Where is the cheapest holiday abroad? Budget holiday at sea: the best options The cheapest holiday abroad

The issue of relaxation is always very relevant in any family. What season should you plan your vacation for? Is it possible to have an inexpensive vacation? Russia or abroad - which is better? All this instantly begins to spin in the head of everyone who is just thinking about their upcoming vacation. Naturally, we all want to spend the time allotted for vacation in such a way as to get the whole range of positive emotions and not spend all the money accumulated over the year on it. Therefore, today we will tell you where it is possible in Russia and abroad. We’ll also find out where it’s best to go in spring and summer.

Choice of resort: Russia or foreign shores

Before you start planning your budget for your future trip, you need to decide on the country where you would like to go. Traditionally, our compatriots are divided into two categories:

  • adherents of holidays in Russian open spaces;
  • lovers of foreign resorts.

Of course, from time to time, due to various reasons, one category smoothly flows into another and vice versa. But in fairness, it’s worth saying that both vacation options have their pros and cons. They are worth mentioning separately.

Russian resorts are chosen by people who are used to relaxing in this way. And also those for whom, for certain reasons, travel outside our country is temporarily prohibited. That is why they are looking for an alternative to the foreign shores that have become familiar. Of course, holidays in Russia have a number of advantages:

  • no knowledge of foreign languages ​​required;
  • no need for long air flights;
  • you are always in the territory of your country and in case of unforeseen circumstances you will receive the necessary help;
  • children’s adaptation is faster and easier;
  • psychological comfort (many people find it difficult to relax when in a foreign country).

It seems that the advantages of a vacation at home are undeniable, but wait to draw conclusions until you evaluate all the disadvantages:

  • lack of good service;
  • a small selection of hotels with a wide range of services;
  • problems with infrastructure in resort towns;
  • high cost of vacation.

The last factor plays a significant role in the refusal of Russian resorts by that category of citizens who are looking for where they can relax inexpensively. Sometimes a trip abroad is several times cheaper than a trip to Sochi or Crimea. This is especially true for residents of Siberia and the Far East. It is much easier for them to go to Asia than to get to the Black Sea coast. In recent years, Russian resorts have been actively developing, new inexpensive hotels and recreation centers are being built, and airlines annually hold promotions on tickets to the most popular summer destinations. Therefore, perhaps in a few more years, holidays in Russia will become more than accessible, and the level of service will begin to outstrip foreign resorts.

Our compatriots have long felt at home abroad; they can easily list all the advantages of a vacation in a foreign country:

  • wide selection of destinations and resorts;
  • the opportunity to relax in a hotel of any category, depending on the income of the tourist;
  • high-quality but unobtrusive service;
  • the infrastructure of the resorts will delight both children and adults;
  • the ability to choose hotels with an all-inclusive system;
  • affordable vacation price.

Thanks to the listed items on the list, several hundred thousand of our compatriots annually travel outside the country to spend their holidays on the seaside. But do not forget about the disadvantages of such a holiday:

  • long tiring flights;
  • there is a high risk of falling into the hands of an unscrupulous travel company;
  • long-term adaptation to the climate of a foreign country;
  • difficulties in solving emerging health problems or any other problems.

In addition, when vacationing abroad, you need to be extremely attentive and careful, because in a foreign country anything can happen to a person. We will not convince you that it is better to relax in your native land or vice versa, but we will simply tell you where you can have an inexpensive vacation in Russia and abroad. And what you ultimately choose is up to you to decide.

Where you can have an inexpensive holiday abroad: announcement of countries

If you adhere to the rule of vacationing only at foreign resorts, then our information will be very useful to you. After all, we have collected data on the most popular and inexpensive destinations that allow you to relax at sea for a very affordable price. Those who are going on vacation in the spring should consider the countries of Asia:

  • India.
  • Sri Lanka.
  • Thailand.
  • Vietnam.

But those who are wondering where they can relax inexpensively at sea in the summer should choose Europe. The following countries are suitable for them:

  • Italy.
  • Spain.
  • Montenegro.
  • Croatia.
  • Bulgaria.

We will tell you about each option in detail.

India and Sri Lanka

In India, our compatriots have long fallen in love with the hospitable state of Goa. You can relax here quite inexpensively if you know budget hostels. A flight from Moscow to Delhi and back costs on average eighteen thousand rubles. From here you can easily reach any Indian state. Accommodation in Goa will cost tourists approximately eight dollars per night. For this amount you will rent a quite decent room in a guesthouse or hostel with all amenities, including air conditioning. Food also has a fairly reasonable price - from one and a half to three dollars per day. Keep in mind that you need to apply for a visa at Goa airport, which costs another forty dollars. If you prefer to travel as part of a group tour, then a ten-night trip will cost you at least seventy thousand rubles for two.

Sri Lanka has long attracted Russians with its wild beaches and turquoise waves. The main expense item on this trip is air travel. If you are lucky, you will find a round-trip ticket for twenty-one thousand rubles. But food and accommodation in the country are available to any tourist - very decent housing in the best place in the city can be rented for fifteen dollars, and you will spend no more than five dollars a day on food. Of course, you can also take a group tour to Sri Lanka for eighty thousand rubles for ten days for two people with departure from Moscow.

Thailand and Vietnam

Thailand is a paradise for those who choose where to have an inexpensive holiday abroad. At the same time, you can travel here on your own, which significantly saves your budget. For example, a flight on the Moscow - Bangkok route costs from twenty thousand rubles. And the cost of housing in Pattaya varies within ten dollars per day. In Thailand you can eat right on the streets; delicious and inexpensive food is sold here. Therefore, your expenses for this item will not exceed five dollars per day including drinks.

Vietnam has been in high demand for the past few years among Russians, who speak only positively about holidays here. And if you are wondering “where can you relax inexpensively in March,” then Vietnam is your country. Keep in mind that your biggest waste of money here will be air travel - on average twenty-five thousand rubles to Ho Chi Minh City. From there you can go to Nha Trang, Dalat and Mui Ne - you will be welcome anywhere. A good hotel room can be rented for ten dollars, and food in local cafes where the Vietnamese themselves eat costs about two to three dollars per knock. You can stay in the country without a visa for up to fifteen days.

