Holidays in India about Goa. Goa travel guide - know the most important things before your trip! Beaches in India you need to know

Before leaving for the airport

Don't forget to bring your passport (POP), travel documents and voucher. Your passport must contain an entry visa to India. The visa specifies the time period during which you are allowed to enter the country and the number of days of residence. We ask you to check in advance for the presence of photographs of children included in the passport, for the presence of appropriate stamps on all photographs. Check-in for the flight begins: in Russia - 2 hours before departure, in India - 4 hours before departure. Considering that seats are often resold (especially on peak dates), it is best to arrive at the airport before check-in begins. In the event of a delay in your flight, in accordance with the rules of international transportation, the air carrier is responsible for the flight delay.

At the airport in India

At the Indian airport upon arrival, an immigration card is filled out. The remaining part of the card after passing through passport control must be kept until your return flight.
During check-in in India (return flight or domestic flights), it is better to keep the volume of hand luggage to a minimum, since hand luggage is searched at Indian airports very carefully and at least three times. Items checked in as baggage are checked once (often right at the entrance to the airport building). It should also be taken into account that in hand luggage it is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to carry items considered potentially dangerous, such as: any aerosols, medicines, matches, lighters, metal combs, nail files, manicure scissors, cosmetics (including perfume), alcoholic beverages , SPICES, etc. Video and photographic equipment may be subject to particularly thorough inspection

Airport taxes

When departing from Goa on a charter flight, an airport tax of US$6 is payable.

Customs regulations

Customs duties do not apply to personal items, as well as personal jewelry, 0.95 liters of alcohol, 200 pieces of cigarettes and 50 pieces of cigars.

We inform you that from May 13, 2014, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 398 of April 29, 2014 “On invalidating paragraph 7 of Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 No. 866 “On labeling alcoholic products with excise stamps” comes into force ". In this regard, the import of any alcoholic beverages into the territory of the Russian Federation from abroad is prohibited. The exception will be alcoholic beverages purchased at airports in Duty Free shops.

The document on the basis of which your accommodation is carried out is a voucher. If the voucher does not indicate the specific category of your room (sea view / garden / mountain view / main building / bungalow), the hotel administration will accommodate you in currently available rooms.
If you find any problems in the room, you must contact the administration to resolve them.
We recommend depositing documents, money and other valuables in a safe. The safe is usually located at the reception desk, in some hotels - directly in the rooms.
When checking into a hotel, inquire about the payment system for additional services. You can find out the status of your account for any day at the hotel reception by asking for a computer printout.
The meal option is indicated in your voucher - this can be breakfast BB, half board NV (breakfast and dinner), full board FB (breakfast, lunch and dinner) or all inclusive (this is usually breakfast, lunch, dinner + local drinks). In hotel restaurants, drinks for dinner are always paid separately (except for all-inclusive hotels). Please note that you are not allowed to bring your own drinks into the hotel restaurant. It is not allowed to take food taken from the buffet outside the restaurant.
Some hotels do not allow food purchased outside the hotel to be brought onto the premises. If you want to bring fruits or drinks purchased at the Duty Free store to your children's room, do so discreetly.

General information

India is a republic with a legislative assembly and a government headed by a prime minister. The head of state is the president. The capital is Delhi. India is located in South Asia and covers an area of ​​more than 3 million square kilometers, washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea in the west and the Bay of Bengal in the east, and bordered by Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, China, Nepal and Pakistan. The country also owns a number of islands. Two great rivers flow through the country: the Indus and the Ganges.
The nature of India is exotic and diverse. The lush greenery of tropical forests combined with a colorful variety of flora and fauna, snow-white and golden beaches, the highlands of the Himalayas and river valleys make a stunning impression on travelers from Europe.
The population is one of the highest in the world - about a billion people, of which 51% are men and 49% are women.


When using local ground transport (train or bus), you need to be prepared for the fact that there will be people nearby with various skin diseases (not necessarily contagious, but who knows about that). Therefore, this should only be used if absolutely necessary. It is better to order transport from the host company, or call a taxi. Almost every hotel has a taxi rank or you can call one by phone. A taxi is inexpensive: 1 km from 2.3 - 3 rupees in flat areas to 6 rupees in the mountains.

The monetary unit is the Indian rupee (Rs). 1 rupee = 100 paise. Coins: 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 paise and 1, 2 rupees. Banknotes: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 rupees. Indian rupees cannot be brought in or out of the country. Rate 1$ = 47 rupees (real rate at which you can exchange currency 1$ = 44-45 rupees). It is better to change currency in banks. Banknotes must be counted immediately, making sure that they are not torn or sealed. Traveler's checks can be cashed at a more favorable rate. Keep receipts confirming the legality of the currency exchange. Credit cards are accepted in many places (Diners, Visa, Master-card/Eurocard, American Express)
!!! When departing from the country, Indian rupees are NOT ACCEPTED at Duty Free. A return exchange at the airport is possible, but at a VERY UNFAVORABLE rate.

It is 2.5 hours ahead of Moscow in winter and 1.5 hours in summer.

