The Lake Natron phenomenon: the beauty and horror of Tanzania's wildlife. Red Lake Natron Lifeless Lake Natron

Lake Natron- a salt lake located in the vast African Great Rift Valley - in the north of Tanzania, near the border with Kenya and just northeast of the Ngorongoro crater. Hidden between volcanic hills and deep craters, Lake Natron lies at the lowest point of the rift valley - 600 meters above sea level - and is perhaps the most alkaline body of water in the world.

Dangerous Lake Natron in Tanzania

The climate in the area where the lake is located is harsh - it is hot, often very dry air and dust, which is not conducive to tourist travel. But those who brave the journey to Lake Natron are rewarded with stunning views in Tanzania.

1. The main distinctive feature of the lake is its extremely unusual bright red color of the water. But it doesn't always look like this.

2. Lake Natron in Tanzania quite shallow (its depth is no more than 3 meters) and changes the coastline depending on the water level, which changes due to strong evaporation, leaving concentrations of salts and other minerals, especially sodium carbonate (or, in fact, natron).

3. Lake Natron in Tanzania It is fed by the Iwaso Nyiro River (“River of Brown Water” in the Samburu language) and mineral-rich hot springs.

4. With strong evaporation, a crust of alkaline salt forms on the surface of the lake, which is also often colored red or pink as a result of the activity of microorganisms living in the lake.

5 As water evaporates during the dry season, the salinity of the lake increases to the point where the salt-loving microorganisms living in it begin to multiply wildly.

6. These organisms that live in high salinity conditions - halophilic cyanobacteria - have the ability to photosynthesize, just like plants. During the process of photosynthesis, a red pigment is released, which gives the bright red color to deep water and orange to shallower water.

7. High water temperature (up to 41°C) and high and very varied salt content in the lake do not contribute to the development of wildlife in it. However, the lake is home to millions of flamingos, as well as home to algae, invertebrates, and at the edges, where the water is less salty, even fish - alkaline telapia.

8. Natron is the only breeding site of the endangered lesser flamingo in eastern Africa. The lake is a safe breeding ground, as its toxic alkaline environment is a barrier to predators trying to get close to the nests located on the islands that form seasonally as a result of evaporation.

9. Flamingos gather in the region's salt lakes, where they feed on spirulina (blue-green algae with red pigments).

There is another unusual lake in Africa - .

On the border with the Republic of Kenya, in Northern Tanzania lies Lake Natron. This is a unique body of water, because only here travelers can enjoy an indescribable spectacle - 2,000,000 purple small flamingos. But high alkalinity and water temperature are detrimental to many animals. Their remains harden and become covered with minerals.

Lake Natron in Tanzania: characteristics

The depth of Lake Natron is very small, because in some places it does not even reach 3 meters. The area, on the contrary, is rather large - 1344 km2. Since the air temperature in this area often crosses 50°C, the water in Natrona also warms up to similar levels.

Natron is an integral part of the most active volcanic system today - the Great African Rift. The nearby Oldonyo Lengai volcano showed clear manifestations of seismic activity relatively recently. So, it erupted in October 2008, and a couple of years later it woke up again.

Flamingo Lake is a unique creation of nature that needs to be passed on to future generations. To do this, its pool was placed under protection, being classified as a place of international importance.

Red Lake

The name of the lake translates as “red”. Most likely, from time immemorial, local tribes called Natron this way because of the large amount of salt, which creates a kind of film on the surface of the water. Under these conditions, cyanobacteria behave actively, the pigments of which change towards a red hue as a result of photosynthesis. In shallow water they are not so active, and therefore an orange color can be seen at shallow depths.

Natron is one of the few breeding sites of the lesser flamingo

Let's return to the inhabitants of the lake - small flamingos, which usually live in places remote from people. If you decide to come here because of them, then it is best to go on a trip in the summer: during this period, birds begin to breed, and therefore, from their number, everything around becomes pink.

Dead Lake Natron

Nevertheless, the high alkalinity and temperature of Lake Natron create such conditions that many animals, mainly birds, accidentally falling into the water die and their remains harden and become covered with minerals. Only a few species of animals can live here. And small flamingos are thus even protected from predators.

Of course, you shouldn’t swim or even rinse your hands in the lake. Any contact with water can result in burns and blistering of the skin.