Italy and Spain

Where can you have an inexpensive holiday in August? Of course, in Spain and Italy. At this time, the influx of tourists subsides slightly, and the weather continues to delight with sunny days. In Italy, many of our compatriots choose Rimini. Therefore, we will tell you about holiday prices, focusing on this magnificent city on the Adriatic coast. The cost of an air flight from Moscow to Rome or Milan does not exceed nine thousand rubles, from here you can get to Rimini by train or bus. It will cost between ten and twenty dollars. Keep in mind that you will need to apply for a visa (about forty euros) and also find an inexpensive hotel, which is quite difficult. If you're lucky, housing will cost around thirty-five dollars. But food, by European standards, has a fairly affordable cost - thirty dollars a day per person.

An air flight to Barcelona or Ibiza from Moscow will cost approximately eleven thousand rubles. To this amount it is necessary to add the cost of a visa, which is about another forty euros. But living in Spain will not be ruinous for you - a night in a hostel costs seventeen euros. You can eat in a cafe further from the city center, in this case you will be able to save money, and then you will spend no more than sixteen dollars per day.

Montenegro and Croatia

Russians can fly to Montenegro without a visa; a ticket from Moscow to Podgorica will cost about eleven thousand rubles. Since Budva is one of the most popular resorts, we will consider the cost of a vacation using its example. A good hotel room can be found for twenty dollars per night, but the average check in a restaurant is approximately eight dollars per person.

To visit Croatia, Russian tourists will need a visa, for which they will need to pay about forty euros. A flight from Moscow usually does not exceed thirteen thousand rubles round trip, but experienced tourists say that you can buy tickets for nine thousand rubles. A good hotel room costs between thirty and forty dollars, the average bill in a restaurant is six dollars. For this money you will get a very tasty dish of national cuisine or something more familiar, prepared in the European style.


Many of our compatriots enjoyed holidays in this country. In addition, it is rightfully considered one of the most budget destinations in Europe. From Moscow you can fly to Burgas or Varna for twelve thousand rubles. It is best to live in Bulgaria in apartments (then you have the opportunity to cook your own food) or studios. The cost of such pleasure ranges around nineteen dollars. For ten dollars a day you will be full and can even afford some delicacies. But keep in mind that to travel to Bulgaria you will need a visa (approximately forty euros).

Where you can relax in Russia inexpensively: a brief overview

Most often, our compatriots are concerned about summer vacations, because children are finally finishing another difficult school year, and adults also want to enjoy these short sunny days to the fullest. Therefore, the search for an answer to the question “where you can relax in the summer inexpensively in Russia” becomes relevant. Here is our review of the best places to relax by the sea:

  • Sochi.
  • Adler.
  • Crimea.

For each resort we will provide a generalized breakdown of the cost of a vacation.

Russian health resort: Sochi

Where can you have an inexpensive vacation at sea? Of course, in Sochi. Our grandmothers and mothers also went here, and now hundreds of other mothers are taking their children to the Black Sea coast so that they get stronger, eat fruit and get a healthy tan.

After the Olympics were held here, the appearance of Sochi changed greatly. If you have not been here since Soviet times, then this summer you should think about traveling to this amazing city, which can easily compete with foreign resorts such as Egypt and Turkey.

Now the resort is ready to provide its guests with a wide selection of hotels, holiday homes, hostels and private boarding houses where you can stay for one night or for quite a long time. But first of all, vacationers are concerned about the cost of tickets to Sochi. We hasten to please you: if you are puzzled by this problem a few months before your trip, you may well become the proud owner of an air ticket on the Moscow - Sochi route for five thousand rubles. And if you find offers from the low-cost carrier Pobeda, and you are lucky, then a flight from Moscow may cost you only one thousand rubles. But keep in mind that such tickets sell out quickly, and therefore you need to monitor their availability daily.

Once you decide on the road, you need to decide where exactly you will live. Depending on their understanding of the word “inexpensive,” tourists choose hotels or private accommodation. Of course, hotels and boarding houses with five meals a day are quite expensive, so a budget tourist should consider renting rooms. The daily cost will vary depending on their location relative to the sea; this must also be taken into account when planning your trip. You can also consider hotels with two and three stars.

So, here is a selection of affordable housing (hotels):

  • Hotel "Nairi" (two stars). The cost of living varies between three thousand rubles, guests can use the pool, bar and sauna.
  • Hotel "Valentin" (three stars). For one night you will pay from three thousand rubles. The hotel complex is located in the city center, guests can use the swimming pool, massage parlor and bar.
  • Hotel "Wind Rose". Located in the same price category as the previous hotel complex.

If you are interested in the private sector, then keep in mind that a decent room for two, some distance from the center of Sochi, will cost you from one and a half thousand rubles. Many vacationers prefer to stay in rented apartments; their choice at the resort is quite good. But the price range is quite large - from three and a half thousand rubles to fifteen thousand rubles.

Food in Sochi is quite expensive, so a budget tourist should eat in canteens. The food there, of course, is not very sophisticated, but the cost of lunch for two will be an average of two hundred rubles.

Adler: resort by the sea

Adler is also very popular among Russians. People come here no less often than to Sochi. The cost of a flight to the resort from Moscow varies on average within five thousand eight hundred rubles. But keep in mind that a couple of months before the onset of summer, tickets may not be on sale, so purchase them ahead of time.

If your task is to find a place in Adler where you can relax inexpensively, then for accommodation you need to look for two-star or three-star hotels. For example, in the Almira Hotel (three stars) you can spend a night for two thousand eight hundred rubles. You will find yourself in a cozy place with excellent service. Vacationers also highly praise the AS-Hotel, which has four stars. The cost of a night there is no more than three thousand rubles.

