The worst gift for February 23rd. place: tourist trips

Defender of the Fatherland Day is approaching - a holiday when we congratulate our men. What to give your loved one on February 23? And how not to make a mistake with a gift? Let's try to learn from other women's mistakes. Today we asked our male readers to tell us about the most ridiculous gifts they have ever received.

Roman, 29, auto mechanic: My beloved gave me a puppy as a gift, which she herself dreamed of. Now, every time my cute dog leaves puddles and piles, I hear the phrase: “Clean up after your dog!” Well, isn't she cute to me?!?

Mikhail, 30, economist: My girlfriend believes that she has an amazing sense of humor and the ability to make memorable, creative gifts. This is the last time I received a candle in the shape of a man's dignity, painted with gold paint. Well, just an eternal flame and a monument to the phallus in one set! Why do I need it, I was afraid to ask, to be honest...

Anton, 28, entrepreneur: I have always been annoyed by receiving shaving kits as gifts - apparently as punishment for being harmful, they are constantly presented to me. And one day they gave me as many as three (!) identical razors, and I already had a couple of identical ones at home. I also don’t like it when a girl gives me perfume or eau de toilette, which she thinks is cool, but somehow she didn’t bother to inquire about my taste. There’s already a lot of such rubbish at home - and it seems a shame to re-gift it.

Yuri, 26, lawyer: I once received an expensive anti-wrinkle cream as a gift - I never asked why I needed it? In my opinion, I’m still young, and, how can I say this... well, I’m a man!

Egor, 24, marketing specialist: Once I was given a set of cosmetics, among which was a hygienic lipstick with a pomegranate scent and a reddish tint. Moreover, I learned about the shade from friends. They obviously didn’t understand me then...

Matvey, 32, logistician: I was lucky enough to receive a watch box as a gift from my wife, which contained a pregnancy test with two strips. And by the way, I dreamed of a good watch and while I was unpacking the package, I was hoping to see exactly that. Therefore, then, not yet realizing how lucky I was with the gift, I said in disappointment: “So this is not a watch...” The “watch” will soon go to kindergarten, and my wife still remembers this incident to me.

Dmitry, 27, manager: Recently my wife gave me a pillow on which she now sleeps. I was also given a wallet that didn’t fit money and a wallet that didn’t fit credit cards - and on the same day, from two different girls. Maybe there was a sale of defective wallets somewhere? And, the most mysterious gift for me - a disc with Britney Spears hits - what connection between me and Britney I still don’t understand...

Anton, 25, architect: A girl once presented me with an elegant box containing women’s lace underwear. After putting it on, she declared that she was giving me all of herself. No, of course I didn’t refuse the gift, but at first, I admit, I wanted to give her covers for my car.

As you can see, not only men sometimes give pots, candlesticks and soft bunnies at random - we also sometimes make mistakes in choosing a gift. Do you know such cases?

The survey was conducted by Yulia Prikhodko

Jokes about shaving foam and socks are not even funny anymore, and you, dear girls, continue to buy these products. If your gift is on this list, throw it away. Oh please.

Shower gel and shaving foam

Dear girls! Imagine that on March 8, your man gave you shower gel. “Is he hinting that I smell bad?”, “Why do I need this?”, “I can spend 100 rubles on my gel myself,” - these are your first thoughts. So why do you think men will think differently?

Another option for a “wonderful gift” is shampoo - and for dandruff. Such a gift will not make you happy, but will only ruin your relationship, any kind: personal, friendly, or even work.

Socks and underwear

"protective" on your part. If you need to buy it, go and buy it on any other day, and do not give it as a gift.

If you want to joke this way. All kinds of “family shirts with a heart” and “thongs in the shape of an elephant” could at least be understood nine days ago, on Valentine’s Day. I wouldn’t have liked this gift very much even then, but on a men’s holiday it’s absolutely terrible.

Insoles and slippers

comfort and peace." Chances are high that he will think: "She considers me a wreck who needs these orthopedic insoles." House slippers, even with superheroes... Would such a gift make you very happy? Imagine, you are over twenty, and your beloved brings Czech shoes with a Barbie doll. Can you think of anything less sexy?


Well, it would seem - which is simpler. But no, giving a bottle of cognac/tequila and even Calvados is a waste of time. At the very least, you will be suspected of poor taste (90% of the time you will get burned). The most unpleasant thing that can happen is that the man will think that you are sure: “Nothing inspires him, at least let him drink.” The exception is good expensive drinks. Or if you knew that he had long wanted to try this.


