Where to study abroad. Free education in Greece

The Czech Republic is so close and so far! The distance from Moscow to Prague is only about 2,000 kilometers, and it can be covered by plane, train or your own car. The bulk of the population of the Czech Republic are Slavs, and the Russian and Czech languages ​​are 20% identical. And at the same time, the Czech Republic is very far away: in that it is completely integrated into the “Western” world, into international educational standards and the Bologna system. Svetlana Ovcharenko, official representative of the Prague Educational Center, tells how Russian students can receive higher education in the Czech Republic.

Studying in the Czech Republic has become increasingly popular among students from Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union in recent years, and is already comparable to the number of students traveling to the UK and Germany. Why is studying in the Czech Republic so attractive?

Higher education in most European countries in the language of the country itself is free - for both citizens and foreigners. Yes, you can learn German, French or Finnish, but learning Czech is an easier task for Russian schoolchildren.

In Prague, as in other cities of the Czech Republic, centers have been opened to prepare graduates of foreign schools for admission to local universities. Preparation usually takes an academic year and consists of Czech language courses (to a level sufficient for admission to higher education institutions), nostrification (confirmation of school knowledge in the Czech language), and specialized training. During this year, the children visit various universities, once again become convinced of the correctness of their choice of their future profession, and adapt to a new country.

Secondary education in the Czech Republic for Russians

In the Czech Republic you can also receive secondary education. Of course, it lasts 2 years longer, and in total is 13 years, but, having come to receive secondary education, schoolchildren adapt to the Czech Republic earlier than graduates. During this time, the Czech language becomes like a native language, and nostrification is required after graduating from a local school.

Chelyabinsk resident Dmitry firmly decided to get a European education for free. After 10th grade, the young man entered one of the Russian-Czech gymnasiums, but since at that time he did not know the Czech language at all, he was refused at the visa interview. After that, Dmitry graduated from Russian school, and even the first year of university, but the dream of studying in the Czech Republic did not leave him. Then he entered preparatory courses at the Prague Educational Center, where they helped him carefully prepare documents, and also taught him how to behave correctly during an interview, and Dima received a long-term student visa. Now 22-year-old Dmitry is a successful student at a specialized university at the Skoda plant, part of the Volkswagen concern, in the historical town of Mlada Boleslav, 60 km from Prague.

Study in the Czech Republic and other exchange countries

The QS World University Rankings include five Czech universities: Charles University, Masaryk University, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague University of Economics and Brno University of Technology.

During their studies, students have the opportunity to go on exchange several times to literally any country in the world - Czech educational institutions have a large number of partner universities.

Each student can draw up a study plan individually, i.e. complete your bachelor's degree in 3 years or work full time and take only 1-2 subjects per semester. This will lengthen the period of study, but will help you earn the necessary funds for living and work experience for a future successful career.

After graduating from a Czech university, foreigners can get a job in the Czech Republic, and therefore throughout the European Union, without additional difficulties, on an equal basis with graduates with local citizenship.

A large number of international companies operate in Prague, and Russian graduates manage to find employment in their specialty, receive a good salary and moral satisfaction from their work.

For those who already speak English and do not want to learn a new language, the Czech Republic provides the opportunity to receive education in English at much more modest prices than in the USA, not to mention the UK.

Anna, having graduated from an American school under the ACES program, sought to obtain a higher education in English. Passing the entrance exams with ease exams, 18-year-old Anna became a student at the private Anglo-American University in Prague. This university is accredited both in the USA and the European Union, and teachers are invited there from the best universities in the world. Immediately after her first year, Anna went on an exchange program to the University of Florida, and studied for a semester at an expensive American university at the price of a Prague university. Moreover, since Anna demonstrated high results, she did not have to pay the full amount. The better students study, the lower the tuition fee.

After her second year at her university, Anna went to practice in Thessaloniki, Greece, for the whole summer. In addition, during her studies, Anna was an active member of the student council, which made her life more fun and provided additional opportunities. At the beginning of this year, the girl graduated from university and is already working as a consultant in the Prague representative office of a British company.

Czech universities try not to leave their graduates without help in the labor market, and, as a rule, former students get jobs in those companies where the university sent them for internship, or in partner companies.

Pros of the Czech Republic

The cost of living in the Czech Republic compares favorably with other Western European countries, and the opportunities for part-time work for students are varied - it is quite possible to earn at least enough money to pay for your housing. Thanks to this, students can seriously help their parents already in the first year of study.