Crimea: a newfound resort

If you are thinking about where you can relax inexpensively in the spring, then go to Crimea. In the spring-autumn period, prices for air travel from Moscow to Simferopol drop significantly, but the weather will delight everyone who decides to relax at this time. If Crimea interests you as a place for a summer vacation, then get ready to pay approximately seven thousand rubles for the flight. But every season, air carriers organize various promotions and discounts, where ticket prices drop by thirty or even fifty percent.

Food in Crimea is extremely inexpensive. For example, in the Sudak cafe, a three-course lunch with dessert costs three hundred rubles per person. Accommodation in a three-star hotel will cost a married couple from two to three thousand rubles. The private sector is cheaper; depending on the remoteness of the village, housing will cost you around six hundred rubles per day.

We hope that our review was useful to you, and you will be able to decide on the place where you will spend the most memorable days this year.

In the current crisis, traveling abroad seems like an unaffordable luxury for many people. Prices for a week's accommodation in most foreign countries reach the annual income of the average person, turning a vacation into a pipe dream. But there are still countries in which the exchange rate plays into the hands of all tourists.

We have compiled a list of 7 countries that are considered the cheapest for tourists.


Housing prices per month: $30
Meals per month: $40
Flight: 550-600$

India is considered the cheapest tourist country in the world. It is rich not only in its hot climate and ocean, but also in a lot of attractions. And all this for just $80 per month.

Due to the convenient exchange rate between dollars and rupees, renting an apartment with all amenities will cost a tourist only $30 per month. And due to India's tropical climate, markets are filled with cheap fruits and vegetables year-round. In addition, you can buy several varieties of rice and other cereals for a couple of dollars. Thus, food will cost a tourist about $10 per week.

For vacation it is better to choose small cities. Prices there are cheaper than in Delhi, the housing is more comfortable, the population is smaller, and there are much more attractions and national flavor. Pocket expenses and excursions will cost the tourist about another $40. It is worth noting that Indians themselves spend much less per month, since their average salary reaches only $50. Despite seemingly such economic decline and poverty, India is a very bright and colorful country. A vacation here involves not only sunny days on the beach, but also complete immersion in its culture and traditions.

Flights to India are cheap, even compared to European countries. Round-trip tickets from any CIS country will cost about $600, and if you book them in advance, you can save an additional hundred dollars.


Housing prices per month: $60-100
Meals per month: $20
Flight: from $1000

Indonesia is known to tourists primarily by the names of the famous beaches of Bali, Malukru and Tengah, which amaze the imagination with paradisiacal landscapes, sun and crystal clear water.

Before you go on holiday to Indonesia, you need to plan everything carefully. Tour operators offer tourists expensive hotel rooms for $20 per night, so this is not an option for the average traveler. Many people go here with a tent behind them, since the warm climate fully allows this type of accommodation. Some are looking for comfortable small houses or bungalows on the ocean for $60 a month.

Food in Indonesia, as in India, is an abundance of exotic fruits, berries, vegetables and nuts, as well as various seafood. Thus, on average, a tourist spends $20 on food. If you prefer to visit restaurants from time to time and try national cuisine, then the monthly amount will increase to $40. Together with pocket expenses, the required amount for living in Indonesia for one month is $160-180.

The main thing to remember is one rule: never buy souvenirs from local residents at the prices offered. You should always bargain, as the real cost of all trinkets is only a few dollars.

Despite the low prices, flying to Indonesia is not a cheap pleasure. Two-way tickets from all CIS countries cost about $1,200 for one person. But you can look for various promotions, discounts, or book tickets in advance to save a couple of hundred dollars.


Housing prices per month: $60-70
Meals per month: $40
Flight: 1000$

Laos is not only a beautiful country with magnificent mountain landscapes, but also a center of spiritual enlightenment. To find themselves and understand the meaning of life, tourists from all over the world go to Laos, where a calm and spiritual atmosphere reigns. Plus, it is also a very cheap country, since there is nowhere to spend money here.

Rent for a month of a one-room apartment with all amenities costs only $60-70, depending on the availability of the Internet. The range of products in Laos is not very large, since this industry is underdeveloped. Thus, a tourist spends a maximum of $40 per month on necessary products.

But a two-way flight from any CIS country costs approximately $1,000.


Housing prices per month: $200
Meals per month: $100
Flight: 800-1200$

Thailand is one of the most exotic countries in Asia. It attracts tourists with its bright colors, carefree atmosphere, various festivals and show programs, and, of course, unique cuisine.

More and more tourists prefer to plunge into the warm embrace of Thailand in winter, when the already low prices for holidays there drop by half. Indeed, this is an inexpensive country for the average traveler. And before you go to Thailand, you can make inquiries from blogs and websites of experienced tourists, who openly advise newcomers on places where there is cheap housing, inexpensive food and interesting places to relax.
There is an abundance of fruit, fish and game here for just a dollar. Thus, a tourist will spend $100 a month on food if he is not tempted by expensive Thai delicacies and culinary masterpieces.

Whether you're holidaying in a big city like Pattaya, or in smaller ones like Phuket, Koh Samui, Chang or Phi Phi, you're guaranteed a heavenly holiday with golden beaches, sun and exotic food. But the cost of housing differs radically. In big cities, a tourist will have to pay $400 per month, but in small resort towns it’s about $200.

Costa Rica

Housing prices per month: $100
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $1000

Costa Rica is a small paradise state in Central America, which tourists call the most beautiful place on earth. For travelers, there are nature reserves, parks, magnificent beaches overlooking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, waterfalls and wild jungle safaris.

To rent a whole house here, you need to spend $250 per month, but a simple apartment with all amenities will cost $100. Food in Costa Rica is also inexpensive, even if you eat in restaurants from time to time. Due to the abundance of seafood and fruit, dinner at the restaurant costs only $4. Thus, per month you will spend about $100 on food.

And since the beaches and the ocean are free pleasures, a heavenly month of relaxation is guaranteed to everyone.


