Lagoon on Djerba with pink flamingos. Djerba - island of date palms and pink flamingos

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The island of Djerba is the southernmost and warmest resort in Tunisia about which one can say without exaggeration - this is one of the pearls of North Africa! The sun shines here 300 days a year and everything here is mesmerizing - shady, green olive gardens, an abundance of fruits, charming pink flamingos, lots of seagulls, white and pink sand beaches and the colorful turquoise sea...

Just imagine - you have hot sand under your feet, an endless expanse of water in front of you, and olive trees and date palms growing behind your back... if there is a paradise on earth, then it is clearly here!

Djerba is a fabulous place, a quiet, tranquil corner of the country, it is perfect for an active, secluded or family holiday. You won’t be bored here - you can spend time on a relaxed beach and sea schedule, visit SPA centers, you can get acquainted with the culture and way of life of local residents, you can go on excursions and see the sights, or plunge into the oriental life of the island and stroll through the markets and bazaars .

The island is a place where you don’t have to worry about the language barrier. Things are going very well with the Russian language on the island. Taxi drivers, salespeople in stores, markets, cafe and hotel workers, in general, all those who are in some way connected with tourists are actively learning Russian, and it should be noted that they can speak it very well and understand what you want .

And, no matter how they scare us on TV and in the news, the Island of Djerba remains the safest resort in Tunisia. Its coastline is open and safe for lovers of the exotic, picturesque landscapes, architecture and incredible experiences.

No one will be bored on the island. When you've had enough of your relaxing time on the beach, you can go sightseeing. Believe me, there is something to see here!

So, Houmt Souk is the largest city on the island. It all glows with white and blue colors, just like all the other settlements on Djerba. A little reminiscent of Greece in my opinion, but everything looks very beautiful, festive and solemn. The name of the city – Houmt Souk – means “oriental bazaar”. The city, however, really does look like a bazaar. The shops are filled with colorful goods - carpets, ceramics, souvenirs, sea sponges caught by local fishermen, everything is bright and eye-catching.

There is also a fish market in Houmt Souk, where fresh, still living, sea fish are sold, and if you delve into the labyrinths of the shopping arcades, you can also get to a fish auction - an amazingly interesting spectacle!

On the island you can see more than two hundred mosques, the most famous of which is the ancient Abu Messwer.

You can also visit the local history museum. It is located in the Sidi Zitouni Mausoleum and contains many antiquities, including jewelry, ceramics, household items and folk art.

By visiting the Gellala Ethnographic Museum, you can learn the traditions and customs of the Tunisian people. The guides will tell you about local rituals, for example, on the occasion of the birth of children or weddings.

The natural attractions of Djerba are the olive groves in the east of the island. Some trees are over a hundred years old.

It is interesting to visit the crocodile farm, where you can see predators from the banks of the Nile. In total, about four hundred crocodiles live on the farm.

La Ghriba Synagogue in Riyadh

One of the main and most ancient attractions of the Tunisian island of Djerba is the La Griba synagogue. La Ghriba is the main synagogue of Tunisia and one of the oldest in North Africa.

La Ghriba, translated from Arabic, means “amazing” (it really is amazing!), located in the center of the settlement of Riyadh (the former Jewish village of Hara Shrira), the majority of whose population has been since the 6th century BC. were Jews. La Ghriba is a prime example of Tunisian tolerance: Arab and Jewish families have lived here door to door for many centuries.

Borj el-Kebir Fortress or Ghazi Mustafa Fortress

The most monumental landmark of Djerba is located on the embankment of the island's capital, the city of Houmt Sukhn, on the highest place to date. At first glance, it does not represent anything special, but its long and glorious military history dates back to the 9th century!

Djerba Lagoon

This is a natural sea bay in the northeast of the island. It is formed by the protruding cape of Ras Tagermes into the sea and the marshy and saline areas between the shore of the cape and the coastline, which over time turned into a lagoon.

