Where to go in the city of Evpatoria. What to see in Evpatoria

“I feel very sorry for those who have not been to Evpatoria”
V. Mayakovsky

Evpatoria is a popular tourist city in Crimea, which is 2500 years old (!). The symbol on its coat of arms - a medical snake - symbolizes that this is a high-level balneological resort and mud bath. Nature here has created convenience and comfort in everything - the climate, location and uniqueness of the sea coast.

Sights of Evpatoria - labyrinths of old streets

Evpatoria is a city where walking is extremely pleasant. Here the houses are full of ancient arches, metal and wooden gates to closed courtyards, and street stucco. Windows of fancy shapes with ornaments. Street installations - forged hooks for antique lanterns, stucco cornices, stairs - are silent witnesses of several eras.

Memorial plaques with the names of writers who stayed here - Lesya Ukrainka, Adam Mickiewicz, Vladimir Mayakovsky. You can take a break from your walk by stopping by for a cup of coffee at a literary cafe where the great Anna Akhmatova visited. There is no more beautiful place in the resort town than its embankment. Evpatoriya embankment - the calmness of the ebb and flow of the tides.

Yevpatoria is a city with 190 historical and cultural monuments. History itself has created the scenery where you can touch architectural monuments - temples of various faiths. To explore the most beautiful places in Evpatoria means to make a pilgrimage of spirit and body. This is “Little Jerusalem”, where the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas stands opposite the Khan’s Mosque, a craft synagogue neighbors Karaite kenas, and dervishes - learned Muslim monks - once built theirs next to the neighborhoods of people from the Ararat Valley - Armenians.

Be sure to include Karaite kenas in your sightseeing. Not only is the thread of history woven here, it is a truly magical place. An aquifer system of wells has been created under the marble slabs. Whoever finds the place of the well makes a wish. Another sundial. The wish will come true if you stand at zero.

What else to see while hiking in Evpatoria:

  • Gezleva fortress gate (Matveeva street);
  • the remains of the defensive wall of the city of Evpatoria from the Greek period (under a glass dome, near the entrance to the local history museum);
  • postal museum (tells about the evolution of postal communication, the post office is operational, admission is free);
  • museum-pharmacy (the origins of pharmacy in Crimea, the pharmacy is operational, admission is free).
  1. Museum of Local Lore (nature, culture of the peoples of Crimea, periods of war - diorama), history of the Crimean War (personal items of soldiers, awards, weapons, rigging details, etc.).
  2. The Tekiye Dervish complex is the abode of Muslim ascetics (the cells where they conducted their meditations, the central temple for worship, the minaret). "Tekie" - "shelter". One of the few such places in the world (!) that has preserved the life history of the dervishes. There is a museum of Crimean Tatar culture on the territory of the complex.
  3. House of Wine (the history of Crimean winemaking since the times of Ancient Greece; exhibits of wine amphorae, glasses, goblets and vessels; a unique collection of corkscrews (!).

Some of these places are so unique that they are included in.

Where to go with children in Evpatoria?

Which adult doesn't want to immerse themselves in childhood? Everything is possible in Evpatoria! It's worth having fun during a fun quest at the Pirate Museum, which stores finds from the bottom of the Black Sea. Children and adults will plunge into an interactive game through the halls of the museum - they will open the door to the treasury, find themselves in the pirate's mess and the "sea wolf's" cabin. In the Frunze Park, everything comes from childhood - the attractions “At Lukomorye” and the Glade of Fairy Tales. The city has its own Dinopark, Water Park "Banana Republic" (the largest in Crimea), Aquarium, Dolphinarium and children's theater "Golden Key".

Where can you see a pink sunset?

In the vicinity of Yevpatoria there is Lake Sasyk-Sivash. First of all, it attracts tourists with a large number of swans, who live here all year round, raise their cubs and are practically not afraid of people. In order not to turn your vacation into a tedious one-day trip, you can stay in hotels or mini-boarding houses located directly near Sasyk-Sivash.

Another health attraction in the outskirts of Evpatoria - Lake Moinaki - is located within the city. City buses run there. This will be a sanatorium stay in natural conditions, where you can inhale salt vapors from a natural inhaler.

For the comfort of vacationers in Evpatoria, the territory of New Beaches has been created - a network of suburban beaches on the Saki-Simferopol highway. The beaches are clean, the coastal zone is sand and shell, protected from erosion. Transport links are excellent! During the season, minibuses go there every 5 minutes.

Sandy beaches, a gentle approach to the sea, an amazing combination of dry steppe air and sea breeze make this resort comfortable for a family holiday with children. In the city you can rent housing in apartments or in the private sector; there are more than 60 sanatorium-resort institutions where you can undergo a course of sanatorium-type treatment as an inpatient or purchase a course. Healing mineral water is available to everyone in city pump rooms. The swimming season lasts from late May to mid-October.

