules for their application;
  • § IATA rounding rules;
  • § other conditions set out in the “Airlines Proration Directory” and “Multilateral Proration Agreement”.

The system database contains background information to provide the above functions. It should be noted that for its normal functioning it is necessary to subscribe to IATA for PFM directories supplied on magnetic media, which are quite expensive. The system is the basis for the implementation of modern mutual settlement technology in the Airline.

Work related to monitoring the correctness of tariff construction and the application of pro-rating rules in mutual presentations occupy an important place in the activities of the Airline Payment Center. Qualified personnel servicing this technological area are able to significantly reduce the Company’s income losses during mutual settlements.

Mutual settlements under interline agreements can be made either directly between partner airlines or through the Clearing House of the International Association air transport IATA (IATA Clearing House, ICH), which is a global system for mutual settlements between airlines for interline transportation and other services provided to each other.

In the first case, the airline - the owner of the transportation document receives the entire amount for the sold transportation. The remaining carriers must invoice her for their respective shares of the total revenue. The owner of the transportation document controls incoming invoices from the point of view of the correct calculation of these shares.

When issuing a ticket on a neutral transportation document, the ownership of the ticket is determined by the first flight coupon. If, for example, a French BSP agent issued a ticket on a route consisting of an Air France segment, followed by a Czech Airlines flight (OK), then the first three free fields of the neutral ticket number will contain the numbers 057 (AF), agent the report and revenue for the entire carriage will go to Air France. After the flight using the OK coupon, mutual settlements between AF and OK will be settled in accordance with the interline agreement by issuing an OK invoice to AF.

It is common practice for airlines to reject invoices due to errors or inaccuracies contained in them.

In this case, the rejecting airline indicates the invoice number and details of the specific transportation document confirming the payment; state the reason for the deviation, including a reference to tariffs or other agreement forming the basis for the deviation; returns to the counterparty only the difference in disputed amounts. In this case, the airline confirms its position with the relevant transportation documents that were attached to the original invoice.

If the airline rejects only part of the amount, then all shipping documents attached to the original invoice must be returned along with the rejected invoice.

Except in cases of intentional error, the minimum deviation amount for passenger and cargo shipments is $5 or its equivalent determined using the same bank rate as the original invoice.

The settlement of mutual settlements for international transportation can be carried out within strictly limited time limits.

Thus, the initial presentation of transportation documents is included in the calculations no later than 6 months after last day month of transportation (for example, if transportation was carried out during the period December 1-31, then calculations are made until June 30).

The first rejection of a presentation by the airline is made no later than 9 months after the date of receipt of the initial presentation.

The second deviation is presented no later than 6 months after the date of receipt of the first deviation.

The third deviation is presented no later than 6 months after the date of receipt of the second deviation (for example, if the second deviation is received on January 4, then the third deviation is presented no later than July 4).

Upon receipt of the third deviation, the carrier airline begins correspondence with the airline that arranged the transportation and tries to prove the correctness of the initial calculation. The time limit for sending a request is limited to 6 months after the date of receipt of the third rejection.

IATA Clearing House is a tool for accelerating mutual settlements between air carriers operating a large number of international flights and interline transportation with other airlines.

Mutual settlements with airlines - participants in interline agreements are carried out by the Clearing House by monthly summing up the overall balance, which distinguishes the operation of this system from the practice of direct settlements between companies, in which delays sometimes reach six months or more. In a situation where the airline has a constant positive balance (the difference between income and expenses) on interline settlements, it receives a guarantee of regular monthly receipt of funds into its account, and also reduces banking costs associated with making payments. In addition, working through the IATA Clearing House is a necessary condition for the airline's participation in many international projects, for concluding contracts, etc. Today, more than 400 airlines around the world use the services of the IATA Clearing House.

These agreements contain the mutual obligation of the parties to recognize transportation documents issued by one party for transportation along the lines of the other party and the procedure for payment for such transportation. The agreements contain definitions of basic terms necessary for their correct understanding and application, and the procedure for notification of possible claims in connection with transportation performed in accordance with these agreements. Each party is responsible for claims arising from transportation on its lines, and if it is not possible to determine on whose lines a malfunction occurred during transportation, liability is distributed between the parties in proportion to the amounts of income received for the corresponding part of the transportation on their lines.

For services provided by the parties; to each other for the issuance of transportation documents, and, consequently, for attracting loads on the partner’s line, payment of commissions is provided. The size of the commission is determined by IATA as the remuneration rate for the provision of relevant services (from 3% to 9%). Settlements between airlines are made, minus established commissions, upon presentation of transportation documents (corresponding flight coupons) by the party that carried out the transportation to the party that issued these documents.

