How far in advance are seats on the plane reserved? Booking seats on an airplane using an electronic ticket

When a flight to another city or country is just around the corner, a lot of pleasant and exciting worries arise. This includes packing your suitcase and planning your time in a new place. However, many are also concerned about how the flight itself will go. Some people prefer to sleep the entire flight, while others prefer to look out the window. But in order to travel, you need to know how to book a seat on the plane in order to be sure that you will be able to fly exactly where you want.

Why do this?

Previously, before the active development of electronic technologies, passengers always had to be content with the seat on the plane that was offered during check-in for the flight at the airport itself. And it was a lottery - a place could be given either at the back, at the beginning of the plane, at the window or at the aisle. Now, fortunately, you can choose a seat yourself, just by using online check-in for your flight.

You can choose a place only from those that are still free. If you take advantage of the opportunity to choose a seat in advance, as soon as registration opens, you will be able to choose the seat that you like best, taking into account your wishes and preferences.

There are special terminals that allow you to print an electronic ticket. In those airports where such equipment is not installed, you will have to print your ticket at the check-in counter. As a rule, the online check-in procedure begins about a day before the plane departs - this time is enough to reserve a cozy and comfortable seat. Online check-in is completed approximately 45-60 minutes before departure.

This method of registration has many advantages:

  • the ability to check in for a flight from anywhere, where there is access to;
  • The registration period is long and lasts a day - during this time you can choose your place;
  • there is a chance to have time to book a seat near the window or at the edge of the row, that is, in a way that is convenient for the person;
  • At a number of airports, it is possible to print boarding passes yourself;
  • You can arrive at the airport not three hours before departure, but only at the end of check-in for the flight.

The innovation is also not without its drawbacks. So, sometimes two people can book the same place at the same time using the Internet. In this case, the place will go to the one who completes the entire registration process faster. Also, if a person wants to fly near an escape hatch, they will have to book a seat only at the airport.

Main stages of the procedure

To register for a flight via the Internet, you only need to have a device with Internet access, as well as the electronic ticket itself, purchased for the plane. It is called, as you might guess, e-ticket. It contains a certain code with which you can check in for the selected flight. This ticket can be in either paper or electronic format. But still, before boarding, it is better to print it out so that you can demonstrate it at the airport.

The whole procedure is quite simple if you imagine it in general terms. You need to go to the website of the airline whose flight you will be flying on. Next, enter the same ticket reservation number in a special field. After which the traveler will see a complete map of the aircraft cabin, where he can choose any seat convenient for him.

On a note! Most passengers find the most comfortable seats near the windows or after the business class seats. Some people like to fly with their legs stretched out and prefer to be located close to emergency exits - there is clearly more free space there.

In general, a prospective passenger purchasing a ticket online typically goes through three steps before boarding a flight. First, he makes a ticket reservation. That is, on the company’s website, he selects the most suitable route and flight date and, by clicking the “Buy ticket” button, enters all his passport data. Reservations close approximately 6 hours before departure. By the way, if a person books several seats (for example, for his family, if he is not flying alone), this is not a problem - he can do everything on his own without the participation of other people. The main thing is to have data about them on hand. This is the full name and surname, passport details and date of birth.

Ticket reservations can be made both on airline websites and on services that accumulate data on ticket availability. This could be the portal, Yandex.Air tickets, etc.

On a note! On airline websites there are distinctions between passengers by age. Thus, people over the age of 24 are classified as adults, those who are 12-24 years old are considered youth. Passengers 2-12 years old are minors.

After booking, you must pay for the tickets. To do this, you need to use the instructions provided on the airline’s website. Typically, payment can be made immediately using applications such as Mobile Banking or services such as WebMoney. As a rule, payment must be made within 24 hours. The most important thing is to double-check all the specified data before paying. It is most likely impossible to return or exchange a budget ticket.

Attention! If a person is flying with an animal, it is important to call the airline and find out if it is possible to transport a four-legged friend on this flight. This must be done before paying for the ticket.