Evpatoria is a city of bright and sunny days! The surface of the water area always greets you with joy! It's so nice and comfortable here, like home! The sunny impressions of your vacation will remain until your next vacation. Until the moment when you want to come back here again...


Evpatoria is famous for its good sandy beaches. And as a result, for the most part, a huge number of married couples with children come here on vacation. In addition to a quality beach holiday, all tourists will find a lot of interesting places aimed at absolutely any age of vacationers. Therefore, it simply cannot be boring here. And most vacationers return to Evpatoria again the next year. In addition, there is a wonderful climate, clean air, exactly what tourists tired of big cities need.

Places worth visiting while relaxing in Evpatoria.

  • Dolphinarium- this is not an ordinary dolphinarium; in addition to spectacular tricks, you can purchase the “dolphin therapy” service here. Many doctors claim that joint communication with these animals helps to recover from a large number of diseases associated with the nervous system. A swim with a dolphin costs about $15. I don't know if this is true or not. But there are a large number of people who want to get a positive effect. Entrance ticket for an adult to the show program is 300 rubles, for children - 200 rubles. Dolphinarium opening hours are daily from 11-00 to 20-00.

Address: Russia, Evpatoria, st. Gorky, 16


  • Central Park named after Frunze- this is the most important amusement park in Evpatoria. There is a large number of all kinds of entertainment for absolutely everyone. Even the youngest guests of the city will be able to get a lot of pleasure in their area called “Town of Fairy Tales”. At night, the park turns into a nightclub and concert hall, where artists come.

Address: Evpatoria, st. Gorky, st. Shevchenko or st. Frunze

Central Park named after Frunze.

  • Water park "Banana Republic Aquaparkos"- one of the largest water parks in Crimea. There are super extreme slides for adults here: Blue Fog, Red Pepper - the height of a 7-story building. Also, children's slides are less scary; there are about 15 of them in the water park. The water park is open every day from 10 to 19. The entrance ticket for an adult is 850 rubles, for children 450 rubles, and for children up to 90 cm tall, entry to the park is completely free. The only caveat is that during the high season there are a lot of people here, and therefore there are long queues for the slides.

Address: Evpatoria, Pribrezhnoye station.

Water park "Banana Republic Aquaparkos".

  • Amusement park "Dinopark"- this park is aimed exclusively at children. There are a large number of dinosaur models, a play area, a bowling alley, an ice skating rink and a fish restaurant. The place is considered one of the largest in Crimea among entertainments for children. Opening hours are from 10 to 23. The entrance ticket costs 150 rubles, and for children under 3 years old admission is free.

Address: Evpatoria, park named after. Lenin

Amusement park "Dinopark".

  • Entertainment complex "Solnyshko"- for those who want to dance or just have a good time, it’s worth visiting this place at least once. The complex is located directly on the seashore and includes: a large three-level open dance hall, water activities on the beach, animation programs throughout the day, a diving center, restaurants, cafes and bars. For those interested, there is a hotel where you can spend the night. The place is very fun, famous for its popularity especially among young people.

Address: Evpatoria, along the P25 highway from Evpatoria in the direction of the city of Saki

Entertainment complex "Solnyshko"

  • Juma-Jami Mosque- a Muslim mosque with two minarets, as the guides say, it is a kind of beacon for sailors from the water. Thanks to it you can navigate where you are. In addition, Juma-Jami is the largest of all mosques in Crimea. In the city, it does a great job of helping tourists get to the embankment, which is very convenient. Therefore, while relaxing in Evpatoria you will pass by it more than once.

Address: Evpatoria, park named after Karaev

Juma-Jami Mosque.

  • Karaite kenasses is a large temple complex of the Turkic people. All their monuments are located in Crimea, including one of the main ones here in Yevpatoria. If you get tired, there is an excellent cafe on site where you can sit and relax, and at the same time taste the most delicious pasties and kvass.

Address: Evpatoria, st. Karaimskaya, 68

Karaite kenasses.

  • Theater Square of Evpatoria- also a kind of landmark of the city. It is the center of Evpatoria, it is located: Theater and library named after. Pushkin, as well as a park.

Address: Evpatoria, Theater Square

Theater Square in Evpatoria.

  • Moinak Lake- This is an analogue of the Dead Sea in Israel. The water in the lake is very salty, and the black silt has healing properties. Every year, a huge number of tourists come here for mud therapy in the hope of curing all kinds of diseases.

Moinak Lake.

Is the answer helpful?

It is customary to say about Evpatoria that it is a health resort, a pleasant climate, sandy beaches, but nothing more. It seems like there’s nothing special to see there, just lie by the sea or go for treatments at numerous sanatoriums and mud baths.