The settlement currency, the possible application of exchange rates and other settlement issues are determined in each agreement in relation to the settlement conditions in force between the Russian Federation and the relevant countries.

Code sharing agreement

The Flag Agreement or Code Sharing Agreement is one of the most modern forms of commercial cooperation that has become widespread in recent years. By concluding an agreement on sharing airline codes, partners provide each other with seats for passengers on each partner’s flights.

Agreement "code sharing» provides the following benefits to partners:

    the ability to penetrate the partner market;

    raising the level of service of one partner to the standards of another partner who enjoys a higher reputation in the market;

    raising the “image” of both partners when the “image” of one of them is superimposed on the other;

    marketing benefits;

    benefits for passengers and clients who prefer to arrange transportation using a single document to anywhere in the world, thereby achieving globalization of transportation.

Cooperation within the framework of code sharing has significant advantages not only for airlines, but also for passengers and cargo clients.

In world practice, there are several varieties of “code sharing”; let’s look at the three most common of them:

    Providing a block of seats;

    Access to booking seats on partner flights;

    Transfer of passengers on connecting flights.

The first type is "code sharing» provision of a block of seats

With this type of agreement, AC “A” provides AC “B” with a certain number of seats (block of seats) on its flights. Airline "B" independently sells Airline tickets of Airline "A" to passengers in the number of allocated seats. AK "A" is called the flight operator. It pays all expenses associated with the flight. AK “B”, called a marketing partner, pays the partner for the entire block of seats, regardless of whether all the seats in the block are sold or not. In this case, partners apply interrelated tariffs, which are determined for each season and indicated in the appendices to the code-sharing agreement.

The second type is access to booking seats on partner flights

In this agreement, partners provide each other with access to booking seats on a “free sale” basis. Partners determine the number of seats on each of their flights and the closing dates for flights for sale, after which free sales are not permitted. Flights are operated under a double code, for example, SU – 315/DL – 31 on the route Moscow – New York, and back under the code, DL – 30/SU – 316. Partners invoice each other monthly for their transportation in accordance with agreed tariffs with by attaching flight coupons for airline tickets, paid baggage receipts, etc. Code-sharing agreements stipulate the terms for the distribution of income of both partners from transportation on the relevant airlines. The distribution of income, as well as other conditions, are usually specified in appendices to the agreement.

The third type is the transfer of passengers on connecting flights

Under this agreement, AK 1 operates flights between points “A” and “B”. AK 2 flies from point “B” to point “C”. Flights connect at point “B”. AK 2 accepts AK 2 passengers traveling from point “A” to point “C”. The passenger is provided with the same service as on the plane of the first partner; he may not even notice the change in the carrier, as if it were a regular transfer. At the same time, he does not have to issue an air ticket and re-register at the transfer point. The main condition for such an alliance is the same standard of service and coordination of flight schedules to ensure minimal flight connections.

When concluding code-sharing agreements, partners first conduct an audit of each other. The main purpose of such audits is to establish uniformity in passenger service. Passengers transferring from one partner's flight to another partner's flight should not notice any difference in service.

In any type of code sharing, partners provide for joint marketing programs, direct check-in of passengers for flights of both partners, common participation in Frequent Flyers programs, coordination of schedules and other terms of cooperation.


We must, however, take into account that the interests of the airline as a seller of services are always antagonistic to the interests of the passenger as a buyer. In the case where, on an international route, in accordance with the intergovernmental agreement on air services, only one designated carrier on each side has commercial rights for transportation, the question inevitably arises to what extent these airlines compete with each other, and to what extent they cooperate within the code-share framework. agreements (by the way, there are often situations when these airlines are also members of one global aviation alliance; in our example, which is far from the only one, Aeroflot and Air France are members of the SkyTeam alliance and have exclusive commercial rights on the Moscow-Paris route).

In Europe, similar situations have already attracted the attention of antitrust authorities. In February, the European Commission, on its own initiative, launched an antitrust investigation into two codeshare agreements: one between Lufthansa and Turkish Airlines, the other is between Brussels Airlines and TAP Portugal.

The Commission intends to establish how legal code-share agreements are on parallel flights between hub airports of these air carriers, because theoretically it cannot be ruled out that as a result of the agreement, competition between them is disrupted. The results of these investigations will have a great impact both on the development of commercial interaction between airlines in Europe and on their cooperation with Russian air carriers.

