Stewardess at s7. How much do airline pilots and flight attendants earn?

The question of how much flight attendants earn is of interest to many, because this profession is one of the most prestigious in the service sector. Before answering it, it should be clarified that this work is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

A person applying for a job must be prepared for almost constant employment, frequent business trips and flight delays, especially charter flights. Often, such nuances have a negative impact on the families of airline employees.

Requirements for employees

Many girls say I want to become a flight attendant, believing that good looks are 100% success. But this is far from true.

There are certain requirements that employers impose on job applicants:

  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • charm and sociability;
  • diplomacy and patience;
  • good reaction and intelligence;
  • the ability to quickly find a way out of difficult situations and make the right decisions;
  • adequacy.

A special commission carefully checks the presence of the listed qualities and skills.

But the appearance of a flight attendant also plays an important role when hiring. People who are too tall or too short may be rejected. Jobs are more likely to be offered to women and men whose height is 165 cm - 185 cm. It is unlikely that a flight attendant who is overweight will be hired on the plane.

Training options for flight attendant courses

The first thing you need to become a flight attendant in Russia is to undergo special training. There are two options for how to get into flight attendant courses.

  1. A company in need of specialists sends a referral to a candidate selected through an interview and pays for the courses. Training to become a flight attendant lasts 2-3 months and includes theory and practical training. During practice, the student is allowed to fly as a trainee. After passing the exams, which include flying with an instructor, the graduate is given a pre-clearance, and then a permit allowing independent flights. An employee is hired by the airline after passing a flight medical examination.
  2. A person who wants to become a flight attendant pays for courses on his own, which include only theoretical classes. Practices with self-study no, which means there will be no permission to fly. Having passed the medical examination, the graduate begins to look for a job.

But this is not all that is needed to enroll in flight attendant courses. During an interview, employer representatives may ask tricky questions, the answers to which are not always typical. The applicant may be asked about his clothing size and hobbies. Often during an interview, a person's ability to react quickly in the event of an emergency is tested. emergency situation during the flight (fights, threats, heart attacks, etc.).

Advantages and disadvantages of a romantic profession

You can begin to perform your duties only after comparing all the pros and cons of working as a flight attendant.

The obvious advantages of the profession that attract young people include the following aspects:

  • impressive airline employee uniforms;
  • flexible schedule allows you to combine work and leisure;
  • the opportunity to travel for free to different cities and countries;
  • communication with different people;
  • a service ticket allows airline employees to fly “point A – point B – point A” once a year for only 10% of the full ticket price;
  • possibility of obtaining additional profit: sale Duty goods Free on board and tips for additional services.

But working as a flight attendant (steward) has a negative impact on the human body. This is due to pressure fluctuations during takeoffs and landings, sudden changes in climate and time zones. Constantly walking in heels (for women) often causes the appearance of varicose veins, arthrosis and other diseases.

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • exhausting long flights, being in a confined space for several hours;
  • unbalanced and ill-mannered passengers;
  • air pockets, turbulence in which dizziness and nausea often occur.

Factors influencing flight attendant salaries

To determine how much a flight attendant earns on average in rubles, it is necessary to take into account a number of aspects that affect the final amount. The maximum and minimum limits are quite different from each other.

How much flight attendants earn depends on the following criteria:

  • Country of Residence;
  • the authority and scale of the airline;
  • tariffs provided by a particular company;
  • attitude towards employees;
  • level of industry development in the region;
  • flight features (type, complexity, duration, etc.);
  • employee qualifications.

The average salary of a flight attendant in Russia is calculated based on the number of hours spent in flight and varies within the range: 40,000 rubles. for a beginner, 70,000 rub. for an experienced specialist. Highly qualified flight attendants earn at least 100,000 rubles. per month.

How much does an Aeroflot flight attendant, or any other person, earn? Russian airline, depends on the rank assigned based on the experience, skills and knowledge of the specialist:

  • 1st rank is a 3rd class flight attendant;
  • Rank 2 is assigned to an employee who has flown at least 2,000 hours and passed the exam;
  • Rank 3 is given to flight attendants who have spent more than 3,000 hours flying and have shown good results in a knowledge test;
  • Instructors have rank 4;
  • a person with rank 5 is appointed head of the service.

