Detailed information on countries of study: Belgium. Education in Belgium - four languages ​​for higher education

Higher education in Belgium is rightfully recognized as one of the most prestigious. In 2004, this country entered into the Bologna Process and organized a higher education system in the form of bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, thanks to which diplomas from Belgian universities became recognizable and widely in demand throughout Europe.

Since the population of Belgium is divided into linguistic communities: French, Flemish and German, this state willingly accepts foreigners for education and gives them the opportunity to study at a university in the desired specialty.

The most prestigious universities in Belgium

Universities in Belgium are divided according to the type of management into public, private and Catholic, which are run by the country's religious parties. Here is a list of universities offering undergraduate and graduate education in Belgium:

  1. Catholic University of Leuven(Catholic University of Leuven) is the country's first higher education institution; today there are 55,000 students studying here. Tuition fee per year is $1,500.

  2. Ghent University(Ghent University) - 27th place in the world ranking of universities, the first French-language university in Belgium. Leading areas of education: biology, chemistry, physiology. Tuition fee per year is $1,300.

  3. Louvain Catholic University(Catholic University of Louvain) - 29th in the world ranking of universities. The most popular educational field at this university is statistics and related disciplines. Tuition fee per year is $4,500.

  4. Brussels Free University(VUB)Vrije Universiteit Brussel is famous for its research activities in the field of humanities and social sciences. It has two branches: French-speaking and Dutch-speaking. Tuition fee is $1,591.

  5. University of Liege(University of Liege) - 49th place in the world ranking of universities, leading areas of education are natural sciences, pharmacology and veterinary medicine.

  6. University of Antwerp(University of Antwerp);

  7. Université Libre de Bruxelles;

  8. Institute of Tropical Medicine(Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp);

  9. University of Mons;

  10. University of Namur;

To study at universities in Belgium, you need to know French well, since the entire educational process is built on it.

Advantages of studying at Belgian universities

Successful students from Russia and the CIS countries choose Belgian universities for several reasons:

  • High level of education. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 42.2% of Belgians under the age of 30 have a tertiary education, while in other European countries the percentage of the population with a tertiary education is only 30%. Belgium is in 19th place in the ranking of countries with the highest level of education according to the international program PISA and in 18th place in the UN Education Index. Students from the Flemish part of the country are considered especially successful.

  • Diversity of languages ​​and cultures. Belgium's universities host students who speak Dutch, English, French and German, providing a great opportunity for cross-cultural communication and broadening one's horizons. Belgian universities take an active part in Erasmus programs, and therefore are popular among students from the European Union and beyond.

  • Budget cost of training. Compared to countries such as the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK, the cost of studying in Belgium is quite reasonable for the average foreign student. On average, studying at a Belgian university costs 4,000 euros per year, and in public universities this amount sometimes does not exceed a thousand euros per year.

Receiving higher education in Belgium gives the student the opportunity to find a job in any European country, since Belgian diplomas are valued throughout Europe.

Disadvantages of studying in Belgium

Despite the huge number of advantages, universities in Belgium also contain some disadvantages that may confuse foreign students:

  1. The language barrier. If you do not speak English or French well, you may have serious difficulties with the educational process.

  2. Cost of living in Belgium. In addition to paying for studies, the student will have many household expenses related to food, as well as accommodation in a dormitory. The cost of living in Belgium is about 8,000 euros per year.

  3. A high passing score for many specialties, especially medicine, chemistry and other areas related to the natural and technical sciences.

Main directions of higher education

The leading areas of study in Belgian universities are science and technology, medicine, politics, journalism, as well as theology and religious studies. Belgium is famous for its scientists who have made the greatest discoveries in the field of physics and chemistry, including Georges Lemaitre, the founder of the Big Bang theory. Belgian scientists have received three Nobel Prizes in medicine, as well as one prize each in physics and chemistry.

For those who want to make a career in journalism, Belgian universities offer internships at the headquarters of leading international organizations. It is known that Brussels has surpassed Washington in terms of the number of successful journalists, so those who want to become “sharks of the pen” strive to enroll in Belgian universities.