After paying for the ticket, you will be able to check in for the flight and select your seat immediately before departure. You need to select it on the same airline website, in the registration section. There you need to click the “Register” button and go through the entire procedure step by step. The boarding pass is printed at the airport. If the passenger does not have luggage, then he can immediately go to boarding. If you have bags that need to be checked in as luggage, you will have to check them in according to all the rules first.

Selecting a location

In fact, you can choose a seat during check-in in the traditional way, at the airport. You just need to arrive at the airport at the very beginning of check-in and go to the boarding pass counter as early as possible. Then there is a chance to agree with the employees to arrange the most convenient place. Less often, but still, receptionists can ask themselves where it would be more convenient for the passenger to sit. But due to the fact that many people are now registering online, the number of places to choose from is significantly reduced by this point.

On a note! If a person is flying alone, then choosing a seat will be easier. If a family or a group of friends is flying, then choosing the most convenient seats becomes more difficult. It’s better to hurry with your choice, otherwise all the convenient places will be taken away.

During the standard check-in procedure at the airport, it is advisable to immediately submit all passports of people flying in the same company to the registrar. In this case, it may be possible to arrange nearby places. If you take turns, it may turn out that the seats closest to the first passenger to check in will already be occupied and the rest will have to be seated in another part of the plane.

The advantage of registering via the Internet is not only the ability to choose a seat on one plane, but also on others if there are transfers on the route. That is, there will already be a certain place on all segments of the flight.

On a note! A number of airlines require you to pay a certain fee for the opportunity to choose a seat in the cabin. It can vary from a small amount to a fairly large one.

Table. Features of online check-in for a number of airlines.

Airline namePeculiarities

You can select a seat on this company's flights one day before departure. Registration closes approximately 45 minutes before departure. The boarding pass is printed independently. If you plan to transport pets, it is not possible to check in for your flight via the Internet. Also, disabled people cannot register online if they need to be accompanied.

Registration for this company's planes starts 24 hours before departure and ends an hour before. Sometimes you need to check your boarding passes at the check-in counter (relevant for residents of some cities).

For this company, check-in starts 23 hours before, but ends early - 4 hours before departure. Interestingly, passengers traveling from Yekaterinburg cannot complete the online registration procedure earlier than 12 hours before departure. For charters, the procedure begins 6 hours in advance.

Registration opens 30 hours before departure and ends 50 minutes before departure.

For flights of this company, online check-in opens 2 hours before departure. It ends 40 minutes before the start. But the service is not available in all cities.

On a note! You can go through it not only on the airline’s website, but also in special applications that are developed by a number of companies and can be installed on your phone.

How to get a good place?

Step 1. First you need to decide on the class you want or have the opportunity to fly. So, they highlight first, business, economy and premium economy classes. They are distinguished by the presence of various amenities and bonuses. So, the most prestigious is first class. The seats are soft and spacious, and there is plenty of room to stretch your legs. The service is very high quality. But this is the most expensive option. Business class is similar to first class, but a little less luxurious. Economy is the cheapest class familiar to many. It's a bit cramped between the seats, the food is ordinary, no frills. Premium Economy seats are those that typically have extra legroom.

Step 2. Next, you need to decide on your preferences - where you want to fly (for example, in the tail or at the exit of the plane), whether you want to look out the window, whether you need frequent access to the luggage racks, etc.

Step 3. At the next stage, you need to select the airline on whose plane the flight will be made.

Step 5. After this, you need to look at the aircraft diagram on the website and study all types of seats. Some seats can be spacious, some can be reclining, etc.

Step 6. It is best to choose seats near the aisle or window if we are talking about economy class. But here a lot will depend, of course, on personal preferences. You shouldn't take a seat by the window if you want to sleep the entire flight.

Step 8 After this, when online registration opens, you also need to select and reserve a seat on the website in accordance with the proposed aircraft cabin layout.

Step 9 Even with online check-in, it is still better to leave for the airport in advance. After completing all the formalities in the salon, you need to take your seat.

Video - Choosing a seat on the plane

Undoubtedly, online check-in for a seat on an airplane is very convenient. The main thing is that this service is available in a certain city. But even with regular registration there is a chance to get the coveted place. The main thing is to smile and behave politely with airport staff.