Due to topographic heterogeneity and the size of the territory, the climate in the country is divided into several natural zones: humid equatorial in the extreme south, continental in the central part of the country and quite cool in the Himalayas. The temperature difference ranges from +12+23% in January-December to +35+45% in June-September, when the summer monsoon dominates, bringing precipitation.

The official languages ​​are Hindi and English. There are a total of 1,652 dialects and languages ​​in the country, of which 18 are official in different states. Portuguese is also widely spoken in Goa.

In India you can meet representatives of all known religions. Main: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Islam. The influence of religions also varies from state to state. For example, Islam is especially strong in the northern part of the country, in Bombay there is a huge Jain community, and in Goa the population is divided into Hindus and Catholics and only 2-3% of the population worships other cults.

Tips depend on your satisfaction with the service received. It is usually customary to leave 10% of the bill - in hotels and restaurants. If the bill (usually in large hotels) indicates a 10% service surcharge, tips in this case are not required.


The mains voltage is 220 volts, the socket is three-pole (an adapter is required).

Features of staying in the country

Before entering temples, mosques and gudwaras (Sikh temples), you must remove your shoes. Some places will offer you special shoe covers for a small fee; they usually allow you to wear socks. Do not take any leather goods with you into temples, as this may be considered an insult. In many cases, photography is prohibited inside temples, so ask permission before using a camera. It is also necessary to ask local residents for permission to photograph them. Tourists are usually treated kindly and are sometimes allowed to attend religious rituals. When visiting sacred places, be careful about your clothing (do not wear short skirts, tops or shorts). In Siq temples, women should cover their heads and shoulders; in mosques, women should cover their heads and shoulders, and they should also wear long skirts (or trousers). As is tradition, drop some money into the donation box.
Namaste - palms folded in a greeting - is a traditional form of Indian greeting, and if you use it, Indians will appreciate it. However, men, especially in cities, will not hesitate to shake your hand if you are a man. A handshake will even be appreciated as a gesture of exceptional friendliness. For most Indian women, the loose morals between men and women found in the West are unacceptable, so physical contact with women should be avoided. Don't shake a woman's hand (unless she extends it first) or put your hand on her shoulder.
In private homes, tourists are treated as honored guests, and your ignorance of Indian customs will be treated with understanding and indulgence. If you want to try eating with your hands, remember to only use the fingers of your right hand.
Try not to have the soles of your shoes pointing in any direction, which could be seen as a sign of disrespect. Do not point with your index finger, use either outstretched arm or chin gestures. When talking, try never to shout or lose your temper, otherwise they will simply not communicate with you.
1. Special vaccinations are not required. In cities and resort areas, bites from dangerous insects and animals are not a threat. But when going on an excursion, it is better to take care of repellents in advance. Do not touch any objects unnecessarily. It is strictly necessary to follow all instructions from the guide. A dry twig can turn into a poisonous snake, spider, or scorpion, and a beautiful delicate flower can cause severe allergies.
2.The most important thing is to follow the rules of hygiene. Remember that this region is the source of most serious gastrointestinal infections. It is not difficult to avoid these diseases; you just need to strictly follow a number of rules:
- never buy food and drinks on the street, and, moreover, do not drink or eat on the street;
- wash your hands with disinfectant soap as soon as possible;
- wash fruits thoroughly;
- do not drink tap water, even just rinse your mouth and brush your teeth with mineral water. This is not due to the fact that tap water contains an infection (water is disinfected in hotels), but because each region has its own mineral composition of water and this can adversely affect the stomach. Therefore, Indian residents who drink tap water at home, when visiting another place, use bottled water. Even in expensive restaurants, water placed on the table in a decanter can turn out to be tap water and cause severe intestinal upset. You should only drink from bottles.
3.The sun is a serious danger in India. Severe sunburn can occur even in cloudy weather, so the use of high factor sunscreens is recommended.
Qualified English-speaking doctors are available in all major cities. You can also get advice from a doctor at the hotel. Hospitals fully meet the necessary requirements. All tourists flying abroad on holiday have medical insurance. First of all, CAREFULLY read the insurance rules. If you go to a medical institution or call a doctor, you must immediately call one of the telephone numbers specified in the insurance policy and notify the insurance company about the use of medical services. If the disease is an insured event (see insurance policy), the costs will be compensated in accordance with the submitted paid invoices. It should also be taken into account that no insurance company covers the costs of treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and diseases caused by alcohol poisoning.
India is a safe country, but, nevertheless, in places with large crowds of people and especially in large cities: Delhi, Bombay, Agra, etc., where petty theft flourishes, it is necessary to be careful.
In good 4 and 5 star hotels, as a rule, there is no theft, but, nevertheless, it is recommended to keep money only in a safe. In most cases, the hotel administration will not be responsible for the loss of things from the room.
Local banknotes have a low denomination, and therefore you often have to carry thick wads of money with you, which is very inconvenient. However, it is not recommended, if possible, to take all the money with you to avoid loss; it is better to store it in a safe. If a large amount of cash is still needed, then you should not show it to others. It is better to divide the pack into several, setting aside banknotes separately for current payments: tips, toilet, etc. All of the above applies to cash; the life of plastic card holders is much simpler.
You should not serve it to the numerous beggars and beggars, who are countless near the hotel exit and in crowded places. Anyone who gives anything, even a little, becomes a potential victim of the local beggar community. Not only will it be extremely difficult to get rid of them, but in addition, the “potential victim” will be passed like a relay baton from one group of beggars to another.
When purchasing souvenirs on the street or taking photographs with exotic animals, it is better to conduct all negotiations through a guide. So, at least you can count on a reasonable price.
You can eat without fear of poisoning in hotel restaurants or in restaurants recommended by your host. Also an indicator of the quality of food is the presence of tourists in the hall. You need to be careful with spices. It’s better not to ask the locals whether this dish is spicy or not, try it yourself. Since local residents understand the question “is this food spicy or not” how spicy the food is, namely, how many types of spices are present in the dish. Therefore, even if a dish consists of hot pepper, but there are no other types of spices, then this dish (according to Indians) is not spicy or hot, but neutral.
BTW: Public toilets are usually paid and are located in the central part of the city, as well as in large hotels and restaurants, but you should take into account that not all restaurants have a public toilet, and toilet paper is also not available everywhere.