In addition, unlike many Western European countries, the Czech Republic has not been affected by the migration crisis at all, and it does not accept refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. Also in the Czech Republic there is a low crime rate, and hard drugs are practically not common.

And the beauty of Prague cannot leave a single person indifferent, and it is especially pleasant to spend your youth in this beauty.


11/30/2018 11:16:33, GernadiyTopov1

I really want to study in the Czech Republic and get a higher education.

05/16/2017 17:20:41, Myakhri

Comment on the article "Study abroad. Czech Republic-2017: free higher education"

Czech Republic - 2017: free higher education. Foreign students with an F-1 visa can stay for 1 year after studying for paid military enlistment and study abroad. But there was another point related to the mutual recognition of education between the Russian Federation and the states.

Study abroad. Czech Republic - 2017: free higher education. Traveling abroad, passing a specialized Unified State Exam or continuing to study abroad - without English language courses for schoolchildren abroad may be a way out of the situation...

Study abroad. Czech Republic - 2017: free higher education. Czech Republic, universities. Why is studying in the Czech Republic so attractive? Higher education in most European countries in the language of the country itself is free - both for citizens and...

Study abroad. Czech Republic -2017: free higher education. Military registration and enlistment office and training abroad. But there was another point related to the mutual recognition of education between the Russian Federation and the states.

Education may be free in some lands, but I don’t remember the deposit of 7-9 thousand euros. You can get free advice on educating your child abroad from our Czech Republic -2017: free higher education. Education in the Czech Republic for Russians after 11...

This is not payment for tuition, it is a guarantee that the student has money to feed himself during his studies. English abroad for the Czech Republic -2017: free higher education. Life of Russians abroad: emigration, visa, work, you work 20 hours a week for the university...

Study abroad. Czech Republic - 2017: free higher education. Higher education in most European countries in the language of the country itself is free - for both citizens and foreigners. Choosing an art university.

There is no deferment for studying abroad. Anyone admitted to a foreign university must receive confirmation of admission from the university, sign out and be removed from military registration. Study abroad. Czech Republic - 2017: free higher education.

Study abroad. Czech Republic - 2017: free higher education. Goethe-Institut and education in Germany. Free program. We have children who study in a regular school, but at the same time they attend clubs at universities, do work in...

Study abroad. Czech Republic -2017: free higher education. Education in the Czech Republic for Russians after 11th grade. Visa to the Czech Republic. I bought tickets and booked a hotel for NYE in the Czech Republic. All that remains is to apply for a visa. Tell me, where is the best place to go for help with registration?

Study abroad. Czech Republic -2017: free higher education. Education in the Czech Republic for Russians after 11th grade. Because the cost of studying at a decent university there, and at a decent university in Moscow (though before the exchange rate collapsed) differed favorably towards Europe, and if also...

Higher education abroad: difference from Russian universities. Study abroad. Czech Republic - 2017: free higher education. Traveling abroad, passing a specialized Unified State Exam or continuing studies abroad - without courses...

Studying abroad is an expansion of worldview and overall development. Because the cost of studying at a decent university there, and at a decent university in Moscow (though, before my daughter studies in the Czech Republic at an English-language university, if I’m not an oligarch, but a hired worker and single...

Living and studying in the Czech Republic. I would like to find out from local residents what the approximate income should be for a family with two children Studying abroad. Czech Republic -2017: free higher education. I really want to study in the Czech Republic and get a higher education.

Share your experience of sending a child who has graduated from school to study in Europe. Czech Republic -2017: free higher education. Living and studying in the Czech Republic. I would like to find out from local residents what the approximate income of a family with two children should be to live...

Check out other discussions: Fashion for studying abroad. Czech Republic -2017: free higher education. Education in the Czech Republic for Russians after 11th grade. Immediately after her first year, Anna went on an exchange program at the University of Florida, and the option to go after...

Czech Republic - 2017: free higher education. Anna, having graduated from an American school under the ACES program, sought to obtain a higher education in English. Hmm... “free education abroad” is, IMHO, from the science fiction section.

Study abroad. Czech Republic - 2017: free higher education. Hmm... “free education abroad” is, IMHO, from the science fiction section. During this time he can work anywhere. More profitable than England or the States, but the Czech Republic is still not a dream country...

