Interesting facts about the beaches of Thailand. The eccentricity of everyday Thai life and Thailand

When going on vacation to Thailand, it is better to know in advance the current prohibitions and rules of behavior, so as not to overshadow your vacation with expensive fines and imprisonment. There is absolutely no reason to worry or cancel your trip, especially after reading this article, which (I really hope) will save you and your wallet.

Bans in Thailand in 2017 – 2018

Many of you have already heard that over the past couple of months there have been high-profile cases in Thailand where tourists were detained for one reason or another. I mean the situation with smoking electronic cigarettes, feeding fish in a protected area or tourists with walkie-talkies in Pattaya. Let's try to figure out what you can and cannot do in Thailand, what you can import and export to and from Thailand, and what you cannot. What rules of behavior should be followed and what the consequences are for ignoring the laws of the Kingdom of Smiles.

Smoking ban on the beach in Thailand

Just recently, on November 1, 2017, a law prohibiting smoking on some beaches came into force.
While the list of beaches where smoking is prohibited from November 1, 2017 has been published, here it is:

– Rayong – Mae Pim Beach
– Chanthaburi – Laem Sing Beach
– Bang Saen near Pattaya
– Jomtien beaches and those closest to them in Pattaya
– Tam Phang Beach on Koh Si Chang island
– Chaam Beach in Phetchburi
– Patong Beach in Phuket
– Bo Put Beach in Surat Thani
– Sai Ri Beach in Chumpon
– Chalatas Beach in Songkhla
– Ta Wa Sukri Beach in Pattani
– Beaches of Koh Kai, Koh Nai islands on Koh Yao island in Panga
– Phra-ae and Klong Dao beaches on Lanta island in Krabi

The list will be constantly updated, so I would not smoke on those beaches that are not currently on the list. In the future, they plan to ban smoking on beaches throughout Thailand.
Why is this happening? It seems like a fight for nature and reducing cigarette butts on the beach. Tourists and residents should put out cigarette butts before entering the beach, officials said.

What is the punishment?
Fine of 100,000 baht (185,000 rubles) or a year of imprisonment.

It seems to me that it would be a good idea to first put up trash cans and designate areas for smoking, and as a person who smokes, such a law certainly does not make me happy. For example, I have a pocket ashtray and I haven’t buried a single cigarette butt in my entire life on the beach. But I constantly see how some people leave mountains of garbage on the beach in the form of scraps, plastic and bottles. Why not start with a ban on food on the beach??
We will see whether this law will be respected or not. It’s too early to say anything else, since for the first couple of months they promise not to fine you, but simply to warn you.

Ban on smoking e-cigarettes in Thailand

A ban on the carrying, use, storage, and sale of electronic cigarettes and components was introduced and has been in effect since 2014.
In reality, when you come to Thailand, you will often see vapers of both European and Thai nationality smoking.

A resonant story with vaping occurred in September 2017 with tourists from Tula, who were arrested by police in Pattaya because the girl was taking out an electronic cigarette, and the guy was found to have another one in his pocket during a search.
As a result, they were detained for a day and a half and released on bail.
The guys had to spend about 300,000 rubles on legal services.

The situation with vapes in Thailand is very strange. Electronic cigarettes are freely sold at night markets, as are e-liquids and other components. I see people smoking vapes all the time and everywhere, sometimes even indoors. Thais often vape and are also open about it, so what's going on?
I assume that this is a demonstrative flogging, which has nothing to do with Russia, these tourists were simply unlucky, and others might have been unlucky.
But I advise you not to import, smoke, or purchase electronic cigarettes, hookahs and other similar things into Thailand; this will result in a fine and imprisonment for up to 5 years. Sometimes both.
Manufacturers of electronic cigarettes face a 10-year sentence.

The fine for smoking electronic cigarettes in Thailand is 1,000,000 baht.
Yes, there is no error. Exactly 1 million 800,000 rubles in conversion.

Ban on quadcopters in Thailand

Since October, every owner of a quadcopter and other unmanned aerial vehicles is required to register their gadget with the Ministry of Broadcasting of Thailand (NBTC).

The fine for this violation is 40,000 baht (75,000 rubles) or 1 year in prison.

The same strange story happened with walkie-talkies, when Russian guys were caught and imprisoned for using walkie-talkies. It turns out this is prohibited.

Bans on feeding fish in nature reserves in Thailand

At the beginning of 2017, a completely crazy story happened with a Russian woman, which was broadcast on all Russian channels.
A woman on a boat excursion in Phuket fed fish near the island of Racha Yai, and was arrested there by employees of the Department of Marine and Environmental Resources.
Naturally, 53-year-old Olga Smirnova was an ordinary tourist from Russia and, in order not to sit and wait for a verdict in prison, she paid a fine of 100,000 baht (185,000 rubles) and was released on bail.

Feeding exotic fish in protected areas can result in a fine of 100,000 baht and a year in prison.

What to do to avoid getting into such a situation? The answer is obvious - do not feed the fish.
Although the story is certainly more than strange, usually boat trips are carried out exclusively with permission and payment to the military from the naval department, who in turn must notify the organizers of all the rules of conduct.