Also, the amount of remuneration depends on additional payments and bonuses provided by the company for conscientious and high-quality performance of duties by employees.

But in Russia?

Average salary for 2016

Answering the question about the salary of flight attendants in 2016, experts talk about the positive growth dynamics of this indicator. From March 2014 to the end of 2015, the wages of flight attendants increased by 5,000 - 7,000 rubles. and amounted to an average of 60,000 rubles. (with surcharges). At the same time, employees working in Moscow and the Moscow region receive the most, where the average varies between 70,000 - 80,000 rubles. per month.

How much a flight attendant earns in Russia in 2015 depends on the geographical component, hours spent in flight, the amount of allowances, length of service, position and rank of the employee.

If we analyze the proposals of employers, we get:

  • the average for Russia is 82,500 rubles;
  • maximum limit – 120,000 rubles;
  • the minimum threshold is RUB 45,000.

It should be taken into account that, for example, the salary of a flight attendant at Aeroflot is several points higher than the monthly income of flight attendants at Transaero. And the salary for specialists at Siberia Airlines has a lower limit of 47,000 rubles.

How much do foreign airlines pay flight attendants?

If we compare how much flight attendants earn in Russia with the earnings of their foreign colleagues, a disappointing conclusion emerges. The average income received by airline employees in America is 200,000 rubles. and more. The list of average salaries for flight attendants for different countries is as follows (in rubles):

  • in Australia and the USA – 200,000 and above;
  • in Germany and Great Britain – 165,000 rubles. and higher;
  • in Kazakhstan – 120,000 rubles;
  • in Belarus and Russia – 70,000 rubles;
  • in Ukraine – 40,000 rubles.

Flight attendants serving large commercial and private airlines (for example, US Airways, Southwest Airlines) usually have high qualifications, model appearance, and a salary of at least 10 thousand US dollars. Based on these facts, we can talk about the influence of the standard of living in the country on the formation of wages.

Features of the profession

Only specialists servicing international flights will be able to receive the maximum salary. To apply for such a job, the applicant must speak several foreign languages ​​(in particular, highly specialized English).

Flight attendants must carefully monitor their appearance: visit beauty and hairdressing salons, play sports, undergo a medical examination on time, and even buy high-quality expensive cosmetics and perfumes.

Not only a woman, but also a man can become a flight attendant. There are no requirements regarding gender issues. But there are still more female flight attendants, even though there are routes served only by stewards. These are usually dangerous flights or flights carrying, for example, men's sports teams.

Despite all the existing shortcomings, the popularity of such work is always on the rise. high level. This is due both to a fairly large salary and the opportunity to travel for free around the country or around the world.

Today, the work of a flight attendant is a popular and interesting profession from the various offers presented on the labor exchange. Today people are sure that such a vacancy is in demand and prestigious, since such work is decently paid, and there are opportunities for a person to see the world. Let's study the intricacies of this profession and find out how much flight attendants receive for such a prestigious, but rather difficult job.

Requirements for employment of flight attendants

Not every girl is suitable for the position of flight attendant. Willing to work and attractive appearance- this is far from full list requirements that the employer imposes on the position of a flight attendant. Indeed, today candidates for such vacancies are subject to rather strict, but necessary, requirements. Let's form this list as follows:

  • fluency in foreign languages;
  • pleasant diction and competent speech;
  • responsibility, communication skills, patience;
  • the ability to control oneself in stressful situations;
  • intelligence.

Along with the listed points, we note that an employee in this field is not embarrassed by long, frequent business trips and almost full-time work. A person applying for such a position periodically has to neglect family connections and loved ones.

A special commission that carefully monitors the selection of employees will not hire people with inappropriate height or excess weight according to the carrier’s criteria. After all, airline personnel officers strictly adhere to the criterion of applicants’ appearance. Candidates with a height of 165 to 185 centimeters are considered here. These requirements will seem too picky to girls, but this is a mandatory regulation when applying for such a job. Readers will find details on how to become a flight attendant.