The lagoon is a great place to relax, enjoy and admire the diversity of nature of this paradise - pink flamingos, white and pink sand, olive trees and date palms that grow here literally side by side - you will not find this anywhere else in Tunisia!

Welcome to Tunisia!

Once again, I welcome you to the beautiful Tunisian beach that we reached by boat.
Why go somewhere to the beach if the hotel has a pretty good one? It’s also a mystery to me, but apparently the organizers wanted to surprise us and they succeeded. Do you want to know how we got there, what we did along the way, rested on the “island,” whether we saw flamingos, etc. - welcome!

To get to any tourist place, you first need to leave the tourist area. You can also find something in it, but behind it, as a rule, it is much more interesting. The main thing is not to get from one tourist area to another. :)


It seems I haven’t shown the Djerba mosque yet. I’m not particularly good at them, I don’t distinguish Shiite from Sunni, and I can’t tell the approximate date of construction and style based on the type of construction. It's a little easier with churches.


We don’t go for long and it looks like, as I wrote above, we are moving from one tourist area to another. Everything is too different from what was seen from the bus window 3 minutes ago. It wasn’t that it was too trashy or broken down, but it was lived-in, but here everything is beautiful, but there’s no one there.


Hey people!
We, the whole journalistic crowd, arrived at the Djerba marina near the city of Houmt Souk - the largest on the island.
Everything here looks almost European. Only date palms give away Africa, and the identical pleasure boats “parked” along the embankment tell us that it’s all tourist.


We follow the smell and find ourselves in a fishing port. Some fishermen are not shy about showing off their catch.

The rest are dismantling gear and nets, preparing boats for going out to sea. The smell is "wonderful". :)
I hope you know what fish smells like in the heat of +30 and above? In general, you can’t confuse it with anything.


Why isn’t anyone loading onto these ships? Is there a tourism crisis in Tunisia or something? I can’t believe that so few people want to ride with the “pirates”, they just don’t know what they’re missing out on! :)
Surely the hotel sales people just don't do their job properly.


Welcome aboard! "Pirates" are very happy to have guests. They show special joy at the sight of the opposite sex. :)


To the soundtrack of “Pirates of the Caribbean,” they deftly release the mooring lines and rush to the mast. It seems they will raise the sails, but no, they show us something like the tricks of aerialists, climbing in every possible way and hanging on the shrouds.


In my opinion, all fishing boats should be like this, but if you have a boat like this, then most likely you will only catch fish for food and will not be able to earn anything at all.


In previous posts I have already mentioned security and now I will once again show the boat with our security.


If you did not plan to get sunburned on this particular day, then it was best to be in the shade of the upper deck. Soft drinks, cookies and delicious halva were also offered here.


It’s good for bloggers to sit in the shadows, but imagine how difficult it was for those who were here on real business trips, sent on business trips with editorial assignments, these people defied the heat to film stories. :)


Do you know why there is such heavy traffic on the water? It's simple. The fairway to the sea runs here. 10 meters to the right or to the left and a depth of 2 meters. The coast near the island is not famous for its great depths. This is why, although it cannot be said for sure, the water warms up quickly.


Our skipper confidently navigates the narrow corridor, not forgetting to smile at the photographers.



It would be boring to just swim for almost an hour. No alcoholic drinks were served; all that was left was to look at the sea and communicate with each other.
But the team had other plans for us. Since we left the fishing port, it made sense to take a net with us and do a little fishing.
There were no indifferent participants in casting the net!


It turns out that the latrines on this ship are M and F! :)


I don’t remember exactly, but most likely at that moment the corresponding soundtrack from “Titanic” was playing.


We walk along the shore of the wide sand spit Ras R`mal - Sandy Head. On the side of the bay, piers and impressive sheds have been built for tourist boats.


Surprisingly, they are not crowded with tourists. This means there is a chance to come here and not be shocked by the number of people.
Maybe it even makes sense to grab a fishing rod and fish a little?


