Types of food in hotels decoding AI, FB, HB, BB, OB, UAI. The chef of an all-inclusive hotel shared the secrets of preparing dishes. What is better, all-inclusive or only breakfast?

Difference in vouchers from different types food supply is very high and sometimes scares off the thrifty tourist. The cost also varies depending on the country: as a rule, all inclusive tours cost 20-30% more.

But, let’s say, a week-long all-inclusive tour to Cuba will cost 59,500 rubles, while the option with breakfast only costs 56,000 rubles. In this case, the difference is small, and it is obvious that it is better to pay an extra 3.5 thousand rubles than to try to live on it for the whole week. It won’t work out anyway, since Cuba is a rather expensive country.

In the case of Italy, the situation is different: a week-long tour to Rimini with breakfast will cost 19,400 rubles per person, and on an all-inclusive basis - 36,800 rubles. The difference of 17,400 rubles is quite noticeable, and is it worth overpaying in this case if you planned to get acquainted with the culture of Italy, and not sit in a hotel around the clock waiting for lunch?

You can eat this difference on your own.

Students don't have much money, so in Rimini we stayed in a hostel where breakfast was served in the morning. For lunch we always went to a nearby cafe - there a pizza with prosciutto and arugula cost only 2 euros, plus a cola for 1 euro. A completely affordable lunch, which we sometimes alternated with burgers for 2-3 euros,” says Anna.

Many tourists, trying to save money, purchase tours with all-inclusive meals. But in reality, such tours are not always profitable for tourists. The thing is that tour operators set the cost of food with a decent margin.

The difference between a tour with and without meals is sometimes from 300 to 700 euros

Alena Koryakina, head of the Rambler/Travel service

In addition, by paying for meals in full, you will be tied to time, since breakfast, lunch and dinner at the hotel are held “on schedule”.

Active travelers who enjoy a variety of excursions often leave the hotel early in the morning, before breakfast is served, and return late in the evening, after dinner hours have passed. Often full-day excursions include meals. We always warn our clients about this so that they do not pay twice,” says Alena Koryakina.

For example, Anna recalls how many breakfasts and dinners she “lost” in Turkey.

I went on excursions almost every other day. Departure was early in the morning each time, and you could take a lunch box with you instead of the required breakfast at the hotel. But it literally included a bun, cheese and sausage, and vegetables. Of course, it doesn't compare to the buffet I paid for. Sometimes dinner was lost when we returned late from an excursion and had to eat in a restaurant. In Alanya, where we lived, there were no problems with this - even Italian, Japanese, or Turkish cuisine,” says Anna.

When going to Spain, it is better to choose a tour with breakfast only - it will cost 45,000 rubles per person, and with all-inclusive meals - 68,200 rubles per person. Average check per person in a restaurant - 20-25 euros. For the entire trip (8 days/7 nights) at the current rate, food outside the hotel will cost 15,000 - 20,000 rubles per person. In this case, the traveler will not adhere to the lunch and dinner schedule at the hotel and will be able to freely plan his time. In Spain, it’s much better to move from city to city and try new dishes every time. The total amount will be approximately the same, but the impressions will be much greater.

In Thailand, it is more profitable to take only “breakfast”. In this country, you can order a 2-3 course lunch and a soft drink in a cafe for 7-10 euros. Therefore, if you are flying for 8 days, then the difference between “full board” and “breakfast only” tour should not exceed 7,000 rubles, and it is usually much more.

So, if you are going to Europe, remember the numerous cafes and restaurants that are located outside the hotel and will help diversify your vacation for any taste and budget. But on a beach vacation, take care of your meals in advance - it’s better to purchase all inclusive so as not to look for a high-quality, and sometimes almost the only, place for dinner among the endless sun loungers with tourists.