Salaries of airliner service personnel in Russia

To find out the details, what is the salary of flight attendants? First, let’s formulate a specific list of criteria that will affect the level of income. Thus, the amount of monthly contributions for the work of service personnel by the employer depends on the following indicators:

  • airline ratings;
  • types of flights and designated flights;
  • the applicant's work experience in the chosen field;
  • education;
  • knowledge of English and other foreign languages ​​at an acceptable level.

It is also worth considering in which passenger service class this employee intends to work, because traditionally, work in business class cabins is more prestigious and is paid more than servicing economy flights. Accordingly, the salary of an employee working here is higher. However, holdings like " Aeroflot“They are unlikely to take a newcomer on a flight where they will immediately entrust them with serving business class passengers.

So, how much do flight attendants earn in Russia? Airline personnel answer this question like this. The average salary for a beginner and inexperienced flight attendant is 15,000–20,000 rubles. Over time, having gained the necessary experience and necessary knowledge in flying, girls can increase their monthly income. Experienced aircraft maintenance employees earn from 80 to 100 thousand rubles.

Of course, these are not all the privileges in the workplace - flight attendants, in addition to the basic salary, receive all kinds of bonuses and allowances for a responsible approach to performing their main duties. Any airline also provides travel hours if an employee is forced to be away from home for a long time due to servicing a transatlantic flight.

« Aeroflot» – Russian airlines that are well-known and in demand by customers today. The average salary of a flight attendant of this holding starts from 40,000–55,000 rubles. Moreover, here personnel officers indicate the minimum bar for beginners. Experienced flight attendants with extensive experience and a huge number of hours spent in the air receive between 1,500 and 1,800 dollars for their work.

« Aeroflot"is known among the people not only for the high salaries of its employees. Here, corporate employees and families of employees receive a discount on travel on airliners of this group. Airline employees have the right to take advantage of one free flight annually in the desired direction. Moreover, such a list includes all countries of the world.

Profession income level in other countries

Of course, if you compare flight attendants who work for airlines in Australia and North America, their earnings will differ significantly from our Russian colleagues in big side. Undoubtedly, the salaries of flight attendants or stewards abroad are much higher. The highest earnings today are among airline workers in England, the United States and Australia.. For example, American or British flight attendants expect a monthly income of $3,500, while representatives of an Australian company expect about $4,000.

Moreover, the specified amount is not the limit for the responsible employee. The earnings of individual employees of foreign airlines exceed ten thousand dollars. This level of income is largely dependent on employment on private flights or high-end airlines, where job responsibilities flight attendants are much broader and more complex than those of representatives of other flights. According to world statistics, the most prestigious and highly paid airlines abroad are considered “ Southwest Airlines" And " US Airways».

Positive and negative aspects of the profession

The prospects for this type of employment initially impress newcomers. In addition to all kinds of discounts and bonuses received, duty-free stores offer special privileges for such employees. Here flight attendants purchase high-quality and expensive alcohol at the lowest possible prices. Such a purchase can be presented to a loved one or given as a token of attention to close friends.

In addition to a good salary, flight attendants are offered discounts in Duty Free stores

Do not forget that people of this profession make interesting acquaintances and regularly meet world celebrities and popular figures. There are quite a few advantages to working as a flight attendant, but there are also negative aspects that, unfortunately, cannot be avoided.

Among the negativity of the profession, the first place is occupied by long and sometimes very exhausting routes. Some beginners suffer from such flights at first. At first, employees complain of motion sickness during the flight.

Over time, such hardships pass, but until the body gets used to it, you will have to endure such inconveniences. There are different situations at work - you often come across aggressive and ill-mannered passengers, but the task of a flight attendant is to be friendly, smiling and communicate politely with all the company's clients. After all, the ability to resolve a conflict without offending a person determines both the size of bonus payments to the employee and the prestige of the company.

Charter transportation

We found out that earnings for flight attendants on intercontinental and international flights is 20,000–100,000 rubles, Now we’ll find out how much flight attendants get paid when charter flights. Of course, compared to other routes, people consider such a flight to be prestigious and highly paid. If an airline has ordered a charter plane, any of the flight attendants wants to work on such a flight.