__________ "___"________ ____ city __________________________________________________________, referred to__ in (name of airline, IATA code) hereinafter as "Airline-1", represented by ______________________________________, (full name and position) acting__ on the basis of _______________________________________________, and (Charter , Regulations, Powers of Attorney) _________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as____ (name of the airline, IATA code) "Airline-2", represented by _________________________________________________, (full name and position) acting__ on the basis of __________________________________________, together (Charter, regulations, power of attorney) referred to as the “Parties”, “Air Carriers”, have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1. This Agreement implies the mutual recognition of transportation documentation of Air Carriers when carrying out transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo, the procedure for mutual settlements and the settlement of other relations arising from the mutual recognition of transportation documents, i.e. Each Party to this Agreement has the right to arrange transportation on its own forms for regular domestic and/or international lines of an interline partner, and/or for transfer transportation, and/or charter transportation with the obligatory participation of both Parties to this Agreement.

1.2. Under the terms of this Agreement, each Air Carrier sells air tickets for flights of the other Party on its own forms of transportation documents; Passengers will be able to purchase tickets for flights of Airline-1 at the ticket office or through the agent network of Airline-2 and vice versa.

1.3. Flights on Air Carrier flights can be issued on the form of any of the parties to this Agreement.

1.4. The proceeds from the sale of these air tickets go to the accounts of the Airline that made the sale.

1.5. Air carriers accept for transportation passengers, baggage, and cargo according to each other's transportation documents.

1.5.1. Rule 1.5 of this Agreement also applies in cases of emergency replacement of one of the Air Carriers by another person or another person by the Air Carrier.

1.5.2. If the Air Carrier refuses to carry out transportation, the refund of money under the transportation documents of another Air Carrier is carried out in the usual manner, as for its own transportation documents.

1.5.3. In case of accidents or damage, settlements using the transportation documents of another Air Carrier are carried out in the usual manner, as according to their own transportation documents.

1.5.4. Under this Agreement, services mutually provided by Air Carriers are also provided, such as services at airports, etc.

2. Execution of the Agreement

2.1. The implementation of this Agreement will be carried out by the Parties both on the forms of each Air Carrier, and by issuing a single ticket for transporting a passenger on connecting flights of both Air Carriers, regardless of the number of transfers on the way to the destination.

2.2. Air tickets are provided to passengers at special rates that Air Carriers set on their flight segments. Each Party independently decides what level of tariffs to provide under this Agreement.

2.3. When selling air tickets, the Parties act as agents of each other.

2.4. Air carriers guarantee:

Carrying out work to eliminate cases of incorrect filling out of documentation;

availability of passenger manifests at the departure airport after flight departure;

exclusion of cases of passengers being processed without presenting air tickets;

eliminating cases of transfer of passenger coupons to representatives of third-party organizations;

transfer of passenger coupons to representatives of another Air Carrier no earlier than ___ hours, but no later than ___ hours after the end of transportation.

2.5. When participating in charter flights, Air Carriers guarantee:

approval of the charter transportation program;

the presence of the airline's liability to the tour operator and passengers in the event of a delay in aircraft departure;

providing hot meals and drinks to passengers at the airport of departure/arrival in case of flight departure delays of more than 3 hours (every 3 hours);

providing information about flight movements to all interested citizens and services (passengers, airports of departure and arrival, airport information services, etc.);

presence of an Air Carrier representative with passengers in case of flight delays at the airports of departure and destination;

information about where, by whom and with which validators air tickets are issued;

issuing air tickets exclusively in both directions, subject to the conditions of flight on different dates to the destination and back;

mutual obligations of the Air Carrier and Tour Operator to return imported passengers;

ensuring that airports (departure and arrival) are informed about flight schedules (telegrams about aircraft movement);

availability of your own airline ticket forms registered with the State Civil Aviation Administration of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, and registration of transportation only on these forms.

2.6. The Parties shall arrange flights of mutual operation in accordance with this Agreement.

3. Calculations. Rates

3.1. No earlier than ___ hours after the completion of the flight for which transportation documents are issued in accordance with this Agreement, the Air Carriers make mutual settlements directly with each other on the basis of the invoices issued by them to each other and the corresponding flight coupons of the airline tickets attached to them, for which transportation services were provided.

(Option: through the IATA Clearing House based on their invoices.)

3.2. The results of mutual settlements are documented in acts. In this case, the positive balance is transferred to the account of the creditor airline.

(Option: Mutual settlements between Air Carriers are processed using special forms of the IATA Clearing House.)

3.3. For the sale of transportation of the other Party, including those issued on its own forms, the airline receives a commission in the amount of __________________.

3.4. The air carrier that receives income from the sale of passenger seats and cargo clearance on a codeshare flight shall pay for all passenger seats at the price specified in the annex to this Agreement, regardless of whether all seats are sold or not. Amounts received by the Airline for the sale of excess baggage on a codeshare flight are transferred to the other Party minus commission.