What can and cannot be imported into Thailand?

I already wrote briefly about this, but I’ll repeat it for those who missed it.

You can bring no more than 1 liter of strong alcohol into Thailand (this does not apply to children, they cannot be transported)

And also 200 cigarettes, that is, 1 block.

Fine for cigarettes – 5,000 baht per block and confiscation (about 10,000 rubles)
For exceeding the alcohol limit - from 1000 baht per liter and confiscation.

I foresee comments like: we brought five hundred thousand liters and twenty blocks and we got nothing for it.
You're just lucky. I twice witnessed how they specifically looked through the cameras, caught me, and took me to jail to pay a fine.

Food and drinks, medicines, you can import all this, even if you bring lard, no one will take it away from you during quarantine.

If the medications are serious, it is better to have a prescription, receipt and annotation for them.
The list of prohibited drugs in Thailand differs from the Russian one. But more often you can bring prohibited goods to Russia from Thailand than vice versa.

Don’t even worry about any paracetamol, dietary supplements, pentalgin, etc.

Rules of conduct in Thailand for tourists

To avoid getting into trouble and becoming a victim of an unpleasant situation, I strongly recommend listening to the advice described in this article. All of them are taken from many years of experience living here.

Thailand is a very conservative country, despite the abundance of katoeys and tom boys.
Katoi - they are ladyboys, they are transvestites and people with an uncertain orientation here do not confuse, surprise or shock anyone.
They work in stores, banks, act in films and on television. No one condemns their lifestyle and society’s tolerance towards them is 100%.

Tom boys are lesbians. Women dressed and cut like men. The same thing as with katoys. Nobody singles them out or oppresses them.

If you walk half naked in Thailand, swim or sunbathe without a bra or panties, then not only will they not understand you, but the police may well be called.
There are no nudist beaches in Thailand, they are prohibited. Despite the fact that Thailand is a Buddhist country, not a Muslim one.

That is, you do not need to wear a hijab or swim in leggings. A regular swimsuit or swimming trunks for men is sufficient.

I’ll add a remark that sometimes it’s very embarrassing for our compatriots, especially in winter, during the “hot season,” when half-naked men and women in thongs wander through large supermarkets so that their eyes bleed when they look at them. How? Where? For what? All these questions are still unanswered.

Sex on the beach in Thailand

This also happened and appeared in the news. If you don't want your 15 minutes of fame and a couple of nights in jail, you shouldn't have sex on the beach or in crowded places. In general, where you can be found.
They will be caught, imprisoned, convicted.

Drunk driving in Thailand and driving without a license

For some reason, there is an opinion that in Thailand you can do anything, including drinking and driving, and nothing will happen for it.
Not certainly in that way. Yes, Thailand has more relaxed laws regarding violations for car and bike drivers.
The permissible ppm threshold is 0.5. In Russia it seems to have been completely abolished, since previously it was 0.35.
In general, in Thailand, roughly speaking, you can drink beer while driving (but you shouldn’t).

For those who don’t know, the greater a person’s mass, the more he can drink and not get fined.

Fines for violating traffic rules in Thailand

Fines in Thailand are very modest compared to Russian ones. And if you consider that you can always reach an agreement on the spot and you won’t be deprived of your rights, you won’t have to pay for a parking fine – absolutely divine.

Riding without a helmet – 400 baht
Without a license – 400 baht
Running a red light – 1000 baht
Turning around in a prohibited place – 400 baht
Meeting – 400 baht
Non-payment of transport tax – 500 baht
and so on. To make it very simple - 500 baht usually solves all issues on the spot.
If not, take a fine and pay it at the branch at the central festival on Beach Road.

For those who are planning to ride a bike without a license in Thailand, my advice is to buy a normal, darkened helmet. Broken-down rental helmets are the brightest neon sign for traffic cops - “I have no rights.”

Well, of course it’s better to get a license. There is no discrimination, I’m telling you as a person who was in Gai yesterday and changed my license. There are a million Thais, because they, like us, are subject to pressure for driving without a license.

Drugs in Thailand – what are the dangers?

As elsewhere in Asia, drug offenses in Thailand carry life sentences or the death penalty. No exceptions are made for tourists or local residents.

Beware of buying even soft drugs while on holiday in Thailand, because such a story can end very badly. Those who sell are the ones who hand you over to the police.

What do tourists need to know in Thailand?

When coming to a foreign country, you should respect its laws, especially those related to spirituality.

When visiting a Buddhist temple, do not wear revealing clothes, short shorts, or T-shirts.
Women's clothing should cover their knees and shoulders, and their shoes should be closed. Shoes must be removed at the entrance.

Let me give you an example.

In August, a Russian woman was convicted of refusing to take off her shoes before entering a temple. A woman on vacation in Myanmar, when visiting the Bagan temple complex, refused to take off her shoes and began to make a fuss, demanding to show her where this law was written.
She was taken into custody and given a fine of $367 or a month in jail.
The arrested woman refused to pay the fine and chose prison. She was then charged with immigration violations and was given another 6 months in prison.

