How many days in advance does check-in for flights take place? First time on an airplane: from check-in to arrival control

Online registration begins in 24 hours and ends in 45 minutes before flight departure and is available when departing from the following cities:

Anapa, Antalya, Bangkok*, Goa, Ekaterinburg, Heraklion, Kazan, Kerkyra, Kos, Larnaca, Moscow (Vnukovo airport), Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Pardubice, Paphos, Perm, Phuket, Rhodes, Samara, St. Petersburg, Simferopol, Sochi, Tyumen, Ufa, Sharjah, Eilat, Enfidha**.

* At Bangkok and Eilat airports, online check-in closes 4 hours 10 minutes before departure.
** At Enfidha Airport, online check-in closes 5 hours 10 minutes before departure and boarding passes received through online check-in must be reissued at the airport check-in counter .

If you are traveling with baggage that exceeds your carry-on baggage allowance, you must deposit your baggage at the designated DROP OFF check-in counter or at your flight's check-in counter before check-in time ends.

If your luggage exceeds the norm in weight or dimensions free transportation baggage, you must pay for excess baggage at the rates set by the airline.
Read the baggage rules and pay attention to the list of items and substances restricted/prohibited for transportation.

You can use the online check-in service for Rossiya Airlines flights numbered FV5501-5949 in the following cases:

    You do not need special services, such as accompanying a child without parents, accompanying seriously ill people on stretchers, etc.;

    You travel without animals, do not carry weapons or heavy luggage;

    You do not have additional places in the aircraft cabin, including for luggage.

How to check in for a flight online:

1. On the official website of Rossiya Airlines, go to the online check-in service page (the “Online check-in” button) or use the service’s direct address.

2. Fill in the fields in accordance with the itinerary receipt:

  • Passenger's last name. Enter the passenger's last name as it appears on the ticket itinerary receipt. Example: RYBAKOV (when entering copied text, check that there are no hidden spaces), a double surname is also entered together without spaces, for example, ALEKSANDROVAANDREEVA.
  • Number of ticket. Enter number electronic ticket as indicated in the itinerary receipt. Example: 1952420251055

3. Read and agree to the rules of online registration, privacy policy, terms and conditions of service and the list of major hazardous substances and items prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft.

4. To identify the passenger, click the “Search” button.

If identification is successful, the page will display flight information, passenger information and online check-in status.

The status of online registration can be displayed in two states: OPEN or CLOSED - in accordance with the activity of the service. By clicking the button, you can view information about the start and end times of check-in at the airport, as well as the start and end times of boarding the plane.

The “Passenger selected for registration” field displays the passenger whose last name was indicated during authentication;

If you have a companion(s), you can add him/her for online check-in together by clicking on the "Add Passenger" button and entering the last name and ticket number.

5. Select the last name of the passenger(s) you are registering and click the “Proceed to Online Check-in” button.

6. Click the “Select Seat” button to select seats on the aircraft cabin map.

When choosing a location, be guided by the following symbols:

Passenger's chosen seat

Blocked seats and seats already selected by other passengers

Paid seats in the “Space+ Upper Deck” category

Paid seats in the “Space+” category*

Paid seats in the “A-ZONE” and “FRONT ROWS” categories

Paid seats category "B-ZONE" (preferred seats)

Seats category "C-ZONE" ( standard seats), available for selection

Places equipped with bassinets for babies

Seats equipped with bassinets are provided to passengers with infants aged no more than 1 year and weighing no more than 11 kg. The number of seats with carrycot attachments on board is limited. Length of the cradle: 75 cm.

According to flight safety rules, we can offer a passenger with an infant under 2 years of age a limited number of seats to choose from in the aircraft cabin - the outer seats near the aisle, with the exception of some blocks of seats.

*for pre-purchased "Space+" category seats from emergency exits You must check in for your flight and receive your boarding pass at the airport check-in counter.

Before completing online registration, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the seating diagram:Boeing 747-400, Boeing 737-800.
The layout and location of seats on board the aircraft may vary due to slight differences in modifications of individual aircraft.

7. Select additional services. An insurance policy is included with your order by default.

If necessary, the passenger can click on the “SELECTED” button to remove the service from the order; after clicking, the button will change to the “SELECT” button. When you press the “SELECT” button again, a new window opens in which you can select the “Insurance” service for each passenger.