3.5. No later than the ___ day of each month, the Parties shall present each other with invoices for transportation performed during the current month.

4. Final provisions

4.1. This Agreement is valid for _____________ and can be automatically extended for the same period if neither Party declares its termination.

4.2. Each Party has the right to terminate this Agreement by notifying the other Party in writing at least _______________ before termination of the Agreement.

4.3. Participation in this Agreement does not limit the rights of the Parties to participate in similar agreements with other carriers.

4.4. This Agreement comes into force on the date of its signing by the Parties.

4.5. All changes and additions to the Agreement are valid if they are in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both Parties.

4.6. This Agreement is signed in two identical copies in __________ language(s) - one for each of the Parties.

5. Details and signatures of the Parties

Airline-1: Airline-2: __________________ "_______________" __________________ "________________" INN/KPP ____________________________ INN/KPP _____________________________ Legal/mailing address: ________ Legal/mailing address: _________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Account ________________________________ Account _________________________________ in the bank ____________________________ in bank _____________________________ Cash account ________________________________ Cash account _________________________________ BIC _________________________________ BIC _________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ Telephone: ____________________________ Email: _________________ Email: __________________ Head of Airline-1: Head of Airline-2: ______________/_________________ ______________/_________________ M.P. M.P.

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  • Report on achieving the value of the subsidy performance indicator established by the Agreement on the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budget of the subject Russian Federation for co-financing of expenditure obligations arising in the provision of high-tech medical care citizens of the Russian Federation (annex to the agreement on the provision of a subsidy from the federal budget to the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to co-finance the expenditure obligations of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation arising from the provision of high-tech medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation)

Interline and SPA Interline agreements Such an agreement implies the acceptance for carriage of passengers with tickets from partner airlines for transportation on their flights. Thus, with S7 tickets you can travel on our partner flights and vice versa. Special Pro-Rate Agreements (SPA) Special Pro-Rate Agreements provide a unique opportunity for S7 passengers to travel around the world at amazingly attractive fares that partner airlines provide exclusively for S7.


© S7 Implementation of the RSS communication channel (SITA Market Place) Since January 27, 2009, S7 AIRLINES has opened access to the seat resources of Interline partner airlines in the ASB "Gabriel" through a gateway with GDS "Galileo" SITA Market Place allows you to receive a confirmed status in real time seats from the airline's resource located in the system. Sales can be carried out both at regular rates and at the rates of SPA agreements (transfer rate under a special rate agreement) between two Interline partners.

© S7 Information about direct access in the availability screen Information about direct access through the gateway with GDS “Galileo” is reflected in the availability screen through an additional indicator “*” indicated before the departure date. AVPEKSHA01FEB,CA 1- CA 155 /C4 DC IC *SU01FEB PEKPVG B E RC JC Y4 BC MC HC KC LC QC GC S4 XC NC VC UC ZC WC TC EC 2 CA 1831 /FA AA OA *SU01FEB PEKSHA B E CA DA IA YA BA MA HA KA LA QA GA SA XA VA UA ZA WA MA VA QA where *SU01FEB is an indicator of direct access to CA airline resources through the Galileo GDS.

© S7 Booking via RSS channel Bookings for these flights of Interline partner airlines are made in a standard manner with the mandatory entry into the booking using SSR elements of the following information: contact with the passenger and agency, time limit, ticket numbers (if SSR elements are automatically created with the numbers of issued tickets; duplication of this data through SSR or OSI elements is prohibited), passport data of passengers, information about children, as well as the necessary additional information. SD1Y1 CA 155 Y SU01FEB PEKPVG DK G. *DEPARTS PEK TERMINAL 3 - ARRIVES PVG TERMINAL 2* *ELECTRONIC TKTG AVAILABLE ON THIS FLIGHT* where.1G – information about booking through GDS “Galileo” DK – status of confirmed booking *DEPARTS PEK TERMINAL 3 - ARRIVES PVG TERMINAL 2* - Additional Information airlines about the flight