Regarding images and statues of Buddha, I will also add that it is prohibited to export images, paintings, figurines, and other things in the form of Buddha and his images.
When you drive to Suvarnabhumi Airport, pay attention to the huge poster on the road that says - Buddha image is not for sale!

Attitudes towards the monarchy in Thailand

The attitude towards the king and the royal family in Thailand is respectful and there are even laws according to which it is forbidden to publish information discrediting the king, as this can lead to imprisonment.

Prohibited: saying things that discredit the king and the royal family. Trample the money of Thailand, commit acts of vandalism related to the king, his image, etc.

Are they jailed for this? And how. The cases are known.

Conclusions regarding bans in Thailand

I hope I didn’t intimidate you too much and my stories won’t make you change your mind about traveling to Thailand. In this article I have collected the most resonant and well-known cases, so you shouldn’t think that everyone here is imprisoned every day.

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I'm looking on the Rumguru website. It contains absolutely all discounts on hotels and apartments from 30 booking systems, including booking. I often find very profitable options, I can save from 30 to 80%

How to save on insurance?

Insurance abroad is required. Any appointment is very expensive and the only way to avoid paying out of pocket is to choose an insurance policy in advance. We have been applying for many years on the website, which gives the best prices for insurance and selection along with registration takes only a couple of minutes.

Just remember the information I provided you and don't get into trouble. Vacationing in Thailand can be easy, fun and without problems.
This is what I wish for you from the bottom of my heart!

Everything was stressful: an unfamiliar tour operator, an airline with conflicting reviews, and a long flight. But, looking ahead, I will say that everything went without a hitch. The flight went well, we were met at the airport, taken to the hotel and, 12 days later, were escorted back just as safely. Thank you all for a wonderful vacation)

Andaman Sea and Karon Beach

There are not so many historical attractions in Phuket. Therefore, tourists here indulge in beach holidays and walks in the protected areas of the island. Which is exactly what we were doing. The choice fell on. Subsequently, after driving along the coast, we were convinced that this was the right choice.

  • Firstly, it turned out that this is one of the longest beaches on the coast. And no partying. Despite the large number of vacationers, everyone is dispersed along the beach so that you feel free and comfortable. Sometimes merchants of all sorts of things appeared out of nowhere (and here it’s impossible without them). But they are quite adequate and unobtrusive.
  • Soft yellowish sand, creaking pleasantly underfoot. They say that this is only on Karon due to the high content of quartz in it.
  • Safe swimming areas are marked with flags that read “SWIM HERE.”
  • There are trees on the beach. And many rested in their shade.
  • Sunbeds and umbrellas are paid, in specially designated places (200 baht and an umbrella with two sunbeds are yours for the whole day). But without them it’s also quite comfortable. Mostly everyone sunbathed on their towels and rugs.
  • Walking along the beach we saw toilets (20 baht, if I'm not mistaken), a children's playground, a volleyball court, and sports equipment.
  • We didn’t use the entertainment on the beach, but I think there are some. Although no banana rides were observed, someone periodically flew by parachute.

We concluded that it is better to sunbathe in the morning before 11.00 and in the evening after 15.00. Otherwise, in half an hour you can turn into a piece of coal, first red, then peeling. The sun is catastrophic, and we quickly realized our mistake. There is no need to overestimate your body. Skin protective products are mandatory here. If you didn’t bring it with you, there are many places where you can buy it: pharmacies, cosmetic stores or 7-eleven chain stores.

What also caught my eye was the large number of our Russian-speaking compatriots. Everyone is sociable and friendly, and in general the atmosphere on Karon is very positive.

Andaman Sea in March it’s a fairy tale. They say there are huge waves and rip currents here, but we were lucky. The gentle sea, the sun, the heat - everything we wanted. “Rolling around like a cucumber on the beach” and enjoying life is an office worker’s dream come true.

Therefore, it was useless to impose excursions on us, but we still decided to go on one (this is Evening Khao Lak). For the first time in Thailand, this was quite enough. A little bit... To fall in love with this country and want to come back here again.

It is a special pleasure to watch the sunset. It gets dark quickly. That’s why it’s more pleasant to sit, breathe the sea air, bask in the gentle rays of the sun, listen to the sound of the waves and catch this magical moment when the day turns into evening.

Shops and markets in Karon

On the coast there are a huge variety of all kinds of shops, street stalls with fruit, ice cream, clothes and souvenirs. As well as massage parlors, restaurants and cafes. We also used the “laundry service”; pay attention to the inscription “laundry service”; washing T-shirts and sundresses cost us about 80 baht.
There are a sufficient number of ATMs and exchange offices in Karon, the rate is approximately the same everywhere. There were no problems with exchanging money.

The most common supermarket chain in Karon is 7-eleven. There you can buy everything you need from a toothbrush to the famous Thai rum “SangSom”. Here you can find food, hygiene products and suntan products. As a rule, these stores are always crowded, as they are deservedly popular.

Night market in Karon

The night market in Karon operates twice a week: Tuesday and Friday. From approximately 16.00 to 22.00. Located in the center of Karon, on the territory of the Temple.