Those men who would happily hang “Bunnies Jumping Under a Bush” by the so-called Ivan Pupkin on their wall are not generally congratulated on this holiday. And the rest are unlikely to be moved by “such a daub.” It is unlikely that you are going to give away an original painting for Defender of the Fatherland Day that was purchased for the price of an apartment in the center of Moscow.


Cups, mugs, plates, pans... Just why? Even if he's lonely. He's had it all for a long time. And what kind of gift is this mug? Suppose you often spend the night with this man and want to say in the morning: “Darling, I borrowed your mug for coffee.” So who is this gift for?

Items from a joke shop

Men are quite practical people. Therefore, they will be happy with your gift when you hand it over (to make you smile) and when one fine day they clean up, throwing out all this unnecessary trash. So think 500 times before handing over the “Best Man Certificate”, this helmet that fits two cans of beer, and other nonsense.


Your man has been pining for six months about how much he wants a drill/hammer/quadcopter. And so you made up your mind - you went to the nearest store and bought a more or less acceptable option. He was delighted and... shoved this object into the farthest corner. The fact is that he didn’t want some kind of drill/hammer/quadcopter, but a very specific brand and with certain characteristics. And now you have given a gift, and it is not clear what to do with it - the item seems to be there, which means you can’t buy a new one. And it’s not convenient - you’ll throw a tantrum.

The exception is if you knew that this is exactly what he wanted. He poked at this model in front of you. So, only in this case, go exactly for it (ideally to the same store where what you wanted was noticed). If it's not there, come up with something else. Well, no need, dear ladies.


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You shouldn’t go into a souvenir shop and grab the first thing that comes to hand. Most likely, he has something similar - from his colleagues. And anyway, why, say, does a sales manager who likes to spend Friday evenings in front of the TV need your stupid compass? He will find his own apartment anyway.

Very soon the most important men's holiday of the year. It's time to think about what gift to please the stronger sex.

It's not that difficult to please a man. But it happens that some gifts make men want to throw them away immediately after receiving them.

To prevent this from happening to your gift, you can directly ask the man what he would like to receive.

If for some reason you cannot do this or are embarrassed, then we present a list of the worst gifts, according to men, which will help you avoid the most stupid mistakes.
13 worst gifts for a man on February 23

1. Socks

The most obvious option. Even if your man hasn’t added these items to his wardrobe for a long time, you shouldn’t give such a gift.

If he needs them, you can buy them on any other day just like that, but not on a holiday.

2. Underwear

With such an unoriginal gift, you risk not only killing the romance in the relationship, but also offending the man.

Panties with a funny design or design can make a man feel awkward.

You won’t get naked in these at the gym or in the bathhouse with friends.

3. Hygiene products

February 23 is jokingly called “deodorant day.” On the eve of this holiday, all supermarkets are full of sets for men.

Festive packaging of shaving foams, shower gels and other care products fill all the shelves.

Men definitely don’t want to receive such an ordinary gift.

Representatives of the stronger sex care about their appearance no less than women, and many of them will take this as a hint that they smell unpleasant or are unkempt.

4. Men's cosmetics

Metrosexuals are an extremely rare phenomenon in our country, and are not found at all outside large cities. Therefore, men's cosmetics can cause confusion and misunderstanding on the part of the stronger sex.

If you want to give your loved one a face cream or anti-wrinkle product, just put the jar on the shelf in the bathroom. This gift should not be timed to coincide with Men's Day.

5. Shaving accessories

A man may disapprove of a razor as a gift.

Firstly, he probably already has this personal hygiene item. And quite possibly, not alone.

Secondly, it’s unlikely that you have an exact idea of ​​what your man expects from a good razor. Perhaps he is quite happy with his machine and has no plans to change it.

Even if your gift is made by a well-known brand and of good quality, for some reason it may not suit the recipient.

6. A gift from a joke shop

Men value a sense of humor, but not on their holiday. Especially when women give ridiculous trinkets and figurines on such a men's holiday.

Men, by nature, are very practical. Therefore, all unnecessary gifts, such as a “bachelor’s set”, a beer helmet or a military-style hot water bottle, will most likely amuse a man, but will not be used by them.