But in fact, Evpatoria is not a boring health resort town at all, but a vibrant crossroads of different religions and cultures - with museums of different nationalities, with the cries of Muslim heralds and minaret towers, spiers rising into the sky, an ancient working mosque and synagogues, with Orthodox churches and Karaite kenas. It is not for nothing that the tourist route through the old part of the city is called “Little Jerusalem” due to the mixture of religions, cultures and traditions. Medieval streets (Evpatoria is a truly ancient city - it is 25 centuries old!), monuments, places of worship of different faiths. The ancient buildings of the city preserve the memory of centuries.

You can start exploring “Little Jerusalem” from the ancient Gezlev Gate. Gezlev - that’s what Evpatoria was called before, it was a large city, which was even planned to be the capital of the Crimean Khanate. To this day, the entrance to the fortified city, which is called the Gate of the Wood Market, has been preserved here.

The former monastery of the Sufi order of Muslim monks - "tekie dervishes" - consists of a 15th century dervish monastery, the ancient Shukurulla Jami minaret and the Crimean Tatar museum in a tea house. The temple is a place for meditation and “dancing” of monks. It is worth listening to the music and watching the dervishes dance. Amazing sight!

Khan Jami Mosque, Merchant and Crafts synagogues, the restored Yegie Kapay synagogue, the Yoskin Kot museum-cafe, where you can try Jewish Olivier, Elias Church, the Armenian Church of St. Nikogaios, St. Nicholas Cathedral on the Embankment, on the facade of which three views are depicted crosses: Greek, St. George and Orthodox. What a diversity and mixture of nationalities, nationalities, and religions!

Yevpatoria is considered the capital of the Karaites, because it is here that their shrines are located - the small and cathedral kenas, Semyon Solomonovich Bobovich, their spiritual leader, lived here, and more than two hundred Crimean Karaites live here now.

Walking along the quiet streets of Evpatoria, even aimlessly, you can still get into some attraction. After all, there are 15 museums in the city alone!

The local history museum, opened back in 1921, has more than 80,000 exhibits, including rich collections of ancient Greek and Scythian monuments, numismatics, and weapons. The museum exposition is open daily, except Wednesdays, from 10.00 to 16.30. The museum is located on Duvanovskaya Street, 11, and its branch is on Gagarin 16.

It will probably be interesting for city guests to visit the open-air museum of world sculpture and applied art on the territory of the Evpatoria seaport, in Shelkovichny Square. The museum is open from 10.00 to 20.00.

An unusual museum depicting a tragic story is the “Museum of Chernobyl Heroes “Wormwood Star” in the park in memory of the Chernobyl Heroes. The museum is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10.00 to 16.00.

A museum that will be interesting to visit for those who are interested in the history of wars. The Museum of the History of the Crimean War on Revolution Street, 61, is open all days except Wednesday and Saturday from 10.00 to 16.30.

Also in Evpatoria, on Revolution Street, 56, every day from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., except Mondays, the Pirates of the Black Sea museum is open.

The House of Wine Museum in the center of Evpatoria will present you with an exhibition dedicated to the history of winemaking in Crimea. All wines presented are genuine. Here you can see ancient Greek finds related to the culture and consumption of wine. And, of course, traditional tasting!

The original Postal Museum and Pharmacy Museum in Yevpatoria are considered unique; there are no others like them in Crimea.

The Postal Museum in the old quarters of the city, on Karaeva Street, 2, tells about the development of postal services in Ukraine, Crimea, and Evpatoria.

The Old Marine Pharmacy Museum is open from Monday to Saturday from 8.00 to 21.00, and Sunday from 8.00 to 17.00.

You can visit the dilapidated but unique Turkish Baths complex, built back in the 16th century!

And, of course, there are wonderful theaters in Yevpatoria! And there are really a lot of them for a resort town. The Pushkin Theater and the Marionette Puppet Theatre, the Wolfram Fire Theater and the World Dance Theater, the unusual theater on stilts, the live sculpture theater and the Gender Interactive Theater.

It is worth paying attention to the absolutely amazing children's theater near Evpatoria, which is called “Golden Key”. This is not just a theater, it is an International Children's Center-Complex, which includes theater studios for children of different ages, a maritime professions club, various hobby groups and art and craft workshops. This unique place is located at Barteneva, building 1-5. And it’s really worth going there for both adults and children!

Here, on the basis of the center, there is the Gallery of Contemporary Art "theHARASHO" and the interactive museum "Clown House", which hosts performances and excursions, master classes for children. The Clown House has a children's club for kids, where you can temporarily leave your child with caring nannies.

Every year from July 1 to July 7, for more than 20 years, the theater has been holding the International Festival "Earth. Theater. Children", which attracts theater groups from all over the world!

And these days, not only the area in front of the Golden Key, but the whole city turns into one big stage, into a single cheerful, colorful carnival, with a festive procession, performances by artists, singers, dancers, fireworks and a parade of stars. This unforgettable sight, in my opinion, is the calling card of Evpatoria. Now this festival is taking place and I myself have just returned from there, I went specially to watch the performances, to join the general celebration of art and true international friendship!