It is possible to issue a voluntary insurance policy on Rossiya Airlines flights numbered FV5501-5949 if you have an issued air ticket on the website in the section - 24 hours, but no later than 2 hours before the flight departure.

When departing from Vnukovo, you can choose Additional Meals from the “Shokoladnitsa” menu, as well as the “Congratulations on Board” service, before check-in and no later than 7 hours before flight departure. Choice additional services is possible by pressing the "Select" key.

8. After selecting your seat and additional services, click the “Proceed to payment” button.

If you select a paid location and/or a paid service, you must enter your mobile phone number and e-mail, then go to the payment page and make a payment.

The passenger's status will change to "Registered", the selected seat will be assigned to the passenger, a boarding pass and payment receipt will be generated.

9. The boarding pass and receipt are generated in PDF format. Use the buttons:

“BOARDING PASS” - for immediate viewing and printing of the pass;

“RECEIPT” - for immediate viewing and printing of a receipt (for paid seats)

“QR CODE” - for immediate viewing and printing of the QR code.

“Send documents by e-mail” - in order to print all documents later. Please provide the email address(es) to which your boarding pass will be sent.

10. Online registration is completed.


A paper boarding pass is required to proceed to the boarding gate. In case you were unable to print your boarding pass at home, you can print your boarding pass at kiosks self-registration at the airport, or at the passenger check-in counter at the airport.

How to cancel registration:

1. In order to cancel registration subject to the previously selected free space, you must pass passenger identification.

3. In the window that opens, you must confirm your intention to cancel online registration.

4. Cancellation of online registration is completed.

5. Cancellation of online registration in case of purchasing paid seats with additional comfort is not possible. Refunds for purchased services are made in accordance with the claims procedure.

Due to the introduction of additional security measures at airports to undergo security control procedures, and when international transport also border and customs formalities
you must arrive at the departure airport in advance .

In order to ensure flight safety, the airline reserves the right to change the seats you have chosen without prior notice, as well as to refuse flight if:

    Before the end of ground check-in (40 minutes before departure), you did not have time to go through all the pre-flight procedures regulated by the airport of departure.

    You arrive at the gate after the boarding time has passed.

People going on a trip or business trip on an airliner for the first time often do not know the nuances of going through the check-in process for a plane. The stages are standard, carried out according to a proven scheme. The basic rules of conduct for passengers are the same, so it is interesting to know how long it takes to start and finish the process of issuing a boarding pass. Let’s take a closer look at what a passenger needs to know when at the airport.

Buying an air ticket is less stressful and exciting than checking documents and filling out forms in front of an airport terminal employee. Today it is easy and simple to book a flight through a website on the Internet. Moreover, the procedure for searching and comparing several carrier companies by price and flight duration is available to any user completely free of charge. A successful reservation will bring benefits and comfort to a person planning a long-distance plane trip.

Residents major cities and the capital needs to know exactly in which terminal check-in should take place in order to calculate how many hours in advance to arrive at a fairly distant airport. Before leaving home, you need to check the availability of documents, things, and accessories needed for an air trip. For example, personal belongings, books, magazines and personal equipment will allow you to pass the time during the flight and arrive comfortably in your destination city.

Before the flight, you need to make copies of documents and place them separately from the originals in a convenient and accessible place. It is also necessary to scan documents and then place them on an electronic mailbox, so that in case of loss or destruction, you can access personal papers from any computer. You need to check the availability of all necessary additional documents:

  • pension certificate;
  • student card;
  • travel card for a child;
  • visa documents;
  • various certificates.

As for the air ticket or its electronic copy, the form received on the website should be printed out. There is no need to worry about the validity of this option if the flight was purchased online. After all, at the airport they will check it and compare information from the database, adding it to the boarding pass.

When collecting things, you need to divide things into luggage, which will be sent to the luggage compartment, and hand luggage for transportation in the aircraft cabin. Don’t be too lazy to weigh your packed suitcase, because almost all companies strictly monitor this parameter. An excess of things even by 100 grams after control at flight check-in will result in a fine. It is necessary to comply with the level of liquid volume carried in your carry-on bag.

Except bank card, it is important to carry a certain amount of cash with you to avoid the occurrence of various unnecessary incidents.