The only desire that such items will evoke is to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

7. Everything for smoking

Ashtrays, lighters and cigars are so often given as gifts with or without reason that they are no longer of interest to men.

Even if they are very original and unusual. A gift that supports bad habits is difficult to classify as good.

Moreover, it is now very fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle.

8. Video games

Men are children at heart and real age does not play a role here. Computer games remain a favorite pastime for many.

It is very difficult to choose such a gift. The game may not be interesting or suitable for his computer system.

If you guessed right and the gift was to your liking, then you risk being left in splendid isolation for several evenings. After all, your lover will probably want to complete all the levels and become the winner.

9. Money

A gift is, first of all, a memory, and money will not leave any reminder of itself after the holiday.

In addition, many representatives of the stronger sex will decide that you did not want to choose a gift or simply forgot.

By giving this gift, you risk not only expressing disrespect, but also offending the man.

10. Sweets and flowers

Despite the opinion that receiving flowers is no less pleasant for men than for women, such a gift should be immediately crossed off the list.

Bouquet of flowers

No matter how beautiful the bouquet is, it will cause bewilderment for most men.

You shouldn't give sweets and cookies either. Even if they are very tasty, such a gift will put a man in an awkward position.

After all, he perceives goodies as a dessert, and not as a present. In addition, representatives of the stronger sex believe that sweet gifts significantly reduce their masculinity.

11. Sex

Romance is also no stranger to men's hearts. And they want to feel welcome and loved not only on holidays.

Men do not want to receive as a gift what rightfully belongs to them every day.

And it’s better to use a new set of erotic lingerie or a sex toy without waiting for the holiday.

12. Alcohol

A banal gift. Most often, alcohol is presented as a thank you for a service, but not as a separate holiday gift.

Even if you present very high-quality alcohol from a well-known brand, all the same, such a gift will only leave you with a headache in the morning.

13. Car accessories

Automotive small items, car fragrances or car care products will also not cause pleasant emotions.

Men know better what is necessary for their favorite means of transportation.

They prefer to select and purchase the necessary parts and tools themselves. No wonder trips to the garage are so popular in our country.

Whatever gift you give a man, the main thing is to do it from the heart!

Without lengthy introductions, I’ll just list them. I won’t even put pictures, everything is clear without additional pictures or explanations! Personally, I would also add cologne and socks.

The main holiday of the strong half of humanity is coming up, and we advise you to approach it with all responsibility. We have made a list of things that your defender of the Fatherland will certainly not be delighted with. Watch and remember.


The ashtray tops our hit parade of unsuccessful gifts. Firstly, she emphasizes not the advantages, but the shortcomings (bad habits) of a man. And secondly, if the “defender” is a smoker, then there is definitely an ashtray in his house, and not in a single copy.

Exercise bike

Perhaps the recipient of your gift would do well to go to the gym, but you certainly shouldn’t hint at it so clearly. In addition, not every interior can fit an exercise bike, even if given with love.


For some reason, many people think that bathroom scales are a good and even necessary gift. We hasten to disappoint you. If a person watches his weight, then he probably has this item in his house.


Has the man you are going to please with a gift furnished his apartment in a chalet style? Maybe he bought a country house with a colorful fireplace, and the only thing missing to complete the picture is a skin? Or maybe your recipient is a caveman? No? Then such a gift will definitely come in handy, believe me.


Another thing that not only will not bring much joy to an adult man (he already played enough of this as a child), but can also contribute to damage to the walls in his apartment. And the interior, as you know, matters. Therefore, we do not recommend using darts as a gift. Give me a real crossbow instead.


If the man you are going to give this gift to is not Indiana Jones or a sea captain, then you definitely shouldn't do it.

Firstly, no one would want to waste time pouring fire water from a bottle into a flask (and why would you), and secondly, this gift may not characterize the recipient from the best side.

Table lighter

We have already said that gifts that encourage bad habits are not the best option. In addition, a table lighter is far from the most convenient way to light a cigarette.


A juicer, like a blender, is more suitable as a gift for International Women's Day than for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

And even if a man advocates a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, most likely he will use it a couple of times. Until she realizes that she needs to be washed. And there is not always time to prepare a vitamin drink.

Table fountain

If you suddenly came up with the idea of ​​giving a decorative fountain for the most brutal holiday (after Airborne Forces Day, of course), then throw this idea away. Such a gift will definitely be out of place, because things of this kind look quite specific in the interior.