The festival "Earth. Theater. Children" and the "Golden Key" theater are far from the only things that can attract tourists who come on vacation with children. Right in the center, on the Embankment, is the fabulous city of Aqualand near Lukomorye, and if you ever get there, you will not have a question about what to do with your child on vacation. Here, to the whole children's town, which is guarded by the head of Pushkin's hero, there are not just slides, but a whole interactive area for games, where children are always under the supervision of animators. Slides and water attractions await you: Gorynych Serpent, Gorynych's Tail, Swan Princess, Bogatyrskaya Gorka, Storm, Guidon's Throne. From 10.00 to 18.00 an adult ticket costs 1100 rubles, a child ticket costs 800 rubles. From 14.00 to 18.00 the cost of an adult ticket is 950 rubles, a child ticket is 650 rubles. Children under 1 meter tall are admitted free of charge.

And on the way out of the city, children and parents will find the Banana Republic water park with slides, attractions, cascading pools, geysers, and waterfalls! There is parking, restaurants, cafes, and a tennis court on site. Entrance to the water park for adults from 10-00 to 19-00 1400 rubles, from 13-00 to 19-00 - 1300 rubles, from 15-00 to 19-00 - 1200 rubles. Admission for children from 10-00 to 19-00 - 1000 rubles, from 13-00 to 19-00 - 900 rubles, from 15-00 to 19-00 - 800 rubles. Children under 90 cm tall enter the Banana Republic for free.

For those who like sightseeing tours, you can book a city tour of the city, and there are excursions by car, walking and tram!

Cinema lovers will be interested in walking through the places where the famous films “We Met Somewhere”, “Walking Through Pain”, “It Was by the Sea”, “The Money Changers” were filmed.

In general, in Evpatoria you can walk, look, study, learn, and you will never get tired of it, either for adults or for children!

Is the answer helpful?

The city of Evpatoria is one of the most wonderful places on the Crimean Peninsula, successfully combining comfort for vacationers, some practicality with a sufficient amount of entertainment and relaxation.

Evpatoria is divided into two parts, the old city and the new building. In the old city, the streets are located in some kind of wild chaos.

According to local legend, the old city was built in a very original way, without taking into account geographical features. Higher clergy came to the supposed place and one of them threw a stone behind his back, where the stone rolled - in that direction the street. The old town is built in an incomprehensible way, the development is a bit like a game of chess between two amateurs (whoever wants to, can do so). In addition, the restorers did their best; each street (like a twin sister) is similar to its predecessor. It's easy to get lost. My advice, so as not to waste your and your loved ones’ nerves while on vacation wandering around the streets, buy a map. Fortunately, there are enough of them in kiosks. In addition, the map shows almost all the sights, monuments, even markets of Evpatoria. A very practical thing.

And there are plenty of ancient monuments in the city. Juma-Jami Mosque, Karaite Kenassy, ​​Tekie Dervishes, ancient Orthodox churches. Every hour, excursions to the most significant historical monuments are organized for everyone. The price of these excursions is “penny”. Excursion to Keraim Kenassy - 10 UAH, to Tekie Dervishes - 20 UAH.

But such excursions are good for adults. The kids are not interested in this thing, give them something more fun. The children's fairy tale park is just such a place in Evpatoria. The quiet, picturesque park houses more than 30 characters from everyone’s favorite Soviet cartoons. All characters are skillfully made of wood and painted with bright colors. A real children's park. Children “have a blast” climbing into Baba Yaga’s hut, sitting astride the Serpent-Gorynych.

The park is very clean and well maintained.

Another rare attraction of the city is an old red tram. Groaning, creaking, but it will take you both to the Old Town and to the market or square.

The main attraction for vacationers is the embankment, with endless entertainment venues and cafes. It is on the embankment that the favorite statue of the “local nudist” is located. The statue is always full - full of people.

In my opinion, every vacationer tried to capture himself against the background of the statue. It seems like a good tradition. We were no exception.

Not far from the embankment, there is a small alley along various shops. Here they make money in a newfangled way, trying to become a monument. People dress in costumes from historical eras of past centuries, putting on makeup to look like statues, and stand like that (poor things) all day long on pedestals, sometimes only changing their position.

At the bottom of each pedestal there is a bank, where everyone throws a coin (to anyone, as much as you don’t mind). It looks beautiful, but when you think about how much strength and endurance it takes to stand in the sun all day, you just feel sorry for these guys. This is probably why their money banks are never empty.

There is another place where you will be actively invited. Mineral spring. Anyone can come and get water for free. Of course, according to local guides, this source “has very healing properties.” Water of hydrogen sulfide origin. The smell is disgusting. But we haven’t checked how healing it is or not.