We moor in the same way as similar schooners of ours moor and land.
Who remembers that our trip was originally called “to Flamingo Island”. After half an hour of torturing the escorts, we finally found out that there are no flamingos here in June. This is almost a beautiful legend and it is extremely rare to find them here.


There are many more camel drivers here than mythical flamingos. The camels didn't tempt me. I didn't ride.
On the beach they asked us for 10 euros for half an hour.


On one side of the spit there is a bay, and on the other there is open and shallow sea. The best thing for those who haven’t swum on the beach near their hotel. :)


Or I forgot to take a photo.


We spent about an hour here waiting for additional entertainment.


kirill_potapov says hello to everyone! :)


Meanwhile, the fun continues. What do tourists love more than fiery Arabic music?


Right. Have a good meal! :)

The girls were specially called because it was they who, according to the ancient pirate custom, had to bring the prepared food to the tables.


I wish I could sign everyone, but I can only sign Elena mozhet_byt163 from Samara.


Our captain has transformed and is dancing with a dish on his head. The most important thing is not to miss anything and take pictures. We're the press! :)


It would be absolutely unforgivable not to film what we eventually managed to taste. Believe me, it was not only beautiful, but also delicious. By the way, lunch was non-alcoholic. If you want to take it, bring your own, but it’s better not to, it’s a little hot to drink during the day. :)


Tea is better, but it is very sweet and almost 100% mint, I only had enough for a couple of glasses at most. Sweets were also offered, but after such tea there was no way they could enter. If you want to try everything, count on your strength.


It's time to board the ship. I took the command to “call everyone upstairs” too literally and climbed a little higher than where I could have been comfortable.


From here there was a wonderful view of the tented bungalow and the surrounding buildings.


The photo is my personal favorite.


He said let's go!


Natalya Seliverstova, chief photographer of RIA Novosti, does not part with her two Nikons.


Perky Konstantin Skripalev.


And press girls dancing with pirates. Didn't their parents ever tell them that getting involved with pirates was at least unwise? :)


Arthur from St. Petersburg and Alexander udikov from Kazan they watch with tension the culmination of the dance with the pirates.


The rest are just chatting.


I say hello from the bowsprit. They didn’t let us take pictures there for a long time. The team got worried and removed us from there. :)


Remember when we cast a net somewhere here a few hours ago? It's time to get her out! The catch is not rich. There are literally 10 small fish per 30 meters of net.


And I would like to let it go, but such a net seriously injures the fish, it is only for frying.


We return to the port.


All the fishing boats have been in place for a long time.


Having barely had time to say goodbye to the “pirates,” the most desperate ones, instead of running to the bus, rush to ships and boats, hoping to film something interesting.


Rest between trips to sea without stopping home. Why waste time, wrap yourself in a blanket and sleep in the shade of a boat!


The mountains of pots for catching octopuses could not leave anyone indifferent.


This is the kind of siesta for local fishermen during Ramadan. You can’t eat or drink, but you can lie in the shade and chat while watching the bustling tourists.


I complete today’s story with a shot of flowers and the sea in the arch.


There’s no way I’ll start getting short posts from 5-10 photos, but only from fifty. :)

Is it worth continuing?

This island in the African Gulf of Gabes attracts numerous tourists from all over the world. In the last ten years, direct flights to Djerba have become available to Russians not only from Moscow, but also from many other cities in our country. There is an amazing sea, clean beaches with the finest sand, excellent service, interesting sights and hospitable local people. The cost of tours to the island of Djerba (Tunisia) is pleasantly surprising, and hotels are offered in a variety of categories. In the article we will dwell in detail on the features of holidays in this corner of Africa, and consider accommodation locations based on reviews from tourists over the past two years.