This market sells everything: clothes, underwear, swimsuits, bags, shoes, souvenirs and various trinkets, soap, pearls, various ointments, Thai cosmetics, sunglasses and much, much more. Prices are indeed lower than usual. The quality varies. Thais bargain. The first price may be cut in half.

At the entrance and at the beginning of the market there is a variety of Thai delicacies, including grasshoppers. Here you can inexpensively try local cuisine: Thai delicacies and unprecedented fruits.
If you are in Karon, be sure to go to this market, even if only out of curiosity. The atmosphere there is incredible).

In the area of ​​the Moevenpick Resort and Woraburi Phuket Resort hotels there is a permanent indoor market (Karon Plaza), it is smaller than the “night market”, but everything that a tourist might need on vacation can be found here. It works daily from morning to evening.

Restaurants and cafes on Karon Beach

As elsewhere in Karon, the closer the restaurant is to the sea, the more expensive the dishes it offers. Therefore, for lunch and dinner we walked up the street, towards the Temple. There are many restaurants, everyone invites you as best they can. In general, it seemed to us that the Thais have a very good sense of humor and even that they are somehow close to us in spirit.
In restaurants, in front of the entrance, the freshest seafood, lobsters, and fish are laid out on trays with ice. You can choose whatever you like, and it will be prepared for you right away.

We visited almost all the restaurants nearby our hotel. The selection of traditional Thai dishes is almost the same in all of them. Prices in establishments differ slightly.

Prepared with tourists in mind. It was never too spicy. But it’s still better to warn them in advance. Usually they say "not spicy". If you haven’t become familiar with traditional local cuisine, almost every restaurant here serves European cuisine and even Russian. Almost all establishments have a free salad bar. As a rule, they offer chopped vegetables, sauces for them and some kind of croutons.

After a few days, we identified a couple of our favorite establishments and ate mostly in them.

Towards the end of the holiday, a longing for bread appeared, and we decided to have dinner at an Italian restaurant. We ordered salmon pizza and Coca-Cola. Eh, either we really missed pizza, or it really was incredibly tasty)

What we tried from traditional Thai cuisine

Well, of course, the most popular Thai dishes that we were invited to try were their traditional tom yam soup and pineapple rice.

Noodle soup is very satisfying and a lot in one plate (on average, about 80 - 90 baht).

Of course, seafood in all variations. They are very tasty here.

We drank fresh juices, coconut milk (only about 50 baht), and the popular local beer “Chang”. And we also tasted the famous SangSom rum.

Street food in Karon

In the evening, people come with equipped motorcycles and cook food on the grill right in front of you (Thai “fast food” on wheels). Some in makashnitsa prepare kebabs from meat, seafood, and fish. And others prepare pancakes with different fillings; we haven’t tried them, but we have observed that they are often ordered with bananas and chocolate. It's probably delicious. We hesitated for a long time to try this food. Such mobile “canteens” do not look very aesthetically pleasing. But, since we are in Thailand, we need to try everything. And one evening we bought fried mackerel and kebabs of some sea creatures and local beer. It turned out that it was very tasty, and most importantly, the dinner cost half the price of the restaurant and no stomach upset. We concluded that in Thailand you can safely buy food on the street.

Be sure to try the local ice cream. It is prepared in front of you from natural milk and, if desired, nuts or fruits are added. The process of preparing it is already a whole show. With jokes and jokes it turns out “yum-yum” (as the Thais themselves express it). In Karon, such ice cream costs 80 baht. But you get a lot of it and it’s incredibly tasty.

Entertainment on Karone Beach

If the purpose of your trip to Phuket is a wild holiday and evening parties, then you are more likely to go to youthful Patong. It seemed to us that Karon is more suitable for couples, for relaxing with children, for walks along the quiet evening embankment. It is quiet, comfortable and the sea is clean.

However, there are also places to go in the evening. Loud live music can be heard from bars and restaurants and familiar melodies invite you to a glass of cocktail. Rock compositions performed in Thai are a separate song) And we liked it.

What to bring from Thailand

Like most vacationers, on the eve of departure we went to the market to buy fruit.

Special plastic fruit baskets can be purchased here, they cost 100 baht. A whole queue formed for fruit; we, like everyone else, filled our baskets to capacity. I really wanted to treat my friends and family at home.

There are a lot of exotic fruits grown and sold in Thailand, but the weight and dimensions of hand luggage, unfortunately, are limited.

Passion fruit, dragon fruit, rambutan, longan, etc. Mangoes in Thailand are perhaps the most delicious I have ever tasted. Mangosteens are the original fruit. Inside is something similar to garlic, but sweet and juicy. In many hotels and in the one where we stayed, next to the common warning not to bring durian into the room there is a drawing - a mangosteen crossed out on the bed. The fact is that the burgundy peel of mangosteen can stain everything it comes into contact with and this fruit cannot, for example, be placed on the bed in the room.

What surprised me in Thailand

5 (100%) 4 votes

Each country has its own history, culture, customs, traditions and even climate, which have a strong impact on the mentality of the people living in it.

In the kingdom of Thailand, the sun shines all year round, and a smile appears on the face by itself, so it is not surprising that Thailand is called land of smiles. Indeed, Thais are smiling and it is impossible not to smile back at them, because their sincere smile comes from within.

