Bermuda Islands. Where is Bermuda? Holidays in Bermuda

It is a group of coral islands located in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, approximately 1,500 kilometers from the east coast. The total area is 53.3 km².

Bermuda consists of 138 islands, of which only about 20 are inhabited. Ten of these twenty islands are connected to each other by overpasses and bridges, thus forming the main island - Main Island.

The Bermuda archipelago is a low-lying group of islands composed of coral formations that formed on top of an extinct underwater volcano.

The large islands of the archipelago are characterized by hilly terrain, as well as a fairly rugged coastline with many bays and small stretches of sandy beaches. There are no mountains on the islands, only hills. Highest point – 76 m.

Since there are no lakes, rivers or streams on the islands, the only source of fresh water here is tropical rains.

Administratively, Bermuda is divided into 9 districts and two city municipalities:

Climate in Bermuda

Climate in Bermuda islands - subtropical.

The main weather-forming factor is the Gulf Stream (a warm sea current), passing between the Bermuda archipelago and North America. Thanks to it, warm air masses over the islands maintain warm and relatively even weather throughout the year.

The average air temperature in the summer months is about +26...+29 °C, in the winter - about +18...+21 °C.

Precipitation falls evenly throughout the year, so there is no pronounced rainy season here - but powerful and usually short-term tropical downpours are common.

During hurricane season, which runs from June to November, Bermuda can experience windy and rainy weather, but compared to other countries in the region, the danger of destructive hurricanes is low, as they most often pass well to the west of Bermuda.

But sometimes powerful hurricanes reach here too. The last such hurricane, which caused significant damage to Bermuda, passed here on September 5, 2003.

The best time to visit Bermuda is from April to October.

Last changes: 05/30/2013

Population of Bermuda

Population of Bermuda- about 68.3 thousand people (2010).

Of these, over 60% are blacks and mulattoes, descendants of African slaves brought here in the distant past, the rest are white immigrants from North America and Europe.

The average life expectancy in Bermuda is 77 years for men, 83 for women.

The official language is English.

The main religion is Christians (Catholics, Protestants).

Last changes: 05/30/2013

About money

Bermudian dollar (B$ or BMD) is the official currency of Bermuda.

1 Bermudian dollar = 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes of 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2 B$, as well as coins of 1 and 25, 10, 5 B$ and 1 cent.

Along with the local currency, American dollars are also widely used and are accepted everywhere on the islands.

It is worth noting that the Bermuda dollar is pegged to the US dollar in a 1:1 ratio. But you won’t be able to pay in the US with Bermuda dollars, since they are not accepted for payment there.

We recommend exchanging currency at banks and exchange offices. This is prohibited by local law on the street or in hotels.

Banks are usually open from 09:00 to 16:30 (Monday-Friday). On Saturdays, only one bank in the capital is open, and then from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Credit cards are accepted everywhere.

Last changes: 05/30/2013


Bermuda dialing code: 1 - 441

Internet domain: .bm

There are no national dialing codes in Bermuda.

How to call

To call from Russia to Bermuda, you need to dial: 8 - dial tone - 10 - 1 - 441 - subscriber number.

To call from Bermuda to Russia, you need to dial: 011 - 7 - area code - subscriber number.

mobile connection

Cellular communications (GSM 1900 standard) cover almost all the islands of the Bermuda archipelago, with the exception, perhaps, of only the remote uninhabited ones.

Local standard handsets can be rented from kiosks that specialize in mobile communication services or from mobile operator offices.

Where to stay

There are many first-class 5* hotels in Bermuda, but prices for accommodation in them are usually much higher compared to similar hotels in the Caribbean region.

Of course, there are quite a few 3-4* hotels here, but accommodation in many of them can hardly be called very economical.

Renting private villas, apartments and studios is also popular in Bermuda.

Last changes: 05/30/2013

Beaches in Bermuda

Many beaches in Bermuda have white sand with a surprising pink tint, not often found in nature.

There are both public and private beaches owned by hotels.

There are no nudist beaches in Bermuda at all.

Last changes: 05/30/2013

History of Bermuda

Bermuda was originally discovered by the Spanish navigator Juan Bermudez in 1503, after whom it took its name. However, the Spaniards did not begin to develop the archipelago.

The first settlement on the islands appeared only in 1609 - it was founded by English colonists who were heading to Virginia, but due to a strong leak in the ship they were forced to stay here for 10 months while the construction of new ships was underway.

English settlers were engaged in agriculture in Bermuda.

In 1684, Bermuda was officially declared a Crown Dependency of England.

The development of agriculture was accompanied by the active importation of African black slaves. Slavery was abolished here in 1838.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the economy of Bermuda began to specialize in serving tourists.

In the period from 1931 to 1948, there was even a railway connecting the islands of the archipelago with the help of bridges, but now almost nothing remains of it.

Under the 1941 treaty, Great Britain leased a six-kilometer area for a military base to the Americans for 99 years. But in 1995, the States stopped using it ahead of schedule.

Now the islands are visited annually by about 600 thousand foreign tourists, almost 90% of them are Americans.

Last changes: 05/30/2013

Helpful information

Due to a series of unexplained ship and plane accidents in the area between Bermuda, the Antilles and the Bahamas, the world-famous term .

By the way, most foreign-made aircraft operated by Russian airlines are registered in Bermuda (registration numbers VQ-BXX and VP-BXX).
The level of insolation in Bermuda is quite high, so before traveling here it is recommended to stock up on protective creams and light summer clothing made from natural fabrics.