Housing prices per month: $150
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $1000

After the economic crisis, the national currency of Argentina fell significantly, making accommodation for tourists in this country quite affordable. But due to its remote location, the flight to this beautiful country costs a decent amount.

Accommodation in a hotel, as in other countries, is of course more expensive than renting private housing. But an apartment with all the amenities right on the ocean will cost $150 per month. Unlike Asian countries, food in Argentina is much more expensive. If you are going to cook on your own, then be prepared to spend $200, and if you want to try the magnificent culinary masterpieces of national cuisine from the chef, this amount will increase several times.


Housing prices per month: $40-150
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $500

The Philippines are incredibly beautiful islands, with an interesting culture and hospitable people. In fact, this is not a very cheap place if you prefer to relax in a big city. But if you want to get away from the bustle of the city, lie on the beach by the ocean and enjoy a change of scenery, it is better to choose the small tourist town of Cebu for your vacation. There are golf courses and shopping centers, and housing prices have dropped to $150 per month. And if you visit the bustling town of Damakuete, you can live there with all the amenities for just $40 per month.

If you combine home-cooked meals with restaurant meals in the Philippines, you will have to spend about $200, without denying yourself anything.

We collect money for the flight and go to earthly paradise for a whole month. Have a nice holiday!

We studied guidebooks, forums, bloggers' reports, booking systems, sites with food prices and selected the most affordable countries for vacation. For each, we calculated a budget for two per day and converted it into dollars. This is the average amount for a couple of travelers who live in the same room, do not like to spend too much and stick to the golden mean in everything. After all, everyone understands differently by comfort: for some, a bed in a hostel is enough, for others, they will still choose among five-star hotels. Therefore, we did not take into account luxury hotels and restaurants, but found out how much it costs to have a meal in ordinary local cafes and stay in guesthouses, mini-hotels or Airbnb apartments.

In some countries, expenses can easily be cut by one and a half to two times if you use public transport, eat in non-tourist places and look for hotels according to the principle “we just need to spend the night.” For India and Indonesia, for example, we recommend a daily budget of $40–$50, but you can travel to these countries as a couple for $20 per day.

Faktrum publishes a very useful article from the Skyscanner blog that will help you plan your vacation profitably.

Cheap countries without visa


Approximate prices:

You can have a hearty and cheap meal in Armenia at every step: khachapuri in Yerevan costs up to 500 drams ($1), lamaj (flatbread with spicy meat filling) costs up to $1.7, and crayfish kebab near Lake Sevan costs about $3. The average bill in a simple cafe is $3–4, and for dinner for two in a tourist restaurant you will pay $7–30.

Photo source: Skyscanner.ru

In the capital of Armenia there are inexpensive hotels with double rooms for $25–30. If you like the comfort of home on vacation, rent a nice studio in a quiet area for $20 or an apartment in the city center on Airbnb for $30–40 per night. Outside the capital, prices are slightly lower. In Armenia, as in Georgia, a stranger can invite you for coffee, dinner or even overnight. Agree: this is not fraud, but hospitality.

Standard route:

Yerevan and surroundings; Lake Sevan; Vanadzor and Lori Gorge; Khor Virap monastery with views of Ararat; Vorotan Valley and Tatev Monastery.


You can enter Armenia without a visa for up to 180 days during the year. If you want more, find out how to apply for an Armenian visa.


Approximate prices:

There is no street food as such in Georgia. The only thing you can grab on the go is fresh khachapuri or lobiani, which are sold on every corner for 2-3 lari ($1). Lunch at the cafe will cost $6, and for a generous dinner with wine you can pay from $8. An intermediate option is khinkali: you won’t have to look for them for long; one piece costs 60–70 tetri ($0.25–0.30). A dozen khinkali with salad and a glass of beer (for everything - $4) is enough to fill you up for the whole day.

A modest double room in Tbilisi and Batumi costs from $40 per night. It will cost $10 less to rent an apartment in a pleasant area near the center of the capital. In seaside Batumi, you can rent a small apartment in the private sector in 2016 for $20–25. Prices here are tightly tied to the season: an apartment by the sea with a fresh renovation and all amenities costs about $40 per day in mid-summer. In less touristy areas, you can easily find guesthouses with rooms for $15-$30.

Standard route:

Tbilisi; Mtskheta and the Georgian Military Road; cave city in Vardzia; Sighnaghi and Kakheti; Svaneti; Batumi and the Black Sea coast. If time permits, you can take a one-way ticket to Georgia, travel further overland to Armenia or Turkey, and fly home from there.


Russian citizens can spend a whole year in Georgia without a visa.


Daily budget for two: $65–75

Approximate prices:

A skewer of aromatic chicken kebab in Abkhazia costs about 200 rubles ($2.7), a cheburek with cheese and meat costs 70 rubles ($1). Lunch at a cafe by the sea will cost $5–12 for two, and a hearty dinner at an Apatskhe (national cuisine restaurant) will cost $9.5–13.5. For a one and a half liter bottle of homemade Abkhaz wine you will pay about $2.7.

On Airbnb, you can rent a room in a house by the sea in Sukhumi for $10 per day, and an apartment in the city center for $37 per day. If you dare to look for housing locally, it may turn out even cheaper: a room in a private house in Gagra can be rented for $9, and near Pitsunda there are options for $8 for two. A room in a good seaside hotel in Abkhazia costs $20–33 per night.

Standard route:

Botanical Garden, Kelasur Wall and the ruins of Bagrat Castle in Sukhumi; monastery and underground karst cave in New Athos; beaches of Gudauta, Pitsunda and Gagra; reserve near Lake Ritsa.


To enter Abkhazia, Russians do not need either a visa or a foreign passport - an ordinary one is enough. Fly to Adler - from there it is only 10 km to the Abkhaz border, which runs along the Psou River.


