Historical and cultural monuments of Altai. Monuments of history and culture of the Altai Republic

The Altai Territory has a huge number of diverse monuments. The site presents the most significant and interesting monuments of the Altai Territory.

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    One of the Central places of Barnaul is Demidov Square, in the center of which the Demidov Pillar is located. This obelisk was erected in honor of the 100th anniversary of mining in the Altai region. Construction of the monument began in 1825 with the laying of the first stone; the completion date was 1839. The height of the obelisk is about 14 meters; it was erected from 12 granite blocks; 4 cast-iron supports lying on a pedestal were used as the base.

    0 m to city center

    In 2010, a monument to Peter I was unveiled in Biysk. It is he who is considered the founder of the city, since more than three centuries ago he issued a decree on the construction of the first outpost on this site. In the heart of the so-called merchant Biysk, namely in Garkavoy Park, the bronze horseman fits perfectly.
    With a proposal to create a monument to the founder of the city, the authorities turned to several craftsmen from all over the country. As a result, the author of another Biysk monument - St. Macarius, Rostov master - Sergei Isakov, got down to business. According to the artist’s design, the emperor sits on a horse, which is mounted on a three-meter pedestal.

    0 m to city center

    In the city of Barnaul there is the only monument to the outstanding writer, director, writer and actor, Vasily Shukshin. The history of the creation of this monument is quite interesting. Nikolai Zvonkov, a man who has absolutely nothing to do with the art of sculpture, decided to make a similar monument to his fellow countryman. He is an ordinary miller, studying sculpture in the studio at the Transmash Cultural Center. Zvonkov had been nurturing this idea of ​​creating a monument for a long time. She was immediately supported by the boss and director of the plant where the self-taught sculptor worked. It took a year and a half to implement the idea.

    0 m to city center

    In Russia there are only two monuments to the leader and founder of the USSR Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, where he is depicted in a hat with earflaps, one is in Rybinsk (Yaroslavl region), the other is in Biysk. Socialist realism dictated the rules that this person had to be either without a headdress or wearing a cap. However, the Siberians decided to bring Lenin closer to culture and local color. Moreover, the leader had never been to this city during his reign. The monument to Lenin in Biysk was opened in 1983. The author of the project was Christopher Gevorkyan. The sculpture of Vladimir Ilyich, performed by master Gevorkyan, was cast in Minsk. During transportation, the figure was transported in a carriage by rail.

The region's attractions are very diverse. They include both natural objects and historical and cultural ones. The Altai region conceals many riches. The sights of the region can be described for a very long time. Let us introduce the reader to the main ones.

Waterfalls of the Shinok River

The Shinok River is not among the largest rivers in Russia. This is just a tributary of the Anui, which, in turn, flows into the Ob. Nevertheless, Shinok is one of the most popular tourist sites in the Altai Territory. The fact is that there are beautiful waterfalls on this river. The total length of the seven waterfalls is more than 120 meters. The height of the Giraffe, the largest of them (also called Big Shinok) is 70 m. Small waterfalls reach 10-15 m in height.

The Shinok River attracts tourists not only with its picturesque view, but also with its rich fauna. Very rare species of birds and animals are represented on the territory of the reserve - two-colored deer, musk deer, wild deer, peregrine falcon.

There are several camping areas along the banks of this river. This place attracts tourists, in addition to the waterfalls, because it is located close to where archaeologists have found more than 20 cultural layers dating back to different eras. It was established, in particular, that the Neanderthal site was located here approximately 280 thousand years ago.

Taldinsky or Tavdinsky caves

The Altai region is amazingly beautiful. The attractions of the region, created by nature itself, attract many tourists here. Taldinsky caves are one of the most interesting places to visit. They are a group consisting of more than 30 caves washed out by water. The rocks in which this complex is located stretch for 5 km on the border of the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic. The most popular of the caves is Bolshaya Tavdinskaya. The height difference in it is more than 20 m. There are several routes of varying difficulty for tourists. Another natural monument, a karst arch, is located not far from the Tavdinsky caves. It reaches 5 m in height and 13 in width.