Tap water on the islands is usually chlorinated and considered safe to drink, but given that all water is desalinated, it is better to drink bottled water.

Prices for almost all goods in Bermuda are quite high, so it’s better not to count on cheap shopping here. High taxes on imports have an effect, and almost 80% of the food consumed is imported here.
A good selection of shops can be found in the capital Hamilton, especially on its main street - Front Street, located right next to the port.

Last changes: 05/30/2013

Diving, windsurfing and golf

Thanks to the beautiful underwater world and the fact that the coastal waters are home to many sunken ships of interest to scuba diving enthusiasts, Bermuda is a popular diving destination.

The archipelago also has excellent conditions for windsurfing and sailing. These sports can be practiced along almost the entire coast of Bermuda, but the most popular places in this regard are the Little Sound and Great Sound.

Bermuda is home to many golf clubs, some of which are among the best in the region. Many tournaments are held here every year, some of them of a very high level.

Last changes: 05/30/2013

How to get to Bermuda

There are no direct flights between Bermuda and Russia.

The most convenient flight option from Russia, via London with the airline:

Moscow - London - Bermuda (Bermuda International Airport). Ticket price is on average from 50,000 rubles (round trip).

Last changes: 04/10/2017

General information

Official name - Bermuda. Overseas territory, located on a group of coral islands in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, 900 km from North America. The area is 53,200 km2. Population - 67,837 people. (as of 2009). The official language is English. The capital is Hamilton. The currency is the Bermudian dollar.

Bermuda includes 150 islands and cays, of which about twenty are inhabited and 10 are connected by bridges and overpasses and form the main island - Main Island.

Temperate marine. The main weather-forming factor here is the Gulf Stream, which passes between Bermuda and the coast of North America. All year round, warm air masses formed above the surface of the Gulf Stream maintain warm and relatively even weather over the islands - the average temperature in summer (May-September) is about +26°C, in winter (mid-December - end of March) - about +17°C at minimum values ​​around +14°C. The winter period is characterized by strong winds from the northwest, bringing cold and rain.


Bermuda was named after the Spanish captain Juan de Bermudez. It was he who discovered these pieces of land in the middle of the ocean and opened them to the rest of the world. In those distant times (approximately 1503-1515), they were not yet inhabited and were unexplored, uninhabited territories. But the Spaniards did not consider it necessary to claim their rights to Bermuda. Therefore, the rights to them now belong to the UK.

A British subject, Admiral George Somers, accidentally discovered them on the way from his kingdom to one of the states. Having damaged the ship on the reefs surrounding the islands, he had no choice but to go ashore in search of materials suitable for repair. Here the admiral's team discovered not only tree species valuable for shipbuilding, but also everything necessary for life. To claim these fertile lands, Somers left part of the team here, and he himself hastened to report his discovery in America. Soon, the admiral returned, but he had to meet death here on the islands. By the way, they were even named after him, but, as we see, the name did not stick, leaving this honor for the discoverer.

The United States, in turn, was very interested in Somers' discovery. A settlement of 60 people was organized on the islands. But still, one should not discount the fact that these land areas are not full-fledged lands; for many centuries they are washed by ocean waters, which wash away the already meager fertilizers. This is why the top layers of soil are not fertile enough to support agriculture. The United States, represented by its settlers, tried to grow various agricultural crops here, including sugar cane, which was in demand at that time. As a result of futile attempts, the entire settlement became dependent on food supplies from the United States.

The United States maintained Bermuda for quite some time. But, in 1684, they became a colony of Great Britain. African and Indian slaves were brought here. At that time, the population of the islands already amounted to 9 thousand people, 5 of whom were black. The slaves were kept in terrible conditions, their treatment was humiliating - they mainly served white masters and did all the menial work. This situation of the slaves forced them to adapt to the conditions of the islands in order to simply survive. So, after the abolition of slavery, which, naturally, could not but affect the British possessions, former slaves could easily provide for themselves and their families. The same cannot be said about the “gentlemen”; many of them left the heavenly sushi without finding a “worthy” use for themselves.

But during the American War of Independence, Bermuda found itself in a rather difficult economic and political situation. On the one hand, the lion's share of supplies was provided by the states, and on the other, do not forget about this, they belonged to Britain. During the hostilities, Bermuda had to serve as a base for the British naval forces. In response, America blocked trade from the islands. Naturally, this could not but affect the economy of Bermuda. Despite all these circumstances, the American Civil War brought good profits to the islands.

The geographical location of Bermuda turned out to be strategically advantageous for reconnaissance operations and the transfer of military forces during the Second World War. It was she who united previously aggressive countries. Great Britain even leased part of the islands to the United States for a period of 99 years in order to strengthen military forces against a common aggressor. And now, on the site of the international airport, there is one of the American air force bases.

In 1963, issues related to the rights and interests of non-white citizens were publicly announced for the first time. At that time, the majority of government positions were occupied by white-skinned Bermudians. The Progressive Labor Party also raised the issue of constitutionally securing the internal rights and freedoms of Bermudian citizens. As a result of the party's activities, constitutional norms were drawn up, providing for internal self-government and coordination of all decisions with Great Britain at the diplomatic level.

Since the almost complete abolition of racial discrimination in 1970, Bermudians can rightfully be proud of the internal harmony of interracial relations. In addition, judging by the elections for the post of prime minister, as a result of which Pamela Gordon won, the islanders are devoid of sexual prejudices. True, Gordon's reign ended in 1998, and Jennifer Smith was elected to her post. The issue of independence from Great Britain has been discussed for many years. And several years ago, many US military bases in Bermuda were closed. Perhaps soon Bermuda will finally gain independence. In any case, now there is peace and harmony inside the islands, between their inhabitants.

