Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh - where is the best place to relax? Travel from Hurghada to Cairo - Hurghada tourist guide sharm el sheikh distance.

Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh - people who are going to visit Egypt often face this choice. These popular resort cities have long been competing with each other, and in order to decide where it is better to spend your vacation, you need to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh.

Where to spend your vacation: in Hurghada or in Sharm el-Sheikh?

Before you understand what is still better for you, and choose between Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh, let's compare information about these cities.

  • Hurghada
    This is the oldest resort in Egypt. There are many hotels here the lion's share which is located on the seashore. Hurghada is chosen as a holiday destination mainly by families with a child who want to save on vacation.
  • Sharm El Sheikh
    This resort appeared relatively recently, but it has already won a great love of tourists. The advantage of this place is considered to be coral reefs, stretching along the entire coast. All the infrastructure that attracts fans is located here. nightlife from all over the world.

On the map of Egypt, you can see that Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh are located at a distance of about 200 km. Let's try to compare these two cities on all counts.

Climate and weather

Both cities are located on the Red Sea, but they have a very significant difference in weather conditions: Sharm el-Sheikh is covered by low mountains, and therefore in winter there is no such wind as in Hurghada, and the water and air are a little warmer. Keep this in mind if you are planning to fly to Egypt in the winter.

Pay attention to the rest in these resorts in May. This month the weather is most suitable for relaxing on the Red Sea coast. In Sharm el-Sheikh in May, the air warms up to about 30 ° C during the day, and cools down to 24-25 ° C at night.

The climate of Hurghada differs from the climate of Sharm el-Sheikh - it is deserted, so the weather here is dry all year round. There is no rain in this resort in May. This is of great importance for those who want to get the most out of the sun, sandy beach and warm gentle sea. average temperature May in Hurghada +27°C, but it can range from +22°C to +32°C. Light day in this city lasts 11 hours.

Diving and other diving opportunities

For lovers of active pastime (diving, snorkeling and others), Sharm el-Sheikh is more suitable. Here is the richest underwater fauna and stunning coral reefs located near the shore. On this point, Hurghada loses significantly: there are very few coral reefs here, while they are located quite far from the coast.

Tours and attractions

If you want to fly to Egypt to visit memorable places, then Hurghada in this sense where Better than Sharm El Sheikh. The distance from Hurghada to the main monuments is much less, therefore, the tour itself will cost less. For example, a trip to the temples of Luxor from Hurghada is available, while from Sharm el-Sheikh you can only get there by air.

If you want to visit holy places (for example, Mount Moses or the monastery of St. Catherine), definitely stop your choice at the second resort. Reviews of all the sights of Egypt are the most enthusiastic, and you have to decide whether Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh. Your choice depends on where you want to go.

Medical services

If the purpose of your trip to Egypt is treatment, then feel free to go to Hurghada, or rather, to a place called Safaga. Here you will receive highly qualified medical care and the opportunity to improve health. In Sharm El Sheikh, you will not be able to receive these services to such an extent. Read reviews about treatment in Hurghada, and all your doubts will disappear.

beach holiday

Coral reefs are both a plus and a minus for a holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh. This is due to the fact that the corals are located almost at the very shore, which greatly complicates entry into the sea.

If you like swimming in comfort, choose Hurghada better. There are practically no coral reefs here, and the coast is smooth and gentle.

Recreation for youth

If you are planning to go to Egypt for entertainment events in clubs and discos, but do not know where to go, choose Sharm El Sheikh. Why not Hurghada? Let's try to explain. There are several discos in this place, but they are separated from the hotels by a fairly large distance, so you have to get there on your own. And it is better to take a taxi, because it is somewhat dangerous for a tourist to walk around Hurghada. This city is not only resort area, but also the place where many Egyptians live and work, which means that skirmishes are sometimes possible with local residents. Sharm el-Sheikh, on the other hand, was created specifically for tourists, here you can safely walk the streets and visit entertainment venues. It is safe due to isolation and constant protection of the territory.


Are you wondering what is better in terms of hotel service - Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh? Answer: Hurghada loses somewhat to Sharm el-Sheikh in terms of level hotel service. But most of the three- and four-star hotels in Sharm el-Sheikh have their own beach areas, which are located in the distance. It is possible to get on them, but only on your own.

After reading the reviews, we can conclude that this is inconvenient for vacationers who do not know the area. In Hurghada, on the contrary, almost all hotels are located along the coast. But if you want to choose the first option for your vacation and aim for a five-star level, you don’t have to worry about the distance from the hotel to the sea. All luxury hotels in Sharm el-Sheikh are located on the shore.

How to make a choice?

If you choose between Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada, then we recommend the second option to those who want to save money. The difference in the cost of rest is explained by the fact that Sharm el-Sheikh is a younger resort area with more modern hotels and a level of service.

Egypt - amazing country, ready in any month of the year to provide everyone with everything for a quality and fulfilling pastime. We hope that after reading this material, you will be able to finally decide which is better for you - Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh.