Whatever one may say, “all inclusive” is a convenient type of vacation. I bought a tour - you can fly almost without money. They will feed you, give you something to drink, and take you to the hotel. Although the all inclusive system is different countries varies - and it happens that after the Turkish diversity, tourists are dissatisfied with the modest choice of all inclusive in Jordan.
Read and remember how all-inclusive works in different countries. Now you will know exactly what to prepare for and will not be disappointed.

All inclusive in Greece

Nutrition. Healthy - a lot of fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits, which are brought to hotels directly from the garden. Sliced ​​tomatoes and cucumbers do not have time to turn into a sour salad - the waiters serve fresh dishes on time. The cuisine is mainly Greek. There is fish and meat. Hotels do not always have a buffet - most often it is a menu with a choice of 3-4 main dishes. There is always something for vegans and vegetarians to enjoy. The higher the hotel category, the greater the choice of dishes.
In the most expensive Greek hotels (where the price starts from 250,000 rubles per tour) with all inclusive meals they offer a unique service. It's called dining out: you can dine at any local tavern outside the resort for free.
Animation. There are no noisy parties and daily entertainment by the pool. You can count on live music and shows on the weekends.
Additional services. Sun loungers and pools are free only if the hotel is located on the first line with a private beach. Spa treatments, massages, meals in a-la carte restaurants are rarely included in the all-inclusive price. You will have to pay extra for additional options - for example, for a children's potty (it is considered disposable). In Greece you will have to pay for everything that is done by hand in front of you.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Don’t take it - it’s better to have breakfast or half board, so as not to be tied to the hotel. But even if you only plan beach holiday, then it is better to eat in local taverns: local Greek cuisine is tasty, aromatic and inexpensive. During a week of rest, you can try many different dishes and never repeat them.

All inclusive in Turkey

Nutrition. In 90% of Turkish hotels there is a free buffet with salads, main courses, desserts, and snacks. Locally produced alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are included in the price; you will have to pay extra for well-known brands of alcohol. Hot dishes - meat, fish, grilled sausages - are given out in portions, the rest can be taken at the common table. Drinks are provided by the bartender.
Some hotels have an “ultra all-inclusive” system: this is 24-hour service, meals at any time of the day, foreign-made drinks. To correspond to this type, hotels must have several restaurants (including a la carte, all free), a large area, and heated swimming pools.
Animation. Even the simplest hotel has entertainment by the pool. These could be performances by dancers, a bartender show, juggling with torches, competitions for children and drunk adults, or a regular disco.
Additional services. 4-5* hotels may have water parks for children - visits are included in the tour price. Spa treatments usually cost extra. Sun beds and umbrellas on the beaches are most often paid.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Definitely yes. Nourishing, plentiful, tasty and economical. Yes, finding a tour to Turkey without all-inclusive is quite a quest.

All inclusive in Tunisia

Nutrition. Usually 3-4 meals a day, the restaurant is not open 24 hours a day. Hotels may have bars and a-la carte restaurants, where meals are not included in the price. The variety of dishes is not as great as in Turkey. Soft drinks are free, but you have to pay for alcohol. Some hotels in Tunisia use plastic cards instead of bracelets: drinks and meals are issued using barcodes, and there should be a break of 5-7 minutes between servings of alcohol.
Animation. Water aerobics in the pool, evening shows, children's club - free. Activities on the beach - jet ski, parachute, banana - for a fee.
Additional services. Thalasso, balneo and spa treatments are paid separately. Some hotels offer free steaming in the hammam. Sun loungers and umbrellas on the beach are free, but towels may be charged.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take. Eating outside hotels is usually more expensive. Plus, the variety of dishes on the Tunisian buffet is almost as good as the Turkish one.