Sights of Bermuda

One of the main attractions of Bermuda - botanical gardens. The 35 acres of well-kept, landscaped park contain hundreds of identified flowers, shrubs and trees, including a significant collection of subtropical fruit plants, hibiscus, and banyan trees. There are also aviaries for exotic and songbirds and a garden for the blind. The best way to explore the extensive gardens is on a walking tour that extends from Point Finger Road to Berry Hill and South Shore Road. These routes are organized by the Bermuda Botanical Society. The gardens themselves are open to the public every day, except holidays. There is a craft shop on site where you can buy absolutely unique souvenirs.

Royal Bulk Dockyard- Royal Bermuda Naval Dockyard. Situated on the very tip of the island of Ireland, it is a majestic reflection of British history dating back to 1809, when the island was purchased to build a fort. It is the main attraction of western Bermuda. On its territory there are: the Bermuda Maritime Museum, the Bermuda Arts Center, traditional pubs, shops and a craft market. Bermuda Maritime Museum. The museum includes many buildings that contain displays and information on navigation, whaling, exhibitions of treasures recovered from the sea, various coins, etc.

Municipal buildings are unique in their structure and design. The first building on this site is the Commission House - the first building in the world of this size, which was created from ready-cast cast iron blocks and framed with wrought iron. Situated on the highest point of the island of Ireland, the Commission House offers absolutely amazing views of its north-eastern part. Its many rooms contain art galleries, exhibitions on the history of emigration of different nationalities and luxurious banquet rooms that can be rented for various celebrations.

Hog Bay Park is the third largest (38 acres) public park in Bermuda. The western part is bordered by the ocean, the eastern part by Middle Road, and the south by Woodlawn Road. The park is named after Hog Bay (now called Pilchard Bay), which, in turn, received its name from the wild boars that were found here by shipwrecked sailors in 1609. It was assumed that these boars were the descendants of a brood specially left here by Spanish sailors , intended to be food for the surviving sailors after the crash. At that time, the land was used to grow tobacco for export, which was one of the priority activities in Bermuda at that time. Throughout the 18th-20th centuries, agriculture and livestock farming flourished here. Several prominent Bermudian families have owned some of these lands since the 17th century.

The territory that has passed to the government is carefully protected, preserving its original appearance; buildings and monuments that undoubtedly have archaeological, historical and aesthetic value are also under the strict supervision. Visitors to Hog Bay Park have excellent bird watching opportunities. Climbing scenic Sugarloaf Hill reveals more than 120 species of birds, including tropical orioles, purple finches and ruffed hawks.

Fort St. Catherine is the largest of all the historic ports in Bermuda, and one of the most spectacular attractions. From this place the views of the coast and the island itself are truly magnificent. Nearby is the beach where they went ashore after a shipwreck in 1607. the first settlers of the island.

This is one of the early fortifications, which served as a defense against the Spaniards, French, and much later against the Americans. The fort itself, in its original form, dating from 1614, was built by Governor Richard More to protect the main bay where the colonists lived. Later it was further strengthened and expanded. 1865-1878, these are the years of massive reconstruction of the fort. At the beginning of 1900, Fort St. Katherine served as a platform for combat exercises for the local and British armies.

Many artillery cannons, tunnels, bastions and drawbridges over the fortress ditches have been preserved here. The fort was reopened in February 2000 after reconstruction due to severe damage caused by the 1999 hurricane.

There are reproductions of the British Crown Jewels, a fascinating series of filmstrips depicting the early history of Bermuda, and a new 53-inch screen located in the theatre. Visitors also have the opportunity to view a rare display of antique weapons, an audio/video presentation of other Bermuda ports and their histories, and records of the history of the British regiments that served in Bermuda. St Catherine's Fort is also available for group tours, celebrations, events and corporate functions.

During World War II, an American indicator loop was installed here. This is the first shore mark visible to tourists on cruise ships. The sea route itself is located a little to the north, this is the berth for sea transport and cruise ships. The fort is out of reach of Bermuda's public transport, but can be reached by local minibus, taxi or rented moped.

Bermudian cuisine

The culinary traditions of the islands are based on European and American traditions.

Local "sea delicacies" include sea bass or snapper chowder seasoned with traditional black rum, shark chowder seasoned with sherry or rum and pepper, fried cod with pepper and sherry sauce, cod pies, the so-called "Sunday breakfast" - a huge pan with fried cod, potatoes, eggs, bananas and avocado in onion-tomato sauce, the famous Bermuda lobster (a seasonal dish, it can be found on the menu from September to mid-April), mussel pie, shells of all stewed in vegetables and sauce species, wahoo steak (king mackerel), fried cod with vegetables, seafood salads, charcoal-grilled snapper with bananas, delicacy "guinea chik" (baked sun lobster) and fried Cuban yellowtail.

All kinds of vegetables are served with fish dishes, " hopepin-john" - a mixture of boiled black peas and rice, as well as flatbreads made from grain flour with peas and rice, specific Bermuda onions, rice with sauces and fried bananas “tostones”, characteristic of all island countries of the region. Another characteristic local dish is cassava pie , who is credited with saving the early settlers from starvation.

Dessert is usually served with all sorts of fruits, including local citrus fruits, sweet potato pudding, grape jelly and loquat jam.

