Methods for booking air tickets. How to book plane tickets without payment (for visa)

When a flight to another city or country is just around the corner, a lot of pleasant and exciting worries arise. This includes packing your suitcase and planning your time in a new place. However, many are also concerned about how the flight itself will go. Some people prefer to sleep the entire flight, while others prefer to look out the window. But in order to travel, you need to know how to book a seat on the plane in order to be sure that you will be able to fly exactly where you want.

Why do this?

Previously before active development electronic technologies passengers always had to be content with the seat on the plane that was offered during check-in at the airport itself. And it was a lottery - a place could be given either at the back, at the beginning of the plane, at the window or at the aisle. Now, fortunately, you can choose a seat yourself, just by using online check-in for your flight.

You can choose a place only from those that are still free. If you take advantage of the opportunity to choose a seat in advance, as soon as registration opens, you will be able to choose the seat that you like best, taking into account your wishes and preferences.

There are special terminals that allow you to print e-ticket . In those airports where such equipment is not installed, you will have to print your ticket at the check-in counter. As a rule, the online check-in procedure begins about a day before the plane departs - this time is enough to reserve a cozy and comfortable seat. Online check-in is completed approximately 45-60 minutes before departure.

This method of registration has many advantages:

  • the ability to check in for a flight from anywhere, where there is access to;
  • The registration period is long and lasts a day - during this time you can choose your place;
  • there is a chance to have time to book a seat near the window or at the edge of the row, that is, in a way that is convenient for the person;
  • At some airports it is possible to print boarding passes yourself;
  • You can arrive at the airport not three hours before departure, but only at the end of check-in for the flight.

The innovation is also not without its drawbacks. So, sometimes two people can book the same place at the same time using the Internet. In this case, the place will go to the one who completes the entire registration process faster. Also, if a person wants to fly next to escape hatch, he will only have to book a seat at the airport.

Main stages of the procedure

To register for a flight via the Internet, you only need to have a device with Internet access, as well as the electronic ticket itself, purchased for the plane. It is called, as you might guess, e-ticket. It contains a certain code with which you can check in for the selected flight. This ticket can be in either paper or electronic format. But still, before boarding, it is better to print it out so that you can demonstrate it at the airport.

The whole procedure is quite simple if you imagine it in general terms. You need to go to the website of the airline whose flight you will be flying on. Next, enter the same ticket reservation number in a special field. After which the traveler will see full map aircraft cabin, where he can choose any seat convenient for him.

On a note! Most passengers find the most comfortable seats near the windows or after the business class seats. Some people like to fly with their legs stretched out and prefer to be located close to emergency exits– there is clearly more free space there.

In general, a prospective passenger purchasing a ticket online typically goes through three steps before boarding a flight. First, he makes a ticket reservation. That is, on the company’s website, he selects the most suitable route and flight date and, by clicking the “Buy ticket” button, enters all his passport data. Reservations close approximately 6 hours before departure. By the way, if a person books several seats (for example, for his family, if he is not flying alone), this is not a problem - he can do everything on his own without the participation of other people. The main thing is to have data about them on hand. This is the full name and surname, passport details and date of birth.

Ticket reservations can be made both on airline websites and on services that accumulate data on ticket availability. This could be the portal, Yandex.Air tickets, etc.

On a note! On airline websites there are distinctions between passengers by age. Thus, people over the age of 24 are classified as adults, those who are 12-24 years old are considered youth. Passengers 2-12 years old are minors.

After booking, you must pay for the tickets. To do this, you need to use the instructions provided on the airline’s website. Typically, payment can be made immediately using applications such as Mobile Banking or services such as WebMoney. As a rule, payment must be made within 24 hours. The most important thing is to double-check all the specified data before paying. It is most likely impossible to return or exchange a budget ticket.

Attention! If a person is flying with an animal, it is important to call the airline and find out if it is possible to transport a four-legged friend on this flight. This must be done before paying for the ticket.

After paying for the ticket, you will be able to check in for the flight and select your seat immediately before departure. You need to select it on the same airline website, in the registration section. There you need to click the “Register” button and go through the entire procedure step by step. The boarding pass is printed at the airport. If the passenger does not have luggage, then he can immediately go to boarding. If you have bags that need to be checked in as luggage, you will have to check them in according to all the rules first.