All inclusive in Cyprus

Nutrition. Small selection of dishes, often drinks are not included in the price. The buffet is a lot of vegetables and meat (meatballs, kebabs, souvlaki and cutlets), but not enough fish. All fish dishes and seafood are prepared from frozen raw materials. There are also the ubiquitous snacks: French fries, burgers, nuggets. The choice of dishes is limited, every day they serve the same thing, changing 1-2 dishes.
Animation. If animation is announced, then it can be karaoke, discos, show programs and competitions by the pool, water aerobics - everything is like in Turkey.
Additional services. Drinks and food between meals, dry cleaning, and laundry are paid separately. Sun beds and umbrellas are usually paid for, because... The beaches are mostly municipal.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take it if you are on vacation with children and do not plan to travel around the island. Take half board if you don’t want to be tied to the hotel. Eating outside of hotels is expensive, but you will still want to try local dishes in taverns. So breakfast and dinner are ideal.

All inclusive in Bulgaria

Nutrition. A definite plus is that all inclusive is available here, the dishes are familiar to us. Eating at a hotel is 2-3 times cheaper than going to a cafe every day. In a standard 4* hotel you will be served seasonal vegetables and fruits, 2-3 fish and meat dishes, several types of soups, ice cream, pastries, pancakes. Almost everywhere there is a children's menu. Restaurants are not open 24 hours a day, but only for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Alcohol is most often paid for, drinks outside the restaurant too.
Animation. Entertainment in hotels in Bulgarian is water aerobics and exercises by the pool. In 4-5* hotels there are entertainment shows in the evenings.
Additional services. With all inclusive bracelets you will be admitted for free private beach hotels (although there are few of them - mostly all beaches are municipal). If the hotel is simpler, you will have to rent sunbeds and umbrellas for money. It can be uncomfortable on the sand with your own towel: the beach all the way to the sea is equipped with sunbeds, forcing you to pay rent.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take. Restaurants and cafes on Sunny Beach and Golden Sands are expensive, all-inclusive always pays off. Even if you don’t plan to stay in a hotel, we recommend half board - it will still be cheaper.

All inclusive in Jordan

Nutrition. Red Sea, 5* hotels, all inclusive - sounds very similar to Egypt. But no: this country is completely different, especially when it comes to food and service. In Aqaba hotels, the buffet system has a good selection of dishes: yoghurts, casseroles, omelettes, sliced ​​cheeses, sausages and vegetables, rice, potatoes, pasta, several meat and fish dishes. Chicken is the most popular meat. The most delicious desserts are fruit jelly and local halva. There is little fruit.
Please note: most hotels do not include drinks in the tour price. You will have to pay for juices, drinking water, alcohol. But you can fill your bottle with free water from the cooler.
Animation. There are practically no show programs, karaoke, or competitions. In the evenings in 4* and 5* hotels you will only be entertained by live music.
Additional services. On municipal beaches It’s not comfortable for Jordan to swim - after all, they are for locals. Therefore, almost all hotels organize transfers to private beaches (Tala Bay). There you will have to pay for umbrellas and sunbeds, unless you live on the first line of the beach.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take. If only because the tourism infrastructure has not yet been developed, it is problematic to eat in local cafes outside hotels.

All inclusive in Israel

Nutrition. As a rule, all inclusive means 3 meals a day, drinks at the bar are included in the price. The choice of dishes is usually large, but hotels don’t offer anything special to try - standard cereals, pasta, potatoes and several types of meat (mainly chicken and turkey). There are almost no fish. Lots of dairy products and yoghurts. You won’t find delicious desserts in a standard Israeli hotel - except maybe fruit. Drinks usually include liqueurs, beer, and packaged juices. Tourists are advised to take tea bags with them - there are problems with this.
Animation. Mainly designed for children. For adults there may be discos and music in the evenings.
Additional services. If the hotel has a private beach, then sunbeds and umbrellas on it are free. If not, you will have to pay. But no one is stopping you from lying down on your towel right on the sand.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take it only if you are traveling with children. Don’t take it if you don’t have children and plan to go for a walk - in Eilat, Netanya, Tel Aviv there are many inexpensive cafes and street stalls with high-quality fast food. Catering on your own will be cheaper than at a hotel. Tastier and more varied.