Daily budget for two: $55–65

Approximate prices:

Lunch in street cafes costs from 12 to 50 thousand kip ($1.5–6), in a tourist cafe or restaurant - 50–100 thousand ($6–12). On average, a simple double room will cost about $12 per night. In the village of Vang Vieng, you can bargain on the spot and stay for that amount in a room with a wonderful view of the mountains. But in the capital, Vientiane, it is cheaper to book a hotel in advance: you can rent a cozy room for $15–17.

Almost all the attractions of Laos are paid, although they are very cheap: for example, entrance to the Paku caves will cost $2.5. These Buddhist caves can be reached by boat on the Mekong - you will pay $8 for a round trip and a stop at the “whiskey village”. Renting a motorbike with a manual transmission for the whole day in Laos costs about 70,000 kip - for $9 you are completely free to move around the country.

Standard route:

Vientiane; Luang Prabang; trekking in the Bocau National Park and/or rafting along the picturesque U River; Pakse and waterfalls of the Bolaven plateau; cruise along the Mekong south to Si Phan Don or to the 4000 Islands. You can continue your adventures in Cambodia or, if you go in the opposite direction, in Thailand.


If you are traveling to Laos for less than 15 days, you do not need a visa. The only requirement is that the passport must be valid for 6 months from the date of entry.


Daily budget for two: $40–$50

Approximate prices:

Street food in Indonesia costs pennies: nasi goreng or mi goreng (fried rice or noodles) will cost no more than $1.5–2. You can have breakfast and lunch in local cafes for $2.5–4.5, and a hearty dinner costs $5–8 depending on the level of the establishment. You can rent a decent guesthouse room in Sumatra for $10, in Java for $10–15, and in Bali for $15–20. Traveling between the islands is also cheap - ferry travel costs about $3.

Standard route:

Since you have flown 9,000 km, spending your entire vacation in Bali, no matter how beautiful it may be, means depriving yourself of many impressions. There are 17,000 islands to choose from, from tiny paradises like Gili to Sumatra the size of Spain. Don't miss Borobudur and Mount Bromo in Java, visit Lake Toba or go on a jungle trek in Borneo.


Citizens of the Russian Federation can enter Indonesia without a visa for 30 days through the international airports of Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Denpasar, Batam Island, as well as through four seaports. At other border points, Russians can obtain a visa on arrival for a period of 30 days.


Daily budget for two: $45–$55

Approximate prices:

Banh mi sandwiches in Vietnam are sold at every turn for 10–15 thousand dong ($0.5–0.7), and juices cost the same in fruit shops. For a bowl of pho soup in a cafe, pay 1–2 $, and for 0.5 liters of homemade bia hoi beer - 1 $. In local eateries they offer food for pennies: two servings of fish or chicken fried in ginger sauce, with a plate of rice and a bowl of soup - $2. In a presentable restaurant these amounts are multiplied by 2–3. A hearty seafood dinner at a tourist establishment with Vietnamese cuisine will cost $12–20. If you miss European dishes, pizza for $5 will save you. You can eat a burger, fries and soda at fast food Lotteria for $3. Imported alcohol in Vietnamese stores is no more expensive than in duty-free, and a bottle of local rum can be bought for $3-4.

You can rent a double room in a Hanoi hotel for $11–15; in the village of Mui Ne, prices start at $10 for a bungalow with a shower and air conditioning right next to the sea, and in Nha Trang you can still rent a nice room with amenities for $6–10. Service in Vietnamese hotels is excellent, regardless of star rating. Breakfast is included in the price nine times out of ten.

Standard route:

Hanoi; Ha Long Bay; Museum of Cham Sculpture in Da Nang; Nha Trang; Mui Ne village; Dalat; Hoi An Museum City; Phu Quoc Island off the coast of Cambodia.


Citizens of the Russian Federation can vacation in Vietnam without a visa for up to 15 days.


Daily budget for two: $70–80

Approximate prices:

Serbian analogues of fast food - cheese pie gibanica, spicy sausages cevapcici, pljeskavica (cutlets with a side dish or in a bun) - cost no more than 200 dinars ($2). Moreover, to fill up, one splash of water is enough. You can have lunch for two in a decent restaurant for $7–9.

A simple double room in Belgrade hotels costs about $30 per day. For $16 you can rent a room in a hostel, and for $25–35 you can rent an apartment in the center.

Standard route:

Belgrade; Novi Sad; Smederevo; national parks Tara or Fruska Gora; Bajina Basta or other towns along the picturesque Drina River; Drvengrad is an ethnic village from the films of Kusturica. You can go to even cheaper Macedonia.


To travel to Serbia, Russian citizens do not need a visa if the trip is within 30 days.


Daily budget for two: $80–90

Approximate prices:

Montenegrins' favorite national fast food is burek (a round pie or tubes filled with vegetables, cheese or meat) - sold for $1 in bakeries and on the beaches. A generous portion of cevapchichi with potatoes and pita bread costs $5–9 and is enough for two. It's even cheaper to have a meal at Mesar. These butcher shops sell semi-finished products, but you can ask for the same cevapchici to be fried on the spot - this is called “made on Rostile”. You can have a thorough breakfast in a Montenegrin cafe for two for $7–10, and a three-course restaurant dinner will cost $25–30. If you move literally 500 meters away from coastal establishments, you can save up to 50%.

The most expensive city in terms of housing is Budva: during peak season, simple one-room apartments by the sea are rented for $35–45 per day. But even in Budva, even in summer, you can rent a neat guesthouse room or a small studio for $20 if you book in advance. In winter in Montenegro, prices for hotels and apartments fall by almost half.

Standard route:

Podgorica; resorts of the Bay of Kotor (Kotor, Perast, Risan, Koštanica, Tivat, Herceg Novi); resorts of the Adriatic coast (Budva, Becici, Rafailovici, Sveti Stefan, Petrovac, Bar); Ostrog Monastery; national parks Lovcen and Durmitor with the Tara River canyon.


Citizens of the Russian Federation can stay in Montenegro without a visa for 30 consecutive days.