The national drink of Bermuda is Golsing's Bermuda Black Seal rum and numerous cocktails based on it, including a cocktail of rum with lemon juice, bitters and sugar, called a "swizzle" here, as well as cocktails of rum with ginger beer. In all The stores sell a variety of imported beers and other alcoholic beverages.

Bermuda on the map

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And in September 2012, the media was full of reports that a visa to Bermuda was no longer needed. We start checking everything, and it turns out that visa-free entry is possible for citizens of Russia, India and China if they have a US, Canadian or UK visa. We just had a US visa, so we were happy: we would finally get to these mysterious islands. We flew to Bermuda from Buffalo via New York, with a 2.5 hour connection, on United Airlines. And we flew back to New York.

By the way, the plane flies to Bermuda without crossing the borders of the so-called Bermuda Triangle. Let me remind you that this is an area in the Atlantic Ocean in which mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft allegedly occur. The area is bounded by imaginary lines from Miami, Florida, to Bermuda, then to Puerto Rico, and back to Florida through the Bahamas.

Passport control was quick and there were no questions about visas.

Bermuda is a group of coral islands in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. They were discovered at the beginning of the 16th century by the Spanish navigator Juan Bermudez and called them the Devil's Islands due to difficult navigation conditions.

Today Bermuda has the status of a self-governing overseas territory of Great Britain.

Despite the large number of islands, the population of the archipelago is only about 60 thousand people, and the total length of roads in Bermuda is 30 km.

The currency is the Bermudian dollar. The 25-cent coin features a phaeton. This bird was almost destroyed by egg collectors, but after the organization of protection, the number of phaetons was restored, and now they again nest in large numbers on the islands. As we walked along the rocks, phaetons circled above our heads: apparently, there were nests there, and the birds were protecting them.

Houses and fences in Bermuda are built primarily from sandstone. The walls are bright, colorful, and the roofs are white and stepped. Such roofs are made in order to collect water and filter it: dirt lingers on the steps.

In Bermuda they say: if you come to a house with a dirty roof, don’t ask for water to drink. When we drove around the island, we constantly saw people on the roofs of houses cleaning them. Gutters are installed in such a way that concrete basements are filled with rainwater through vertical pipes. In such tanks the water is kept cold, just like in wells. Each owner is personally responsible for collecting water, and if there is still not enough water until the next rainy season, they must pay money for water to the government.

According to local GOST, the walls of houses must withstand winds of up to 160 km/h, so they are quite thick here, and the shutters on the windows open from the bottom. Almost all houses have fireplaces because it can be cool in winter.

In general, Bermuda's climate is mild thanks to the Gulf Stream. Throughout the year there are occasional tropical rains and downpours, but the weather is mostly sunny. The usual temperature is 20-23°C - very comfortable.

The best time to relax is from April to October. But until June, the water in the ocean is not very warm, because it does not have time to warm up. During our stay, from May 1 to May 10, the water was first 21.3 ° C, and then 23.8 ° C maximum - quite cool for us.

The hotel was booked five months in advance. The selection was small and the prices were not very low. Of course, I wanted the hotel to be on the shore and the beach to be good. It took us a long time to choose, but in the end we made the right decision by booking a room at the Pompano Beach Club. This family-run hotel is located in Southampton and dates back to 1956. It is now owned by the third generation of the Lamb family. You can feel the homely, family atmosphere here and the friendly attitude of the staff.

Pompano Beach Club is located on a hill, the rooms are in two-story houses, you can never see or hear your neighbors. There is a large golf course nearby. And free Wi-Fi is available both in the rooms and throughout the hotel.

The ocean is very beautiful! The water is clear, with a blue tint. During our stay, there was complete calm for a whole week, and even from the balcony of our room we could watch the fish swimming in the water: they were clearly visible, especially parrots, as they are very bright. Then the wind changed and waves appeared, but very tiny ones. Along the water, you can walk to the left along the beach: there are rock formations, small coves - in general, beauty!

When we decided to explore the archipelago, we learned that car rental is prohibited in Bermuda. There are many reasons for this: the density of transport in Bermuda per 1 sq. km is one of the highest in the world, traffic jams are frequent, parking is a problem, traffic is on the left. You can rent a scooter; a driver's license is not required, but you must be over 16 years old. A helmet, a lock, a full tank of fuel and a luggage basket are included in the rental price. The use of a helmet is mandatory.

You can get to different parts of Bermuda by taxi, buses, and ferries. Taxi fare is $4 for the first mile (1.6 km) plus $1.4 for each additional mile.

Buses run on 11 routes. They are easily identified by their pink or blue colors, they are all air conditioned and usually operate from 7.00 to 23.00. Tickets can be purchased from the driver or purchased at some stores. Buses stop on request and do not accept passengers with large luggage.

Pink or blue posts that stand next to the stops indicate where the bus is going. Pink is the stop for buses into Hamilton, blue is for buses from Hamilton.

We explored the island by taxi twice, going first in one direction and then in the other, so as to slowly take in all the sights and beauty.

To begin with, we decided to look at the oldest iron lighthouse in Bermuda - Gibbs Hill Lighthouse.

Actually, there are two lighthouses in Bermuda. One can be seen when approaching the airport from an airplane. A scene from the 1977 film “The Abyss” was filmed on it. The Gibbs Hill Lighthouse is unique in that it is made from cast iron and bolted from individual sheets. There are very few such lighthouses in the world! Its height is 177 feet. There is a parking lot, a cafe, and a souvenir shop on site. You can go to the very top for $2.