Despite the fact that Belgian society is secular, much attention in the country is paid to the study of various religious movements, and religious authorities are responsible for the development of Catholic churches. Universities in Belgium are an opportunity for future philosophers, theologians and religious scholars to conduct a variety of research, develop their own theories and communicate with like-minded people in different religious movements.

Graduates of Belgian universities associated with religion teach at universities and also realize themselves in scientific and philosophical activities. No less popular in Belgium is the direction associated with fine arts and music. Many Belgians and Belgian women are interested in music and the visual arts, so this area is popular.

Belgium has several art academies that produce artists, photographers, fashion designers, sculptors and designers, as well as musicians. One of the oldest art schools in Belgium is the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, a branch of Ghent University. Those who want to connect their lives with music should pay attention to the Liege Conservatory, which offers a huge number of educational programs that train vocalists, musicians and conductors.

How to enter a university in Belgium for Russians

To enroll in a Belgian university, a Russian applicant must have a certificate of secondary education. Further, everything depends on the specifics of the educational institution where the student is preparing to enroll. For example, to enter a medical or technical university, you will need to pass exams in special subjects such as physics, chemistry, and mathematics.

If a Russian student enters an art academy, he will be asked to take entrance tests. Depending on the policy of the university and the specifics of the course of study, the admissions committee may require the student to provide a certificate confirming proficiency in English or French. All admission requirements must be obtained directly from the educational institution.

Documents for visa application

As soon as a student is accepted to study at a university, he must begin to legally live and receive education in this country. Submission of documents for a class D visa is carried out in person at the Belgian consulate at the applicant’s place of residence. An appointment to submit documents is made a few days before the procedure. Before submitting documents, you must collect originals and photocopies of some documents in advance:

  • Visa application form with completed fields and signatures (in two copies);
  • A valid passport (with more than 12 months left until expiration);
  • Documents that confirm the student’s admission to a higher education institution (for example, a certificate from the university about enrollment in the faculty);
  • If the education will not be full-time, proof that this training is preparation for full-time and the main occupation of the future student (curriculum and letter of recommendation);
  • Documents providing access to education (certificates, diplomas, list of marks - an appendix to a diploma or certificate);
  • A bank statement confirming the availability of funds for living in Belgium;
  • Medical certificate of health;
  • Medical insurance with coverage of 30,000 euros for the entire duration of the visa;
  • Certificate of no criminal record from the police.

Copies of documents and originals are provided to the Belgian diplomatic mission, which the applicant then receives back. All documents (except passport and insurance) must be legalized and apostilled. The translation of documents must be legalized twice: as a separate paper in accordance with the procedure outlined in the country of origin, and then at the Belgian consulate.

Territory – 30.5 thousand square meters. km
Population – 10.5 million people.
Capital – Brussels (about 1 million people)
Languages ​​– French, Dutch, German
Currency – Euro (EUR)

Due to the fact that the Kingdom of Belgium is inhabited by two groups of people - the Flemings and the Walloons, each speaking their own language (Dutch and French), respectively, Flanders has its own peculiarities of the education system, and Wallonia has its own. The first gravitates towards the Dutch and German model; the second - to the French.

Article titles by country: Features of the higher education system

Since the 2004/2005 academic year, a multi-stage educational model has been introduced in the country, implying the preparation of bachelors and masters. The previously existing system of higher education, namely the basic course of one cycle, the basic course of two cycles and the academic course, was abolished. At the same time, the traditional division into two types of educational programs has been preserved - academic and higher professional. Higher professional education is limited to bachelor's courses and is offered only in institutes and colleges. Academic education consists of bachelor's and master's courses, it can be obtained both at institutes and colleges, and at universities.

Summer courses are organized for those wishing to improve their knowledge of the French language and culture for educational, professional and other purposes. First of all, the courses are intended for future French language teachers. Courses are held in the cities of Liege, Leuven, Mons. Candidates for these courses are selected by the Federal Education Agency of the Russian Federation.

Higher education institutions

There are both state and non-state universities in Belgium. The former are financed from the budget of the relevant community; the latter are supported by various foundations and individuals.