Airlines pay for servicing VIP charters at a special rate - here an hour of work costs from 5,000 rubles

With this type of flight, employees on board the aircraft are able to communicate with interesting people and at the same time earn from 5,000 rubles per hour of work. Charters predominantly book business people for flying to a business conference or meeting with partners. Companies of ordinary people also use such services if they want to spend a weekend at a resort. In this case, an aircraft cabin employee accompanies passengers throughout the flight.

If the company is on vacation and the services of a flight attendant are not needed, the employee has free time. To use it profitably, it is advisable to take a walk, relax or spend time on the beach if the plane lands near the coast. We also note the fact that if a flight attendant serves a transatlantic or intercontinental charter flight, the airline provides such an employee with free meals and overnight stays at the airline’s hotel or another hotel in the world of the employer’s partner.

Taking into account the desires of young girls seeking to start a successful career in the role, we will tell you how to make their dreams come true. The job application is submitted to the airport human resources department. If the criteria established by the company and personal data do not differ, there is a chance to try your hand at such an interesting and exciting profession. In addition, sometimes it is appropriate to show persistence, especially when the girl does not imagine the possibility of working in a different direction.

Traditionally, throughout the world, the profession of a flight attendant is considered prestigious and highly paid.
Today, the earnings of Russian flight attendants vary between 20,000-100,000 rubles
Aeroflot Group offers employees the highest salaries in the country
British Airways flight attendants earn from $3,500 per month

Hello! My name is Margarita. I really want to be a flight attendant in your company s7 Airlines.
I love it very much civil aviation and everything related to flying. I am ready to devote myself completely to work. I’m not at all intimidated by the complexity and mode of the profession.
I'm 35, I look 20-25 years old. Height 166, weight 52, clothing size 44. Excellent health. I am not interested in the income of the profession, the main thing is the love of work. I want to learn
work competently and serve people.
I have two higher educations: economics, accountant; musical, conductor, teacher.
Extensive experience in working, helping and communicating with people, as well as volunteer service - helping those in need in difficult life situations. My goal is to have my favorite job as a flight attendant.
I was born and live with permanent residence in Domodedovo, near the airport. (I constantly admire the takeoff turn over my house).
English pre-intermediate, Italian Elementary.
tel.8 916 105 23 83
Mail [email protected]
If you consider my candidacy, I will be a very diligent worker, very fond of my passengers, airplanes and work.

Here's my resume:

Position: Flight attendant
Phone 8-916-105-23-83
Email: [email protected]

Personal Information
Danilkina Margarita Vladimirovna

Permanent residence address
Russia M.O. Domodedovo ( Domodedovo district With. Konstantinovo, 78.)
Date of Birth
October 29, 1982
Family status
not married, no children.
Russian citizenship
Height 167
Weight 52
Clothing size 44
English Pre-Intermediate, Italian Elementary.

2005-2010 Russian State Humanitarian University, Faculty of Economics, specialty Economist.
2016 Moscow State Institute of Culture, Faculty of Vocal Arts, Specialty: Conductor teacher.
Additional education
2006 Course PC user, certificate; 2007 Accounting course (1C: accounting-7.7), certificate; 2007 Course “automation of warehouse and commodity accounting (1C: Trade and warehouse-7.7), certificate.

Professional skills
The ability to get along with people, quickly find contact, the ability to find an individual approach to people, attentiveness to others, the ability to smooth out any conflict situations, the ability to quickly make decisions in emergency situations, the ability to communicate competently and politely with people, knowledge of etiquette and behavior, serving and helping people, volunteer service - helping people in difficult situations.

additional information
no bad habits, excellent health, personal car, driver's license category B.

Personal qualities
Sociability, friendliness, resistance to stress, dedication, ability to work in a team, quick learning, diligence, delicacy, accuracy, friendliness, desirability, ability to get along with people, desire to serve and help people.

