Addresses of 2 Russian search engines. Russian-language search engines on the Internet

To begin with, what is a “Search Engine”?

Search system – hardware and software
complex with a web interface that provides
ability to search for information on the Internet.

In common parlance, under the search engine,
mean the website on which the
interface (front-end) of the system.

The software part of a search engine is the search engine.
machine (search engine) – a set of programs that provides the functionality of a search system and is commercial
secret search engine company.

Most search engines look for information on websites
World Wide Web, but there are also systems that can
search for files on ftp servers, products in online stores,
as well as information in Usenet newsgroups. how to use search sites

Using search sites is easy!

Any search site has a search bar.
At the end of the line, on Russian-language sites there is “find”,
and on English-language sites - “search” (search).

You need to type in the search bar what you want to find
and press either the “find” button on the site, or the key
Enter on your keyboard.

But what you are looking for is !

There are some rules and tricks for successful
search. How to write a search query correctly - see
in the right column of this page.

Teaser advertising from

The most famous search sites

The most famous search sites

Russian search engines and directories

Russian search engines and directories (Yandex) is the largest Russian Internet search engine; (rambler) - information retrieval system in Russia; (Google) - search engine, advanced Internet search; (mail) - free mail, web rating, Internet services; ( - world encyclopedia; (nigma) - multi-search system of Moscow State University; (microsoft MSN) - search engine, mail, news; (yahoo) - searches. catalogue, mail, internet services; (aport) - search engine, online catalog of Russia; (metabot) is a Russian multi-meta search engine; (life Internet) - site ratings, statistics; (yellow pages) - phone. database, addresses of companies; (zero nine) - information search system, web rating; (webalta) - website rating, free. Email; (gougou) - from, advanced Internet search; (zone ru) - multiportal, site search, news, media; (filesearch) - searches for files on FTP servers; (spylog) - website rating, Internet statistics service; (portal Cyril and Methodius) - encyclopedia, free. mail.

Most “Russian-language” search engines index and search texts
in many languages ​​- Ukrainian, Belarusian, English, etc. They differ
from “all-language” systems that index all documents in a row, in that they mainly index resources located in domain zones where the Russian language dominates or in other ways limit their robots to Russian-language sites.

Yandex (61.3% of Runet) (8.5% of Runet)
Rambler (1.9% of Runet)
Nigma (0.3% of Runet)

Not all of the listed search engines have their own search engine.
algorithm - this is how uses the Yandex search engine, and Nigma combines
contains both its own algorithm and combined results from other search engines.

According to LiveInternet as of September 2012, in Russia
search engine shares are distributed as follows:

Yandex - 52.8%, Google - 33.9%, Mail.Ru - 8.4%, Rambler - 1.2%.

world search engines and catalogs

World search engines and directories

Search is possible in Russian
and other languages ​​in Russia and the World!

Search for Russian sites - enter words in Russian
(what to look for) and press the search button.
And that’s it – the result is in Russian! (altavista) - multilingual search engine; (Google) - advanced Internet search; (microsoft MSN) - search engine, mail, news; (gigablast) - resource, Internet search engine; (ask) is a kind of resource, an Internet search engine; (put) - search engine with clustering of results; (entriveb) - a search engine with site previews; (yahoo) - search directory of sites, mail, services; (olzeweb) - site search, robot, together with yahoo; (aol) - website search, robot, together with Google; (dmoz) - site directory No. 1, web project of Netscape and AOL; (search) - Internet multi-meta search engine; (amphibian) - Internet search engine; is the No. 1 encyclopedia in the world. From the search. Wikipedia; (Walhello) - Internet search engine;

According to Net Applications in November 2011, the use of
search engines in the West were distributed as follows:

Google - 83.87%
Yahoo - 6.20%
Baidu - 4.22%;
Bing - 3.69%;
Yandex - 1.7%;
Ask - 0.57%;
AOL - 0.36%.