Cheap countries with visa on arrival or online


Daily budget for two: $40–$45

Approximate prices:

Street food in India costs practically nothing: a serving of vegetarian thali (rice, stewed vegetables, lentils and flatbread) will cost 50 rupees ($0.8), and you can have a hearty lunch at a local eatery for 150 rupees ($2.3). The average bill in tourist restaurants is $3–6.

The situation with housing is similar: almost everywhere for 5–8 $ you will get a set of a bed, walls and roof, for 10–15 $ you will get a decent room with air conditioning. In Mumbai, Goa and Kerala, prices during the peak season - from December to February - increase 2-3 times. You can rent a scooter for a day for 200–250 rupees ($3–4). If you are traveling for a long time, it is better to rent a scooter for a week or a month - it will be even cheaper, about 150 rupees per day, and you will also be able to see neighboring states.

Standard route:

Delhi; Agra; a circle through the cities and villages of Rajasthan or a trip through the foothills of the Himalayas in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand; and further - according to interests: either to Varanasi and Nepal, or to the south, to Mumbai and Goa or to Kerala. If time permits, visit Punjab (Amritsar), Kashmir and Ladakh.


If you are entering India through Chennai, Delhi, Goa, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Cochin, Hyderabad and Trivandrum airports, you can apply for your visa online.


Daily budget for two: on a track in the mountains - about $40; in the rest of the country - $45–50.

Approximate prices:

In Nepal, you can have a hearty lunch for two at a street eatery for 400–500 rupees ($4–5). In tourist cafes prices are 2-3 times higher; lunch for two will cost closer to $15.

You can rent a double room in a cheap guesthouse with a shower and toilet on the floor for $5–8 per day. For $15–20 you can stay in a decent hotel in Kathmandu. The average cost of a small comfortable room for two in Nagarkot is from $15 per night, and in Pokhara - from $10.

Standard route:

Kathmandu and surrounding areas (Bhaktapur, Nagarkot); several days in the Chitwan Nature Reserve; Lumbini; Pokhara and mountain trekking - to Everest, Annapurna, Manaslu, etc.


A Nepalese visa can be obtained both at the Embassy in Moscow and at the airport upon arrival. Simply fill out the online form 15 days before your trip and present it at the border.


Daily budget for two: $70–80

Approximate prices:

You can buy a fried spider, a kilogram of mango or a bunch of bananas for $1 in Cambodia. Two servings of baked mussels with salad will cost $6. A hearty dinner with pork steak, potatoes and vegetables costs the same, and for a huge pizza for two in a regular cafe you will pay about $5. A glass of local beer in seaside bars costs $0.5, a jug will cost $2. You will spend more on spiritual food in Cambodia than on regular food: a ticket to Angkor for 1 day - $20, for 3 days - $40, for a week - $60. To rise above Angkor Wat in a yellow hot air balloon, pay $20.

A room with a double bed, air conditioning and shower in a guesthouse in the resort of Sihanoukville can be rented for $12–15 per day, and comfortable hotel rooms in Phnom Penh cost $15–20 per night. Khmers do not like to bargain; it is better to book accommodation in advance.

Standard route:

Siem Reap and Angkor temple complex; Lake Toplesap with floating villages, beaches of Sihanoukville (Ochuteal-Serendipity, Otres); Koh Rong island; Phnom Bokor National Park; Phnom Penh.


You can obtain a visa to Cambodia immediately upon arrival or in advance via the Internet.

Sri Lanka

Daily budget for two: $60–70

Approximate prices:

Food in Sri Lanka is similar to South Indian food in both taste and prices. Roti (spring rolls) cost from 40 Sri Lankan rupees ($0.28) for a vegetarian option to 120 rupees ($0.8) for a triangle with chicken and cheese. For a bunch of bananas you will pay $0.14, for a drinking coconut - $0.25, for a kilogram of papaya - $0.42. King prawns at the Hikkaduwa market sell for $7/kg, and buy a 0.75-liter bottle of red rum for $10. Kottu (something like a shredded hamburger) costs $1.5–2 in non-tourist cafes. Two servings of seafood dinner, rice with curry, salad and beer in a restaurant will cost $7–10.

The average price for a room with hot water and a fan in a guesthouse is $14–20 per night. In party places like Mirissa and Unawatuna on the south coast, prices are higher - on New Year's Eve and until March, locals rent out housing for $28–$55 per night. Prices for double rooms in Colombo hotels start from $25, and you can spend the night in a hostel for $16. If you plan to stay in Sri Lanka for a long time, it is wiser to rent a house or apartment for $330 per month (including utilities) on the spot.

Standard route:

Colombo; Pinnawela Elephant Nursery; Temple of the Tooth Relic in Kandy, Lion Rock in Sigiriya, other Buddhist sites in Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa; tea plantations of Nuwara Eliya; national reserve in the Sinharaja forest.


There are three ways to obtain a visa to Sri Lanka - at the Embassy in Moscow, upon arrival at the airport or online.

Cheap visa countries


Daily budget for two: $80–90

Approximate prices:

You won't find street food in the Asian sense of the term in Romania. You can have lunch in a cheap cafe or fast food for about 10–30 lei ($2.5–7). A hearty lunch in restaurants in Brasov and Sighisoara will cost $12–14. Dinner at a highly advertised establishment in Bucharest will cost 100 lei ($24).

On average across the country, a simple double room in a guesthouse or two-star hotel costs $20–30. You can rent an apartment in the heart of Bucharest for $30–40 per day; in Brasov, aim for $35–45.

Standard route:

Bucharest; Danube Delta; Mamaia and other Black Sea resorts; Peles and Bran castles (“Dracula’s castle”); medieval Brasov; Transylvanian towns of Sighisoara and Sibiu. If you travel by car, do not miss the beautiful Transfagarasan mountain road.


Romania is a member of the European Union, but has not signed the Schengen Agreement. With a national visa you can not only travel around the country, but also go to Bulgaria, Croatia and Cyprus. If you already have a long-term entry permit for these countries or a multiple-entry Schengen visa, you will not need to obtain a separate visa for Romania. In other cases, you need to apply for a Romanian visa.


