Relaxation area in the garden with swings. Do-it-yourself recreation areas in the country

The proverb "business is time, and fun is an hour" once had the opposite meaning: "business is time, and fun is an hour", that is, business is business, but one must not forget about rest, even in the midst of work in the garden and in the garden. We have repeatedly told how to equip recreation areas with a hearth for a cauldron or a Pompeian stove, with a gazebo from the wildest dreams, expressing the individuality and spiritual preferences of the owner. And if the size of the site does not allow equipping large gazebos and making complex furnace complexes, you can make a "fast", in fact, a mobile recreation area for a summer house or a private house.

Canopy and mobile walls

As is often the case, a FORUMHOUSE user has a recreation area at the dacha Denisov appeared naturally. At first, on this place next to the house (measuring 5x4m) there was a legacy bathtub, covered with a door - it was a table. Then a tent appeared over the table, which stood right on the ground, then the floor was made, then the rest area began to look like in the photos below. Furniture and a cauldron with a stove were constantly rearranged from place to place in search of the ideal.

The tent of the tent served three seasons, and it turned out that "pilaf with rainwater is not a tasty dish." The need for a stationary canopy rose to its full height, and the recreation area had to remain open, but, if necessary, protect from possible precipitation. Denisov came up with such a cool thing to build for his project: a side compartment. The sliding wall is made of a polycarbonate sheet moving along the guides. Usually it is located against the wall of the house, and when the need arises, it moves and closes the canopy.

Since the recreation area is located close to the house, the main problem was to protect the canopy from possible snow melting from the roof. For this, it was decided to make such snow holders.

When the plot is small, the seating area is often located close to the house. This way the available space is spent more competently and economically, and so there are more opportunities to create at the same time inaccessible to an outsider's eye, and in the summer open space with a pergola roof, or even without a roof at all. The main thing is that the brazier or stove does not stand too close to the house, and the walls do not get dirty with smoke and soot.

Rest area on the site: planning

You can equip a recreation area on any, the tiniest personal plot. True, when planning it, it is necessary to take into account the cardinal points and the prevailing winds.

To equip an ideal gardening spot, remember that it must have its back to the prevailing winds.

This "back", if possible, should be a blank wall. And since gatherings usually take place in the evenings, you need to think about how to make sure that the setting sun from the west does not blind your eyes. And so - even the nook between the house and the garage can be turned into a place for relaxation, quiet evening gatherings and brunch on weekends. Our design assistants are here: trellis pergolas, vertical flower beds, potted plants, mobile garden furniture, portable mini barbecues, an awning instead of a fixed roof. Instead of sun loungers and benches, you can use options for frameless garden furniture: on bean bags during the day you can sunbathe by the pool, and in the evening you can sit in them around the fire.

They are stuffed with expanded polystriol, which is sold in hardware stores. The main thing is that for gardening such a chair should have two covers, the upper one made of fabric with water-repellent impregnation.

Buying standard garden furniture is not the approach to the arrangement of the site that is most approved on our portal: "Everything is somehow impersonal, and the prices are not encouraging." To order something unique, or even better - to create this unique one with your own hands, in extreme cases - to repeat on a budget the idea of ​​a well-known manufacturer - this is according to FORUMHOUSE-ski.

Irrena FORUMHOUSE user

If you take a tree in your hands, and your soul sings, then what's the difference what they sell in megamarkets.

You should not neglect sales, especially when it comes to a recreation area on a small plot.

So, skissa she bought a sliding garden table with a hole for an umbrella made of eucalyptus (3,000 rubles) and a eucalyptus table and two chairs for 2,000 at a sale. She believes that even if she made this furniture out of pine with her own hands, it would have cost more.

skissa FORUMHOUSE user

It makes sense to order furniture when you need one hundred percent exclusive, something very unusual, and, accordingly, very expensive.

But it’s a sin to buy this simple set of tables and benches sold at every corner - according to the calculations of the portal participants, the purchase of boards, screws, impregnation and protective composition is much cheaper.

