Countries with the highest standard of living. Rating of countries by standard of living, the richest and poorest countries in the world: where is a good place for a migrant to live? Where does America rank in terms of living standards?

This year, 149 countries were included. The authors compare countries according to 9 criteria: the level of economic development, business environment, efficiency of government, the level of education, health care, safety and personal freedom, as well as the criteria for the development of social capital and the ecological environment.

Despite such a modest place (96th), Russia’s position has improved compared to previous years. Thus, in 2017, the country took 99th place in the ranking, and 10 years ago, in 2007, it took 108th place. Russia was overtaken this time by countries such as India, Turkey, El Salvador, Jordan, Nepal, Belarus and Guatemala. At the same time, Russia is ahead in the ranking, for example, of Ukraine, Egypt and Tunisia. Russia's immediate neighbors in the ranking are Rwanda (95th place) and Kenya (97th). Norway takes first place in the ranking, followed by New Zealand and Finland. The Central African Republic (CAR) and Afghanistan close the ranking.

Russia occupies the best position in terms of education - here it is in 22nd place. The biggest weakness is the system of government, according to which Russia is in 124th place, and the level of personal freedom - the country is six steps from the bottom of the ranking, in 143rd place. The situation with personal freedom is worse than in Russia only in Mauritania, Algeria, Yemen, Sudan, Afghanistan and Egypt.

The leader in economic development this year was Iceland, the leader in the level of development of the business environment was the United States. Finland took first place in terms of education level and public administration system, and Singapore took first place in terms of health care development. Norway is recognized as the safest country, and Slovenia is recognized as the most environmentally friendly. The highest levels of personal freedom and human capital are recorded in Canada and New Zealand, respectively.

A place in any ranking depends on the evaluation criteria, so saying that Russia is worse or better than someone else must be done with reservations, says NES finance professor Oleg Shibanov. “In some ratings, for example, the rating of developed countries made by Bloomberg, the emphasis is on freedom of economic activity. In others - on the level of education and freedom of expression. According to them, the level of development can be very different, this must be kept in mind,” he explains.

For example, in the Doing Business rating Russia ranks 31st, while in the Legatum Institute sub-rating according to the criterion of business environment development it ranks 60th. And in the Freedom in the World ranking, which assesses the level of political and civil freedoms, Russia took 180th place in 2017.

“We also need to take into account the low base effect. In previous years there were gigantic geopolitical risks; it was scary that a war would break out. And after the meeting between Putin and Trump this year, there is still a feeling that things won’t get worse,” says LIFA, expert at the International Financial Center Vladimir Rozhankovsky.

According to him, Jordan and India are worthy countries, but the fact that Russia lags behind Guatemala is “a little shameful.” “India, of course, is less developed than Russia, but it does not conflict with the West and there are no sanctions on it. Any business owner wants to calculate the risks. But the risks that exist now are impossible to calculate. So, apparently, the country’s non-conflict nature is more important in this rating,” he concludes.

In the modern world, it has long been no secret that in every state people live differently. This applies not only to traditions and cultural characteristics, but also to the standard of living in general. So, everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that life is better in some countries. It is to these countries that most people want to move to permanent residence. Today we will talk about where the population lives best, presenting the rating for the end of 2018.

Evaluation criteria for compiling the ranking of countries in the world in 2019

It should be said right away that there is no single and indisputable rating that would sum up how the residents of individual countries lived in a particular year. Firstly, the compilers of ratings tend to trust, to one degree or another, certain indicators, taking into account which the places of states in ratings are distributed. Some pay more attention to the economic sphere, some to the cultural, and others try to evaluate all possible indicators as objectively as possible. Secondly, it is impossible to speak unambiguously about life in a particular country as a whole. The fact is that in absolutely every state there are less developed regions and provinces, where the standard of living is significantly lower than in the large financial and cultural centers of the country. In addition, the situation in cities and villages can also differ significantly.

The best countries in terms of living standards in 2019 are, according to many, the best places on the planet where you can live a carefree, wonderful life

We will consider lists of countries taking into account a number of indicators that influence a country’s position in the ranking. These include:

  • level of security in the country. This includes not only statistics on crime rates, but also the feeling of safety of the country's residents themselves;
  • financial component: wage level, GDP per capita, unemployment rate, the ratio of the income of the country’s citizens and local prices;
  • infrastructure development;
  • political stability;
  • social guarantees, the state providing residents with the necessary support;
  • environmental factor;
  • cultural life of the country;
  • science and level of education.

However, perhaps the most objective criterion is the satisfaction of permanent residents of the country with the situation in their state.

Rating of countries by standard of living

So, it cannot be said that in 2019 the overall picture around the world has changed significantly. The first positions in the ranking belong to the same states as in previous years.


In first place is Norway, a small state with a population of just over five million people. It must be said that the name of this country rarely appears in news reports, and the state itself is reluctant to interfere in the course of world politics, preferring to lead a more measured and calm life. This is probably the secret of why Norwegian citizens are so happy with their country and their government. Meanwhile, according to UN data, in the ranking of countries in the world according to the HDI (human development index), it was Norway that took an honorable first place.

World map by HDI, data for 2019

The Human Development Index is a comprehensive comparative indicator of life expectancy, literacy, education and living standards in individual countries. This data is often used to compile world rankings.

The high standard of living in Norway is explained by the following factors:

  • high level of medical care;
  • low cost of local housing, various support programs for young families;
  • good lending conditions for secondary and higher education, as well as a decent level of education itself in the country;
  • provision by the state of social guarantees;
  • low crime rate;
  • good benefits for unemployed citizens (although it is worth noting that not everyone is entitled to receive it);
  • high wages, fully providing citizens with the opportunity to provide for themselves;
  • good environmental situation, developed tourism sector.

Mesmerizing view of Bergen at night

Everything is absolutely diverse - there are simply less capable and more capable. And so, the education system is so cleverly designed that all children develop very quickly and even somewhat early mentally. If in the CIS countries a child will look at a book and see ... throughout his entire school life in a mathematics or chemistry lesson, then there everything is presented to schoolchildren in a very accessible and interesting way - there children do not “cram” anything because “they have to” - there they just understand it all! Even if you look at their textbooks and books in general for children and schoolchildren - it’s super - everything works on the desire to learn it and assimilate (which is the most important thing) how smart everything is - both the pictures and the styles of writing texts. Everywhere, in all countries, children have different levels of achievement. But, again - in Norway all this in schools is controlled and “adjusted” if anything


However, the standard of living in a country can be assessed not only with the help of statistical data. Local residents support the policies of the Norwegian government primarily because government officials care about the well-being of the new generation. Thus, oil funds play a big role in this, providing financial assistance to young people. By the way, Norway is the largest oil and gas producer in Northern Europe; local resources are sufficient not only to meet the needs of the country’s residents, but also for export.