© S7 After creating the PNR, the reservation must be assigned a number from the GDS “Galileo”. After receiving this number, tickets can be issued without an additional Time-Limit of 24 hours, which allows simultaneous sales both at regular rates for Interline partners and at transfer rates based on a special rate agreement between two Interline partners. Type of reservation: RT OVB JAN /RU/PID5050 ** SITA MARKETPLACE AIR CONTROLLED ** 1.TEST/TICKET MR V3DNV 2. CA 155 Y SU01FEB PEKPVG HK G.W4017G *ELECTRONIC TKTG AVAILABLE ON THIS FLIGHT* 3.B/OVB/ TL/X/1800/21JAN/OVB017 5.SSR ADTK S7 BYOVB29JAN09/0630 OR CXL CA 155 Y01FEB 6.SSR OTHS CA TKTL/1800/21JAN/OVB 7.SSR OTHS CA CTCT /ZVEZDA TOUR 8.RMK AP PEKCA FNM6Z 9 .OVB017 where ** SITA MARKETPLACE AIR CONTROLLED ** – information about booking through the gateway with GDS “Galileo”. 1G.W4017G – booking locator in GDS “Galileo” RMK AP PEKCA FNM6Z – note with booking locator (FNM6Z) of the Interline partner airline . This locator is provided by the Agent to the passenger as a code for check-in for flights through the website of the Interline Partner Airline or through kiosks self-registration. Booking via RSS feed

© S7 Checking the presence of ET in the database of the actual Carrier After registration electronic ticket under interline agreements, it is necessary to check the presence of ET in the database of the actual carrier. When working, you must: 1. Secur each transaction with the *R command 2. Check the passage of ticket data to the Airline database of the flight operator using the request ETR:TN/ CA, where ETR:TN – format for calling the electronic ticket file – number of the issued electronic ticket CA – two-letter code of the actual carrier If the system displays an electronic ticket record, this means that the ticket is in the database of the flight operator 3. If the ticket data has not been entered into the ET database of the flight operator, then the system responds with an error number and information about the absence of a ticket in the Carrier’s database. ERC 401 DB – TICKET NUMBER NOT FOUND In this case, you need to cancel the issued ticket with the VT – void command and issue a new ticket, creating a new reservation. New ticket it is also necessary to check for the passage of the actual Carrier into the screen* 4. If this problem is identified after passing the sales report, the Agent must request control of the coupon, create a new booking and make an equivalent exchange of the old ticket in the new booking. The new ticket must also be checked against the actual carrier's screen. 5. If, as a result of the exchange, the ticket has not been entered into the ET database of the actual Carrier, it is necessary to contact the Technology and Training Department by phone, email or the Carrier’s Call Center to resolve this problem, *all operations must be completed on the day the carriage is issued before the passage sales report

© S7 Information directory EZ: EZ:27 Interline and SPA agreements EZ:27/4 Partners in the CIS countries EZ:27/10 Electronic interline EZ:27/3 Foreign interline partners EZ:27/1 News Interline and SPA agreements EZ:27/5 Russian interline partner EZ:27/7 SPA agreements EZ:27/2 Technologies for processing transportation under Interline and SPA agreements

© S7 Tariffs under a special rate agreement From Moscow with Air Berlin (AB) CopenhagenFROM138EUR OW ParisFROM159EUR OW NiceFROM159EUR OW RomeFROM159EUR OW MilanFROM159EUR OW BarcelonaFROM170EUR OW DresdenFROM138EUR OW LondonFROM101EUR OW ViennaFROM101EUR OW ZurichOT 112EUR OW Palma de MallorcaFROM133EUR OW StuttgartFROM101EUR OW NurembergFROM101EUR OW

© S7 From Moscow via FRA with Lufthansa (LH) MilanFROM142EUR OW VeniceFROM134EUR OW NiceFROM170EUR OW LisbonFROM225EUR OW AmsterdamFROM122EUR OW AthensFROM200EUR OW BolognaFROM150EUR OW CasablancaFROM245EUR OW EdtinburgFROM195EUR OW Gothen burgFROM152EUR OW JakartaFROM429EUR OW JohannesburgFROM382EUR OW Cape TownFROM397EUR OW Kuala LumpurFROM393EUR OW LondonFROM144EUR OW ManchesterFROM173EUR OW New YorkFROM326EUR OW Porto (Portugal)FROM199EUR OW Tariffs under a special rate agreement with Lufthanza from Moscow

© S7 Tariffs under a special rate agreement with Air China from Novosibirsk via Beijing SanyaFROM656EUR RT GuangzhouFROM596EUR RT ShanghaiFROM596EUR RT ShenyangFROM596EUR RT ShenzhenFROM596EUR RT To KunmingFROM610EUR RT SingaporeFROM848EUR RT Hong KongFROM706EUR RT BangkokFROM802EUR RT OsakaFROM68 8EUR RT VancouverFROM940EUR RT QingdaoFROM596EUR RT SendaiFROM 906 EUR RT ChangchunFROM606EUR RT ChengduFROM610EUR RT DalianFROM610EUR RT HaikouFROM652EUR RT HailarFROM652EUR RT TokyoFROM810EUR RT HarbinFROM610EUR RT