Defender of the Fatherland Day has long ceased to be just a holiday for warriors. For many, even the name of the celebration has become simply “February 23rd,” and the holiday itself is a reason to celebrate and congratulate men. And if earlier it was customary to give men postcards, bouquets of carnations and festive concerts on Defender of the Fatherland Day, today the symbolism of the gifts has been lost.

But no one refuses the idea of ​​gifts for “February 23rd Day”. Moreover, there have appeared both banal, routine gift options for February 23 – it’s not for nothing that the holiday is jokingly called “Socks and Deodorant Day”, as well as desirable, useful ones, the purpose of which is to please their defenders. How can you choose the best gift for February 23 today, in order to both respect the symbolism and please the “home warrior”?

There are many ideas for current gifts for February 23, and ratings and anti-ratings will help you choose the best one. But we will try to consider this issue from different points of view: we will choose the most popular gift according to men and get acquainted with the advice of women.

TOP gifts for February 23rd according to men

Compiling a single list of popular gifts for February 23rd is problematic. Every man has his own view on this issue. Moreover, the cost and purpose of the gift largely depends on the financial capabilities, taste and degree of relationship of the donor. But we tried to find out the opinions of men of various statuses and compile a rating of gifts for February 23 that is current for 2018.

10th place: construction and repair tools

About 2% of men would like to receive various sets of tools or certain items for repair and construction work as a gift. Among these options are screwdrivers, drills, hair dryers, electric saws, etc.

Pros: This is a useful gift, and it will not go unnoticed by a man.

Cons: It is problematic for a woman to choose tools on her own without specific knowledge in this area. If you decide to give tools to a man who doesn’t know “how to hammer a nail,” they simply won’t understand you.

9th place: tourist trips

On February 23, 3% of men preferred to go on a trip with their beloved woman or on their own. Moreover, both foreign trips and ordinary trips to the mountains and vacations in a sanatorium are mentioned.

Pros: The donor will not refuse to travel together. We can say that this is a gift for two.

Cons: An expensive gift that not every woman can afford. Not every lady decides to give her chosen one a solo tour.

8th place: shaving accessories

No matter how much opponents of shaving creams repeat about the inappropriateness of such gifts on February 23, they remain popular among 4% of men.

By the way, you can give not only boring gels, but also original razors, electric razors, and trimmers.

Pros: Choosing shaving accessories is not difficult.

Cons: A gift in this category must be expensive and of high quality. It's a shame to discover a year later that your gift has remained untouched.

7th place: wristwatch

About 4% of men also want to receive a wristwatch as a gift on February 23rd. Today you can choose not just original and stylish men's watches, but also multifunctional ones. Moreover, the price category of such gifts can range from 1000 rubles. and up to astronomical figures.

Pros: A sought-after gift in 100% of cases.

Cons: Not always appropriate - watches are not given to work colleagues or unfamiliar men.

6th place: radio-controlled toys

A man remains a child until almost 40 years of age, and after that some fall into childhood. It is not surprising that 5% of respondents preferred to receive a helicopter, plane, car, or remote-controlled quadcopter as a gift on February 23.

Pros: You can choose a toy of different price categories.

Cons: You can make a mistake with your choice without knowing the man’s preferences. A bad option in this category is cheap plastic imitations of cartoon characters or cars for kids.

5th place: money, gift cards

"I have everything". "I do not need anything". “You still won’t find what you need.” Familiar answers to the question of what to give you on February 23rd, can you recommend a gift for February 23rd?

Some men are incredibly capricious and picky. It is very difficult to please them with a gift. There's no point in experimenting.

After all, 8% of men prefer to receive just money as a gift. By the way, the idea with a gift card is an ideal option for a symbolic gift for colleagues on February 23rd.

Pros: Doesn’t take much time to prepare. Always in demand.

Disadvantages: The gift is impersonal, unable to show the attitude towards the recipient. It is difficult to decide on the amount to give.

4th place: accessories for travel, fishing, hunting

A man is a hunter and warrior by nature.

Most males are ready at any moment to go conquer mountain peaks or experience the difficulties of life in a dense forest.

But men's fishing and hunting are a completely different story. Therefore, about 7% of men will be delighted with a comfortable hunting knife, a lightweight sleeping bag, a waterproof case for documents or a phone, a large backpack, etc.

Pros: Such a gift will definitely delight a man.