State universities teach a wide range of humanities and natural sciences. Universities in the non-state sector mainly specialize in one particular professional area. Catholic universities form a separate group.

The oldest university in the country is the Catholic University of Leuven, founded in 1425. Today there are 10 faculties, including theology, as well as 200 research centers. They offer training in more than 50 specialties - from international law to microbiology, from architecture to classical philology.

The Free University of Brussels, founded in 1834, is located in the capital of the country. It is the largest of the French-language universities in Belgium, with 18 thousand students studying here. Its medical faculty is especially famous, existing in conjunction with a clinic and the School of Public Health.

The University of Antwerp, which has about 10 thousand students, including more than a thousand foreign ones, is one of the young universities. Here you can get a bachelor's and master's degrees in such specialties as applied economics, law, medicine, pharmacology, political science, philosophy, and sociology. The university also includes the renowned UAMS School of Management.

Recently, one of the most popular destinations among foreigners is obtaining a business education in Belgium. Master's programs in management (Master in Management) of three Belgian business schools are included in the list of the best in Europe.

Tuition and living costs

Students at public universities study practically for free, paying only a symbolic fee of 500 euros annually. At universities in the non-state sector, tuition fees range from 5 thousand to 15 thousand euros per year, depending on the program. The cost of renting an apartment in Leuven, for example, is 350-600 euros per month.

Obtaining a scholarship for foreigners

The implementation of cooperation programs (including the distribution of grants for foreign students) is carried out by the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGDC), which is part of the structure of the Federal Service for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation. Government organizations that provide grants for studying in Belgium are listed on the website of the General Directorate for Development Cooperation. Scholarships are provided by both the French and Flemish Communities on the basis of the minutes of the meeting of mixed commissions on cooperation in the field of culture, education and science between the Russian Federation, on the one hand, and the Flemish Community of Belgium or the French Community of Belgium, on the other hand. Lists of candidates for scholarships must be officially sent by Russian institutes and universities to the Federal Agency for Education of the Russian Federation, which further selects candidates.

Specialty scholarships for students pursuing graduate work (bachelor's or master's degrees) are available regardless of the subject of study. Candidates are provided with 2 scholarships for a period of 10 months each. These scholarships will be valid for one academic year. If you are pursuing a master's degree in a two-year program, a new application will be required after the first year of study. Offers for these programs are presented on the websites of universities, the coordinates of which can be found at

Candidates must be under 36 years of age, be undergraduate students and/or have completed a bachelor's degree. Selected candidates are notified by July 1st.

Research grants are awarded regardless of the subject of research. The age of candidates must not exceed 36 years. They must have a master's degree or specialist diploma. Scholarships are provided within a quota of 28 months. Applicants are notified of the decision no later than 6 weeks before the start of the grant. Candidates for grants are nominated by the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Specialist scholarships provided by the French Community are awarded to students pursuing graduate work and are awarded regardless of the subject of study. They can be awarded to fourth or fifth year students who speak French or English at a level of at least intermediate and who have begun writing their thesis. Specialization scholarships are provided within a 28-month quota.

Work while studying

Foreign students from countries outside the European Union have the right to work no more than 20 hours per week during the academic year. To do this, you must obtain a work permit.

Capital: Brussels

Official language: Dutch, French, German

Main religion: Christianity (Roman Catholic Church)

Population of the country: 11 358 952

Currency: Euro (EUR)