Just 185 steps and you're at the top! It is from here that you can enjoy an amazing panoramic view of the Bermuda coast. The photo shows a view of the western tip of the archipelago, Dockyard. There is a cruise ship dock there and the largest fortress in Bermuda. And the poorest citizens live on that side, but you can’t tell from their houses.

The southern part of the island has the most beautiful beaches.

We arrived in the city of St. George. This is one of the first English settlements in the New World. The city and its surrounding fortifications are listed as a World Heritage Site. Until 1814 it was the colonial capital of Bermuda.

The symbol of the city is the dragon. St George's has retained its original appearance and many of the historic buildings are still in use today as they were 200-300 years ago. Royal Square is the center of the city. It was built 200 years ago.

There is an unfinished church in the city. Its construction began in 1874 and ended in 1894, when the city council decided to restore St. Peter's Church.

Fort St. Catherine is the first structure in Bermuda. Since 2000, the building has housed a museum.

But the world's smallest functioning drawbridge is the Somerset Bridge. It was built in 1620 and reconstructed in the mid-20th century. Initially, the structure was installed manually, now - mechanically.

And here (good thing, not on the beach) we saw a Portuguese man-of-war jellyfish. They write that from May to September these beauties periodically appear on the beaches of Bermuda.

Next we had an excursion to the Crystal Cave. It was discovered more than 100 years ago by two 12-year-olds who climbed down the crevice in search of a cricket ball. The cave is located at a depth of 36 m below the surface of the earth.

It is believed that the cave was formed during the Ice Ages, when sea levels were 100-130 m lower. Rainwater seeped through the soil and the resulting highly acidic underground stream dissolved the limestone. As a result of this process, voids appeared in the rocks. When sea levels rose, these voids filled with seawater. Now there is an underground lake across which a pontoon bridge is laid. The water is crystal clear. And nearby there is another cave connected to the first one, it’s called Fantasy.

Bermuda is known to the average domestic lover of recreation and tourism for the presence of the mysterious Triangle, which is actively absorbing ships. But experienced travelers claim that holidays in Bermuda are more than safe.

Panoramic view of Bermuda and the capital Hamilton

In addition, this place, thanks to its magnificent pink beaches and warm ocean water, as well as its favorable location on the map, is considered a real tourist paradise. It is noteworthy that citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a special visa to Bermuda.

Officially, Bermuda is part of the British Empire, and visiting it is possible if you have any valid Canadian or Canadian residence permit in any of these countries.

Unfortunately, the locations of unexplained phenomena at sea in the Bermuda area are not yet indicated on the map. Seasoned sailors, experienced travelers, as well as those who are interested in the Bermuda Triangle solely as a phenomenon, believe that ships, sea and air, disappeared in the area between the Bahamas and Florida. The sea here is rough, and storms sometimes rage for up to eighty days a year.

Detailed map of Bermuda showing all cities

One of the secrets of these places is the huge waves called “killers”. The height of these giants is tens of meters, so it is not surprising that the ships that encountered them perished at sea.

From time immemorial, the secrets of this amazing place have excited the imagination of science fiction writers and ufologists. Thus, it is believed that Bermuda sheltered not only primitive sea monsters that deal with ships, but also fantastic creatures that are characters in world folklore.

The abundance of secrets is continually replenished with new and new evidence, most of which, however, are not worth close attention. Today, scientists are convinced that all the many mysteries are explainable without hoaxes.

Resort Features

On the world map, a luxurious natural area called Bermuda is located in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean.
The distance to the North American coast is nine hundred kilometers. Bermuda includes seven large and about one hundred and thirty small coral islands. Only twelve of them are inhabited.

A mini-archipelago of eight large islands connected to each other by a viaduct network is marked with a special point on the map of the area. This is Main Island, which is of interest to most exotic-hungry Russians for its pristine bays and magnificent beaches with soft sand. Among the vegetation here you can see pretty shrubs and unusual plants that are not found anywhere else in the world.

Mystery Zone

It is believed that the islands, named five hundred years ago in honor of the Spanish navigator Bermudez, are located in an anomalous zone. The legendary Bermuda Triangle includes not only the archipelago.

Diving in Bermuda

Geographical objects such as Florida are also located in the anomalous zone.

What to see

If you look at this resort on a tourist map, then you should forget about all the dark legends and myths. The main attraction of one of the most beautiful and mysterious corners of the world is not the Bermuda Triangle, but its stunning gardens and magnificent coral reefs. There are also many attractions here, among which are:

  1. Fort Hamilton.
  2. Crystal Cave Caves.
  3. Pa-la-Ville and Blue Hole parks.
  4. National Gallery.

Marine life enthusiasts might be interested in visiting Devil's Hole, a luxurious natural aquarium. Prices for excursions are quite affordable.

Where to have fun

Bermuda is not only one of the most mysterious places in the world, but also a real paradise for lovers of a variety of entertainment.
Connoisseurs of extreme sports at sea will be able to appreciate all the delights:

  • spearfishing;
  • yachting;
  • surfing.

Bermuda has several extreme schools for both beginners and true aces. The prices are quite high, but the pleasure is worth it.

Those Russians who prefer peaceful entertainment will certainly enjoy the opportunity to play tennis, cricket or golf. Bermuda will also delight connoisseurs of living flora and fauna: ecotourism is very popular in this fabulous corner of the world.

Beach holiday

Most Russians go to Bermuda not so much for the sake of extreme tourism or the opportunity to see the most interesting sights, but to swim in the sea and sunbathe on luxurious beaches, the peculiarity of which is surprisingly soft, pale pink sand. All beaches are superbly equipped and amazingly clean. In addition to public beaches, there are also private beaches, the prices of which are quite high.