Yacht varnish is not the best option for outdoor products, it is better to treat them in 2-3 layers with a protective composition like "pinotex, biotex" and the like.

This product is the son of a FORUMHOUSE member OnlyOn made under his guidance and according to his drawing.


It's a pity to put such beauty on damp ground, so my son decided to build a "trestle bed": four columns of logs, a strapping of four bars, and on top - a flooring. Painted with floor paint. It worked out well.

Do-it-yourself recreation area.

zerok FORUMHOUSE user

Then he does not want to be watered with rain, and will roll down the slope into the construction.

Here's how you can develop this “table from the store” idea:

Fyi made it from the material left over from the construction of the gazebo, made it more massive and aged.

legolas16 developed the idea by complementing the table with benches with a wooden canopy-roof.

Purchased in a store or made by hand, furniture for a small recreation area on the site should be, according to a survey conducted on our portal, convenient, easy to carry, resistant to decay, durable, durable, easy to clean, “and no curls for easy repainting ". The design is like this chair.

How to equip a recreation area with furniture

After construction at a FORUMHOUSE participant Snegoff there remained pallets, conditionally suitable for the production of snakes, from which two armchairs and a two-seater sofa were obtained - an excellent place to relax in the country.

Snegoff FORUMHOUSE user

The pallet was cut in half along the planks at the base and back. For the armchairs, another third was filed across. The workpieces were brushed from dirt, rot and burnt. I collected everything on screws, using an inch board for strapping. Ready-made armchairs and a sofa are covered with biotex in two layers.

None of the family members expected the result to inspire further investment in this project to improve the quality of suburban life. But furniture foam rubber (60 mm) and fabric for covers were bought. The most expensive thing about pillows with removable covers with zippers was foam rubber.

Rest areas in the garden

Photos with pallet furniture show that the site is paved with old bricks, which were also left over from the construction site. This coating will not serve for a very long time, but in the future the site will still be planned and redone, but for now "At least they decided to spend the season like decent people." The sod was removed from the future recreation site in the country house, since the site has a slope, the site was leveled with a level and a leveling pad of sand was made. The first rows of bricks were laid along a string. The wide seams are explained by the depressing geometry of the brick: it would just not fit into a butt-end. The seams were covered with a hartsovka (a mixture of lime and sand) left over from finishing work .

Mad posted on his summer cottage "Red square made of clay bricks and quartzite paving stones».


The scheme is standard: we dig a recess along the contour, down the film, 30 cm of sand and tamp it. Then the curb on the cement, and inside we pave the brick.

As a result, thanks to this design, a small seating area on a red ground under an air canopy under the pine trees, on which only a tea table will fit, will create exactly the "rest", serene mood necessary after working in the garden.

Have nency a platform for a table, benches and a barbecue (6x3 m) is made of unnecessary logs. The logs for its arrangement were sawn into segments 25 centimeters high. The saw cuts, treated to protect against decay with used mineral machine oil, were placed on a sand cushion and tamped down with sand and water. The project was implemented in six days practically "in one hand". A small pit was dug with a small excavator. At the initial stage, this idea caused bewilderment, irony and laughter among everyone, including workers and neighbors. Now everyone liked the site. When lawn grass is planted between the logs, it will be even better. There are options to fill up the gaps with fine gravel or screenings.

nency FORUMHOUSE user

I do not pretend to be recognized for my creation, but tiles, etc. bored in Moscow. Moreover, a forest area, urbanizing a piece of forest is also not the best option.

If the construction of something more or less stationary in a recreation area at a summer cottage categorically seems like a waste of time and money, you can get by with natural grass. The only thing is that the grass should be as resistant to trampling as possible: meadow bluegrass, meadow fescue, etc. are suitable. In the recreation area, the lawn is mowed every two weeks, or even more often.

Another option for a small area is to lay it out with turf. With regular watering, the grass will take root quite quickly.