© S7 Tariffs under a special rate agreement with Lufthanza from Novosibirsk Direction Minimum economy class tariff Business class tariff OWRTOWRT Novosibirsk - Istanbul Novosibirsk - Paris Novosibirsk - Nice Novosibirsk - Prague Novosibirsk - Geneva Novosibirsk - Milan Novosibirsk - Rome Novosibirsk - Venice Novosibirsk - Barcelona Novosibirsk Birsk - Amsterdam Novosibirsk - Berlin Novosibirsk - Stuttgart Novosibirsk - Leipzig Novosibirsk - Bremen Novosibirsk - Istanbul Novosibirsk - Stockholm Novosibirsk - Casabalanca Novosibirsk - Tunisia


© S7 From the Western Siberian and northern regions of the Russian Federation via Moscow WITH ETIHAD AIRWAYS TO BahrainFROM784EUR RT TO Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)FROM892EUR RT TO Muscat (Amman)FROM800EUR RT TO Johannesburg (South Africa)FROM992EUR RT TO Khartoum (Sudan)FROM952EUR RT TO KuwaitFROM826EUR RT To Aba -DabiOT650EUR RT

© S7 From the Western Siberian region of the Russian Federation via Moscow WITH SINGAPORE AIRLINES To HoustonFROM731EUR RT TO SingaporeFROM836EUR RT To Sydney and Auckland (Australia)FROM1394EUR RT To Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane (Australia)FROM1315EUR RT TO Colombo (Sri Lanka), Male (Maldives)FROM1212EUR RT TO Cebu (Philippines), Manado (Indonesia)FROM1140EUR RT TO Jakarta, Denpasar (Indonesia)FROM995EUR RT

© S7 From northern region RF via Moscow WITH SINGAPORE AIRLINES TO HoustonFROM825EUR RT To SingaporeFROM930EUR RT To Sydney and Auckland (Australia)FROM1489EUR RT To Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane (Australia)FROM1409EUR RT To Colombo (Sri Lanka), Male (Maldives)FROM1306EUR RT TO Cebu (Philippines ), Manado (Indonesia)FROM1235EUR RT TO Jakarta, Denpasar (Indonesia)FROM1090EUR RT

© S7 From the central and southern regions of the Russian Federation via Moscow WITH ETIHAD AIRWAYS TO BahrainFROM574EUR RT TO Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)FROM682EUR RT TO Muscat (Amman)FROM590EUR RT TO Johannesburg (South Africa)FROM782EUR RT TO Khartoum (Sudan)FROM742EUR RT TO KuwaitFROM616EUR RT TO Abu -DabiOT440EUR RT

© S7 From the central region of the Russian Federation via Moscow WITH SINGAPORE AIRLINES TO HoustonFROM636EUR RT TO SingaporeFROM710EUR RT TO Sydney and Auckland (Australia)FROM1300EUR RT TO Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane (Australia)FROM1220EUR RT TO Colombo (Sri Lanka), Male (Maldives)FROM1117EUR RT To Cebu (Philippines), Manado (Indonesia)FROM1334EUR RT TO Jakarta, Denpasar (Indonesia)FROM909EUR RT

© S7 From the southern region of the Russian Federation via Moscow WITH SINGAPORE AIRLINES TO HoustonFROM636EUR RT TO SingaporeFROM741EUR RT TO Sydney and Auckland (Australia)FROM1300EUR RT TO Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane (Australia)FROM1220EUR RT TO Colombo (Sri Lanka), Male (Maldives)FROM1117EUR RT To Cebu (Philippines), Manado (Indonesia)FROM1046EUR RT TO Jakarta, Denpasar (Indonesia)FROM941EUR RT

© S7 From the Eastern Siberian region of the Russian Federation via Moscow WITH ETIHAD AIRWAYS TO BahrainFROM784EUR RT TO Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)FROM892EUR RT TO Muscat (Amman)FROM800EUR RT TO Johannesburg (South Africa)FROM992EUR RT TO Khartoum (Sudan)FROM952EUR RT TO KuwaitFROM826EUR RT TO Abu- DabiOT650EUR RT FROM SINGAPORE AIRLINES TO HoustonFROM 752EUR RT TO SingaporeFROM 857EUR RT TO Sydney and Auckland (Australia)FROM 1415EUR RT TO Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane (Australia)FROM 1336EUR RT TO Colombo (Sri Lanka), Male (Maldives)FROM 1233EUR RT TO Cebu (Philippines), Manado (Indonesia)FROM1161EUR RT TO Jakarta, Denpasar (Indonesia)FROM1016EUR RT