Embassy address in Russia: st. Malaya Molchanovka, 7, Moscow, 121069

Education system in Belgium
Stage Age Type of educational institution Peculiarities
Preschool education From 2.5 to 6 years Public and private kindergartens The preschool stage lasts from 2.5 years to 6 years - at this time children attend kindergartens. It is free and optional, so your child can learn at home. Each such institution is assigned to an elementary school. The kindergarten hosts various interactive classes where children learn to communicate, and various hobby groups are also organized for them.
Elementary education From 6 to 12 years Primary School The entire process is divided into three cycles, each of which takes two years. Children attend classes in basic subjects, and the morning begins with learning languages, writing, and arithmetic, and the school day ends with creative activities. Lessons can be taught in different languages, depending on which community the school belongs to.
Secondary education From 12 years old high school In addition to the basic program, which is the same for everyone, you also need to choose additional disciplines, which are divided into two groups - traditional and updated. The first option is divided into 2 cycles of 3 years and involves humanitarian specialization. The second option has 3 cycles of 2 years each, the first includes general disciplines, the second is aimed at choosing a profession, and the third involves only studying the subjects necessary for admission to a higher educational institution. In this case, the student can receive basic education for further study at a university or vocational education, after which he can go to work. Having a diploma with good grades, you can enter many universities or colleges without entrance exams.
Higher education From 19 years old University
Vocational College
Higher education is represented by colleges and universities. In college you can get a diploma equivalent to a bachelor's degree; it takes 3-5 years, depending on the program. In universities, bachelor's studies last for 3 years, a master's degree can be obtained in 1-2 years, it is also possible to obtain a doctorate, for this you need to study for at least 3 years.


Nowadays you can hear more and more often about education received abroad. Of course, this requires a certain courage - to come to another country, where there is a different culture, mentality... The Master program will help you avoid pitfalls and choose the right training program for you at an affordable price. And Belgium is one of the most interesting and useful options for this.

Belgium is a distinctive country with beautiful landscapes and a temperate climate. Its culture is unusual in that it lacks a single core and groups are formed within linguistic communities. The state is famous for its excellent cuisine and freedom of religion. Languages: French, Dutch.

Studying in Belgium is affordable.

The education system is divided into four parts:

    · Primary school (6-12 years old)

    · High school (12-16 years old)

    · Secondary specialized school (16-18 years old)

    · Higher school (18-23 years old)

In elementary school there are no teachers, there are educators whose responsibilities, in addition to teaching general education subjects, include teaching children to work in a group, attentiveness, accuracy, show respect for each other, and responsibility for their actions and work.

Secondary school is divided into several stages, and during the first stage, students must choose which program they want to study in next and a group of additional classes that determine what field they can study in the future.

In Belgium there is also a division of secondary schools into 4 types:

    · The school of secondary art education allows you to continue your studies at a university in the field of art.

    · Technical secondary schools – it depends on the type; those who graduate from a school that imparts practical skills go to work, but those who have received general technical knowledge can continue their studies at a university.

    · Vocational educational institutions - they teach specific working specialties, and additional training is required to enter a university.

    · Comprehensive secondary school – after it you can easily enter a university.

There are two types of higher education in Belgium: university and non-university (short (2-3 years) and long (2+2 years) cycle educational institutions). It has a system of three levels - bachelor, master, doctor.

Studying in Belgium for Russians

The “Iron Curtain” has long been lifted, and it is not difficult to go to study abroad, however, if you choose Belgium, then first you need to decide whether you want to enroll in a university in the Flemish or French-speaking part of the country.

You should submit your documents in advance, at least 10 months before the desired start of your studies, since the number of places for foreigners is limited, and beyond this you can only get into the university for an additional fee.

Typically, a package of documents for applying to a university consists of a certificate of health certified by the Belgian embassy/consulate, a certificate of good conduct, a valid passport, a diploma of higher education or a certificate of completion of 1-2 years of university with grades, confirmation of financial status, permission to register in one of the educational institutions.

In Belgium, there are also scholarship programs where students do not need to pay for tuition from their own wallet. There are quite a lot of scholarship programs for foreign students, which can be obtained for several months, but without the right of extension. If you wish, you can also get grants for training, however, there is quite a high level of competition for them.

Studying in Belgium is prestigious; more and more students are choosing this country to receive or continue their education.

A small European country, Belgium is a unique state in its multinational composition, which has several official languages. One of the advantages of this country is the level of education, which, as a result of research, received a high 14th place among 53 different countries in the world (among them Russia, which is in 33rd place). Let's consider why the education system in Belgium is interesting, what its structure and distinctive features are.

Education regulation

Due to its geographical location, the Belgian state (more precisely, the Kingdom) is sometimes called the “crossroads of Europe”. Surrounded by France, the Netherlands, Germany and a little Luxembourg, Belgium is not only the capital of the European Union, but primarily home to such nationalities as the Flemings, Walloons and Germans, who speak Dutch, French and German respectively.