The shops

Opening hours are from 10:00 to 19:00. State stores are closed on Sundays. At resorts, shops are usually open until late in the evening and seven days a week. It is customary to bargain everywhere, except for government stores (Government Emporium) and shops with the inscription “Fixed prices”. Traditional purchases and souvenirs: carpets, products made of precious and semi-precious stones, jewelry made of gold and silver, textiles (clothing, bed linen, scarves, stoles), leather and wood products, objects made of copper, brass, bronze with chasing, inlays , enamel, etc., miniatures on paper and silk, antiques and of course the famous tea and spices. Don't rush into shopping. Consult your guide about customs regulations and take care of the necessary certificates and certificates.

Car rent

Don't forget that in India, traffic is on the LEFT. Driving a car in India is quite difficult and is not recommended for novice drivers and people with weak nerves. Most highways are dangerous zones where you need to be prepared for any surprises, because... many drivers ignore traffic rules. In addition, the streets are full of pedestrians, cyclists, stray dogs, cows, potholes, carts, cars racing at high speed, or vice versa, parked in the middle of the road. Therefore, if you decide to rent a car, we recommend renting a car with a driver. The cost of such a service is about $20 per day. The cost of rental without a driver is about 30% less and ranges from 500 rupees per day + a deposit of 1000 rupees in case of damage to the car. In all cities there are branches of large international companies (Hertz, Budget Rent-a-Car, Eurocar).


All types of telephone communication in India are paid. You can contact Russia via automatic line using the code 007 + area code + telephone number. A call from a public telephone will cost you much less (2-3 times) than from a hotel.

Information about the time of departure from the hotel to the airport is provided by a representative of the host company. If this information is not provided on time, the departure time must be clarified directly with the host company or with a representative of this company no later than 1 day before departure. This should be done even if you have prior information received when purchasing the tour. If your bus is late, don't worry. He may be delayed at the previous hotel along the route. If for some unknown reason the transfer was not provided and you risk missing the plane, go to the airport by taxi. In this case, you should take a receipt for payment from the taxi driver and make sure that it indicates the date and time of boarding the taxi. The amount spent, in accordance with the check, will be returned to the agency that sold the tour. On the eve of departure, please pay for additional services: telephone calls, use of the mini-bar, other expenses. Check-out time is usually 12:00 noon. You must vacate your rooms before the specified time. If the return flight time is late in the evening, you need to take care in advance about the possible extension of your stay in the room - you can negotiate for a small fee at Reception for a later check-out, or you can transfer your luggage to a storage room and spend the rest of the day on the beach, in a restaurant, or walking around the city.

Goa is the most mysterious and controversial beach destination. It is impossible to predict whether you will fall completely in love with India or never return after your first trip. There will definitely be no halftones in relation to Goa - which means you have to go! We especially recommend it to those tourists who are looking for new sensations and vivid impressions. A vacation to Goa is an effective way to shake things up and even step outside your comfort zone. And there, as they say, the magic begins 😉

Goa is not an island

For some reason, many people believe that Goa is a paradise island in a warm ocean, almost like the Maldives. This is undoubtedly a fabulous place, but it’s a bit far from the Maldives. And here’s why.

In fact, it is a state in India, which is located in the western part of the Hindustan Peninsula and is washed by the Arabian Sea, which is in the northwestern part of the Indian Ocean. But the sea can easily be confused with the ocean - you can’t see the horizon, the waves don’t stop, so due to the suspension of sand, the local waters cannot be called transparent. The conclusion follows from this: if you want to swim calmly and not jump on the waves, choose a beach in a bay (for example, Palolem).

The state itself, compared to the rest of India, is not poor. About half of Goa's population, according to local guides, is educated and well-mannered. Although it is better not to walk in dark alleys after sunset, because in any country there is a marginal layer.

  • 1 ruble = 1.05 Indian rupees
  • Flight time - 7.5 hours
  • Official language - English, Hindi
  • Visa - electronic authorization ($60) and via consulate ($55)
  • Wi-Fi in the cafe is free, but the signal is weak and intermittent

Which beach is better?

Geographically, Goa is divided into North, Central and South. The beach strip, practically uninterrupted, stretches along the entire coast for tens of kilometers.