© S7 From the Far Eastern region of the Russian Federation via Moscow WITH ETIHAD AIRWAYS TO BahrainFROM944EUR RT TO Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)FROM1052EUR RT TO Muscat (Amman)FROM960EUR RT TO Johannesburg (South Africa)FROM1152EUR RT TO Khartoum (Sudan)FROM1112EUR RT TO KuwaitFROM986EUR RT TO AB u-DabiOT810EUR RT

© S7 From Armenia via Moscow WITH SINGAPORE AIRLINES TO HUSTONFROM752EUR RT TO SingaporeFROM857EUR RT TO Sydney and Auckland (Australia)FROM1415EUR RT To Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane (Australia)FROM1336EUR RT To Colombo (Sri Lanka), Male (Maldives)FROM1233EUR RT TO Cebu (Philippines), Manado (Indonesia)FROM1161EUR RT TO Jakarta, Denpasar (Indonesia)FROM1016EUR RT

© S7 From Azerbaijan via Moscow WITH SINGAPORE AIRLINES TO HoustonFROM815EUR RT TO SingaporeFROM920EUR RT To Sydney and Auckland (Australia)FROM1478EUR RT To Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane (Australia)FROM1399EUR RT To Colombo (Sri Lanka), Male (Maldives)FROM1296EUR RT TO Cebu (Philippines), Manado (Indonesia)FROM1224EUR RT TO Jakarta, Denpasar (Indonesia)FROM1079EUR RT

© S7 From Ukrainian cities via Moscow WITH SINGAPORE AIRLINES TO HUSTONFROM840EUR RT TO SingaporeFROM977EUR RT TO Sydney and Auckland (Australia)FROM1712EUR RT TO Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane (Australia)FROM1607EUR RT TO Colombo (Sri Lanka), Male (Maldives)FROM1470EUR RT To Cebu (Philippines), Manado (Indonesia)FROM1376EUR RT TO Jakarta, Denpasar (Indonesia)FROM1187EUR RT WITH ETIHAD AIRWAYS TO Abu DhabiFROM546EUR RT

© S7 From Moscow to Spanish cities Destination Tariff OW from, EUR Partner airline Connection Malaga223IberiaMAD Alicante212IberiaMAD Barcelona212IberiaMAD Barcelona257LUFTHANSAFRA Barcelona234LUFTHANSAMUC Barcelona170AIR BERLINDUS Bilbao223IberiaMAD Bilbao240LUFTHANS AFRA San Sebastian223IberiaMAD Granada223IberiaMAD Logrono271IberiaMAD Ibiza223IberiaMAD La Coruna223IberiaMAD Palma de Mallorca223IberiaMAD Palma de Mallorca133AIR BERLINFRA Palma de Mallorca202AIR BERLINMUC Palma de Mallorca202AIR BERLINDUS Valencia726IberiaMAD

© S7 From Russian cities to Tokyo with JAPAN AIRLINE Direction Tariff OW from, EU Connection Anapa, Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Samara, Kazan, Volgograd, Astrakhan534MOW Chelyabinsk, St. Petersburg, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Ekaterinburg, Ufa549MOW Ashgabat, Barnaul, Krasnoyarsk, Khudzhant, Norilsk, Novy Urengoy, Nadym, Vladikavkaz, Omsk, Osh, Novosibirsk , Tomsk, Urgench589MOW Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Nizhnevartovsk609MOW Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver 689MOW Bratsk, Chita, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude534MOW

© S7 From Chisinau with British Ayrways Destination Fare OW from, EU Connection Atlanta, Miami449MOW, LON Boston, Washington401MOW, LON Denver, Dallas472MOW, LON Edinburgh, Glasgow342MOW, LON Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver484MOW, LON Manchester330MOW, LON New York, Philadelphia401MOW, LON Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo496MOW, LON

© S7 From Novosibirsk via Bangkok with Bangkok Airway and Thai Airways Bangkok Airway THAI AIRWAYS Direction OW fare from, EUR Direction OW fare from, EUR Chang Mai 475 Brisbane 750 Fukuoka 800 Kolkata (India) 560 Hiroshima 800 Denpasar 591 Phuket 485 Hat Yai 465 Krabi 495Phuket465 Guilin580Jakarta588 Luan Prabang550Kathmandu575 Male658Kuala Lumpur512 Pakse501Melbourne789 Phnom Pen510Penang497 Siem Reap526Perth727 Yangong510Sydney789 Saigon538Taipei583 Shenzhen58 0Surat -Thani465 Trat475Vientiane504 Sukhothai470 Koh Samui495 Xinyang620