FORUMHOUSE users have long been using it as a covering for recreation areas. In addition to strength, the advantage of this material is that it can not be fixed tightly, but removed for the winter or if necessary.

Mobile grill

If a recreation area on a private plot does not have a stationary hearth, there are many ways out of this situation, especially since a mobile barbecue on the edge of the garden can bring no less joy than a luxurious stove.

lme1979 made a brazier from a gas cylinder.

lme1979 FORUMHOUSE user

You cut it in half lengthwise with a grinder, weld four supports, and the grill is ready. And just goes into the trunk of the car.

Here's how you can improve such a grill (done Pilligrimxxl):

Uncle Vova made a round country barbecue with a diameter of 0.5 meters. It turned out "unexpectedly cool, surprisingly to the neighbors." And just sit by the fire, bake meat and vegetables on the wire rack, and put a cauldron or frying pan.

Or here's a good idea - a tandoor made from flower pots. Invented and brought to life sandrovich... How to make it is clear from the photo.

Why don't you “cuddle up” your yard? You don't have to be a designer to do this!
Competent zoning of the local area will allow you to tune in the right way!

Stylish idea, isn't it?

A small courtyard of a private house is not a sentence. And here you can resort to a functional and beautiful design. Since the size of the plot does not always allow you to equip a terrace for relaxation or a large gazebo, you can always create a small secluded corner with a table and chairs under a tree or near tall bushes that provide shade. will create even greater coziness.

Well, this is a great idea for arranging a summer cottage or a country house. Since a plot of a house in a village is usually much larger than an urban one, you will probably find a place both for an orchard and a barbecue with a gazebo, where you can comfortably hide from the scorching sun or rain while relaxing.

Getting started with the design of a private courtyard design with your own hands, think over what your beautiful courtyard will be like, how you want it to be, take into account all the features, if you have children and pets, decide whether you will gather guests for barbecue ...

How do you like the idea of ​​a lawn bed? In my opinion, very creative and unusual!

An excellent solution, especially for those who have every meter of land under control.

No matter how you arrange the house (it is recommended to plan the construction of the main building so as not to obscure the garden area), it is still the center of the courtyard, with pedestrian paths, a driveway, and other buildings attached to it. Each of the elements must correspond to the main structure on the site, emphasize it, demonstrate the author's design to the eye of the visiting guest in the best possible way.

When decorating a courtyard, you should first plan a place for rest, and then equip the rest of the territory beautifully and harmoniously. Natural materials and elements are well suited for this: fire, water, stones, greenery, flowers and trees.

The recreation area can be divided into a place for the active part of the family, a summer kitchen sector and a corner of relaxation, quiet rest.

This is what happens if you paint the pots with fluorescent paint!

It is important that the design of the courtyard of a private house looks attractive from all sides. Therefore, the preliminary project should be evaluated from different points of view: from the window, from the terrace, balcony, along the perimeter of the courtyard and from the street side.

The design of the courtyard of a private house in the village is quite easy to do with your own hands, since old gardening tools, wheelbarrows, flower pots and almost any old things that can be turned into decor are ideal for creating a rustic style.

What a great idea, I will definitely show it to my husband!

Turn a piece of free space into a small entertainment center: a place for a fire, grill, table and chairs. Think carefully about the layout. For example, you can beautifully pave a space that will allow you to enjoy the garden all year round!

Before you start improving the recreation area at your dacha, decide specifically what you want to see in the end. The concept of rest has its own meaning for everyone, we prefer to spend our free time in very different ways.

A little creative imagination - and you will be able to equip a pleasant, comfortable place where all family members want to spend time. If you want to create something completely original, embodying special ideas for a recreation area in the country, you can always resort to the help of a professional.

Determining the place

Pay attention to the main points to consider when choosing a suggested location for a recreation area.

Wind. Determine where the wind is blowing most often from - this is the most uncomfortable side, especially in autumn, when the cool dampness blows. Here it is necessary to place objects that protect against gusts of wind - trees and other fences.