2016 - present tense. Religious organization "Elevation of the Cross Jerusalem Stauropegial Convent" Domodedovo;
Church choir leader
Management of various services and events with people; professional performance of ensemble parts, management of methodology and process in the service of divine services; training adults and children in the field of musical and vocal knowledge.

2013 – 2016 LLC “Lux Design-M”, Domodedovo;
Accounting; settlements with suppliers and customers; maintaining books of purchases and sales, invoices and reconciliations; accounting for sales of products, provision of services through banks and cash desks; calculations with accountable persons; preparation of reports on income and expenses of the enterprise; enterprise costs, deferred expenses, settlements with various debtors and creditors; maintaining non-operating income and expenses, control of current accounts, powers of attorney, advance reports; carrying out inventories.

2012 - 2013 LLC Design and Production Association "Dom" Domodedovo;
Senior Engineer
Ensuring trouble-free operation of all types of equipment; monitoring the correct operation of equipment, timely and high-quality repairs; exercising control and fulfilling safety and security responsibilities; compliance with established requirements, current norms, rules and standards.

2010 - 2011 GBUSO MO Domodedovo SRCN "Family" Domodedovo;
Material warehouse manager
Managing the warehouse operations for receiving, storing and issuing inventory, their placement and accounting; facilitating and accelerating the search for necessary materials, equipment, etc.; ensuring the safety of stored inventory, compliance with storage regimes, rules for registration and delivery of receipts and expenditure documents; monitoring the availability and serviceability of fire fighting equipment, the condition of premises, equipment and inventory and ensuring timely repairs; participation in conducting inventories of inventory items; control and accounting of warehouse operations; compliance with safety rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection; maintaining cleanliness and order in the workplace.
Date of compilation: 10/07/2018

Thank you for reading my resume.
I really hope that I can become a flight attendant!

The work of a flight attendant has always been surrounded by an aura of romance and mystery. Boys and girls dreamed of becoming flight attendants or air hostesses, because the opportunity to travel is the dream of any child. And in the dreams of a grown-up child, this is also an opportunity to travel for free.

Many girls, dreaming of becoming flight attendants, see this as an opportunity to get married successfully, boys - just to see the world. But these dreams do not always coincide with reality, because The work is difficult both physically and mentally and is not always compatible with the understanding of normal family life. But, nevertheless, the dreams of many come true - they get this job and do not regret it. So how to become a flight attendant, and what is the salary of a flight attendant in Russia and in other countries?

Average salaries for flight attendants aircraft

The salary of flight attendants is much higher.

table 2

Average all-Russian salaries of flight attendants

Benefits for flight attendants

  • Receiving a percentage of the price of goods sold on the plane.
  • The vacation lasts 42 days (up to 70 days on some airlines).
  • All employees and their relatives have a discount on flights with the company.
  • A flight attendant/steward has the right to a free flight to any region of the world once a year.
  • Responsible employees receive additional bonuses.
  • Pregnant flight attendants are not fired, but transferred to ground staff. After maternity leave and returning to work, they are given a “refreshing course” so that they can remember all the nuances of work.

Positive aspects of being a flight attendant/steward

Negative aspects of the profession of a flight attendant/steward

  • Long business trips.
  • Physical activity (you have to stand a lot, pressure changes, time zone changes, walking in heels).
  • The need to combat air sickness is a consequence of turbulence.
  • The mood should always be good, even if you come across a “difficult” passenger.
  • Serious airlines do not hire people without experience.
  • Problems may arise in family life.
  • The birth of a child may be at risk.
  • than ships sink or trains derail, but in any case a person swims better than he flies.

How much do flight attendants earn?

Salaries in different countries

If we compare the salaries of Russian flight attendants/stewards and foreign ones, the difference is visible to the naked eye (Table 3).

Table 3

Air hostess salary in different countries

How much do flight attendants earn in different countries?