From the history of the search engine

From the history of the “Search Engine”

One of the first Internet search tools
(before WWW) was Archie. The first search engine for
The World Wide Web was "Wandex", no longer in existence
the index that created the "World Wide Web Wanderer" -
bot developed by Matthew Gray from
MIT in 1993.
Also in 1993, a search engine appeared
"Aliweb", still working.

The first full-text (so-called “crawler-based”, that is,
indexing resources using a robot) search engine
the system became “WebCrawler”, launched in 1994. In contrast
from its predecessors, it allowed users
search any keywords on any web page –
it has since become the standard in all major search engines
systems. In addition, it was the first search engine about which
was known in wide circles. Launched in 1994
"Lycos", developed at Carnegie Melon University.

Soon many other competing
search engines such as "Excite", "Infoseek", "Inktomi",
Northern Light and AltaVista. In a sense they
competed with popular online catalogs such as
like "Yahoo!" Later the directories merged or added to themselves
search engines to increase functionality.

In 1996, Russian-speaking Internet users
a morphological extension to the search engine has become available
Altavista machine and original Russian search engines
Rambler and Aport cars. Opened on September 23, 1997
search engine Yandex.

Lately it has been gaining more and more
popularity of the practice of using cluster methods
analysis and metasearch. From international cars such
"Clusty" became the most famous
Vivisimo company.

In 2005, in Russian spaces with the support
MSU launched the Nigma search engine, supporting
automatic clustering. Opened in 2006
Russian metamachine Quintura, offering visual
clustering in the form of a keyword cloud. Nigma too
experimented with visual clustering.

In addition to search engines for the World Wide Web,
there were also search engines for other protocols,
such as Archie to search by anonymous
FTP servers and "Veronica" for Gopher searches.

Sources for describing search sites: Search engines Search engines and catalogs

Good day to everyone, my dear friends and readers of my blog. Today I want to tell you about the most famous search engines on the Internet in Russian. Internet resources are used for the daily work and leisure of a huge number of people.

And in order to get what is needed or interesting, search engines are used, which are a hardware and software complex for quick search information necessary for the user, stored on servers (special computers) of the Internet.

The frequency of use of a search engine is determined, firstly, by how relevant the data it provides, and secondly, by how quickly it does so. The main selection criteria are:

  • completeness and accuracy of the results found;
  • data relevance;
  • finding speed;
  • clarity of the interface.

In Russia, the most popular search engines are Yandex, Mail, Rambler and some others. But I would like to provide you with a more detailed list of these systems so that you have a more complete understanding of all this. is the most popular within the Russian-language Internet. Search queries can be written in both English and Russian. The motto of the Yandex website is “Everything can be found!” and indeed, they are provided with high-quality and fast provision of information.

Personally, I have been using this search engine by default for more than 10 years and I really like it. And for any webmaster it is simply of great importance, since any of them will work hard to ensure that their site is found in this particular system.

It has a huge index base, which means it can find almost everything. The conclusion of the information found is rational. Yandex is constantly developing. It offers more and more popular services, for example, news, maps, weather forecast, email, Yandex. money. By the way, I wrote here, so if you are interested in this, be sure to read it.

Currently, the share of Yandex use in Russia is about 56 percent. That is, the majority of the country's population prefers to use this particular browser.


And here is the main competitor of the aforementioned Yasha. Yes, this system is certainly not Russian, but one of its founders is our compatriot Sergei Brin. True, he was taken to the states while still a child, so he can hardly be called Russian. If you are interested, then you can read the ones I have collected for you.

Be that as it may, Google is the most popular system in the world and is still the second most popular in Russia.

For today 38 percent All search queries in Russia go through Google

Search is very popular among Russian-speaking network users. But not many people use the search engine of the same name. By itself, it is ordinary and unremarkable, so it cannot yet withstand competitors such as the aforementioned Yandex and Google. Although I doubt that he will try to conquer the top of search engines. It is enough for him that he has the most popular post office in Russia. But still ours 5 percent of the total number of requests it has.

In addition, the site contains a huge number of applications, interesting games, and also has its own social network. Applications have been developed that allow searching by voice.