How much does a vacation cost?

Bermuda is famous for its fine cuisine. This is due to the amazing fusion of numerous cultures, as well as the proximity of the ocean. Lunch prices in most restaurants are reasonable.

It is important to remember that the price of lunch includes service (approximately ten to fifteen percent), which is always indicated on the bill.

The price of hotel accommodation includes a special tax of seven and a half percent. Taxi drivers' tips are ten to fifteen percent of the fare. It is noteworthy that depending on the character and thickness of the tourist’s wallet, the price may be rounded up.

The price of an air ticket per person in economy class and in both directions is one thousand three hundred euros.
The average price for a hotel room in 2019 is 320 - 350 thousand rubles.

Visa issue

Russians wishing to visit Bermuda will have a pleasant surprise regarding the visa issue. Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a visa to Bermuda. Of course, this bonus is relevant for those Russians who have money in England or the United States. Also, a tourist who wants to visit this resort can present representatives of local authorities with a residence permit in one of these countries.

Thus, during passport control, a Russian citizen undertakes to present:

  1. International passport.
  2. Visa.
  3. Tickets (return or to a third country).

The period of stay on the territory of the archipelago for Russians, as well as for tourists from other countries, is ninety days.

This is what a visa to Bermuda looks like

Depending on the purpose for which a person arrived in Bermuda, the length of stay is doubled.

Russians who do not have a visa to Canada or the UK need to obtain a special visa to Bermuda. This can be done at the consular section of the British Embassy.

Accompanying documents

A person who wants to visit the archipelago and see the Bermuda Triangle with his own eyes must take into account that:

  • accompanying documentation must be translated into English;
  • the translation must be attached to each of the accompanying documents;
  • The translation does not need to be notarized.

Bermuda was discovered by the Spanish pioneer captain Juan de Bermudez in 1503, who, although he did not land on the islands, marked them on the map. Bermuda first appeared on the map in 1543 under the name Rock or Rock, until that moment the name was Spanish Rock.

Geography and nature of Bermuda

Bermuda is a volcanic island located near the western tip of the Sargasso Sea. Bermuda was formed during the formation of an underwater volcano and was then overgrown with coral reefs, adding to the area of ​​the skeleton. The main island has a mountainous terrain, the coast boasts excellent sandy beaches, and there are a large number of cozy bays. In the early and mid-20th century, almost all the trees in Bermuda were cut down; today, logging for economic purposes is prohibited. A third of the island's territory is occupied by shrubs, wild plants are located in the mountains, and cultivated plants are planted in the valleys.

The largest cities are Hamilton and St. George. Bermuda consists of 9 districts, local settlements are called villages. Bermuda has 181 islands, with a total area of ​​53.3 square kilometers. There is constant confusion about the names of some of the islands; Somers Island is often referred to in the plural, although it is the only island; it is also mistakenly called the Summer Isles. The names of the islands are often repeated, for example, two islands have the same name - Long Island, on Somerset Island, Main and Cooper Islands, there is the same bay called Long Bay, there are two roads in different parts of the country called Khyber Pass. There are even two cities of St. George - on the island of St. George in St. George's parish. The city of Hamilton is located in the parish of the same name and the parish of Pembroke.

Flora and fauna of Bermuda

At the time of discovery, Bermuda was uninhabited, Bermuda cedar grew here, there were mango swamps along the coast, and the Spaniards brought palm trees, including coconut palms, which took root well, but their fruits were very small due to the harsher climate. The islands today are home to 5 species of bats, birds, mainly the Bermuda petrel, which was discovered in 1951 after not being seen since the 1620s. Rare species of turtles can be spotted on the beaches.

Bermuda Climate and Weather

Bermuda has a humid subtropical climate with a strong influence of the warm Gulf Stream. Bermuda is on the same parallel as Portugal, the temperature in July and August during the day stays at 30 degrees Celsius, winter temperatures are about 20 degrees Celsius, there has never been frost on the islands. Precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the months of the year, with the driest months being April and May.

The average annual temperature in Bermuda is 22.8°C, very cold in February 18.6°C and very hot in August 28.2°C.

Bermuda is in the hurricane belt, but they tend to weaken as they reach the islands. The last hurricane that visited Bermuda in October 2014 was a category 2 hurricane. Hurricanes pass without loss of life or major destruction. Hurricane season is from August to early November.

Fresh water in Bermuda

The only source of fresh water in Bermuda is rain, local residents collect water using a special structure of house roofs, the water flows into a special reservoir; if the owner of the house has exhausted the supply of water from the last rain, he will have to call a truck with a canister to replenish the supply. All the roofs of the houses are white with the same stepwise castration. Water collection by residents is regulated at the legislative level.

History of Bermuda

As mentioned above, Bermuda was discovered by the Spaniard Juan de Bermudez in 1503 and subsequently named after him. Legends about spirits and demons are associated with the island; in general, Bermuda greatly frightened sailors and bore a bad reputation. The sailors were afraid to be on the islands at night and even during the day, because they heard the heart-rending screams of the devil, probably this devil was the petrel bird with its hoarse voice, the hysteria was added by the noise of the activity of wild pigs. The dangerous storms that raged around the island earned it the name Devil's Island. Spanish and Portuguese colonialists were afraid to settle here.