Pastures of the Salei tribe

The owners of Lake Natron can be called the Salei tribe, belonging to the Masai clan. These people spend their entire lives searching for the best pasture around the shores of the lake. The Maasai are a warlike people, because they have been accustomed to defending their territory since ancient times. Fortunately for tourists, now the inhabitants of Northern Tanzania are much more liberal towards visitors.

Interestingly, a group of scientists found the remains of Homo Sapiens in the vicinity of Lake Natron, which are more than 30,000 years old.

How to get there

The most convenient way to get to the lake is from the nearest city of Arusha, located 240 kilometers away.

Arusha can be reached by bus from Nairobi (4 hours), Dodoma (6 hours) and Dar es Salaam (9 hours). Kilimanjaro International Airport is also located 50 km from Arusha.

There are no organized excursions to Lake Natron, but a visit to it is included in tours to the Oldoinyo Lengai volcano. One of the best ways to get to the lake is to rent an SUV and hire a guide in Arusha, but an individual program will be about a third more expensive than a standard tour. But absolutely, you shouldn’t go to Natron without a local escort.

Where to stay

Before you go on your trip, reserve a hotel room. Take a closer look at a 5-star hotel Exploreans Ngorongoro Lodge, which offers the best conditions against the backdrop of African wildlife.

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Lake Natron is one of Tanzania's most famous natural attractions. It is famous for the fact that the water in the lake is bright red, and the birds that once flew over this place turn into salty stones. The existence of an unusual body of water became known to the general public relatively recently: several years ago, photographs of Lake Natron in Tanzania were published in a British magazine.

General information

Natron is the saltiest and most alkaline body of water not only in East Africa, but also in the world, and the characteristic muddy red color is just a thick crust of salt that covers the lake. Due to global environmental changes that are currently occurring in the world, in the near future there is a great threat that the salt balance in Natron, unique in composition, may be upset. And this can lead to the extinction of unique microorganisms living in the reservoir.

The lake is located near the Tanzania-Kenya border and covers an area of ​​just under 1040 sq.m. It reaches no more than 57 km in length and about 21 km in width. In the warmest months, the water temperature in the reservoir can exceed 50-60 °C. The average depth of Natron is 1.5 meters, and in the deepest places - 3 meters. A tributary of the lake is the Ewaso Ngiro River, which originates in northern Kenya.

Flora and fauna

Lake Natron is home to only 3 species of microorganisms, and is also the birthplace of 75% of the flamingos living on Earth. This is an ideal place for “children of the sunset” - due to the increased salt balance, predators and other birds try to stay away from the lake. By the way, in order to see flamingos in Tanzania, it is better to fly to Natron in the summer - this is the breeding season for birds.

Only one species of fish can live in the lake - alkaline telapia. Over many millennia, they have adapted to harsh and dangerous conditions, and today Natron is the only place in the world where this species lives.

Due to its unique biodiversity, the lake was included in the list of unique places following the Ramsar Convention and is included in the East African World Wildlife Fund.

Today, scientists around the world are opposed to the construction of a plant for the production and extraction of potash (later used to make washing powder) near the lake - such an unfavorable neighborhood could have a bad effect on the balance of salt in the reservoir and on the inevitable extinction of small flamingos in Africa. However, the indigenous people of Tanzania have a different truth: the factory could provide housing and work for more than 1,000 people.

By the way, the only people who live in these places are representatives of the ancient Salei tribe. They consider the lake a manifestation of divine power, and all their lives they wander along the shores of the salty reservoir.

Thus, even though the construction of the plant was suspended, there is still a threat of disappearance of the salty part of the lake. This could happen due to increased inflows and the possible construction of a new hydroelectric power station on Lake Ewaso Ng'iro.

Lake phenomenon

For many scientists, Natron in Tanzania is still a mystery. And if everything is clear with color (due to the high amount of salts, a red-pink crust is formed), then not everyone can explain another phenomenon (Lake Natron turns animals into stones).

The bird cemetery became known thanks to nature photographer Nick Brandt, who first published photographs of frozen birds in his magazine “Across the Ruined Land.” At first he was accused of being a staged photo shoot, but after some time, researchers nevertheless confirmed the veracity of these photos. After this, photos of Lake Natron began to spread quickly, and Tanzania became quite a popular tourist destination.

Many scientists explain the phenomenon of stone birds near Lake Natron in Tanzania as follows: due to the fact that the water temperature in some places reaches more than 60 ° C, and the water is very salty and alkaline, the birds entering the lake do not decompose, but freeze forever .