These folk communities, the largest in the country, created their own linguistic communities (comunes) - French-speaking, Flemish and German. For several decades now, the state has barely intervened in education, leaving almost complete funding and regulation of education in Belgium to these communities. However, they do not have major disagreements about the system, there are only minor differences depending on their involvement in one or another community.

History of the education system

In Belgium, there have been disagreements over funding in the past between state and Catholic schools. Until 1958, there was a fierce debate in the country over whether the state should fund education in Catholic schools. As a result of the parliamentary elections in the same year, the Schools Pact was adopted, which concerned secondary and primary education. The main provisions of the Pact were:

  • about the child’s choice of education;
  • free education;
  • resolving disputes between groups of schools.

The next significant reform, transferring part of the responsibility and management of education in Belgium to communities, was carried out in 1981. And by 1988, community governments were almost entirely involved in education issues. As a result, the country has Ministries of Education located in every community.


The structure of education in Belgium is as follows: basic, which includes pre-school and primary education; secondary and higher. This structure is unchanged for all communities.

Although it seems traditional, the education system in Belgium has its own characteristics. School education consists of several stages, allowing already in secondary school to decide on the direction of future professional activity. Let's consider all the stages in order: in Belgium, the features of primary, secondary and higher.

Preschool education

Kindergarten in the country is provided absolutely free and can be attended from 2.5 to 6 years. Interestingly, it is not compulsory to attend, but up to 90% of families send their children to preschool education in Belgium. Until the age of 2.5 years, working parents can send their child to a paid nursery.

The main distinguishing feature of kindergartens is the absence of a specific program. All classes are held in a playful way, taking into account the skills and abilities of the children. During classes, which teachers conduct at their own discretion, attention is paid to the development of creative abilities, independence, and communication with peers. There is only one teacher in the kindergarten group, but there are also psychologists. The younger groups are constantly replenished with children over 2.5 years of age. Almost all kindergartens are assigned to schools and are located on their territory.

Primary School

From the age of six, a child in Belgium is required to go depending on the location) may be:

  • Subordinate to communities.
  • Public budget schools are subordinate to provinces and municipalities (this is free education, Belgium provides this opportunity to its citizens).
  • Free schools are run by organizations affiliated with the Catholic Church.

Primary and secondary schools are separate in Belgium, and education in them is free for Belgian citizens.

Primary education lasts six years and consists of three levels (two years each). A child in primary school studies until he is 12 years old; he is not so much focused on acquiring knowledge as he is learning to be independent, seeking self-expression in various circles. Lessons consist of reading, writing, mathematics. Much attention is paid to learning the language of the territory where the school is located and other state languages, as well as English. almost all are computerized and equipped as game rooms; there are also gyms and swimming pools.

Secondary school levels

At the age of twelve, the secondary school stage begins for a child. It also consists of three stages of two years each. The first two are required for students. The last stage is chosen at will and is highly specialized.

Secondary school is divided into four types, each with basic subjects, as well as a certain focus. The child must choose which type of secondary school to go to.

  1. General education with in-depth study of natural and human sciences, languages ​​and economics, which involves further study at a university.
  2. A technical direction, where the study of basic subjects is similar to general education, but is divided into a transitional type and a qualifying one. In transitional education, training is aimed at obtaining theoretical knowledge with subsequent admission to a university. The qualification type is aimed more at practice, and its graduates can immediately start working after another year of study.
  3. Vocational and technical direction, where students are trained in specific technical specialties. After completing this program, it is proposed to devote an additional one to two years of specialization and receive a diploma.
  4. An arts major that combines basic education with an emphasis on creative professions - theater, vocals, fine arts, choreography and others. Graduates will be able to obtain higher education in the same specialty.

Regardless of which direction is chosen, in addition to studying basic subjects, the student has the right to choose additional ones at will.