Selecting a location

In fact, you can choose a seat during check-in in the traditional way, at the airport. You just need to arrive at the airport at the very beginning of check-in and go to the check-in counter boarding pass as soon as possible. Then there is a chance to agree with the employees to arrange the most convenient place. Less often, but still, receptionists can ask themselves where it would be more convenient for the passenger to sit. But due to the fact that many people are now registering online, the number of places to choose from is significantly reduced by this point.

On a note! If a person is flying alone, then choosing a seat will be easier. If a family or a group of friends is flying, then choosing the most convenient seats becomes more difficult. It’s better to hurry with your choice, otherwise all the convenient places will be taken away.

During the standard check-in procedure at the airport, it is advisable to immediately submit all passports of people flying in the same company to the registrar. In this case, it may be possible to arrange nearby places. If you take turns, it may turn out that the seats closest to the first passenger to check in will already be occupied and the rest will have to be seated in another part of the plane.

The advantage of registering via the Internet is not only the ability to choose a seat on one plane, but also on others if there are transfers on the route. That is, it will already be specific place on all segments of the flight.

On a note! A number of airlines require you to pay a certain fee for the opportunity to choose a seat in the cabin. It can vary from a small amount to a fairly large one.

Table. Features of online check-in for a number of airlines.

Airline namePeculiarities

You can select a seat on this company's flights one day before departure. Registration closes approximately 45 minutes before departure. The boarding pass is printed independently. If you plan to transport pets, it is not possible to check in for your flight via the Internet. Also, disabled people cannot register online if they need to be accompanied.

Registration for this company's planes starts 24 hours before departure and ends an hour before. Sometimes you need to check your boarding passes at the check-in counter (relevant for residents of some cities).

For this company, check-in starts 23 hours before, but ends early - 4 hours before departure. Interestingly, passengers traveling from Yekaterinburg cannot complete the online registration procedure earlier than 12 hours before departure. For charters, the procedure begins 6 hours in advance.

Registration opens 30 hours before departure and ends 50 minutes before departure.

For flights of this company, online check-in opens 2 hours before departure. It ends 40 minutes before the start. But the service is not available in all cities.

On a note! You can go through it not only on the airline’s website, but also in special applications that are developed by a number of companies and can be installed on your phone.

How to get a good place?

Step 1. First you need to decide on the class you want or have the opportunity to fly. So, they highlight first, business, economy and premium economy classes. They are distinguished by the presence of various amenities and bonuses. So, the most prestigious is first class. The seats are soft and spacious, and there is plenty of room to stretch your legs. The service is very high quality. But this is the most expensive option. Business class is similar to first class, but a little less luxurious. Economy is the cheapest class familiar to many. It's a bit cramped between the seats, the food is ordinary, no frills. Premium Economy seats are those that typically have extra legroom.

Step 2. Next, you need to decide on your preferences - where you want to fly (for example, in the tail or at the exit of the plane), whether you want to look out the window, whether you need frequent access to the luggage racks, etc.

Step 3. At the next stage, you need to select the airline on whose plane the flight will be made.

Step 5. After this, you need to look at the aircraft diagram on the website and study all types of seats. Some seats can be spacious, some can be reclining, etc.

Step 6. It is best to choose seats near the aisle or window if we are talking about economy class. But here a lot will depend, of course, on personal preferences. You shouldn't take a seat by the window if you want to sleep the entire flight.

Step 8 After this, when online registration opens, you also need to select and reserve a seat on the website in accordance with the proposed aircraft cabin layout.

Step 9 Even with online check-in, it is still better to leave for the airport in advance. After completing all the formalities in the salon, you need to take your seat.

Video - Choosing a seat on the plane

Undoubtedly, online check-in for a seat on an airplane is very convenient. The main thing is that this service is available in a certain city. But even with regular registration there is a chance to get treasured place. The main thing is to smile and behave politely with airport staff.

You should contact ticket offices or sales agencies only as a last resort, since buying a plane ticket via the Internet yourself is much more convenient and profitable.