Salary in different airlines

To understand how the salary of a flight attendant/steward is determined, let’s give an example of the requirements for working in business aviation:

Education higher, specialized secondary, knowledge of language (English), correct speech.
Employment combination, shift work
Previous work experience service sector, flight attendant in business classes
Required compulsory training (2 weeks) educational program“Luxury and VIP service in business aviation” with a certificate
Responsibilities luxury level service on charter flights, VIP service, ordering meals, aircraft equipment and order in the cabin, 2 weeks work - 2 weeks off.
Salary 2-4 thousand euros per month, daily allowance – 5-7 thousand rubles. in a day
Special conditions concluding an agreement with a foreign company, flying around the world

The average salary of a flight attendant depends not so much on the country, but on the airline and its popularity in the world (Table 4).

Table 4

Airline Salary of a flight attendant/steward (per month)
S7 (Siberia, Russia)" 25-70 thousand rubles.
Utair (UTair, Russia) from 30 thousand rubles.
Ural Airlines ( Ural Airlines, Russia) 70 thousand rubles.
Emirates (Emirates, United United Arab Emirates) 160-180 thousand rubles
Azur air (Russia, Azur air) 70 thousand rubles.
Air Astana (Kazakhstan, Eir Astana) 120 thousand rubles.
Qatar Airways (Qatar) 2300-2500 dollars.
Pobeda (“Pobeda”, Russia) 60 thousand rubles.
UIA (Ukraine International Airlines) 15 thousand hryvnia
Lufthansa (Germany) 2-7 thousand euros

Where do future flight attendants study?

  • Airlines are announcing a competition for flight attendant positions.
  • After passing the interview, the applicant is sent to a medical examination.
  • In case of successful selection, a referral is issued to courses paid for by the company, which last from two to three months.
  • A stipend is paid during your studies.
  • If the exams are successfully passed, 30 hours of work with an instructor begin. After this, a preliminary permit is issued, and later a permit to work independently. A flight attendant/steward receives an entry level of experience – 3rd class.
  • Training can be carried out independently and at personal expense. The search for work also occurs independently.

Economist. More than 15 years of experience in finance. Date: October 4, 2018. Reading time 7 min.

On average in Russia, flight attendants earn 80,000 rubles. per month. The highest average payment was recorded in the Altai Territory – 150,000 rubles. Airlines in the USA, England and Australia are famous for their high salaries - they pay flight attendants more than 200,000 rubles. per month.

The work of a flight attendant is not only dangerous, but also difficult: constant pressure changes, “difficult” passengers, different time zones. You can only dream about relaxation. But there are also advantages: you can meet some celebrity or just a good man, travel the world for free. The benefits provided by companies are simply amazing: free ticket to any country, discounts on ticket purchases, up to 70 days of vacation per year. But how much do they pay for such an interesting but difficult job, how much do flight attendants earn? The average income in Russia is 80,000 rubles. per month.

Period Income
Year 960,000 rub.
Month 80,000 rub.
Day RUB 2,630
Hour 109 rub.
Minute 1.8 rub.
Second 0.03 rub.

Source: visasam

Qualities a flight attendant should have

When hiring a flight attendant, the manager looks not only at education, but also at the person’s qualities:

  • height not higher than 180 cm, but not lower than 165 cm;
  • good appearance, clothing size no more than 46;
  • patience and quick response in emergency situations;
  • accuracy, punctuality, hygiene;
  • good sense of humour;
  • knowledge of the basics of ethics, civility and diplomacy;
  • correct speech and good diction;
  • no tattoos or piercings;
  • ability to swim.

There are many requirements to work as a flight attendant, but there are also a lot of advantages:

  • a great opportunity to meet interesting people;
  • one of the highest paid professions in Russia;
  • beautiful shape;
  • shift work schedule;
  • there is a sufficiently long period of time between flights during which the steward will be able to explore the city and get acquainted with the sights;
  • The airline pays for food and hotel accommodation;
  • purchasing products in duty free;
  • retirement age is 45 years old;
  • a huge number of additional payments and social benefits.

But where there are pros, there are also cons:

  • “air sickness” – the consequences of turbulence;
  • long business trips;
  • physical activity (walking in heels, pressure changes, jet lag);
  • large airlines do not hire people without experience;
  • even if you encounter an unpleasant passenger, the mood should be good;
  • pregnancy may cause problems with work;
  • plane crashes happen less often than trains derail or ships sink, but a person can swim, but not fly;
  • Problems may arise in family life.