The beaches of North Goa are party, and often very busy (the leaders in crowds are Baga and Calangute). The Calangute area is also home to many locals, so it is always noisy, fun and colorful. About 80% of Russians live in Morjim, it is very calm here, and there are almost no barkers. If you move north, you will meet more hippies and so-called “inadequate” people.

The beaches of South Goa are cleaner and more comfortable than in the northern part. There are much fewer people here, and there are many coves where you can hide from the waves. In addition, the hotel facilities are more decent, the streets are cleaner, and therefore the prices are much higher. There are few Russian tourists here, and there are also no noisy parties. This area is suitable for families with children and romantic holidays.

Photo from personal archive

The central area is Old Goa, where locals live, life is in full swing, and there is a lot to see. We recommend renting a bike. Read about the features of renting bikes in the blog.

What to see?

Goa has inherited many superb architectural features from the Portuguese colonial expansion. St. Catherine's Cathedral and across the road the Basilica of Bon Jesus in Old Goa - the capital of Panaji. Chapora Fort near Vagator Beach and Aguada Fort near Sinquerim Beach and others.

Attractions are scattered throughout the state, and traveling by bus in the heat and on rough roads will be tiring. It is better to explore some places on your own by taking a regular bus. For example, the wonderful Dudh Sagar waterfall, located in a tropical reserveBhagwan Mahavir,where monkeys roam freely. Along with the excursion, you will be allowed to spend only an hour here, but here you will definitely want to stay longer.

Photo from personal archive

Be sure to go on a fishing excursion - you can catch beautiful local fish, fry them right there and watch a school of dolphins from afar.

On a Saturday evening, stop by the Arpora Market and listen to local bands perform. And of course, visit the best club in Goa - Club Cabana, which is located in the open air on several levels of a picturesque hill - the price tag for two is about 2,000 rubles, you only pay for entry - drinks are included. The view of Goa at night is stunning!

How to get around?

If you have money, you can easily take a taxi - the price tag is noticeably lower than in Moscow. You can ride a regular bus or train almost free of charge. In North Goa, mopeds are very popular, in South Goa, bicycles are more common. To rent a moped, you need to show the renter an international driving license and prove that you know how to drive a moped and drive carefully - just drive 100 meters and turn around. To be honest, Russians don’t like to be given mopeds - we have a reputation for being too reckless

What to eat?

Indian cuisine is for everyone. Basically it's fried chicken in batter, tandoori flatbreads and chicken again, only this time stewed in a thick creamy tomato sauce with an insane mix of spices. You can try local veal and spicy Goan sausages - but this is already quite exotic. However, the typical menu of any beach cafe is English breakfasts, American burgers, fresh seafood, chicken in different sauces, Italian pasta - in a word, very diverse , to suit the tastes of any tourist.

When is the best time to go?

The tourist season in Goa lasts from October to April. And it is strictly divided into dry (October - February) and wet (March-April). In the first case, the heat is easily tolerated, a pleasant breeze blows, in the second, the sun is very active and it becomes stuffy. If you love surfing, come here in February.

Traditionally, the smallest crowds will be at the beginning and end of the season. And from December 22 until the end of the first week of the new year, there is simply pandemonium in Goa. Many tourists come from Great Britain and Germany, and there are also many Catholics among Hindus. Therefore, Catholic Christmas is celebrated here on a special scale - within a week, decorations of everything possible begin, which look, although clumsy, but cute.

Where to stay?

  • good price
  • a large number of numbers (there is someone to chat with for a lonely girl)
  • location (a bit far from the beach - about 20 minutes on foot, but this is the main street where everything is - pharmacies, exchange offices, and many cafes)
  • a beautiful swimming pool that is illuminated at night

The cheapest room turned out to be a two-room room, 35 square meters, with a balcony, air conditioning and TV. Dilapidated, but very cozy. The linen is washed, like everywhere else in India, but you can bring your own. I was struck by the gallantry of the staff and very upset by the attitude of some British people towards the Russians. But if you don’t be negative, but laugh it off, you can get out of an unpleasant situation gracefully

During the entire vacation, no crawling or sucking reptiles were found! (and I am very, very afraid of them)

My parents stayed 10 minutes walk from me, at the Sea Breeze Inn (10 minutes walk to the sea).

Photo from personal archive

Cozy and comfortable, there are not many rooms, but mostly Russians live. The area is green, free Wi-Fi, good reception in the rooms. Due to the large amount of greenery, there are a lot of mosquitoes (take a fumigator) and there is a musty smell.

Cons of Goa

What should you remember before your trip?

The story of my shame, or how to apply for a visa correctly

As usual, it is the travel agency employees who end up in the most stupid and unpleasant situations. And I'm no exception.

I bought a tour (7 nights with breakfast in mid-December 2015 cost me about 24,000 rubles including flights), and contacted our visa officer.

They gave me a link to the Indian consulate, where you can fill out a visa application yourself, attach photographs and scans of your passport - and in a couple of days (maximum 6-8) you will receive your visa for only $60. Here is this link. I waited until the last minute and printed out a visa application form for the trip, not the visa itself, and tried to board my plane with this form. When I met the amazed look of the airport employee, I started calling my colleagues in Travelata. They remotely called a representative of my tour operator to the counter, and they immediately solved the problem - they printed out my visa and gave it to me.