The only thing that biologists have not yet found an explanation for is why birds fly into the water. The most popular version: due to increased light reflectivity, birds lose orientation and, mistaking the water for the sky, fly downwards at full speed. Although there are other opinions: for example, some researchers believe that all the birds died a natural death, and were covered with salt afterward. However, photographer Nick Brandt, who has visited these places more than once, refutes this assumption.

But be that as it may, killer Lake Natron is also dangerous for people: you should not only swim here, but even touch the water, because you can simply get burned. In addition, it is not completely known what effect hot alkaline water can have on the human body - scientists are not yet in a hurry with experiments and conclusions.

Depending on the season, Lake Natron can look different: in the summer it dries up, and the ground where there used to be water is covered with huge cracks with salt. Seasonal rainfall in this part of Tanzania begins in August–September and lasts until December. The color of the water changes depending on the bacteria that are active in certain months of the year.

How to get to the lake from Arusha


The nearest city in Tanzania is Arusha, 240 km from the lake. You can get from here to this unique attraction by local bus, which will take four and a half hours. There are no trains in these parts at all, just as there are no separate excursions to the lake. However, you can purchase a tour to the Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano, which also includes a visit to Natron. There are many campsites at the base of the volcano.

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You can get to Arusha from: Nairobi in Kenya (4 hours), Dodoma (6 hours) in Tanzania and Dar es Salaam (9 hours on the way). The nearest airport is 50 km from Arusha.

Getting to Arusha and beyond is quite difficult and expensive, and this must be taken into account when planning your trip. But, as many tourists say, Lake Natron is so unique and unusual that it is definitely worth the money and effort spent.

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The phenomenon of Lake Natron - the beauty and horror of Tanzania's wildlife

Natron is a saline and alkaline lake located in the Arusha region in northern Tanzania, on the border with Kenya. The lake is located in the Gregory Rift, which is the eastern part of the East African Rift. The Lake Natron basin is protected by the international Ramsar Convention.

Natron is primarily fed by the Ewaso Ngiro River, which originates in a mineral-rich area in Northern Kenya. The lake is no more than three meters deep and changes its shoreline depending on the time of year and water level. The lake reaches a maximum of 57 km in length and 22 km in width. A seasonal rainfall occurs over the lake in the months of May-December and brings 800 mm of precipitation. Water temperatures in wetlands can reach 50 degrees Celsius, and depending on the water level, alkalinity can reach a pH of 9 to 10.5.

Lake Natron in Tanzania: characteristics

The depth of Lake Natron is very small, because in some places it does not even reach 3 meters. The area, on the contrary, is rather large - 1344 km2. Since the air temperature in this area often crosses 50°C, the water in Natrona also warms up to similar levels.

Natron is an integral part of the most active volcanic system today - the Great African Rift. The nearby Oldonyo Lengai volcano showed clear manifestations of seismic activity relatively recently. So, it erupted in October 2008, and a couple of years later it woke up again.

The water in the lake is red, this feature is caused by the activity of microorganisms. Near the shore, the water takes on an orange tint, because... in this place the number of organisms is less. There are areas where the water is clean and clear, but there are not very many such places.

Scientists have tried to explain the phenomenon of the Tanzanian reservoir. They found that the hydrogen index in the local waters (having an average of 10.5) and excess alkaline impurities lead to the formation of large amounts of soda, minerals and salts, which lead to the petrification of animal remains.

Scientists cannot yet say with complete certainty why birds often fall into or within the lake, but there is a theory that the reservoir has strong reflective properties that prevent birds from orienting themselves normally in space.

Flora and fauna

It would seem that neither flora nor fauna could live in such a harsh environment. However, such an aggressive environment turned out to be comfortable for several species of algae, fish and small flamingos. This is their only breeding site in the region, as there are virtually no predators in the area. The toxic environment of the lake has become a kind of invisible barrier for predators, so they avoid the lake. During the evaporation season, islands form on the lake - flamingos build their nests on them and breed their offspring.

The number of flamingos on the lake reaches several million. Among other things, they feed on blue-green algae containing beta-carotene, which gives their feathers a bright pink color.

As beautiful as Lake Natron is, it is also harsh - if an animal falls into the lake, it dies immediately, and its remains harden in natural positions, turning into “mummies”.