Thais are not in a hurry, but lead a calm and measured life. You will notice the slowness of the Thais immediately upon arrival at the airport. So, we arrived in Phuket early in the morning and stood in a long line at passport control, naturally very tired. The passport control worker was in no hurry. Every 5 minutes I did exercises for my eyes, and every 10 minutes I did a small warm-up: I got up from my seat, squatted, did circular movements with my hips and swing my arms.

The regularity and slowness of the Thais are one of the manifestations of the principle "sabai-sabai", which denotes personal comfort. All Thais strive for this state. For everything to be “sabai-sabai”, the Thai, at a minimum, must be well-fed, his body must be comfortable and warm, and he must be well-rested. An illustration of this would be that Thais eat everywhere and always, and this is normal. I can also give an example about sleep. One day at lunchtime I was walking through the shops, and in three of the five shops the sellers were sleeping right on the counter. Naturally, I did not violate their “sabai-sabai”.

Religion and philosophy are closely related in Thailand. 94% of the kingdom's population professes Buddhism. Buddha believed that the main suffering is caused by man himself, having material attachments. Look at the life of ordinary Thai people, who live very poorly, but are happy at the same time. One day, quite by accident, we wandered into a simple fishing village. People lived there in some kind of sheds, made from scrap materials. We walked down the street a little and watched their measured life. Children were frolicking on the seashore, and several women were sitting in a hut repairing a fishing net, chatting pleasantly about something. We passed by and people paid attention to us, but no one asked for money, because people have everything they need: food from the sea, sun overhead, a modest home and family. And they don't need more.

Thais respect their elders, which are parents, teachers, Buddhist monks. Thais revere Buddha and the King and do not tolerate disrespect towards them. In any cafe you will see images of Buddha, the King and revered ancestors.

You can also find small houses decorated with flowers everywhere, where food and drinks are stored. This spirit houses who are good and evil. The Thais believe in them and strive to please them, so they change food and drinks in these houses several times a day.

There is one more thing that amazed me in Thailand - this is their behavior on the road. Traffic rules for locals simply do not exist there, and a pedestrian will not wait to be allowed through at a zebra crossing, except when a well-mannered tourist is driving. In addition, Thais do not think about road safety at all. I don’t know whether “sabai-sabai” is to blame or belief in reincarnation... Here are examples. A guy rides a moped with cool headphones in his ears, shaking his head and body to the beat of the music. He drives slowly, probably the melody is slow, and he does not notice at all that he is creating an obstacle for us driving behind him in the car.

A family of three is riding a moped: in front is a small child, a mother is driving, and behind is a girl of about 10 years old, with a textbook in her hands. The girl reads the book carefully, probably repeating her lessons. She holds her hands not on her mother, so as not to fall in case of a sudden maneuver, but on her textbook.

A young Thai couple is on a moped. A guy is driving and taking a girl on a date. Naturally, the girl is in a dress, and it is uncomfortable for her to sit astride a moped. So why break “sabai-sabai”? You can sit sideways, take the phone in one hand and look through your Instagram feed. And it’s not at all necessary to hold on to the guy, because he drives very carefully.

Many people traveling and visiting Thailand like the Thai mentality and lifestyle. Although some people are annoyed by the Thai “sabai-sabai”, my opinion is the following - if you are a guest of this country, then respect those who hospitably opened their doors to you, and look at everything with a smile, because Thailand is a country of smiles.

A ban on leaving the house without panties, a shower that is also a toilet, and a red Fanta specially for perfume... No matter how much you learn about Thailand, it will find something to surprise you with! "ZagraNitsa" invites you to familiarize yourself with 10 unusual facts about the Thais. We are sure some of them will shock you!

In Thailand, it is illegal to spit gum on the sidewalk.

The “ZagraNitsa” portal fully supports the authorities’ fight against sticky “mines.” Which of you has not stepped on this substance at least once in your life, which remains in the sole forever? But a $600 fine and even prison (if you refuse to pay) look like a random line borrowed from Singaporean laws.

In Thailand, it is illegal to leave home without underwear.

This is where the legs grow from the strange habit of many Thais to wear shorts under their dresses, and the Thais to wear two pairs of panties! However, it is possible to control the implementation of the law except by resorting to the help of psychics.

For this ban, the authorities are probably grateful to mothers who exhort their children to put on clean underwear before going outside. Although... Not a word is said about cleanliness!

Photo: Shutterstock 3

In Thailand, it is illegal to drive bare-chested.

This is how the state unobtrusively controls the lives of its citizens. Don't leave the house without underwear, and now - without a shirt. By the way, not only motorists should not walk around the city topless. You run the risk of running into a fine, and the police, explaining the reasons to you, will point out that you were driving indecently on the road named after the King.

Photo: Shutterstock 4

In Thailand, the Lese Majeste law is very strict - punishment for disrespectful statements/actions towards the King or a member of the royal family.

One can only talk about the wealth of the elderly monarch and the intrigues of the royal house among foreigners. It’s better to remain silent altogether - foreign journalists note a growing number of denunciations.