Flight attendants salary

Earnings depend on many factors:

  • popularity and demand of the airline;
  • level of personnel education;
  • fluency in foreign languages;
  • hours flown;
  • attitude of management towards workers;
  • time spent en route (the longer the flight, the higher the salary);
  • passenger class;
  • experience;
  • region of residence;
  • flight route;
  • VIP flights (for 1 hour of flight they pay 5,000 rubles);
  • percentage of products sold on board the aircraft.

Working for international flights, you don’t have to worry about your salary - it will always be high. Wage also depends on the class served - when working in business class and above, the amount will be higher.

The main stages of career growth for flight attendants:

  • 3rd grade;
  • 2nd grade;
  • 1 class;
  • senior flight attendant;
  • business class flight attendant.

For long flights, flight attendants receive additional travel and daily allowances.

Table 3. Average salary of flight attendants for 5 years

Source: russia.trud

Steward benefits

The airline provides its employees with a discount of up to 90% on the purchase of tickets to any country with which there are air connections. The discount also applies to relatives of workers.

Reference! The company issues one free ticket for any flight once a year.

The duration of the vacation depends on the company itself. In small companies there are only 42 vacation days, while in large companies it reaches 70 days.

Some large companies provide their employees with free company apartments, free health insurance and partially reimburse the costs of food, kindergartens and utilities.

Salary by region

Moscow flight attendants earn an average of 102,000 rubles. And the highest average earnings were recorded in the Altai Territory - 150,000 rubles.

Table 4. Salaries of flight attendants by region

Source: russia.trud

Salaries in Russian airlines

Each company has its own price tag, some more, some less.


The highest paid company compared to other carriers. Even the minimum salary for flight attendants at Aeroflot is much higher than the salary of flight attendants at other airlines.

When applying to Aeroflot, the minimum wage is 40,000 rubles. per month. After a certain period of time, when the flight attendant accumulates enough flight time, she will be able to improve her qualifications and her salary to $1,800 per month.


As in any other enterprise, the salary is influenced by standard factors: length of service, knowledge of languages, education. S7 cannot boast of colossal sums, but the salary is in the region of 25–70 thousand rubles. satisfied with the majority of workers.


The carrier differs from others in that secondary education is sufficient to be hired. Subsequent training is carried out by the company itself at their own expense.

Utair specifically made hiring easy. Here, aspiring flight attendants can gain experience and move on to a more well-known airline. But, however, because of such easy requirements, you will have to sacrifice your salary - it is only 30,000 rubles. per month.


The company, like Utair, trains its employees. Upon completion of studies, a corresponding certificate is issued with subsequent employment. The salary is not as high as in Aeroflot or S7 - on average they pay 50,000 rubles, but the advantage is free training.


Due to working in difficult conditions, constant shift atmospheric pressure, different time zones and climates, flight attendants are allowed: women at 45 years old, and men at 50. But provided that they have worked for 15 and 20 years.

The pension itself depends on the amount of insurance contributions and work experience. On average, the amount of pension payments is 20–25 thousand rubles.

How much do flight attendants earn abroad?

When comparing the salaries of domestic flight attendants and foreign ones, Russian ones lose a little.

On this moment The airlines that pay flight attendants the highest are located in the USA, Australia and England - $3,000-4,000. per month. They are followed by carriers from Germany - 165,000 rubles. Air Astana and Euro-Asia Air are located in Kazakhstan and can compete with many foreign firms. The average salary of flight attendants is 120,000 rubles.

Unfortunately, airlines from Belarus and Russia can boast an average salary of 80,000 rubles. UIA (Ukraine International Airlines) pays its flight attendants only 40,000 rubles.

Interesting facts about the profession of flight attendants

Every profession has its quirks, and working as a steward also has plenty of them:

  • the time during which passengers get on and off board is not paid;
  • passengers are not informed about the death of a person on the plane;
  • a person who tries to open the door will be handcuffed and handed over to security;
  • . Higher education. Orenburgsky State University(specialization: economics and management of heavy engineering enterprises).
    October 4, 2018.