The first colonists of Devil's Island were immigrants from Great Britain, who were heading from England to Virginia, but were defeated by a storm that washed them to Bermuda, 150 people and one dog survived and founded the first colony here, if not for this accident, people would still be around for a long time they would not dare to linger long on the screaming island. Since 1684, Bermuda has become an official colony of Great Britain. As in other territories of the Caribbean region, and indeed America in general, agriculture in Bermuda was based on the slave labor of Africans, who began to be brought here in large quantities. From 1838, agriculture declined following the abolition of slavery in Britain. Since the beginning of the 20th century, tourists from North America have been drawn here; the main area of ​​the economy has not changed to this day. It is interesting to note that from 1931 to 1948, a railway operated in Bermuda, crossing bridges and connecting the islands. From 1941 to 1968, there was an American military base here, but due to the absence of America’s enemies nearby, the United States stopped leasing land for military purposes.

At all times, Bermuda has faced the problem of overpopulation, agriculture is difficult here, the cultivation of tobacco has become the most profitable, but its cost is higher than in the lands of North America. A large outmigration from Bermuda was recorded in the early years after Independence Day in the United States, with many Bermudians migrating to the United States and Canada.

In 1616 and 1620, Bermuda passed laws prohibiting the hunting of birds and young turtles. Since the 17th century, shipbuilding factories began to appear on the shores of Bermuda; ships built at local shipyards became the fastest and most modern in the British fleet. The clearing of the island's vegetation undermined agriculture, but opened the way to salt mining, and in the coming centuries, salt became Bermuda's main source of income. After American independence, Bermuda was noticed in London, funding increased due to fear of losing this piece of land. Perhaps, if it were not for such a great distance to Virginia, then Bermuda would have been engulfed in uprisings and gained independence from Britain. Since 1811, the British began to build a large military garrison in Bermuda to protect their sea routes. The Bermuda garrison was built on the island of Ireland in the west of Bermuda, and it was from here that the military attacks of British ships began during the War of 1812 against the United States. Today you can learn about the events of those times at the Bermuda Naval Museum.

In 1930, after several unsuccessful attempts, an American seaplane from New York was able to fly to Bermuda; in 1936, a tourist flight to Bermuda began flying from Berlin via the Azores and New York; in 1937, Imperial aircraft began flying from New York to Bermuda. Airways and Pan American World Airways. The tourism sector of the country's economy peaked in the 1960s and 1970s, but business tourism has since taken the top spot on the podium.

Executive power in Bermuda belongs to the British monarch Elizabeth II and is exercised on her behalf through the local governor, who is personally appointed by the Queen. The UK is also in charge of defense and foreign affairs. Bermuda is today Britain's oldest overseas territory, and its parliament is the fifth oldest in the world. The head of the Bermudian government is the Prime Minister. The constitution was adopted in 1967 and was amended in 1989 and 2003. The legislative branch consists of a bicameral parliament modeled on the Westminster system. The Senate is the upper house, consisting of 11 members appointed by the governor on the advice of the prime minister and the leader of the opposition. According to the law, elections are held at least once every 15 years. Bermuda is represented at the UN by Great Britain. Bermuda has embassies in London and Washington. All high-level negotiations on the countries of the Caribbean region with the United States take place in Bermuda. Since 2003, Bermuda has been an associate member of the Caribbean Community.

Language in Bermuda

English is official, but most locals speak Creole English in everyday life, which contains many Spanish or Portuguese words.

Visas to Bermuda

Life of people in Bermuda

Briefly about the economic situation of Bermuda: there is indeed a very high standard of living here, much higher even than in the US Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico, everywhere is clean and well-groomed, beautiful and most importantly safe, but at the same time Bermuda cannot be considered such a beach paradise as Caribbean region. If it were not for the predominantly black population, this place would bear little resemblance to the former British colony.

Standard of living and prices in Bermuda

In Bermuda, everything is, on the contrary, American; very few facts indicate that it is a British colony. There is a constant debate in the country about separation from the civilized world, that is, from Great Britain, but adherents of this decision constantly lose, as the local population sees how the countries of the Caribbean region that have achieved independence, for example, Haiti or Cuba, live.

Economy of Bermuda

Throughout the 20th century, the economy in Bermuda showed tremendous results, although based only on marine insurance and tourism, the country nevertheless showed the highest level of GDP per capita. Bermuda is located in the area of ​​hurricanes and unexplained phenomena; a number of surface ships and aircraft have disappeared over the years under mysterious circumstances, thanks to which the so-called Bermuda Triangle has appeared here - a place of unexplained events. The islands are protected by rocks and coral reefs from hurricanes and high waves.

The United States is Bermuda's largest trading partner, accounting for over 71% of total imports and 85% of tourism visitors. Bermuda hosts approximately 163 billion US capital. Bermuda's main source of income is insurance.

Bermuda practically does not trade with the West Indies, the main emphasis is on the United States.

Bermuda GDP

Today, Bermuda's GDP per capita is $91,477, which according to some sources is the highest in the world.

Real estate, cost of apartments and houses in Bermuda, sale and rental

Bermuda holds the first place in the rankings of world statistics for real estate values. Thus, the CIA fact book states that the average price of an apartment in Bermuda in 2003 was $976,000, while local real estate agencies insist on a figure of $1.8 million. You can rent an apartment in Bermuda for as little as $3,000 for a modest room.

Bermuda Offshore Center

Bermuda has long been an offshore territory; there is no direct taxation of income of individuals and legal entities, however, instead, there are taxes on imports, most goods are imported and have a high final cost; prices are set several times higher for durable goods and food products than in the USA. The country's budget is heavily dependent on import taxes collected.