Archaeological finds

These caves are a local natural monument, which the Altai region is so rich in. The attractions of the region attract not only tourists, but also archaeologists. Archaeological expeditions carried out here showed that there were sites of ancient people in this place. For example, fishing gear and ceramic fragments were found. Legends about a treasure hidden in the local caves that belonged to Admiral A. Kolchak are much less reliable. Many people who wanted to find it appeared in the second half of the 20th century, but nothing is still known about the result of their attempts.

Sanctuary "Swan"

The natural attractions of the Altai Territory are unique and diverse. Let's talk about one more of them. In September 1973, the Swan Nature Reserve was established in the Altai Territory. Seven years earlier, a flock of swans flew to the lake located near the village of Urozhainoye for the winter. This happened for the first time since the beginning of the 20th century. Soon it was decided to create a reserve, which includes the lake, as well as the territory adjacent to it. Under state protection there are 38 thousand hectares, which contain such attractions of the Altai Territory as a section of the Katun River, several lakes, about 70 islands, as well as the Zmeinaya and Talitskaya hills. In 1999, after the appointed experimental period, the status of a “reserve” was finally approved. In addition to swans, other birds live here: goldeneye, mallard, black grouse, as well as the merganser, which is listed in the regional Red Book. The fauna is also represented by deer, roe deer, otters, minks, and red foxes. An observation deck was built on the lake for bird watching. It is located 10 m above the water. This distance makes it possible not to frighten the swans and provides tourists with the opportunity to observe them in natural conditions.


Belokurikha is a balneological resort of federal significance. This one is located at an altitude of about 240-250 m above sea level. It is located at the foot of Mount Tserkovka. At the beginning of the 20th century, the healing properties of local mineral springs began to be used for the first time. Today, tour operators often mention Belokurikha when describing the sights of the Altai Territory to clients.

Here in the 1920s, an outpatient clinic, an administrative building, a solarium, and a dining room were built. The first visitors could improve their health in the baths of the hydropathic clinic, as well as swim in the local thermal springs. The Altai air itself is healthy, because it contains the same concentration of light air ions - one of the most important healing components - as in the famous resorts of Europe.

During the Great Patriotic War, a famous children's resort was evacuated to Belokurikha. Today, on the territory of this resort there are numerous recreation centers, dispensaries, and sanatoriums. Skiing is actively developing in the city. Today, 3 slopes of varying difficulty are equipped for descent. Belokurikha also hosts meetings of defenders of the environment and nature, as well as the Siberian Davos, an international economic conference.

Srostki village

The sights of the Altai Territory are connected not only with nature, but also with the culture of our country. The village of Srostki is one of the oldest settlements on its territory. It gained all-Russian fame thanks to Vasily Shukshin, its native.

Splices were first mentioned in 1753 in a report by Colonel de Garriga. More detailed information about him dates back to 1811. During the census, or audit, carried out at that time, it was recorded that 19 families lived in this village. The first church was built with donations from local residents in 1910.

Today tourists come to Srostki to learn about Shukshin’s life. The memorial museum-reserve of this writer operates in the village. It consists of a depository, an exhibition of the writer’s mother, as well as the house in which Vasily Shukshin himself spent his childhood and youth. Shukshin readings are held annually on Mount Piket, which brings together writers, musicians, and artists from all over the country.

Altai village

The village of Altai (Altai Territory) is also somewhat popular. The attractions of this place today are few, but the tourism and recreational sector in this village has been actively developing in recent years. Here is, in particular, the SEZ On the Bank of the River. Kamenki, not far from the village of Altai, there is a very picturesque area called “Pikhtochki”. It is located on a riverside terrace with rocks covered with pine trees and is one of the most favorite vacation spots for village guests and local residents.

Intercession Cathedral

In the fall of 1898, the foundation stone of the Intercession Cathedral was laid. After 6 years, the first service was held there. The part of the city of Barnaul in which this cathedral is located was considered the poorest at that time. It was inhabited by workers, artisans, townspeople, and peasants. What is even more surprising is that the temple was built precisely with their donations.

The Intercession Cathedral replaced the old wooden church that had been in operation since 1863. Byzantine, or pseudo-Russian, style was chosen for the new building. Religious frescoes, the subjects of which are based on the subjects of paintings by N. Kramskoy, V. Vasnetsov, M. Nesterov, dominate the design of this red brick cathedral.