The sun. If the zone will be used frequently during the daytime, it is necessary to provide protection from the scorching sun, or arrange the elements within the zone so that bright sunlight does not cause discomfort to vacationers.

Protection from prying eyes. A wicker fence or an installed trellis with planted grapes will help to avoid the intrusive glances of outside observers.

Bad weather. If located in an open area, you will need awnings to protect from the rain.

Selecting the type of recreation area

Recreation areas can be open, closed and relocatable. When choosing where to stay, take into account its future purpose, as well as the age of those people who will mainly rest here.

Below in the photo, each of you will be able to see examples of recreation areas in the country, in order to understand thoroughly which option to translate into reality at your summer cottage.


Perhaps the most versatile, common option. It can organically fit into the space of any suburban area. But at the same time, the option is the most expensive.

For construction, wood is usually used, in some cases the walls are made of steel rods. Combines perfectly with the barbecue area.

BBQ area

A popular option, usually the central part of the suburban area is allocated for it. You can position the barbecue area closer to the corner of the fence for excellent wind protection. A brazier (brazier), a table with benches are installed in this zone.

You can decorate it beautifully with the help of an interesting decor - pots, original candles with candlesticks, cute lanterns that will create a cozy atmosphere conducive to friendly conversations. The tastefully equipped barbecue area will become a real gem of a summer cottage.


The area inside the courtyard is being set up in order to relax on fine, warm days. As for the location, the best option would be to equip it near the summer kitchen or veranda. It is better to pave the area with stone, boards will do.

Beautiful furniture, a canopy are essential attributes. To achieve maximum comfort, it is better to separate the area from the garden with hedges, lush shrubs, grapes or flower beds.


This zone will revive the planting of flower beds with bright flowers, fruit trees, ornamental shrubs. The garden is perfect for casual walks or picnics. Arranging a seating area in the garden is the cheapest idea.

Fountains, reservoirs

The sound of bubbling water gives peace and tranquility. Sitting in silence, it is pleasant to watch the flowing streams of the fountain. This is a secluded corner where no one will bother you, and you can relax, collect your thoughts.

Decorating a recreation area near a small pond or fountain on your site is just a great idea. There is enough shelter, shrubs or trees around, and a small comfortable bench to create a pleasant, secluded atmosphere. Blankets and beautiful pillows will help add comfort.


When considering how to create a cozy seating area in the country, focus on finding suitable furniture. Think over its location, the functional load that it should carry, the theme of the equipped recreation area.

If we talk about the gazebo, then the tree is the most appropriate material here. Wooden chairs and tables will last a long time, this material is reliable and quite affordable.

Forged benches will harmoniously fit into the area located in the garden. As for their durability, you can be calm, they will steadfastly survive any bad weather and precipitation, without losing their decorative qualities.

If you prefer a more original approach, pay attention to the furniture made of stone. But this option requires careful thought over the surroundings, combining with other decor items.

Consider the fact that sitting on a stone for a long time is harmful and cold enough. It is better to use a stone in the decoration of the table - such a product will serve you for more than a dozen years.

Wicker furniture can be used anywhere, in a summer cottage it will be appropriate in any corner. Undoubted advantages - wicker furniture is very beautiful, you can buy it inexpensively without any problems, besides, it is light and easy to move around. It can come to a deplorable state only in the pouring rain, so you should not have such furniture in the open air.

Wherever you decide to equip a recreation area, remember that little things decide a lot. The overall impression that you manage to create depends on how interesting the decor will be.

Using original pillows and blankets, candles, vases, flower pots, lanterns and illumination of ponds, you can create a space in which you and your guests will enjoy spending time.

Photo of the recreation area in the country

Becoming the owner of a country cottage, many of us get an excellent opportunity not only to grow environmentally friendly products, but also to enjoy outdoor recreation away from the bustle of the city. The recreation area at the dacha is a cozy corner where you can calmly relax, hiding from the whole world, or spend a pleasant evening in a friendly company with the smoke of a barbecue to boot. The arrangement of this corner of the site depends primarily on the purpose that it will perform. Let's take a closer look.