Daily budget for two: $85–95

Approximate prices:

The famous Hungarian goulash costs from 950 forints ($3.3). You can have a snack for two in an inexpensive cafe for $10, and a thorough dinner in a restaurant for $28. An impressive pizza will cost $5, and a cup of coffee with a delicate cake in Hungarian csukrázdy (pastry shops) is priced at only $2.5.

Cozy apartments in the very center of Budapest on Airbnb cost from $35–45 per night; in guesthouses on the outskirts you can live in comfortable rooms for $25. Apartments near Lake Balaton will cost another $5 less.

Standard route:

Budapest with its baths; Medveotthon Bear Park in Véresegyháza; open-air ethno-museum Skansen near the town of Szentendre; ancient Székesfehérvár; Pannonhalma Abbey; Lake Balaton and 10 more ideas for short trips from Budapest.


To enter Hungary you need a Schengen visa.


Daily budget for two: $80–90

Approximate prices:

A cup of coffee in Bulgaria costs from 0.8 to 1.5 levs ($0.5–0.8), a plate of soup (pileshka - chicken or trampota - with meatballs) - about 1 $, and Shopska salad - 2-3 $ . You can have breakfast in the Sofia cafe for $10 for two. A three-course dinner with drinks in a good metropolitan restaurant will cost about $20–22.

A double room in guesthouses in the city center costs from $16 per night. For $18 you can rent a room with a shower, air conditioning and a refrigerator in Kosharitsa and Ravda. A studio room in a three-star apart-hotel in the Sunny Beach resort costs about $26. Through Airbnb you can rent an excellent apartment by the sea with a pool in the yard for $25–35.

Standard route:

The most striking places in Bulgaria: Sofia and Mount Vitosha; Koprivshtitsa; Plovdiv and Perperikon; Valley of Roses; Rila Monastery and the Seven Lakes; Nessebar; tiny Melnik; beaches of Sunny Beach.


Bulgaria is not part of the Schengen zone, but you can enter this country with a double or multiple-entry Schengen visa. You can also visit Bulgaria if your passport contains valid multiple-entry visas from Romania, Croatia or Cyprus. In other cases, you need to obtain a Bulgarian visa.

As practice shows, a budget holiday abroad at sea is quite possible. The most popular among tourists are Türkiye, Egypt and Bulgaria. Each country is ready to offer a quality vacation for relatively little money.

Egypt and Türkiye are excellent countries for holidays with children. Traveling will not cost you very much if you choose 3-4 star hotels. As a rule, each of them has its own territory, recreational area, outdoor pools (for children and adults), and animators. Some even have multiple water slides. Nutrition also deserves special attention. The all-inclusive program will not allow you to spend extra money. Thus, your vacation will be rich, tasty and cheap.

Bulgaria is very popular among tourists looking to relax. Hotels here are of a slightly different plan than in Turkey and Egypt. The all-inclusive system is not widespread and is not profitable if you are interested in a budget option. The best way in Bulgaria is to rent a room in a family hotel or an apartment with a kitchen. The food products are of good quality. It’s filling and you can eat it in a cafe: the portions are very large and tasty.

Many tourists choose Asian destinations for a cheap holiday. The most popular destinations are Thailand, GOA, and Hainan Island (China). The main expense in this case is the flight. But good housing, food, entertainment and travel are very cheap. This holiday is suitable for lovers of exotic and unusual cuisine.

Among European countries, the most profitable holidays can be organized in Italy, Greece, Spain, and Cyprus. In these places you can safely choose 2-star hotels. They are especially suitable for people traveling exclusively for sightseeing or the sea.

Your vacation will be cheaper if you don't eat at hotels or restaurants. Best option: local fast food or self-cooking. The last approach is ideal if you are not staying in a hotel, but rented an apartment or apartment (which is much cheaper).

You can also have an inexpensive holiday in Europe in Montenegro, Romania or Croatia. These countries are distinguished by their centuries-old history, many attractions, excellent beaches and delicious cuisine. The only negative is the service. It is far from Central European, but for a budget holiday this is rarely important.

It is worth noting that the budget for a vacation largely depends on the way it is organized. To some countries it is more profitable to buy a tour, to others - to organize a trip on your own. The first method is especially relevant for eastern destinations (Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt). To Europe, China, Thailand, as a rule, cheaper

Seaside holidays can be organized not only in Egypt and Turkey. It is quite possible to have a great time in Russia, especially since it has certain advantages - the cost of living is low, the service has improved to European standards, and there is no language barrier.

There are many seas in Russia, so it is possible to visit different parts of the country, getting acquainted not only with their nature, but also with some attractions.

Where is the cheapest seaside holiday in Russia in summer?

The Black, Azov, Baltic and Caspian seas can be considered as a place to spend a holiday in Russia. At each of them you can find inexpensive but comfortable places for guests.

Cheap resorts in the South

The south of the country is the Black and Azov Seas. , Novorossiysk, Yeisk, Gelendzhik - these cities, of course, are attractive to tourists - developed infrastructure, plenty of entertainment, high-level service. But they are also the most expensive for recreation, so it is worth choosing small southern villages, which are rightfully considered resorts. There are several that are most promising in terms of holidays.


A village on the Black Sea coast, located in a bay and protected from the winds by mountains. This is an amazing place: a lot of tourists come here, but they somehow “dissolve” throughout the populated area, so there are no large crowds either in the amusement park, or in canteens and cafes, or on the beach.

Vacationers can stay in hotels and guest houses; there is always the opportunity to use private services - the cost of a bed ranges from 400 to 600 rubles, depending on the season.

True, the amenities will be outside, and the kitchen will be shared. It is interesting that there is no point in talking about the distance of housing in Arkhipo-Osipovka from the sea - from anywhere in the village you can reach the beach on foot in 15 - 20 minutes.