Oslo, capital of Norway

Table: country data

Video about the life of the population

Australia is a country with the sixth largest territory in the world. The population is just over 24 million. This continental state ranks second in the world ranking of countries in terms of the quality of life of citizens. This position is due to the following factors:

  • low tax rates. Much lower than in most developed countries (taxation on the minimum wage is only about 8%);
  • high wages. Thus, the average hourly wage of a local resident is about seventeen euros - this is one of the highest rates in the world;
  • developed agricultural sector and light industry;
  • developed tourism industry;
  • the majority of the population are satisfied with their lives, as they live on the coast of Australia, where the climate is quite mild and comfortable. In addition, the country's ecology is at a fairly good level, since the government annually allocates large sums to combat environmental pollution.

The coasts of the country are very attractive for tourists

Table: indicators by state

By the way, Australia today is very attractive for immigrants, since the country has a catastrophic shortage of labor. The state not only provides foreigners with jobs (many of which are simply not attractive to local residents), but also guarantees a number of social benefits to immigrants. In addition, after four years, a foreigner, if desired, can obtain citizenship of the country.

Video: feedback from immigrants after a year of living in Australia


Sweden is a neighboring state of Norway. It ranks third in the world in terms of quality of life. It is believed that the ancestors of modern Swedes were the Vikings - a warlike and purposeful people. And, if one can easily argue with the belligerence of modern Swedes (the country tries not to participate in international conflicts, even during the First and Second World Wars Sweden maintained neutrality), then there is no doubt about the determination and desire for independence of the descendants of the Vikings. So, even Swedish girls prefer to first realize themselves in terms of a career or business, only after which they think about family. According to statistics, women in this country, on average, acquire their first heir only by the age of thirty - this is the highest rate in Europe.

The capital and largest city of Sweden is Stockholm

  • developed manufacturing sector;
  • stable economic and political situation - the country's GDP is steadily increasing every year;
  • provision by the government of a full package of social guarantees;
  • low unemployment;
  • accessibility of education for both citizens of the country and immigrants;
  • freedom of expression of the population;
  • low crime rate, almost complete absence of corruption.

Video: moving to Sweden

Sweden is one of the most generous countries in the world. Her annual donations to countries in need and states facing disasters and cataclysms amount to about 1% of total GDP - this is an absolute world record.

Table: country indicators

Switzerland is a small European state that has a number of features that can surprise a foreigner. So, despite the small territory of the country, it has several official languages: German, French, Italian, Romansh (Swiss Romansh). There is no capital of the country as such (formally); in fact, the capital and cultural center of Switzerland is the city of Bern. The country's population density is quite large - more than eight million people live on 41,000 square kilometers.

The Russian name of the country goes back to the name of the canton of Schwyz, which was the core of the first unification of cantons in 1291

On postage stamps and not only you can find such a name as Helvetia. This is another name for Switzerland. In Russian it can also be used, but not as often as the name we are familiar with. In the Russian version, Helvetia will sound like Helvetia.

Factors influencing Switzerland's position in the world rankings:

  • low crime rate;
  • developed tourism sector. Even though the country’s territory is small and landlocked, in Switzerland you can find many recreation centers and tourist places where both residents of the country and foreign tourists can go on vacation;
  • high wages and availability of work (low unemployment);
  • high quality products;
  • quality medical care - people from all over the world come to Switzerland to improve their health;
  • good ecology is the best in European countries.

Table: country indicators

Video about prices and salaries in the state


The Netherlands is one of the founding states of the European Union. More than seventeen million people live in a relatively small territory of the country (just over 41 thousand square kilometers). It should be noted that the state’s economy is growing steadily every year, and the standard of living of the population continues to improve. This makes the Netherlands a desirable place to move from the perspective of many immigrants. Among the factors contributing to attracting foreigners to the country is the pleasant warm climate of the state.

Amsterdam is the capital of Holland (the Netherlands), a city of freedom where there are no restrictions

Despite the fact that the state is officially called the Netherlands, the name “Holland” is widely adopted among people. However, the latter should only mean a number of specific provinces; to use it in relation to the entire state would be a factual inaccuracy.

Rotterdam is a city in the Netherlands and the largest European port

The high quality of life of the population is determined by the following factors:

  • developed local industry (the country produces world-class cars, chemical and textile products, and also has a developed metal mining and processing industry);
  • high employment;
  • creating favorable conditions for running small and medium-sized businesses (conditions are gentle even for foreign businessmen);
  • developed agricultural sector - the country is fully self-sufficient in food, and also exports a lot of dairy products, meat, vegetables, flowers, and so on;
  • low crime rate;
  • good ecology.

The last two factors, by the way, have a beneficial effect on the life expectancy of the population. Last year, this figure reached 81 years - this is one of the highest indicators in the world.

Indicator table


Germany is one of the most influential countries in Europe and in the world. It conducts an active foreign policy and participates not only in resolving issues directly related to Germany itself, but also takes part in resolving external conflicts. This policy is not always supported by the country's residents, so it is impossible to talk about the population's complete trust in their government. Nevertheless, social guarantees are well provided in Germany, and the unemployment rate is actively declining.

Berlin is the capital and cultural center of the country

  • high wages, which are enough for the average German to provide himself with everything he needs;
  • social guarantees;
  • high quality of medical care;
  • much attention is paid to science;
  • providing citizens with decent education;
  • good environmental situation (although in some regions of the country this could be argued);
  • freedom of expression of citizens.

Video: Germany. Expectations and reality

Parameter table


The Kingdom of Denmark is a small country in Northern Europe, the main values ​​of which the Danes themselves consider to be their original culture and fertile lands. Today, the kingdom ranks first in terms of foreign trade turnover per unit of population living in the country. The country has a very developed agricultural sector, and the attitude towards agricultural work among local residents differs significantly from European or Russian ones. Thus, the Danes respect the work of farmers much more than the work of office workers or artists. Even today, many works by Danish authors are devoted to work in the fields.