Rambler is one of the earliest options and used to be one of the most popular search engines in the Russian language, along with Yandex. And for the first couple of years I actively used it as the default search engine, until I switched to Yandex. Now it is not used very actively (I would even say not actively at all), although it has good quality and excellent speed.

It is also a popular RuNet media portal where you can use mail, find out last news about various areas of life. By the way, it has proven itself quite well as a media and news portal, and I know many people who specifically go to Rambler to read the latest news.

Despite its former popularity, Rambler today owns less 0.5 percent of the total number of requests on the Internet.

WebAlta is one of the new Russian search engines. It is developing well and already reflects more than 1 billion documents, which is a good result. It is easily customizable according to users' preferences. The setting is visualized, and changing the query is immediately reflected in the results.

But how it irritated me a couple of years ago, when after installing any application, Webalta became the default home page and search engine. I actually thought it was some kind of virus. Therefore, I will say again: “”.

Well, I won’t even talk about the share of search traffic, since it is negligible.

Nigma is a modern Russian intelligent metasearch system. It uses a modern cluster approach, which improves the quality and completeness of the process. The site includes mathematical and chemical subsystems for solving a variety of problems and standard user services.

But so far this is probably the least popular service of all those presented above. Although you can try it in action. Perhaps you will like everything). Well, as far as you understand, the traffic here is also so low that you don’t even have to turn it on.

Please tell me what search engines you use? I'm asking for a reason. The fact is that I recently found out that one of my friends uses Rambler. And to be honest, I was surprised that some of my friends did not use Yandex or Google. I’ve just been hooked on Yandex since the mid-2000s and it is my favorite search engine.

Well, now, in principle, I think that you, in principle, know all the main search engines in Russian, and draw conclusions about which one is more interesting to you. But it’s true that it will be difficult for others to compete with two giants

Well, I guess I’ll finish my article today. I hope you liked it. If so, then be sure to visit me again. Good luck to you. Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

In this article you will find an overview of Russian search engines - domestic developments and global search engines adapted for RuNet. Let's make a small rating from the list of search engines in Russia.

History of search engines in the world and Russia

It all started, of course, with websites and website directories that systematized information about them. But there were more and more sites, and it was not clear how to quickly display search results on several sites and compare them in order to get the highest quality result in response to the question. This problem has been brewing little by little since the advent of the Internet.

But the prerequisite for the emergence of global systems for searching information on the Internet has been in place for a long time - as the number of sites grows geometrically and sites appear in regional languages ​​other than English. Moreover, not only the total number of sites grew, but the number of pages on each of them also increased. Therefore it was necessary automated system indexing, ranking.

Well, with the increase in the number of Internet users around the world to more than 3 billion, the demand and popularity of search engines has increased. You have to somehow navigate this sea of ​​information on the World Wide Web.

This is how the first search engine Altavista appeared, then Yahoo, Google and others.

List of search engines on the world Internet

Currently, there are many search engines on the international Internet, the leader among which is the American Google.

List of world search engines in alphabetical order:

  1. Baidu;
  2. Bing;
  3. DuckDuckGo;
  4. Gigablast;
  5. Google Search;
  7. Startpage (Ixquick);
  8. YaCy;
  9. Yahoo! Search;
  10. Yandex Search.

Against the backdrop of the comprehensive dominance of the Google search engine, adapted to many local languages ​​and built into all Android smartphones by default, other market players are trying to introduce new features for users or take advantage of other opportunities for their promotion.

For example, DuckDuckGo cares about the privacy and security of its users’ data (it does not monitor them or sell this information to third parties), and Bing from Microsoft is promoted as a built-in search engine in the EDGE browser of the Windows 10 operating system.

Since the appearance of the first search engines, many of them have already ceased to exist. Others were consumed. Yahoo has generally become a diversified company, the significant income of which came not from search, but from investments in Internet services and startups.

Now it is probably impossible to enter this market without significant investments in marketing, science and technology. After all, behind the minimalist search query input line hides a resource- and capital-intensive mechanism, thousands of working employees and hundreds of thousands of man-hours already invested in search engines in the recent past.