There are several common and most successful design options for a garden recreation area.

Outdoor area for active recreation

Arrangement of an open recreation area in the country will allow fans of active games and sports entertainment to fully enjoy their favorite outdoor activity.

Open areas are ideal for joint children's games and for noisy adult discos under the starry sky

Closed area for privacy and tranquility

Such a platform is an "open room", the walls of which can be decorative fabric curtains, trellises with climbing plants and bamboo screens.

A light canopy slightly letting through the sun's rays will give the structure a special comfort and protect the owners in bad weather

Mobile version of the site

The use of metal or wooden mobile structures in the arrangement of closed areas allows you to transform the "room" into an open meadow at any time. Such frames can be made prefabricated or simply portable.

By moving the mobile structure anywhere in the garden, you can always maintain a sense of novelty

Patio - a patio hidden from prying eyes

The patio is located between the outbuildings and outbuildings. The patio outwardly resembles a closed area, but the adjoining walls of the house act as protective and enclosing supports in this version. An open-air room is a great option for organizing family holidays, receiving guests and privacy in order to soak up the sun and sunbathe.

The best option for placing and decorating such a recreation area in the country is a well-lit back side of the house, which protects from dust and street noise

How to arrange a rest corner yourself?

When choosing a place for a resting corner, you must first of all build on the capabilities of the territory. It is possible to set aside a plot and arrange an open recreation area at the dacha both in the front part of the garden and in its depths.

A cozy corner in the shade of trees will create a real oasis of peace and tranquility, which will be enjoyed by people of mature age

For a playground, it is advisable to choose a site with a sunny meadow and a shady corner, ready to shelter restless kids on a sultry afternoon

When choosing a place, they are guided by the following points:

  • Convenient approach of the site and the proximity of its location to the house.
  • Protection from prying eyes of passers-by.
  • Presence of a small slope to prevent water accumulation.

In small areas, the recreation area has a more compact shape. On plots with a larger area, you can successfully divide the garden recreation area into several subzones, united by a single design.

Open flat areas are chosen for the general recreation area, on which there is a place for a barbecue or barbecue, a small shed or gazebo, as well as a large table with benches

For lovers of outdoor activities, you should provide a place for sports games: volleyball supports, basketball racks or a small complex of horizontal bars with ropes and rings

Stage # 2 - territory zoning

You can separate the recreation area from the main garden using. Plants for the design of such fences can be selected depending on the illumination of the designated area and the owner's taste preferences. Coniferous hedges not only complement the design of the recreation area in the country, but also purify the air by filling it with essential oils with bactericidal properties.

Fences can also be made from bamboo, stone, and wood.

Stage # 3 - foundation preparation + paving

Thinking over the design of the recreation area in the garden, do not forget about such a functional element of the interior as.

The brazier can be used both for its intended purpose, delighting guests with a fragrant barbecue, and as a heating device, the fire in which will warm on a rainy day and allow

In families with small children, instead of a barbecue in open areas, they are often installed, which also successfully replace the traditional stove.

Outdoor fireplaces do not have open flames and therefore are safer designs.

Stage # 5 - choosing garden furniture

When choosing garden furniture for a comfortable stay, designers recommend following principles such as lightness and practicality.

An alternative to the upholstered furniture familiar to many of us can be wicker, wooden, forged openwork or plastic

The materials used for the manufacture of garden furniture are usually easy to maintain and are not afraid of adverse weather conditions. A variety of soft flooring and cushions will help to decorate the furniture and increase a comfortable rest, which can always be brought under the shed in case of rain.

It's all about the details: the choice of accessories

It is known that coziness is created at the expense of little things. Ceramic figurines of fairy-tale characters peering out from under the bush, various baths and drinkers for birds, bells and pendants, decorative lanterns - the choice depends only on your imagination. Flowers are, of course, a striking addition to the interior: flowerpots, floor pots with dwarf conifers, pergolas and arches with climbing flowering plants.