The secret is that ticket offices are ordinary intermediaries. These companies obtain information about flights and prices from the Internet, but charge a commission for a couple of minutes of attention spent on the buyer. Anyone can find a great option if they spend a little time researching flights and prices - they are easy to find and compare using aggregator search engines.

Those who do this for the first time have many questions: what is an air ticket reservation for and how to book an air ticket correctly, is it possible to buy tickets cheaply via the Internet using a reservation, how to receive and where can you pick up an order, how to register an electronic ticket - we will try to answer everything straightaway.

How to book a plane ticket online

There are two ways: buy it directly on the airline’s website, or use the services of a booking site, for example Avia.tutu, OneTwoTrip, Ozon.Travel, AnywayAnyday, Sindbad.

Buying directly will not always be cheaper: online ticket offices often offer a more profitable option.

Take note: both booking sites and cash desks, where the buyer must appear in person, are intermediaries. However, purchasing an electronic ticket on the website is much more profitable. At a regular ticket office, the future passenger always pays a commission.

A Visa or MasterCard bank card is best for payment. You can pay with them on the website of any company. Many accept Mir and Maestro cards, Yandex.Money and Qiwi.Wallet electronic wallets for payment.

You can often use the WebMoney electronic wallet. Payment by bank transfer is available, but this is not the best option: The bank takes a commission.

How to buy air tickets online - detailed instructions

Let's look at each step in detail.

Where to begin

So, let's figure out how to buy cheap plane tickets online.

The first step to purchasing an inexpensive ticket for a convenient flight is to type four words in the search bar: “buy a plane ticket.” Search system will produce many results.

First of all, you need to pay attention to aggregator search engines, for example: Yandex.Air tickets, Momondo, Skyscanner, Aviasales.

What are the benefits of search engines?

They have obvious advantages:

  1. Great time saver: they immediately show the most profitable offer. There are a great variety of airlines and ticket booking sites. An unprepared person will need a fair amount of time to figure out the issue without the help of a search engine.
  2. They offer all flights from point A to point B. By visiting the website of at least one search engine, you can find out which carriers’ planes fly to the desired city/airport.
  3. Using the above search engines, you don’t have to be afraid of falling into the trap of a fraudulent site.
  4. Shows prices of all airlines and booking sites selling tickets for a specific date to a specific city/airport.
  5. The lowest price is shown first and highlighted in bright font. Sometimes the most cheap option offered by the airline itself.

Example of booking and paying for a ticket

Here is one of the search options cheap ticket from the capital of Russia to the Northern capital:

  1. The search engine aggregator Yandex.Air tickets received a request for the route Moscow - St. Petersburg on 03/01/2018.
  2. The cheapest and most convenient flight is operated by Aeroflot.
  3. The lowest price at the time of search was offered by the air carrier itself.

Note: This is where the search engine's mission ends. You can purchase a ticket on the booking website or directly from the airline. Just click on the “buy” or “book” button, and Yandex.Air tickets will redirect you to the Aeroflot website.

Checking route data

To issue and buy air tickets online, you need to enter all the data correctly. How to do it?

The flight parameters are visible in the window that opens:

  • departure/arrival airports;
  • departure/arrival time (local is always indicated);
  • travel time;
  • aircraft model (this is approximate information, the airline may put another aircraft on the flight);
  • transfers (or direct flight);
  • tariff (in the above example: economy budget);
  • baggage limit (in this case 23 kg);
  • ticket price.

If you are satisfied with all the flight parameters, you can go to the booking page and enter passenger information.

It is worth noting: Many companies and booking sites automatically add some surcharges to the indicated cost: for example, baggage insurance. If you do not carefully read the booking form and do not disable unnecessary services, you will have to pay an inflated amount.

Passenger details and booking

How to enter your data:

  1. Aeroflot obliges to enter the passenger's first and last name in Latin letters, even for citizens of the Russian Federation on domestic flights. You must indicate your citizenship and passport number, date of birth and gender. Many foreign carriers do not require such detailed information: on their websites it is enough to indicate the passenger’s first name, last name and passport number.
  2. You can order special services: for example, a wheelchair.
  3. Then you need to enter your contact information: phone number and email.
  4. Next step: you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of booking and payment air transport, baggage transportation. Without confirmation of agreement with these rules, it is impossible to book a ticket.
  5. After correctly filling out the booking form, the payment page will load.