Every year, a lot of research is carried out around the world on which people consider themselves the happiest. During many of them, it turns out that the inhabitants of Denmark are among the ten countries where the happiest people live. Thus, according to research conducted at the University of Leicester in England, it turned out that the happiest people in the world are the Danes, and their closest neighbors in the rating are the residents of Norway.

Fairytale streets of the country's capital Copenhagen

Interesting fact: Denmark is very tolerant of people who are somehow different from those around them. Denmark was the first European country to legalize same-sex marriage.

Table: information by country

Video: facts about life in Denmark

Singapore is, without exaggeration, one of the most developed and promising Asian countries. It is located on islands in Southeast Asia. The state has a very small territory - only 719 square kilometers, but since 1960 a program for reclamation of the territory has been in effect. This has become a necessary measure for Singapore, since the country's population is constantly increasing, so many regions of the state are severely overpopulated. According to statistics, Singapore ranks second in the world in terms of population density - more than four and a half million people live in such a small area. The state consists of 63 islands, they are surrounded on all sides by water. Therefore, perhaps, one of the main sources of budget revenue is the tourism industry. It must be said that the state is developing at an unusually rapid pace. Thus, after gaining independence (in 1965 from Malaysia), Singapore was a very poor state that lagged behind the technological progress of that time. Today, Singapore is one of the financial centers of Asia, and the architecture of local cities amazes even tourists from developed countries with its beauty and grandeur.

Singapore captivates with its architecture

Singapore cannot be called a country with affordable prices for food or housing. However, the local population receives enough to be able to afford to buy everything they need and even more. Moreover, about 3% of the local population are dollar millionaires.

This small island state has attractive conditions for foreign businessmen - you can open a company here in just 10 minutes. As a rule, both foreigners and citizens of Singapore prefer to invest in the tourism industry, since the originality of the culture and the mild, warm climate are extremely tempting for tourists.

Details table

Video: the richest city in the world - Singapore


Canada is the second largest country in the world by area. It has the longest coastline in the world. Despite the huge area of ​​the country, its population is just over 36 million people - this is 6 million less than in modern Ukraine. Since the population density, as we see, is small, many Canadians have the opportunity to lead a quiet, measured life by engaging in agriculture. The agricultural sector in the country is one of the leading ones. Canada is a technologically and industrially developed state; it has close trade ties primarily with the United States, but in recent years it has been actively presenting its products on the global market.

Ottawa is the capital of Canada and one of its main cultural centers

Canada is a multicultural country. They are quite tolerant of national, religious or cultural minorities. In addition, at the legislative level of the country, two languages ​​are assigned as state languages ​​- English and French.

Details table

Video: difficulties of a Russian woman when moving to Canada

New Zealand

New Zealand is a small island state that has long been isolated from foreign policy processes due to its remoteness from other countries. Thus, New Zealand's closest neighbors, Australia and New Caledonia, are located at a distance of 1,700 and 1,400 kilometers, respectively. Since the state was under British rule for a long time, local residents adopted many everyday aspects and elements of culture from the British. English is the first official language on the island. Maori and the unique New Zealand Sign Language are also recognized as official languages. New Zealand is a country of extraordinary landscapes, and over the last couple of decades it has been actively working to develop the tourism sector. The state is also famous for its excellent ecology, low crime rate and the almost complete absence of corruption.

Details table

The situation with Russia and the CIS countries

Despite the fact that after the collapse of the USSR, all states that received unexpected independence began their individual path of development, none of the former countries of the Soviet Union can boast of special achievements compared to other developed states.

Thus, according to the ranking presented by the UN, Russia ranks 49th in the world in terms of the quality of life of the population. I must say, this is one position higher than last year. It is fair to note that UN specialists were primarily guided by three criteria when compiling the world ranking:

  • public health and the state of the local environment;
  • accessibility of education, general cultural situation in the country (freedom of expression, active cultural and social movements, state interest in supporting artists, and so on);
  • standard of living of the population (primarily in terms of wealth).

Thus, according to the rating, Ukraine and Armenia took 84th place in the world, closing the number of countries with high HDI. By the way, Ukraine has dropped significantly in the ranking compared to 2016 - then it occupied 55th place. There is no need to talk about the reasons - the aggressive policy of the state, military conflicts and financial difficulties have significantly affected the quality of life of the ordinary population.

Video: which country is the happiest

As we see, the situation in the world is quite predictable. As a rule, the first positions in the ranking of countries in the world in terms of living standards go to those states that have a strong financial foundation. They usually boast the presence of natural resources and developed industry. The tourism sector often plays a major role, significantly replenishing the budgets of countries that are attractive to tourists. However, it is worth understanding that the situation in the world can change in the shortest possible time, therefore, if you are interested in ratings, you should regularly take an interest in the situation in the world and find out new relevant information on this issue.

The vast territory of the Russian Federation stretches from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean. It would be naive to believe that the level of development of all Russian regions is approximately the same. This indicator is determined by geographical, social, economic factors, the predominance of industry or agriculture, and so on. And the standard of living of the population of a particular region is a multifaceted concept and is assessed according to various indicators: the level of income and social benefits, the availability of work and the level of its payment, the cost of real estate and its accessibility, as well as many other parameters. The crisis phenomena of recent years could not but affect the quality and cost of living in Russia, and the distance between its regions in terms of these indicators has only increased. Inflation and falling energy prices have affected the well-being of almost all Russian citizens, serving as a catalyst for intensifying the process of population migration within the country. Therefore, many Russians ask a completely logical question: “Where is it good to live in Rus'?”

Level and quality of life: what influences their assessment

Assessment of the level and quality of life occurs, as a rule, on the basis of statistical indicators and comprehensive consideration of other parameters, which include various aspects of the life of the average resident of the country. By assessing the current state of a particular region, one can predict its development both in the next few years and, with a high degree of probability, make a forecast for the more distant future. The same statement applies to the entire country as a whole.

First, let's deal with the terminology. Today only the lazy do not talk about the standard of living, its decline or increase. But not everyone clearly understands the meaning that sociologists put into this concept. The standard of living determines the degree of provision of material benefits to citizens of a country or residents of a certain region, their financial and spiritual satisfaction with the volume of goods, services and opportunities that they can use in a given period. The basic indicator is the ratio of real income to the consumer basket.