Section: Higher education. Oxford, Harvard... Listen, does education really cost up to 300 thousand USD there? Where can I read about this? Study abroad. Czech Republic -2017: free higher education. Education in the Czech Republic for Russians after 11th grade.

Study abroad. Czech Republic - 2017: free higher education. Contents: Secondary education in the Czech Republic for Russians. Student visa to the Czech Republic. Study in the Czech Republic - and other exchange countries. Higher education in Canada: why and how. Kochka Olga.

Are you dreaming of education abroad? Many foreign universities are very interested in our students, and thanks to the Internet, this process has become easier. You do not need to spend money on a trip to the university of interest to submit documents or find out the conditions. This entire process is accessible remotely.

I wrote in my previous post, and now I will tell you how admission happens and what is needed for this.

The general scheme is quite simple and understandable. You select a program on the university website, send all the necessary documents by mail by the appointed date and wait for the results. In fact, for this you need to try, highlighting for yourself 7 main points that are needed for this.

1. Patience and time

The preparation may turn out to be much longer than you imagined. Therefore, start acting at least 6 months before the deadline for submitting documents. Otherwise, you may simply not have time.

2. Good grades

In most foreign universities, the minimum passing grade is 4, or even 4.5. This means that there should be no C grades in your diploma or certificate. The higher the average score and the grades themselves, the greater your chances of admission.

In addition, the practice of letters of recommendation from a previous place of study is common abroad. This is often 2 or 3 letters from faculty members that must be emailed on their behalf. Even if you graduated from university several years ago, you will have to look there again to get recommendations.

4. Exams

Even if you are fluent in English, this does not exempt you from taking a separate exam - TOEFL or IELTS. The exams are very specific, so you need to prepare for them separately (about 2 months). Each university sets its own score level requirements. If you end up scoring at least 1 point less, all your efforts will be in vain. The results of these exams must be sent to the university directly from the TOEFL or IELTS center.

5. Documents

The package of documents is the main criterion on the basis of which you are enrolled or not. And here it is not only the presence of all the necessary “papers” that matters, but also their processing. Some universities require not only professional translation of diplomas by a certified translator, but also their notarization or apostille. Such services are provided by special translation agencies. Some universities require translations of diplomas to be sent in a university stamped envelope. Another reason to look at your previous place of study.

6. Scholarship or guarantor

Universities often provide scholarships for international students, but if you are applying without a scholarship, you will be required to prove that you have the money. This can be not only a document from the bank with the required figure in the account, but also the presence of a guarantor - a citizen of the country in which you are going to study.

7. Patience again

Once you have completed all the preparation, you can breathe easy and be patient again. It may take about a month until the documents reach the recipient, are accepted and processed. And a few more months (or even six months) until the results come. As a result, the entire process can take about a year. But the result is worth it. Do you agree?

Share your opinion, experience of studying abroad or ask questions in the comments.

Glad to see you, dear blog readers! Many of our schoolchildren, graduating and choosing a future specialty after 11th grade, dream of studying abroad. And of course, dreams are discouraged by the high cost of education, as most future students think, but you can also enroll on a competitive basis. And so, study abroad and the conditions necessary in order to enroll.

Language courses abroad for youth and adults - find out more

Basic conditions for studying abroad

First of all, you need to decide on the country, taking into account how much it will cost you to live abroad. Since living abroad is expensive, of course, everything depends on the country, so make a clear choice. Read the information, watch the video, calculate the pros and cons for yourself.

Next, search for educational institutions that offer public programs. There are many regions in Europe; in some universities it is possible to get an education for free. For example: Germany, Italy, France, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Czech Republic.

In several countries, foreign youth do not seek higher education. It follows from this that the competition will not be too tough. Let's take East Germany as an example, young people do not consider higher education prestigious and therefore Universities lure Russian students with preferential conditions. But not everything is as smooth as it might seem. There are certain conditions.

The most important condition, regardless of the country, is to know a foreign language at the highest level. So how should be prepared to take the exam. Very high scores required. And there is a lot of competition. So you have to work hard and prepare properly.

In addition, if you are planning to enroll in a master's program, then you must have a higher education obtained in Russia.

Another important condition, although it does not apply to all universities. In general, the training will be free, but you may not be accepted without confirmation that your bank account receives between $600 - $1000 or euros monthly. This is necessary to prove to the university your ability to pay for housing, books, food in general, living in a given country. If this is not possible, then you will need a guarantor, for example some relative or acquaintance.