At night, the atmosphere of comfort in the recreation area will help to create all kinds of lamps and glowing stones.

Whichever option the choice of the owner of the site stops, the main thing is that the design of the recreation area is organically combined with the landscape of the area and the house itself.

Why do people move out of town and buy summer cottages? For a variety of reasons, of course, including practical and material ones. But the main idea is still - to be closer to nature. The long-awaited summer cottage season has already begun, we will have a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden. With this material, we want to remind you and ourselves - in order for work to be a joy, you must not forget to rest. And what could be better than outdoor recreation? Only rest in specially equipped corners of your own garden.


It is desirable that there are several places for recreation on the site. And in order to sit down for a minute with a cup of coffee between weeding, and to read in private, and for tea with a neighbor, and for gatherings in a large company ...

To create such places for recreation, many people buy ready-made "structures", but this is not at all necessary. From scrap materials and old furniture, you can make something completely unique and inimitable. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable to relax there.

Photo ideas for organizing places to relax in the garden

Chair in the garden. © IKEA Livet Hemma

Hanging swing chair. © woodinis-spielplatz

A secluded quiet corner in the garden. © interiorspace

Loft bed under a living canopy. © Canadian-Art

Hammock in the garden. © heatherbyrd

A minimalistic hammock chair. © Flipboard

The lounge area is made of bricks. © AFIJO

Bench house. © Possible Decor

The house is on top. © Bolig Magasinet

Swing in the garden. © decorathing

Armchairs under the arch. © silviomessina

12. French style tea table

French style tea table. © CoisasDcasa

Pergola with a bench. © goideas

Wooden bench attached to the wall. © Jutarnji

House bench made of blocks. © bhg

Hanging sofa bed. © HappyModern

Arbor made of branches. © Country Living Magazine

Dining table under a fabric canopy. ©

A dining table under a floral arch. © The Bees Knees

Fenced-in place for lunch. © 123rf

A gazebo house with a dining table. © HOOMDESIGN

A resting place made of pallets. © Báo Mới

Bar counter made of pallets. © homedesignamerica

Cozy corner in the backyard. © Trendecora

25. Bright holiday house

Cozy holiday cottage. © bhg

There are a few secrets to making your garden lounge truly cozy.

Add textiles

These can be decorative pillows, awnings, tablecloths and even rugs. If you plan to be outdoors in windy weather or in the evening, put on more blankets.

Weather protection

Choose, if possible, a closed place where you will not be afraid of the wind. Use shady trees, add sun and rain canopy. In general, equip your relaxation corner so that it is comfortable to be in it, even if the hot sun bakes or the summer rain gets wet.

More flowers and greenery

Take advantage of the charm of the garden and choose places to relax where you have a large fruit tree, colorful flowers and other garden plants you love. But you don't have to stop there either: put a beautiful cut bouquet on the table, add flowers in pots and containers, etc.


The fact that we are on the street does not mean that beautiful things should be neglected. These can be paintings, interesting vases, dishes and the like. Of course, such things should only be of subjective value (they are of interest only to you), especially if we are talking about a dacha.

Choose the location with the best view

We do not spend so much time in vain ennobling our site. It will be great if lying in a hammock, you can enjoy the fruits of your labors, and not look at the gloomy wall.

Think over the details

A place to rest should be, first of all, convenient. For example, add a table or stand where you can put a book between reading or a blanket, put a cup of tea ...


Do not limit yourself to rest only during the daytime. Even the simplest corner in the garden will turn into a magical one if you add a lot of bulbs and lanterns there.

Dear Readers! Ahead of us are the traditional May weekend, when you can escape from the daily hustle and bustle and spend a lot of time in nature. We will be glad if our ideas inspire you to create your favorite vacation spot. After all, it is these "oases" that make our garden or courtyard a place where you want to visit more often.