© S7 To Geneva and Zurich with SWISS AIRLINES via Moscow Direction Tariff OW, EUR from Ashgabat278 Astrakhan224 Barnaul278 Bratsk278 Chelyabinsk227 Yerevan278 Chita368 Samara210 Irkutsk320 Kemerovo299 Khabarovsk478 Krasnodar210 Kazan196 Khudzhant387 Direction Tariff OW, EUR from St. Petersburg186 Nizhnevartovsk310 Novy Urengoy310 Nadym320 Vladikavkaz217 Omsk245 Novosibirsk289 Rostov-on -Donu210 Volgograd210 Tivat278 Tomsk289 Ufa210 Ulan-Ude299 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk478

© S7 From Irkutsk via Beijing with Air China Destination Tariff RT, EUR from Guangzhou552 Changchun456 Chengdu520 Dalian574 Fukuoka818 Haikou648 Hiroshima818 Hong Kong648 Hailar500 Harbin468 Kunming658 Kuala Lumpur986 Los Angeles1188 Destination Tariff RT, EUR from Melbourne123 0 Yangong986 Sendai1018 San Francisco1188 Shanghai478 Shenyang394 Singapore912 Sydney1230 Sanya668 Shenzhen574 Kuandian404 Tokyo1040 Vancouver1188

© S7 From the Southern Region with Emirates and Qatar Airways Destination OW Fare from, EURO Connection Bombay, New Delhi, Karachi, Madras478MOW, DXB Colombo (Sri Lanka), Kuala Lumpur489MOW. DXB Dubai257MOW Johannesburg, Seychelles (Mahe Islands)648MOW, DXB Nairobi516MOW, DXB Destination OW Fare from, EURO Connection Bombay, Colombo (Sri Lanka), Kathmandu, Nairobi443MOW, DOH Cape Town, Denpasar, Kuala Lumpur, o- in Mahe491MOW, DOH Doha (Qatar)179MOW Karachi, Jeddah364MOW, DOH Maldives (Male Island)311MOW, DOH

© S7 From Central Region with Qatar Airways Destination OW Fare from, EURO Connection Bombay, Colombo (Sri Lanka), Kathmandu, Nairobi435MOW, DOH Cape Town, Denpasar, Kuala Lumpur, Mahe Island482MOW, DOH Doha (Qatar)164MOW Karachi, Jeddah355MOW , DOH Maldives (Male Island)295MOW, DOH

© S7 From the Western Siberian region with Emirates and Qatar Airways Destination OW tariff from, EURO Connection Bombay, New Delhi, Colombo (Sri Lanka) 502MOW, DXB Nairobi 529MOW. DXB Dubai312MOW Johannesburg,635MOW, DXB Seychelles (Mahe Islands)661MOW, DXB Destination OW Fare from, EURConnection Bombay, Colombo (Sri Lanka), Kathmandu, Nairobi443MOW, DOH Cape Town, Denpasar, Kuala Lumpur, o- in Mahe491MOW, DOH Doha (Qatar)179MOW Karachi, Jeddah364MOW, DOH Maldives (Male Island)311MOW, DOH

© S7 C Royal Jordanian to Amman via Moscow Direction Tariff OW from Currency Anapa, Sochi, Krasnodar, Samara, Rostov, Ufa, Volgograd205EUR Barnaul, Bratsk, Yerevan, Tivat273EUR Kemerovo, Ulan-Ude294EUR Nizhnevartovsk, Novy Urengoy305EUR Perm, Chelyabinsk222EUR But Vosibirsk, Novokuznetsk, Tomsk284EUR Irkutsk, Nadym315EUR Khabarovsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk473EUR

© S7 C Brussel Airlines to Brussels via Moscow Direction Tariff OW fromCurrency Ashgabat, Tivat331EUR Kemerovo, Nizhnevartovsk, Novokuznetsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk436EUR Osh, Urumqi567EUR Anapa, Krasnodar, Samara, Kazan, Rostov, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod667EUR Sochi, Astra Akhan, Yerevan704EUR Ufa546EUR Vladikavkaz352EUR Nadym415EUR

© S7 With Vietnam Airlines to Hanoi and Saigon via Moscow Direction Tariff OW fromCurrency Baku, Yerevan373EUR Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, St. Petersburg431EUR Tomsk, Omsk, Novokuznetsk, Vladikavkaz, Nizhnevartovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo438EUR Munich, Hannover, Frankfurt, Dussel Dorf473EUR Nadym, Novy Urengoy578EUR Ekaterinburg410EUR Novosibirsk341EUR Irkutsk313EUR