You will also have to spend a little money; in most cases, upon admission from a student, the university takes one fee of $500 - $1500, or euros. The fee pays for the received literature, transport passes and other needs.

And if you manage to enroll and are an excellent student, you will be able to receive the highest foreign scholarship; abroad it is usually called “scholarship”. And this is already a huge plus, since you can cover the same expenses spent on housing, food, etc. And in some universities it is too high that it can even cover paid tuition.

How to enter a foreign institute after 11th grade

Studying abroad is a pressing issue for many Russians. It is no secret that in many Russian universities the training programs are hopelessly outdated, and the quality of the knowledge acquired does not meet the requirements of employers. Therefore, today more and more Russians are interested in the opportunity to get an education abroad.

Pros of studying abroad

Studying abroad is an investment in a happy future. Graduates of a foreign university can count on a successful career and a stable financial situation.

  • A diploma from a foreign university is a significant competitive advantage. All other things being equal, large companies are more likely to prefer a graduate of a foreign university rather than an applicant who graduated from a Russian educational institution.
  • Studying abroad is carried out using advanced educational methods. And the technical equipment of foreign universities significantly exceeds the capabilities of Russian universities.
  • In their final years, students of foreign universities usually undergo internships in world-famous companies. They have a chance to prove themselves and get an invitation to work in a large corporation.
  • Studying abroad allows you to master a foreign language at a high level and become familiar with the culture, customs and traditions of another country. During the learning process, many contacts are made that will be useful in building a future career.
  • In many countries, after graduating from university, you can receive a work permit or immigration benefits when you obtain a residence permit.

Higher education abroad: basic requirements

Studying abroad for Russians requires knowledge of a foreign language. Depending on the requirements of a particular university, you will need to present an international certificate of language proficiency at a certain level. At some universities, having successfully passed exams in academic subjects, you will be able to take language courses if your level is slightly below the required level. It is better to start preparing for the language exam in advance; specialized courses at language schools will help you improve your language skills.

Free educational programs for Russians and other foreign students are available at public universities in some countries, but only if you know the language of the country of study well. However, you still need to pay for medical insurance, educational literature, accommodation, and food. Also, many universities require a one-time fee upon admission.

It is worth noting that international students can count on receiving a scholarship or grant. It all depends on your abilities, desires and determination. Of course, you shouldn’t expect 100% coverage of expenses, but this money will be a significant financial help.

Studying at school abroad

Today, many parents are thinking about giving their child secondary education abroad. Teenagers aged 12-15 years are most often sent to study abroad, but younger children can also study abroad.

There are many advantages to this solution, the main ones being:

  • high quality teaching;
  • modern educational technologies;
  • learning a foreign language at a high level;
  • targeted preparation for studying at a foreign university;
  • getting to know the culture and way of life of another country.

Teaching in schools abroad is aimed at revealing the intellectual and creative potential of the child. Children are taught to work with information, conduct analysis and make objective decisions. Particular attention is paid to the formation of an independent creative personality

In foreign schools, students have access to well-equipped laboratories, gyms, and extensive libraries. Children can play music, tennis, golf, football and other sports.

Language courses in the native country

Education abroad cannot be obtained without knowledge of a foreign language. Therefore, the first step is usually language camps and courses in language schools abroad.

Language courses and schools abroad are an opportunity not only to master a foreign language, but also to get acquainted with the culture, sights and mentality of the country. Students are offered program options of varying intensity and duration.

How can INSIGHT LINGUA help you get an education abroad?

Our company offers a wide range of services in the field of study abroad:

  • professional consulting on current offers from foreign universities, boarding schools, language schools, children's camps
  • selection of educational institutions and educational programs;
  • assistance in enrollment, preparation of all necessary documents;
  • selection of accommodation, air travel;
  • assistance in obtaining a visa.

Our many years of experience and contacts with many educational institutions will help you choose exactly the educational program that is right for you. We have established connections with hundreds of universities, colleges and schools in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and other countries. We will help you make an informed choice, avoiding many mistakes and unforeseen situations.

INSIGHT-LINGUA will provide comprehensive assistance in resolving the following issues:

  • obtaining higher education at a foreign university;
  • training in secondary educational institutions;
  • language courses in a native language country;
  • children's language camps;
  • professional courses for students, teachers and specialists.

Our consultants will prepare a detailed analysis of educational programs. We will tell you about all the features of studying abroad, admission conditions, cost of education and employment prospects.