The beautiful island of Djerba (Tunisia): location and climate

The island is famous for its magnificent beaches and comfortable hotels with vast areas where you can play golf. Djerba also has the best thalassotherapy in the world, and the oriental flavor here is in perfect harmony with French sophistication. This place is called "Mediterranean Tahiti." Why? Just look at the photos of the island of Djerba in Tunisia presented below and you will understand everything yourself.

The island is very conveniently located: it is connected to the mainland by ferry, the trips on which travelers describe in the most enthusiastic terms. Judging by the reviews of tourists about the island of Djerba (Tunisia), it offers both quite a luxurious holiday and very economical accommodation.

This is the largest piece of land on the North African coast with an area of ​​more than 500 km 2. Its shores are gently washed by the Mediterranean Sea, and the sun fills Djerba with life every day of the year. The climate here is very mild; it can be nice on a tropical island even in winter. Temperature changes are insignificant, there is little precipitation and it falls most often in autumn and spring. The beach season lasts from May to early October, then the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea drops to +17+19 º C.

The official language in Djerba, as throughout the country, is Arabic, but most of the population also speaks French. In hotels, guests are also greeted in English, and in some even in Russian.

Types of tourism on the island of Djerba (Tunisia)

What type of vacation could be popular in the country's southernmost resort? Of course, beach. It is always several degrees warmer here than in the continental part of the country. Tourists arrive here a little earlier and leave a little later.

Many hotels (from 4 stars) on the island of Djerba in Tunisia have excellent thalassotherapy centers. Wellness and rejuvenating procedures are chosen not only by the fair sex, but also by many men.

Holidays here are very calm and measured. Everything is very bright and peaceful. Even the light blue sea on the island gently frames the snow-white beaches. The houses are neatly laid out, square with white domed roofs.

Active entertainment can still be found - horseback riding, golf, water sports, walking and cycling. Club life on the island is almost undeveloped, but there are several places where you can dance well.

Resort areas of the island

Capital o. Djerba - Houmt Souk. The city is a fishing port. It's no surprise that the best seafood dishes are served in its restaurants.

The Zarsis region is called a paradise. The most beautiful gardens on the island, olive and date groves grow here, and small colorful birds sing among lotuses and other exotic flowers. Nearby there are very secluded islands that couples love to visit. The Cote d'Azur and the clean, fine sand take you away from reality and take you into the world of dreams.

The main tourist area is called Medun, which is located near the international airport in the north-west of the island. The city is the second largest in Djerba. The area here is very fertile and therefore picturesque. Many tourists ride bicycles or just walk. In the city center there is a beautiful mosque and a large cafe, popular with visitors. Nearby you can find markets where tourists usually buy fruits, souvenirs and other local goods, not forgetting about bargaining. In addition, city guests have the opportunity to watch the process of preparing olive oil.

How are the beaches different?

Let's start with free municipal beaches. These are long and uncrowded beaches with fine white sand, along which numerous date palms and olive trees grow. On some calm and quiet beaches you can see the most beautiful sight - flocks of extraordinary pink flamingos, gracefully flying above the turquoise waves.

The best beaches are in the northeast of the island. The Djerba lagoon is located in this place, it is reliably protected from the northern winds and is perfectly warmed by the bright sun. The beach strip is very long and wide. Judging by reviews, the most popular hotels on the island of Djerba (Tunisia) are also located in this place.

The western shores are largely uninhabited, only occasionally you can meet couples or groups of tourists on them. There are completely different, indescribable feelings of unity and harmony with this beautiful world. Accordingly, there is practically no infrastructure around. Travelers come here in rented cars and take provisions with them.

Accommodation options and price range

It should be noted right away that comfortable accommodation is the main thing that is offered to tourists in hotels. However, you can feel quite great even in the most simple and inexpensive hotels on the island of Djerba in Tunisia. "All inclusive", a concept so beloved by Russian tourists, operates almost everywhere.