A stupid and unpleasant situation ended successfully

What’s bad about an e-visa is that upon arrival at Goa airport you will have to wait in a long line for fingerprints. This can be avoided by applying for a paper visa through the Indian Consulate. In this case, it costs less ($45), but it takes longer to process.

Read more about visas.

Artistic conclusion

I am a kinesthetic person, which means I perceive reality through sensations. What do you remember about Goa for me personally? When you run to breakfast in the morning along the creaky floor of your room, you open the doors - the thick smell of curry and aromatic candles hits your nose, and you are greeted by the cries of exotic birds. You will realize for a second that you have woken up again in this incredible world, and now you will take a step forward and live a new day in paradise, in Goa...

Have you decided to have a fun, tasteful and, if possible, inexpensive holiday somewhere on the seashore? Did you go on vacation in late autumn or winter, and you still want warmth, sun and palm trees on the ocean shore? Then a holiday in Goa is your option. But before you go anywhere, you need at least the slightest idea of ​​the place where you are going. Nightlife, attractions, cuisine and simply useful information - you can find all this on our website

Geographical location and climate

Goa is the smallest and most prosperous state in India. It is located in the southwest of the Hindustan Peninsula and is washed by the Arabian Sea.

Goa state on the map of India

The climate is subequatorial and can be divided into 3 seasons a year:

  • the “rainy” season, when the climate is humid and hot (from June to October);
  • relatively warm and dry (November to February);
  • very hot (March to May).

The most favorable time to visit Goa is from October to March.

South or North Goa?

North Goa - movement, drive! This is a place for fun night parties and noisy beach parties. Here you will find night and day markets, old Portuguese forts. People involved in various “spiritual practices” like to come here. There are many inexpensive and quite good hotels. But despite all this, you can find a secluded place and calmly dream about something of your own. Mostly groups of young people who want to have a fun and varied vacation go to North Goa.

One of the beaches of North Goa - Vagator

South Goa offers a calmer atmosphere, romance, magnificent nature and uncrowded beaches. Hotels and restaurants are quite expensive, even by our standards. Holidays in South Goa are popular among wealthy Europeans. Newlyweds also love to come here on their honeymoon. But if suddenly, while relaxing here, you get bored with the quiet and calm atmosphere, you can always go to live in the north.

South Goa - Palolem Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches of the Indian coast

Both parts of Goa are worth visiting; each of them has its own merits. And you can always find housing based on your desires and wallet size in both South and North Goa.


If you come on vacation on a package tour, and its price includes accommodation in the hotel of your choice, then this issue is not relevant to you. But when you are in Goa, you very soon begin to understand that you want to visit many places, and being tied to one hotel is a little burdensome. Therefore, it is better to fly here on your own and choose accommodation directly on the spot. All beaches are beautiful in their own way, and on each you can stay in a luxurious villa or find shelter in a modest bungalow made of palm leaves, which has a bed, shower and fan. They will always come up to you and offer you a place to live. Bargain, Indians usually offer a price 2-3 times higher than the one they are willing to accept.

You can rent one of these houses right on the beach in Arambol

The doors of the villas are always open for their guests

Food in Goa

In Goa, both in South and North, there are many different cafes, restaurants and shakes where you will be fed deliciously and very inexpensively. At first, you want to try everything - from various seafood delicacies to mysterious overseas fruits. Over time, this ardor cools down and you simply choose what you like at the moment. You can go to a fish or food market, pick up various goodies there and cook (well, if you know how, of course) everything yourself, or, if you don’t want to bother, give everything to the nearest restaurant, and there, for a reasonable price, they will do everything for you in the best possible way.

Sights of Goa

Dudhsagar waterfalls: It’s a very beautiful place, I recommend visiting it with your child. This waterfall is the second longest in India. At the foot of the waterfall there is a lake with clear, cold water. In hot weather you just want to dive in there and not go out as long as possible. There are a large number of monkeys in this area, which you can feed with various delicacies. To get to the waterfall you need to take jeeps that will take you through the wild jungle, and then about 15 minutes on foot.

Dudhsagar Falls - a natural wonder of Goa, India

Lotus Mahal - a gazebo for the wives and concubines of the ruler of the empire in Hampi

Old Goa (Olg Goa)- the former capital of the entire state. It is located 10 km from the current capital of Pananji. Known for its ancient Christian churches, built during Portuguese colonial rule. Today, all buildings, buildings, Catholic cathedrals of Old Goa are recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Facade of the Se Cathedral

Are you considering India as an option for your holiday? Recently, this direction has become increasingly popular. One of the most popular resorts is Goa, the smallest state of India, located on the shores of the Arabian Sea. The period from October to May is optimal for traveling here. At this time, the temperature here is slightly above 30 degrees, and at night you can do without air conditioning, since it blows pleasantly cool.

At other times, holidays here are not so romantic. Since April, the air temperature reaches 45-50 degrees (just imagine!) and the humidity level increases significantly. From June to September there is a monsoon season, with downpours almost every day. Although vacation prices at this time are ridiculously low.