Threats to the salinity balance may be posed by increased siltation of tributaries of the Lake Natron watershed and the planned hydroelectric power station on Lake Ewaso Ngiro. Although development plans include building a dam at the northern end of the lake to contain fresh water, the threat of dissolution of the salty part of the lake still remains serious. So far there is no formal protection for the salty part of the lake.

A new threat to Lake Natron is the proposed development of a potash plant on its shores. The plant would pump water from the lake and extract the potassium carbonate to convert it into laundry detergent. Construction of the plant would provide housing for more than 1,000 workers at the plant and a coal-fired power plant, providing energy to the plant complex. Additionally, developers can use hybrid brine shrimp to increase extraction efficiency.

According to Chris Magin, RSPB Africa Officer, “The chances of lesser flamingos continuing to breed in the face of such a devastation are slim to none. This development could lead to the extinction of the lesser flamingo in East Africa.” Currently, a group of fifty East African environmentalists is leading an international campaign to stop the planned construction of a potash plant by Tata Chemicals Ltd (India) and the National Construction Corporation of Tanzania.

In June 2008, Tata Chemicals refused to resume construction of the plant due to the Ramsar Convention.

Due to its unique biodiversity, the Lake Natron Basin area was included in the Ramsar Convention's list of wetlands of international importance on July 4, 2001. The lake is also included in the WWF East Africa region.

Pastures of the Salei tribe

The owners of Lake Natron can be called the Salei tribe, belonging to the Masai clan. These people spend their entire lives searching for the best pasture around the shores of the lake. The Maasai are a warlike people, because they have been accustomed to defending their territory since ancient times. Fortunately for tourists, now the inhabitants of Northern Tanzania are much more liberal towards visitors.

Amazing pictures

The mysterious lake in Tanzania attracted the photographer’s attention for a reason: Nick Brandt specializes in black and white photography of wild African animals.

Having visited Natron, the photographer was amazed by the abundance of bird skeletons that can be found in the coastal strip, so there was a need to find an explanation for this phenomenon.

Nick Brandt managed to find several surviving bird “statues”. He installed them in natural poses against the background of water, so in the photographs they look as if they were alive. In the photographs you can see a small flamingo, a dove and an eagle. By the way, Lake Natron is unique precisely because here it is the only place where small flamingos breed (although, as we can see, some birds die immediately).

Swimming in Lake Natron is not recommended. Any contact with alkaline water can lead to burns and blistering of the skin - it’s better not to risk it. However, from one glance at the skeletons of animals and birds and their limestone mummies scattered around the lake, it will become clear that it is better not to get close to Natron.

It’s worth planning a few days for a trip to Lake Natron. You can spend the night in campsites located near the natural attraction. It is not necessary to book accommodation in advance.

A trip to Lake Natron can be combined with an ascent to the Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, one of the most active in East Africa. It is located nearby.

How to get there?

The closest city to Lake Natron is Arusha, located 240 kilometers to the southeast. A bus service connects Arusha with the cities of Tanzania - Dodoma (420 kilometers; travel time - 6 hours), Dar es Salaam (640 kilometers; travel time - 9 hours) and others. You can also get to Arusha by bus from Nairobi, the capital of Kenya; the journey takes 4 hours. There are no railway connections in this part of Africa.

Kilimanjaro International Airport is located 50 kilometers east of Arusha. Air service connects the airport with Amsterdam, Istanbul, Frankfurt, Dar es Salaam, Nairobi, the island of Zanzibar, Kigali - the capital of Rwanda, as well as Addis Ababa - the capital of Ethiopia.

There are no organized excursions from Arusha to Lake Natron. Typically, a visit to this natural attraction is included in tours to the Oldoinyo Lengai volcano. Therefore, the best way to get there directly is to rent an SUV and hire a guide from one of the Arusha travel agencies. An individual program will cost more than a standard tour - on average by a third. You should not go to Natron without a local guide.


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Recently, people have begun to treat the environment more humanely. A huge number of national nature reserves have emerged in Africa. Especially where there is water and they are full of diversity of life. One of the states endowed with water resources by African standards is Tanzania. There are many such parks here; they are rich in exotic flora and fauna that are found only in these places.