All inclusive in the UAE

Nutrition. All inclusive in Arabic it is service high level. Starched tablecloths, portioned dishes, drinks served in beautiful glasses. The amount of alcohol is usually limited. The waiters may well refuse another portion if they think you’ve already had enough. Local drinks are included in the price, imported drinks are paid separately.
Restaurants are only open for breakfast, lunch and dinner - there is no 24-hour food service here. If you need a snack during the day, then only for money. There is a large selection of dishes, but you will have to pay separately for delicacies (like lobster).
Animation. It practically never happens.
Additional services. UAE hotels often include free use of bicycles, boats, canoes, and sauna in their all inclusive package. You will have to pay for sun loungers on the beaches if the hotel is not on the first line.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take it in all emirates except Dubai - there you can eat more varied and cheaper food in street cafes.

All inclusive in Spain

Nutrition. In European resort cities, hotel all inclusive is similar to a Turkish buffet with a large selection of dishes. Lots of fresh vegetables, fish, seafood, meat dishes. Vegetables are cut separately, sauces are placed separately - so that you can assemble your own salad. Ice cream, pastries, cakes, jelly - big variety desserts. All local drinks are free while the bar is open. Food and drinks cannot be taken out of the restaurant.
Please note: there is a significant difference between FB and ALL meals in Spain. With full board, drinks are served free of charge only at breakfast, and during lunch and dinner you will have to pay. You cannot bring drinks into the restaurant, and the price for them in the hotel is raised 2-3 times.
Animation. There is practically no such event, except for discos and live music.
Additional services. Sun beds and umbrellas are free only on private beaches; on municipal beaches you will have to pay.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Take it to Mallorca and Tenerife - eating in local cafes there will be more expensive. On the Catalan coast you can easily get by with breakfast or half board. There are plenty of affordable cafes here serving mouth-watering local tapas, paella, fresh seafood and sangria - definitely worth a try!

All inclusive in Cuba and the Dominican Republic

Nutrition. Shrimp, crabs, mussels, fish of all kinds, grilled meat, fresh salads that are prepared in front of you, and tropical fruits - all this is all inclusive in the Dominican Republic and Cuba. Local rum, several types of imported drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails are included in the price. In 2-3* hotels there is a small selection of meat, but there is always seafood. If you are leaving on an excursion, you can ask the hotel for a packed lunch with sandwiches. Most often, food is available around the clock.
Animation. In Cuba there are discos, show programs, sports activities, and beach bars. In the Dominican Republic there is live music and exercise in the morning. The higher the star rating of the hotel, the more entertainment.
Additional services. Usually the price includes the use of equipment for water activities- canoes, boats, catamarans, fishing rods, snorkeling masks. Sun beds and umbrellas on private beaches are free. Towels are provided as a deposit.
To take or not to take all inclusive? Definitely take it! Eating out is more expensive, but the quality of the food is about the same.

"All inclusive" is a convenient system when you travel with children. Less costs, less risk, less whims. If during your trip you plan to go on excursions and spend a minimum of time at the hotel, choose half board.
In Asia, India, Indonesia, it is better to do without meals at the hotel or take only breakfast: it is cheap, tasty and interesting to eat on the street to get acquainted with the local culture. And in some countries, for example in the Seychelles, all inclusive is generally prohibited at the legislative level. So the government wants tourists to explore the country more and get out of hotels more often.

Hi all! When planning a vacation, tourists sometimes have questions: What kind of food system is available in modern hotels? What is a buffet, continental or American breakfast? What does RO BB HB FB AI UAI mean?

For a long time I was confused myself; I couldn’t remember what letters meant breakfast, dinner, or three meals a day. Therefore, I decided to write a short post where I will decipher all these “hieroglyphs” and describe the possibilities of this or that option.

Modern hotels provide guests with different food concepts. Here is a short table; I will explain each point in more detail below.