And even then, users are very inert and have already formed search preferences that are difficult to change. An example of this is Microsoft's unsuccessful attempts to take a significant share of search on PCs. In many ways, this situation has developed due to the unpopularity of MS browsers among users.

So, ordinary users can only choose the best search service for themselves, and also wait for even greater consolidation and monopolization of existing search engines, or the emergence of new startups in this area.

Major search engines in RuNet

The Russian market has been dominated by Yandex for more than a decade, gradually losing its share under the strong pressure of the harsh Google. Actually, these two players are the main dominant search engines in RuNet. It will not be possible to construct a rating, because at the moment the market division is almost 50/50.

Note! Promotion under Yandex is different from promotion under Google. How to promote a website in Yandex - .

Google came to Russia in 2004 and since then, percentage by percentage, it has been taking away the leadership from the Russian search engine Yandex, but it still hasn’t taken it away. This situation is not unique in the global market; there are at least 2 more countries where Google’s search engine has encountered serious resistance: the Czech Republic and China (PRC).

In order to get a quick idea of ​​the search market in RuNet, follow the link;total=yes

After the PS closed key phrases from other people’s counters, Liveinternet statistics retained their value, if only because they count transitions from Yandex and Google searches. And this is what we see:

And over a period of 2 years, a narrowing of the gap is really visible - Google is catching up and striking back at the Russian search engine.

But how is this possible? Very simple. You probably remember that modern front-end developers adhere to the “mobile first” principle? And it’s not without reason - the Internet really smoothly transitions from desktop to mobile.

What do we have on our smartphones and tablets? That's right, Android. What search is installed by default on Android? That's right, Google Search.

That's it. If the Android startup had been bought by Samsung and not Google, everything could have been different.

Returning to RuNet and search engines, one cannot help but note the gradual decline in the share of searches from, floating around 5-6%. It is used by visitors to Group websites.

There are also so-called second-tier search engines: Rambler, Nigma. Although it would be more correct not to take them into account at all. Rambler (as a company) had many problems with management and Rambler search “died” over time, unable to cope with marketing competition and the technological race. Nygma, in turn, never took off - probably because Russian Internet surfers had already formed user habits and preferences.

Thus, over the 10-15 years of the formation of the “search” Runet, Yandex has lost the title of unconditional and unconditional leader and is now competing on equal terms with the American giant: losing somewhere, winning somewhere.

Moreover, the trend is clearly losing. But let's see, in 2016 no one knows what Yandex is ready to do to retain its search share. Maybe it will be high-tech competition, or maybe an equally ruthless administrative resource - Yandex is already testing the waters, having recently filed a lawsuit against Google in the FAS and won the case. Who knows, maybe Roskomnadzor will block Google on the territory of the Russian Federation 😀 Of course, nothing funny, but I’m no longer sure of anything.

Search engine markets on the global Internet

Moving from the Russian market to the world market, I’ll just note that there’s nothing interesting there. Google's almost limitless dominance. Of course, there are interesting situations in local markets, and I’ll tell you about them.

Türkiye. Yandex entered the Turkish market 5 years ago and by 2016 fixed at around 5-7%%.

China. Baidu dominates, the Chinese government strongly protects the local market. And even a Westerner can’t figure out hieroglyphs without a bottle - such a feature of the local market still affects the quality of the search.

CIS. Yandex is also on approximately equal footing with Google, losing a little in some places and winning a little in others. The downward trend is more obvious than on the Russian market.

USA. The American market traditionally remains the place where other large TNCs - Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo - are ready to “punch Google in the face”, using all possible resources. This is not an uncompetitive little thing that cannot resist. It is not surprising that Google’s share is not a monopoly, but barely exceeds 60-62% as of 2016.

Microsoft's Bing is growing steadily, and the company itself understands the importance of the ecosystem and is playing catch-up with Android. They bought Nokia and are producing smartphones with Windows on board, rolling out a new operating system for desktops and tablets and promoting the convenient Edge browser. People are working. Yahoo doesn't give up either.