Air travel is becoming more and more popular every day. People go on business trips and trips, visit relatives and friends. The pace of modern life dictates the rules. I want to get to my destination quickly and comfortably. Today, you no longer need to stand in long lines for tickets; most often, they are purchased without leaving your home. In this case, you can not only buy a ticket, but also choose a seat on the plane that will be as comfortable as possible. Reserving seats on a plane using tickets is not difficult and will not take much time.

You can book on official airline websites or aggregator websites. These are portals that specialize in certain services and allow you to choose the best option from the many available on the market. To purchase a ticket, you must have a computer or smartphone with Internet access and a bank card from which the purchase will be paid.

Having selected a suitable airline on the website, you should enter the date of the flight, indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, passport details and then follow the instructions of the system. Most airlines, after payment, send a map of the airliner's cabin by email to the buyer, with available seats marked. You can choose any unoccupied chair.

After this, you need to print the ticket. Purchasing and booking takes a few minutes. You can safely enter data on trusted sites, they are reliably protected. Seat reservations usually close 6 hours before flight departure. It's best to do this in advance to ensure a wider selection.

Important: many airlines enter passengers into their own electronic database and do not require a printed ticket, but it is still better to be on the safe side.

By the way, today you can check in for a flight online right from home, this will save you from tedious queues at the airport.

There is no need to book a seat on a plane ticket in the following cases:

  • passenger's disability;
  • traveling with small children;
  • if a pregnant woman plans to fly;
  • You are supposed to fly with a pet.

In any of these cases, airline employees are obliged to provide the most comfortable seats. Often, even when tickets are purchased well in advance of departure, the provided cabin plan has many occupied seats. The airline simply books them for such customers.

Lifehack for choosing more comfortable seats on a plane

Of course, everyone chooses a place based on their own preferences.

Some people like to look out the window while flying, others prefer aisle seats. A lot depends on the type of aircraft. Therefore, you should carefully study the seating diagram.

When flying short distances during the day, window seats will be convenient for those who like to spend time with a book, as they provide additional lighting. You can admire the views without having to get up to let other passengers pass. If the flight is at night, you can sleep peacefully in such seats. However, if the flight is long, you should take into account that making your way to the aisle and back is inconvenient.

  • From the aisle seats you can easily go to the toilet or stretch your legs, but you must get up to let your neighbors out.
  • The place in the middle will be very inconvenient if the neighbors are large.
  • The seats in front of the emergency hatches are the most uncomfortable, since the backrests practically do not recline.
  • The chairs behind the hatches are convenient because the additional passage allows you to sit with greater comfort.
  • The seats in the rear are considered the most uncomfortable, however, according to statistics, they are the safest.

Tip: immediately after boarding the plane, you can take a more comfortable seat that remains free. Change seats without waiting for the steward.

By booking a seat on the plane using an electronic ticket, you can make your choice in advance and not experience any inconvenience during the flight. For this:

  1. Carefully study the interior diagram provided.
  2. Decide where it will be more convenient, focusing on the flight time. Perhaps going to the toilet will not be necessary, and it will be more comfortable near the window.
  3. If possible, avoid taking flights that are too busy.
  4. Avoid seats at the back of the plane and with seatbacks that do not fully recline.

These simple tips will help you choose a comfortable seat without leaving home, and will make even a long flight enjoyable.

What you should definitely consider when planning a trip

When buying air tickets online, reserving seats and checking in online, be sure to check that all required fields are filled out correctly. If several tickets are purchased, you must carefully fill in the information for each member of the trip. Care during registration will save you from problems during the flight and save a lot of time.

When issuing a ticket for domestic Russian flights, the details of your Russian passport are entered. When purchasing tickets for a trip abroad, you must provide information from your passport. Reserving seats on an airplane using an electronic ticket with most airlines is possible more than 20 days before departure. Additional information about seat reservations can be specified when purchasing a ticket.