Thais' fear of this law is very real. One night in the Jomtien area of ​​Pattaya, a girl magically managed to avoid rape - she pointed out to the crazy Thai man a large portrait of the King displayed on the occasion of the holiday and began shouting about insulting His Majesty. The man immediately came to his senses and retreated.

Photo: Shutterstock 5

Thai women often pee in the shower.

I know from personal experience that when you step into the shower after sneaking, you can often smell the smell of “someone missed the toilet.” Moreover, many are not embarrassed to do “this” in front of their partner. When you see the thoughtful expression on the face of the girl standing with you under the streams of water, you know that it’s too late to run away. It’s good that baths and swimming pools are still out of the affected area.

Photo: Shutterstock 6

Thais always cover their mouths using a toothpick, but they consider picking their nose quite natural.

Tourists in minibuses freeze in fascination at traffic lights, watching Thai women pick their noses with both hands at once.

Throughout Thailand, the national anthem is played twice a day.

The anthem is played from loudspeakers at 8 am and 6 pm. At the moment of its playback, everyone must stop and feel how great national pride is in their hearts.

To ensure that the growth of patriotism does not slow down, a group of generals came up with an initiative - road traffic should also stop during the anthem. “What difference does it make to them, they are still stuck in traffic jams,” they dismissed the protests.

Photo: Shutterstock 8

Being gay in Thailand is a source of pride. Thailand, with its Buddhist position of tolerance and non-interference, is one of the most comfortable countries for minorities to live in. Just look at the eight-day Phuket Gay Pride festival, which took place at the end of April! Don’t be surprised if a civil servant, before accepting your documents, dramatically “powders his nose” and straightens his hair. You won’t see a single emotion on the faces of those around you - this is Asia, baby.

Photo: Shutterstock 9

If you ask a Thai two questions, he will only answer the second.

You've probably encountered this if you've ever worked with Thais or corresponded with a Thai woman. In a series of questions, you will only get an answer to the last one, and Thai staff should never be given several tasks at the same time: people instantly lose concentration. The only exception is a handful of educated Thais.

Photo: Shutterstock 10

It is customary to treat spirits to red Fanta, which is sold only in Thailand.

What is this? A genius marketing move? Some say that Coca-Cola employees spread a legend in the Kingdom that spirits prefer this sweet drink because the red color is sacred and protects against disease and evil. But a more plausible version is that in ancient times the guardians of the earth and the hearth were offered a drink made from boiled herring, which was red in color. Now the Thais do it easier - they go to the nearest 7/11.

By the way, none of your Thai friends will be able to answer the question about the red Fanta. And the opinion that milk was previously offered to the spirits, since they were considered dead children, generally baffles the locals. Shall we check?


There are probably people who, just like that, for no reason at all, can fall off a plane to Thailand for permanent residence. Here, as they say, either self-confidence is off the charts, or indifference.

Most of us, sensible people, before making a decision to change location, first come to Thailand on vacation and conduct online reconnaissance. If one trip is more exciting than another, and there is peace and grace in your soul, then the thought comes to settle in this warm place for a longer time.

Look, touch, try - this is the only way to move. Are the plumbing and household appliances fixed, is there Internet access, are there termites in the house (ants escape after special treatment, termites never). Look at the condition of the pool and the surrounding area, whether there is a construction site nearby - evaluate these and other points and try them on for yourself. Arranges?

Make a deposit and live healthy. Advice - immediately go with a realtor to the office of the management company. Meet the employees, usually one or two people, and write down the office's mobile number. Just in case. The faucet is leaking, the sink is clogged, the refrigerator has stopped freezing, the heater in the bathroom is not heating - you really can’t do without English.

Write down the necessary words from the dictionary in advance to simply explain the problem. It is possible that you will have to wait several days for a specialist. Call or come to the office and calmly remind them of your problem. Thais are generally smiling and friendly, but they become disoriented if they hear an emotional conversation in a raised voice. In addition, slowness and regularity are a purely Thai trait. And why should they rush? It's always +30 outside!

Safety is in your hands

In Thailand, like in any country, there is crime. This unpleasant fact should not be forgotten. As a rule, tourists are targeted by various scammers. They are robbed, robbed and this is reality. Tourists have their bags snatched, gold chains torn off, money stolen from their rooms, apartments, etc. To avoid becoming a victim, protect yourself.

The main thing is not to carry your passport with you, make a copy and always keep it in your bag or pocket. If you lose a copy, it doesn’t matter if you have a passport - you won’t have any trouble. By the way, choose small bags with a long strap and wear them over your head and shoulder. This bag has enough space for a mobile phone, a compact camera and money. Gold chains that you won't part with are best worn under a T-shirt or shirt. “Don’t wake up Dashing while it’s quiet,” says popular wisdom!

Decide for yourself where to store your savings. Either rent a locker in a hotel or open an account in a Thai bank. If you rent an apartment, buy a padlock for the front door. If you periodically order room cleaning, be careful. Staff stealing petty items in hotels and condominiums is not a rare occurrence.