The concept of quality of life includes intangible factors. In this case, we can talk about the degree of moral satisfaction with life, state of health, the degree of environmental safety of living in a certain region, psychological comfort and even the degree of bureaucratization of the state apparatus in it. The standard of living is often equated with the level of well-being, but this is not true. Well-being is a broader concept that includes not only material, but also spiritual benefits.

Indicators of the level of well-being of the population

To assess the level of well-being, the UN specially developed and approved the main indicators that are used by sociologists and other analysts when assessing this parameter in a particular country or a certain region. The list of these indicators includes:

  • assessment of the level of birth rate, mortality and average life expectancy of the population;
  • sanitary living conditions, as well as the culture of hygiene among the population;
  • the volume of food consumed by the population of a country or region;
  • living conditions: housing, its cost and availability;
  • the level of education;
  • the degree of cultural development, the presence of cultural values, ancient architecture, museums, monuments;
  • the degree of employment of the working-age population, as well as working conditions;
  • the ratio of real average income to the average level of expenditure of the population;
  • consumer price level;
  • degree of development of transport infrastructure;
  • state of the recreational system;
  • the situation with the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Despite the versatility of the assessment, experts most often use several basic parameters, which are expressed in specific figures, to quickly analyze the situation: the real income of the average resident and average life expectancy.

For a more detailed assessment, a cross-section of different segments of the population is carried out. This concept, in turn, is determined by both the level of material security and social status, as well as belonging to a certain group - workers, peasants, migrants or business representatives, etc.

Why is the standard of living falling in Russia?

The standard of living and well-being of Russian citizens is currently being seriously affected by the sanctions policies of Western countries, falling oil prices, a reduction in industrial production, as well as inflationary expectations of the population.

The real income of the average Russian has fallen significantly, many people began to look for the opportunity for a better life abroad, leaving for non-CIS countries as labor migrants. The main destinations of labor migration were the European Union countries, the USA and Canada. There are especially many Russian labor migrants today in Germany and Spain, although there are many of them in other countries of Western Europe and North America.

What will happen to the standard of living in Russia: expert opinion

Starting from mid-2018, the situation began to gradually change for the better. The level of decline in real incomes of the population has slowed down, and by the beginning of 2019 there was even a slight increase. The state carefully controls all spheres of life, which allows us to maintain a fairly low level of inflation (within 4-5%). The policy of import substitution and agricultural development also contributed to the end of the crisis. Since 2015, Russia has been the largest producer and importer of grains, significantly ahead of the European Union, USA, Canada and Australia. Thanks to huge reserves of grain and relatively low cost, Russian grain is in great demand in all countries of the world.

The imposition of sanctions also contributed to the growth of some industries. Agriculture indicators show the greatest growth. If in 2014 Russia purchased over 60% of pork from Europe, then already now domestic livestock complexes are capable of supplying the market with more than 80%. For example, the key producer of pork in Russia is the Oryol region, whose share is about 45% (according to 2018 data). At the beginning of 2014, before the imposition of sanctions, the same region provided slightly more than 12% of domestic pork.

With the fall in energy prices, the state began to pursue a policy of gradually moving away from the resource-based type of economy. Of course, it was not possible to do this fully, since Russia has been positioned as a seller of crude oil for too long, however, according to 2018 data, the share of budget revenues from oil sales has noticeably decreased and amounts to slightly more than 13%.

According to experts, by 2020 the standard of living in Russia will begin to gradually increase. However, all this will happen only within the framework of government indicators and statistics. We should not forget that domestic regions are too different, and differences in the level and quality of life in them can vary dramatically.

Standard of living in the Russian Federation: regions

If we talk about the standard of living in Russia, then it can be considered in two aspects: in terms of the standard of living in various regions and cities of the country, and also in comparison with other countries of the world.

In 2019, studies have not yet been carried out, since their objective results can only appear based on the results of the outgoing year.

Subjects of the Russian Federation with the highest standard of living (based on 2018 results)

Predictably, golden-domed Moscow took first place in the rating. The northern capital, St. Petersburg, follows with a very small gap from the official one. Residents of the Moscow region took third place, which was also not unexpected. The Republic of Tatarstan took fourth place. The fifth line of the rating went to the Belgorod region, the sixth - to the Krasnodar region. The top ten also included the Voronezh region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Lipetsk and Kaliningrad regions.

If you look at the top ten regions of the country according to the ranking of living standards, there have not been any special surprises for quite a long time. In the latest ranking, the Sverdlovsk region is not in the top ten, which has been showing negative dynamics for several years in a row and at the end of 2018 dropped to 13th position (11th position in 2017). It is characteristic that the Leningrad region is only in 12th place, although St. Petersburg itself occupies the second step of the ranking.

The level of well-being of the top ten regions is determined by their industrial potential, the presence of high-tech industries and high wages. It is also impossible not to mention the developed service sector and social sphere. The transport infrastructure of most of these regions is much better developed than, say, in Siberia or Transbaikalia, which also cannot be ignored.

Regions with the lowest standard of living

The same should be said about those regions that are located at the bottom of the list. The bottom line of the ranking is occupied by the Republic of Tyva, the previous two lines are occupied, respectively, by the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Both the group of leaders and the group of outsiders practically retain their core composition for several years. In general, the greatest problems with the well-being of citizens and the standard of living, in addition to the listed regions, are observed in Kalmykia, the Republic of Gorny Altai, the Kurgan and Arkhangelsk regions, the Jewish Autonomous Okrug and Buryatia. These regions have been at the bottom of various rankings for several years, occasionally changing positions among themselves.

Standard of living in the Russian Federation: cities

Also taken into account are factors that constantly determine the comfort of life of citizens: the condition of roads, the efficiency of public utilities, the affordability of housing and much more. When assessing the rating of a particular city, the immigration situation that developed in it played an important role. The results of the sociologists' study were somewhat unexpected for the uninitiated.

Tyumen took first place on the podium, overtaking all small and large Russian cities for the second year in a row. The assessment was carried out according to multiple criteria. The main advantages of Tyumen, highlighted by both experts and its residents, are education, well-developed transport infrastructure, as well as the high-quality work of the city's public services. In addition, Tyumen is rightfully considered the oil capital of Russia, so there is a lot of work here, and the work is highly paid. A significant disadvantage of Tyumen is the unfavorable climate for the average Russian. The overwhelming majority of Tyumen residents expressed complete satisfaction with their earnings and level of income.