When ordering tickets, choose the best option. Often, when ordering on the official websites of airlines, you can get additional discounts and significantly reduce the cost of the flight.

By turning to aggregator sites, you can completely plan your route, select the best flights for transfers, and purchase a ticket at the best fare. Such sites have official agreements with several air carriers and additionally provide hotel booking services, car rentals and other information that will be very useful to the traveler.

The most popular of them are:

  • Aviasales;
  • Momondo;
  • Skyscanner.

These are the most popular sites that help you choose an air ticket and book a comfortable seat on the plane. There are much more of them; when planning a trip, do not be lazy to find the necessary information.

You should arrive at the airport in advance, even if you have completed online check-in and pre-booked your seat. It takes time to check in your luggage without haste and go through document and security checks.

For passengers who have completed online check-in and have already reserved seats for their flight at airports, a special counter is provided. Airport employees must present documents and printed electronic tickets for all trip participants. If during online check-in you did not choose exactly the seat you would like to occupy, simply contact the airline staff. If there are free seats in the cabin, there are usually no problems with transferring to a more comfortable seat.


Long lines at ticket offices and check-in counters are a thing of the past.

Life is becoming more and more convenient every day, and the ability to purchase a ticket and choose a seat without leaving your home once again confirms this obvious truth.

An electronic ticket is a mark in the airline’s database about your flight with all its options, your personal data and payment. This entry contains your passport details, flight number, date, fare, fare conditions. Purchasing an electronic document has many advantages, and one of them is the ability to book a seat on a plane using an electronic ticket.

How to book a seat on a plane?

Selecting a seat when purchasing a ticket becomes available if you purchase a flexible, optimal or business class fare. The more expensive the tariff, the more preferential the terms of service, including free seat selection. Airlines generally do not provide this service when purchasing a cheap budget fare. At best, you can choose a seat for a fee.

So, we book a flight with a choice of seat:

  • you have chosen the destination, air carrier, fare and filled in the passenger data;
  • before payment, you go to the booking page, where you are offered a diagram of the aircraft cabin with free seats marked;
  • in this diagram you choose the places that suit you. The data is entered into the airline's database;
  • you make payment in accordance with the selected options.

Please note that the seat selection service is generally only available when purchasing tickets on the airline website. Many agents do not allow you to choose your seats when booking. But if you write down your wishes regarding your seat on the plane in the booking notes, which can be made in a special window, the agent can take this information into account and fulfill your wishes when issuing your ticket.

Reservation of a seat during online registration

Your ticket will indicate whether you have the option to select your seat when checking in online or not. If there is such an opportunity, then it is indicated whether the choice is paid or free.

For most airlines, online check-in opens 24 hours before departure and closes 45-60 minutes before departure. Your procedure:

  • you receive an SMS message and an email informing you that online check-in for your flight begins at a certain time;
  • you should go to the website of the airline whose ticket you purchased, enter the reservation code and your last name on the website;
  • check the passenger's details, select a seat on the plane's cabin map. The sooner you register online, the better your chances of choosing the right place, because... towards the end of registration, convenient seats run out;
  • print your boarding pass. With this paper boarding pass, you arrive at the airport at least 30 minutes before departure and go straight to passport control.

Book air tickets on the ART-service company website

When booking on our website, you have the opportunity to select an airline and fare type with a choice of seat on the plane at check-in (paid or free).

Booking and issuing electronic tickets on our website fully complies with the airline's rules.

Today it is difficult to imagine life without various web services. They replace many actions in the physical world with a few mouse clicks, thereby saving us time. On the Aeroflot website you can book not only tickets, but also seats on the plane. Once you've gone all the way from buying your ticket to checking in for your flight online, don't forget to turn off your computer and board the plane.

Ticket booking

If you have already compared prices of different airlines and decided to fly with Aeroflot, then it is better to buy a ticket directly on the company’s official website. It's cheaper and safer.