By becoming a client of our company, you will receive comprehensive assistance in preparing a package of necessary documents. We will take care of correspondence with educational institutions, filling out questionnaires and forms, preparing motivation letters and other important documents.

Cost of education abroad

Do not think that studying abroad is inaccessible to the average Russian. This opinion is wrong; you can choose a program that suits you financially, because the cost of education and living varies in different countries - in large cities it can be more expensive, in small cities it can be cheaper. During the low season, language schools offer promotions on foreign language courses. In addition, in many countries, foreigners can receive a scholarship or grant, which will also help you save money.

Dutch Universities Scholarships 2018



Scholarship name

Scholarship amount

Submission deadline

Conditions for receiving a scholarship


Bachelor's degree: Faculty Business and Economics

Amsterdam Merit Scholarship

Master's programme: Faculty of Business and Economics

Amsterdam Excellence Scholarship

Amsterdam Merit Scholarship

100% training + €3,500

Motivation letter (300 words)

100% training + €3,500

Higher education, IELTS from 6.5/TOEFL iBT from 92, GMAT from 600/GRE from 155

Master's degree: Economics and Management, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Humanities, Law

Partner Scholarships

25% tuition/per year

Bachelor's degree from the Higher School of Economics (Moscow) + exemption from the GMAT/GRE requirement (Economics and Management)

100% training + €5,000

Higher education
IELTS 6.5 (from 6 for each part)/
High academic performance – top 10
GMAT (from 600) / GRE (75%) (Economics and Management)

For most applicants, education in Europe seems to be an unattainable goal, primarily because of its cost. In fact, there are many ways to get a European diploma absolutely free.

I propose to start with countries with free education not only for their own, but also for visiting students.

Choosing a country


The Czech Republic provides foreigners with the opportunity to study for free at public universities in the Czech language. In most cases, you will need to pass exams and also have basic knowledge of Czech. Living expenses are at your own expense.


Another real option for free study abroad for foreigners. It’s not difficult to enroll; there are a fairly large number of English-language programs.

To enter a Polish university, you need to present a certificate or bachelor's degree (if you want to study for a master's degree). In addition, most Polish universities cooperate with the Erasmus Mundus program (more on this later).


It also provides the opportunity for foreigners to study for free. In order to enroll, you need to pass a German language exam and have at least 1-2 years of university study at home. Or finish the one-year preparatory program.

You should also take into account the fact that quite often universities charge fees for using the library or, for example, the gym. Therefore, if you do not have third-party funding, you will have to have the required amount of money in your bank account, which will be frozen for the entire period of your studies. During your studies, you will be able to withdraw from your account only the amount specified in the documents for living expenses.

Belgium, Norway

There is also free education here, including many programs in English. In some universities, foreigners need to pay a registration fee upon admission and pay for textbooks (about 1000 euros for everything). In Norway, knowledge of their language is required.


Foreigners can study for free at public universities in Greece. You can apply, but on the basis of the average score in the certificate. Some universities require an annual fee (up to 600 euros). Also, if you do not know Greek, you will have to enroll in courses and learn the language during the first academic year (courses can be either free or paid). A Greek study visa allows you to work 20 hours a week.


By law, foreigners have the right to study at public universities for free. They pass on equal terms with the French, which means they pay the same fees upon admission. Another requirement is knowledge of French. Even though you don't have to pay tuition fees in France, you should pay attention to living expenses, since life in the country is quite expensive. Therefore, most students work part-time while studying.


When choosing a country, you must also pay attention to living costs. Even if you don't have to pay for your studies, universities do not provide free accommodation or pocket expenses. In this case, scholarship programs come to the rescue.

How to find a scholarship to study

To do this, you can and should consider various non-profit organizations, grants and programs.

Erasmus Mundus is one of the most famous European student exchange programs. It fully covers the costs of master's studies and accommodation. The peculiarity of the program is that, often, you cannot choose a specific university. Erasmus Mundus cooperates with dozens of European universities, and in each specific program there can be from 4 to 15 universities, two of which you will be offered to go to.

There are also scholarships for studying in specific countries. You should start searching for them from the official websites of the government of the country where you want to go. For example, the Chevening grant or Commonwealth Scholarship for Developing Countries - education in the UK. These grants fully cover tuition, accommodation and travel expenses.

You can approach it from the other side - decide on a university, and then find out about a scholarship. Most European countries provide scholarships for foreigners.