Thanks to its favorable climate, unique nature and sea, Evpatoria is a popular destination for a beach holiday, where thousands of tourists come every year. But do not forget that in the city you can find many unique attractions that every tourist should definitely visit when visiting Evpatoria. These include various museums, monuments, and parks that amaze with their beauty and well-groomed appearance. You can walk here all day long and enjoy your time.

Tram of Desires

This interesting excursion site is very popular among tourists. There are many legends around this historical tram; it is even recommended to enter it with your left foot, but holding the handrail with your right hand. It is at this moment that a tourist should make a wish that must certainly come true. Everyone can take a ride on the tram, drink a cup of coffee and enjoy the pleasant view. The route begins near the Frunze Park and ends near the Old Town.

Gorky Embankment

This attraction is definitely worth a visit for everyone. Here you can relax with the whole family and take a leisurely stroll and enjoy the beauty of nature combined with ancient buildings of the 19th century. There are also living sculptures and various exhibitions on the embankment. Anyone can take a photo with the statue of the famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky.

If you find yourself in Yevpatoria, then add this attraction to your list of especially important ones. After all, in this dolphinarium you can see dozens of frolicking dolphins, fur seals and other unique marine life. Ticket prices vary from 600 to 1000 rubles depending on the time of the performances.

Turkish baths

You can see the Turkish baths in the Old Town area on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street. They have operated since medieval times and ended their existence in the 90s of the 20th century. Entertaining excursions are held on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00.

The Krasnaya Gorka complex is dedicated to soldiers and civilians who died during the Second World War. The place is saturated with sadness and sorrow. About 13 thousand civilians were shot in this territory since Yevpatoria was captured by the Nazis in 1941. To honor the memory of all those who died, this memorial was erected in 1954. Now it is revealed by a square and an arch.

This architectural monument was built in the 15th century to protect the city of Gezlev from attacks. Interestingly, the gate was destroyed in the late 1950s, but was restored as a historically significant object.

Duvan's house

Duvan's house is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful buildings in Evpatoria. It was built in 1908 at the insistence of philanthropist S.E. Duvan, and Duvan himself did not live even a day in the house. This house was turned into a hotel where visiting guests were accommodated. Now everyone can take a tour of this historic house.

Frunze Park

The Frunze Park has a vast territory and contains many fascinating attractions. The park is a public property and is visited every day by thousands of people. Here you can have a good time alone, with friends or in the company of friends. You will find well-groomed beaches, all kinds of children's attractions, cafes and restaurants, sports grounds, and mini-squares.


The arboretum is the salvation of every city dweller who is tired of the frantic pace. Here you can plunge into the beauty of Crimean trees and shrubs, find rare representatives of flora and fauna. Pleasant outdoor recreation is guaranteed for everyone here. There are many ponds in the park, complete peace and silence reigns.

In this unique open-air museum you can see the most popular architectural structures of Crimea in miniature form. What's amazing is the precision with which the exhibits are made. It will definitely be interesting for both adults and children: you can see all the sights of Crimea in just a few minutes!

The museum is located in a historical place of the city and is dedicated to the events of the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The museum has relatively two small halls, which are equipped with rare exhibits preserved from those years. The museum is interesting because it is equipped with multimedia equipment, so a visit to the museum will be truly memorable.

It is considered the most unusual museum in Evpatoria. Children will also find it interesting here. The museum has been open since 2013 and tells about the history of piracy in the Black Sea. You won't see most of the exhibits anywhere else. While in a museum. The museum is designed in the style of a ship, so you can feel the whole pirate atmosphere, learn about their traditions, and even be the captain of the ship!

This is a tasting room where you can not only try and buy wine, but also learn about the history of wine production in Evpatoria. Wine lovers will definitely love this place, because the best varieties of this alcoholic drink are presented here.


It is still a functioning pharmacy, but it is unusual. Ancient exhibits telling about the history of pharmaceuticals are kept here. So in this place you can not only buy the medicines you need, but also expand your horizons. It is located in the area of ​​the old city.


This unique postal museum is located next to the pharmacy museum. It opened recently - in 2006 and is located in a working post office at number 14. There is an exhibition dedicated to the long history of the development of postal services. You can look at old photographs, read letters written a hundred years ago.

Museum "Kara-Tobe"

This is a very beautiful and atmospheric museum. The basis of the proposed exhibition is made up of finds that describe the life of the ancient Greeks. Archaeological excavations take place here to this day. Open daily from 10:00 to 18:00.

This wooden mosque is interesting not for its appearance, but for its history. It is located in the courtyard of a private house, so you must obtain permission before entering it.

Tekie dervishes on the street. International

This place is called mysterious. Located in the city center, a couple of minutes walk from the Gezlev Gate. This is the only structure of this type that has survived to this day. The price of an excursion with special musical accompaniment is from 80 to 200 rubles.