The Intercession Cathedral, starting in 1917, went through difficult times - it was shelled, the cross on the dome was demolished, and the bell tower was destroyed. Restoration work began in the temple in 1943. For a long time it remained the only functioning temple in the city. Services are currently being held in the Intercession Cathedral. Restoration of its wall paintings was carried out in 2011.

Polyakov Trading House (Red Store)

Barnaul is home to many attractions of the Altai region. The photo of the next one, which we will talk about, is presented below.

This is Polyakov's trading house, built in 1913. This building is now occupied by the "Red" store. It belongs to the merchant period of development of the city of Barnaul and fully reflects all the architectural features inherent in that time. The two-story building, made in an eclectic style, has a U-shaped layout.

Red brick was used to cover the façade. This became the basis for the name of the trading house, which spread among the people. Traditional elements of the Russian style were chosen to decorate the building: openwork forged decorations, folk ornaments made of brick.

In Barnaul in 1917 there was a strong fire. During it, many sights of Altai and the Altai Territory located in this city were destroyed: not only wooden, but also brick and stone buildings. However, the merchant Polyakov was able to save this trading house. Local legend says that workers were ordered to cover the wall with felt soaked in water. During Soviet times, the USSR People's Commissariat of Trade department store was located on the ground floor of the building.

Museum of Auto Theft named after. Yu. Detochkina

The city of Barnaul offers tourists interesting historical and cultural sights of the Altai Territory. One of the most unusual museums in Russia is located here. It is dedicated to motorists. However, the exhibits here are not antique or expensive cars. Its main “heroes” are those items that are related to the theft of cars.

This museum was created on the basis of the local rescue service. The first items were received from the city services archive. Law enforcement officials donated a door shot through during the chase, fake license plates and driver's licenses to the collection. The citizens themselves made no less of a contribution. Barnaul residents shared with the museum folk remedies against theft, as well as other inventions. The collection of this museum today contains more than 150 exhibits.

The sights of the Altai region do not end there. We have listed only a few of them. You can get to know this amazing place for a very long time. Everyone will be able to find something interesting for themselves while exploring the sights of the Altai region and Altai Territory.

The Altai Republic is a beautiful and picturesque region located in Western Siberia. It has a long and difficult history. What is she famous for? What nationalities inhabit it? What historical and cultural monuments of the Altai Republic have survived to this day? Let's find out about everything in order.

Brief historical excursion

The history of Altai begins in ancient times - the first settlers settled in this territory back in the 3rd - 2nd centuries. BC. This was followed by centuries of rule by the Mongols, Turks, Tibetans and other peoples who inhabited China. Basically, these were nomads, conquerors who liked the local lands, so they founded their camps and settlements here. The map of the Altai Republic has been changed many times.

Only around the 17th century did the territory of the current Altai Republic become part of the Russian state. The transformation process took more than three hundred years, and the names of this region changed several times.

Altai on the map of Russia

Looking at the borders of the republic on the map, you can understand that the neighboring countries are Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China, and in the inner part there is the autonomy of Khakassia, Tyva, the Kemerovo region and the Altai Territory. For many centuries, Altai experienced territorial changes, and only in 1992 the territory acquired permanence.

The abundance of neighbors explains the multinationality of this region and a huge layer of diverse cultural heritage. These places are of interest to both archaeologists and connoisseurs of high art. The map of the Altai Republic is rich. Clean air and magnificent scenery make these places ideal for ecotourism.

A look through the centuries: the historical transformation of Altai

The history of the republic dates back several thousand years. During this period, many cultures and nationalities inhabited the territory of the modern republic. There are a large number of archaeological monuments of antiquity left here, which are still of interest to both archaeologists and lovers of antiquity. Altai is an inexhaustible source for research. history and culture of the Altai Republic - mounds, caves, burial grounds, “stone women”, rock writings - and now attract the attention of numerous scientists.

For example, rock writings that can be seen on rocks, stones, sculptures of sanctuaries, inscriptions, or as scientists correctly call them - petroglyphs, are a symbiosis of letters and drawings similar to Chinese characters - all this wealth attracts tourists from all over the world.

Looking at the cultural monuments of the Altai Republic, pictures from the past appear before your eyes. The study and deciphering of these ancient messages provide insight into the life of people in ancient times, their beliefs, conquests and other events. Excavations of settlements in Altai provide the opportunity to observe many important finds that reflect the life and culture of different historical eras. Currently, archaeological research and scientific expeditions continue on the territory of the republic.