The Russian capital was in second place according to a set of criteria. The greatest advantage is considered to be the wide representation of all sectors of the national economy, developed infrastructure, the scale and dynamics of construction and reconstruction of the city. About 70% of Muscovites call their hometown the most livable in the entire country and the most beautiful. At the same time, they are embarrassed by the high cost of living in Moscow, which is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Therefore, life in Moscow is not always affordable for the average Russian who comes to the golden-domed city, for example, from the Volga region.

Third place in the ranking of Russian cities went to Kazan, which has a population of one million. 96% of city residents expressed their almost complete satisfaction with life in it. Kazan residents are pleased with high-quality roads, one of the oldest universities in the country - Kazan University, as well as programs that are constantly being implemented in practice to improve their well-being. The unique Tatar culture and many historical monuments attract many tourists to Kazan from all over Russia and from abroad. Income from the tourism business amounts to an impressive amount, which regularly replenishes the city budget.

Krasnodar took fourth place in the ranking of Russian cities. This southern city has long been claiming to be at the top of the rankings. Krasnodar is considered one of the most comfortable cities for living in Russia. Every year the number of Russians moving to Krasnodar is increasing. This is facilitated by the high pace of housing construction, the lowest unemployment rate in the country (therefore there are practically no problems with work in the city), as well as the cozy Black Sea climate, because the Black Sea is only about a hundred kilometers away and less than an hour by car on a good road.

In fifth place is the northern capital of Russia - beautiful St. Petersburg. Russian Venice is also the cultural capital of Russia. The pilgrimage of tourists from all over Russia and many countries of the world has not stopped for many decades to the magnificent monuments of the city. Life in St. Petersburg is by no means cheap, but every year the city's population increases due to Russians and foreigners moving here. The rapidly growing population of St. Petersburg does not delight the indigenous residents, who are distinguished by a certain conservatism and adherence to established cultural traditions and way of life.

The ranking of cities in the Russian Federation in terms of level and comfort of life is completed by the top three, consisting of Makhachkala, Omsk and Volgograd. Of course, these cities have their undeniable advantages over others. For example, the city of military glory and center of patriotic education, Volgograd, has been a symbol of perseverance and courage for many decades. But, if you believe the results of the opinion poll, then only a tenth of its population is satisfied with their level of income today, and the quality of public services undoubtedly requires significant improvement.

The result of a study of the ranking of cities and regions of Russia showed completely unexpected results. It turns out that the level of some indicators in different parts of the country may differ several times. This is precisely the problem that Russian regional and federal authorities will have to solve in the near future. Also, exclusively local factors have a huge impact on the level and comfort of life in the regions, many of which should be leveled out by national development programs.

Video: average life expectancy in Russian regions

A little about the living conditions of different strata of Russian society

Like any society, Russian society is multi-layered. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the declared universal equality disappeared and social differences divided the population into rich and poor, fabulously rich and poor, happy and constantly financially preoccupied. And although psychologists consider happiness a concept that does not depend on material well-being, the level of income significantly affects the quality of life. Russia, like most post-Soviet countries, has not yet completely gotten rid of the syndrome of Soviet society, in which society psychologically strives to ensure that there are no rich, not poor.

So, Russian society can be divided into several layers. As a percentage of the total population of the country, the middle class makes up a much smaller share than in developed European countries, where it is the basis of society, reaching 70–80%.

The proletariat, called the hegemon during socialism, today cannot boast of a high standard of living if assessed by the standards of developed European countries. Specialists in the field of sociology call workers a word consonant with their profession - social stratum. This is precisely the bulk of the Russian population.

There is a huge stratification of Russian society, in which the richest layers receive an income hundreds of times more than the poorest. In developed countries, the gap between the very rich and poor members of society is at most one order of magnitude, that is, it differs by a factor of ten. Every year social inequality in Russian society increases, and not vice versa.

Paradoxically, during the economic crisis of 2008–2009 in Russia, the number of dollar millionaires increased significantly against the backdrop of the fact that the incomes of most of the population fell.

Table: income levels of different strata of Russian society

Layer of societyNumber of people, peopleIncome level, thousand rubles/month.Representatives
Rich and very rich7 millionfrom 350–400Entrepreneurs, business representatives, high-ranking officials, deputies of various levels, heads of large state-owned enterprises
Middle classmaximum 20 million60–350 Middle-class businessmen, regional and local leaders who have the opportunity to lead a normal, prosperous lifestyle, vacation abroad, buy expensive cars and apartments.
Citizens of low income33 million30–60 Doctors, teachers, local officials in regions of the country that occupy the first positions in ratings in terms of living standards
Poor60 million20–30 Workers in the public sector of the economy, some of the country's pensioners, Russians employed in agriculture and culture
Living below the poverty line16–17 millionup to 20A significant proportion of pensioners, agricultural workers, service personnel, unskilled laborers, families with a large number of children, as well as those who survive on state social assistance

How Russian pensioners live

The vast majority of Russian pensioners can hardly be suspected of having an excess of material wealth. They are practically unable to travel to foreign resorts or buy expensive equipment or cars. According to the life rating compiled by the international research organization HelpAge International, Russian pensioners are in 65th place in the world in terms of well-being. The level of pensions paid to most of them does not allow them not only to accumulate a certain amount over a short period of time, but is also not always sufficient to cover the costs of necessary medicines and utility bills.

Of course, not everyone's pensions are the same. But in any case, the level of pension provision is incomparable with developed European countries and requires a significant increase. More than a fifth of Russian pensioners continue to work after retirement. As we understand, not from a good life. The vast majority of people of retirement age do not rely entirely on government assistance and expect to work or earn extra money in retirement. European or American pensioners would simply be shocked by this state of affairs.

Immigrants in Russia

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was Russia that became of particular interest to migrants from the former post-Soviet republics. This was facilitated by both the preserved family ties between family members, scattered by fate in different countries, and the possibility of labor migration. Due to its high economic potential, it was Russia that could provide more or less normal earnings for residents of the CIS countries, which were hit by the crisis of the 90s.

Labor migrants belong to different strata of Russian society, depending on the income they receive. But it is impossible to attribute them to its wealthy strata.