Karaite kenasses

It is interesting that even Alexander I visited this complex when he was in Crimea. Beautifully decorated halls can leave a lasting impression on tourists. Exciting excursions are held here every day, there is a museum and a cafe. Just remember that entry here with a bare torso or shorts is prohibited, so it is better to change clothes if you are planning to go there from the beach. The ticket price varies between 100 rubles.

Armenian Church

This architectural monument is located on the territory of a nursing home, one of the oldest landmarks in the city. It opens its doors for visits only on weekends. The building is currently undergoing reconstruction.

This synagogue is still in operation today. There is also a Jewish cultural center and a cafe here. Anyone can take a walk around Little Jerusalem on any convenient day.


Thus, in Evpatoria you can find dozens of interesting attractions for every taste and for every age! Museums, parks, ancient mosques, cathedrals and much more are collected in this beautiful sunny city. This is not only an excellent place for a beach holiday, but also for broadening your horizons and understanding the history of the development and formation of this resort town. Here everyone can spend time with pleasure.

There is probably no resort town that offers as much entertainment for children as in Yevpatoria. Here you don’t have to rack your brains over the question of what to interest your children, since the choice is simply huge. Your child will have something to see: amusement parks, zoo corners, an aquarium, water parks, a dolphinarium.

What entertainment for children is there in Evpatoria?

We have created a complete list of all the places where you can take your child in the city of Evpatoria so that everyone can enjoy their vacation!

Tropicpark - for fauna lovers

Here you can see a wide variety of unusual exotic animals. They are allowed to be hand fed. It is located in an interesting building that resembles a fairy-tale Dragon.

  • Their portal: http://aqua-evpatoriya.com/
  • Working hours are from 10 am to 6 pm.
  • Ticket prices range from 800-1400 rubles.

Note to tourists: The price depends on the time of visit and who purchases it (child or adult). If the child’s height is less than 1 meter, then they do not need to pay for entry. Discounts are provided for people living in Sevastopol and Crimea.

You can get here by tram number 2, bus number 9.

Dolphinarium as a place for entertainment in Evpatoria for children

In Evpatoria you can also look at sea animals. Every year the Evpatoria Theater of Sea Animals comes up with and prepares a new program for all visitors.

You can see sea lions and seals, Black Sea dolphins, and white cats in the performances. In “Steppe Harbor” there is an opportunity to contact sea animals, as well as undergo dolphin therapy. You can visit the dolphinarium at any time of the year, as it is open all the time. So for families with children there are options for entertainment even in the autumn months of the year!

  • Location address: Kyiv street, building 19/20
  • Phone:79788554651
  • Schedule: Tuesday - Sunday from 9.00 am to 17.00.
  • Ticket prices range from 600 to 1000 rubles.
  • Children under 4 years of age are admitted free of charge.

To all extreme sports lovers, come to the Rope Park!

We should also pay special attention to the Evpatoria Rope Park. It is located in the shade of tall trees. Here you can relax not only for those who love slow walks, but also for active holidaymakers. It will be interesting to spend time here for those vacationers who are in a great mood and the adrenaline in their blood is just off the charts.

Need to know! The rides in the park are safe!

Having visited the Rope Garden with the whole family, she will have something to occupy herself with, namely:

  1. A family route that has an average level of difficulty. People with a height of more than 120 cm and a weight of less than 110 kg can ride here.
  2. "Extreme". This is only for the brave with a weight of no more than 100 kg and a height of at least 130 cm.
  3. "Traffic light". Every toddler aged 2-6 years can have a wonderful time here.
  4. Turbo slide. Not only children, but also adults can have fun here. On these slides (length - 50 meters, height - 6 meters) you need to ride tubes.
  5. The 8-meter climbing wall has quite a lot of positive reviews.
  6. Here children can not only have fun on the rides, but also participate in various competitions, contests, and competitions.

Note to vacationers:

  • Location address: Lenin Park.
  • Tel.: 79788575207.
  • There is a VKontakte group: https://vk.com/club147421200
  • You can get there by tram No. 1, No. 2 - the final stop is “Liman”.

And for older children - Water Park "Banana Republic"

The presented water park is located on the outskirts of Evpatoria, namely in the village of Pribrezhnoye, which is located on the seashore. As for Crimea, the creators of this water park are sure that Vacationers will not find a larger water park. It has many slides that have different heights, a cafe and much more. This water park contains the best entertainment for children in Evpatoria, so not only children, but also their parents will have something to do.

In the water park "Banana Republic", Crimea

Flaws: But, like everywhere else, there are also disadvantages here. Both new slides and old ones that don't look very reliable. If you get there during peak season, you will have to stand in line for about 30 minutes. Food in the canteen is expensive. Big conflicts arise around black VIP bracelets, thanks to which you can ride the coaster without having to stand in line.