Formation of the republic

Among the Altai Republic there are many familiar, familiar monuments to eminent personalities: V.I. Lenin, A.S. Pushkin, as well as the tragic events that the Soviet people experienced: memorials and obelisks to the heroic soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, soldiers of Afghanistan, victims of repression and Holodomor.

The largest part of the attractions belongs to tracts, mounds, burial grounds and caves, the number of which is impossible to count. These monuments receive traditional names, which depend on the location or the name of the archaeologist who found the monument.

Let's consider the most famous monuments and attractions of the Altai Territory: p. Barangol, Vaskin Log tract, Biryulinskoye settlement, Urlu-Aspak village, coast of the Kutash river, Kyzyk-Ozek village, Maima village, Manzherok village, right bank of the Ulalushki river, Urlu-Aspak village, Chultukov village and others. This list is constantly updated and expanded, since the lands of Altai store in their depths an endless number of ancient relics.

Cultural monuments of Altai

When studying the past of the Altai Republic, a connection is traced between historical events and the appearance of monuments. The culture of the Altai people was formed and developed under the influence of other civilizations and nationalities that inhabited the territory of the republic at different periods of time, and the states that included Altai. Most of these monuments are not only historical and cultural monuments of the Altai Republic, they are monuments of national and international significance. For example, there are numerous statues called stone women.

General concept of stone women

Stone women represent a valuable cultural heritage that has been preserved and has an ancient history. There are more than 250 such statues in the Altai Republic. Stone sculptures are a magnificent and unprecedented art for modern man. Stone blocks are silhouettes of human bodies of different shapes and sizes. On average, their height ranges from 1.5 m to 4 m. Stone women are located in groups in different territories, tracts and villages. Their origin is associated with what is happening on the territory of the republic.

The similarity of the sculptures can be seen in the nature of the depiction of the features of human faces. At the same time, other features inherent in the human body are poorly visible - arms, torso and legs. Women are a relative concept; in fact, they are men - strong and brave warriors. These monuments left a big mark on the history of mankind and the culture of the Altai Republic.

Gorno-Altaisk - the capital of the Altai Republic

One of the main attractions of the Altai Republic is its capital, Gorno-Altaisk. Due to historical events, this is the only city in the Altai Republic. Gorno-Altaisk is a fairly young city, which appeared less than a hundred years ago. The appearance of the capital of the Altai Territory is tied to 1928; during its short history, Gorno-Altaisk was renamed in 1948 to Oirot-Tura. The status of the capital of the Altai Republic was assigned to Gorno-Altaisk in 1992.

Sights and monuments of Gorno-Altaisk

Gorno-Altaisk is a small city that is distinguished by a number of attractions. This is a large number of monuments, a square of stones, the Palace of Justice, the square named after. Lenin, an ancient fountain, Victory Park and the National Museum. At the National Museum. A.V. Anokhin presents more than 50,000 exhibits of archaeological, ethnological, paleontological and other finds; it stores finds and relics of world scale, for example, the mummy of Princess Ukoka. The cultural landmark of Gorno-Altaisk is the Temple of Macarius of Altai and the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Every year the city grows and develops, the population increases and the territory expands. But it cannot be called a cramped and noisy metropolis, despite the fact that Gorno-Altaisk is, in fact, the only scientific, cultural and industrially developed center of the republic.

Gorny Altai: history and features

Gorny Altai deserves special attention. This is what the Altai Republic itself was previously called, but now this name refers to the part of the Altai Mountains that is located on the territory of the republic. This area is truly picturesque. The mountainous terrain - massifs, intermountain plateaus, winding rivers - contains historical monuments of the republic called golden, information about them can even be found in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. Within the mountain range there are also places of worship and archaeological monuments of Altai, for example, the Ak-Alah burial mound, located on the Ukok plateau.

Another attraction of the Altai region, which has more than 155 archaeological monuments belonging to different time periods. The value of these sites is very important to scientists, due to the fact that archaeological finds were stored in stunning conditions of cold and ice. The frozen state made it possible to preserve many valuable mementos, even substances of organic origin: food, mummies and bodies of people, their hair, nails. And now, using knowledge in the field of genetics, scientists are deciphering the picture of the life and way of life of ancient people.