India is a country with its own customs and culture, and when going there, you should take into account the peculiarities of the thinking there. After all, first of all, every tourist is a guest who must respect the laws and traditions of the hosts.

What is prohibited in India

By following a few simple rules, you can make your holiday in India and Goa in particular as comfortable as possible.

Remember: do not attempt to enter temples that are restricted to Hindus only. There are usually “Only for Hindu” signs hanging near the entrances. If the temple is accessible to foreigners, remove your shoes when entering.

It is considered an insult to point your feet at someone. You should also not touch strangers. You cannot touch children or stroke their heads - they may think that you are causing damage. You should also not perform important actions with your left hand, including eating, as it is considered ritually unclean. I think domestic left-handers don’t bother too much about this.

Do not try to photograph the temple or its facade with open doors. If you really want to, ask permission from the attendants. Otherwise, they may break the camera or hand you over to the police.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol in unauthorized places, otherwise you will be given a hefty fine. By the way, India has a very strict attitude towards drugs and provides for criminal liability.

Otherwise, it is necessary to observe precautions that are relevant for holidays in any country in the world - do not carry documents and money in accessible places, do not stay alone in questionable places, in particular while intoxicated, and in general: it is better to eat and drink only with people you know.

What to do in Goa?

In addition to beach holidays, tourists are actively engaged in shopping. India has inexpensive textiles and jewelry. All residents are very friendly and speak English. Rubles are not used here, only dollars or rupees. It is better to pay last, and it is better to have a small equivalent so that there are no problems with change.

You can exchange currency at banks. And they work from 10.00 to 14.00 on weekdays and 10.00 to 12.00 on Saturday. By the way, the export of national currency, as well as the import, is prohibited.

The problem with shopping in India is the lack of fixed prices. Of course, you can find them, but only in specialized stores or grocery supermarkets, and marked “Fixprice”. This does not mean the need to shop only in such places, it speaks of the need to bargain, bargain and bargain again with the local population.

The clothes here are inexpensive, but the quality is average. Be sure to buy tea, spices, local rum, and port wine as a souvenir. Pay attention to folk crafts - here you can inexpensively buy products made of copper, wood, batik, and bamboo. Local textiles are popular among tourists. When choosing stones and jewelry, take quality certificates.

The ideal place for quality shopping is Panaji. Here in boutiques you can buy clothes from famous brands at very low prices. And if you complain that the prices are too high, they will still give in to you.

If you want something unusual, visit one of the Ayurvedic medicine centers. Here you will be helped to find harmony and relax exclusively with the help of natural remedies, massages, tea parties and other ancient procedures.

And, of course, don’t forget about the warm, gentle sea, for which, in fact, you came here.

Goa has a warm sea like fresh milk and tall beautiful palm trees. Falling coconuts kill up to 50 tourists every year. Woman's Day about the features of holidays in Goa.

A little geography

Conventionally, Goa can be divided into 2 parts - south and north. It is believed that the north of any country is more economically developed than the south. If the concept of economic development is applicable to Goa, then in this matter the opposite is true. South Goa is a quiet paradise for those who are older and richer. Magnificent nature and tranquility turning into boredom. The calmness needed by those who are tired of impressions, want silence and are ready to pay for this silence.

North Goa is South in reverse. It is for those who want impressions. It's dirty, full of almost legal marijuana and hippies who still believe in freedom from money and free love. I lived in the North.

A little about local beaches

The beaches of Goa are what makes it worth coming here. It's a whole world. Here they watch the sunrise in the morning, sit in bars and sunbathe during the day, meditate at sunset, and dance at night. And no nets, fences, bars or fences. No "Miss, you can't go there, it's private territory." All is yours. Everything for you.

The coast of Goa is one large beach 7 km long. Somewhere sandy, somewhere rocky. Each segment has its own name - Baga, Anjuna, Morjim.

The beach is one of the best things to do in Goa. You can walk along the shore and look at the sea, peering into the horizon and trying to guess where the other shore is. Sit in one of the cafes located right on the coast. Buy a pineapple from one of the women in saris who sell them by wearing them on their heads along the beach. Borrow a bodyboard from one of the cafes and swim through the waves, swallowing salt water. Go ashore. Fall asleep on the sand. Wake up to look at the magical sunset, which happens at the same time every day as scheduled. And then watch the locals. They sit near the shore in knee-deep water and wait for the waves to hit them. Why go to meet the wave if it will come to you - an iron logic that we will never understand.

On some beaches you become entertainment yourself against your will. During half an hour of walking along Vagator beach, where many locals swim, we were asked to take photographs for a family album by exactly 10 Indian families. True, about half were denied an audience for the simple reason that we are ordinary Russian tourists, not accustomed to such public life. But Indians are smart guys. We take pictures of the sunset, and they take advantage of our confusion and take advantage of us. Probably, for Indians, sunset is a special time for looking at tourists. It's like we take pictures of crabs when they crawl out from behind the rocks.