Cons: It takes some time to find out a man’s preferences, study the issue, and choose the best and highest quality accessory.

3rd place: computers, phones, IT accessories

We are talking not only about laptops and tablets, which 6% of men are delighted with as gifts, but also about various IT innovations.

Wireless mouse, one-button window roller, levitating speakers with 3D sound, virtual reality glasses, multisport smart watches, external storage devices, etc.

By the way, more than 8% of men dream of getting a brand new smartphone.

Pros: Wide variety of modern new products.

Cons: A wide variety, among which it is difficult to choose exactly what your man will like. You should not choose ridiculous shapes of flash drives and mice; they are funny, but terribly inconvenient to use.

2nd place: gifts-impressions

The gift does not have to be material.

In the lives of men busy with business, study, and daily work worries, there is clearly a lack of those same thrills.

And this is confirmed by statistics. Almost 8% of boys and men wished to receive an interesting event or impression as a gift. A master class in extreme driving, completing various quests, and flying on an airplane are suitable surprises for those thirsty for adventure.

Pros: You can choose a gift-impression for every taste.

Cons: In small towns and villages, it is almost impossible to find a service for organizing such adventures.

Advice: When choosing extreme entertainment, take into account the age and health of the man.

1st place: female attention

It turns out that most of all men want to receive the attention of the woman they love as a gift. More than 10% of young people and older men wished to receive a token of attention as a gift. And for some it’s a romantic dinner with an intimate continuation, for some it’s a walk together, a trip to the cinema, a restaurant, a theater, a concert, for others it’s just a home holiday with goodies.

By the way, the men named home-made dishes as the best treats for February 23, among which the winners were rich borscht and homemade pastries.

Pros: Available to any loving woman. Even if you don’t know how to cook, you can definitely book a table in a restaurant or buy tickets to a concert.

Cons: Virtually none.

It turns out that while women are racking their brains about what gifts and souvenirs to order, buy, or make with their own hands for February 23rd, men are dreaming of communication, female attention and impressions. And this is confirmed by inexorable statistics and the opinions of men themselves.

The worst gifts and souvenirs for February 23: anti-rating of gifts

Even remembering the relationship between gifts on February 23 and March 8, women and girls stubbornly continue to give men various unnecessary rubbish.

By the way, the opinions of men and women regarding the worst gifts are strikingly different.

Let’s not try to find out why the fair sex is firmly convinced that men should enjoy any present.

Let’s just publish a list of what guys definitely don’t want to receive for the holiday.

Did you give your loved one a three-piece suit: shorts and a pair of socks? On March 8, expect a set of one-week swimsuits with creepy faces and flowers. I do not like? So why then give a man such things. They never cease to be banal socks and panties, even when folded into a bouquet or placed in wonderful packaging.

However, about 2% of men will not refuse such a gift and will even be incredibly happy. After all, socks tend to disappear in the depths of the washing machine, and there is sorely not enough time to buy new ones.

Shaving cream, shower gel, soap, deodorant, etc.

Skin care cosmetics are not considered a good gift, since it is impossible to take into account preferences, needs, skin sensitivity, allergies, etc.

Moreover, some men see in such a gift a not at all transparent hint of their uncleanliness.

Keep in mind that some guys spend a long time choosing their scent and testing deodorants under active conditions. In such cases, it is very difficult to guess the brand and smell.

A very girly gift. Men simply don’t understand why they are given such things. Why does a brutal macho need a chocolate gun or caramel shoulder straps? Boxes of sweets, cute bouquets, and indoor flowers look especially ridiculous.

Men don’t understand why women give them cards with banal congratulatory words. Such a gift is good when it is made by your daughter or son with your own hands, but to receive a postcard from your beloved girlfriend, wife, or friend is at least strange.

There are many ridiculous and inappropriate gifts. Among these, men name ill-conceived gifts and surprises and jokes. You should not give a shaving machine to someone with a beard, an ashtray to someone who quits smoking, a can of good coffee to someone with hypertension, or a business card holder made of young dermantine leather to a high-status executive.

Men also don’t understand jokes in the form of flashy pillows, aprons with piquant images, or soft toys in the shape of women’s breasts.

Conclusion: Men do not like unnecessary, inappropriate, tactless, tasteless gifts, but prefer gifts given from the heart, taking into account their age and taste.

Video: TOP 20 gifts for February 23