Aksakovo - mineral waters train schedule. Train tickets mineral waters - aksakovo Train tickets mineral waters aksakovo

Train timetable Aksakovo Mineral water currently contains 4 trains, the average travel time between these stations is 40 h 30 m, and the number of stops along this route is 33. Trains running along the Aksakovo Mineralnye Vody route most often stop at the stations Abdulino, Armavir Rostovsky, Kavkazskaya, Tikhoretskaya, Rossosh, the schedule for which is also available on our website. Trains in this direction depart, for example, at 09.40, 19.01 from Aksakovo station, but they arrive at the final point of Mineralnye Vody at 03.32, 10.09 local time, respectively. The paucity of assigned trains in the Aksakovo Mineralnye Vody schedule is a sign that this route is not popular with passengers. The timetable of trains Aksakovo - Mineralnye Vody is designed so that you can leave in this direction in the morning, in the evening.
You can buy tickets for the Aksakovo - Mineralnye Vody train at the ticket office of the nearest station, as well as online.

The route of train # 59C chosen by you starts from the station "Mineralnye Vody" and ends with the station "Aksakovo". Estimated travel time 0. There are 3 trains running along this railway direction, including 059С and 057С. According to the schedule for 2019, the Mineralnye Vody Aksakovo train passes through such big cities and stations like:.

According to the train schedule on the Mineralnye Vody-Aksakovo route, there are 0 stops at the following stations:

Mineral water

Mineralnye Vody Departure:

On the way: 0 "> Aksakovo

Aksakovo Arrival:
On the way: 0

Train timetable Mineralnye Vody Aksakovo.

To find out the availability of running trains on your route, use the Flydex service. On the search form, indicate the cities of departure and arrival, as well as the date. In response, you will receive possible trains that pass along your route. The information received will contain the train number, time of departure and arrival, availability of seats, ticket price. Thus, you will have access to certain information regarding the timetable for the Mineralnye Vody - Aksakovo train. It will also be possible to find out all the stations and the duration of stops along the entire route.

Availability and prices for train tickets Mineralnye Vody - Aksakovo

From the informational issue of trains for the date you specified, you will learn the availability of seats and the cost of railway tickets to Mineralnye Vody Aksakovo for each type of carriage. The system will display the train ticket prices depending on the class of the carriage: reserved seat, compartment or seated. Interactive carriage maps will help you choose the best seat.

How to buy tickets for the Mineralnye Vody - Aksakovo train

Flydex service offers convenient way buy railway tickets for the train Mineralnye Vody Aksakovo. Choose a suitable train, class (compartment or reserved seat) and seats in the carriage. Pay for the train ticket in a convenient way for you. After payment, the ticket is delivered to the customer's email in electronic form.

  1. Set the departure date.
  2. According to your requirements, choose the best train to Aksakovo from the schedule.
  3. Knowing the full cost of the ticket, select the lower or upper bunk of a male, female or mixed compartment and book a seat in a shared, reserved seat, compartment or SV carriage.
  4. Fill in the passenger details and pay for the selected seats using a bank card.
  5. If you want to buy tickets there and back, create two search queries and place an order first one way, and then the other.
  6. Use the function "pass electronic registration". Print the barcode form or save it to your mobile device.

When boarding, show the barcode of your boarding pass on paper or smartphone to the attendant.

Using additional services when purchasing, you can take out life or baggage insurance for the passenger.

Dynamic pricing of Russian Railways in 2019.

With the introduction of the dynamic pricing program, the concept of a fixed price for tickets from Mineralnye Vody to Aksakovo has been erased. This means that the cost from the start of sales to their end, can and will change, both up and down. In addition to the influence of the class of transportation (reserved seat, coupe), route distance and depending on the season, now minimum price the ticket will be in the reserved seat, and will amount to 2,327 rubles, a ticket in a compartment carriage costs a little more expensive, from 3,637 rubles and more. For those who prefer comfort, they can choose a SV carriage (sleeping car), a ticket to this class will cost from 5700 rubles per person. Also, prices may vary depending on additional services in each class: air conditioner, linen, food.

Children's train ticket Mineralnye Vody Aksakovo

It is especially important to calmly understand the fares and rules for transporting children on the train, especially when you are going on the road with your family. Today, Russian Railways provides free ticket for travel on long-distance trains for children under 5 years old.

For children from 5 to 10 years old, the ticket price will be with a 50% discount. For children and young people between the ages of 10 and 21, there is a special Junior fare with a 30% discount on some routes. Also, schoolchildren during the period of study (except for summer holidays) can issue a ticket at the "School" fare with a 50% advantage, provided that the guide presents a certificate from the educational institution. All these discounts for children can also be applied for online purchases.

Russian Railways Bonus cards. Russian Railways benefits and discounts for travel.

If you are the owner of the RZD Bonus bonus card, then when booking you can accumulate points or spend their part of reducing the ticket price to Aksakovo. For those who download our mobile application and install it on their Android or iOS smartphone, we give an additional discount on the purchase of a train ticket to Aksakovo. The mobile application is convenient because helpful information about the schedule and the ability to quickly purchase a train ticket will always be in your pocket.

As in any railway ticket office, upon registration train ticket on FLYDEX you will receive the same discounts and benefits for Junior, Senior and School fares. And those passengers who have subscribed to our email newsletter or social media page will learn about special promotions and seasonal sales first.

To find out the exact cost of the ticket and the availability of seats on the train, you must indicate the date of departure, the number and type of tickets purchased (children, adults).

How much is:

The average cost of electronic train tickets in this direction is 1,928 rubles.

Reserved seat: 1817-2038 rubles

Sale and delivery of railway tickets Mineralnye Vody - Aksakovo:

The "TravelBileti" service provides an opportunity to buy online (via the Internet) and book tickets for a train following the Mineralnye Vody - Aksakovo route.

Delivery of tickets is carried out in a timely manner by courier in Moscow.

You can place an order for e-ticket with the subsequent receipt of the code by mail. The code, in turn, is changed to a classic railway ticket at a railway station or terminal.

Electronic registration- when placing an order, you indicate the passport data that are entered into the current list of passengers. Boarding is carried out on the basis of the list of passengers (without a ticket).

It was stuffy. Other than that, everything is fine. The staff and the train manager are excellent workers, polite and attentive.

It was not bad in the carriage, the conductors were cool, kind, sympathetic, as well as assistants, especially Pavel, who helped the women get off the car, lift, lower things. There was one drawback of the carriage, that it often swayed strongly, the table in the carriage was slightly broken, it sank down, which caused the food to roll down, because of this it was that it was poured it was not convenient to eat because of this, as well as difficult was carrying something liquid because of the rolling of the train

Very kind and helpful guides

The service is excellent, attentive guides, clean, I especially want to note the restaurant menu and the work of the service personnel, everything is fresh and tasty with delivery in a compartment + received gifts from the Russian Railways. There was no child's joy when the daughter also received a gift from the train conductor, a set with coloring games and other things. We really enjoyed. Thanks for a pleasant trip.

I can’t say anything about the train, I didn’t use other cars. The head of the train, Olga Asabina, is a thoughtful, intelligent, sympathetic leader who is very worried about her girls. The conductor of the 8 carriage, Muratova Natalya, is a good serious worker, she solves all issues quickly and efficiently. A girl with a gorgeous model appearance, while the real mistress of the carriage. The food is well organized. And I especially liked the buns with condensed milk from the restaurant car (they bake them themselves, I recommend them). The impression is positive