If you don’t want trouble, don’t bring prostitutes and katoys (lady boys) to your place. Most often these are criminals and friendship with them can end badly, naturally, for you. But if you still contact the police, know this! First of all, the law is on the side of the Thai citizen. Yes, they will accept your statement and assure you with a sincere smile that the offender will be found and punished, but the matter may end there.

And most importantly. God forbid you to contact! This potion is not only prohibited - the law of the kingdom stipulates execution for its use and trade. Moreover, how many grams were discovered and for what purposes is not important.

About Thai food

To be honest, I don’t know much about Thai food yet, because I’m in a pleasant state of familiarity with unusual tastes and aromas. I advise you to introduce yourself to new food slowly, remembering the names of the dishes. This way you will have your own Thai menu. At the same time, do not forget the main principle of a gourmet: “How many people, so many opinions.” For example, the stars of Thai cuisine are and. Most foreigners like these dishes, but there are those who can't stand them. So try, try and try again!

You can do this useful activity not only in good restaurants, but also in street cafes, of which there are many everywhere. You can also eat deliciously and cheaply at makashniks. These are street cooks. They fry and steam on cart stoves, which Russian tourists call the field kitchen.

Don't be surprised when you taste a mixture of flavors in Thai dishes - hot, sweet, sour, salty and bitter. This typical mix is ​​achieved using different spices. These include lemon grass, kaffir leaves, different varieties of ginger, chili peppers, garlic, cilantro, basil, coconut milk, lime juice, etc.

The fact is that Thai cuisine was formed under the influence of India, China and Portugal. The traditions of these countries have evolved over time into Thai culinary uniqueness. I am not going to describe the numerous local dishes and their merits. You will find out and feel everything yourself.

However, my job is to warn. The abundance of pepper is the first shock that the taste buds of our compatriots receive. Therefore, remember, like our Father, the phrase “no spice!”, which means “no pepper!” No, pepper is in the dish, of course, but in a more edible quantity.

Traditionally, Thais extinguish pepper fires in their mouths with unleavened rice. I tried to calm the burned receptors in this way, but it didn’t work. The native, familiar method is a few sips of cool water, which is also not a special help. Watermelon juice with ice turned out to be more effective.

Today, in any restaurant and even a small cafe you will be offered a menu in Russian, where there is a wide field for imagination. Read carefully, choose and “kin khao” for you, which means “bon appetit”!

Roads and means of transportation

In the resort of Pattaya you will not see buses or trolleys that are familiar to Russia, but you can quickly and easily get to any point in the city you need. From early morning until late at night, fast pick-up minibuses, nicknamed “tuk-tuk” by tourists, scurry through the streets. Transport specialists grumble, they say, a real “tuk” can only be seen in Bangkok and it looks completely different - it’s a miniature four-seater carriage attached to a moped. Practically the great-granddaughter of a Japanese rickshaw puller. A pickup truck with benches in the back is a songthaew.

What is true is true, but experts realized it too late. The Pattaya version of the tuk-tuk has been adding up kilometers of roads for many years and will not change its name. Nimble, reliable, convenient and cheap - this is why both tourists and locals love it. Just 10 baht and you will travel through the entire central part of the city, and with one transfer you will get from one end to the other.

Connoisseurs of time and speed can use another equally popular transport - a motorbike. Guys in bright vests with numbers can be seen on every corner. While waiting for clients, they sit in armchairs, sleep in hammocks, read, listen to music and drink energy drinks. The price is negotiated on the spot and depends, of course, on the distance. Remember - it is appropriate to bargain with a motorbike driver.

And further. Throw your hotel's business card in English into your wallet. This is in case the buyer doesn’t understand where to take you. For example, the Caesar Hotel is pronounced “Cesar” in English, etc.

Tourists who are not in Pattaya for the first time and are confident in their bearings prefer to rent vehicles. Some choose motorbikes, others cars. The common advantage of these options is complete independence, and the only difference is the amount of rent.

Smiles in Thailand!

Many years ago, when Thais saw a European, they bowed their heads and raised their folded palms up. This traditional greeting is “wai”. Today there are so many foreigners that they no longer qualify for the status of prominent people, and the modern rhythm of life in Thai cities has made familiar relationships easier. Thais now say “hello” to each other, and “wai”, as they say, is for holidays or very important people.

Only the smile on the faces of the Thais remained as wide. It’s true that not everything is clear here either. It's no secret that hiding real feelings under a smile is an Asian and Buddhist tradition. Sources claim that they are officially recognized in Thailand, which means that even in case of extreme dissatisfaction, a Thai will smile. Getting him to openly show irritation or anger is not easy, but some of our compatriots manage to do it. This reduces the authority of all Russian tourists. Alas. Although most Russians, naturally, relax here according to the principle “man pei rai!”, which in Thai is “no problem!”

Tourists who have recently arrived in Tai Russo are immediately given away not by their burnt noses, but by their facial expressions. They resemble soldiers at a military parade. Well, very serious. Amazing metamorphoses occur in two weeks. People open up like lotus buds, smile, laugh, and even the intonations of their voices become soft. An acquaintance of mine from Ussuriysk in Thailand often vacations and once again, getting ready to go to Russia, he told me: “Here again, for the first few days, I’ll be smiling on the street like a fool. Then people will start looking at me askance and I will close my mouth. I’ll become like everyone else.”