There are guest houses and villas on the island, as well as hotels of 1*, 3*, 4* and 5* categories. The location may be in the city center or close to it, on the first or second coastline. The level of comfort and service in them, of course, differs, as does the cost of a room per night.

The minimum price for accommodation is a little more than 1,300 rubles in a fairly nice hotel Djerba Erriadh 1*. The cost of a room per day in 3* categories with the best rating will be from 2000 to 5000 rubles. In prestigious and respectable categories (for example, Park Inn Ulysse Resort & Thalasso 5*) prices can reach up to 20,000-30,000 rubles per day in the most expensive room.

Rating of the best hotels on the island of Djerba (Tunisia) according to tourist reviews

Resa Dar Sema Djerba 3* - rated 9.8 points out of 10 by tourists. The apart-hotel is located in the capital of the island. Here you can find the ideal price-quality ratio. This is a small complex with only four rooms. If you want the staff to pay a lot of attention to you, literally “blowing away the specks of dust”, come to this hotel. An individual approach to each client, excellent service and delicious breakfasts are guaranteed here.

Hotel Palm Asur 4* is very popular among vacationers; it is chosen more often than other accommodation options due to its reasonable cost and excellent location on the first line. During the civil revolution in Tunisia (2011), many hotels in the tourist area of ​​Midoun were empty. "Palm Azur" opened earlier than others, its territory and number of rooms were updated. Today it is a very calm and quiet place with excellent service and comfortable luxury rooms.

The Kzar Djerba 4* hotel is not inferior in demand among Russian holidaymakers. This is also the Midoun area. The minimum price for a room starts from 2300 rubles, which is considered quite acceptable for a hotel of this category. Tourists highly praise the restaurant, the beautiful grounds with outdoor and indoor swimming pools, a magnificent conference room equipped with everything necessary for holding business events, and a fairly spacious tennis court. The staff greets guests in Russian, which cannot but please our compatriots.

Best of the Best: 5* hotels on the island of Djerba in Tunisia

Hasdrubal Thalassa and SPA 5* has a rating of 10 out of 10 possible points. This is the first coastline, and the hotel area is simply huge. On the beach, sun loungers and umbrellas are placed at a reasonable distance from each other so that the guest’s personal space is not violated. The food is exquisite. Guests are offered fresh seafood dishes and the best fruits, elite drinks, and the most delicate oriental desserts.

Another hotel from this chain is Hasdrubal Prestige 5* (10 out of 10). Tourists compare this huge and luxurious complex with the palace from the fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights”. You can feel oriental sophistication and moderation in everything. European service at the highest level.

Golden mean: 4* hotels on the island of Djerba in Tunisia

Several of the most popular complexes in this category were described above. "Four" hotels are chosen more often than other hotels because they combine not only an acceptable cost of living, but also high-quality service, comfort, and a wide range of services. Tourists claim that some 4* hotels in Tunisia are in no way inferior to expensive, respectable 5* apartments, and in some ways may even surpass them.

Hotels on the island of Djerba (Tunisia), such as Seabel Rym Beach 4*, are very popular for families with small children. Tourists usually choose the end of August or the beginning of September to visit the country, as the climate at this time is the mildest. The Sibel Hotel has a huge area, an excellent beach with a gentle slope into the sea and children's playgrounds. For younger guests, you can choose nutritious meals, such as cereals and light soups, and dairy products. The local population treats the children very warmly; interesting entertainment events are prepared for them. The animation teams try to make sure that children and adults have fun. Crocodile farm just 10 minutes from the hotel.

Djerba Plaza Hotel & Spa 4* is located in the heart of the tourist area of ​​Midoun. A distinctive feature of this hotel on the island of Djerba (Tunisia) is the presence of five restaurants and several bars. Even gourmets will satisfy their refined tastes here; there are dishes for vegetarians and lovers of Oriental and European cuisine. The hotel's rental service allows you to rent a car or bicycle to explore the beautiful scenery of the surrounding area.