  • Their portal: banana republic.rf
  • Working hours are from 10 am to 6 pm.
  • The price of entrance tickets is around 600-1400 rubles.
  • VIP ticket costs 3,000 rubles;
  • a child under 90 cm is admitted free of charge.

You can get to the water park presented by a commuter bus, which will take you to the city of Saki. Although, it is easier to get there by buses provided by the water park itself ( travel on them is free). They travel according to a schedule, their route goes from the city of Evpatoria, then Zaozerny, Mirny, etc., and there is also a route from the city of Saki.

All details of this schedule can be found on the portal of the Banana Republic water park. Only when the hot season comes, traveling on these buses is very stuffy due to the fact that they do not have air conditioning; they are always crowded, so some have to stand the whole way.

You can also go to the museum

Evpatoria has a rich ancient history, which means that here you can not only treat your health, but also spend your free time with benefit and interest. Schoolchildren like to visit the museum, which was opened here not so long ago - “ Pirates of the Black Sea" This museum can easily be classified as one of the best entertainments in Evpatoria for children!

Pirate Museum in Yevpatoria, Crimea

The one presented is private, it was made by the public organization “Charm”. By the way, what is not very good is its location, since you can only enter from the yard. A landmark for vacationers is the city children's library. As soon as the required courtyard catches your eye, it will immediately be clear that this is it, because the building from the outside resembles an old ship.

Here everyone can enjoy more than one hundred exhibits that were provided from private collections. From them you can learn the whole history of navigation that took place in the Black Sea, about sea pirates who attacked other ships and robbed them.

Particularly noteworthy are the exhibits that were recovered from sunken ships, sailor household items, and parts of ships. The museum is designed in the style of a ship from that era when piracy flourished. Thanks to this, any visitor will immediately understand how pirates lived in those days, and they were wonderful sailors and dangerous criminals.

Any vacationer can take a photo at the helm. And the guide standing next to you will be dressed in the costume of the famous Captain Jack Sparrow. Of course, the theme of this museum is a little unexpected, but all the exhibits and facts presented are authentic.

If adults want to visit this particular museum with children, then no one will be bored here!

Evpatoria entertainment center Dinopark

Those who like dinosaurs will be able to watch them at the “” entertainment center. The whole family will look with interest and inspiration at the figures of the presented lizards and dinosaurs, which are made in real historical sizes. These dinosaurs were made by the same company that makes them for Hollywood blockbusters!

There is also a children's “DinoCafe”. There is a healthy play area, and a unique menu “From Totoshka” has been developed for children under 12 years old.

When the child satisfies his hunger with healthy treats, he will be able to go and play on the rope “jungle” and visit the attractions. Everything here is designed so that children can spend their time actively.

Going up to the second floor, you can visit the bowling alley, the “Creme Brulee” cafe, here you can admire the original design, and there is also a children’s creativity studio called “Handmade”.

  • Location address: st. Belinskogo, 3
  • Tel.: +79787134776
  • Working hours: from 11 am to ten pm.

An amusement park where you can get lost!

If parents want to take their child to the attractions so that they can have a good time, then there are a lot of them at the beginning of Frunze Street. By the way, new ones are installed every year.

There is a Ferris wheel in Evpatoria and it is located right here! It shows an amazing and breathtaking view. For people who are afraid of heights, a “Ferris wheel” was created; it has smaller dimensions. There is something to have fun here: jumping on trampolines, riding different types of transport (skateboard, bicycle), and much more. They also hold quizzes, games, and concerts.

It is famous not only for its large number of attractions, but also for its glade of fairy tales, which all children will enjoy. This is a huge territory, there are many different sculptures installed on it, characters from fairy tales that every child knows for sure. There are exhibits of heroes from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”, all 33 heroes, as well as Alyonushka and Ivan Tsarevich.

And finally, we invite you to watch a video about how children have fun in the Evpatoria water park “Banana Republic”!

Cozy Evpatoria is located on the northwestern coast of the Crimean Peninsula, along the shallow Kalamitsky Bay of the Black Sea.

Since Soviet times and to this day, this seaside town has been the main children's resort in Crimea. More than twenty kilometers of wide sandy beaches are ideal for family holidays. The unique steppe air, saturated with healing herbs, combined with sea air, the smooth, velvety, very flat bottom of the sea - all these factors are ideal for the relaxation and health of children from a very young age.

In addition to natural attractions, hospitable Evpatoria has prepared a huge number of interesting places. The entertainment here is very diverse, for every taste and for different ages.

Water park "Banana Republic" - family recreation center

Ten kilometers from the city of Yevpatoria, the largest water park on the peninsula, Banana Republic, has prepared entertainment for children and their parents.

For young visitors to the water park there is a special children's area, which consists of pools of different depths, for each age, and a wide range of attractions. Experienced instructors monitor the safety of children, cheerful animators organize games. Funny figures of animals, clowns, a pirate ship, a city of treasures will not leave any child indifferent.