How to pay for an air ticket online

You need to buy a ticket within a certain period; with Aeroflot it lasts 30 minutes. If the money is not transferred, the reservation is cancelled.

The form of payment is more or less the same on all booking sites: you need to enter the name of the card holder, its number and expiration date.

If the banking transaction is successful (usually there are no problems), the buyer is sent an email confirming payment and an electronic ticket. After you have purchased an Aeroflot plane ticket via the Internet, you can print it on a printer directly from the website or from a file attached to the letter.

Many airlines offer to choose a seat online immediately after payment. And for some, this is only possible during check-in for the flight, which begins on the website 24 hours before departure.

Please note: Now it is not necessary to have a printout of the ticket with you, since all the passenger data is already in the airport check-in system. But it’s not difficult to print out a sheet or two, just in case.

Rules for purchasing air tickets online

So, in order not to fall for the bait of fraudulent sites, choose the most advantageous offers and not get confused, follow these recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to view offers in different search engines. They wouldn't exist if it weren't for the constant price fluctuations. This is especially true for foreign airlines and long, expensive flights. In the latter case, the exchange rate will also play a role.
  2. It is better for an inexperienced person not to buy a ticket at the first reasonable price that comes along. You need to observe the change in value for some time: of course, if possible.
  3. It’s a good idea to subscribe to the mailing list of offers from your favorite airline if your expected travel time is not limited to specific dates. Many of them regularly hold sales at reasonable prices.
  4. There is no need to purchase a separate ticket for each passenger. You can enter the details of several people (up to four) on the booking form.
  5. You can get a refund for a ticket only if it was purchased at a refundable rate.

How to save money when purchasing - some secrets

The solution to the savings issue can be implemented as follows:

  1. You can purchase a ticket at a favorable price no later than two months before departure.
  2. You need to choose the “right” departure time. The most low prices on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. The low tourist season also reduces the cost significantly. Night flights are always cheaper.
  3. Now that you know how to buy a plane ticket online, remember that low-cost airlines have the best prices. There is only one such company in Russia - Pobeda. Famous foreign ones: Ryanair, AirAsia. But a truly symbolic amount can only be spent if you purchase a ticket 3-4 months before departure. You need to constantly monitor the offers of these companies.

Now you know how to book a plane ticket online. Doing this is no more difficult than buying something in an online store. A little attention, a calm attitude towards the continuous fluctuation of prices, the presence of a sufficient amount on a bank card - and the desired ticket at an affordable price will definitely be purchased.

Watch the video that explains in detail how to buy a plane ticket online:

Planning a trip is a responsible task. You need to think through everything to the smallest detail so as not to run into various troubles. Booking tickets is one of the stages of this planning. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to book air tickets and pay for them later. After all, such documents are often needed to obtain a visa, but there is no guarantee that it will be issued. It may be necessary to mark the journey.

Booking on the airline website

This is quite easy to do. You need to go to the official website of the air carrier, select the required item from the menu, and book a plane ticket without payment. It can be done later. Many airlines make concessions to their customers. They offer to make a reservation and pay for it either on the website or directly at the airport.

An example of making a reservation for Turkish Airlines

Important! Each air carrier has specific reservation validity periods.

So, the less time left before departure, the shorter the validity period of the reservation. Tourists need to remember that the airline has the right to unilaterally terminate the reservation. In this case, the passenger will be notified via email or contact phone number. That is why when booking you must provide real information about yourself. It will not be superfluous to first study the terms of deferred payment that are established by the carrier. Some airlines charge fines and penalties if a customer refuses to pay for booked tickets.