The main centers of interest for labor migrants were Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, and Tyumen. As a rule, migrants have access to low-skilled jobs with low pay. Many labor migrants try to stay in Russia for a long time. For example, almost every Tajik or Turkmen family has someone working in Russia. Migrant workers usually have problems with career advancement. The only exception can be foreign specialists with a high level of qualifications who are in demand on the Russian labor market. A significant disadvantage for labor migrants is the possibility of working in Russia only within a certain region, if we are talking about legal work. There are also certain regional quotas in Russia. Therefore, legalization in the country for many migrants may begin far from where they would dream of living in Russia.

The second significant category of migrants are refugees who were forced to move to Russia by political or military disasters that occurred in their homeland. The process of granting refugee status to forced migrants is a rather lengthy procedure. Not everyone who moved to Russia as a forced migrant was able to settle in here, assimilate and adapt to local conditions. Nevertheless, refugee status practically equates forced migrants to Russian citizens, with the exception of some points. They have the right to social security and other benefits available to Russian citizens.

Russian immigration legislation is constantly changing. In 2016–2019, innovations appeared in it, affecting, first of all, citizens of the CIS countries. Now, for most of them, the process of legalization in Russia has been significantly simplified and reduced in time. Also, the circle of persons who can apply for Russian citizenship has expanded significantly.

Video: living conditions of migrants in Russia


Representatives of the working class have already been mentioned above. But the description of their situation in Russia still requires detail. The income of workers varies greatly depending on the ownership of the enterprise where they work. As a rule, the level of payment at private enterprises is slightly higher than at public enterprises. Also, a lot depends on the region and its success. For example, the salary of a worker in Tyumen significantly exceeds the average for Russia. And in remote agricultural areas of the country the situation is diametrically opposite.

The situation of rural workers

Residents of Russian villages, as a rule, cannot boast of large incomes. A lot depends on the region where they live. The economic crisis has undoubtedly affected agriculture, even despite the ban on the import of many products from abroad, designed to support domestic agricultural producers. Many rural workers move to the city in search of work, becoming internal labor migrants.

World ranking: why Russia has a low standard of living

Sociological studies conducted by the UN in 2018 placed the Russian Federation in 49th place in the world in terms of living standards (out of 189 countries). For comparison: Belarus was in 53rd place, and Ukraine was in 88th place. It should be noted that just a couple of years ago the country was 20 points lower. It is difficult to objectively evaluate only economic indicators, since the rating was compiled on the basis of many criteria. Russians are particularly satisfied with the perfect education system that exists in Russia, but their dissatisfaction is with the situation with freedom of expression. The first three lines of the world ranking are firmly occupied by residents of Norway, Switzerland and Australia.

Video: countries of the former USSR - where to live well

Assessing the level and quality of life in the regions and cities of Russia is extremely important information for future external and internal migrants. Despite the fact that assessments of the same regions may differ in many ways, they still provide a general picture and understanding of the situation in the area where you plan to move. Or, conversely, they determine the best place to move to live. And for those who live in a certain city or region, the standard of living will be able to show their place in the all-Russian ranking, largely determining the prospects for the coming years.

👁 3.6k (14 per week) / 10/12/2017⏱️ 5 min.

Several methods have been invented to determine the standard of living of people, but the one used by the UN is mainly used. On behalf of this organization, statisticians carry out this analytical work every year, after which the results of their activities are published in the form of a rating in the report “On the Development of Humanity.”
The term “quality of life” can be interpreted in different ways, but most often it is assessed by the quality of life index. When calculating it, the following indicators are taken into account:

  • purchasing power index;
  • pollution index;
  • index of the ratio of household income and real estate value;
  • cost of living index;
  • safety index;
  • health index;
  • climate index;
  • index of time spent in traffic jams.

1. Norway (0.949)

This country has topped this ranking for the last five years. It is good because housing here is cheaper than in Europe as a whole, the country has good ecology and high-quality medicine, a developed system of social guarantees, including unemployment benefits, which only taxpayers can count on. Norway has beautiful nature, high salaries and equally high taxes. In terms of living standards, Norway now leads the world, although this does not mean that everyone here is employed, rich and vying with social benefits. In fact, the rating is more beautiful than real Norwegian life, because other indicators also raise it - the level of development of democracy, the rule of law, the number of citizens with higher education.

2. Australia (0.939)

Australia has a comfortable warm climate, but emigrants are also attracted here by the high level of employment (only 5% of the unemployed) and great opportunities for active recreation. And after living here for only 4 years, a foreigner can already obtain an Australian passport. In 2016, an hour of work in Australia cost the most in the world - $17. But the Australian sun bakes mercilessly, so here you need to hide from it more often and use cream so as not to develop skin cancer.

3. Switzerland (0.939)

This Alpine country has almost always ranked in the top five, which is not surprising for the world's most important financial center. But all the benefits here are intended only for Swiss citizens. As for migrants, when finding a good job they will encounter discrimination, and living here is very expensive - a square meter of housing here costs an astronomical 50,000-100,000 euros, and you will have to pay 2,500 euros for rent. But living here is very peaceful. Very rich people come here on vacation to enjoy a leisurely, safe life.

4. Germany (0.926)

Germany has been the driving force of the European Union since its creation. It is in a leading position in exports, supplying the world with high-quality cars, industrial equipment, spare parts, and household appliances. Germany's natural resources are very scarce; only coal is mined in the Ruhr Basin. The lack of raw materials forced Germany to earn money from production.

5. Denmark (0.925)

This Scandinavian country has a stable economy, very high prices and a cult of a healthy lifestyle. However, the salaries here are not small - even low-skilled personnel can count on 3,500 euros per month. But not all migrants can adapt to local realities and adapt to the Danish way of life. To do this, you need to start by learning the Danish language, which is not at all easy for the Slavs. The local mentality is alien to immigrants from the former USSR, especially complete gender equality. Fathers here take maternity leave no less often than mothers. Since Denmark is mononational, the Danes are wary of migrants who find it difficult to find friends among them.