You must arrive 3.5 hours before departure. Registration begins three hours before and ends 30 minutes before the plane's departure. A beginner in air tourism needs to add another half hour of spare time to this time before checking in for the plane. It is known that on your first trip you need to familiarize yourself with the operation of the airport and individual systems.

Didn't have enough time to get ready, had to be late and arrived when registration was already ending? For such passengers, there is a counter at the airport where those who did not have time for standard check-in are processed. But then a fine will be imposed. Passing through a separate counter does not guarantee quick boarding, because there is usually a lot of people here.

Approximately 10% of customers on each flight are considered late, so the full process of checking and issuing tickets can take about two hours. Upon arrival at the airport, you need to find a board that displays the necessary information.

There you can see:

  • the name of the airline through which the ticket was issued;
  • flight number:
  • departure time;
  • place of arrival;
  • serial number of the registration desk;
  • platform for landing;
  • active state of the flight itself - when check-in begins (on-time), flight delay (delayed), cancellation (canceled), boarding status (check in, if in progress) or (gate closed, if finished), how long before boarding ends.

Thanks to the data in this table, you can find out all the necessary information about the current flight. Then you need to go to the counter indicated on the line. To find her number, check the flight number on the purchased airline ticket. Upon approaching the counter, passengers are often faced with a long queue. In this case, it is possible to ask airport staff to issue a ticket through an empty counter. And usually they agree without any problems.

A successful client of the company is able to significantly reduce the time of the registration process.

When you approach an airport employee, you must provide the prepared documents. In most cases, this is a passport and a previously purchased ticket. If you plan to travel abroad, a visa is attached to all documents. After this, place your suitcase and, if necessary, hand luggage on the scales. If the baggage is not overloaded, a special sticker is affixed to it and the baggage is sent for further inspection.

If the cargo weight is exceeded, a fine will be imposed. At the beginning of check-in, you can provide your seat preferences (window, exit, aisle). If such free seats are available, the passenger’s wishes will certainly be taken into account. When check-in at the counter is completed, the passenger will receive a tag with baggage numbering so that they can pick it up upon arrival at their destination.

When does boarding begin?

No matter how much the ticket was purchased for, all passengers undergo checks and additional inspection in case of suspicion of carrying prohibited items or for other reasons. After issuing a ticket at the check-in counter, passport data will be checked. Keep all the necessary papers ready in your hands so as not to delay the line and quickly get to the plane. When approaching an airport employee, you must present the following documents:

  • identity card - passport;
  • permit - visa;
  • boarding pass received upon check-in.

Here the luggage is also scanned and passed through a metal-sensitive detector. A check is carried out for prohibited items and substances (if you are sure that there are no such items, then you need to go through the green corridor).

After passing control, and if no suspicious items are found, the passenger is allowed to enter the open area. Here you can visit cafes or shops, buy small souvenirs and everything you need for your trip. Listen carefully to announcements. After being notified of boarding for the flight, you must go to the gate, present your ticket and board the plane for your onward flight.

For a successful flight, you need to follow all the above rules, familiarize yourself in advance with the check-in start time and arrive at the airport with enough time to avoid some nuances, such as paying a fine for being late.

Check-in and boarding at the airport

We will describe how to do online check-in for a plane via the Internet. This procedure today is more in demand and used than the traditional one at the airport counter. Its advantages include convenience for passengers, the absence of huge queues and significant relief for staff.

Increasingly, major airlines are resorting to just such an independent check-in system, which greatly simplifies the entire process for both parties. After all, the passenger can do this at a time convenient for him, sitting at home or in the office, and airport workers do not have to work at an accelerated pace before each aircraft departure. And increasingly, such a service is moving from the category of additional to a mandatory category.

How to register online?

For an inexperienced traveler it can be difficult. But modern ticketing and ticketing systems are created with convenient and intuitive navigation. All fields are labeled in detail what needs to be entered and where, just follow the simple instructions.