There is a cafe on the territory of the water park, and children under three years old are allowed to bring their own food.

A positive point, according to visitors’ reviews, is the opportunity to go to the beach; those who wish can sit on comfortable sun loungers and swim in the sea during breaks between attractions.

For adults, the water park has prepared more extreme descents, a free fall from the highest hot tub and many other activities that will leave an unforgettable holiday experience.

Fabulous aqualand “At Lukomorye” - a miracle in the center of Evpatoria

In the very heart of the resort, the amazing and unique water park “At Lukomorye” will provide entertainment for children. This amusement park is quite new, it opened only in 2014. Throughout the entire complex there are statues from the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, apparently that’s why it’s called that.

The park has a special water zone for children, where they are constantly under the supervision of lifeguards and animators. Also, for an additional fee, those who wish can use the services of a nanny. There are special swimming pools for children - heated and with a non-slip cork bottom. There are also slides for little visitors, and the main rule is safety.

For adults, there are taller and steeper rides. Discos are often held here; there is a special area for this. There is an aquabar, hydromassage, and an artificial river. In general, all the reviews are positive, and the thematic direction of Aqualand is considered a special highlight. The familiar characters from childhood favorite fairy tales are very attractive and pleasing to the eye: Baba Yaga, the Golden Cockerel, Uncle Chernomor, the hut on chicken legs, the Swan Princess and much more.

"Dinopark" - amusement park in Evpatoria

A modern two-story entertainment complex for family recreation, located in Evpatoria - “Dinopark”.

This is a whole exhibition of interactive dinosaurs, a playground “Jungle”, a themed “Dinocafe” and a show cafe “Creme Brulee”, a fish restaurant “Nautilus”. In the park you can play bowling, visit numerous virtual attractions, go ice skating, watch a movie or cartoon in a cinema and, of course, eat in cafes and restaurants.

“Dinopark” is the highlight of the city of Evpatoria, where entertainment is endless.

Dolphinarium - the visiting card of the city

The Dolphinarium is one of the most amazing places that everyone who comes to Crimea should visit. Evpatoria, whose entertainment is as diverse as possible, will provide its guests with an excellent opportunity to attend a performance with dolphins for children and adults. Right on the waterfront, in the center of this wonderful resort, there is a dolphinarium for 250 visitors.

The show program will present its amazing artists to the guests - bottlenose dolphins, which are inhabitants of the Black Sea. The tricks of these good-natured animals simply amaze and touch both children and their parents. Evpatoria dolphins can draw, and anyone can purchase a painting painted by a bottlenose dolphin.

From May to September you can undergo a course of dolphin therapy, which has a positive effect on the human body.

Yevpatoria Zoo

The city zoo is one of the favorite places for residents and guests. The entertainment here is unique. They carry a cognitive and educational role. The excursions are aimed at introducing guests to the fauna of both the Crimean Peninsula and the whole world.

The zoo has about 130 inhabitants of various animals. It is located in a beautiful park among long-lived trees.

On the territory of the zoo there is an exhibition of exotic animals “Tropicpark”, as well as various attractions for children and adults.

Frunze Park

This is one of the most popular and beloved places in Evpatoria. Located right on the embankment, the park is the most crowded place during the holiday season in the city of Evpatoria. Children's entertainment is plentiful here. A huge number of all kinds of swings and carousels, a Ferris wheel, electric cars, inflatable trampolines and slides, horse riding - all this attracts a huge number of tourists with children.

The meadow of fairy tales with famous fairy tale characters fits perfectly into the overall look of the park.

For residents and guests of the city, there are bars and restaurants, stages, beaches, discos, billiard rooms and bowling alleys on the embankment. In the park there is the famous pump room with mineral water of Evpatoria. Rows of souvenirs made by local craftsmen and paintings by Crimean artists delight art lovers. There is a special area for bicycle and skate enthusiasts, equipped with various jumps and slides.

All park visitors will find something to their liking in the famous and diverse Frunze Park.

Aquarium (Evpatoria)

Entertainment for children in this extraordinary resort is so versatile that, as they say, it makes your eyes wide open. The Evpatoria Aquarium is a great time for the whole family. Walking in Frunze Park, all vacationers pay attention to the modern two-story building with an original design. The entrance to the aquarium is made in the form of the mouth of a sea monster.

When you go inside, you get the impression that you are finding yourself on the fabulous bottom of the sea. The aquariums are located in originally decorated rooms, built into decorative reefs and caves. Guests of this establishment will see fancy bright fish, ridiculous and huge turtles, real sharks, and guides will tell visitors interesting facts about all the inhabitants of the aquarium.

The magnificent resort of Evpatoria contains all kinds of attractions. Entertainment here is very varied. Children and their parents vacationing here will not be bored.