Large and very comfortable family rooms with excellent renovation attract families to the Vincci Helios Beach 4* hotel. The hotel territory extends over almost ten hectares. There are thalassotherapy centers, swimming pools, a children's mini club, and nannies even for the smallest children. According to reviews from tourists, the food at the hotel is simply excellent. In the evenings there are wonderful entertainment programs; later, dance lovers can go to the complex's nightclub.

Carribean World Djerba 4* is a real paradise for lovers of water activities! In addition to a magnificent wide and well-maintained beach, the hotel has a large number of swimming pools with slides and a small children's water park.

What do they feed tourists?

Judging by the reviews about the island of Djerba, it is worth trying Tunisian national tea, which is served cold or hot. Honey, mint and pine nuts must be added to it. They say that the result is some kind of unique combination. By the way, you can try making this drink at home. Among the local alcohol, tourists highlight date liqueur and a variety of fruit wines.

The restaurants (all inclusive concept) of the best hotels on the island of Djerba in Tunisia serve both local dishes (beef or veal stew with vegetables, seafood dishes) and international ones. French dishes are very popular here and are prepared with special skill.

Tourists must understand that they are coming to a Muslim country and must respect its religion and traditions. For example, in Tunisia it is not customary to abuse alcoholic beverages, drink them in public places and appear drunk in public places. There is also a negative attitude towards smoking, although in some hotels you can find different types of rooms.

Crocodile farm, pirate ship and other attractions

The island does not have such a large number of interesting places related to the rich history of Tunisia, as, for example, in Carthage. But even here there is something to brighten up your leisure time. Fans of cultural and educational tourism should go on a sightseeing tour of the city, which covers all the significant architectural structures of the island. For example, you can see a Roman road, a large and very ancient El Ghriba synagogue, a powerful fortress of Bordj El Kebir, and next to it a quite informative local history museum.

It is proposed to take part in a more entertaining than educational event on a pirate ship. Many of today's Tunisians are distant descendants of the Barbary pirates who once chose Djerba as their base. In the 21st century you can feel the atmosphere and spirit of those distant times. To do this, visit a pirate ship recreated to the smallest detail and dress up in the costumes of daring sailors.

In addition, many tourists sail along the Mediterranean coast with excursions to some small and picturesque islands. The price usually includes an interesting and delicious pirate-themed dinner with fresh red fish and other delicacies.

Many people have heard about the Djerba Explore amusement park; it’s definitely worth coming here. Both children and adults will like it here. Of greatest interest is the crocodile farm, which is home mainly to huge Nile crocodiles. It is noteworthy that reptiles are not raised here for the purpose of performing entertaining tricks with their participation or making elegant handbags and straps from their skin, as in Pattaya. Crocodiles live in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat, and tourists can watch them from specially equipped bridges. Vacationers often try to time their visit to the park to coincide with the feeding time of these green giants (usually around 16:00).

After such emotional spectacles, you can calmly walk through the park and see a Tunisian village recreated in all its national flavor. Here there are real houses made of clay and lime, and camels help pump water to irrigate the fields, with their help the peasants cultivate the soil. In the Lalla Hadria Museum you can see unique exhibits of Arab culture, some of them dating back to the 7th century.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, the island of Djerba is a place that is suitable for any comfortable holiday. The main distinguishing feature of all accommodation options on the island is excellent service and highly qualified staff. Residents love the sun and water, so hotel rooms often have pleasant golden shades. There are several swimming pools in the areas among palms and olive trees, and the island’s wonderful snow-white beaches will be remembered for a lifetime.

One of the main attractions of the island of Djerba in Tunisia is the Island of Pink Flamingos. These birds nest in colonies on shallow shores and islands of large lakes and seas in Africa, southern Europe and southwest Asia. And since Tunisia is Africa, it means we were obliged to get to this island.