Reservation validity periods for different air operators

Airline name Reservation validity period
AirBerlin Up to 4 days
AirBaltic Up to 3 days
Aeroflot Up to 2 days
AirFrance Up to 4 days
EuropeAir Up to 7 days
AlItalia Up to 24 hours
Korean Air Up to 10 days
KLM Up to 24 hours
Qatar Up to 10 days
Lufthansa Up to 2 days
Turkish Airlines Up to 10 days
SAS Up to 2 days
United Airlines Up to 7 days

Booking on the website of ticket agencies

This method is also considered common among tourists. It allows you to book a plane ticket without paying in companies that do not provide such a service. The cost of booking depends on pricing policy agencies.

Search for an air ticket on

Important! It is worth considering that the client will be given a little time to pay for the reservation. As a rule, less than a day. Therefore, this option is not suitable for booking air tickets for visa purposes.

Some agencies offer to pay for your reservation within 72 hours. This period directly depends on the departure date. For example, if the trip is planned in a few months.

How to book a ticket? To do this you need to perform a few simple steps:

After this, the client will have a six-digit code that can be used when paying for the reservation or to print a document.

How to print an air ticket without paying

For this you will need a PNR code. It consists of six digits. It is entered in a special field of the selected Internet service. After the information about the air ticket is displayed on the screen, you must click on the “Print” button. On the websites of some companies it may be called differently. The air ticket is printed. Opposite it will be the status “Confirmed”.

Printing a ticket without payment

In some cases, it is possible to send a document by email. It can be printed in a convenient place. An electronic ticket is not suitable for processing any documents.

I can't find my reservation, what should I do?

It is worth considering that to book air tickets, you register through certain global distribution systems. A few of them: Saber, Amadeus, Galileo. They are used to check booking documents. If a reservation is not identified on one service, it can be checked on another.

Note. In some services, to determine a reservation, you need to enter a five-digit air ticket code, rather than a six-digit one.

In addition to these services, the client can go to the website of the airline with which the ticket was booked. On its pages you can find information about the status of your reservation by air ticket number. If you can’t access the air carrier’s Internet resource, you can call the hotline and ask questions. It happens that a reservation is canceled by the company before the deadline. Therefore, before booking a document, it is better to find out all the rules of the airline.

Booking air tickets for a visa

To obtain the coveted visa, the consulate must provide confirmation of booking air tickets in both directions. This is not always convenient. And in the absence of such confirmation, a visa may be refused.

Important! Consular officials may require that your airfare reservation be maintained throughout the document review process.

In this case, the tourist will have to buy a ticket and then return it back. If you do this in a short time, you can get by with minimal losses. In addition, you can book tickets for a visa without paying for a day. To do this, you need to choose one of the payment methods:

  • via bank transfer;
  • choose payment in the office.

This time should be enough to print the documents and submit them to the consulate. In some cases, the validity of the reservation can reach 10 days. This time will definitely be enough for the consulate staff to check all the documents. It is worth considering that a long reservation is not guaranteed by any of the air carriers. They have the right to cancel it unilaterally if there are people willing to purchase a ticket for the flight. Some airlines offer a paid booking service. This option will be the most reliable in the case of processing documents for traveling abroad. Such a reservation cannot be noted without the client’s consent.

Watch the video on how to book flights without paying for a visa

A business person or tourist who often flies to a foreign country has to control many pre-flight conditions. Sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to reserve a plane ticket, but it is not possible to pay its cost right away, or it is not advisable to do so.

The function of booking tickets without paying for a visa allows you to save a profitable flight for a certain time until the issue of processing official papers is resolved. It is also possible to postpone the purchase of a flight for the following reasons:

  • I didn’t have a bank card at hand;
  • not enough money;
  • important issues need to be further agreed upon;
  • Availability of tickets is a prerequisite for further action - obtaining a permit visa.

The first three cases are solved quite simply. By choosing the option “payment in cash at the company office” or “bank transfer”, the ticket is booked for a day. Some airlines, if there is more than a week left before departure after booking, officially allow the possibility of saving a ticket upon individual request for several days.

For example, the German company Lufthansa gives users two days to resolve the issue. The American United, as well as the Russian UTair and Aeroflot hold reservations for up to seven days. And South Korean Korean Air and Turkish Airlines are willing to wait ten days for payment, which is very convenient.