6. Singapore (0.925)

The foundation of this city-state's prosperity is its stable, moderate political system, which has remained unchanged since its founding. From year to year, from decade to decade, the country's government achieves only one important goal - to ensure Singapore's survival, and even better, prosperity. Over the decades of Singapore's history, the authorities have managed to attract more than 9,000 large foreign companies to Singapore, and with their help, build dozens of modern factories, in particular those producing the most modern components for electronics. The Singapore government does not know what corruption is; local officials will never push the interests of any large company. The same rules apply in the local economic environment.
World rankings place Singapore as the 13th most expensive city on the planet. It is clear that local salaries correspond to them. A completely green young specialist who has just graduated from university already receives at least $3,500 a month. It is noteworthy that in recent years Singapore has become an important destination for so-called “medical tourism”. This is due to the fact that local medical services are much cheaper than in the Old or New Worlds, although they are in no way inferior in quality, and sometimes even superior.

7. Netherlands (0.924)

The Netherlands differs little in quality of life from neighboring Denmark, which already says a lot. There are, of course, those who are attracted to Holland primarily by mushrooms, marijuana and other “soft” drugs, but most of all such people fall into the category of those seeking relaxation and a sense of freedom. Dutch youth themselves are more eager to play sports, especially football and ice skating; older people play field hockey. The Dutch are very friendly - when buying something at the local market, a person will hear “thank you” and “please” more than once. True, one must answer in the same spirit, so as not to be considered ignorant. Unfortunately, many of our compatriots find such basic things difficult.

The concept of wealth is relative; most often this means the ability to spend money not only on satisfying the minimum natural...

8. Ireland (0.923)

This “emerald” island has a fairly high standard of living, while it demonstrates stability in different parts of the country - both in cities and in villages, the quality of life is approximately the same, perhaps only there is more choice in cities. The Irish have created a system of social support for people who find themselves in difficult situations; it also applies to legal migrants. The country also has a good level of education, which is not limited to education alone, but also includes upbringing. Local medicine is also at a high level, although its structure is unusual for Russians. Instead of the usual municipal clinics, there are offices of general practitioners here. As for hospitals, they are equipped with excellent equipment.

9. Iceland (0.921)

As of 2017, approximately 80% of the Icelandic population was officially employed, which is a good indicator. The average annual family income after taxes has reached $24,000 - this is not so much, but the Icelanders themselves consider this value to be quite sufficient. The level of employment and income is indirectly affected by education, and here this island is somewhat inferior to the best global indicators - only 70% of Icelanders have a high school diploma. But thanks to good ecology and healthcare, Icelanders live to be 80 years old. On average, Icelanders earn $3,300 a month, with 20% earning more than this amount and the same percentage earning less. In general, Iceland has equal opportunities for people of different genders, education and ages.

10. Canada (0.920)

Over 65% of Canadians own their own home, and approximately 70% own essential consumer goods (car, television, washing machine, refrigerator, radio and telephone). Economically, Canada is one of the most powerful states, therefore it is accepted into the “Big Seven” economic leaders. The country has not only a developed industry and a transport system connecting all the economic centers of the country, but also a lot of natural resources. To this we must add an abundance of highly qualified personnel and an excellent education system. Canada can be proud of its social standards: medicine here is very effective and almost free, and the education system is one of the best on the planet. Canadian society is among the world leaders in life safety.

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Poverty is not a vice, but it affects the ranking of countries in terms of living standards. Although the phrase from Russian classics says that “it’s good where we are not” - by no means, not everywhere. There are many places where the standard of living is low. But there are also enough countries that confirm this postulate. If we talk about Russia, then in 2019 it is approximately in the middle of this “table of ranks”.

How are countries ranked by standard of living and what does it mean?

The standard of living is not so easy to calculate; scientists study human needs - physiological (nutrition), intellectual (spiritual sphere) and social (social activities). The whole thing is called the Human Development Index (HDI). Climatic conditions and ecology are also taken into account. The level of security, freedom of enterprise, and quality of education are also important criteria when compiling the rating. Since 1990, the UN has been publishing a special report that contains detailed information about the quality of life of people in various countries around the world.

The tools for determining the standard of living of the population were invented in the countries of the civilized world, and therefore the states at the bottom of the list do not always agree with their position in the ranking. This, in particular, explains the fact that the ranking of countries by standard of living may not coincide with the ranking of happiness level: for example, Costa Rica, which is in 63rd place in terms of living standards, ranks 13th in the world in terms of happiness - the residents of this country They feel happy, although by European standards they lack libraries. By Costa Rican standards, what they have is enough for them.

Rating of countries by standard of living

Australia closes the top three with high employment and a high-quality healthcare system.

  • Ireland,
  • Germany,
  • Iceland,
  • Hong Kong (China),
  • Sweden,
  • Singapore,
  • Netherlands.

Russia could have occupied a higher place in the ranking, but the standard of living was seriously affected by changes in the oil market and sanctions from a number of states. As a consequence: a worsening economic situation and a fall in the ruble exchange rate.

In 2019, Russia ranks 153rd in terms of freedom of entrepreneurship, 154th in terms of security, and 34th in terms of the quality of education.

Rounding out the list:

  • Mozambique,
  • Liberia,
  • Mali,
  • Burkina Faso,
  • Sierra Leone,
  • Burundi,
  • South Sudan,
  • Central African Republic,
  • Nigeria.

The richest and poorest countries

The standard of living does not necessarily coincide with the level of wealth or poverty. One of the main criteria for assessing the wealth of a state is GDP per capita.

The richest countries in 2019 by GDP per capita:

  1. Qatar. Given the tiny size of the state and small population, so much oil is produced here that every resident from the moment of his birth is already considered wealthy, despite the fact that he has not yet created or earned anything.
  2. Luxembourg. Gives a head start to other European countries in terms of welfare. Although here, as in Qatar, you can live without working: this situation is ensured by the offshore zone and mines with minerals.
  3. Macau. Low taxes and comprehensive support for entrepreneurship have ensured Macau a worthy place on the list of the richest countries in the world.

The top ten richest also included:

  • Liechtenstein,
  • Singapore,
  • Bermuda,
  • Isle Of Man,
  • Brunei,
  • Monaco,
  • Kuwait

By absolute GDP indicator


The United States of America took an honorable first place in the ranking of the richest countries in 2019 in terms of absolute GDP.


Not long ago, China occupied the first place in the ranking, but due to recent changes in the labor market, the state has suspended the pace of economic growth.


Over the past decades, the “Land of the Rising Sun” has firmly established itself on the pedestal of a supplier of innovative technologies. Japan has a high standard of living and extremely low unemployment.