That’s probably all that can be said about search engines in Russia and the CIS, on the world Internet. The most popular of them are well-known and firmly hold their places in the global ranking of convenient search services for Internet users.

This article is relevant for 2016 and time will tell who will become the new king of the hill in Russia and the world, and who will leave the market. Users have no choice but to watch, vote with their rubles and their feet. That is, with your hands.

This material will be useful both to those people who are involved in search engine optimization, and to those who do not have this in their plans. In order to effectively promote websites, it is important to know what search engines exist and the basic principles of their operation. For others, the information will be useful for general development.

Everyone knows that there are a huge number of sites on the World Wide Web and you need to be able to navigate them. Otherwise, a person will limit his visits to those resources that he knows well, but where is the guarantee that other resources will not be better and more useful information? Initially, people exchanged links, and later directories of links began to appear, sorted by topic. With the help of directories, users had the opportunity to find more interesting sites for themselves, however, searching for information was still problematic. At this time, search engines appeared.

Among the many search engines, . is the leader by a huge margin. In 1998, Stanford University students Sergey Brin and Larry Page created this system. Sergey made a mistake in the word Googol (the number 10 to the power of 100), and that’s how the name Google came about. Today Google is a major search engine and works in 191 languages.

If we consider Russian search engines, then the leader in this segment is the one everyone knows. Among all requests in the Russian-language network, 60% came from this system in 2010. In the same year, the company launched to enter the global market.

Russian search engines divided the market segment of Russian-language search engines as follows (according to data for October 2013):

  1. Yandex – 54.0% (main search + image search);
  2. Google - 34.9%; (main search + image search)
  3. Mile. Ru – 8.8%;
  4. Rambler – 1.0%;
  5. Bing – 0.7%;
  6. Other search engines are 0.2% or less.

is a Russian-language version of the text version of the search engine launched by Microsoft in 2009. It's not currently ahead of Google. However, the size of the index file is comparable to its counterparts in Google, but in all other respects, in determining the relevance of search queries, Bing is still inferior to its strong competitor. The system has standard search engine capabilities, the ability to search by pictures and videos.

When considering Russian search engines, one cannot help but mention the one that appeared back in 1996. After 6 years, a modernization was carried out, allowing this search engine to become one of the leaders.

In 2008, the mail service search module was launched. At the same time, the Google search engine module is used as a software engine, which provides this search engine with high quality. At the same time, indexing and collecting mail information. Ru performs independently, which explains the different results for the same search query. The limited search form allows you to filter queries by keyword location, file type, and domain.

In the second half of 1990, it was developed. It is outdated, has a limited page index, only 70 million. Certain characteristics are valuable: subsystem for delivering results: the searched words are displayed in the context of the document, which immediately allows the user to determine whether the document is interesting to him.

Nygma is an experimental project using artificial intelligence. In some cases, it anticipates search queries and provides answers without referring to primary sources, deciphers abbreviations, solves formulas, and gives clarifying tips when searching in English.

American company(Yahoo) is the second most popular in the world - 7.57%. In accordance with the 2009 agreement, as of 2012 in America and Canada, searches are carried out on the Yahoo website by the Bing search engine. The portal also includes a popular email service. Yahoo! Mail in 2004 launched a new version of the mail interface, which became based on AJAX. is a system whose feature is answering questions. The service was founded in 1996 in Brkley by Davis Wharton and Garrett Gruner. Initially, the service was built on the basis of a search engine, written by Harry Chevsky. is a domestic search engine, developed by Mail.Ru, launched in June 2007. The company acquired the domain back in 2000. 6 years later, development began, headed by Mikhail Kostin, creator of the Aport search engine. The investment amount was 700 thousand dollars.

The search results differ from the built-in system based on the Yandex search engine. According to specialized statistical companies, the quality of its search results is at a good level.

Distinctive features are search in Russian using video recordings, as well as answers based on project data. The developers provide the ability to filter search results by topic. It is possible to limit the issuance of commercial, information, and user sources.