When preparing for a trip to Egypt, start collecting information about the resort in advance, be sure to read reviews, see photos of the hotel, take into account all the nuances. So you insure yourself against possible surprises and get a huge amount of positive emotions and impressions from the trip.

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The distance from Hurghada to Cairo is 455 km. Distance information was obtained by plotting a route using highways. It is important to know the number of kilometers in order to calculate the travel time and estimate the cost of the trip. So, according to the map, the length of the road from Hurghada to Cairo is 455 km. Using the average speed of the vehicle and the calculated mileage, we find that the approximate travel time will be 7 hours 35 minutes. Also, based on the number of kilometers and the current price of gasoline, you can calculate the cost of the trip and stock up on the necessary amount of fuel. When traveling long distances, determine in advance at what kilometer of the route you will make stops for rest. Our map will help you find the shortest route from Hurghada to Cairo, which will reduce your costs and eliminate unnecessary travel time. The bold line indicates the path you have chosen. Sometimes it is interesting to know the number of kilometers traveled in other units of measurement: 455 km. km = 282.72 miles. The "Print version" function allows you to print a map from Hurghada to Cairo.

If you are planning a trip over a long distance, you should remember a few simple but important rules: - carefully prepare your car for long journey: check the level of engine oil, coolant, washer fluid, make sure all lights, etc. are working properly. - Check tire pressure. It is very important that it matches the pressure recommended for your vehicle. - prepare a spare wheel and a tow rope - no one is immune from a wheel puncture or breakage on the track, you should foresee possible troubles and avoid them. - choose roads with high-quality coverage - this will extend the life of your "iron horse" and save your nerves. When preparing for a trip, think through everything to the smallest detail so that the trip leaves Nice memories and not a headache.

The Egyptian resort of Hurghada has, perhaps, the most profitable tourist location. It is not too far from it to get to all the main tourist attractions. Of course, every self-respecting tourist, vacationing in Hurghada, must certainly go on an excursion to the Great Pyramids. Although this trip is quite long in time, but it is worth it, because you will have a great opportunity to see the only completely preserved and not destroyed of all the seven wonders of the world. The pyramids themselves are in Cairo. Therefore, the road there is not close. Many travelers, before going to Egypt on vacation, decide for themselves the question of which resort is more convenient to get to the pyramids? From Hurghada or Sharm El Sheikh? The answer here can only be unambiguous - of course, from Hurghada.

Since the road is long, you need to prepare in advance for the fact that the departure from the hotel will be very early - approximately at 3-4 o'clock in the morning. I must say that this is absolutely not some kind of whim of travel agencies, it's just that the city authorities deliberately limit visits to the pyramids to a certain number of people per day. No more than 300 visitors per day are allowed into the territory. This is due to the fact that the humid air exhaled by a large number of people gives the atmosphere excessive moisture, due to which salts harmful to them are deposited on the walls of the pyramids. In this regard, the number of tickets sold per day is limited - 150 in the morning and 150 at lunchtime. The leaders of excursion groups, as a rule, agree in advance with the cashiers and reserve the required amount for morning visits. Therefore, it is easier for tourists traveling on their own to inspect the pyramids to purchase tickets in the afternoon.

When you choose the agency with which you prefer to go to see the pyramids, do not aim for cheapness. It won't always be the best option. You must clearly understand that Egypt is an extremely hot country, and it will be very difficult for you to travel in a bus that is not equipped with air conditioning and comfortable seats. After all, a one-way trip takes about 6 hours, and you still have to return back. Estimated price such a trip - $ 60 per adult and $ 40 per child.

Since an excursion to the pyramids from Hurghada will take you about a day along with the road, think in advance what you will need to take with you. You should not take a bunch of unnecessary things with you, you only need to take - a hat; light clothing that covers from dust and sun; camera or video camera; something to drink and light sandwiches; insurance, documents and, of course, money.

If you come to inspect the pyramids in an organized group, then all your problems immediately disappear, and you go to the long-awaited exhibits. But if you come on your own, then first of all get to the ticket office for tickets. It is likely that a surprise will await you - no more than two pyramids are allowed per day. Then you will have to come here again. For an inspection of the Cheops pyramid, you will have to pay an amount equal to about 10 dollars. You will have to pay another dollar for the opportunity to take pictures. Inspection of other pyramids is somewhat cheaper, and you can inspect small pyramids for free.

So, closer to noon, the long-awaited pyramids will appear before your eyes. First of all, it will be necessary to examine the largest and most popular - the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre, Mikerin, Djoser and Snefru. You will also see the watchman of all great pyramids- the figure of the Great Sphinx. Unfortunately, many tourists experience some disappointment at the sight of the pyramids. Much more is expected. But, on the other hand, you can take plenty of pictures against their majestic background and proudly show your friends wonderful pictures.