In fact, the Thai sun and air filled with joyful lightness melted many impregnable ice floes. Russians come to Thailand again and again to immerse themselves in a wonderful state of serenity and spiritual comfort.

About taboos

King. A particularly respected and revered personality in Thailand is His Majesty Rama X. The Kingdom is developing along a democratic path, but the personality of the monarch is inviolable in every sense. If you want to find out more about his respected person, look on the Internet, but there is no need to discuss the Majesty with his subjects, or joke about him. A well-known example is when one foreigner, for the sake of laughter, drew a mustache on a portrait of the king. The result is a real prison sentence.

Temples. The majority of the Thai population professes Buddhism. Even in resort towns there are many temples and behavior in them is strictly regulated. For example, it is not recommended to enter there in short shorts and T-shirts. Shoulders should be covered. When seeing a monk, a woman is forbidden to speak to him, touch him or give him anything. If you absolutely want to give a gift to a minister of worship, give it through some man, for example, a guide. If you are taking a photo in or near a temple, do not sit or lean on the Buddha statue.

And one more thing – people go into temples and other public places barefoot. Most often these are spas, hairdressers, massage parlors, photo studios, Thai homes, etc. In a word, take off your shoes wherever you see shoes at the doorstep.

Children. Residents of Thailand love small children, including strangers, and are not shy about expressing this. They look at the babies with adoration, say kind words to them and can gently touch the child, but not his head. Touching the head or familiarly patting the shoulder of a Thai of any age is not a good idea. This again ties back to the basics of Buddhism.

Beer. In Thailand, it is not customary to drink beer on the street, but if you meet a person with a bottle in his hand, rest assured, this is a Russian who is here for the first time. It is noticeable that our people quickly switch to local rules and become regulars at beer bars. In Pattaya they are at every step. An open view of the street, comfortable chairs - what else is needed for a pleasant beer drinking experience. Interestingly, there is no beer bacchanalia in local stores, as in Russia. There are only a few varieties on sale, but they are of very decent quality.

Pattaya has been given the status of a sexual libertine, but this does not mean that sin rules the city. For Thais, all aspects of life are regulated, that is, everything has its place, time and rule.

In Thailand, it is not customary to show feelings in public, as well as to swim and sunbathe in the nude. It is considered completely unacceptable to appear in public in dirty clothes and drunk. If your feet are dirty, no one will pay attention to it, but if you point your foot at objects or a person, you will be called a rude person. And another important taboo. In Thailand, it is indecent to loudly sort things out in a raised voice and raise a hand against children. This way you risk losing your authority forever.

About carrots and Thai customs

In Thailand, everyone sees what they want to see. Some enjoy the sea, elephants and waterfalls, while others spend their entire vacation testing local alcohol and drinking in bars with carrots (as the Russians call prostitutes).

Pattaya is a city without complexes and the Thais here can hardly be called puritans. Sex services here are relatively cheap and you can rent a girl or boy not only on the famous Walking street, but also in any bar. After dark, in popular tourist areas, butterflies of different sexes attack clients under every bush.

We found something to surprise you, you say, this side of Thailand is known to the whole world. I agree and will add several Pattaya characters to your Thai collection. Here, at every step, young Thai women walk hand in hand with elderly Europeans - a common picture, interesting only to Russians. Until they get used to it. These girls are often girlfriends, but in any case, their work is paid - sexual relations in Thailand are placed on a financial basis.

In shops, salons, in tuk-tuks, and anywhere else, other girls catch your eye, but completely different ones. A low voice or, on the contrary, squeaky, male hands, knees, a mannered gait, but at the same time makeup, a short skirt and heels. This is a ladyboy, which in local terms is “katoi” - a village guy who has partially changed his gender, either the lower part of the body or the upper part. In the hierarchical hierarchy of prostitution, they are at the lower levels, but there is also a demand for this product.

Sometimes on the streets there are even comic specimens - aged trannys who have long gone into circulation. But life goes on for the grandfathers and they shop in stores, relax, ride bikes with the usual long hair and... impressive female breasts. What a spectacle!

You may need it in this case.

Tattoos from the heels to the top of the head and an indigo-colored body, a close-cut haircut, piercings wherever possible, a leather vest with chains - this is what German fans of hard rock, Harleys and other metal paraphernalia most often look like. The motley crowd in Pattaya is a reflection of the whole world.

This is far from paradise, but at the same time the feeling of lightness and freedom does not leave you. People for the most part are smiling and friendly, compliant and reserved, calm and helpful. Russians look at many things with bewilderment and slight envy. For example, the Thais who, after a hard day’s work, gather together at tables in street cafes.

By the way, in Thai families fathers are more likely to care for children and elderly parents live with children. There are no shelters for the elderly in Thailand. And further. In the evenings, you won't see teenagers hanging around the city's faces. From idleness they do not break benches and kiosks. But if you find yourself in a crowded tuk-tuk, don't be surprised if a teenager gives you his seat. The more often you come to the Kingdom, the more you understand that we have a lot to marvel at and learn in Thailand. That's for sure.