In 2008, based on gogo. Ru has 2.5 billion documents, 2 million videos, 140 million images and 86 million answers.

In this article we briefly reviewed the most popular search engines in Russia; read more about each of these search engines in the following articles.

Search system- a software and hardware complex with a web interface that provides the ability to search for information on the Internet.

A search engine usually means a website on which the interface (front-end) of the system is located. The software part of the search system is the search engine (search engine) - a set of programs that provides the functionality of the search system and is usually a trade secret of the search engine developer company.

Most search engines search for information on World Wide Web sites, but there are also systems that can search for files on FTP servers, products in online stores, and information in Usenet newsgroups.

Improving search is one of the priorities of the modern Internet.

Be generous, press the button!

According to Net Applications, in November 2011, search engine usage was distributed as follows:

  • Google search engine - 83.87%;


One of the first Internet search tools (before the World Wide Web) was Archie.

The first search engine for the World Wide Web was Wandex, a defunct index created by the World Wide Web Wanderer, a bot developed by Matthew Gray of MIT in 1993. Also in 1993, a search engine appeared "Aliweb", still working.

The first full-text (so-called “crawler-based”, that is, indexing resources using a robot) search engine was “WebCrawler”, launched in 1994. Unlike its predecessors, it allowed users to search for any keywords on any web site. page - this has since become the standard in all major search engines. In addition, it was the first search engine that was widely known. In 1994, Lycos, developed at Carnegie Mellon University, was launched.

Soon many other competing search engines appeared, such as Excite, Infoseek, Inktomi, Northern Light and AltaVista. In some ways, they competed with popular Internet directories such as Yahoo! Later, the directories merged or added search engines to increase functionality.

In 1996, a morphological extension to the Altavista search engine and the original Russian search engines Rambler and Aport became available to Russian-speaking Internet users. On September 23, 1997, the Yandex search engine was opened.

Recently, the practice of using cluster analysis and metadata search methods has become increasingly popular. Of the international cars of this type, the most famous is the “Clusty” from Vivísimo.

In 2005, in Russia, with the support of Moscow State University, the Nigma search engine was launched, supporting automatic clustering. In 2006, the Russian metamachine Quintura opened, offering visual clustering in the form of a tag cloud. Nygma also experimented with visual clustering.

In addition to search engines for the World Wide Web, there were also search engines for other protocols, such as Archie for searching anonymous FTP servers and "Veronica" for searching Gopher.

Year System Event
1993 W3Catalog Launch
Aliweb Launch
JumpStation Launch
1994 WebCrawler Launch
Infoseek Launch
Lycos Launch
1995 AltaVista Launch
Daum Base
Open TextWeb Index Launch
Magellan Launch
Excite Launch
SAPO Launch
Yahoo! Launch
1996 Dogpile Launch
Inktomi Base
Rambler Base
HotBot Base
Ask Jeeves Base
1997 Northern Light Launch
Yandex Launch
1998 Google Launch
1999 AlltheWeb Launch
GenieKnows Base
Naver Launch
Teoma Base
Vivisimo Base
2000 Baidu Base
Exalead Base
2003 Launch
2004 Yahoo! Search Final launch Launch
Sogou Launch
2005 MSN Search Final launch Launch
GoodSearch Launch
SearchMe Base
2006 wikiseek Base
Quaero Base Launch
Live Search Launch
ChaCha Launch (beta) Launch (beta)
2007 wikiseek Launch
Sproose Launch
Wikia Search Launch Launch
2008 DuckDuckGo Launch
Tooby Launch
Picollator Launch
Viewzi Launch
Cuil Launch
Boogami Launch
LeapFish Launch (beta)
Forestle Launch
VADLO Launch
Powerset Launch
2009 Bing Launch
KAZ.KZ Launch
Yebol Launch (beta)
Mugurdy Closing
Goby Launch
2010 Yandex (English) Launch
Cuil Closing
Blekko Launch (beta)
Viewzi Closing
2012 WAZZUB Launch

Most popular search engines

According to LiveInternet data in 2012 on the coverage of Russian-language search queries.