This settlement invites its guests to visit the Museum of Wine and Bread, a miniature oceanarium, and a children's water park. There is also a lot of entertainment on the beach and embankment: a boat trip to the open sea with swimming, fishing with the obligatory catch of stingrays (by the way, they are very tasty baked) and sardines, banana/cheesecake rides, a lot of attractions, a dolphinarium and a crocodile farm.

If you get really bored, then at any time you can go to Gelendzhik - a large resort town.

Separately, it is worth mentioning cafes and canteens. Many visitors from big cities believe that in terms of prices there is communism here. A 3-course lunch per person costs 400 rubles, and the choice of such “catering” establishments is simply huge. If you plan to decide on your own food program, you can use online markets with quite reasonable prices for food.

Villages near Anapa

There are several of them: Bolshoi Utrish, Blagoveshchenskaya village, Vityazevo, Sukko. All of them are located within 20 km from Anapa and only Blagoveshchenskaya is 40 km away. These are quite quiet resort villages that can offer vacationers clean beaches, shops, and entertainment.

Bolshoy Utrish is famous for its Zhemchuzhny waterfall and stationary dolphinarium; a special attraction is the hundred-year-old lighthouse, which still performs its functions. There is the main village beach here, and literally 1 km from it there is a nudist beach.

Lovers of wild holidays, quiet places and tranquility will definitely appreciate the cost of living in this village - 500 - 700 rubles per person in the private sector and 700 - 1000 rubles in a hotel. Food is not included in this price, but the developed network of cafes and canteens will not leave anyone hungry.

Vityazevo and Sukko are places protected from the winds, in which the air is somewhat drier than in Anapa, but no less healthy. In Sukko the beach is pebble, located 1 km from the village. An excellent highway connects these 2 objects, and public transport runs daily and every 3 - 5 minutes in both directions.

The village of Blagoveshchenskaya deserves special attention - it is located 40 km from Anapa, it has a sandy beach several kilometers long. Those who don’t like noisy parties and nightclubs come here to relax. In the village you can rent a room or a house from local residents - the prices are quite reasonable, only 500 - 1500 rubles per day, depending on the level of the guest house.

Resort villages of the Azov Sea

There is much less choice here, but according to reviews from those who have already visited them, it is worth paying attention to Kuchugury, Ilyich and Peresyp. These are small and cozy settlements that have everything for a comfortable stay:

  • sandy beaches with a flat bottom;
  • shallow sea depth is the best option for children;
  • local markets with fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and dairy products;
  • grocery and souvenir shops.

There are also small amusement parks and various “entertainment” activities on the beach – from cheesecakes and “bananas” to water slides.

The cost of living is “magical” - you can rent a house in Ilyich for 1500 - 3000 rubles per day, a little cheaper in Peresyp - up to 2500 rubles.

Such houses have everything you need for a comfortable stay: household appliances, amenities, bed linen, towels, dishes, in the courtyards there is a barbecue grill, a gazebo, and often a bathhouse or sauna. In Kuchugury it is cheaper to use the services of a private owner - you can rent a bed for 250 - 500 rubles per day. The issue of food will not be an issue: there are cafes with canteens, grocery stores, and local residents consistently supply tourists with their own products.

Thrifty in the Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea should have been called a lake, since it does not have access to the ocean. But this natural reservoir is too large in size, and the climate is completely marine. As a result, the Caspian Sea has become one of the summer holiday destinations, which successfully combines modern service, sea beaches, historical attractions and the opportunity to visit the Volga.

The most comfortable and cheapest places to relax in the summer on the Caspian Sea are:

  • Astrakhan is a large and noisy city with a developed infrastructure; the cost of hotel accommodation starts from 1,500 rubles per day for a double room;
  • Lagan is a quiet and calm city with a slightly developed infrastructure, but with the opportunity to have a quality holiday with children, the cost of living in the private sector is from 250 rubles per day per person;
  • Kaspiysk is a fairly developed settlement in Dagestan, all hotels are guarded, so tourists are not in danger; the cost of living in a double room under the all-inclusive program starts from 1,350 rubles per day.

The cheapest places to vacation in the Caspian Sea are Derbent and Makhachkala. These places are considered unpopular among tourists, so prices for accommodation, food and entertainment are much lower than in the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory. In these cities, every guest is valued, they are provided with a comfortable and safe stay, and a lot of historical attractions and the beauty of nature make the holiday not only useful, but also educational.

Watch the video about vacationing on the Caspian Sea:

Cheap on the Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea is not only icy winds, but also quite comfortable summer months. This destination for a seaside holiday in the summer is not particularly popular, and it’s completely in vain! The cities of Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk are considered one of the most inexpensive resorts. What you need to know about these places:

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Danilov

Travel expert on budget travel

On the Baltic Sea coast there are also small villages - Morskoye, Lesnoye and Rybachy. But the cost of living in them will start from 1,500 rubles per day per person. There are very few hotels in these villages, so it is advisable to stay in Zelenogradsk and make mini-trips from there.

Recommendations for organizing a cheap summer holiday on the Russian seas

  • Cheaper vacations will be where there are not a large number of vacationers. It is better to look for small settlements. The infrastructure in them may not be as developed as possible, but it is quite acceptable.
  • If you can’t live without noise and fun, then in large resort towns you should choose housing at some distance from the sea. The cost will be cheaper, and public transport in such places works perfectly.
  • A cheap summer vacation at sea is one in which the food problem is solved independently. Rooms with a shared kitchen are inexpensive in any resort town, they are all equipped with a TV and air conditioning, but may lack amenities (showers and toilets will be outside).
  • Do not be afraid of Dagestan - in this republic the security system of hotels and hotels that have their own access to the sea beaches works well. But a vacation in the Caspian Sea will really be cheap both in terms of the cost of accommodation and the price of lunches, excursions, and souvenirs.

Summer holidays at sea are becoming accessible to the majority of the population. It is worth making an effort in advance to choose a specific place, book a room or room in the private sector. With this approach, you will be able to have a quality rest without emptying your bank account.