A little about the features of local shopping

In Goa, you actually want to think about anything - about the sun, about the stars, about life, or even about nothing at all, but not about money. It should be noted that today in Goa everything is sold, everywhere and at any price. Because local residents do not know what pricing is and what it consists of. They want 1500 rupees for something that after 10 minutes, after a heart-to-heart talk, they are ready to sell you for 40. Money for them is concrete, but at the same time absolutely abstract. What is more important is the trading process itself. By the way, Indians are very offended if, after bargaining for pennies, you refuse to buy something. They are sincerely upset, puff out their cheeks and turn away. However, they will never put pressure on you. Facial expressions, gestures, sighs. No screams, moans, aggression. If you immediately say no, they ask you to tell me your price. When you tell me your price, they snort loudly and ask you to tell me the price again, only a good one. The phrase last price works magically. This is a password meaning that there is no point in further bargaining.

If you immediately say that their product does not interest you, they ingratiatingly ask: “Well, then I’ll come back later?” And God forbid they nod at this moment. They won't give up. I had a case, a woman on the beach was selling coconuts. I say thank you, I don’t want to now, maybe later. Later, when she comes, I already have a coconut. The woman doesn’t take her eyes off me for a long time, it seems like she’s about to cry, and then upsetly states “no sank yu.” It’s like there’s no forgiveness for you, white-skinned liar. And he sadly adds “know business”. Indeed, what kind of business is there with “Russian tourism in the face of morality.”

A little about local transport

Indians drive cars in almost the same way as they trade. Heartfelt. Masterly. Common sense is completely absent on the roads here. Traffic rules, it seems, too.

Every day, 150 people die on Indian roads. For a country where the type of transport like a bicycle is second only to the type of transport like your own legs, this is truly a huge figure. Nothing surprising. No, it's actually surprising. It's surprising why there are so few. Because everyone drives exactly as they see fit. Sometimes they travel in twos. One is driving, and the second, by facial expressions, gestures and generally leaning out of the window with his whole body, shows others where the car is actually going. I found one road sign for all of Goa. I was very happy. Because I thought they didn’t exist at all.

There is only one living creature that can feel calm on the roads of India. This is a cow, a sacred animal. When a cow walks in the middle of the road, everyone avoids it a few meters away. It’s easier to mentally crash into the nearest motorcyclist than into this sluggish animal. Because if you killed a sacred cow, then you will suffer for what you did not for a year or two, but for several subsequent lives.

In Goa, as one of the most economically developed states in India, in addition to bicycles on which local residents move, tourist vehicles are widely represented - scooters, rickshaws, taxis.

I didn't have a good relationship with scooters. They turned out to be too heavy. Being of a sober mind and strong memory, I was unable to control the controls and crashed into a tree. And I immediately understood why tourists almost never go there. I do not recommend women to ride a scooter.

Most tourists travel on small cars - bicycles, which have become one of the symbols of India. However, I would like to talk about local public transport. I have never seen so many people fit on one bus. Indians are very compact (thin, short), but what they saw was amazing. In addition, this miracle, for some unknown reason, never stops at stops. If you managed to jump, you were lucky; if you didn’t, you poor thing, wait for the next bus. Passengers, of course, give each other a hand and help as best they can. But the sight of an Indian grandmother with three knapsacks running after a bus and dozens of hands reaching out to her from the window to provide all possible assistance, but the driver still does not stop the bus, deserves to be seen.

A little about local cuisine

In Goa, all food is very spicy. No less acute than the impressions you get in the intervals between eating it, especially if it has disagreements with your body.

The relationship between European organisms and local food does not work out often enough in Goa. For example, imagine that in most local restaurants, dirty plates are placed in one large bowl, rinsed and... served to new customers.

I still remember walking along the road to the hotel, a couple of hours after the restaurant. This is a decent tourist who starts to feel sick indecently every 2 meters. And so on for an hour. And this decent tourist is wondering if she should fall asleep on the side of the road. Because it seems like you can’t walk home at all, and it’s completely indecent to get into a taxi.

If you do decide to try the local cuisine at a local cafe, try seafood. They are always the freshest here. The fish are caught at night, served in restaurants during the day, and the leftovers are simply thrown away in the evening. All restaurants stock up early in the morning at special markets. These markets sell absolutely everything, including small sharks.

A bit of local history

History is perhaps the most amazing thing about Goa, it gives this place its special charm. It so happens that all the religions of the world coexist here. In Goa there are 60% Hindus, 35% Christians, 5% Muslims and about the same number of Buddhists.

The main religion is Hinduism. Hinduism is the only world religion that does not deny other religions. Hindus say "God is too big to fit one religion". Why reject if nothing prevents you from accepting. No aggression or intolerance. The key to understanding the psychology of Hindus in general and Hinduism in particular is the magic word karma. The idea of ​​karma - the predisposition of the fate of each person - was invented, perhaps, by the Aryans when they came to these lands. They also invented the caste system - an ingenious tool for controlling the masses, the essence of which is that the entire society is divided into social layers - castes. White skin color automatically classifies you as a higher caste. Despite the fact that Goa, for example, has been completely independent of Europeans for almost half a century, black Indians still look ingratiatingly at white Europeans, ask to be photographed as a souvenir, and bewilderedly ask why sunbathing on the beach if this makes the skin black and ugly. Really why... I don't know. Just ask Coco Chanel, who introduced the fashion for tanned bodies in the 20th century.