After visiting the pyramids, you will certainly be taken to a perfume shop, then to a papyrus shop and finally to the famous Cairo Archaeological Museum. This is not surprising - they are all sponsored points. Perhaps the excursion to the Cairo Museum will be the most valuable of all that you will see in a day. Here you will truly immerse yourself in the atmosphere. ancient egypt, get acquainted with a huge number of unusually interesting exhibits, see golden masks, sarcophagi of the pharaohs and many other wonderful things. Usually, when the Cairo Museum comes with its collection to other cities, people stand in kilometer-long queues to get into it. You will also have a great opportunity to see this entire collection in its entirety and without any queue.

And yet - the trip from Hurghada to the pyramids is still very long and tiring. Try not to bring small children with you or not plan it at all. Do not buy such an excursion from Egyptian travel agencies. They are usually never responsible for anything. It is better to overpay, but go with your tour operator. Then your trip will be more successful.

How did you manage to relax in Egypt in just two weeks at two resorts? This is a question I often heard from my friends last spring. :) You can call me crazy, but in fourteen days I managed to relax in Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh - the legendary resort areas Egypt. I booked the hotel through a travel agency, but I was already looking for transport for traveling on my own. For this I used the Internet. And here are the options that I found, I want to tell you.

air travel

Several times a week, planes from the local company EgyptAir fly from Hurghada Airport to Sharm El Sheikh.

You can get to the place of departure by taxi or private minibuses, because there is no state bus service between the city and Hurghada airport.

By the way, planes are not available every day. Therefore, I recommend viewing the flight schedule in advance. All information on this matter can be found on the website of the air carrier, which I will note below.

All planes land at Sharm El Sheikh Airport just forty minutes after the start, from where you can get to the city by bus or taxi.

Flight cost

You can even buy an air ticket for 665 Egyptian pounds (32.5 euros). But there are offers and several times more expensive, it all depends on the flight and the day of the flight.


You need to buy tickets in advance. And for this you should use the Internet, in particular, the official website of EgyptAir or similar. If for some reason you do not have access to the network, then you can already contact the ticket office of Hurghada Airport.


For lovers of the exotic, I suggest the next option - a ferry. Ferries run through the Gulf of Suez to Sharm el-Sheikh several times a week.

You can board this transport at the port of Hurghada.

This place is marked on the map.

There are seating areas at Hurghada Port where you can wait for your flight.

And this is what the ferries themselves look like, which carry passengers.

The duration of the trip is only two and a half hours. This transport is equipped with soft seats for passengers. The trip will be comfortable.


A ferry ticket will cost 716 Egyptian pounds (35 euros).


You can buy ferry tickets directly at the port of Hurghada before your trip. As a rule, travel cards are always available.

A car

If you don’t want to travel by water or air, then you can go around the Gulf of Suez in a car. Rent this vehicle You can even without leaving the hotel, the main thing is to have Internet access. After all, now there are a bunch of similar ones, where the options are immediately sorted in accordance with the specified parameters.

It will take more than twelve hours to get there by car, because in terms of mileage it will turn out to be almost a thousand kilometers. This option seems to me not very successful, because I don’t understand why spend so much time and effort on traveling. But of course, it's up to you to decide.

If you decide to use such transport, then you should know that in Egypt the highways are good, but often local drivers do not follow the rules of the road, especially when driving in cities. So be careful.

Other options

If none of the above options you like, then you can travel by bus. But there is no direct communication between the cities, so you need to change in Cairo. Buses from the well-known Egyptian company GoBus run on such routes. You can see the schedule of the movement of this transport on the carrier. Thus, you can even plan your departure hours so that the transfer does not take much time. But to be honest, I don’t really like this option, because such a trip will take a lot of time and effort.


I decided to fly to Sharm El Sheikh. At first I planned to travel by ferry, because not every day I manage to cross the Red Sea. :) But when it came to the trip, it turned out that on the day I needed to go, there were no available water flights. Therefore, I decided to save time and get to Sharm el-Sheikh in this way.

Distance Moscow - Hurghada on the highway is 4548 km, in a straight line - 3182 km. In countries with the English system of measures, the length of this route is 2827 miles on the road and 1978 miles in a straight line. The trip Moscow - Hurghada by car will last approximately 2 days 16 hours 59 minutes.

The route Moscow - Hurghada runs along the following routes:

Toll sections on the road Moscow - Hurghada:

The time difference between Moscow and is -1:00 h. local time in when planning a route.

The road scheme is highlighted in red on the map and passes near 82 settlements. To plot the route Moscow - Hurghada for a car and find out how many kilometers between these settlements, the exact coordinates of cities, roads and other geographical objects were used.

Gas stations along the route are displayed on the map. The total number of filling stations is 142, including:

    Rosneft: 17

    Lukoil: 68

    Tatneft: 11

    Gazprom Neft: 9

    Shell: 2

    Gazprom: 30

    Bashneft: 5

To find out what traffic jams are on the Moscow-Hurghada road now, check the "Traffic jams" box and enlarge the map. To find out how to get from Moscow to by car through intermediate cities and towns, list them when calculating the distance. To get a map-scheme of the road route in a convenient format, click here.

To build the route and calculate the distance, the exact satellite coordinates of the roads and settlements. We do not guarantee 100% accuracy and are not responsible for the constructed route.