RO (room only)
without power
BB (bed breakfast)one meal - breakfast
HB (half board)two meals a day - breakfasts, dinners or breakfasts, lunches and soft drinks during meals
HB+ (half board plus)two meals a day - breakfasts, dinners, local soft drinks and alcoholic drinks during meals
FB (full board)Three meals a day- breakfast lunch dinner and soft drinks during meals
FB+ (full board plus)
EXTFB (extended half board)
three meals a day - breakfast lunch dinner, local soft and alcoholic drinks during meals
AL (all inclusive)three meals a day with intermediate
snacks -
breakfast lunch dinner, additional meals, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks during the day
UAL (ultra inclusive)enhanced three meals a day with snacks -
breakfast lunch,
dinner, free meals in A-lacarte restaurants, all alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks around the clock

Room only (RO) – translated means “room only”. Accordingly, meals are not included in the price.

Bed breakfast (BB) – translates as “bed and breakfast”. Moreover, breakfast in different countries or even hotels can be either buffet, continental (CB), American (AB) or English.

  • CB (Continental breakfast) – translates as “continental breakfast”. Everything is modest: a cup of coffee or tea, toast, a bun, butter and jam.
  • AB (American breakfast) - differs from the continental breakfast only in the presence of hot dishes: omelet, sausages.

Half board (HB) – in Russian “half board”. In some hotels you can choose: “breakfast dinner” or “breakfast lunch”. Coffee, tea, water are usually included in the price, but in most hotels you can get them for free only during your meal. In other cases, payment is required.

Half board plus (HB+) - “half board plus”, differs from HB only in that some alcoholic drinks are included in the price. Usually locally produced and most often only during meals.

Full board (FB) – translated as “full board”. The price includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus coffee, tea, water. The conditions are the same as in NV, only three meals a day.

Full board plus (FB), Extended half board (EXTFB) - “full board plus” or “extended board”, locally produced alcoholic drinks are added to the previous concept.

All inclusive (AI) – translated means “all inclusive”. The name fully justifies itself. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, intermediate meals: late breakfast, afternoon snack, late dinner, and other snacks. Unlimited soft and alcoholic drinks throughout the day. As a rule, this food system implies the opportunity to eat from 6 am to 12 midnight.

Ultra inclusive (UAL) - “ultra all inclusive”. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, with the opportunity to visit A-lacarte restaurants (themed restaurants on site) for free. This concept includes more choice and more variety in nutrition than AI. Of course, any drinks are included in the price.

Food regulations in hotels may vary. Most often, especially in resort areas, the buffet food concept is common. The buffet is an opportunity to independently choose and compose your diet. With this system, dishes are placed in the hall, and tourists themselves choose and put food on a plate.

All-inclusive hotels are a significant test for the health of our tourists. What is the best way to eat in this case? What foods and drinks are best to choose?

Consulted by the doctor of the El Gouna hospital in Ahmed Munir.


"All inclusive", or "all inclusie" - the system, of course, is unique and attractive. It is a full board plan, which means it relieves the vacationer of all worries regarding food. It remains only in certain time visit a restaurant and choose the most appetizing dishes. This is where the problems begin.

As a rule, hotels feed their guests on a buffet basis. It’s easy to imagine the state of a person who finds himself in front of a huge number of different goodies. These include salads, soups, hot dishes, and baked goods. Newly arrived tourists just get dizzy from the abundance of food; they want to eat everything at once.

Therefore, many turn to doctors in the very first days of their vacation. The reason is stomach problems.

Food rush

Let's start with the amount of food you eat. At first it is prohibitively large - much larger than at home. After all, there are so many tasty and appetizing things around, you want to try everything. The result is that more and more portions appear on the plate.

In a few days, this “food” rush will subside, and everything will return to normal. The person will get used to the new table, become more picky and moderate. Until this happens, everything is being tried.

This is quite a test for the body. He has to get used not only to the new kitchen, but also to the new climate. All this makes a person extremely vulnerable. And if you can reduce the load, this should definitely be done. We have no control over temperature, humidity and time zone differences. But you can control the quantity and quality of food you eat.