Inclusive education in Belgium

Disabled or disabled people attending educational institutions is quite normal in Belgium. Despite the fact that the relevant law was adopted only three years ago, more than 95% of Belgian children with disabilities receive primary, secondary and higher education on the same basis as other children, go to schools and universities.

For the normal “infusion” of children with special needs into the educational process, special classes have been created in regular schools across the country, where teachers teach small groups of inclusive children. As practice has shown, studying in the same school for both ordinary children and children with special needs is mutually beneficial for both, primarily in emotional terms. Children with special needs do not feel alienated, and others learn to show patience and kindness.

Hurray, there will be no holidays!

Belgian children may be sent for summer training. Moreover, the age of children can even be preschool and start from 3 years old and end at 18 years old. Although it is difficult to call entertainment and educational programs with visits to attractions training. Children can also play sports, improve their language skills, and the youngest ones can stay with their mothers.

To prevent Belgian parents from having headaches about how and where to spend their child’s summer, they contact their child’s school in advance and enroll in the desired program. Over the summer, Belgian children have a great opportunity to continue their development, make new friends and play sports.

Higher education

Higher education in Belgium is represented mainly by the French and Flemish communities. German-speaking Belgians usually go to Germany for higher education or enter universities from the French Community. To obtain higher education in Belgium, most professions do not require passing entrance exams; the main thing is to have a diploma of secondary education. But for Belgians who decide to become an engineer, doctor, dentist, manager or other profession, they must pass exams upon admission.

In higher education institutions in Belgium you can study from two to twelve years. The higher education system in the country is divided into:

  1. University. This includes universities and higher schools.
  2. Non-university education is represented by institutions with short and long periods of study.

Bachelor, Master or Doctor of Science

At universities and high schools in Belgium, you can obtain a bachelor's degree in two years, a master's degree in two to three years, a doctorate in at least a year (followed by the defense of a dissertation) and a higher scientific degree in at least two years. Non-university (college-type) institutions graduate bachelors in 2 years (short term) and 4 years (long term). The difference between university and non-university bachelors lies in the points they receive during their studies. For the former, their number is 60 per year, for the latter - 20-30 points per year.

A bachelor's degree can be academic (has a generalized approach and requires further study) or vocational (has a professional focus with more in-depth study).


Belgian universities can be either public or private. Education in the former is classical, traditional and academic, and in the latter it is narrower, with a visible professional bias.

Tuition fees at universities in this country can be called symbolic. It is the same for students from foreign countries (including those who are not members of the European Union).

The most famous Belgian universities are: the University of Antwerp, founded in 2003, where you can get a good humanities education; University in Ghent, where they study in four faculties: technical sciences, applied economics, medicine and transport sciences. The Vrije University is located in Brussels - one of the oldest in the world, it deserves special attention.

Foreign students

Due to the fact that Belgians receive higher education from about 18 years of age, citizens of this country have access to education at universities, high schools, and colleges. In the latter they receive university-type professional education.

One of the advantages of studying in Belgium is the high quality of education at a relatively low price. Russian students, like other foreigners, will have to pay approximately eight hundred euros for enrollment and approximately five hundred euros in social security tax for each year of study. It is also important to know that all students will have to purchase textbooks at their own expense (or at the expense of their parents). Higher education in Belgium for Russians available after completing 11 grades and one or two years of study at a technical school.

Documentation required for admission

After choosing a Belgian university, you must collect and send the following documents ten months before the start of classes:

  • copy of passport;
  • permission to register as a student at the selected university;
  • income certificate;
  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • health certificate.

If studying in this country is expected to last longer than 3 months, the following documents will be required:

  • a foreign passport valid for at least 3 months after the visa expires;
  • two visa forms filled out in English and two photographs;
  • certificate of enrollment in a Belgian university;
  • certificate of no criminal record (valid for 6 months);
  • medical certificate (valid for 3 months) issued by a medical institution accredited by the Belgian Embassy;
  • confirmation of financial stability;
  • certificate of approval of the scholarship by a Belgian university.

The entire list of Russian documents must be translated into at least three languages ​​(English, Dutch or German, French), all papers must be certified by a notary.

Documents must be submitted in original with two photocopies. The originals will be returned to the owner.