Tourism in Altai

Undoubtedly, the historical and cultural monuments of the Altai Republic attract the attention of a large number of people. First of all, these are people closely associated with the sciences - history, archeology, paleontology, ethnography, as well as specialists - experts in religion, culture, and military affairs. The territory of the Altai Republic is captivating with its magnificent nature: mountain air, clean rivers and lakes, plains rich in vegetation.

Due to the underdevelopment of the industrial sector, the natural beauty remains untouched and pristine. Therefore, people tired of city noise, bustle, soot and smog from factories and cars come to this region. They come to admire the beauty of nature, see cults and ancient monuments, touch the relics of history, and recharge with energy and inspiration. And tourism, in turn, gives development to the Altai Republic itself. Currently, many tourist centers have been built here, providing a varied range of services. Among them are excursions to historical places, an overview of interesting and significant archaeological finds: ancient sites, burials, burial grounds. Also popular are visits to the Bolshoi Chulchinsky Waterfall, Lake Teletskoye, and the Edelweiss Valley.

The value of the Altai Republic

The Altai Republic on the map of Russia is a unique place. The land here is not covered with railways and endless pipelines. There are no mineral mines, gold or diamond deposits here. There are no oil and gas wells. But there is something that other localities and regions sorely lack - fabulous nature, unsurpassed landscape, terrain, historical and cultural monuments and attractions. Monuments of history and archeology on the territory of the Altai Republic are of world significance. Therefore, many of them are included in the list of objects protected by the state.

It is impossible to tell about all the charms and attractions of Altai. It is also difficult to convey in words how beautiful Altai appears to its visitors. Anyone who visits the republic will not remain indifferent to the unprecedented beauty, picturesque terrain and pictures of the antiquity of this region.

Nature is the best architect. The meaning of this statement can be fully understood only in Altai, a place that is called both Siberian Switzerland and Russian Tibet.

There are treacherous and at the same time incredibly beautiful mountain gorges, babbling rivers, mysterious caves, beautiful mountain waterfalls and numerous glaciers.

The uniqueness of the region attracts thousands of tourists, but you need to understand that the beauty of Altai cannot be seen even in a year, so tourist routes include especially interesting natural attractions of Altai, those that are state natural monuments.

Silver Spring is 7 km away. from Manzherok. There are always a lot of tourists near a single stream, which is formed from several small ones originating in rocky cracks. Everyone is in a hurry to taste spring water rich in copper, manganese, silver and iron.

By the way, it is considered more useful than Borjomi.

If for tourists Arzhan-Suu is one of the many tourist sites, then the Altaians consider it sacred place. Before performing the ritual of ablution in the spring, they tie colorful ribbons to nearby trees and hang figures of dried cheese on the branches. This is how the Altai people ask the spirits for long years and healing.

Another natural monument taken under state protection is the stone mushrooms “growing” in the Karasu gorge. Soft rocks form a thin “leg” of the mushroom, while the “cap” is a large monolithic stone. The mountainous relief acquired such unusual shapes during the process of denudation (when loose sediments are washed away by water flowing down the slopes). However, this same process annually causes the most slender and tall stone mushrooms to “crash”, and their height reaches 10 meters! A unique natural monument is destroyed by earthquakes.

Those who want to see stone mushrooms should take into account: getting to the Kurasu gorge is long and problematic, the entrance fee to the protected area is symbolic, and the best photos are taken before 7 a.m.

And hurry up, scientists believe that in 20-30 years all the mushrooms will collapse, and the Altai people firmly believe that the end of the world will come on the day all the mushrooms fall.

Natural Park "Belukha"

In 1997, in order to preserve unique areas of nature, the government of the Altai Republic decided to create a natural park of the same name in the vicinity of Mount Belukha, which is called the peak of the “Russian Altai”.

Belukha is not only a majestic monument of nature, but also the greatest peak of Siberia, the place where the most beautiful rivers originate, and people begin to feel like a part of nature. Especially climbers, who are not afraid of either the fact that this is the most avalanche-prone region of Altai, or the January temperature of -40 degrees.

In addition to Belukha, the natural park includes:

  • Kucherlinskoye Lake
  • Tekelu Waterfall
  • Lake Akkem.