This is especially important in the first days of rest: you need to be careful and not overeat. Otherwise, you can provoke problems not only with digestion. A full stomach requires great attention: this includes energy costs and increased blood supply to the gastrointestinal tract. But it is necessary that all forces be used to adapt. Overeating greatly interferes with this, so it is necessary to control the amount of food.

Let's share... a plate

In order not to overeat, you need to use one simple but very effective technique. A large restaurant plate needs to be mentally divided into two parts. And then visually divide one of these parts in half again. It turns out that the circle consists of two quarters and one half.

The last one is topped with vegetable salad. You can take several salads, but then the variety of dishes will affect their quantity - in any case, the space on the plate is limited. A quarter is reserved for a hot dish - meat, fish or poultry. Well, you need to put a side dish on the second quarter.

This simple distribution clearly regulates the amount of food eaten and helps to eat wisely and balanced.

Local kitchen

It uses unknown products, and known ones can be found in completely unexpected and unusual combinations. Of course, this affects your stomach.

He must rebuild his activity and change the ratio of enzymes produced. We need to help him - not to overuse new dishes in the first 3-4 days of rest. Of course, you can try some exotic food that you particularly like, but you need to do this extremely carefully. To begin with, one, maximum two spoons will be enough.

When choosing dishes, pay attention to the smell. The sense of smell in this case is your best assistant. Of course, it won’t help with choosing cold dishes. But the aroma can say a lot about hot food. It perfectly reflects the presence of unknown seasonings and spices that you should be wary of first.

Talk to those tourists who have stayed in the hotel for more than a week. They already know everything about the local table and will be happy to share their knowledge with newcomers. As a rule, old-timers give practical advice that is worth listening to.

Fractional ration

Now it's time to talk about the frequency of nutrition. As a rule, it depends on the class of the hotel. For example, in three-star hotels, guests are usually fed three times a day. These are our usual breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Four- and five-star hotels most often offer five meals a day: breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner and late dinner. Sometimes an afternoon snack is included in this list, which usually consists of fruit and tea with muffins or other pastries.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of such a system. The downside is the availability of a huge amount of free food. People who have free time will definitely stop by for the special feeding. Not because of hunger, but because of the desire to treat yourself to something tasty. But if the diet is structured haphazardly, then a visit to the restaurant will definitely end with a tightly filled stomach.

It’s a completely different matter if a person is an adherent of systematic nutrition. In this case, you can create a fractional diet, which consists of frequent meals in small portions. For those who are used to eating according to this plan, you can safely visit the restaurant all five times.

Unfortunately, most eat haphazardly. Such people need to attend only the main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner. You should give up afternoon snacks, late breakfasts and dinners.

Some may say that a five-meal meal is a great opportunity to accustom yourself to fractional meals. Unfortunately, in practice this is almost impossible. So it’s better not to expose yourself to temptation and immediately refuse additional meals.

Beach or breakfast

It is imperative to mention what is best to choose for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It depends, first of all, on the type of holiday you prefer. If you arrived in warm country Hoping to swim and sunbathe, the morning is given over to the beach. This should be taken into account when sitting down for breakfast. It should be very light and consist mainly of fresh vegetables and fruits.

The latter, by the way, deserve special attention. The fact is that before tanning, doctors recommend eating melon or watermelon. They prevent dehydration and also contain beta-carotene, which is considered a natural tanning activator.

As for lunch, it should also be light, because after eating there will probably be a “quiet hour”. It is not for nothing that in hot countries there is the concept of siesta, which occurs at the hottest time of the day. This custom is followed not only local residents, but also visitors - many tourists prefer to spend the afternoon in their cool room. A half-asleep state and a full stomach are a very dangerous combination for your figure.

To those who love leisure, the nutritional stereotype need not be changed. Excursions, visiting museums, walking around the city - all this takes a lot of energy. So meals can be more satisfying.

Turkish vodka

Locally produced alcoholic drinks are also included in the “all inclusie”, so access to strong drinks is almost unlimited. Bars open in the morning and stay open until late at night.