The process goes through the following stages:

  1. To begin with, it is important to check on the airline’s website whether it is technically possible to carry out online check-in via the Internet. Today they are trying to introduce such a service for everyone major airports and flights, although there are still many restrictions. Therefore, do not leave such a procedure until the last minute. After all, if it turns out that check-in for a plane in this mode is available for some reason, you should have enough time left to go through it directly at the airport.
  2. It is better to first find out all the features and rules for the selected flight and city. There are a number of exceptions relating not only to the flight, but also to special situations for passengers. Still, the convenience of online check-in makes it possible to choose a suitable seat in the cabin and provide all the required information, which frees up time immediately before departure.
  3. Check the hours during which this procedure takes place. Even within the same airline, they are often adjusted and changed. The duration of remote check-in via the Internet can begin a day or even several days before, and end an hour before departure. But you must fall within the limits set for your flight, and they may differ from the company’s standard rules.
  4. Carefully review the information indicated on the ticket and accurately enter the first and last name, document number, flight number, departure time, etc. Everything must correspond to the purchased document. Each column on the site is highlighted separately and it is written there what should be entered and where, it is difficult to make a mistake.
  5. Another advantage of online check-in for a plane is the ability to choose your seat in the cabin. However, sometimes some airlines do this automatically. And individual seats, for example those located near the cockpit, are made available only for an additional fee.
  6. At the very end, just indicate your email address, to which your boarding pass will be sent. You can activate it at the airport using various gadgets or print it on a printer.

If it happens that you cannot complete check-in because there is no flight information, a specific ticket is not entered into the system, or other difficulties arise, you can contact the company employees by phone and determine the cause of the error. Most often there is a change of carrier and you just need to enter new information in the appropriate column.

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Remember that on Russian airlines only a printed version of a registered ticket is still valid. Therefore, it should be converted from electronic to paper form at home, in the office or right at the airport in a special window.

When you arrive with a already registered ticket, you need to go to the baggage counter to issue it. It is always allocated separately for those who have undergone an independent procedure via the Internet. But in this case, you should personally check the dimensions and weight of the cargo so that it exactly meets the company’s requirements.

other methods

You can register in the same way on your own phone or tablet. Almost all actions are similar to those performed using a computer. Only the system sends you an electronic version of the ticket directly to your device, which only needs to be processed at the airport. In this case, a special matrix two-dimensional barcode is read by a special device.

Large modern airports install terminals in the check-in hall, where the entire procedure also takes place independently. The steps are similar to those described above, and at the end the machine issues a printed or electronic version of the ticket.

When is traditional registration needed?

Even with technical support for online registration, there are cases when you still need to go to the airport in advance and go through the procedure manually with the help of a specialist. And although such exceptions vary in each company, there are still general patterns.

These include:

  • technical impossibility of performing such a procedure;
  • if necessary, transport a child under two years of age free of charge;
  • when a minor passenger travels unaccompanied by adults;
  • transportation of a disabled person;
  • if needed additional design special baggage (works of art, animals, dangerous cargo);
  • when purchasing a plane ticket through a travel agency along with a whole tour and other services;
  • when booking a group flight (more than 9 people);
  • when making transfers, transit, etc.

In all such cases, you will have to stand in line at the traditional check-in counter and do it with the help of an airport employee.

Special airline requirements

It is better to study in advance all the rules for booking and registering air tickets on the website of the selected carrier. And although most of them meet standard standards, there are differences depending on the city, direction of travel and other details.

So, largest company In Russia, Aeroflot begins online check-in 24 hours before departure and ends 40 minutes before departure. Special restrictions are imposed on those traveling with children, animals, or non-standard cargo. It is also impossible to undergo a similar procedure when flying to cities in America and India.

S7 Airlines limits certain flights and destinations. In each case, you will have to check the list on the carrier’s website. The registration itself lasts from 30 hours and ends 50 minutes before boarding. In this case, you must have time to check in your luggage, and its acceptance is blocked 40 minutes before takeoff.

Within 24 hours, you can check in via the Internet for Rossiya flights. But in this case you need to carefully monitor the changes made. So, at the last moment there may be a different gate number, terminal number, etc. Therefore, upon arrival at the airport, check all the data with the electronic display.

When using UTair airline services, check-in takes place at standard time– starts 24 hours before and closes an hour before departure. And when traveling from cities such as Tambov, Baku, Arkhangelsk or Astrakhan, you will need to additionally confirm electronic registration at the counter.

Video: how to check in for a flight online?

The company has established stricter rules Ural Airlines" For most destinations, the online procedure lasts just under 20 hours in total. And for passengers from Yekaterinburg, the time limit becomes even more significant - they have only 8 hours to carry out an independent procedure.