In the northern part of the country, on the border with Kenya, there is an unusual lake. It is called Natron, after the name of the mineral, sodium carbonate, which predominates in it. Its depth, even during the rainy season from May to December, does not exceed three meters. The lake is fed by thermal springs and the Ewaso Ngiro River, which originates in the north, in Kenya, in an area very rich in minerals. The maximum length of Natron is 57 km, width 22 km, while the outlines of the coast are constantly changing under the influence of the sun.

Why do birds die

Lake water contains a lot of salt, soda, and other minerals. During the hot season, their concentration is so high that the surface of the water resembles a mirror and becomes invisible to birds and other animals. And since its temperature reaches 50 degrees Celsius, there is practically no chance of survival for living creatures, who apparently fell into the trap by mistake. When animals fall into the water, they die instantly, and their carcasses, covered with minerals, harden and become like stone sculptures, remain on the shore, which looks like a snow-white, numb desert.

The frightening beauty of the lake

Unique photographs were taken by the creator of many popular video clips, Nick Brandt, at Lake Natron. The artist depicted lifeless birds and bats in motion. His photographs are mesmerizing with their black and white elegance, reminiscent of scenes from horror films.

This is not the only frightening feature of the lake. Halophilic cyanobacteria live in its waters. Absorbing light, they turn red. Because of this, the water, where it is deeper, becomes bloody in color, and in shallow water it becomes pink and orange. Since the concentration of minerals is high, it becomes covered with a crust, which decorates the surface with a pattern and gives it a cracked appearance.

The lake takes on a very ominous shape. To complete the experience, there is also the smell that comes from evaporating water, saturated with alkali. Especially from a bird's eye view, the landscape is frightening, but at the same time delights with its devilish charm.

Lake inhabitants

It is worth noting that such lifeless pictures do not accompany the lake throughout the entire territory and not all the time. Natron's beauty isn't all that lethal. In its waters, in addition to bacteria, there are fish. Of course, they are unusual fish, since they chose the local waters as their habitat. This is alkaline telapia. Moreover, there are two types of them living here. It must be said that these types of telapia are not found anywhere else. Aquarium fish lovers appreciate them for their unpretentiousness and beauty: golden with blue fins. Gourmets – for the abundance of protein and taste.

The lake area serves as an excellent refuge for two and a half million small flamingos. Every year they fly here. This is practically the only place suitable for their reproduction. The unpleasant smell and high water temperature scare away predators and make the salt islands of the lake suitable for safely incubating eggs and raising chicks.

The huge, constantly moving pink fields look impressive. And the flying birds will not leave anyone indifferent. Of course, we have all seen on TV the picture of flamingos taking off in a huge cloud, but not a single operator will be able to convey the sounds of wings mixed with the cries of birds, and the special air of Lake Natron.


The reservoir is located in the Great Rift Fault area. This is almost the most active volcanic zone on our planet. The Ol Donyo Lengai volcano, next to which the lake is located, does not sleep. From time to time, it covers the surrounding areas with ashes, which are not rich in life anyway. Translated from the language of local tribes, this volcano is called “Mountain of the Gods”.

According to legend, Natron is a blanket created by the spirits living in the volcano for God Lengai, the creator of all living things according to the myths of the indigenous population. The people bringing civilization to these areas were going to build a chemical plant for the extraction of caustic soda on the shore of the lake and a power plant in its northern part. But the local shamans dissuaded them, citing the fact that they could provoke the wrath of the Gods, hence the volcanic eruption. Construction plans have been suspended, but the further fate of Lake Natron is unknown.

The indigenous inhabitants of these places are the Salei tribe from the Massai clan. They raise livestock, sell meat and milk. According to legends, this is a tribe of great warriors. They learned this art from a legion of Roman soldiers who were once lost in these areas of Africa. Every man who has reached the age of 15, according to ancient custom, proves his skills in fights with his fellow tribesmen; they must be good at using a spear, a bow, and be able to hunt skillfully.

The area adjacent to the lake has an almost untouched appearance. In addition to the villages of local tribes, constantly wandering in search of better pastures, there are only a few campsites that accept a few tourists who want to climb mountain peaks, to the craters of volcanoes, and hunt buffalo, savannah zebra, lion, hyena, jackal, leopard, and small cats. , some antelopes and gazelles, other animals.

The so-called photo safari is especially popular here. After all, there are no such terrifying landscapes as on Lake Natron anywhere else. And, although there are still many red-colored salty reservoirs on Earth, you cannot find such ones that excite the imagination and chill the soul.