01. I'll start in order, perhaps. You can go on an excursion from the seaport of Houmt Souk, where we arrived on a comfortable bus from Anex Tour.

02. This beautiful port, where you can appreciate not only the architecture of Tunisia, but also make sure that residents of the city and coastal villages simply cannot imagine their life without nets or a harpoon.

03. It’s good when you can brag about a good catch.

04. The nets are drying.

05. And here preparations for the next trip to sea for fish are in full swing. Fishermen are preparing their nets.

06. And these are the cars they drive in Tunisia. I believe that this old “Frenchman” is an avid fisherman. We remember that a car in Tunisia is, first of all, not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

07. Here we are already approaching the pirate ship, on which we will soon go to the island of pink flamingos. The ships impress with their beauty and unusualness. Everyone wants to capture them with their cameras. Here comes Andrey andrusha_bey not an exception.

08. And I’m no exception, of course. Well, isn't the ship beautiful?

09. It's time to board a real pirate ship with real pirates.

10. Let's inspect the port from the upper deck. All boats are mainly fishing boats. This is understandable.

11. Someone nearby manages to take a selfie with the port in the background. So this is my friend Lech lexzag hid his eyes behind fashionable glasses.

12. Let's look around.

13. You can see everything from the upper deck!

14. In fact, the pirates can see more from the mast, which they climbed onto, performing various acrobatic stunts.

15. It's time to go on an interesting journey to the island of pink flamingos along the waves of the Mediterranean Sea.

16. "Captain, right-hand drive"!

17. We go almost by touch! The captain is experienced, he won’t stray from the course even with his eyes closed.

18. Everything here is real, there’s even a flag!

19. In the meantime, the entertainment program is in full swing on the ship. Music plays and pirates entertain the crowd.

20. Let’s also try our luck and throw a net into the sea to catch a fish on the way back.

21. In the meantime, it’s worth inspecting our ship. In general, it is in good condition!

22. People are already in anticipation of when the island will appear on the horizon.

23. A military boat accompanied us throughout the entire journey. This is a question about security, if anything.

24. Here it is - the island of pink flamingos, almost there.

25. In this place we noticed a jellyfish. You see her, and she is here.

27. So, it seems that we will not be alone on the island.

28. And here is our pier. Pirates, get to work, tie strong sea knots.

29. Everything should be coherent and clear. The overall result of the team depends on everyone.

29. We get off the ship and see that the island is inhabited. There are traces of ATVs.

30. And even more so the traces from camels. So, don’t forget why we came to the island - to see pink flamingos. Let's go look for them.

31. They are not here.

32. And here they are not visible.

33. It seems they are not here either.

34. Our searches were unsuccessful, unfortunately. Pink flamingos did not want to fly to us. We didn’t get too upset; we swam in the warm sea, swimming away from the jellyfish.

35. And at noon a delicious lunch awaited us in a very pleasant atmosphere. The menu includes Tunisian salad, Tunisian couscous, fried fish, mint tea, seasonal fruits. Our girls bring out food to live music and dancing.

36. Delicious fish, mmm...

38. Eh, it’s a pity that we weren’t able to see pink flamingos. But we weren’t upset at all, because the atmosphere on the ship and on the island was conducive to the most positive emotions! It's time to return to the island of Djerba.

39. And on the ship there is dancing again to cheerful music.

Dance everyone! When else can you dance on a pirate ship with pirates? It was like this:

40. By the way, remember on the way to Flamingo Island we threw a net into the sea? It's time to check it out on the way back.

41. There is even a small catch. Everyone is glad and happy!

42. Our trip to the island of pink flamingos has come to an end. To summarize this excursion a little, I’ll say: it’s a shame that the beautiful birds didn’t want to come to us, but we had a great time! And the ship is as it should be and the pirates are funny! The main thing is that we tried the traditional dish couscous. It was a very colorful excursion, I recommend it!

Look for my other posts about Tunisia by tag