Transport Pixels /

Orenburg Airlines is gradually introducing a similar check-in service, but so far only certain destinations and flights are available for online registration. The list is constantly expanding, so follow the rules on the company's website.

If you decide to use air transportation services, you will have to take into account some features related to check-in for your flight. Completely different rules apply here compared to by land transport. If you do not take these nuances into account, you may simply be left behind.

Registration procedure

Even if you have a ticket in hand, this does not guarantee presence on board the aircraft. To get there, you need to pre-register and receive a boarding pass in exchange for a ticket. The check-in procedure for a flight also includes other aspects that cannot be circumvented.

  • First, all passengers are registered at the airport at a specially designated counter (or at a self-check-in terminal), if they did not have time to go through the online procedure in advance;
  • Then the weight and dimensions of the luggage, which will fly separately, are checked. If there is a deviation from the norm in big side Excess quantities will be charged. The passenger is given 2 coupons: the 1st is attached to the luggage, which is immediately checked in, the 2nd remains in his hands (they receive the luggage at the point of arrival);

  • The passenger must then go through passport control, which is required when flying abroad;
  • If an international flight is involved, you will also need customs inspection, which can be completed both before and after check-in;
  • Immediately before boarding the plane (when passing to the departure waiting area), passengers' hand luggage is also inspected by the airport security service.

All these procedures carried out before flights take a lot of time due to forced standing in queues, which should be taken into account when deciding when is the best time to arrive at the airport. Another point that needs to be taken into account is whether it is necessary to do additional packing of the luggage so that it arrives intact (this will also require extra time).

To ensure that all passengers have time to complete travel processing, start and end time standards are established. The sooner travelers are at the check-in counter, the better their chances of boarding the airliner. But those who are late should not despair - there will be an appropriate counter for them (provided that the passenger showed up not a few minutes after registration closed, but 15-20 minutes before the end of the procedure).

If a passenger did not check in because he did not have time or forgot how long it takes to check in for the plane, he will not get on board, but he still has the opportunity to get his money back by returning an unused ticket or changing it to the next flight (if this is imply fare rules).

Online registration

You can make the registration procedure easier by using the Internet service. Each airline has its own website, which provides not only information about flights, but also when check-in begins and ends. In the window that opens, you can quickly register for yourself and your luggage without leaving home, and also choose for yourself comfortable spot in airplane. To do this, you must have a ticket for a specific flight (or its electronic version).

You can print your boarding pass at home or do it upon arrival at the airport at the self-check-in counter. A convenient option is to receive a photo of your boarding pass on your mobile phone. This opportunity will speed up the completion of all other stages of inspection, because there is no longer any need to approach the registrar. If you were unable to print the registration card the first time, you can try again by selecting the “Reprint” option.

To have a better chance of getting good seats on the plane, online registration It's better to start early. Information about how many hours before departure this procedure will begin and what time it will end can be easily obtained here on the company’s website. Most airlines begin online check-in 24 hours in advance, but there are some that open access in 2-3 days.

Virtual check-in can close, like the real one, 45 minutes before departure (as is practiced by Aeroflot), or maybe an hour - it all depends on the company. But this does not mean that you need to wait until the last minute, because you also need to take into account the time it takes to get to the airport (and here any unforeseen situations may arise).

Note! Online check-in is a good opportunity to avoid the queue while already at the station if you have a laptop with you.

A period of time

Check-in time covers the entire flow of passengers who have already purchased tickets for the flight. But even this document will not save you if one of the tourists is late and appears at the airport after registration has completed. Although there are exceptions to any rule - at the discretion of the airline representative, who is required to be located near the check-in counter.

This is allowed if boarding has not yet been completed. It will continue until all registered passengers are on board. Up to 45 minutes are allotted for this, since travelers still encounter a duty-free zone along the way, where passengers can get stuck at some kiosk.

To avoid any mishaps with your flight, it is better to arrive at the airport long before the end of check-in. Exact time When it closes, you can find out on the airline’s website or call the airport information desk. You should not rely on the knowledge of your friends, because there are many nuances in this issue, and they are associated with various factors.


Each airport has its own check-in rules, which differ from each other. The lower the passenger flow, the less time is spent on registration. At small airports, the procedure begins 1 hour before departure, and it closes 20 minutes. At large airports there is always a large influx of passengers, and in order to process them all, it will take more time to register.