In the Middle Ages, Goa was partially conquered by Muslims. This is how Islam appeared here. Later, in the 16th century, Europeans who came to India in search of spices brought with them a new religion - Catholicism - and Hindus were almost forcibly converted to Catholics. Today there are not many Catholics in India, but in Goa their number is much larger - it was in Goa that the ship of the first Portuguese, Vasco Da Gama, landed.

In addition to Hinduism, Islam and Catholicism, Buddhism is quite widespread in India (compared to other countries). It is surprising that in a country where everything seems so simple and uncomplicated, an entire philosophy of life, deep wisdom, was born. The only religion that has no gods. The worldview system, which in Europe is close only to intellectuals and has never had the support of the broad masses, arose in a place where at the moment there is no objective technical progress as such and the presence of a motorcycle automatically puts you on a socially significant level.

A little about the relationship between men and women

Gender relations deserve special attention. The fact is that women in India in general and in Goa in particular do the hardest physical work imaginable, for example, laying asphalt - I saw this with my own eyes, but for their work they receive half as much as men. Women in India have many responsibilities but absolutely no rights. If one day all women in India start working in direct proportion to the rights they have, the country will face a protracted crisis. It’s amazing how in this country, where, according to statistics, more than 75% of women have their rights denied, Indira Gandhi, one of the most influential ladies in history, was born.

A newborn girl is a dubious blessing for an Indian family. She needs to be raised, taken care of, and saved all her life to get her out of the house. The bride's dowry can reach tens of thousands of dollars (this is in a country where the average monthly salary is $30). Men in India are expensive! A good husband is hard to find. The bride's parents look for him through friends and acquaintances, sometimes through advertisements in the newspaper. When the husband is finally found, an astrological forecast is made for the future married couple, the families get to know each other, and, if all is well, they get married. As a rule, no one asks the bride if, God forbid, she saw her groom a couple of times before the wedding. At the same time, the number of divorces in the country is negligible. A wedding is a social union of two families; divorce disgraces the entire family clan. In other words - to suffer so much.

If a woman does not have a husband, then she is a defective woman (hello Soviet times!) and her existence is pointless; in the Middle Ages, for example, a living wife was cremated along with the body of her deceased husband. Girls get married early, the average age is 18-19 years. The wedding ceremony is interesting. Around the sacred fire, a woman runs 7 circles clockwise behind her husband. The more circles, the closer their souls are to each other. Considering that newlyweds see each other no more than a couple of times before the wedding, only a miracle can really help them. Difficult relationships usually develop among wives and mothers of husbands. So complex that if a young wife dies within the first two years after the wedding, then a criminal case is automatically opened (what if the mother-in-law tried!).

Indians are very friendly towards European women. There is no obsession so characteristic of Arabs, there is admiration and helpfulness. They are ready to accompany you to the club, ride you on a scooter, give you a tour of the city, and the most they count on is thank you.

A little about music from Goa

It was in Goa that such a musical direction as Goa-trance was born. Goa-trance is open airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays according to the schedule, like classes at the gym. Only, unlike sports, they are illegal. Therefore, until the last moment, no one knows exactly where the next party will be held. As soon as information appears, everyone passes it on to each other along the chain.

The police usually come to break up the party in the morning. It comes because open air is illegal. He comes in the morning because only in this case will he receive money from the organizers for the unplanned party.

We vacationed with Russian guys in the same hotel. They asked where the open air would be. They started talking about special people in special clubs. Later we realized - penetrations, entries, face control, show-offs - this is in Russia. Just go to the reception and ask where. Locals are always in the know.

How it was. Around 10 pm we found out what would happen for sure. Around 11 pm we were sent information about where the party would be held. At 12 we set off. We stopped at a couple of places along the way. "Prim Rose" - a lot of Jews, a lot of hippies, not a lot of space. I liked “Padiso” much more - a gorgeous view of the sea, large spaces. By one o'clock they were already at the party site. This is not a club, just a playground by the sea. The smell of marijuana is in the air. Around the site are palm trees with fluorescent lamps hanging on them. On a small elevation is the control panel where the records are mixed. Hundreds of people move at the same pace. A guy of about 14, a grandmother of about 60, in ecstasy stretching out her hands to the stars. Hippies, Indians, gawking tourists. Beer and cigarettes are sold on small trays next to the dance floor; the right people offer weed and pills. There are mats around the dance floor. This is a chill out. Here people relax and cook food on kerosene stoves. Nobody cares about each other. Everyone comes here to enjoy themselves. Everything is fine, everyone is fine. Life is Beautiful. It seems that you are about to finally understand its essence.

The journey home from the Goa party was my best dream. The sky is dotted with stars. Palm trees along the road are like bizarre animals. The speed and freedom that you feel so clearly when you ride a motorcycle. Thoughts appear and disappear, smoothly transitioning into one another. My heart stops. The man driving says that if I’m cold, I can hug him tighter. Hugs. And I fall asleep in reality.

Lyrical conclusion

A sincere, kind, but completely incomprehensible country. How else could one write about her? Just like this, with strokes - sketches. Write to tourists about a place that has not yet been spoiled by tourists. Perhaps I shouldn't have written at all.