But it's not that simple. How to book air tickets without paying for a visa for several days? Not all air carriers agree to the conditions for extending the ticket purchase period. Even if it is booked, the guaranteed storage remains with the user for 24 hours. And then the company reserves the right to change the terms of sale of boarding passes.

It has the right to adjust the ticket price relative to the exchange rate, or remove the reserve altogether if a buyer is found for it. Therefore, if a ticket is really necessary, it is better to incur some expenses and protect yourself from such accidents. And before purchasing such a pass, read the terms and conditions of purchase on the carrier’s website.

Guaranteed ticket retention is quite possible. But you need to know certain nuances. Some aviation companies and intermediary agencies offer a reservation retention service for up to seven days for an additional fee.

A representative of the French allows you to use the “Time to Think” service. Then, for 5-15 euros, not only the ticket itself is “frozen,” but also the price for it. And the Russian service is ready to do this for 200 rubles, which is much more economical than the cost of purchasing and then returning the coupon if you fail to obtain a visa as soon as possible.

A completely different situation arises when it is necessary to obtain a visa permit for a trip. When submitting documents to the consular department, an actual printout of the air ticket is required. The processing time for processing an application and resolving the issue of issuing a visa reaches ten days. At the same time, having a boarding pass does not mean that a visa is required. Ticket returns are almost always accompanied by economic losses. We will consider how to get out of this situation in the following sections.

Sometimes people try to cheat by making corrections to old ticket forms or creating new ones. After all, few people know how to book plane tickets without paying for a visa. The method is illegal and especially dangerous. After all, a consular employee has every right to check the veracity of documents by making a request to the agency.

If such a ticket does not exist, or the airline managed to cancel the order for any reason, then the consequences will be serious. Such a passenger faces a complete ban on visiting the state for several years. The situation will not be better if a visa is issued, but you have not retained your reserved ticket.

There are a number of formal options for meeting such requirements. The first, most correct, would be the opportunity to buy a ticket, and subsequently, if the trip did not work out, then return it. The option is expensive, but the most reliable, eliminating all unforeseen and unpleasant situations.

You can print out a reserved ticket form to present a copy when contacting an airline representative, similar to a similar process through an Aeroflot representative. Or independently use the service capabilities of the following sites:

The Dutch company KLM provides for the refund of air tickets when a client is denied a visa. All Russian companies, in accordance with Article No. 108 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, are required to return 100% of the fare without taking into account the costs of fees and paid services. Return details can be found on the page of the online service belonging to the selected company.

If you do not know certain conditions for communicating with airline employees, you can end up in an unpleasant situation with the loss of a large sum of money, as well as disruption of the stability of the nervous system.

If obtaining a visa takes one to three days, then you can use any of the methods given above for booking with subsequent payment. If the time period is longer or there is a risk that the procedure will be delayed, it is safer to contact an agency that specializes in booking tickets. In addition to the already mentioned company onetwotrip, such services will always be provided by and With their help, you don’t have to worry about how to book plane tickets without paying for a visa without high costs.

To simplify the task, on the main page you need to select the “Orders” section and enter the six-digit number received when booking the ticket into the form window. You can do this on the website at any convenient time, without leaving your home. The procedure takes a little time and proceeds as follows:

  • when entering the main page of the website, decide on the dates of departure and duration of stay in a foreign country, indicate the numbers in the appropriate column, selecting the route points;
  • open the Agencies section and specify the above services;
  • it is important to check the correct spelling of personal data, which is filled out only in the Latin layout, so that problems do not arise and the coupon does not need to be replaced;
  • after clicking “Buy”, a completed ticket form will be sent to your email inbox; you need to print it out for a visa;
  • By entering the reservation code and the passenger's last name, you can check the availability of an air ticket that has been postponed while the visa is issued;
  • such free travel pass with reservation status remains in personal account client until payment is made.

You should always clarify the period before the expiration of which you have the opportunity not to pay. After all, if there is a shortage of travel cards for other clients, the company will cancel your reservation without mutual consent and sell your seat to another client.

To control the validity of such travel passes, it is safer to view their status daily in your online account. Modern gadgets have special applications for quick viewing.