If we consider the Moscow " air gate", then in Sheremetyevo (as well as in Domodedovo) check-in at the airport is international flights starts 2.5-3 hours and ends 40 minutes before departure, and in Vnukovo it opens 2 hours and closes 30-40 minutes.


Airlines may have their own requirements, and they do not always coincide with the airport regime. Here, the significance of the route is also taken into account - international or domestic, charter or regular. It also matters whether the passenger uses the services of a low-cost airline or chooses a more cost-effective option.

  • Registration for domestic flights the time passes faster, since the need for customs inspection is eliminated. And sometimes the procedures end later – 20 minutes before departure;
  • Charter flights are launched between regular flights, so priority in check-in is given to passengers of recent movements. If there is a disruption in the schedule, the charter flight will be shifted. Tour operators are responsible for issuing tickets for these flights. They also determine when the client should arrive at the airport for check-in;
  • Low-cost flights are often delayed, but you shouldn’t rely on this and delay check-in. It is better to arrive in advance and go through all the procedures in order to be able to take a more convenient place if you are not satisfied with the option on boarding pass(this is possible on a board that is not fully loaded).

You can also be late with online registration if you use the services of low-cost airlines. They usually close check-in for a flight 3-4 hours before the scheduled departure. For many companies this time is shorter - 1 hour or 45 minutes before the flight.

How not to turn registration into a nightmare

Experienced passengers already know all the nuances associated with the upcoming flight, so they feel at ease in the airport building. It’s more difficult for newcomers - they get lost in the diverse stream of similar travelers. Even if you arrive at the airport in advance, you may not have time to check in if you panic and miss the moment when check-in ends.

Note! Only balance and prudence will help you cope with the situation. In order not to panic, you need to develop a plan of your actions in advance and know exactly how long before the landing begins.

  • When you arrive at the airport, the first thing you need to do is look around for the board. This will help you understand which direction to register you should take. It will not be difficult to decide - just find your flight number on the board (it is indicated on the ticket);

  • If you don’t know your way around the airport building, you can find information stands that display maps of the station. They will definitely indicate the registration area;
  • As a backup option, contact any port employee who catches your eye. He will definitely help with the search;
  • When you get to the counter, you shouldn’t rush to register right away - it’s better to prepare first Required documents(passports, children's birth certificates, tickets). When the whole family or company goes on a flight, documents must be submitted as a group in order to get seats next to each other;
  • For passengers traveling in first or business class, check-in at the airport is carried out at a separate counter. If they do not have one, then they have a priority right to receive registration out of turn.

Important! If you don't know what to do next, contact the registrar and ask them to explain your next steps.

When you reach the duty-free zone, you should not get carried away by the offers there, so as not to be late for boarding and not to make other passengers wait for you.

If you have free time before departure

Having found out how long it takes to check in for a plane, and managed to complete it and all further procedures on time, the passenger realizes that he still has a lot of free time before departure. You shouldn’t complain about this - it’s better to think about what you can do while you wait. Experienced passengers are already prepared for this situation, but beginners can be given several recommendations. They will also be useful for those who arrived at the airport long before check-in began:

  • You can keep yourself busy with “excursions” to the shops operating at the airport. Even if you don’t plan to buy anything, this option will help pass the time;
  • It’s worth relaxing before check-in is completed by relaxing in a cozy cafe, and at the same time having a snack while waiting for your flight. IN international airports such establishments offer a large selection of fresh, good quality dishes;
  • If, while preparing for the flight, you were unable to grab an interesting book from home, you can buy it at the station (or a couple of interesting magazines);
  • A passenger with a laptop is more fortunate - he can chat on the Internet while waiting. Some airports– free Wi-Fi zone;
  • For mothers traveling with small children, there is a rest room where you can not only change the baby, but also give him the opportunity to sleep a little;
  • There is also a corner at the airport to entertain little passengers. Playgrounds will distract them from tedious waiting and save them from the need to be capricious;
  • A number of airports also have paid rooms for adult passengers, equipped with comfortable beds. If you don’t want to sleep, you can watch TV;
  • Many passengers on international flights prefer to walk through the duty-free zone, where many interesting duty-free goods are sold.


When you are ready to unwind while waiting for your flight, do not forget how long before departure you need to board the plane. If you happen to be flying low-cost, it’s better to hurry up so you have time to find yourself a comfortable seat.