With no income tax, businesses in Bermuda are a popular location for tax evasion. However, according to British legislation, it is difficult for foreign individuals to obtain banking services; it is impossible to install Internet at home or buy a mobile phone with a SIM card. Bermuda is home to the offices and headquarters of the largest American IT giants, who were able to save billions of dollars on this status. The headquarters of the world's largest hedge funds and companies involved in the sale of shares are concentrated in Bermuda. The 4 Bermuda banks have assets equal to $24.4 billion.

Tourism in Bermuda

Tourism today is in second place in the local economy after insurance and stock trading; more than half a million tourists visit Bermuda every year, 80% of them from the USA, many tourists from the UK and Canada, accessible by air on cruise ships.

Education in Bermuda

Today there are 26 schools in Bermuda, 18 of them private; schools were racially segregated until 1965. You can get a bachelor's degree in several colleges on the island; for a master's degree you need to go to the USA or Canada.

Medicine and hospitals in Bermuda

Even if a visa does not require mandatory travel insurance, then the reality of life may call for this need. Bermuda has very expensive medicine; the cost of local medical care is even higher than in the USA. Unlike other countries that are part of the British colonies, Bermuda does not have a national healthcare system. Employees must provide a health plan and pay 50% of the cost of services. Insurance is mandatory and places a heavy burden on employers and employees themselves.

Currency of Bermuda

Since 1970, Bermuda's official currency has been the Bermuda dollar (B$, BD$ or BMD), which is pegged one-to-one to the US dollar. Banknotes in circulation are 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2, as well as coins of 1 and 25, 10, 5 and 1 cent. Until 1970, the country used the Bermuda pound. However, today you can pay in American dollars almost everywhere; the exchange rate is very simple.

Currency exchange

It is absolutely not profitable to buy American dollars for Bermudian ones in Bermuda; as you understand, this does not apply at all to foreign tourists who always travel with American dollars.

Jobs and salaries in Bermuda

Bermuda has a high level of education, unskilled jobs are held by migrants, and white people from the United States and Canada in Bermuda occupy high positions in banking, insurance and finance. People from Africa and the Caribbean and the majority of the indigenous population are employed in the service sector and tourism. Salaries can be compared to income levels in the US, Canada or UK.

Holidays and beaches in Bermuda

Unfortunately, there are few suitable beaches on the island; moreover, Bermuda is located to the north of the beach holiday strip, here you can see the changing seasons of the year, you can sunbathe on the beach in summer and early autumn. There are no beaches as such. Cruise ships are the main stream of tourists; they come to the Dockyard port, where the former royal base-fortress is located; the balloon is located at the opposite end of the island on Saint Georges. Both places are rich in natural and architectural attractions. The best beach in Bermuda is the pink sand beach in Astwood Park.

Agriculture in Bermuda is practically undeveloped, this is a consequence of infertile soils; the entire island consists of limestone, and houses are also made of it. There is a big problem with fresh water; it is extracted from the roofs of houses; each house has a special roof that collects rainwater.

Transport in Bermuda is like in the USA, that is, there is practically no public transport, everyone drives personal cars, which are very expensive due to the lack of space for them. There are no sidewalks on the streets, since there is no room for the cars themselves. The best type of transport is a motorcycle or bicycle, this way you can avoid traffic jams, and you can cross the entire island in just half an hour. Driving is on the left, however, this is the situation in most countries of the Caribbean region and even where there were no British.

Car Hire and Hire in Bermuda

The car rental service is not available to foreign tourists, which is unfortunate; you can only rent a scooter or a bicycle; in any case, you will have to jostle on public buses or take a taxi.

Prices and shopping in Bermuda, shops and food

All food except fish and local fruits is imported from the USA and is therefore very expensive. The people of Bermuda are spoiled by the Western way of eating, the women here are simply enormous. Food prices are on average two or three times higher than in the United States. Bermudians, like Russians or Ukrainians, mostly work for food; most of their income goes to grocery stores.

Bermudians are a very polite and pious people. The provincial status of the island is evident; here it is customary to say hello to everyone passing by. The coastline is built up with villas and hotels for tourists. Real estate prices are crazy. However, there are also abandoned houses, especially many of them outside the resort area, but most tourists do not see this, so it creates the impression of an ideal resort, outside of which there is something similar that can be seen in Haiti or Cuba. By the way, migrants from Gati, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and other islands of the Caribbean region live here.

Sports and recreation in Bermuda

Major sports in Bermuda originated with British secondary school students in the 19th century. Such sports were considered an important stage in the training of military officers of the British Navy. The first football association on the island appeared back in 1885. Priority was given to team sports that could unite the spirit of the military, for example, cricket, rugby, tennis and even rowing were also popular. Bermuda has many golf courses, and the main stages of the World Cup are held on this land.

The Yacht Race Bermuda is held annually and has a hundred-year tradition, the race starts in the port of Newport (Rhode Island) in the USA and ends in Bermuda. At the 2004 Summer Olympics, Bermuda competed in athletics, sailing, swimming, diving, triathlon and equestrian sports.

Bermuda culture

The culture of Bermuda is an interweaving of the traditions of the Spanish Caribbean region, the culture of Britain, Ireland, Scotland, and the influence of the official English language is great. The proximity of the US and the former British Virginia means the influence of American culture on the islands. For example, such Hollywood actors as Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones were born and raised on the islands.

Art of Bermuda

First of all, I would like to note the dance and music of calypso; since the 1970s, reggae, which was brought by the Haitians, has gained popularity. Bermuda hosts an annual international film festival that screens many independent films.