National drinks are especially popular. For example, in this is bukha, in Egypt - zibiba, in - raki. All this is nothing more than vodka, and not the most vodka highest quality. As a rule, it contains a lot of fusel oils, which make intoxication quick and a hangover severe.

You also need to be careful with red wine - it most often causes allergies. So first you need to try just a little, just a few sips. If no negative reaction occurs within 24 hours, then the next day you can be a little bolder and drink a little more.

Don't drink at night

Those who often travel abroad are well aware of one pattern: the morning and afternoon are devoted to an entertainment program - walks, excursions, the beach. But in the evening it’s time to exchange impressions. Alcohol, of course, contributes to this. Therefore, in every hotel in the evening, groups of friends gather and spend time in leisurely conversation. Every now and then someone comes up to the bar to bring another portion of alcoholic drinks. They take even more of them than necessary - this is how people prepare for the closing of the bar.

As a result, the main - often excessive - alcohol consumption occurs in the late evening.

This fact does not have the best effect on health. Firstly, the kidneys suffer. This is why many tourists wake up in the morning with bags under their eyes and even swollen fingers. All this is a consequence of the “alcohol shock” that the urinary system suffered. In addition, the functioning of the heart and liver is disrupted, and digestion suffers.

And let’s not even talk about the mood. From the very morning a person feels overwhelmed and depressed. In general, a whole day of rest is lost. But it costs a lot of money.

Therefore, evening libations should be treated with caution. Semi-sweet wine is considered the safest drink - a couple of glasses of it will not harm anyone.

OB (Off Power)- hotel accommodation only.

BB (Breakfast)- a diet that includes breakfast at the hotel. This can be a buffet or continental breakfast.

HB (Half board)- 2 meals a day at the hotel. Usually this is breakfast and dinner, but some hotels may have breakfast and lunch. Drinks at lunch and dinner are usually not included in the price.

FB (Full board)- 3 meals a day at the hotel (breakfast + lunch + dinner). Drinks at lunch and dinner are usually not included in the price.

Al, All inclusive- a regime that includes not only 3 meals a day, but also Additional services, such as light breakfast, snacks, light dinner. Drinks are included in the price. Sometimes these can only be locally produced drinks, and foreign ones are sold for extra. fee

Types of accommodation

SGL (single)
- single occupancy.

DBL (double)- Double Room.

TRPL (triple)- Triple room.

Suite- accommodation in a luxury room.

ExB (extra bed)- extra bed in a double room.

Tourist's Dictionary

Chld (child)- child (usually the price is indicated for a child in a room with two adults).

SV (sea view)- sea view

Brunch- Eating after breakfast, but before lunch, and replacing both.

Cabana- A building on the beach (or near the pool), such as a bungalow, standing separately from the main building and sometimes equipped as a bedroom.

Complimentary Ticket- Free pass.

Deluxe- Luxury hotel type (private bath and full service).

Duty-freeGoods- Goods not subject to customs tax.

InclusiveTerms- Tariff for accommodation and meals (three times a day).

JuniorSuite*- Large room with an enclosed sleeping area, convertible into a living room during the day.

RestHouse- Small hotel.

RoomBoard*- Information about the hotel room (conditions, service, capabilities).

Safe-DepositBoxes*- Individual section in the storage room where guests store valuables and cash.

ServiceCharge(price of service) - Typically 10 to 20 percent is added to the bill to pay the service department.

Skipper- A guest who left secretly, leaving an unpaid check.

Standby- A passenger who does not have a confirmed reservation, but is waiting at the airport for departure, if seats on the plane will go on sale at the last minute. Many airlines offer very low prices for such passengers.

TouristClass- Also called economy class. In a room of this class, the guest does not have a private bath.

TransientHotel- Hotel for transit guests who stay at the hotel for a short period of time on their way to another hotel ( permanent place recreation).

VeryImportantPassenger(very important passenger (VIP)) - A person to whom special service is intended.