The German economy is the largest economy in Europe. Today the GDP exceeds 4,171,000 million US dollars.

Great Britain

The UK economy experienced strong growth in 2019. Production intensified, which undoubtedly affected the absolute indicator of the country's GDP.

At the same time, experts expect the UK's position to deteriorate by the end of the year. This is associated with Brexit and the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Since the country’s economy is focused on European partners, a break with the EU could quite significantly hit the small and medium-sized business sector, due to which the UK’s GDP has grown in recent years.

  • France,
  • India,
  • Italy,
  • Brazil.
  • Marshall Islands,
  • Nauru,
  • Tuvalu.

The rating indicators are directly affected by migration policy and the influx of refugees from the Middle East and Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan and others): the mere presence of hundreds and thousands of people who are not adapted to European standards with their own mentality, religion and traditions leads to a decrease in the feeling of comfort among the indigenous population . If we take into account the fact that the country receiving the immigrant is obliged to provide him with at least some kind of benefit, it becomes clear that the level of per capita income will inevitably decrease: in every developed country of the European Union, although funds are included in the budget to support migrants, but they were not at all designed for migration in such a volume.

Poorest countries

The poorest countries in the world are predominantly on the African continent.


It ranked first. Here the income per person is $300 per year. Disease epidemics, hunger and poverty are a common picture in the poorest countries. With a high mortality rate, there is also a high birth rate. The attempts being made to control the birth rate do not produce any particular results, so there is, unfortunately, no hope that the picture will change for the better.


African country. After the state finally gained independence, it slipped into extreme poverty. Congo supplies 80% of uranium ore to the world market, its main trading partners are the USA, Italy, France, despite this fact, the population is not interested in improving their own well-being, hoping only for subsidies from other countries.


An African state located on the coast of the Red Sea. Most of the population is engaged in agriculture. GDP per capita is extremely small and amounts to about $400.


One of the poorest countries in the world, despite the fact that it annually receives subsidies from the richest countries in the world: the USA, Great Britain, etc. Burundi is among the least developed countries in the world.

  • Zimbabwe
  • Nigeria
  • Central African Republic
  • Malawi
  • Madagascar

Top countries for investors and entrepreneurs

Another important parameter in assessing the standard of living in different countries of the world is the rating for investors and large entrepreneurs. The emergence of new enterprises and additional financial resources has a positive effect on the country’s economy and the income level of its citizens.

Before deciding to invest in a foreign country, a potential investor carefully analyzes his possible dividends and losses and evaluates the following parameters:

  • level of market development and freedom. In countries that adhere to the principle of an open market, it is much more comfortable to work, it is impossible to encounter monopolists and black competitors;
  • safety. The state provides maximum security to investors and large entrepreneurs from crime, risks of loss of investments and other unfavorable factors;
  • income. The richer a country's population is, the more attractive it will be for investment. This is due primarily to the fact that having a normal income, citizens ensure constant consumption of goods and services of the investor, bringing him income;
  • business costs. The most popular investment destinations will be those countries in which the cost of production and the general level of costs of doing business will be low. Thanks to this parameter, Russia has increased its popularity among investors in recent years. Relatively cheap resources, combined with highly skilled workers and relatively low wages (in dollars), attract many foreign investors.

According to this criterion, the United States tops the ranking of countries. The United States has been the constant leader in investor preferences over the past 5 years. Next come Switzerland, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Canada and Austria. Sweden closes the TOP 10.

The last places in the ranking are traditionally occupied by the countries of the African continent. Investors here face a high level of risk, which often does not justify the possible financial returns. The small island states of Oceania also show low interest from investors. Due to the fact that they are remote from the main trade routes, even the creation of comfortable conditions for doing business cannot compensate for the high cost of products and additional costs for their transportation.

The most comfortable countries for retirees to live in

The ranking of countries by standard of living in 2019 takes into account the quality of life of pensioners and elderly citizens. Often wealthy older people are looking for regions for a quiet life with a favorable environmental situation.

Among all the countries in the world, the most comfortable living conditions for retirees have been created in Northern Europe, Australia and the USA. The ranking is topped by Norway, Australia and Iceland. African countries rank lowest.

Happiness level

Happiness level is a measure of how satisfied people are with their lives. The less confidence a person has in the future, the lower he determines the level of happiness. Affects the rating and security level.

Residents of Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, and Australia consider themselves the happiest.

African countries rank lowest in terms of happiness. Also, the lowest levels of happiness are in those countries where there are military conflicts - Syria ranked seventh from bottom in 2019, only residents of Rwanda, Yemen, Tanzania, South Sudan, the Central African Republic and Burundi are less happy.

The best kindergartens

An important point in determining the well-being of society is its attitude towards children. It is believed that the better the kindergartens, the better the people live. Although each country has its own view of what is good and what is bad for a child. But one thing is certain: the fewer children in kindergarten per teacher, the better.

In the USA, one teacher looks after five children, and in a nursery group there are even fewer: two children per teacher. Reason: only those little Americans whose mothers work but cannot hire a nanny go to kindergartens.

In Egypt, the picture is strictly the opposite: the group is about forty people, but they will take more if there is nowhere to put the child. This is a picture in a state kindergarten. In private, the groups are small, but a day in such an institution costs $3 per day. And in the state - five per year. Therefore, most Egyptian children spend their childhood joyfully and in a big company.

Japanese kindergartens are considered the best in the world, but here, on the one hand, the child is allowed everything - a sort of holiday of disobedience. He can run, jump, fall, get dirty - let him understand from his own experience what is possible and what is not. On the other hand, it is not the individual who is being educated, but a member of the team. Japanese society is built on this.

Interesting fact: in Japan, boys are required to wear shorts in kindergarten both winter and summer. It is believed that this strengthens a man.

European kindergartens are very unique. In many countries, there is no hot food in kindergartens, and in Germany, the youngest are fed fast food. At the same time, kindergarten fees can amount to up to a third of the average salary.

The standard of living in the most general sense is the well-being of the population, an indicator of the satisfaction of spiritual and financial needs. The standard of living is quite difficult to calculate and measure, but scientists were able to rank countries according to this indicator. A strong economy and effective levers of control in political and social life provide countries such as the USA, Germany, and Great Britain with high positions. Poor African countries with a weak political apparatus and an ineffective economic system occupy last place.