Kucherlinskoye Lake- This is an aquatic trio, during a journey through which you can see Colored lakes, steep rocky cliffs and dense coniferous forests. There are always a lot of tourists on its shores in the summer, because in the early morning hours their eyes are greeted with an amazingly beautiful landscape - the water surface of the lake reflects the mountain slopes and the sky.

An equally impressive picture - millions of splashes the most beautiful waterfall in Altai Tekelyu. The height of the water fall is 60 meters. The picturesque picture of what is happening delights all tourists, and the guides never tire of reminding that near the waterfall you can hear the Altai snowcock and see the falcon, great lentil and mountain snipe - animals listed in the Red Book of Altai.

Lake Teletskoye

Tourists are transported around Lake Teletskoye on boats, instead of using a motor ship. This is the only opportunity to see steep banks with cascades of numerous rivers, mountain crevices and harsh rocks.

The water pearl of the Altai Mountains stores 40 billion tons of fresh water. In terms of per person, this is 6-7 tons per person. The depth of Lake Teletskoye is 325 meters (for comparison, Lake Michigan has a depth of 263 m.)

Deforestation and timber rafting are prohibited on the territory of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, but spearfishing is permitted. This is to the advantage of divers, and the lucky ones manage to catch trophy grayling, taimen, pike or whitefish.

Kulduk Ice and Museum Caves

The Kulduk Ice Cave is a vulnerable natural object that is of interest primarily for mountain glaciology. The value of the cave is in its ice decoration: here you can see centuries-old layered layers of cover ice, ice columns and dripping formations. The cave is also phenomenal because it is home to virtually unstudied bats.

The museum cave is unique for its underground galleries with miraculous calcite flowers, bushy coral-shaped stalactites and needle-shaped ice crystals.

Having seen the beauty of Altai, it is simply impossible to remain indifferent. This is probably why many return here more than once, adding to their collection of impressions by visiting nature reserves, botanical gardens and numerous natural monuments of world and federal significance.

Altai region

Officially. Altai Territory is located in the southeast of Western Siberia, 3419 km from Moscow. Territory 168,000 square km.

Informally. The Altai region is very large and diverse. The topography changes as you move through the area. He seems to be a growing bear, at first quiet and calm, then huge and majestic. This is how steppes and plains grow into foothills and mountains.

Officially. The climate is temperate continental, formed as a result of frequent changes in air masses.

Unofficially. The four seasons have many variations, and come back each year to see a different perspective. You can come in the hot summer, or you can come in the cool and rainy weather. Give me variety! - this is the main rule of Altai weather.

Summer and Altai Mountains

Officially: The Altai Mountains are a complex system of the highest ridges in Siberia, which are separated by deep valleys of mountain rivers and vast basins located inside the mountains.

Informally: The nature of Altai is amazing. Tourists from all over the globe rush to these places to enjoy the beautiful views of high mountains, mountain rivers, mysterious caves and deserted spaces. Immerse yourself in the tranquility and beauty of these places.

The settlement of the Altai Territory has begun
in the 18th century

Young Russia needed metal to produce weapons and coins. The Ural factory owner Akinfiy Demidov founded the first metallurgical plant in 1729 - Kolyvano-Voskresensky. The depths of Altai were also rich in silver. In 1744, Demidov began producing silver. The result of Akinfiy Demidov’s activities in the Altai region was the establishment of a feudal mining industry based on the serf labor of assigned peasants and artisans.

Event tourism in the Altai region

The creation and development of bright, interesting events in the business, cultural, and sports life of the Altai Territory has become the basis for the development of event tourism in the region. The region annually hosts more than a dozen festivals, forums, and holidays that can attract thousands of tourists from various regions of Russia and from abroad. These are the International Tourism Forum “VISIT ALTAI”, the festival “Blossoming of the Maralberry”, the drinks festival “Altaifest”, the Day of Russia at the “Turquoise Katun”, the festival “Shukshin Days in Altai”, the International Youth Forum of the Asia-Pacific Region, the SCO Forum, the Siberian International Forum on Health and medical tourism, the Altai Wintering holiday and many others.

beauty and health

Officially. The useful flora of the region has 1184 plant species. The largest group of drugs, including about 100 types widely used in official medicine.

Informally. Decoction, herbal teas, berry fruit drinks - this is what everyone who comes to the Altai Territory should try. Spas, health and wellness centers use products made from Altai herbs.