You can book a plane ticket online for the Aeroflot flight you are interested in a maximum of 331 days in advance, and no later than 6 hours before departure. To do this, fill out the required fields on the company’s website:

  1. Select a route - points A and B.
  2. Determine departure and return dates if the ticket is not one-way.
  3. Indicate the characteristics of passengers - their number and age. Possible options:
  • adult (from 12 years old);
  • child (from 2 to 12 years);
  • infant (up to 2 years).

No more than six passengers can be specified per booking. If necessary, you can make multiple reservations.

Select your flight: direct or with transfers. When you have decided on the flight, enter information about the passengers: full name, passport details.

If the flight is domestic, you need to provide the details of your regular passport. On international flights you will need a passport. Be sure to correctly enter the email address to which the reservation confirmation will be sent.

Confirm your agreement with the rules and proceed to payment.

In addition, before flying abroad, you should check whether you have a travel ban. A high-quality service nevylet.rf will help you find out information about the presence of debt on loans, fines, alimony, housing and communal services, etc., as well as assess the likelihood of a ban on traveling abroad.


The website indicates how to pay for a ticket booked with Aeroflot. You can use various payment systems, pay by card or come and pay in cash at the company’s office.

Payment time is very limited. If you choose to pay in the office, the delay will be 24 hours. Before paying for your ticket, make sure all information is entered correctly. And at the end, don’t forget to print your e-ticket.

It is not possible to book airline tickets with Aeroflot online without paying for a long period of time. You also need to keep in mind that according to current rules, tickets of the lowest fares are non-refundable.


Aeroflot ticket buyers have access to an online check-in service on the website. It is convenient because you can check in 24 hours before your flight and arrive at the airport just twenty minutes before boarding. In addition, it is during the check-in process that you need to select seats on the plane.

To start the procedure, on the Aeroflot website, go to the online services tab and select the registration method: using a PC or a mobile device.

To successfully check-in for a flight, you need to enter the reservation code, which is assigned to everyone who purchased tickets through the site, and your last name. After this, the plane’s diagram and form become available, where it actually is, and you can choose the most convenient of the remaining seats.

Finally, click the “Registration” button. This completes the check-in procedure; all that remains is to print out your boarding pass. If you cannot immediately send a document to a printer, you can send it to your email account so that it can be printed as soon as possible.


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For those who do not have luggage, it is enough to have a printed pass to board immediately. If you need to check in your luggage, you will have to stand in line to check it in.

To the capital of the Russian North with Aeroflot: Video

And finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is the status of the debtor that is easiest to “forget” when getting ready for your next vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2019; we recommend finding out information about the presence of debt using the proven service nevylet.rf

Many airlines issue electronic tickets, also called e-tickets. The electronic ticket can be printed or stored in the computer memory. The reservation number is contained in such a ticket in an alphanumeric code. You can reserve seats during check-in or in advance.

Thanks to the ability to book seats on an airplane, a passenger can choose the seat that he likes best (some people prefer to be closer to the aisle, while others prefer to sit near the window). You can reserve your seats when purchasing your ticket online or during pre-registration.

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Reservation upon purchase

In order to reserve a seat on a plane when purchasing a ticket online, you need:

  • Go to the website of the desired airline (for example, or the ticket sales website (
  • Select destination, airport and departure date.
  • Select a return date.
  • Select the number of seats.
  • Fill out the registration form.
  • Select the required locations on the aircraft diagram.
  • Pay for the ticket.
  • Print the ticket and save it in the computer memory.

It is worth noting that not all airlines offer to choose seats when purchasing a ticket. In addition, a separate fee may be charged for choosing to reserve a seat, for example 300-100 rubles in economy class and 3000 in business class.

Booking at check-in

In order to reserve the required seats on the plane during online check-in, you must:

  • Go to the website of the desired airline.
  • Select the “online registration” tab.
  • Go through identification.
  • Click “Register”.
  • Check the boxes next to the passengers' names and select the desired flight.
  • Click “Proceed to select location.”
  • Study the layout of the aircraft cabin. Those places that are already occupied are marked in red, and free ones are marked in gray.
  • Click on the desired location with the mouse button and press “Select”.
  • Check that the entered data is correct and click “Register”.
  • Download your boarding pass to print it later.