The electronic payment system allows you to choose several options for depositing funds for your flight. In the first place is the use for payment by bank card. Directly on the page you can pay with money from an electronic wallet of any system. Moreover, the security of the transaction is guaranteed by high protection of personal data when entering details and card/wallet numbers. All sites support anonymity and encryption of the payment process.

Buying in cash also does not become a problem after booking plane tickets without paying for a visa was accomplished a few days earlier. Euroset and Svyaznoy salons work directly with air carriers, accepting payment for booked air tickets. IN major cities There is a network of points where you can pay for air travel passes in cash.

Checking in for a plane

Now you have already decided how to book plane tickets without paying for a visa, and then you have received fresh documents for traveling abroad. The purchase was successful. Now you need to find out important points for quick check-in for the desired flight.

Paperwork begins two hours before boarding the plane. But all procedures must be completed in no less than 40 minutes. before departure. This is established by the rules of air travel. Arrive at the airport early so you can get ready in peace and time in line at the check-in counter. The specialist must check the required set of documents:

  • international passport (or internal passport);
  • air ticket printed or issued at the ticket office;
  • visa forms (for international flights);
  • income certificate (to confirm solvency);
  • medical insurance, etc.

Registration hand luggage and luggage is also carried out at a special counter. The weight of things is checked, and if the total weight of the suitcases exceeds, the person must pay an additional amount for extra bed. Flight attendants are required to guide the passenger to a seat in the aircraft cabin if difficulty arises. The airline fare includes drinks and some meals. Therefore, do not risk taking food and prohibited products into the salon.

We hope our advice will help prevent difficulties that arise and make the task of making reservations easier without unnecessary financial and nervous costs.

How to book flights without paying for a visa online

This question often arises for those who apply for a visa and need to provide a round-trip ticket as proof of their planned trip. But not everyone is ready to risk buying a ticket, because there are no guarantees that you will definitely be given a visa.
If they didn’t give you a visa, you lost your ticket (and even if it was refundable, you still lost part of the amount in the form of a fine).

So, is it possible to book air tickets without payment, but with the possibility of issuing a document that can be submitted to the consulate?
Eat! But it is important to know a few subtleties that will help you find such tickets and receive such a service for free.

In fact, making airline ticket reservations without paying is quite easy. This can be done on the website of some airlines that allow deferred payment for reservations or on special services.
In general, airlines are sympathetic to the need for deferred payment when booking. So, United is ready to hold your reservation for a whole week, and Korean Air for ten days! By the way, Aeroflot also gives you the opportunity to pay for your tickets later, allowing you to keep your reservation for a whole week. When booking on airline websites, pay attention to the cancellation rules; the fact is that some airlines reserve the right to charge small fines if you refuse to pay for your reservation on time.

There is one more convenient way searching for the right ticket and booking it without paying - booking agencies
This option is the most common, because the agency can provide a deferred payment service for tickets for those airlines that do not themselves have such an opportunity. The service is popular among experienced travelers, where you can book tickets without payment for a period of 12 to 72 hours.
But on the agency’s website it is often not possible to print an electronic ticket (it does not yet exist until you have paid for the booking) or even a paper version of the booking.
Booking verification services can help you here:

After making a reservation, enter your 6-digit PNR code (should be sent to your email after booking) and your last name in Latin on one of the services. Afterwards, you will see your reservation with the status “confirmed” and you can print the reservation, which will fully satisfy the consulate employee when applying for a visa.
Below the whole process is detailed in the screenshots.

We go to the agency’s website and select the desired flight. For example, to submit documents for a visa to the Italian Embassy for a Schengen visa, we choose air tickets Moscow-Rome-Moscow.

We go through the standard ticket registration process, where you need to indicate your full name in Latin, date of birth, passport number with expiration date and select gender.
We get to the point of payment, but don’t rush to enter your card details. We already have everything you need.
All we need is a PNR code. Here it is, indicated by a red arrow. Let's copy it...

And now we move on to one of the booking verification services.
I prefer
Here in the fields we enter the copied PNR and the last name for whom the reservation was made in Latin

The booking will open. All that remains is to print out the paper version.
Click on PDF, and you will also receive our reservation file.